HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1897-02-17, Page 3rx,,90d. W Ailo,t8•y, l£rdt J Aollowa „ whet, let and, 26d, W Hal try, 3rd, °�! ®® nn®® 11011.9way. �I h.eo Only One Jav#s.-Ist, (ilt'o. W Irwin. Iced (laps. -Cock, la,t, John E Tayl( � a� R h� TSS#. 211(1, vv Wallace; hou, let, a C Lyot 2nd, W Wallace, 3rd, J O Lyons; coc ]Rev- William Copp, whose father ere), tat and 2nd, J (` LYons, 3rd, Jol 'vias a physician for over fifty years+ J E E 'Ryy•; pullers, '1st, JC Lyons, 2u L lol. in New Jersey, and who himself Silver Crested Polauds.-Het), 1: spent many years preparing for the IW Carter; cock, 1st, W Carter. practice of medicine, but subse. Breeding Pens. -Brown Leghorn 941@.I►tly entered ilio ministry of the Ist, John Melville; White Leghorn 1'r1. E. Church, writes: "I am glad William Hartry; Gaines, 1st, U to testify that Ihave Wells; White Plymouth Rucks, Wi had analyzed all the Ilartry; Houdans, 1st, Dr J G Scot Y Wyandottes. 1st, Jacob Fisher; Coel sarsapariilaprepara. sus, I L` Lyons; Mu,orcrts, 18t, rWl I tions known in the Hartry, 2nd, J C Lyons; Red Caps, is trade, but J C Taylor. A Aylesbury Deeks. -Drake, 1st, X YER'S Carter; Duck, 1st, W Carter, your) drake. lot, W Oat -ter. J is the only one of Pekin Ducks. -Drake, lbt and 2nd. i them that I could W Irwin, 3rd, J C Lyons; duck, 1st, I t recommend as a WjIrwin, 2nd, J C Lyons; young cLakl �• a o ;.' 1st, Wm Wallace, 2nd, J C Lyons, 3r( . * blood-purifler.Ihave G W Irwin; yyoungg duck, let, G V given away hundreds of bottles of Irwin, 2nd, W \Vallace, 3rd, J it, as I consider it the safest as well Lyons. as the best to be had."-WM. COPP, Tolouse Geese, -Gander, Ist, V Pastor M. E. Church, Jackson, Minn. Greaves; goose. Ist and 2nd, \' Greaves; young gander, 1st W Greaves Breminan Geese. --Gander, G V lwRFSIrwin, Goose, G W Irwin. Turkeys -Cock, IstrTiiosMeMichael 2nd, John Gemmell; hen, 1st, Thos Mc TER ONLY WORM'S FAIR Michael; pullet, 1st, T McMichael, 2n, . AIM a John Gemmell, 3rd, G W Irwin. a rs_ p a r i I I a Pigeons -All prizes taken by Newtol Wtien In doubt, ask for Ay Alis Davis, Clinton. Caged Birds -Parrot, Levi Smith , EiTlish goldflneb, 1st, Harry Sppears 2nd, T F Coleman- canary, Scotel fancy, 1st. Dr Scott. Any other varier, The Huron News -Record canary, T F Coleman, Ist :and 2nd Belgian canary, 1st, H. Speare, _ 1.28 a Year -4i.00 la Advance Specials -L 0 Charleswol th, fo _ _ youngest exhibitor; best game cock, ( A Wells; best breeding pen of Asiatics i WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 17th, 1897. J C Lyons; highest scoring Cochit --.. -_ J C Lyons; highest scoring Honda✓ The Huron Poultry Show lit coo�kmin erel, JWn Lyons; best st breeding ree icor et SCltforth, breeding filen, VJm Hartry; y; best light brahrna, Gr IV Irwin; best rock bir(1 it TEES FIRST A SUCCESS -THE PRIZES show, Will Hartry; best white rocs+ WINNERS. cockerel, Witt Hartry; best Poland The followingis it list of the rite Will Garter; best brown Leghorn cock winners at thshow held in prize erel, J Melviker: best breeding pen forth :- white leghorns, Wm Hartry; highest scoria dark Brahma, G IV Irwin; best Light Brahmas.- Cock, George pair o geese, Wnl Grieves; best pair of ` Irwin, Wm Carter; hen, Will Carter, ducks, G W Irwin; best guinea fowl, J C Lyons; Cockerel, J C Lyons, War Wln Carter; best seebright bantam, G Carter; pullet, George Irwin. W Irwin; highest scoring bird, G W Dark Brahmas.-Hen, J W Ford, G Irwin; best barred rock by farmer, Jno W Irwin, J C Lyons; cockerel, 1st, 2nd Gemmell ; best exhibit of turkeys, and 3rd, G W Irwin; pullet, J 1V Thos McMichael; best collection of Ford, 2nd and 3rd George Irwin. pigeons, Newton Davis; best leghorn Buff Gochins.-Cock, J C Lyons; hen, ptillett, Wni Hartry; best leghoin JC Lyons; cockerel, George Irwin, 2nd cockerel, W Cartel,;esliht t dark hrahma, pp G W Irwin; hest light hrahma, Wm 2nd and 3rd George Irwint, J C Lyons, garter; highest scoring pullsitt, Dr Partrid a Cochin. -Hen, J C L ons Scott; exhibitor winning the fewest g y , prizes, J H Howson. Any other variety of Cochin. -Cock- The New Officers. -At it meeting of erel, J 0 Lyons; pullet, Ist and 2nd J the Directors it was decided to hold C Lyons. the next show at Godericb, which Langshans.