HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1897-02-10, Page 4NOW i - .I—, . ry � �n/��+ subject, The voluuteom alai under- ' CheCZr•��'') ,L1�1.U.rs1Ci. and Thin] NEws-RUCOBD contends A Deet/ Laid Plot. til A n rtdjottrnmgnt was road® here art• Dight o'cicok. - paid Wa purchased too mush mucic for the o�untx oautlall ah�uld have come Continued from front page. examined Mr. Campbell was closely cr•osa- court red but be ank the Hollday trade and wish to reduce to the rescue. If life (including that Robert Bell gave unimportant ovi- stuck Mr., to the story, and Mr. Bishop he s of Canada's safety." And still we have professing Cana- our stociG beYore again turning our of tite New Era writer) and property dance its to Mr. Campbell being in the made no capital. I. Council matters Said:— • attention to Bicycles. Tnerefore we is to be protected in accordance with marble business. Mr. Campbell's two daughters also President IgsaaLewis of Sabina, Ohio, sure offering British precedent, and British custom, Alex. Saunders said that while the testified, saying Miss Dancey's story to highly respected all through that I Vi0li11S tLtlll �VIl18iC $OOk3 and British necessity, then we require late Cameron scandal was on, Mr. was entirely untrue, to addition to it section. He has lived in Clinton Co. Campbell at I Of; the present;,militia service. if not, that told him that it was at shame number they should have such a man to of residents of Goderich, who gave evidence as to Mr. Oampbell'y 75 years, and has been president of l a the Sabena $ink 20 years. 'IIe gladly n i , C� p p then people like our cotem. who represent Sheet Music tuid So.1198 tbem. Saunders said, how- efficiency as a post -master. testicles the merit Hood's Sorsa willingly "Thank God, and hold lip ever, 100 copy, Origitlal excellent that Mi,. Campbell had been an postmaster. MAIL CLERKS DALTON AND AUSTIN. parilla, and what he says is worthy ' ttt pet' both hands for annexation to the renegades of the present day will be called on to serve their country. One r The investigation _iuto the charges attention. All brain workers find I; price 40c, 50c, aad 60C, United States," declare the militia is The charge against Mr. Campbell of against the two mail clerks, J. J. Aus- Hood's Sarsaparilla peculiarly adapted improper Call in early and get first choice, not required and that any expenditure conduct towards Imlies was tin, again taken up. running from W ingham ll) Lou- doll, .aud J. A. Dalton, on tile Louden to their -needs. It makes pure, rich; rad blood, and from this comes nerves, "- this o ortunit will Only last 2 weeks. is worse than a 'waste. pp Y Mra. Sarah McBride, of the Bat flelc] division, opened at thm cvurGhouso lae- mental, bodily and digestive strength. ' The present militia system, however, r Bicycle and Music I is a part of the British North America road, said she -was in the Goderich post -office one time five years atgo, and fore Cunimissioner Seager on Saturday morning. Both wet-#-- charged with 11I am glad to say that Hood's Sarsapa- EMERSON use, Clinton, Act, 1867, as provided for in section in was handing the postmaster something the wicket, when he touched hat- distributing political literature and taking part in elections. Very little rilla is a very good medicine, especially I as a blood purifier. It has done me good fifteen, and the law throws a little hand. interest was taken in the proceedings, many times. For several years I suffered / • light on the treasonable utterances of ' The �2I7te• Constable Mountcrief told of it heat- there being only a sutatll showing of spectators. Mr. W. A. Bishop, of greatly with pains of the New Era. 1 We read the Toronto Globe's motto : ed dispute he had over political tuitt- tars during the last campaign with Postmaster Campbell, but Owen Sound, assisted by Ali,. L. E. Dancey,;of Goderich, regxesented the ■ Neuralgia a some of our readers won. P rhe subject who is truly loyal to p it soon off, arad they were as friendly Government, and Mr, J P. Gatr•row, of o " �­I'erha der where our energetic ball ring- 1. the Chief Magistrate will neither ad- his time which is always paused as ever again. He sand Mr. Campbell Goder{ab,-acted for the defenctant Dal - ton. The eases were both tried tugeth- In one eye and about my temples, se. or gets vise nor submit to arbitrary measures." k'L' 'supposed to be correct, and for -JUNIUS. ryas a very capable postmaster. The Government is strongly blamed er. Austin had no counsel. pecially