HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1897-02-10, Page 3f� MUM MECTQR_Y �►x�ugc• -- WATTS & CO., 'Twas Heard Worn Fit � u1c#tt L. 0. L No. 710, CHEMISTS & DRUGGISTS teen Years Ago. r � O1_4INW40rq9 Great Northwestern Telegraph office, ` Monda • Hoots tnooab of ever i 3 J Albert Street, - Clinton. TO -DAY DIAUND DYES "TH O SQN OWN month. Hall g�nd flat, McKay brethren ^ _ _ bI made welcome. brethren alwa • w srMAKE ROME DYEING EASY. PUMPS! � Incorporated by Act of Parliament 1865. DR. J.S. FREEBORN, W. M. U JL. AS' r P. OANTELON, JR. Seo. J, P. SUEPPARD, D. IN It YOU want A drat-clasP, well- made pump, ore tha CAPITAL, - - $2,000,000 wul give yon satisfaction, Bond your oder to th Fifteen years ago the work of home ❑ndeimlg.ed, He will dig and olean wells and do it a REST, $1,400,000 �ti attt�e. the o,...at prions. He .leo hassles a flratomB dyeing waB just m its infancy. The FORCE PUMP. old-fashioned crude preparation" were `rLINTON Lodge, No. 84, A. F. & A. SI, meats P P ? Head OfliOe. - MONTREAL. I every, Friday, oa or after the moon. Vl.lt JAMES FF]RGU80N then In vogue, necessiating Inuch time l - J: H. R. MOLSON, President, lugbrethroncordlallvtnvitad and great expense, vvl•ile the results, ' IF. WOLFERSTAN THOMAS, GeneralManage�. A. J. HOLLOWAY, W. Mo. THOS. RUMBALL, 810, pposit Queen's Hotel High Street Uliuton, even with the greatest amount of Calle Clinton, Dec. 6, 1896. 809.11 Hever brought satisfaction. -- - - - --- - --- - The introduction of Diamond Dyes Notes issued, Sterling Collections made; Drafts �- I revolutionized home dyeing work issued, Sgerlinught American ex- - g' 0' T. M. Dont Build Without A Plaq completely. y change bought and sold. I p y. Diamond Des saved Kearns Tent No. 66, Kulghts of the Maccabees of 1 time and money to thousands of bus INTBIIIBT ALtewID ON DSPOtlITB the World. $1,000,$2,000 and 03,000 Policies. Mem• women, and at once became popular SAVINGS BANK. bership over 100,000. Aeaessmout prinolple-has In every family. never exceeded 19 assessments in a your. Cheapest Interest allowed on Burns of $1 and up. and 6064 In existence. Meets In Orange Halt, Clln- J. ADES FOWLER & CO. Each succeeding year found the Dia. _ ton, flrstandthirtlFriday o1 every month. I mond D es improved In color, brill - Architects and Civil Engineers y F'ARM�.IRi!3- -- Areo f' fancy and durability of shade. To -day Money advanced to farmers on their o gaoler COOK'S Ci FLOUR tc petll°g °pp rmauout op ce in Clinton and are they stand far ahead of till other dyes with one or more endorsers. No in a o re- V illi A7 p'rpao:ed to supply Plans, Specifications and details in every leading point, and are as pet. t quired ae security. y olnes of work at meet reusonablo rateP. fact as science can make thein. H. 0. BREWER, Mana�gier, ; & FEED STARE Patent Drawings prepared and patents obtained. December, 189a. lL1NTON. ' Vnlu.uensand lne inspections made. There are many imitations of Dia - Clinton. p } mond Dyes in the land, and many ,25 Years Exl)ei-ienceizi o?ttario. women are deceived daily when pur- G i�OfeTa art I BRAN and SHORTS in Large or chasing. In order to insure absolute G. D. gg Mail ,d.lrose-P. O. Bos 21.9, Clinton. success ill borne dyeing see that every Small Quantities, packet of dye you buy is inarked "Dia - BANKER OIL CAKE, LINSEED MEALS J. 0. STEVENSON, mond Dye.' ALBERT STREET, CLINTON. Io lbs. Choice Oatmeal for ane Bushel Furniture Dealer Ste. John S. McClelland, editor of the St. Oats ' Catharines Star, prints a challenge to d GENERAL BANKING BUSINESSTHE LEADING UNDERTAKER AND all and sundry learned men to meet TRANSACTED, D. COOK. CLINTON.hittl on the public platform and defend FUNERAL DIRECTOR. the modern