-Hen, J A Barnard; will doubtless be a big success. The etickerel, Ist and 2nd J A Barnard; following officers and directors were pullet, Ist and 2nd J A Barnard. elected :-President, A. McD. Allan, Games, B. B. Red. -Cork, CA Wells, Goderich.; Ist vice, A.J. Grigg, Clinton; A J Grigg hen, A J Grigg, Ist and 2nd vice, Dr. Scott, Seaforth ; 3rd vice, 2nd; C AWN 3rd; pullet, A J Grigg. Walter Taylor, Wingham. Directors Games. -Duck Wing Games, -cock, for Goderich,-Wm. Anstay, J. Fisher, A ,J Giigg; hen, Ist and 2nd, A J C'' A. Wells, Clinton-L•tekKennedy, Grigg; Pullets, Ist and 'Lod, A J Grigg. Falter Coats, Rev. J. W. Ford. Hul- gg. I lett-Wm. Wallace, Wm. Carter, Fair - Pyle Games. -Cock, 1st, A J Grigg; service Bros, G. W. Irwin. Seaforth- 2nd, J C Lyons; hen, 1st, J C Lyons, -John A. Wilson, O. C. Wilson, H, 2nd, A J Grigg; Pullett, Ist and 2nd, Johnston, T F. Coleman, John Ward. A J Grigg, Lucknow•-J.C.Lyons, Wroxeter-Jno Bantams, Black Breasted Red Game. Barnard, -Cock, 1st, Walter Taylor, 2nd G W - Irwin; hen, 1st, A J Grigg, 2nd, Walter KIDNEY PAIN. aylor, 3rd, Geo. Irwin; cockerel, Ist _ d 2nd, A J Grigg; Pallet, ISt and _JOHN SNELL, UF'i INGHAM, ONT., IN -AS A J Grigg, 3rd, Willie✓ Taylor. IN A MAELSTROM OF PAIN AND AGONY Pyle Game Bantams. -Cock, Ist, T FIIOM DISEASED KIDNEYS -SOUTH F Coleman, 2nd, A J Grigg; hell, Ist, AM RICAN KIDNEY CURE WAS THE A J Grigg; pullet, let, T F Coleman. 'VELLCOMF "LIFE PRESERVER" -IT RE - Indian Games. -Hen, Joseph Tyer- LIEVES INSTANTLY AND CURES SURE - man; cockerel Harold Johnson; Pullet, LY. Ist and 2nd, Harold Johnson. A 0 U Gaines. -Cock, CA Wells; "Five syear aro I had a severe .at - bell, 0 A Wells,• pullet, C A Wells; tack of La Grippe which affected my cockerel C A Wells. kidneys and caused intense pilins in allIams-Other- Than Ganges. -Gold 'lay back and urinary urSans. I suf- or silver Seebright cock, J C Lyons; fered untold misery, at times I could hen, let, G IV Irwin, 2nd, Walter not walk, and any standir.g position Taylor, 3rd J C Lyons; pullet, J C gave nee intense pail, I became worse Lyons. so rapidly that my family becamo alarmed. Just at this time I noticed Hamburgs.-Golden or Silver Span- South American Kidney cure adver- gled,-Cbek, Wm Anstay; hen, Wm tised. Although I had little faith 11 Carter; Cockerel, Win Garter; pulls, J left in any remedy -having tried so C. Lyons. many worthless ones -but a drown - Golden or Silver Pencled Hambur gs. ing man will grasp, at a straw, and -Hen, Wm Carter; Cockerel, W J I procured a bottle. In a few days it Irwin. had worked wonders, and before half Black Hamburgs.-Hen, J C Lyons, a bottle was taken I was totally re- Leghorns.-White Leghorns,-Cock, lieved of pain and two bottles entirely Wm Hwrtry; hen, Will Hartry; Cock- cure me.' -Sold by Watts & Co. ere], Wm- Carter, James Howson, Win Carter; pullet, Ist and 2nd, Wal- W. Becker, of Zurich who was last is ter Taylor, Wm Hartry; cockerel, week arrested in Detroit, by Chief II Jacob Fisher, Geo Irwin; pullet, Geo Gill of Exeter, on it, charge of forgery, Irwin, Jacob Fisher, George Irwin. appeared before Exeter Magistrates on Brown Leghorns✓.-Hen, Win Wal- Thursday and wassent to Goderich for lace, Cockerel, W Taylor, W Ilan- trial, stay, W Wallace; pullet, J E Taylor, W Taylor, W Austay. Listowel, Sept. 22nd, 1890. Black Leghorns.-All prizes taken Edmanson, Bates & Co., by W Wallace. Gentlemen, -I have pleasure in say - Rose -Combed Leghorns.-Cockerel, ing that Dr. Chase's Ointment, Pills J 0 Lyons. and Catarrh Cure, and Linseed and Barred Rocks, -Hen, Ist and 2nd, Turpentine are selling well, and are Leo Charleawrth, 3rd George Irwin, giving every satisfaction. Many of my customers have e ,� Cockerel, George Irwin, John Ward, v spoken highly in : Leo Charlesworth, Pullett, Leo their praise. Yours truly Charleswortb, J. 0. Lyons. J. A. HACKING. White Rocks. -Cock, Leo Charles- worth. Hen, John Ward. Cockerel, All the Characteristles. Wm. Hartry, John Ward, Frank Tommy -"Mather, what In an angel?" i Willis; pullet, Frank Willis, 2nd and Mother -"An angel is a being that 3rd, John Ward. flies." Spanish. -Cockerel, W J Irwin. Tommy -"But, 'mamma, :papa calls Dorkings.