at night when I had been having lite information of thess people Here we have in Clinton a Chief "` that each day by nearly everybody here for investi- gating such frivolous accusations, the Austin was first called. He stated that he came up to West Huron a few a hard day of physical and mental labor. I took many remedies, but found help only we will tell them Magistrate who is neither loyal to noon the Correct lune is trans. Munro case being mentioned especially days before the Weismiller bye-elec. Y Y tion, in 1898, on a lance lay-off. He , in Hood's Sarsaparilla which oared me K i< at himself or his country in advocating :;;, milted over the C. P. Ti, Telegraph the disbanding of the Canadian militia as an exam le. As an evidence of how badly Mr, pCampbell is being used he distributed some pamphlets at the Ro' rheumatism neuralgia and headache. Hood's 8areaparlllahaeprovediteelfatrus 'sti'. lines whou signalled by the Do• Mr.said in Toronto. -our only defense. As Garrow to -night that whereas the g ►nen also ratio church a Kingsbridge, and also canvassed some of his friends. friend. I also take Hood'8 Pills to keep minion Observatory end said the other day in defending Gov ;,. This is a new re ulatioa introduo• g ernment officers at Goderich against commission to investigate was ap- p ointed in November -lie only received He said Dalton was with him at the church, and distributed some of the my bowels regular, and like the p11L 'very much" ImAo Luwts, Sabina, Ohio, "" ed b -,the C, P. R.,,and our town's reckless and false charges: -"God help y for the employees 1" hie bill of charges last Tuesday. EVIDENCR, pamphlels. At that time Austin said He ' ,, peolill are indebted to them God's rRIDAY'e he was only a cleric on probation, front the i thelx efforts to have the titne uni- No country of any note on the The earth is without a militia defense. The ag 10 ate Se Friday morning Police Magistrate yeager's Inquiry tato the had not asked permission in - p g p s eetor to o ti and canvass. LustHoods farce all over province. greatest Nation in the world to -da has B. Crews and conduct of Postmaster Campbell was June Austin said he came up and regulators of P. the greatest mfnthe spirit and the Mrs. Joe. Biddlecombe we notice most powerful army and equipment' resumed. There was fist a little tiff among the law ars as regards A1rs• worked in the riding under aiders from inspector Hopkirk, He wrote `he Sarsaparilla are also corrected by :hie time. No power or nation or people can be- influential it. Ingles and Miss f�ancey coming to the Mr. Hopkirk that did not wish to but the I come groat or without y` NEW BRITISH HISTORY NOTE BOOK, One might even go beyond the Treaty court -room to testify. Mr. Bishop said Mrs. Ingles son wits ill, and she re- go, ostntaster-General gave him permission, and he complied with IstheOneTrueBloodPurifer.Aildruggists.=t. Prepared by C. I.Hood.&Co.,Lowell,Mas$. a'r a splendid litlli book by the of Utrecht in 1713 to make our conten- fused point blank to come, and Miss Mr. Hopkirks request, not thinking he was violating the law, He said he g only are efficient and ,; , '� tion good, and to rove the necessity editor of The Lntrance. Just g P Y of the militia. True, it took until 1745 Dancey was ill herself. Mr. Seager said he had to get the evidence, and consideree it wits his duty to go. lie prompt, Hoods Pills easy inelleot. 25 0811t16 read Price 15a. 9- for the English to capture Louisbourg, would do so the best wavy he could. showed letters and telegrams in sup- s I. the French stronghold in Uupa Breton, NEW CANADIAN TOPICAL HISTORY, and we all know that France with her Meanwhile he would proceed with other witnesses. Mr. M. V. Johnston, Port of his statements. J. A. Dalton next gave evidence. Ile Colborne. -., Jupt what is needed for Eutronoe, forty ships of war, 5,000 sailors and 30 barrister, and Editor Mitchell, of the said he had been in West Hut -oil for Robert Allin ""> Public School Leaving and Prim- transports resulted in an ill-fated Nellie Spence, B. expedition, just as big a failure as our Star, were called by Mr. Bishop, in order to find out if Mr. Campbell had seven days on his annual leave lit the time Austin wentioned,and helped hire OBITUARY. -Ma. whose aged mother died just about om cry work -by cotem. will prove in its unwarranted been a member of the Conservative distribute the pamphlets. He said he mono atgo, was himself called to thr hereafter A -Price 350. and treasonable agitation in