The Huron News-Record, 1897-02-17, Page 2INDIAN CRADLE SONG. afraid I want Want to go t2 httRYi'1t.' --�-^ It would be hard to say what there Over thirty Years Swing thea low In thy cradle soft, was In the plain to call o and the Liver Ills Deep !n the dusky wood; aloft— low and swing old-ittshlunetl. yard t0 call forth t�ilaY'sn U0 s a �•q Ipt{jl oe • ®® . Por asaf AISwing li your pappoose birchen nest t c e,t,jng a peotl of hometanrl tom- patlon,aour stoion gave Like mao Bplendlt;o9tondaretprotdptiy i .`fi, 1)t Sickness Quiet will come and peace and rept, h, if the little pappoose Is good. [ort.cured by Hood's Pins. They do their work ��6�����f►���Y���������fw )1{'f_, II, Wn: rrliwknx, tk Nvelljcnown, Tite mother and older daughter were The coyote howls on the prairie cold, strikingly alike; with a dignity c.f loo$ The nterpr�aing oltiz�n of Myron, Ill., And the owlet hoots In the tree; and manner,curiausl unlike Kit's free. +� writes: "Befim I paid ]ouch at ten• And the big moon shfnee on the llttje cht'd and -easy ways, and equally remoteHood Olde �a e�� Clothin(y tion, to• regulating the bowels, I As It slulubere peacefully; from one's ideal rbuxom alai bustling d n Establishment "I l ai'dly luiew4t weld (lay; but since I A s\vl g thee to In d take a neat, farm wives. They both had a• IoO oL And swing thea low and take u rest ■ learned the evil re- That the ulgbt wind brings to thee. care and anxiety, too, from which Kit's sanity and thoroughly. In Clinton back again in victoria Block, next to the Poet Office. Since 1854 sults of constipation, tate was still free. -This careworn $46t elftgr dinner pills. �' g and the efficacyof I The father lies on the fragrant ground, look was yet more marked on the 28 cents. All druggists. we have catered to the wants Of Cluthing buyers and this week we re- ' I Dreaming of hunt and light, father's seamed brow, and Itis silence Prepared by C. I. Hood R Co., Lowell, Mass. move to our old quarters where we will again be ready to serve our utllny VS The onl9 Pin to take with Hood's Barna art •', Al(ER'S And the glue leaves rustic with inournh,] was only saved from moodiness by his P patrons. In pears gone by we mado a reputation for selling Only tali- sound evident enjoyment of Kit's sari. B. able Clothing and to-ddy stand ready to defend that reputation. The 1 Pills 1 hate not had All through the solemn night; Allay had her wish• 4'She studied hu• + But the little pappoose In his birchen nest ratan nature among these rustics, but of Lady Aberdeen will he the convOca- ■�y� ^. one day's sickness is swinging fle low iLisn he [ekes his rest, a simple, stroll , unwrorldly and unsel- Clothing and Furnishings f+'' �•, rut the sou brings the es Ills rest, p tion orator at the University of o-- r l for over thirty years fish type quite 9 ,v to'a citizen of Van- ca o commencement exercises on "'a1'"i�' �' — not one attack 1ty Fair, April 1. Lady Aberdeen will have till- that he we eel] are good—we know they are good, for the peat expetiepee has r y T i "It hard] taught the difference betwon Good Goods and cheap imitations. +Iq that dill not readily yield to this fIIINI�IJI C,� �PRI'�G. y seems fair to my homy- honour of being the first woman g p folks," she said to Kit, one day, as chosen for such an occasion in the impress upon you that we have Good Goode we will of%t ou rcn!" d)'. My wife had been, preti- Y (t::; tj c`ir liiurriage, an invalid for ir they sat out under the maple tree, United States. Special Prices on all Lines during this Dlortth. The Baltimore and