idea. that the earth is 752 if _ round, which doctrine Mr. McClelland Opposite Town Hall, Clinton, Out .Votes Diswunted. Drajle Issued. proposes to attack, he holding to the OTICE. then, that the earth is flat. Aman Interesl Allowed on Deposita. HILLS1 FEED STORE, N�- needs a good deal of courage --or Nome - Clinton, Junelith, 1891 e68y thing else -to enable him to take the HURON STREET, CLINTON. There being some misunderstanding with re. Platform on that theory in A.D. 1897, gard to wreckage, let it be distinctly understood Full !X. that It any person takes possession of any kind '�' of wreckage and tails to report a me i shall at � 6 !I .�- T ----- Tho Best Early Seed Potatoes, and all once take prnd fall t Remember this is the i •8..� PRICE last warning 1 shall give, CAPT. WM. BABB. ®R. W. GUNN, kinds of first-class Clover, Timothy, Field Receiver of Wrecks, Goderich, -- R. C. P. tnd L. R. C, S., E(linb°rgh, OtHoe- and Garden Seeds, Ficur and Food Of all Goderich, Sept. 7th 1891. 'Cite dans of 15 cents a box for Ontario afro 1(ntntou, Nightcalla atfrontdoorof residence on FeA(aterbnry streerect, opposae Presbyter. m kinds. Closest living prices for cash, SALT pills are nubered. ian church. — in stock and for -sale, TEAS of the choicest The McKi/lop Mutual Fire Dr. Agnew's Liver Pills at 20 cents a i]R. TURNlBULL. l varieties still blends. Excellent value. vial are surer, safer and pleasanter HILL .& JOYNER, Huron Street, Insurance Company, to take. .i, L. Turnbull, M. B. Toronto Univ. ; M. D ; Clinton And are supplanting all others. All M., VietrimCub•. et C. P. d: B. out, ; ! e )f Farm and Isolated Town Proper- druggists sell them. of the obstetrical eocroty, of Edinburggh. Late �f "-`---'- - Dr.DLondon, Eng., and Edinburgh hoepit. Gales:- Central Butcher Shop. ty only Insured, Dr. Dowale}•'a eland, Ratte,ltiury dt, Night Calle answered at Office. -- Cure Constipation, Sick and Nor- - --_ —_ COUCH & WILSON OPP(CERS. vious Headaches, Dizziness, Lassitude, George Watt. Presldcnt, Harlock P. O.; James 11cattburn, Dyspepsia., Loss of appe- DR• SHAW, Subreribets desire to notify the public thatlhoy Broadfoot, Vice -Pres„ seal rill P. 0,; W. J. Shan• tite air(] till troubles arising from liver haveboughtont tho butohcAngbusiness lately con- InRp cloy. Trees., Beftfel'th P. O; Sllchnel Slurdio, Offlec-Ontario street o'ipoAto• English ducted by Dir. Jas, A. Ford, and will continuo the l°spootor of losses, Beaforth P. O, disorder—Sold by Watts and Co. church, formerly occu Pica by T, Appleton, same ander their personal supervision. Orders will DIRRCTORB, -! - _ have prompt and carerul attention. Fresh meats ofThe Church Club, Of Detroit, ;in James BI all kinds will be kept in Bannon, sold at reasonable roadtoot, Beaforth; M,rlinel M❑rdle, sea- lorth; George Dole, Seaforth; George Watt, Hnrlock Episcopal association, gave a banquet Jai S. Freeborn/ 1Vj•D , rates and delivered anywhere in town. Thomas E• 11sys,Seaforth; Alex Gardiner, Leadbury last week. The guest of the evening f ARTHUR COUCH, CRAG N. WILSON. Thomas Garbutt, Clinton; J(hn McLean, Kippen. and principal speaker was the Right j L. K. & Q C. P., I., 51.0 P, & S. O., &o., &o. CLINTON. AOBNTS. Rev, Philip Dumoolill, bishop Of Ni - Graduate (!rL! Graduate of Ii Ing's & Queen's College of Physicians, Thomas Neilaes, Harlock; Robert McMil a Ara. f DnWin, Ireland, Licentiate of the General Medical - tc Ian, Sca- The theme for discussion was: fff Council, Grant nritam. hlember of College bf CENTRAL BUTCHER ~S H 0 P rill and Jumee Cnmm(ngF, Fgmendv(Ile. How Far Should Religion Be Taught rhyslolwis acd Surgeons, Oatarlo. Formerly real. Parties desirous to effect insurance or trans- ill tile Public