-Silver Gray, -Cock and my governess an angel." I Mother -"Then, my dear" she is going j hen, Georgi Irwin, to fly immedlately."--Chattanooga White Crested Black Polands.- Times. f Cock, lot, Wm Carter; cockerel, 1st, ] William Carter; pullet, lot, Williamt Carter. t Golden Created Black Polands.- For Dyspepsia and Bad t Hen, 1st, Win Carter; pullet Wm Carter. Blood Humors Manle 's Ic White Polands.-Cockerel, 1st, W. Manley 's 1 Celery-Nerve11, Compound is e Houdans.-Hen. Geo Irwin; cock- p d eras, J 0 Lyons; pullet, lot, Dr Scott. unexcelled. r Wyandottes, Gold or Silver. -Cock, P 6t J C Lyons; hen, y , Ist J l, Lyons Mr. Geo. Reid, G.T.R. Operator, I Lack K®needy; col erel, lot and IE c .' , + 1 lieu Hambarg, Ont., under date of grid, J 0 Lyons pullet, fat, Lack Ken- March 3rd, 1896, writes as follows: c Hedy, 2nd, J C fyons, "I was troubled for two years " Wvwndottes. and other varietv.- with .Boils and Dyspeptic of the it lift, W J Srwini 2nd, back Kennedy. Black Minorcas.-Clock, G W Irwin; hen, 1st, W Anstay, 2nd G W Irwin, 8rd, W Anstay; cockerel, lot W Hart - worst kind. tried several me4t- cinrs, but none gave much relief. Until I tried Manley's Celery -Nerve Compound my blood wits in a dresd- fn1 state, but I am happy to my your medicine cured me." Sold in Clinton by J.H. Combe. yJ ,r•, 9, k- in d, t, s, s, A 11 t; 1- u " 9 I I ,, I J r I 1 1 r I i i 0 V v s b a h O a it & hi 0 T a f, er e K as el M W K it z la 4,e E b av I It A la 3 s VI et hg h u r II ri ,n v h st h 1 ic' lie as re �u :u L b II HEART PAIN. COLONIiII. FAu IN PRESS, DR. AGNIPW'S CURE FOR TIi.pf HEART ,Gast Century 1pecorrationtt Are Now Mucll DI'VIES THE MUST INTLNS19 PAINS- In Vogue. NO MATTER NOW I.ONO STANDING THETROUBLE, IT MASTIiFH DISf9ASC IN Concerning the many feature4f last s HALF AN It0VIt, AND IN THE OASE OF century dress decoration nuw lit o v vogue ogtet JOHN CROW FIVE BOTTLES CIJIZIID a New York Mal{ slid Express IIEART DISEASE OF TEN YEARS' gays; I A pretty hat is in outline a fairy copy STANDiNG-HERN'S HIS TESTIMONY of the fashionable UNW;✓.KITED:- gentleman's hat of the period Just preceding the Revolu- ----- tion. John Crow, sou of 511'. GeorgeI It has a flaring roll, more accentu- Crow, farmer near the village of ated than the D'Orsay, a very .vide Tara, Out, brim and a small crown. with with p pal palpitation conical in character. The gentiernen hirgetie largement of ilio heart i'ur nearly tell of the olden time trimmed this with year's. I doctored with best phyblclans an edging to the brim, a band to the told tried nuinet'OUS retlledies Witt' crown and a large rosette or bow upon the aide, very little betiolit. In our local papers The modern woman trims hers in the 1 noticed Dr. Agnew's Cure for the Heart advertised, and 1 det.ertillued same style, but increases it by having one or two rosettes upon one aide, two to give it a trial. Inside of half an large bows on the other and a spray hour I ha(1 relief. I have take,, abollt of plumes rising up behind the bows five bottles, and feel to -day that I am and falling in graceful curves upon the as well its ever I was. 1 and cow- pletely cured „-Sold by \Nails & top of the crown. One of the newest Jackets is almost Co.a duplicate of a coat worn by Beau Brummel. Like the skirt to which it I belongs, it Is made of handsome old- Thetwenty-[ir:gtannualnteetinashioned oitho ciof but- toning athe Usborne and Hibbart Mutual Fire lit- downothe middle ofouL body the side is prolonged and buttons far sut•ance Company wits held in t.ho pub- lic hall, Farquhar, oil Monday last. As over on the left, almost beneath the arm. usual there Was is large attendance of r Here it Is caught and fastened by members and others present. Tile two or three buttons, large, ornate president, J. Esserv, Esq., occupied the and dazzling. chair, and opened the nre.eting by al- 1 