Ohio train goes at stoning cherries for preserving, 'but y, -urs, ,.,le had a prejudice against a rather leisurely pace down the beau- I almost wish I could sta • here the " aat'.u:rtics, but vs goon as she began tiful valley of Virg-Lnia, as if !t would year round." "SATISFACTORY RESULTS.Come catty and see the cloudburst of eoonomia prettiness in Fabrics and !o use A-er's rills her health was give you time to gaze your fill upon the "O, but we acre tnot half wb nice in So sit s Dr, Corlett, an old and hon- to confessed i�lt, lightly. "The y Garments of warm day style and comfort that we display. The wonder- ,',. Blue Ridge on your left hand, and the + p + ful purchasing power of a dollar will be exem lifted as never before in t Dred ractitioner, in Belleville Oil - spurs cf the All ghany on roads are horrid, and work is tw ea tario, who writes: "For- Wasting' Dis p your right, as hard In cold weather. Your hands eases and Scrofula I have used Scott's every department. Watch for Special Prices next week, but in the one of its passengers sat in the par- get rough and your nose red; and po- Emulsion with the Most satisfactory Meantime Colne and Bae the Goods, 4ER'S for car, on a fair June day, gazing tatoes and hominy and turnips seem results." through the wide windows with earnest everlasting." 'h eyes, yet with that air of %'''str,L<tion This seemed to Allsy a good open �.b.i®�• JACKSON, �/+ypq•�•N�� Sr. >' ,;,I Y The latest rolurne of the bye -stet- LH �V` dK�1`j �N hr�c o o In their depths that showed PlafulY Ing for a little scheme which had been tions held Thursdayshow the results eat a--.% tf Dells how little she was thinking of those brewing with her. "Kitty, dear," site to b , as follows: -East Simcee, Air. W. y blue Titans, eagerly,1-f. Bennet, Conservative 183 majority; slc::.,l anti Diploma Ft World's Fair. sold m "I want you to promise � 1 Y; The Pioneer Clothi. P Ail Benton was in fact abs(. rbedPr.`s i+n A • with plans and prospects for the tom- to come to see me next wnuer for a North Ontario, Air. Duncan Graham, ' To r Stora Strength, take Ave B Sarsaparilla long visit. All the things we Co in Patron -Liberal, 32 majority; South Established 1854. Clinton, Ont. Ing summer. She belonged to that the winter would be so nice if I had great migratory flock which rises up Brant, Mr. C. B. hIeyd, Libe+tttl, 380 fro -in city h --=e3 every June and set- you in them, and really and truly, I rasa. crit e want to try to be more comfort to mY J y / ' P e 811 Iles by the seashore, by the lakeside, on le, to be as much o2 a Kit as I Well Worth G�, ren l�ew�-Record paw (lhc� mountain top, and els^where for ensu In our house. Won't you come?" CATARRH 1N THE BEAD $U5a Pere—$1.001n Advance the summer. Ailsy had gone a'-ound Kit drew a long breath and colored Is it dangerous disease. It may load with her family to these places year high with pleasure. There was no- directly to consumption. Catarrh is after year, ever since she had w•ora caused by impure blood, and the true Hae it ever occurred to o1) that there is a possibility of a dot being thing said far a minute or two, and Y p Y y g WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 17th, 1807. long dresses and chewed on a coral then her voice had a tremulous sound, way to cure it is by puifying the blood. put on Tens. Why not buy a quantity and be ou theshfe side. rattle, and now in her sixt,.cnt', year, like the vox human% stop in a Organ. - having a turn for originality, she had z. Hood's Sarsaparilla t cures C,atiLrl' by "You must not tempt me," sl.e said, cause it retnoyt'a the (.