Schools? The bishop dept a toe R.Antida Hoepltal (Lying -11) and Gyn.. act other business will be promptly attend• said that all Christians agreed that the :o)oglca!), Dahl!n. Speotal nttont(On to diseases of FORD & MURPHY ed Ie on application to any of the above o9leers ad - s women audeh,ler•en. OAiceandresidence,Rattenbury dressed to their respective postomaes, ptlbliC sc 839-1y hools should do their' full duty St., next door to Ontario 86. methodist parsonage• (Successors to J. W„Langturd.) in the moral nod religious education of the youth- of the land. " Assuming Having bought out the above business, we intend ( oungorold)whosuffer b' _ to conduct it on the caph principle, and will supply from Nervous Debility that moral and religious instruction is �i tAtl fM•• our rices. ere with the best meats at the lowest pry. Sexual Weakness and necessary for our children," said he, 'R. (W ••a 1l. ng prices. MEN the results of self."thsn the lace for this to bP _FORD& MURPHY. IF Abuse, etc. will write p gin is in `t __ us confidentially a plain tht, public schools... The church people Dr. Bruce, Surgeon Dentist. — statement of their case, and promise to use our have tried to do this ditty through the LIVE HOGS WANTED. Remedy according W directions, we will send Chllt'Ch, but Nod that the.Children du _ prepaid by mall or express, a carefully p!epared course of Two Months' treatment not go to church and that the Sunday 1, a OFFICE -Over Taylor's Shoe Store, for which we will malce no charge if it fails schools have proved inadegnnte to meet Clinton, Ont, Special attention to pre- __ to cure. Avoid Yankee frauds and Canadian the demand." servation Of natquacks. Write ns at time for a Remedy which Is ural teeth, guar ntee,t to cure or cost nothing. ,( N. B• -Will visit Blyth every Monday, and Highest Market Price Paid. Address N. R. 5[. COMPANY, Lock Box 329 Wherever I go," said a returned (` Bayfleld every Thursday afternoon during the , Victon, Ontario, Canada. traveler from the West, I find THE IL - summer. D. CANrELON, Clinton. -- LUsTRATED BUFFALO EXPRESS." v93.tf. FOR TWENTY-SIX YEARS Thanks to tb,tt enterprising journal, R R, .Agnew, L. D. S., n• iia (t, Buffalo is the best advertised city in u 1J IJ 11 U IJ J. E. BLACKALL, DUNN)"S the country. _ - �- DENTIST. VeterinarySnrgeon AfrLrmedat.the decreasing population (., Graduate of Royal Collage of Dental Sur- of France, Premier Meline proposes geona of Ontario. Honor Graduate of Trinity and Veterinary Inspector. BAKINC that prizes $hould be offered for par- *. Univorsity, Toronto. B(3t Loed Anaesthetic Office oil Nome street next New Era office. enthood. f for painless extraction. Office opposite Town Residence, Albcrt St., Clinton. -` Hall, over Swallow's Sion. B. THOMLINSON, POW, TO CONSUMPTIVES. Night Bell answered. DER The undersigned, having been restored to Will visit Hensall ev r 7 , YETERINERY SURGEON THE COOK'S health by simple moans, after suffering for y tlonday and several years wit►, a severe lung affection, Zurich the 2nd Thursday cf each month Honorary Graduate of the 6ntarlo Veterinary Cel. BEST FRIEND and that dread disease Coiwuorpliou, is egc, Toronto.ILARGEsr SALE IN CANADA. anxious -t(3-- --make knbwii to his fellow Treats all lid scientific a lit Domacipl Animals on the sufferers the means of cure. To those s moat modern end Bcientific Principles. who desire it, he will cheerfully send ! PORI, Day and Night Calls P,onptlyAnswered. I (free of charge) a copy of the proscrip- tion used, which they will find a sure cure for -` Rosideneo-Iiattenbury Street, West, Clinton, Ont. Consumption, Aftthma, Catarrh Bronchitis �? G. CAMERON, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, �g