HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1897-02-10, Page 5in � , ,+.+r fern -mor. •,.M-.- .... .,. �� � rt DI• ;, xgoc ar of, P, X. Seager, whosGUNS I e Orlunttll i;.Iet thio even- J. G� inG u the 'owhl' Bell palrsuf441t to tett died be alreohor steel;r a b cnllq r I�%le s g. b@G,' ire not thriving I?eed food, laNrntnent, Mercrbertgt ki Aresent, The - Deceased was one of the oldest rear. We aropr44et1cA1.Machin�istswithot fulIyequippecl��ttiirktha , �?yro `flt•y, 'f41f @tttixx..ji4g, �Vftliout the , ettvo in the chith, 1ltnutes of last dents of port Dover, being in her 75th repair sand clean (TUNS and BE WING MACHINES ofiall kind, uiaketa rVIA Cikld of lend Choy require, life ie irn I13 a good thing in Its meeting read and signed. Moved by year. tube wits born at Coalbrockdale, and styles; if any. rlf the p place but it SO Ofton Geo, Ia•wfn, seconded by R. Baily, tlnayt Y, parts are broken or worn ogtwe can wtako.novv. Possible, ENGLISH PLANT FOOD John Whiddun be te-appointed treasur- klhrapehire, Enrpinncl, and cauls to We i@ 1110 ideal food for planta supply• welts in places where it Jr for hiddo iabe le. Moved by Jas, Canada in 1845 with bei- husband, grind, sharpen and polish all kinds of KNI+It l+yy,t3UISs30it14. ID horns:,u, seconded Ar Geo, Irwin, �1ftel a abort residence in fort Rowan SKATES, &c., and►sterner if required. eve8 44 it d,gea the ingredients neo- should not be. One of Y the proved to Port Dover in the year Remember the repair ry .to their life and growth, that the Auditors report be received , lg. Tbo died in the sauce residence p everythingin the shape of..5maj.l bla,chiner•yc those places is yotir ittid adopted and clork got 100 copies of ; in whichthey had taken up their abode 17gcler its use dying plants regain the stfmo printed for diatributiorr and household Utensils, Unibrellas, Parasols and articles of tike nature. watch nearly half a century ago, Her hus- Our prices tare the lowest that are possible and we gutuantee satiefac their life, and evon plants that aro , the auditul's receive $3.00 each for suid blind pre -deceased her 11 years, Four doing well do better. In packages work and Reeve grant orders fol• same sons and one daughter survive. tion. +�s Why should your plants then Your Watch �'+U ['lea. By -Law CUnflt'nling aP KENNEL CLUB MEET. -The annual ��� �QUr Sl��jjS icor LIU--�l�il are ©�r ia0t; tit de good as anybody else's 7 puiutmenkof officers for 1897 read and u the Dust. passed. Moved by Jae. 'Phowson, winter meet of the Goderich Kennel 1I1 Dust. Needs cleaning and oil- secondee by Geo, Erwin that the ac- Club was }geld . the folio, Wednes- ��� Onward Bicycle U tF Are our Headache Pott' Once eVer two counts of the Municipal World of 95c, day afternoon. The following is it. dors, 2 in a pk,, 5e or ]ng y be paid and Reeve rant order to H. list. of the winners in the various �% Co.,<.P Clinton.1 in 25o boxes. Money years if you would pre- Erwin for slime -carried. Moved by events:- OPPOSITE MARKET SQUARE, " • ( WITT back if they don't tura. serve its time keeping Thos. Elliott, Secouded b Jas. Thom- FREE FOR ALL. sun, that S. Blait' and P. Macintosh be 1. D. McICay's ..... . , , ,Goderich Bo qualities. round keepers for• 1897 - carried, 2. E. Durnin's "Holt' /\ �Yla� GH STOPPERS in 4 oz. pk., l0c- '011 it adjourned to meet first Mon- 3. J. Baker's.................Rambler j� 2 oz, pk., be. Just r 1'�7��I�7,. day in March at 7,30. Think j',S. GODERICa SWEEPSTAKES. -- - - 1. W. Knuckle's....... .Butchor Buy o�Nroe ��� COAs Cough Cure HOPE ENTHRONED. 2. Hood's . .............