the year ,; A. D. 1897. Association of West Huron, or that of Goderich town, but there was no- got them frons Austin. Olhet than that lie hard no part in the election great on Sivturdav last, afte', an illness of only a few days, frons in ,r;', School Books Our cotem. says the men who go out thing to show that he had. Mr. Mit- in Mr. Camp- caotpaign. He said he went to the riding at the instance of several local fianarvtion. He was a man highly re spected, as wits evident from t,lw ver 44r • to drill are underpaid and that the i'i4 work they perform is not worth one shell said he often sat bell's private office, looking over his Conservative politicians, but feeling he large attendance at his funeral on Mon_ Carlon and cent. This is unreasonable. If they are underpaid, as our esteemed con- mail Mr. Bishop brought a good joke on himself when he asked the next would have no influence he did not canvass. Ile got the permission to go day. He was a member of Lodge, A. O. U. W„ and the funera Sc1 sol Supplies temporary asserts, they must be worth witness, Mr. Lewis Elliott, caretaker• frorn Inspcetor• Spry, of London. This the case, and Air. Bishop said he was conducted according to the ritu+i of that order. Rev. Mr. Ulivant lad it cif;. - more than they receive. In that case ;r. the service must be of some value. of the' post -office, if he ever saw any- one sitting in Mr. Campbell's private closed had nothing further to offer. the religious exercises at Zion church the burial .,;• OU.r Tu learn the value of the militia all "a ++� has to do is read a little office, in order to bring in the charge that the postmaster had used his office Mr. Garrow-You've qct the ccs¢ be- fore you just as it is. I halve no evi• and service was conducte, by P. Al.'s George Sheppard and one foreign. ,!; ` either Canadian, British or for¢' n.' Specialty. g for a Conservative committee -room• dance to produce. Bissett. The pallbearers were the fol lowing members of and lodge �,� In 1758 ,Representative Government "Uh, yes," replied the old gentleman, "I've seen Joe Beck, John Yule, John Then the Counsel argued their case, the investi anon closed. The re- @ James Elliott, George and Ruba p^Gi-'a'�•©,�,�.�, was first established in Nova Scotia now of this great Dominion of Canada Dickson, Dan. McGillicuddy, and Mr. Dancey there often." Tire joke and g suit will fie known in a short time. In ge , J. Barker and a Mi' Bean J. Boggs, Tian, A large number the member -in consequence of the importance, i P °war and success of the Militia. 111 quite lies in the fact that the two latter are the most rabid Grits kin this end of the the meantime the general public opin- ion is in favor of ever Dna of the ac- Y r of Patterson, Sheppard and Ma l 1?P P Leaf lodges joined with their brother STORE, 1780 Kfng George III. came to the COOPER'S BOOK S province. 'Mr. Bisho asked no more P' cased. of Carlow in paying the last tribute c r., i throne and the Monquash Indiana 'F; ` questions. respect, the interment taking place a signed a treaty of peace, washed the t f. CLINTON. ON• Wat-pAlnt off their bodies and buried Richard Radcliffe, a prominent Con- Settforth. Colborne cemetery. Thi+ same da there were two other funerals in thi '` their hatchets. This was also brought servative, watts questioned on the same S1115DL•+'N DEATH. -A terriblysudden cemetery; Mrs. Jonathan Fritzley, c .;' _ -------- --_-- about by the Militia. lines, but knew of no committe meet- deaf]] took place in this fawn on Sat- Saltford, and the infant non of Mr. v,Ings .T,." Tr & Huron News-Reeora Canada has for a century and a halfY being hold in the post -office. MRS. INGLES' EVIDENCE. urda. week last. Mr. John Murray, second alOn Of AIrB. John Murray, Gode- Thompson, Master of Carlow Lodge. k`I or more been protected by the British 1 as a Yaar-91.00 in Advance. Government in a military sense -and Then the lawyers, commissioner, and rich street left the house about seven ` block, with the intention of going to One Hundred Dollars an Acro successfully driven back the fenians, th t "ns and'blood-thirst plotters reporters journeyed to Mrs. Richard In les' house where her evidpuce was ``rho skating rink. On the street, he t]att, only b& -made from one source - 11 I oo } , re ` o V octors But if you have cold feet wban you go to bed ,we can oure you. Consultation free, but we charge you ono dollar for the oure. We don't mind telling you what it is either: a Hot Water Bottle either in a two or three quart one ac- cording