and all throat and Lung Maladies. He hopes S Onnveyanoer, &,, Oflloc-corner I]amilto❑ and F. J M I LN � The undersigned offers to rent the splendid farm all sufferers will try his comedy, as it is invalu- I SL. Andrewe•ets-, opposite Colborne Hotel, Godorich. ' on the 9th con., H❑liett township, being the north able. Those desiring the precription, which i' ti88•tt VETERINARY SURGEON, halt of lot 36, oontaining 86 acree. Frame house, will cost them nothing, and may prove a Bless- h ( barn, stable and shed, young orchard hearing this ing, will please address, y ' IIas returned to Clinton and hag his office at year, a creek running through the farm all the year Rev. EDWARD A. WILSON, Brooklyn, New uu O. HAYS, Barrister, Solicitor, &c. Office, corner the Queen's Rotel, Victoria Street. All calls round, A desirable term for stock or grain, being York. t R - North Street and Square, near Registry Office, (lay or night, will be promptly attended to. only six miles from the fawn of Clinton. Apply to Goderich, ]Ke, Ont, a7, 94O -t1 MRS. JANE DODSWORTH, or JOHN FO1tD, LPY Money to lend at lowest rateeotinterest. QQ — Holmeaville. 927 tf Sir Donald A. Smith, the Ganadain J. SCOTT GUO Trowhlll Ilii;h f five hundred has donated the t sum of five hundred lqunds to the ' ' 1 D. L. MACPHERSON, Indian famine fund. Barrister, ¢c., Horseshoer and General ' Blaok- CONVEYANCING, Neuralgia ELLiOTTts BLOOK,- - - CLINTON. smith, FIRE, LiFF AND ACCIDENTINSVIIANCF. sforp is the prayer of the _ nerves for pure blood. Hood's Sarsap- arilla y Honey to Loan, Albert Street, North, - Clinton. MONEY TO LOAN, is the One True Blood Put ifief i __ and nerve builder. - JOBBING} A SPECIALTY. Office, SlacKay Block, Clinton, 948.2t. e E - CAMPION, Q. C r woodwork ironed and first close material and _ The London election trial was ad - work guaranteed; farm Implements and machines journed on Saturday till February S. p BARRISTER, - - - SOLICITOR., reituut and repaired. Property For Sale. a THE CHILDREN'S ENEMY. NOTARY, tstl,, A CHANCEYORGARDENERS, Scrofula often Bh0\V8 Itself in early f Goderich, _ Ottt. Card of Thanks• In consegnenee of my age and lack of help, Ihave ]Ifs and is characterized by swellings, a _ decided to offer for sale my splendid gardeningg pro• , e Office -Over Davis' Drug Store. MOocy to 1011°. party consisting of Ave and a half &area in O11ntoD, abscesses, hip diseases, etc. LOnsum - TO MY MANY PATRONS: some of the beat land In the county of Huron, inmud. tion is scrofula of the len s. In this s ins hot bode and other necessary ro uirementB, g M• 0- desire to tender my sincere thanks There Is on the prem(eos a frame house with ecllare class of diseases Scott's Emulsion is h JOHNSTON,f soft and hard water, barn end other outbuildings unquestionably the most reliable medi- al BARRISl''ER, SOLICITOR for the very liberal patronage accord" Th. Bevfioldriver adjoins the property. Winsellat cine. ed ale in the past and t0 inform the a reasonable price for half cash and balance secured W C by mortgage. As I desire to ab11, this is a chance COMMISSIONER, ETC, public that I am still in the Carpet eolaom met,0,'1 Apply The annual meeting of the Ashfleld p pp y personally or by !otter to T G}oderieh, ral Ont. Alreaving Business On I+:9Bt Street, the proprietor, JOSEPH ALLANSON, Societtyt,lwhiich was held at osh Branch Dungannon Office -Cor. Hamilton and St. Andrew's Ste. Goderich, next the Bicycle Factory, 894-1 f. r1HnEon recently, was fairly well attended by ph Personal and mail orders will as usual -- - the members, which evinces the inter - W. BRYDONE,, receive prompt attention. All classes est taken. The following -offleers were cl of work a specialty, at the lowest e" Miss