•.Sarsaparilla �� umerift How man millions of y -- {r Miller's ...................13earuep DUCK'S BALSAM OF WILD times In a ear the hal LIFE PROLONGED AND ITS USEFULNESS 3 l( algle'a. . . . . . . . .... . .. i{ing Billy O• OLSON is givitzg 24 lbs Redpath'3 Granulated Siltgar CHERRY-25c—Cures coughs J GREATLY EXTENDED. SALTFORD HANDICAP. fOr $1 t0 every purchaser of $l worth of GFoceries, in - and colds QUICKLY. ante wheel turns on its 1, Duff's, , , .... , , , •'Salt of the Earth" THE RUTHLESS HAND OF NATURE PER- cluding 1 FAT AND FOOD... delicate axis, it does 2. 11teLonalds ..........+' "Lightning" � b, of 25c, 44c or 50c Tea. •' i, MFT$ ONLY THE SURVIVAL OF THE M , , "Ll Ert,nin not rest at night either STRONGEST BUT MEDICAL SCIENCE 3' CIVOr'9"""""" g g We also have other Bargains, it lbs, Choice Oatm*al for 25c. ElYiulaion of Cod Liver Oil g SECURES THE SURVIVAL OF THE The management tender their FLOUR life Ordinary machines thanks to those who contributed to- y $2.15 per cwt.,,49Lt which we kv � with hypopbaephitea. A 3 WEAKEST. Of ChO1C8 quality trial proves its morits. 40o but lceeps right at its wards making the meeting a success. From the Cornwall Standard, give a premium as well as a low price. :and 76e work unceasingly.YOu SOCIAL --A pleasant gathering took The science and art of medication place at the North-st Methodist church Come to us for our Sight and Comfort. Oil your sewing mo,- holds a unique place in the estee►n of paraonage Tuesday evening, when y Bran and Snorts. r the entire civilized world because b a Rev. Jos. Edge and his esteemed art- -==----Good Clean Grain Wanted.=�Yq' ,T.,,,: Our Speotaolos. They are fitted Chine daily Or weekly judicious application o€ J g P O. OLSON Victoria Street .�.t.�.�:r+r�,o pp progressive per, Mrs. Edge, assisted by the Ladies' ieCientifioally pad are always right. but that delicate in- science relative to the art of bottling Aid Society of the church, entertain- a n. l upwards. Nothing if you are innumerable triumphs tire won in the ed upwards of two hundred members ngtUsatiafied. Free lost. strument of precision--- struggle for health, The profession of North-st congregation and their I l your watch. --is allowed of ruedicine we may safely say, is no friends in a social evening. The par - sinecure; CC��► �uaClXlfalllf 11�. I IliRnt;:tlitt00A. jp]� Ron sinecure; its triumphs and successes sons a ha re t1 d �` e4A !—Men & W�ls�onI OPDRUGGISTS TICIANS OLINTON. 11Y0ItTG f(xE SALT-, T -OF VAI.UABLE- FARM LANDS ifn 00 Township of Goderich.- Under and by rdrtuo of the power of sale contained in a certain mortgage, which will po produced at the sale, there will be sold at. ptieneer, at hen, by David Dickinson, Auc- Commereial hotel, Clinton, —on-- SATORDAiI, THE 27TH FEB., 1897, at2 0'ci00k q -`M., the following propert viz: - T1e South Half of Lot number 23 is tie Fifth Concession of the township of Goderich in the County of Huron containing 40 acres, more or lees. TERMS: -10 per cent. of the purchase money down oil the day of Bale and the balance $A 30 days thereafter, without interest. The property_ will be put up subject to$ reserved pgrise rther forms, particularp and condi- tiirrts made known at the sale or typo applica- $iorf to thG undersigned. i JA11�1�8 SCOTT, Vendor's Solicitor. D DICKINSON, Auctioneer, - Cliriian, Feb. 2nd, IM. ALWAYS up�T'O-DATA; ! �NTh+ L $TUATFORD, ONT. J A larr ga� 61,00t] . e(1111 od commercial school -NOIiE BETTER IN CANADA Students may enter at anytime. Write for catalogue. " W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. Cutter For Sale. Good single cutter for sale. Well ironed and good woodwork. Price reasonable. Apply at T'T E NEwa-RECORI) office. " Teacher Wanted. e A Female Teacher for a division of Model School, Clinton, at least 2nd Class Professional Certifleate-must; be a, good disciplinarian. Ap- pplicant to state salary and inclose testimonials. Applications received up to 20th inst.