to the size of your feet. This is a the lot we bought cheap; they all have a combina. tion whioh attached converts them into Fountain Syringes. We are letting you have the benefit of our luck. JAS. H. COMBS, Chemist and Druggist GOODS That are sensible, useful and ornamental, suitable for old and young. A Jewellery Store Is the best place to at suggestions for Watches, Clocks or Jewellery - The stock and the prices are so varied that every kind of taste i is sure to be suited. Only those , who have seen our goods and prices can appreciaite the great value we are offering; this season in Ladies' and Gents Gold, Gold• I filled and Silver Watches from $5 upwards, Clocks, in all de- signs and at all prices. Jewellery of all styles, including Broadhes, Rings, Stick Pins, Chains, Charms, Lockets, Cuff Buttons, &c. ` Silverware, Gold Spectacles, Gold and Silver Nov- ' elties. Estate J. Biddlecombe g ZVEDVESDAY, FEBRUARY 10th, 1897. who have rtime and again attempted tab taken. She 'is an attractive -•yoga met with another young naaq: tnd bultr`y:1 heat and corn do not pay. - -- . _- . ------ rob us of our homes and property and woman,rand told berstor g they walked down together. On t4e''.'pperha s P P � y in^rlystrai h P p y'au may smile but have you TII ^BYE-F.LEC7IO��S, ives-and the chances are Britain may forward way. She said that while in way they went into Dicks hotel, Mr. ever kept lfensRlGaT. The egg basket ~ have to come to the rescue again. the post. -office last June with Mrs. Murray saying he wanted to go to the comes in hand now {u these scarce ` In East Simcoe Bennett (Con.) de- To -day this grand Dominion• has the Armstrong, the postma ter puthisarru wafter closet. ye hung his coact and money times. rhe leading authority protection of (boat Britain, and to -day around her and drew her to hina. She skates in the hall and went out to the in practical poultry keeping is Tuh ` feared Cook (Reform) slang with the p' closet, his companion waiting for him POULTRY Kt,:EPER, Box BB, Patrks- fe ted Cook ( money. Canada-& also desires to protect herself. said she was greatly insulted at his in the sittin room until his return. True, our militia casts us something, conduct. Mrs. Armstrong who lives g burg, 1 a., and only costs fifty cents.a North Ontario defeated Conserva- According to law the Militia is declarer'' next door, had a different story. She Not conning back as soon as expect- year, or twenty-five cents for six k. said she did not see such an occur- ori, the goon„ man went to the Tin months, or for one dollar you can get +; tive A1cLeod in favor of Grit -Patrol to consist of all the Iuale inhabitants ranee, stud that Mrs. Ingles was same- Nothing more was thought about the with it the f011r POULTRY IiEEPLR G►ahain by a uarroR' maroratY, an of Canada (including Lha Mayer of what fl; lit. , anyway, and imaa Ines matter by any person unfit shoat an ILLLSTRATORS the most wonderful the seat will lika�ly go to the C onser- Clinton -and we grieve for hill), pa.rti- Y Y, g hour afterwards, when some lterson books published, native art in the ue;vr future. cularl when he is like] to he called things w is did not occur. She sand i t ,with information on party y Y belonging to the hotel who hate gone ever sub• ;`-•" oath Brant was the scene of per- on to defend his county of the a of Mrs. Ingles told her she had been ill- y jeer connected with the rais- • in found tile ear f allow 1 in S Y) g salted several times since r4sidence out behind p Y. g Ing' of poultry and containing informs- -- i he • 'us as f '"' sonaturs, bribers and pluggers find 18 or upwards said under 80. The total on his face in the .soon, J t tion worth hundreds of dollars. TIIE arrests were made. The Laurier party strength (of all ranks) is about 31.000. in Goderich of nearly ayear. After they hard fallen as he was corrin out of the .defeated Henry and elected Heyd..but The averago cost yearly Ira something left the post -office t ➢STs. Arrnsttou}; g POULTRY KEEPER is an astanisthe :her �% said Mrs. Ingles treated the matter closet door. He was at once taken and leads the world. polls for the k-,„ the last has not been heard of such like a million and a quarter dollars an- into the hoose, when it was found he iris, amen for the boys and retn- a('. disgraceful and. disreputable election nnatll a aura not commensurate with very lightly, laughing over it. K g Y P' was insensible. Medical aid was at turns For x11 who gat a few etlbscribers. �'' frauds. the importance of the Militia, llepart After luncheon Air. Bishop said lie once sent for and everything possible Two 1.,:.. ___ . - - -- .