„nae of it hY Japan, China, Indian and Ceylon Teas, CollIIty Currenel'• begged off, and e'ceted to spend her presently. "It is almost like showing pill ifviug the blood. Thousands testi- Richard Symonds, G. T. R. station summer in the deepest s:clusicn. Her me the kingdoms of the world and the r • that the have been ctlffd by I have them all from the lowed( ' y y , r.1) the highftsE grades, at remarkably mother was too much exhausted with+, :agent at Sebringville, coinnrttted sui_ glory of them. But I coal, not pos- [lea5 d 5atsaparilht.� fine vfiluea, the fatigue of deciding the yearly sibly do It. There are ma' -,y rt'aauris ride by taking poison Monday week, question, "Where shall we go?” to con- that you can see would make It hn- HOOD'S PILLS are purely vegct- - Try our 25e and 4pe,Japa•n Teas. lie was on han.l for duty as usual tend. She wrote to a distant c.)ustn in Possible—money reasons, and clothes ,able and do not purge, pain or gripe. when the morning train passod, hilt Virginia, (I mean that cousin:antp was reasons, and so on, but, even if some All druggist-. 25c. Special Bargains in DINNER SETS, also Fancy China and tits son, pit corning horne for dinner, distant, not Ill, location), and engaged fairy godmother would furnish the ball found him in bed tl'.te dfytll, lira(! with.- L+oard for Allsy In the farmhouse of this Glassware. (i - thee; and the pumpkin coach, 1 could in reach it vial labelled strychnine. A relative. not go. You see I co,111 not leave fa- AGAIN READY FOR AN EDGE. ttote left stated that he was tired of It was In what wits call •d "The rink. they. I don't do half as much for him -- — �QI Robson, Albert St.,OIinton living without his wife, who a few ling Spring Congregation," f)r there as mother and Rasa, but there i3 One Barbetssay that the best razors in rd • .m. OJ III��� years ago became demented and had to was no village within a radius cf six their shops sometimes hecupte tem - he laced in the London asylum. As thing that 1 cans better than guy- p p 3 lir seven miles around the aid Pres- bay, an, that is to cheer him up. porlu•ily useless, not from breakage or he was apparently on good terms with byterian Church, built in colonial days, pear old daddy! Thprt: he comes now; Injury, bat fru'» the loss of the c.tpa- the company, his neighbors and his when His Majesty's Council tolF rat }d he has been to the postofrice, and how city to receive ;all edge. At such tithes ® Mistake k® tamily, no other cause can be assigned dissent west of the Blue Rtdg'o, but tired he looks! You just finish these, hoping and strapping are ill vain. i.�. .i..i A� G4 • • • • for the, act than that named. Deceased by no means east. The churolt was Ailsy, there's a dear, while I run lilt, raughtby experience the barber knows was about fifty years of age, and had still d stinatly Cie centre (f the corn- get him a glass of cold tea," what to do. He simply places the '.through a mistake of a Wholesale Ilouee, a Crate containing been station agent at Sebringvillo for munity; a pla n, square, brick build- 'Tears of disappointment stood in Ail- r'Ilzor in its case and lays it away. In FIFTY DOZ. SOUP PLATES and SIXTY DOZ. TEA about five years. Dr. J. A. De Ain, Ing under whose roast it would se.ein frit- By's eyes. This was a thing she had a few weeks he brings it forth again, r orotter, went out from Stratford, but nceihlr t0 preach n tiling m a'e fr'i- spar ons it without trouble, and finds PLATES tuns chipped l0 13rucefield last lvoek, We made the