The 11-111 is so wide that it runs luding to the fact, that while the cool_ over to the shoulder. It is not sepa- pany had met with severe losses from, rated by the customary slit from the the stormsl Ctf the past yet those 1 rever and continues in graceful tines, , losses had been promptly met, and had , curving first upward and then down - ; ward from the right shoulder to the pleasure of now allowing that the a , point on the left side nearly below the company never was in it more prosper•- arm. ous condition than at the present time, I It is still further edged, as are tb2 .as would be shown by the reports. He q cuffs, with a row of dark -colored and congratulated the members of the substantial decoration, this being Vel- , 00"'this state of affairs, and � vet plush astrachan, lambs' wool, hoped the company would still con- i mink sable, monkey, chinchilla, mar- tinue to prosper. The financial report of the treasurer•, and auditors teTherslteeves are moderately tight , abstract, wits submitted to the meet- i from the shoulder to the wrist, fitting very snugly the forearm. The ends ing, and from which the tollowing are turned back into gauntlet cuffs. statistics were taken : Business done ; On the shoulder the material is PufC- during the year, 775 policies issued, ed so as to give the breadthcreated making a total of 2,192policies in force, I by the balloon sleeve without the covering risks aanouuting to $3,5`28,795, heavy and cumbrous effect to the up - being an increase of $10,280 in the , amount insured; rid for losses during per arm Instead of a belt there is a girdle of the past year $11,828.20, with a balance black velvet of sur. The apace un - der the chin s filled with an Immense is on hand of $1,370.20. The election of directors was then taken up, which bow of chiffon, lace and hibbons resulted as follows: J. Essery, of Us- I caught in the centre by a brilliant old-fashioned Dutch or Flemish clasp. borne, and T. Ryan, of Hibbert, for it I Even more patriotic are a number terns of three years; auditor, W. A. i of designs in blue and buff. The nu - Turnbull. The officers for the foil wing merous new shades in these two colors year will be as follows : directors, W. enable an artistic modiste to make at A. Passutore, Usborne ; D. McLachlan; least ten combinations which are sat - isfactory and T. Ryan, Hibbert; R. H. Bain and I so far as contrast is con - cerned. J. Jackson, Fullarton, and J. Ease ry, Usborne. President, J. Essery; vice- In making these combinations gray- tali president, J. Jackson; agents, J. S. or brownish tints are avoided and clear tints are preferred. Of the buffs Gilfillan, Lucan ; A. Duncan. Ushorne ; those which run toward the reddish Car•michae), Hibbert, and J. Wilson, yellow are preferred to the brownish KJ l lar ton; secretary -treasurer, Thomas yellow series, and of the blues ,the ul- Cameron. tramarine, sapphire and perslan blues are the favorites. SHATTERED NERVES AND PAR- By the combining of bright sap- phire with a clear reddish buff a very, ALYSIS. satisfactory and artistic combination Is produced. SHATTERED NERVES DEVELOPED NER- The colonial Idea is followed by us- VOUS PROSTRATION -NERVOUS PROS- ing blue for the material and buff for TRATIONDEVELOPEDTOTALPARALY- the lining, trimming and decoration. The combination looks very well upon SI6 OF ONE 411)E -GREAT SOUTH a waist like the one described, upon AMERICAN NERVINE IN THE TEETH a gentlewoman's riding habit of the OF MOST ADVERSE AND COMPLICATED last century, of which the waists worn CIRCUMSTANCES OVERCOMES ALL, I to -day for street costumers and upon AND RESTORES WIFE AND 310THEI-I IN many of the coat waists and Jacket GOOD HEALTH TO HISR FAMILY- Walsts Which are now so much in evi- THESE ARE THF, WRITTEN WORDS OF dence. EDWARD PARR, BURRY CENTRE, B. C, One chann of these colonial coats and Jackets is their warmth and corn- ' `M ' f k t fort Wonderful. PILES CURED IN 3 '1.O li NIOUTH---ITC11- INO. IiURNINti SKIN DISEASES RELIEVED IN UNE. DAY. Dr. Agnew's Oint,llent will cure all cases of itching piles in front three to six nights. One application brings comfort. Fur blind and bleeding piles I is peerless. Also cures tetter, salt rheun►, eeze'uln, b.trbers' itch, iilld all eruptions of the akin. Relieves in a day. 35 cents. Sold by Watts and Co. As to the Police. Artless One -Isn't it strange that they should ebaose for members of the police force men who are so heavy that they are unable to run with any approach of speed? 