-- merit of n -Nation tike Canada, - . found -thatt they, btttLno- jurisdiction to - - yutiveib nt for sax months, at was done to revive him,-tutt�onscrous-_- twent. htc center affair, seeuree many On the whole theCouserrati�es made 7 investigate charge four, of Air. Camp- ness never returned and lie died about an honorable; and loyal fight against The other evening T>IE CANADIAN ball having purchased his position for one o'clock. The deceased 'was a of them, Every poultry raiser must ': over -whelming odds, The Conservative CLUB held a military entertainment at $80(1, so he would drop it. have the POULTRY KERPER, the con- ant -Hina years of age. 's,party will soon learn what they have }{avmiltou, when Lieut. -Col. Moore Yoan13 roan tw Y Y g tents of which may save or make you to fight against. spoke on "The Militia Force of Can- TAKEN IN PRIVATE. So far as is of the best lie ihwits inH the ell- hundreds of dollars, as this nionthly -Ian ada.' He gave facts and figures from The evidence of Miss Kate Dancey j y leads the world in valuable informa,- ^; THE 1tfILITIA YS, INCOMPETENT 18W to 1885 -Lha time when the North- was than taken in private. She said around town as usual on SaLurcLtY tion ;not to be had elsewhere for any CRITICS. west Rebcallion was fomented by the that last Julv she was writing a. post- night, just before going aut he ate it money. Sample copy free. 11, Grits, which cost Canada $70,223.12. card in the postmaster's private office hearty meal and scented to fns in his J` , � Breathes there a man with soul so dead, Mnjor Hendrie also gatvesome practical when he took liberties with ]tet•. He lienal health and spirits. It was a 5!''. lessons on the absolute Head of the had asked he'r to crone Inca the office, terribly sudden call, and shaves haw The writ for the St. Boniface bye- Whd to himself hath not said, true it is that "In the midst of life we election fixes February 13 for nomina- ;,' "This is rrry overt, my native land." Canadian Militia, instancing the sur- she said. Ill*render at Appoinmatox in 1885, and Richard Ingles, secretary of the Hen- are in death." Mr. Murray was a tion and the 20th for the election. To lock,the doors of the sacred home g , Prussia and Austria in 1888, Another derson bicycle factory, and husband of genial, poplar young man and was a The Prince of Wales attended last is a def#' 6d and protection from intru- speaker was W. E. Morrison, who gave the former witness, said lie would have universal favorite with all who knew Thursday night the dinner given in 71 tiers, rob] ors and murderers. some valuable points to your cotem• taken action against Mr•. Campbell hien. He was aclever musician, and his bonour lay Mr. Bayard, the United 11�To luck the business place is adefenae On the Defense of Canada he pointed only h'e'hud been prevented. On cross- ,, has frequently appeared at entertain- States Ambassador in Loudac. ctut : menta both in town and country. The The bill extending parliamentary against the hi hwa robbers and examination, he admitted that while g P y g" g Y "That the Welland canal is the key to Con- he had lost all esteem far Mr. Camp- last time he sang in public was at Lho franchise to women was read a second Pill who have no regard for the ado's eafoty. 'By the treaty of 1817 with Great bell he had received presents of fruit Farmers' Inatitnte at Brucefi¢ld a few time b a vote of 2 to 157 Thursday safety of the property of their fellow- Britain the United States bound itself to from him, and remained on perfectly weeks ago. His sudden death is a in the British House of Commons. y, maintain only one gunboat on Lake Ontario P Y severe blow to his mother and other rloau, and two gunboats on the upper lakes. As Can- friendly terms with him. relatives, who will have the sincere The words of the poet are a defense oda controls the canals and the outlet to the THE DEt rLNDANT'S STORY. .. lakes, the Americana cannot bring in an morn sympathy of the public generally. The , AP put, words which breathe loyalty war vessols in case of war, while Great f3ritain Mr. Campbell then took the stand on cause of death was apoplexy of t}te The ,!,. can swarm the lakes with guuboatsandtorpado , ■ �L1 L,ast Da, to, and a deep lore for, home and vessols, capture all tho American lake cities his own behalf, the case far, the prose- lungs. The funeral on Tuesday to 1 �e ' country. He