-JOHN CUNINGIIAME, Secretary. --- Cordwood Wanted. Wanted for the Town of Clinton, 25 Cords of Good Hard Wood• four foot long, sawn, to be eithmele x-mtaFle or three quarters maple and ono. quarter beecI Tenders to speo ft'y the pMount of each and price. Tenders to he ad- dressed to the undersigned, which will bo re- ceived up to 7 o'clock on Feb. 15th. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. S. S. COOPER, Chairman. We do not Claire... Too much when we say that we can Repair Watches Right. We guarantee our work or no charge, and the PRICES ARE RIGHT. Also our Engraver does beautiful work. You can have your i Engraving done While you wait. DON'T FORGIET use J.. B.Rumball.. UO £�r0 uneared for Ulltl) it is Clogged with dirt stoic, tended sentative grand cut remedy and out amber dress Ont. q s cen y un ergone cons u- are rehearsed daily by the millign. erable repairs and important altera- Those who are to the vanguard of this tions have been in interior �- Rum -Lack Kennedy. BRIEFS, -Mr. Stephen Stothers ;has sold his blacksmith andi carriage and stops. made the movement are our greatest benefactors. of the building, which has greatly im- Their discoveries For Sale -Frank Evans, Plants ge she p to Wm. M6NA1lp,, orf Rosemount, Dufferin are a boom to hu- proved it both in appearance and point -Allen & Wilson. couu.ty. As- he is a practical The Best Oil -_- inanity ; they have given relief to of comfort, and as the work has been thousands who would have dra p gged done under the as ices of the ladies, elft A farmer -Jackson Bros, Sacrifice sale -A, C. Dufton, Clearing man he will have no trouble to getting his share of the w0vit.- citement a miserable and more or less frief the occasion was made it kind of sale -G. J. Stewart. was caused• it, tQhetyillttugge on Ever invented -the kind we use existence. Dr. Williams by means of "house-warming." An interesting his Pink Pills has earned and the time -Cooper's Book Store. Declaration -The W. D. Flair Co, Friday morning by thaL alarm of lire in Itev. Mr. Armstrong's dwelling -will become dirty and thick in time, in this enjoys programme was tendered during the the gratitude of untold numbers who evening, as follows :- Instrumental, We do not claim -J. B. Rumball. house. It was caused through carelessness in condition it wears the: pivots and destroys that were on the verge of isolation or death, piano, Miss Curran; vocal duet, Mrs. because their case defied the skill of Whitely Miss Fisher; instrumen- A Great offer-Combe's Drug Store. Teacher wanted -John Cuninghame, leaving ashes in the brick kitchen. If it had not been discovered at the exactness of their fit in the Jewel -helps which is and the ordinarymedical practitioner. tel, Miss McCall; address, Rev, Wm. Queen Victoria -The iJradle y- ` 5 Gar - time it was it would, have been a serious necessary Y to a correct perfox mance. The ruthless hvnd of nature permits Godwin, pastor of Victoria-st Metho- only the survival of the strongest, but dist church; solo Miss Wilkinson, retson Co, Upholsterer and mattress maker- affair. The fireinert deserve credit, They are always on. time. --Miss Susan I.et me look at your the tender ministrations of medical reading, Miss Franks; solo, Miss Price, acieuce, as exemplified in Dr. Williams' Wm. N. Walker. McMath is spending a while visiting friends in Clinton, watch, I Will give you of Belleville; solo, Mies Brown; instru- Pink Pills, secure the survival of the mental, Miss Price. The proceedings of and Goderich,-Bfrsi. Jas• walker is still Improving from at conscientious O inion [� weakest which is in har•rnony with the the evening were informal throughout K g divine injunction. "We then that Goderich Township. severe attack. oS illness, -Mr, West- brook brook has mooed back to his as t0 whether it needs are each seeking enjoyment; or else aiding strong ought to bear the infirmities of in the enjoyment of others. A largo VISITING. -Miss Tena Cooper, of Clinton is