i a y so set her heart on. But perhaps coo- thatitCelts as well as ever. House an offer for the lot and it waa accepted. Therefore we investigation revealed a clear rase of volous than Calvinism, ain Ellen and Rosa woull.t Manan; it t was thought to "They `A11il b, simple-mindod 1'e aple, Of are able t0 s311 them at a Price that will startle you, suicide, and an inques;et; since -it would give Iii s many Uutlers and machinists are Fltmiliar fie unnecessary. course," she was saying to herself, chances of improvement. And tbcrt All- with this peculiarity of iron and steel. Sixty DOZ., 720-6111. Tea Plates, Best Iron Stone China, maple leaf -----""—' 'Just rustics, in fact, and I m=an to ;y secretly wondered whether Kit need- Metals that are called upon to endure Trio of Afflictions. study human nature among them." ed any improvement; she was sn alto- ;L strain, especially with I ( ion and, pattern, only 5c. each, "Tung Sprin-g-g!" The Eo�nd of the i gather dear and sweet as she was, trictiou must have periods Of rest en- r!ti onductor's voice ht this doubtful an- The cherries being finished, she car- tirely irrespective of:uty ptttward signs Fity Doz., 600— 7in. Soup Plates, only 6c, each, pptmeement made Ailsy cl:ach wildly the great yellow bawl Witt+ proud of weakness or fracture. They must Now is the time t•1) huv Plates, when these are gone] you will have to pay at her ]rag, shawl -strap, book and um- arms to the kitchen door. Strange! have a nap ; they niust go to Sleep. •a great Ileal more for the sante kind ora plateand. at these prices they are VARIED AGONIES brella, But she need have felt no un- There was nobody thuro, though the If iron and steel must sleep, how bound to go in a hurry. easiness; passengers ,are guests as tae sugar ++'as on the fl"e. Allsy set the ;,boat 11)(.11 and wu11)e111:—how about UP-TO-DATE p H p� FOR LONG YEAR, :lawn In Virginia a: this station, and howl down and went into the sitting- nerves, muscles and winds 1, "Why, THE t,vOO�G 1 0�•0•���� i' the gentlemanly old conductor woull room, but starts, back as she reached p _ ���� CO. not even let the porter earn the rip of you s y, "we all huow—" Phone 23. g ■ he had received, but carried her traps the door. �� e all know, what? Let us see how "Come in, dear," it was her cousin's „mch we know. A Man of Seventy-Ifour Yeas himself, helped her down, hoprd she voice; "we need you to comfort us." ---------- -[ - - n_n(.. Ifo had had a pleasant jaurnay, and was They were gathered about the table At my left kith, aS l Write arc two I CLINTON /� g/ C�AUH, DOOR, and BLIND FACTORY, Net - she sure her carriage would meet her? where the father sat gazing +Iumbly short letters, both from women, N ll L/ i O U Feels Young Again. There was indeed no carriage in at an open letter. Kit whispered its t,hevisaware that the otherba911'1'lttett. — Bight, but a little spring wagon waited contents to her: An. old friend for They live in different: harts of the B, few yards from the track, with a whom her father had gone security (omIIIry, Gild wre not probably pet•sOn-—0------- 40 yaung girl driving, who, waved he: all acotminted, Y(•t their letters are hard and nodded to the conductor. He soon after the war had died suddenly. )' leavin;* his affairs in hopeless ,a„yorder; '�I'1lt+stitluntical in biibstanCe, and by a S. COOPS'- 'y®�� �' �^q�,y.