who does not love his and destroyy the valuable merchant marine. cution having closed. He denied Miss the Maitland bank cemetery, was one Contrcf 'of tlbo lakes by Canada and Great Brit• Dancey's story from start to finish, and of the largest a ger seen in Reaforth, P__ home and country and protects it is sin wouintorevent o l American rmaueeeing said while the alleged; occurrence wits and testified the respect held for the` the not worthy the rtizenship which he gunbolts would cutoff their commnnicatione. gains on at the time she said, his deceased and the profound sympathy *11 c]aims and enjoys. l'he frontier between Port Arthur and the daughters, who are clerks in the office, which is felt for the family. He was Apropos of these remarks TIIE Rockies would have to take care of itself to were oil i few feet away, and would a member of that town band, also of some extent until an Indian army arrived, but y a NEWS -RECORD for the fortieth tithe in any event the capture and holding of the certainly have sewn it. The Ingles Lady Nairn Camp, Hens of Scotland, American lako cities would rectify any curve story he explained in thea way. IIe and the members of both orgaaizt>r calls attention to the fact that Canada tore of the frontier In the west at the close of had shown the two ladies through the tions attended in a body and marched i, the war. The Atlantic and Pacific fleets would has within her Borders some professing qtlard the flanks of the line at Esquimalt and past -office, and they were going out w the procession, preceeding the , 1i h Worth the name Halifax. Canada's reatost danger would lie 'the door together. As they both could hearse to the cemetery. The band A "Th D d M 61,; S•vvrl a d 1. � Albert Street, Clinton. l Established 1855. 1 i) - 1 if ingham. ORANGE. COUNTY OFFICERS. -The l I annual meeting of North Huron Coun- ty L. O. L. was held in Winghaul on ,k Tuesday, Februay 2r The meeting wet,, I i the largest and most harmonious in the history of the order in North Hui, - on. The officers were till re-elected by acclamation for the ensuing term, a4 follows:—W.Co. M n n at ., John D line,, dun , Corrie; W. D. Al., Jahn Wilford, Blyth; W. Chap., H. Perkins, Gorrie; W. Rec.-Sec., W. J. Fleutq, Winghain; W. Fin. -Sec., J. Mooney, Brussels; W. Treas., W. J. Greer, Gorrie; W. D. of G., Ben Gerry, Brussels; W. Lecturer, R..Owens, Belgrave, and W. McKee, Fordwich. V ACCIDENT.—Geo. J. Orr, who lives I with his brothers on the 8th concession 1 of Kinloss, fell down the stairway in I the Kent Block as he was coming i from Dr. Towlers' office on Wednes- j day evening and -struck his head again- st the door casing with such force as to cause concussion of the brain. Dr. Towler, who was in his office and who heard the fall, was on hand almost in- stantly. The unfortunate pian was catrried into Campbell's drug store and thence was removed to the Brunswick Hotel. His btothem was sent for and arrived sometime through the night. I Thursday morning the patient had ve- igained consciousness. V *1 -0 subjects w o are un Y ' For instance: Last week the New in the possibility of the Americans seizing the Welland canal at the outset ofhostilitteebefore Apart from that not get out at the lama time, he pulled Mrs. Ingles back to one side in P plAye a ea arc o ,a "Safe in the arms of Jesus" which ad- the Of our year closed on Saturday last with a Shoo Bargain Day that will be forgotten by those who tools advantage of the Prices offered. g fi Era (whose Editor is the O1tieP Ma is the British gunboats arrived. the treaty clause of 1817 is a practical guarantee the most frientily way. He had no re- Jeckyl Hayes ded to the solemnity of occasion. not soon And we are with another and in a few weeks with spring trate of Clinton) in dilating' on County of Canada's safety." And still we have professing Cana- collection of the and girl's charges, other than that he told -Y f now year business. We just want to say this week that in looping back on the I. Council matters Said:— dians advocating the abolition of our them they were nice Model school girls, Holmesville. �paet year we have no reason to complain. We are trying our best to "The council was requested to add 25c. a day to the pay of the volunteers while performing drill, and retuned to do so. In this Canadian and British militia -the only safeguard to Canadian and British In- g and may have placed his band on Miss Hayes' shoulder. In all the arties p NOTHS.