visiting at the residence facer, which has been, lately occupied by Mr. attention. If it don't the weak and not please ourselves." number of suitable games were provid- These famous for "crocrrinole," of Jas. Connolly, Porter Hill. Geo. Saunby,--Miss Eva Stothers, of Blyth, is on an extended need cleanin I'll tell ou s0, g y pills have given ed th:• occasion, :and strength to the apparentl hu elessl "go band" and "checker" boards were Y hopelessly CHOICE. A Goor Hll,aJames Connolly, Porter Hill, has visit to her grandmother,. Mrs. Wm. 1Vlalloxr gh Mrs. vitalized and invigorated fru- in frequent use in various parts of been appointed director director of the Ontario Dairyman As- McCaw 's wood -bee was we at - tended on tiIrnTsda gile and debilitated constitutions, en- of the house. During the evening re- throried health and strength, thus in- freshments were served, and at inter- sociation to represent District No. 10, p o 'getting some where in the neighborhood of i3p corms PPB Crews . creasing every value and inbancin vals relays of anxious -looking people, every joy• In substantiation who had a sniff of. the comprising the counties of Aaron, Grey and Bruce. Any person having enjo In the evening the yours people enjoyed jitemselves tippping tie light . of the gotten odor of reputed Dr. be any buainras with this alcove Aesocia_ fantasticurrtiltheearly hourslofmorA- Jeweler. merits of Williams' Pink coffee, could seen wending their Pills read the foliowin testimonial of way to the department of the house g P tion would do well to write Mr. Con- nolly as he will be pleased to give the Ing• Someoftheboysrepport'thatt4Vy had a roarin.gold time, John With /r Experience. one of Glen�arry's responsible citizen. where it wits served. The party broke Samuel Nril, of the village of Lancas- up at a setwonable hour, and all who necessary information. BartmW was,floor 'Dana r •-Two ;nen, wile years ter, is one of the best known wen of were present no doubt vote it one of the county. "For three successive the most enjoyable evenings spent in winters," says Mr. Neil ,.."I suffered social intercourse for some time. CHitE$E M1�ETING.- The annual meeting of the HoIYnesville Cheese Company was held on Saturday, 8th should have shown a better exatl caused. quite an excitement the,b day by running their harsirs down the Ai Her Lite and Reign VIC historic groat historic work, sella on sight from severe attacks la grippef CIRCULAR CITY BRIEFS, -The work Owing to the effect of Inst. Consldering the weather a large number of the stock holders were front street when there we re a ngTber of children on the street' at tji time to thousands. to thousands. Lord Duf1'erin introduces it Ranadians these attacks I was unable to attend to on the servers has been continued as unable resent. The annual re P port of tba who.mi lit have been run' over.,., qme g, in glowing words. Easy tii'make •20.00 a week, some make twice that. Many in reit steadily the ppest week. -Early rn business half of the time. The last P Y Y in (lie spring the Saltford bride 1 1 I had directors, secretary and auditors were received, showing q the company to he of the inhahitants we're ; g wliete our village of Iran ge cansGr.,ble make more spare time than duI•lag day. qt regular employment. This year's treat 88x- agenary Celebrations booming attack was in December, 1895, It l g rvi was the most p1rolonged and the subse- be newly floe red. -Trotting round the in a flourishing condition, The stock. w&.s,-Mr. Jas, Holland had been indiynoped the are it. Books on time. Prospectus free to canvassera.,, Terri- tory fast, uent effect the most tr rn Ail the square was R daily pastime the past q Y g•rttl<c, winter of 18961 was week. -The harbc r works are expected holders. wero• ao well pleased with the runt k of the past year that they elected