�p�l•�O•y.. P'aine's Celery Compound Gives und(;rhtoud that his pas.eng„r was in his bondsmen wont titrlulge c•oinc•i(ionce both c,ontaill Che C Proprietor. j/ b good hands, lifted h's cap and UIP Bain now lie cal.,;<, up- following stntence : '.illy bleep teas tilt Him New Blood Aet'ivity on to pay lits debts; and the family at • n, 6ii1ie• - r- l ttttLed tt•ith horrid ,tennis,' General �u.ild.er and Contractor.'- .nframonC, not raving a dollar ahha, end Strength. I "Is this :Ailsy?” ,.cd a melt, of their car;,Qul, economical, daily .iv- Now, whatsoever di@trn'be sli'Pp is an as the little wagun rattled u1). ng w(r.1id have to sell the farm. enemy of map; and whatsoever does This factory has been'under the personal supervision and otvne'ship for -� "Jump right !n, please! I couldn't itcsa was sebl Ing passion Italy, but s1) in It vast nntnbc}.I of cases (:Lod Con- eight yearn, We carry an extensive and reliable Bloch and prepare plans and - -- leave' lied -eye, o,r I would have been the rest were calm, "My dan •lifer," tinuously) destroys huutan sanity, give eetimalea for and .build all el atsca of builtlinls._.on abort notice lied on !ho cn the platform." . said the old man, in a stern yet ten- hatpin Health, and human lite -as no closest prices. All work is suporviied in a mechanic�il way and satisfaction The Great Medichie Removes His Allsy lo.;ked askance at the young der voice, "can you not bear the afric- othel enemy has power to do. `i'hut, , tarelltoed, VF a sell all kinds of interior and exterior material. Troubles and Burdens. horse curvetting about reetlesely. tions God sends more bravely. thrn, did so infernal an office, for these tt. T "O, you needn't baa bit c.fra!d; there "I do not care for myself," sobbed the two wroulell? They will tell 11s, one Lltni1,1G1', Lath, Shingles, Litne, Sash, Do61'S, Blinds, Etc. is no harm in him; he is just kittenish. girl, "but Bob will have to Riv,• up hig (after tbg other. [ raised him myself,"-ducation." Agent for 11.e CELEBRATED GRAYBILL SCHOOL DESK, manufactured tii6 CURE VOUCHED FOR BY A JUSTICE „The mule wagon will Corn.- by in a I '.tilt• first ti:i. 5 i ' 111 A till, 1877, I felt g - OF T•HE PEACE. A spasm 1)P phlzi pisstd uv<r the rug- Y p while and pick up ��'•ur trunk," ex- tirt(ti and ihbPh out. At first I had a at Waterloo. Call and get prlC�a and eatitnntea before placing your orders, gad face of the father, and KI head bird an it the mouth and a thickly- claimed the young driver. „• -- -- - ° - - drooped; but the Old Christian rallied "Will it be safe?" asked Ailsy s+,nie e"a' c tongue. I could elft but little. ! • what anxiou ly, for theta was no stn- Promptly. and even that pained and d+'stressed �illaiesl�.e's Carriage Factory. Mr. Thomas R. Baxter, of Karsdale, "Is Robert left out., th-A, In the all- n,_ n,I glee was so disturbed ra;th hot•- . V, S.. aged 74 years and fast nearing l tioUhouse, and net a Bout in sight, Jr,Y p wise ordering of GA's providence?" yes, perfectly. Are you tired and he said Then toy legstlmcL11lethoClartcl painful L'UGGIES, PHAETONS, CARTS and WAGONS -all of the best w„rlc• the glare from a terrible complication hungry and homesick?” Rosa'g tears t:,dgad, and She went of diseases --erysipelas for 40 years, "I ani only one of those three things," and began to swell, For thirteen weeks manship and lltat)rlAl. All the 1a1C5t Btyie9 and most IllOd)l'n 1mprUVe• round to her iathet"M sida, and k1a•.el [ eot!d hardly get across the floor. meats. All woik warranted. Repairing and rep;aititing promptly attended bheding- les for 15 YOUR, and eplatic said Ailsy, smiling; "I Ie L,\'e Ycu to the top of his wb[te heal. "I will try Later on I had a bad asthmiLtic cough ,• guess which cue." to remerr' to. Pride% to