8ophiaticated One -Not at all; if they were sprinters they would be able to get away from a dietu•rbamce much Quicker than they now can. -Boston Transcript. Her selection. - "How did you happen to insure in that Partiicular company?" I consulted the wishes of my wife." "Of course; that's very praisewor. thy. But -does she know anything about life insurance companies'!" "Yes. She investigated and found that this one always issues the pret- tiest calendars." -Washington Star. Why It Didn't. Mrs. Rumpus -you want a meal, a big, strong fellow like you? Does your conscience never trouble you, making such a request? Casey De Bldder•-Naw'm; me con- science is like meself, it's quit work- in'. -Cleveland Leader. Had No Chance to observe. "Do you believe there is anything in the saying that it is always darkest Just before dawn?" "I don't know anythdng about it. We've gat a baby at our shouse, and have to keep the light burning all night." --.Cleveland Leader. Terrific Heart Strain. "How poor Mary Mazzleton has aged since the husband disappeared." "WhY shouldn't she age? She'doesn't know whether he is dead or alive, and every time the poor thing buys a new dress she does not know but that she may .have to discard it the next day for a suit of mourning,"-Cincinna.tt Enquirer, . An Innovation. "Oh, yea, the opposite church .en- gaged a brass .band and all that for their fair, but we beat them, out by over $1000." Ho'v did You work it?" "fire hired a hypnotist at ten per cern, commission." -Cincinnati En- quirer. Intense Concentration. "Where did you learn that style of intense concentration in your draw- ings?" asked the would-be critic of a rising artist. From a mustard plaster," replied the flippant genius. -Cleveland Plain Dealer. Nothing Lost to the dealer. "Gioodness!" exclaimed Mrs. Grumpy, "I bought a number of little things down town and lost thele on my -,Vay home." Never mind• dear," said Grumpy, with a cold blooded sneer, "I'll find them in the bull." -Detroit Free Press. y wr a was tit en tad last August ------..---. AM nPrvous prostration, which later "Bacteria do not ncc•ur in the blood n developed into paralysis of one side. Accidents Will Happen, or in the tissuesof ahealthy living hotly, Ve tried wane niedicines, but all in ---- either Of man Or the lower aninials." 'tin. I thollgllt I would try South BUT THIS TIME 1T WAS A GOD -SEND TU ,,So SayS tale celebrated Dr'. Koch. American Nervine, having seen it rid- MR. JOHN BROWN, A G. A. R. VETERAN, Other doctors say that the best Ilmhdi- ertised in the New Westminister, B. Or 2448 MARSHALL ST., FHILADEPIlIA cine to render the I.luOd pet•fe('UV pure C., papers, and Iain glad to be able to -DODGED SHOT AND SHELL IN THE and healthy is Aver's Sitrsapnrilla. ay that the result after taken three INTEREST OF III$ COUNTRY, ONLY TO ottles was an asttmishment to myself BE ATTACKED BY THAT INSIDIOUS d family. It worked wonders for DISEASF,CATARRH-BUT DR.AGNF.W'S Tile Old -Fashioned Higk Tea. er and we can not Speak too highly CATARRIIAI, POWDER CURED AND The table for a "high tea" is usually f this great remedy.' No case too PrelrrrnNENIr.Y, TOO -THIS IS WHAT arranged without a tablecloth, particu- cute 0r If too long standing to defy HE SAYS:-- ary if the hostess happens to possess s wonderful merits . -Sold by Watts a handsome table. At each place C'°• __ •'By a mere accident I carne across should be a plate doily and a tumbler doily; In the centre of the table an Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder. I was embroidered centrepiece In colors in Au epidemic sonrewhat resembling a great sutTerer froni that dread mal- harmony with the table decurations lions fever is attacking the