Susie McMath, youn est daugh- appointed for 1897: Henry Morris BARRISTER - SOLICITOR. p y' � ter of Mr. Win. Mc•Math, Dungannon, was, for his efficient services as presi- r sible prices, and satisfaction guaran- wentouton Saturday morning"week dent, re-eleeted; J. H. Alallough and It NOTARY PUBLIC, t�c , Eeed, for a pail of water. The platform of B. J. Crawford were re-elected as first to the pump being unsound the youn and second vice-presidents respective- yr OFFICE BEAVER BLOCK - CLINTON. W. A. Ross, East Street, lady fell through it, into a 00 foot well ly; the hoard of directors in composed n 817 -If GODERiCH. with 1(I feet of water in it. As she did of: T. E. Durnin• H. Girvin, Win. _ not return, one of th6 household went Bailey, Wm. Cameron. R. Medd, T. "alle" TO THE FARMERS. out to see what wits wrong. She was Garvie, R. Glen, W. Fisher, Paul Reid; y to wend. seen clinging to the frame of the pump. Wm. McArthur, secy., he bas acted in -- --- - = _ - Study your own interest and go where Ropes and ladders were obtained and that capacity with efficiency for about `. ANIto lend In large or Bman sums or good }'oe can get Mi88 AlcMath was rescued. At last twenty-five years past; J. M . Roberts, 111 mortgages or personal security at the lowest D �((.,,jj n p reports she wits getting along nicely. who has acted as treasurer for th;rty current calor. H. ![ALE, Iluronet. 011nton• Reliable Harness• — sears, tendered his resignation, but we Yv 1 IRU/lIV have not been infurrned whether it Money. I manufacture none but the BISTOF STOCK. For Over Fifty Years was or was not accepted. The society Money I0 lend On good see°rlty at f ands Betearr, ojshops that sell chimp, as they have got Cdr Call and et rices. Ordar• MRS, WINSLOw's SOO•rnma SYRUP bas been is hopeful that good Success will oc the ?' + cent. AnplytoC. RIDUU'r, Albert st.,Ulinlun, per D 8 d result, of its work in 1897. The society 8512 et-�- by mail pronplyattendod to nand by millions of mothers for their children while teething. It disturbed at night and is to be. congratulated on its flnanc•ilLl a" 17; TN �' � g J r J broken tit your rest by a Sick child eafierinBg success in being able to pay the prigo and crying with pain of Cuttingg Teeth send int list cornplete, which other societies, ® Cantelon �ros HARNESS 'E}IPOIIIU51, BL V TII, ONT Once and got a bottle of "Mrs. Winalow's sooth. ing Syrup • for Children Teethhig. It will re- we are informed, are unable to do. p� hove the poor little suflorer immediately. De- E3ERAI. GROCERS LYS PROVIS- GO TO THE pend upon It. motherR,there i8nomigtakoabout Asli OUC ro - it. It enroR Diarahon rOgulates the Stomach Y g ccir tar Union Slavin Parlor Gad ms, reduces euros fad Colicssoftong the ION MERCHANTS. 3 Gama,reduhe wholeInflammation, and'tvostonoand energy to the whole eggtom, rR WilSlow'S Gr6ckerJ Glass & Minaware Soothing 111 for children teething to ion- For first-class Hair -Cut ting Sant to the trate and is the prescription of ono fol I and Shaving, of the Oldest and beat fomalo h ALBERT ST., CI�INTON, 011 T. R• P yaicians and nvrsOR in the United States. Price twentyflve plc H i hest Cash Price for Butter and Eggs conte a bottle. Sold by all druggists through" lei K gB Smtlh'g block, opposite post OIfice, 011111011 out the world." BeAure and ask for "MRS. " • 762.1y J. EDIERTON, Proprietor. WINSLOw's SOOTIIINo SYRVP. I l'or'1'able»: d I11Iry,Pttrost and Best • LIFE 16 TOO SHORT. I doa't want a sweetheart s.whose up In the Rat ergaemaid will, the khrdlleat heart, I won't have a prude whose d -:rounding apologies, Give mo a girl who can take her own I'll be her grammar and teach her lover alphabet - That's all the learning my pupil wn crave a