suit the times. rhoUmet.ntii for over a year—Wal ,,Fur your own sake I hgpe you are ,'der, Mther," .rue said Patti- and Could scarce] draw 1)t • breath. I lcntly. Y y rescued from torture, agony and death hungry, as you will be expected to +.at "I'm suze Bab will not doubt Was in this condition over a year. I FACTO 1LY - Corner Ilur+)n and Orange Streets, �iltlltOn. by Paine's Celery Compound after all an enormous upper. It fs Rosa's week C'O`as love." took blood' mixtures :Intl other Medi- f other nteans had failed. to ccolc, thank goodness! And It hurts Ailsy looked on 1h awe; these were her cines and got no better. Then I heard I L��� WANTED. of Mother Sei el's C11V;Itive S rap and House for Sale • 6. W her feelings if we don't stuff outset^ rustles, then, whom she had meant to g After reading the following slate Now my week--" �' patroanfze 't rid do good to, Why they a few weeks' use, of it restore( my lip Twostery frame honsoin Clbtton, ten rooms, mart, vouched for by a Justice of the But I thought you were P were giants, an, she fell herself a pIg- petite, my strength and my sleep. All strmc teller, hard and soft orator. Good ground. .osa," in- illy among them. How bravelv and the other bad sympto[t's also left me, Frame stable. For fail articulars apply, to Peace, how can any sane man or terrupted Allsy. ALL KINDS OF LOGS WANTED rat, dor',t tell her atitla#,lw they bore this trouble? 'clow and I now feel like a wornan created the owner, JOSEPH ALL NSON, Clinton. I wuTtlan entartaip ,Dobie as to the our- "U, you did? w^• p -- lb's 001 honest life so, that's all. It would b'. forgetful +each of self, how tenderly anew. (Signed) Mrs. Elizribeth Claw- J�'t for which the best prices will be ing v}ftgae of tial.,. y e that's to b? a hart] on her e Welbourne, near Lincoln, Novem .aken fo thoughtful nf' one shadow sen, given. -til hlo(}iciL'e Z u S. freckle -Paced ,It mta�`l.'1)e the shadow of old Tink- her 15th, 1893." The To��rn Ha h`•1lrgBaxtor tviilee as lollpwe : I thing ice me, I'1';, Kit, when you're ling gpring Church," she sal l to her- e, Alloy, or Catharine. I The second lady says: In the early Boot and Shoe Also Basswood Heading Wanted. m a hurry, sale, "that brows such people as then;.,' art of 1880 I became ill without 11i - "I desire to let you know a,,-- out my have a»othe:• name, but I don't 'allow but her thoughts were suddenly brok- derstanding the reason why. M,y wonderful etre et Your anybody rut Bob to, call me that," en off by th3 opening of the outer door• mouth tasted badly, my tongue waS Repair Shop y , tecioua medl• .+j,;rh� is Bcrb?" "Bub—o Baur" screamed the girls, • STAPLETON SALT 1AlUR}ts- Yin..^y PNi'�p a (Iola+' Compouud. Kit gave her new a,c(;umintance a furred, pry sill ill poor, and I had aY:d a short, thick -set fellow, with strange pains w my chest., Sides and 111 tiyAs oiiitcted by three o0mplainle slight stare, and laughed with a pretty Kit's freckles and reddish hair came in between the shouldcl' blades. I lost • e►� �� Farm For Sale, that 1` rippling sound. and tar k his mother in hl : arms. Atlsy's (ietll of sleep, And oty rest was di.3turbed gado tray life a misery and a bur, "Yom are evtdtntlY an explarar Of a vislcns of Bob as a knight of romance JAMES ®�®'� South half Lot No. 25, lith concession. trod+• with horrid dreams, I could not shake; tl� �„ rich Township. One mile north of Clinton, r'0Iu' aP"u. I had erysipela3 for 40 y)ars, dark continent," all-- sa',, "Why T ltnow Were instantly snuffed out, 1 prised of 40 acres, more or less. The lura, i,. all + tiles for 15 eel's, rind sciatic all about you, an, lit.' little brothers I see you have all hear' lite news," 01i the plofonnd nervous depression bleeding [ Y that had seized upon me. I took no The well: known hoot and Shoe maker, has cleared rand in Pn.lr stetfo Of 0ttlthation. vt ell over 'ear, and sfstcra, names, ages nod all. But he said, sitting down among them, of \ Frame barn �oxa), stone shthlc. 