paople •tidy -catarrh. To -clay it gives me un- and the flowers it is intended to use. t' Aylmer. Principally the children. bounded pleasure to state for stiffer- At the head of the table upon an em- ing humanity's sake that this won- broidered square are laid the tea ser- Galnes For the Children det ful remedy effected a speely, and vice, the urn, the cups and saucers,the Who obtain subscribers top THE POUL- jlernianent cute in my case, and I rrea.m-pitcher, sugar -bowl, etc. At the RY KEEPER, Box BB, Parkesburg, Pit., t)ave been so thankful for it that I other end upon another embroidered s well as other equally useful articles it"' willing to spend the remainder square rKaay be placed the piece de re - )r a very little work. Two subscrib- Of my days in spreading the good about a of the high tea." Scattered news to m fellow sufferers," Sold about an circular doilies are the dishes •s for six months, at twonty-five cents y of jelly, preserves, pickles sweet said sell, secures many of them. Every by Watts and Cu. , scour, olives, butter balls, cakes, etc. sultry raieer must have the POULTRY At each place, resting upon the plate EEPER the contents of which may Sr,o Irad Reason To. .doily, should be a pretty plate and the or make you hundreds of dollars, the necessary silver, a goblet, a bread- "Dld you hear -that pretty woman and -butter -plate and a salt -cellar. All this monthly leads the world in Just now, Rap? She said she believed the cold dishes are placed upon the aluable information not to be had in long engagements and short mar- table before the meal i• announced, sewhere for any money. "How to riages." I and the hot ones served immediately ake Money With Hens" is a secret Rather a strange idea." upon the guests being seated. Broiled ith one Or two, but the POULTRY "Not at 9,11, Rap; she's an antress." chicken and wattles, fried oystero and EEPER gives it away and shows how --Cincinnati Tribune. hot biscuit, scalloped oysters, creamed is done. It is ony fifty cents a year, oysters, broiled oysters and creamed Unl;lnd Intimation. chicken are always in tells how to get nearly three dol- ys in order. Hot pur- rs wor:,h of poultry periodicals for "NIy child," said the old herring to tered and hot dry toast belong proper- ne dollar, or for one dollar ou can the young herring, by way of parting ly to the "high tea," as do chicken and Y advice, the whole ocean is before lobster salad. The tea and coffee are t with it the four POULTRY KEEP- you, but don't go too near those can- served with the mead. Generally the R ILLUSTRATORS the most wonderful neries along the ccest of Maine unless sweet portton consists merely of cake, bo published with information on y1ou want to be taken for a sardine." Jelly and preserves. Ice cream is cry subject connected with the rais- -Chicago Tribune. sometimes served, and whipped cream � of poultry and containing inform - --------•e---•-- or charlotte russe. Thin slices of ton worth hundreds of dollars. Also Lots of News, white and brown bread carefully but - her equally astonishing methods of Mrs. Gadabout -What was ,the news tered make a welcome addition to the vin, money as well as securing it. at the sewing circle, my dear? menu. -January Ladies' Home Jour - ample copy free. Mrs, Onthego-Mrs. Buddtns has a nal. new cook and Mrs. Remnant has the - _ - same one she got two days ago,- wouldn't work Both ways. Mr. Sam, Hannah, of Griswold Man. Philadelphia North American. visitiug his relatives and friends in What is good for one is not always cKillop and Seaforth. The worst to Come, good for another, says Earp>r's _ ._,_ Mother -Dear mel the baby has Round Table, This Is illustrated In swallowed that piece of worsted. a short tale told some time ago about WHERE DOCTORS DISAGREE," Father -That's nothing to the yar•rls a French medical student. While in she'll have to swallow it she lives to London on a visit, the student lodged There has been it great deal of dis- grow u'p•-Boston Transcript, in the house with a man very sick reement from time to time about the - -_ with fever, who was continually