P"t week, with a severe - Grippca, going THE BRADLEY-OARRETSON CO. Ltd. Toronto, Ont. under medical care and twin somewhat advanced in life I to start early in the spring and offer a seRsou's work to a I rr a number o£ preseute a very frail appearance. My g all the old officers for another year and tendered them a hearty vote of A. G Ar OFFER,-Tb,ose yr b4 suer. from weakness was so pronounced that I be- men, -The races in the skating rink on came it victim of weak turns, and Friday r,vening were largely attended. - 'rhe ole skating rink on West street ecce with the assistance Ig tharyks for their, past services, The Auditors expressed themselves highly, Pleased and surprised with the correct Catarrh can try the mor,t successful remedy in the world without pe.ying one, cent in ad- vanes. Call on our ro nesec ttv ' Clinton T. ' -- U111J �11U A7 + • • of a cane was liable to fall. Attempts to walk made a bad break on Saturday, a large nese of the secretary's books, for which. e to and you will be. givou a Garmicide Inhaler. were risky, and often to be regretted. portion of the roof falling in, and on W. S. Lawrence, the secretary;. Give is a fair trial af. your hpme and if suc- Clinton. I.laur��.ry I was troubled with a dizziness in the Sunday there was a general collapse.- deserves great credit. cessrul you can pay 'S3 fcr same, if not, no head that tendered locomotion difficult there were a large number of sleighing TPA -MEETING. -There will he held a charge whatever will, be `gacle.. This grand Huron Street. and unpleasant. Besides this general parties Inst week. -Snow shoeing 'weakness I had pains in my shoulders, Parties were out the past week for the tea -meeting in Cole's church, Goderich township, on Tuesday, Feb. 16th, tin- remedy is pr,,mpt, pleasxi;t aqd permanent and clues catarrh whoroall else, fails., For something like articular rheumatism Brat time this season. -Rev. W. God. der the auspiceg of the Methodist remedy on' abovo liberal terms call at Our work as usual is first-class and guaran- in its fluctuation and severity.After win ,eaehad a Temperance sermon in a five months treatinept I wanot any the Victoria street, Methodist church church Sunday school. An exception- ally well arranged progratnnie is being CUMBE's DRUG, STOR,Et Clinton S,ATUR- DAY, I'EB. 20T ti and-,ypu will bQaiven the tool, while prices are lower. than ever. We make n specialty also of Family Washing;, and better, in fact the doctor av,e me on Sunday evening. -The town coon- $ its Friday prepared and a good time is ex Leted• p' t'; p' ' remedy on trial, wit11'=t;havin t$•, a any. - thing in b P Y call for the goods and deliver them free. very little encouragement. He said cil at meeting on raised the The local talent will be ably assisted advr nee. Remember flee date. R�Uall and see how much we can do for little I had palpitation of the heart and it Clerk's salary fifty *dollars.-Reguhtr by several of the Clinton ►nusieians, Those who ca•,inot ;,,all address. Idedical In - money, must run its course. The truth is I meeting of the .Huron Chapter No. 28, who will render solos, duetts, quar- halation, Co,, Ltd., Toronto, Orxt.. C. CONSIGNEY, Huron .St-, Clinton. Opposite felt so weak that my hope of recovery R. A. M„ -next Tuesday evening. -Mr. was about nil. About lite Best of May Gull, organist of St, _ -George's church tettes, readings and rocitatioxis. The junior league choir, of Bayfield, will McKillop. Commercial Hotel, I determined to tryDr. Williams' Pink is starting a singing class for ladies' and the uvenile started another term Pills. The result was the dizziness j be present, Rev, R: N. Millyavd, of Clinton; Rev. i41r. Burton, of Varna; - I+ar the year 96 the t���p,��ry�ipp,, � A K Y� M. N. •-i��. @'��. Ri WALKER left me, day by day my pains vanished on Saturday. -Inspector