3oxb0. tt 111 bI' ble ding 11i fel' O1 j t , t::urh t0 pleaFUCa OP interCSt Ill anything. 1 0pponed a ltc aq r :shop in the Clinton Town lanced and plent0x60,y of cedar le tho proPr`r w I suppa:e city fclas hay. O ter a brief greeting of his new relattt e. waS too ill t0 go alnottt,but not ill enough lLtill and �c l] execute all orders entrusted sold tensonnblo and 01) tornly to snit pltr'c'1u'vc" "I hied the doctors and all ltinds lake up their atteattl.xt t0 best r,\ any and took to itis care on short not(co and at s:ttisAtc- "I got word of it yesterday, to lie up altogether. I had been in this tory rates. Ordered \vork a specialty. o@l0c,aor tolt.11M1,8'TI tCOtcn,oi attsllcurrw1+ of medicines, but no help or relief was of it on country relation•;• the early stain this morning to b • in Iniserable condition for eigilteen Give him scall. 1, (, It me, and I could lint eat or "I don't ste that w'e think much of this family discussion. months when I first read of Mother-- Ple)p. I wag then advised t4 Use anything at Name bol ouraplves," said IIs had seen alawyen', and had found B(,Igel's Syl',ip, and whlit it had clone UI.EN VICTURIAt Her Life aid ' ' )sound slid oh, Allsy with an impatle"t sigh. ".[fat out that Inframont would not have to for of her persons afflicted and oppress- [deign; greathistorio work, sells on sight Rare OtlpOTtUlllty, Paine Q Celery (en I , you haven't toad me aU0•ut itch'? ' to For Flair. Li0 acus, A 1 gras itin 0r store: frrenl• be sold, that the Interest un ill, debt ed Its I wns. I bought the 5y1'np Itt i0 Caluulian'l inn glowing Lord worls.nt Eats to'tnake What fi mighty change I The use of Bob is our big brr `hors tlu• hand- 1 11Fiaccs cleared, hnlanco un(:ullcd harrl+vonrl• would satisfy tie erPdttors and ht� plans Mr, Weells' `Mores in Bali.... yJ enc nf- G.,Q00 a \rock, �on,c make twice that. Many Solid brick honne, &e.: frame barn 28x80. stable like first bottle enabled rale t0 eat slid-omest, smartest, dearest fellow In tt.e \rare already laid for his own \work next ter taking tt tL few (lay's felt grently re- nialce more in splu•e time than during tinyy at 18x57; Shoop houso 1"_x28; good water, and after using seven bottles I acrid. He is al cullet,'r'•" year. He knew also of a chance for ];eyed, And after tl8lttg two bottles I regular em�iloymrnt. This ,yoar's Great Srx• vm,ieni t° 3 grain ole\'%tot's. mills, &e• (loud vleePr g agenary Celebrations aro booming it.. 11001LA an011te[ man; wits perfectly "Isn't this va.Ca.Cion?" liOsa lir Kit as Comp%ni0'n f Ir a sweet wPllt iLb011t aA bright and well as ct'0', on time. Yroeprctas frca tocnnvttssors. Terri- rands aid frac fCon, all obnoxious +\"cc(1N. arae quite "les, but nrt for Rub." It +vas lilt's will take restdont. pr0portyy in (Tinton part cute,, and felt young agate. All that invalld g'rl, who would give a 1 v I)r and have enjoyed good health and tory going fast. pay. IOqutre at Tu F, Nnw•s-tlrtconnoaicc• lime to sigh now. " Wo haven't s, e', home and puny advantages of study flood real, since then. (Signed) Mrs' THE BRADLEY-GARTIETSON CO. Ltd• W0.3 In 1 have written can be proven by met- him s'-nce