-Airs. W. A. Lea Royd, of Windaory is visiting leer parents. -Miss make our store a modern and up to date one and a place where people daily tell have tiro annual the think they acted wisely. It would mean an stitutions. In times of war -and who had achIlsed him he said he had Ida Smith, of Clinton, spent a few like to deal at, and we aro meeting new people tubo us we for *' expenditure of about$1,200 to have complied The whoout to drill many of us will witness wars before not noticed any change in their de- days with her friend, Sybil Courtice. a fine Shoe Stock and our prices are perfectly satisfactory. We have with the request. men go uj underpaid, but it to Just a question we depart for a more happy sphere- I meanour towards him. Especially was Mi,, Fisher of Denver, paid a visit t0 , many months peat Seen preparing fora big Shoe Business for the coming are certainly if the knowledge and experience gained is in reality worth one cont. in our own opinion renegades of the present day will be called on to serve their country. One this the fact with Miss Dancey, who, he said, was on the most friendly foot- her friend, Mrs. Holmes, last week.- Miss E. Switzer, of the Clinton C. I., season and we feel safe in saying that out efforts in this direction will You o the government would be acting wisely it it tiro whole militia d,e artmen , and who in the service of their country, ing with him, and had been in his pri- least In sent Saturdayand Shewith Edith pp be fully rewarded by a bigger and better trade tban ever. will find better Shoo Stook anywhere and will on comparison of wipod out thus effected an annualsavin�g of�thousanda of dollars. We don't believe aInisterof Militia giveA voice to such utterances as not- q ed from our cotem, will be subject to ynte office ,it twice since. re- ference•to opening letters with which Telbbiitt. Mr. J. R. Holmes spent a few days iu Brantford, where lie pur- no you other stooks find the piiceaof ours in your favor. We appreciate every is needed ha this country, and we don't think the militaryepirit should be encouraged, but prompt court martial, the result of will rove a warning lesson to he was chargged, A4 r. Campbell said one far J.R. 1%clntosh lay in the post -office chased a span of horses and then drove ]tomo. Mre. H. Elfrnd visited Dell and every courtesy will be shown and prices freely given to those we do bellevc that the coarntry would be just as secure and Lappy without either, and can Ill which p rising and future go'nerations. for thirty days, then some one got it back -Air, and their son at Godericb.---On Saturday a who are looking around. We make new oust s ever da and if B Y Y a do no 1 anyway and sea s1� atrord the money ttrat is virtually waast,,ed in : • , this direction." The Militia Defense otCanada must Ile maintained. And the" pay of rural ]told of it, opened it, and threw into the receiver. Later on, when the very successful meeting of the share- holders of the cheese factory wits held you are not ane we want you, call will for yourselves, r The $1,200 our cotem mentions would Battalions should be increased. real owner got it, he accused the post- in the hall. The same directors web e have been well spent, because the Tan NEws-RECORD regrets the "sutiltlness" the new County Council ma®ter of opening it. The evidence of the man Saunders that Mr. Campbell re-elected, which proves that they are the right mail in the right place.- o money would have been spent at hours and our security would just have been than it will be. The of in this resp' et, ---- - said Cameron was not fit to represent the people the iritnesa denied with emphases. .He said he would have been Quarterly Board met Monday evening. a The special meetings will be continu' ed this week. JACKSON � JACKSON, • worth $1,2(10 more "the knowledge gained aged son f He a tthe er been d to hb — -_ '.- statement than i.s really not worth one cent" is casting MAlbert nSebrugh� a respected farm er of South Dumfries township, eom- also said had not inh salt busineiis for more tt�in a year, and he Among the passengers tubo sailed from Liverpool on board the , , .Fine Shoe Dealers reflections on our defenders unworthy mitted suicide Thursday whilo return- from Gwlt. He shot himself in fhb had merely boug-ft his son-in-law's marble business in order to'save it.tlreUharles Thursday were . Clinton, Feb. 3rd, 1897. any citizen. Our citizen solders merit the respect and support of every British ,Ing forehead With a revolver. His son-in-law tuns the business. and Lady Tripper.