Paisley vias in the Rev. N. Godwin, of Goderich and Rev, e have. 1898 there have .been registered with the townshi Pr clerk 57 berths, the reliable— into im ecce tibilit and I be an to circular town last week. -Mr P P Y' Wm. McVicar, of Johnstone's Harbor, feel rrtyself again. The improvement M. Graham, of Bayfield, Tea will be served in the church, from 6 to 7.45 15 mar- riages and 2Fxxlea the. UPHOLSTERER AND MATTRESS continued until I was able to follow was the guest of Wm. Rutson the past o'clock. Concert commences at 8 MAKER my business with unexpected vigor. week. -registrar Alex. Gibson has ( o'clock sharp. Admission 20c., child- 1lulle4t.. r SEAFO,RTH, ONT. I am increasing in flesh and in the been ill the past two weeks. -Mr. Wal- =ren general signs of good health, and I un- tear Buchanan has been holidaying in 10c. At these low prices a large crowd is looked for. NOTES, -•-Mr, Geo, Snail last a fine horse A few days, ago, -Mr. Ernest Parlor Furniture repaired and recovered. Carpets Sewed and laid;also cleaned and re novated at reasonable hesitatingly attribute m recover to Walkerton, -Mrs. McDougall, of i Y Y Y Dr. Willuarns Pink Pills. Windsor, was the past week the nest try --+- -^ Stanley q fres }list' with Squires an accident a fere days ago b'p fallilog tb,e prices, tic, Clintonleft BROADFOOT &BOX'S Clinto of her brother, Mr. Geo. Cox, Britannia Dr, Williams' Pink Pills create new road. -Holy Communion was celebrat- blood, build are the nerves, tied thus ILL-Ber€ha, daughter of Mr. V. M. on tines of a fork, 1144 . is now xeooverirAg, from the efftiets, ' a or SoaYorth, will bo promptly at to. ed at St, George's church on Sunda drive disease from the system. In hun_ g Y•- Deihl, of , to concession, is quite dreds of cases they have cured after all B. MacCormac left last week for Ot other medicines End felled, thus tawa to commence his duties as in- g Y spector of military clothing. -A hock- establishing the claim that the aro a h ill. We hope ,to soon learn of her re- pe covert'. -Mrs. Wm. Clark and three daughters of the Babylon g Y Line, are _-^�V 'T 11111 S. LEE. -Ili Hulletw oft the 2g4 inst.,'the wife of A ^�� ��'i' �����• Thole who suffer from Catarrh can try the L3' marvel among the triumphs modern ey team left for ucknow last Thurs- medical science. The geuniri.e Pink day and after a rather stubborn eon- down with typhoid fever, but at last accounts were on the mead their many Mr. Wm, Lee, of a.daughtem TIraHALG.-In Clinton, oir,Jan. 29th, the wife most successful remedy in the world without paying one cent in advance, Call on our repro- Pills are sold only in boxes, bearing test carne out victorious. -The business sd long known as that of Colborne friends will be pleased to learn. of Mr. Frank Uvsh4n, of a daughter. WILLIAMS.-In East W'awanoBb, in Clinton and you will be von a Germicide Inhaler. Give it a fair trial at your the full trade mark. "D'... Williams' Bios. will be continued under the same Pink Pills for Pale Peoplk..', ',Protect SCHOOL REPORT. -•The followin g 45• the Report of S. S. No. 3, Stanley, fere on 8&enact' 28th, the wipe of Mr. ,john Williams, or m daughter. home and If successful you can pay $3 Yor same, f not. no charge whatever will be made. This g firm Mama by the survivin attner yourself from ittaposition b refusing fir J. H. Colborne. urvi H. Brown, an ill that does notbear h re tater- Sy p January. The names are in order of merit; -5th class -Rachel Reid; Sr., 4th CLARM-1114orris, 00 January 30th, the wife of Mr. Wm.,( lark, township clerk, of daugl, remedy is prompt, pleasant and Lr an- and cures Catarrh where all else fail.. For g of as in the circular town on ed trade mark around the box. Clinton,' Thursday, --The Mechanics Institute class -Joseph Richardson.. Oliver Mc - tor, a on above liberal torma call at Combo's Drug Store, Cllinton, __ received a number of new books.