Chrlstmas. I -Te got a Place and improvement. Amelia Whitlock + The, Green, Bright Toronto, Ont. chants, doctors, magistrates, and by as summer tutor in Athena, to coach He was evidently not a man to make Waltham, Wantage, Berks, December � Wbo can think three ministers of the Gospel, and by some boys from the Par S ruth, s•) he a scene, or talk much about what he 7th, 1303," Teacher wanted• Wanted An Idea °f name e,mpl° Celt; but Ailsy'B heart thrilled with iOV- thing to Dat°n ? aCUrpB Of other p)opl), I shall altatt,ye felt obliged to stay. Ah, th- rc is Old if the disease from Which ladies ,i Female Teacher for A diviAlOn Of ;Liodol Protect our Ideas• they mag bring y(n, weal Dd)iful medi• LTncle Rafe; excuse me ;r thin;rate," and Ing admiration for her rustics when atffeled-Andigestion antd.dyspepsia— 9c,h0o1 Clinton, fitlenvt,2nd Chtss Yrofew+ional wYto Ji:nNg ED>iBED DRNIkCO. �tepEoba?r !hank you find your a 0 �� she. reined 1)P her (.alt G, i;ail an "Id she heard Bab say to Kitty "Think, no a Waehin ton D. u.,for their $f, D t.lpP, Palpe'a Celer3 Compound, were t,o he dreaded for no other reason, (lea nnt,atoRtmasa ho a gooel disogc tee into Ap• and het of ►aro hundred llnventioua wanted. negro on. the roadside, Kathleen Mavournren, bow much bet its fearful efYect9 on the nervous Sys- pltcant to st+tto salary and o c00 lnsth-JOI ls, ter off we are than the p )or Belis, Stip- Ap pltcat.ions IF, ecl up to 2llth list,-JOITN "I hereby certify that Psine'e Celery A taw more turns brought then to tem would brand it, as the mostdangpr• (.t'Vl�etllA,liA., Secrot.ary`-- —� _ McKillop D1reCt0:'y for 1897, the edge of Infrantont farm, ar,d Kit pose it Amo aur father's me nosy left oils ailment known to map. It is the _ _—_ ;untpotnd has made a trail men of erly pointed out what were to leer with thea stain on it!" l'homae R. Baxter." e� frtit.ful source of "horrid dreams" andHo objects a[ deep interest all the rest of Our Pother, 1nd_,ed'." crf�d Nil, malt- of the nervous disorders of which they GOrdW00d anted, John Archibal . Depli 110(.", i'. O• t[10aNn Justice Of the the way. Ing a little secret dash at he . ch>eks, are the sign. Let women notice Anil Good Ited for the owil of Clintont g, aa\v �rtosbo luttniel Manley. comici110nr, Be ohwo0d P- " 11 1,tatrs H. ••0, what a dear pineal" crlerl Allsy,clear hear)• to get rid a[ a tear Or two. "You might rementbpr the euro. 000d lard maple or four foo 10119, F wn, to be Jas, C. Morrison, Councillor. Reeeh++'000 1' e/• impulsively, cLs the house and Yard as well talk about George W0,811htg- (p y - — came in eight, tan's statue gett'ng d wn Off its Pndes_ For, if cold machinery''mustslee}t, all nn,on nt ofooaall and pt tee. Tende roto L iul Tno C Morison (Mork, N� intbrnp P. (t• ttntt»erset will b© Kit's face flushed with grat!flratiun, cal to cheat at 1layln8 marble.4. the more. must hrntttp beings have dressed to rho undorstRnod, which will bo ro- Davidm . Ross, rormi o R%Vinthood 1'. tl• 1, tdy Henryy 0 - their it reRttlar hours in which both body ce,1+•cil n to 7 O'clock on Feb. 15th. Lowest or David M. Bass, Trensnror, winthroP - "It is the dearest place in the world," Elizabeth Preston Alun, to Presbytor. , Charles Dodds, Collector, Rea,fOrth V. n. asked to preach the annual sermon and mind are beyond life's labors and any tend'or not necS, s, lyaPER, C Richard Pollard, Sanitary inspector, T.endbury• during tile. National Convention of the she said softly. "I am sometimes tan Banner• cares. S S, COOPER, Chairman, W. C. T, U. in Buffalo next fall.