be- erapentic Value of sarsaparilla. In In these days of many pictures -in- sieged by his nurse to drink very nau- e main, authorities den an seating liquids which were lukewarm. y y parti- different, bad and worse -in the daily The sick man found this almost im- lar medical value to the plant. c'IVs press, let it be noted that Buffalo has possible to do, until one day he whis- t an old wifb's remedy," they say. one illustrated newspaper worthy the .pored to his nurse: nd in the main theyare right. There name. THE ILLUSTRATED EXPRESS "Bring me a salt herring, and I will e about a dozen varieties of sarsapar- began well and has grewn better every drink as much as you please." a, scattered through various conn- year. It is the peer of any pictorial The woman indulged in his request; as, and of this dozen Oat y one has Journal published. he ate the herring, drank the liquids, y real curative power. So a man underwent the required perspiration hose experience might be confined to and recovered. e eleven other varieties might hon. He Takes the Prize. The French student, thinking this ly say there was little value in them. "You're mistaken In saying that very clever, Inserted In his Journal: e one valuable sarsaparilla is found Tightly is the meanest man In the Salt herring cures an Englishman of Honduras, C. A. Monardes, a phy- state." fever." tan of Seville, reeords the intro- No, Ism not. He hired me for a On his return to France he presc: ib - year as a conductor on that electric ed the same remedy to his first patient oon of sarsaparilla into S ain as a with a fever. The patient died. On tilt of the Span isll discove lr es of the railroad of his e starvation pay wages, which he Inserted In his and then made trte paY foil case every Journal: W World, stween 1636 and 1646. trip.,, "N. ]3.-A salt herring cures an Eng - t the root did not accompheh much. _ W.� _ Tishman, but kills a Frenchman." t he adds, "a better sort soon after me from Honduras." It ie this Souris, Man., Sept. 21st 1893. atter sort" that is used exclusively Messrs. Edmanson, Bates & Co. Ayer's Sarsaparilla. And it is the Dear Sirs, -I Hud your goods taking of this "better sort" that has given remarkably well with my customers er's Sarsaparilla prominence over and they appear to give every satisfac- other varieties by reason of its won• tion, as indicated by the fact of our hav- I 9 ful cures of blood diseases. Send ing Hold one-half gross of your Kidney- r . the Curebook, a -story of cures Liver Pills alone during the month of I by the cured." Free. Address August. Purest and BoaDA ). Ayer Co., Lowell, Mass, S. S. SMITH, Souris,.'Man. d Best for Table and Ir an. No adulteration. for Never CAkes. y 4 MERRY MOMENTS. (flashes of bilin From t110 sclntill4Ll Per,• of i'progropherp, Carrie -Jack blinks I'm fickle. T.tt -That's probably the reason Ire does atl't propose a secvad time.--I,Ite. Reginald -My darling, will you.aharc my lot? Was Uptodedght-Is 4t city vat• . ,uburban?-Ba1t14more, News. She -the Misses Brown usually .slug duets, do they not? He -Yea; they Idlvide the responsibill•ty.-Puck. T'he mould from Boston swept the street 'With her glance, It wavy JIoT- ticeable that the asphalt was •ooverod with a glare of lee.-Clncinnatl I.n- quirer. Men generally admire,businesssense in a woman, dun'•t they?" "Yee; but they admire it only in other men's wives and daughters."-Ghlcago Record P�irst Artist -Where did Coratchweli get his artistic education? Second Artist (savagely) -At some school for Mechanical drawing. -Cincinnati Trl- bune. Tell Elate to hurry! Lf she doesn't we'll miss the first set entirely!' "You're not going to get her there early to -night. She's got a new hat." - 011dcago Tribune. "Mrs. Riffraff lied her husband ar- reated fbr cruelty." '•What had be been doing?" "Tried to make her stag buying novels and read the encyclo- Pedla."