-- D. Ilveen, Albina Richardson; Jr, 4thhas class -Stella Rathwell, Eva. ]Reid, Sr. MAIlI;Y4GTS. SATURDA, Y, FEB. 20th Goderich. McGillicuddy attended the meetin of the Press Association last week, and 3rd class -Laura Richardson, Lant Sr1 AL-•TvRNbULL-At Clover Lea p' Port Hake, yyou will be given the remedy on trial with- having to pay anything in Rom- KNox CHURCH. -There was a meet- at'Ithe election of officers was re-elect- in the Reid, Daisy Scotchtner, Ida Reid. Je 3rd class - Effie BuI aside Mabel + by Rev. S. A, Carriere, AL a Spittal of titer, tth Manitoba, to Mise Agrivs o Beat daughter, late advance. the date. Those who cantplot call, ad- Medical Inhalation Co., of the mann to board of Knox ed to executive com.-The Town g g church last week to iscuss matters in Clerk has received specifleations for Nickelson, James Sanderson; Sr. 2nd Rathwell Wesley ottha Wm. Turnball. . Ltd., Toronto, connection with its seating capactty, the work tat the breakwater. These It was flnally agreed that plans for the and the form of tender may be seen at purpose should he prepared and con- his office. -The skating rink was clorsed class -Edith Peck, Willie Clark; Jr, 2nc� class -George Heid, Ellie Burnside, Percy Tippet; Sr. Pt. 2nd class -Sam Bates, 1415 io DEATHS. ALLYN.-Irk Colborne, on Saturday uycc��rpigrc, January 30th,,, Robert Alliu• &god 53, ye.A; U A GREAT PHRENOLOGIST eomor�% ! sidered at a future meetin ort SlatilY'da There was tt lar eat q 3t'- g AT HOME. -The Kin 's Daughters jendance of Clinton Oddfellows at the Clark; Jr. Pt, ilei class-Lunday e-. � Ilveen, Nelson Reid, Mamie Reid, Sr. months. FRrTZLFY,-In Saltford, on Satu ;•dqa morn- tug January 30th 1397, Annie wooatvo t will hold an "at home at the resi- meeting of Huron Lodge last Tburs- day evening. The visitors worked Pt. 1st class -Lottie Peck; Jr. Pt, Ist wile of .ionathan F rltzley, aged 45 yesgs' rtn �tbnee Prof, A. H, Welch, of Toronto, to Favor CI' t h a dente of Coffee w ll e Nairn, Friday, Feb. degree in grand style and alto ether a 12. Coffee will be served from 8 in Evia Burnside and Allie Peck, C C ., months, MURAAY,-In Seaforth, on .Tan ary 30th.Jno p m on wit a Short Visit. r-VNCIL.- ouncil met on Saturda A good programme will be provided,' must pleasant time was enjoyed.- Feb. 0th at ane o'clock y+ Murray, aged 29 years and five rgQiijha, Pridham is still cutting up fine cloth, P• ►n• Mem HAnnEN.-In Egmondvillo, oq Jgn90th, day. Ve are pleased to announce that Prof. A. H. and all who attend may depend on in his fine store. -Theme was a meet' bers all present. Minutes of previous Hadden, aged 68years and 9 mou4ba: ' JEWELER and TELEPHONE Office, Welch, the renowned phrenological character spending an enjoyahie evening. Ad- meeting were read and adopted. The MAxaort.-At the Manson iesidonco,tn Tyner, ' reader will be in of the society for the protection o tender of A. M. Tadd for township lith, 'o heart rall- ryc CLINTON. mission 15c, North Dakota, on January your children on Saturday evening,-- P are, Lily, wile of Mr. Ja et' l�wwon, and CLINTON, FEB. 15th, THEY RETURN TFIANK$.-Tbe Hen- y printing was accepted. The Auditors daughter of•Mr, John nol.ap, Wilmot Smith's stock of furniture will �' 'khi.okorsrnith, And remain for one week. He brings testi- derson Bicycle Co. Goderich have bp sold b I•eport was accepted and the clerk in- aged 47 years, g y public auction on Saturday menials from sgme oY the most prominent mon kindly presented The Humn Bicycle afternoon. ---After practice at Knox strutted to have 50 copies printed. _ Cooks Cotton Root Compound in Canada an as he stands at the head of his Club of Goderich with twenty dollars, church on the a coin of N`rb. 2nd tl The following accounts were paid:- nZARKB7, 1gEpOR C3. Is the onl safe reliable profession everyone who can should visit him to start the club on a solid basis for choir of that church to Auditors $6 each; Henry Talbot, at the RATTENBURY HOUSE and have an presented their monthly medicine on which examination. He will give lectures every 1897, and for which the oMeers leader, Mr. E. Belcher, with a baton repairing culvert on Lake Road, $4; I (Corrected ovary Tuesday afternoon.) ladies can depend iu the evening at the Town Hall and publicly ex. and members desire to return their and music stand,-Harrison's old rink, Municipal World, subscription ana OLIXTON. hour and time o need, amine candidates selected by the audielice. sincere thanks. This is a new role blank forms, $2,20; McLean Bros., f Silver collection at the door. As a Perono10' corner West and Waterloo street , fell Fall Wheat.. ................... 0 75 to 0 7ti Is prepared in two degrees gist he excels all others wherever he goes, for The Henderson directors, but the on Sunda with a great crash. it be. advtg., $1.50; A. M. Todd, riating', • 0 80 to 0 40 roll of Common Sense will keep the y $1.50• J. T. Cairns, two Klan Barley ........................ . of Wen tilt, P inq in an unsafe condition for some books, 0 17 to 0 i9 %k I rNo. for ordin +cases balance right. Oats ................, ....,..,, .... �7 q time. The beau, snow on the roof $I.Ob. Council meets again on Mon- Peas......••, „ .....•.. ., 0 36 tc o {(► is b forth! best dollar medicine known Sir Richard Cartwright and Mr, y day, March 22nd atone o'clock m. - y Davies left Ottawa Thur THE COLLEGIATE. -The statutorypresumably caused its suddon breakup. p -•sold b druggists, one Dollar per box, y after' meeting of the board was held in thJ• T. CAIRNS, Clerk, Potatoes, par bush.......... 0 20 too 25 noon for Washington where the 0 11 to 012 prt r for s ecial cases -10 degrees tend to spend a week interviewing secretary's office on Wednesday. Mr. The 39th anhtiai meeting of the Cab " �""--- B�tgterp.... .'::,".,;:;..'.• Atro3tger -cold by druggists. One boa, g Eggs ar o 0 13 to 0 14t American politicians. Jos. Williams was re-elected chair- nadian Press Association took place John Pineombe,; of Usborne, while Hay,,,,,,, +,,,,, 8 00 to 8 DD rhrJie Dollars; two boxes, Five Dollars. man. Tho chairman and Messrs. Thursday. The principal matter up fellin trees in thlt btrah on Tuesda ., 3 00 to 3 50 ' No. Y, or No. s, i Baled on receipt of Under the instructions of the, Minis• Acheson and Sheppard were appointed for discussion, Was the postal regula- week had a log broken near the ankle Oordwoo ...:................. ptice and two 3 -teat stamp% ter of Agriculture, the free distribution roperty committee, and Messrs. Jor- tions governing the free transmission FIQ End chopped a tree to two, and in- 4pplerl $r bush ............. 0 15 to s 16 The Cook Cotmpany$ of sample seed packages of earfain yar- �, Judge Doyle, Colborne and Dr. of newspapers through the Iria}'le. stead of it falling over, the uta ell Drled< tS tplea per (b,,,...., 0 02 to 0 24 Widd"r,ontatlo. ieties of grain and other agrienitural Taylor, the supply and grounds com• The meeting lyse addressed b the p g � lxuakC per Ib........,....,.., 0 Ob to 006 products which have succeeded on tba gg y ed from the stump. falltt on Experimental farms will be made mfttee. •The regular meet�i�n��ggs of the Postmaster -General, Mr. Mutoek. The let lei mangled the part near the Tur>;eYs per lb,,, , ,,,,,,,,, , 006 to 047 WSeltjinClinton and everywhere in Canada board are held on the first We annual' $loner took taco at the Har• an1la In a horrible manner.. It may Owl►@a per lb .................. 0 05 to (► 46 by Allrospontibledruggists. again this season. r of each month in the Secretary's office 001341 Club the ottrao muing. baye, to be amptitated. %tokons per pair,.,....,.,., 0 25 to 0 35 0