-Chicago Reoord. Chollie Chaping•ton-Hawt I always say Just what I thdndk don't you knotw! Haw! Grace Golightly-What an easy time your vocal chords must havel- Baltimore News. She -Once you vowed that I was the sunahlne of your life. Now you stay out night alter night. He -Er -why - I don't expect sunshine after dark. - Dublin Freeman. "Haw did I turn over it new leaf? ­ he repeated dreamd•ly. "Oh, with about four flingers. Wh?" With a start, he recalled himself to his surround -Ings. - New York Press. He seems to take after -his father." said the visitor. "I don't when they Is apple dumplings," volunteered the little buy, "He don't leave none to take, "-Indianapolds Journal. She -It seems almost impossible that You should love me. He -That's what my mother says. Haw nicely you and she will gest along if you always agree like that. -Harlem Life. "NO," said Mdggies, "Pew radircads in this country are conducted on the square." "I'd like to know why :tot.'• "Oh, because moat of them maintain round .houses." -Philadelphia, North American. George -I Just saw you coming from the conservatory with Miss Goldie. Feather handsome girl, but too reserv- ed, for me. Tmomas-Yes. I Just re- served her for life. -Cincinnati En- quirer. Mother -When the boy ,in the other house threw stones at you, why didn't You come and tell ms? Bobby -Be- cause, mamma, I can throw them back bettEg than you. He's more likely to gest hit. -Hartford Times. Teacher -Johnny, what Is wind? Jcrhnny-Wind, air. Is air put in mo- tion. Temoher-Right. Next boy: What is the cause of wind? Next boy - Rivalry for the prize -ring champion- :R,Ip.-Boston Courier. Delicately Paced. "Wha' fo' yo' bnisli7 up again me, niggah?" savagely demanded the tau colored gentlerrnan, turning"'around sat the siderwalk. "I'ze gat a great min' ter swat yo' good!" Didn' brush up agln' yo'!" dar•lrW denied the short colored gentleman. frowning, threateningly. "Yo' brush up agim' me, an' 1 b'lieve I'll make yin ask mah pardon or I wipe up de street wif yoT, Wipe up de street wif me--hugh! I swat yo' once, short niggah, an' yw not know nuffin', an' yo' lay right down, fo' suah!" "FIugh! think I'ze 'fratd ob yo', tali niggah? Don't yo' nide' me, or I mash yo' good -'deed I will!" "Say, loo' here, don' yo' talk like dot, short niggah! I -I dun bite der ear off er niggah ib' not sayin' hof what yo' say ter me!" exclaimed the tall colored gentleman ominously. "Don' yo' dictate ter me, thin nig- gah! I dun butt de lef' lung out ob er niggah fo' only doin' ter, yaller dawg w.ha' yo' dun do ter Tris jus, now! Yo' hear me yap, niggah?" the short one retorted brushing up against the other fiercely. Hugh! I dun carve er niggah's heart clean out fo' only doln' ter mah white cat what yo' dun do ter nue; 'deed I did !" The tall colored gentleman put his hand in his pocket, frowning darkly, a.nd seemed on the point of drawing a razor, but he only -took out a blue and yellow bandana and dusted his diamond shirt stud deliberately. "Hem -yo' dun db dat 'bout yo' dumb brute wh$te cat, thin niggah?" queried the short colored man a trifle less savagely. Yas. I dun do dat!-Yo' do dela 'bout yo' dumbbrute yaIler dawg, fat niggah?" Yas, I dun do dat 'bout mah dumb brute yaller dawg, shush." "Hen -make me feel mdghty sorry ter smash er pusson what dun lub er dumb brute, yaller dawg so he dun do dat fo' hit," "W -all, ter tell de troof,hit dun pain me deep ter t•ink ob wipdn' up de street wif er pusson so kind an' oonsider- able to a dumb brute white cat." "Wha' yo' name, fat higgah?" ask- ed the ball colored gentleman, after a slight pause. Rastas Joh,nsing,Esquiah,sah. Wha' yo' name, tall niggah?" responded the short colored gentleman, with sane slight respect. Eph•ram Washington, Esquladl, soh." Hem -Pleased ter meet yo•, Mr. Washington, Esqu.lah." . "'Li;ehtPd ter meet yo', Mr. John- sinlr, Esqulah." "Have a see -gar, Mr. Washington, Esqul ah ?" Thanks; an' Yo,' ha,b one ob dose, Mr. Johnsing, Esquiah." "Ummm-mah! tank yo', sah, Mr. Washington, Esqutah." I Wduldn't Know How to Steer. MISS Mc MIlter---No, Capin.y'ou have riot been on every sem,; you knout You ,haven't ventuxed on -the iam ort matrimony. Oaptain Batchelor -That's so; bort yen must remember that matrlmony'•s Rhe high sea for whioh no c ornvew imp been tnventedt.-M ooklWn Ilse, ,n r'