fig'for the 'ologies, teare and apol• ogloal Lite IB to short to pretend to be Crave HOW HE LOST HER. 1►[r. Hanford'e Unpardonable Soleclelnr Bit Ills lrlaneee'a Ilorue. "NO, Ge-ge," said Miss Melton• after the old folks had wttl,drtown from the I am sporryrthatI cannotleft the beyours, It breaks my heart, but something has occurred to -day that I can never forgive, and even if I could do so I know that mother would be unw111ing to over- look it. I". Hanford, says the Cleveland Leader, had but recently become en- gaged to the beautiful Agnes Melton, and her patients had Invited him to Warier that day for the purpose of in- trodueing Ill- to some of their near relatives. Glad indeed he had been to accept their 'hospitality, for the fare at the board ing-houee was not of the dwindled down Into and he had tthe welter -weight class, though he had begun at 160 Pounds, stripped. For a moment after his stvveetheai t teatred sPeaking the Yawns man sat as Sf dazed and gazed at .het• in help- less amazement. When he could com- mand his voice he asked: - "Is this some cruel trick? Dearest, do not keep me in suspense. In my present debilitated condition it might be fatail," "Alas!" she replied, "I never was more in earnest. We must hence- forth pursue divergitlg ways," She had recently graduated from the Women's College and could hurl solid chunks of English with a force that was indeed hard .upon the teeth of an opponent. And you say," he asked, "that this sudden determination upon Your part to due to something that has occurred to -day?" "Yes -something that you did at the table." The perturbed lover permitted his thoughts to revolve backward. What awful breach of etiquette had he com•. mltted, or w•ha.t fearful blunder of speech had he made? He had called for only three different suTgAIees of turkey, so that eauld not, of course, have queered him. He remenvbered distinctly that he had eaten his soup out of the side of the spoon, and that he had used his nankin after every mouthful. But, stay! How a,boutt the olives? No, they were not at fault, for he had the stones in hie vest poc- ket. What, then, was the dread,f'ul thing that had ha-ned? He thought wf ever•vth.ing 'he had said, and could remember no word that he would care to have unspoken. The mystery was beyond his ken, and at lenirt.h, in trembling, eager tones, he again ask- ed th,- lovely girl to relieve him of his dreadful susnPnlie." '`Inwly and delihP,rn;tely she repied: "The first thing you did when von that dmvn wo., to take your nla•te and wipe it orf with a earner n? the tatble- cloth! Tbis Is not ,a• b-arding house or a •hnt<.1, air! Toro Insvltt. can never be atnn"I frnr. P1Paae ha sere that You get the right hat and overcoat as Y011 naR.0 out." "t•.'rirPr,q nnnm m th P ( c• There are thousands of sickly school-nirls al! over this broad land th it z:e dragging their way tl2rouiah school -life who might enjoy that abundant life which be- longs to youth by simple at- tention to hygienic laws and ! a proper course of treatment.. with Scott's Emulsion. This would make the blood rich, the heart-beat strong; check that tendency to exhaustion and quicken the appetite by strengthening the digestion. Our book tells more about it. Sent free. SCOTT & BOWNE, Belleville, Oat. K�01 N S il,ian _• iff- T:tE r!NE:T TEA (n T:it V-(onLn Trm. A raoM THE TEA PLANT TO THE TEA CV 63 IN ITS NAVVE PURITY. "Monsoon" Teals put up by the Indian Tra growers as a sample of the best qualities of I,id(nn Te.ts, Therefore they use the greatest care in Il:o selection of the Tea and its blend, that is why th,-y put it up thenigdves and sell it only in the p tckages thereby securing its purity and excellunre, Put up in % lb., r lb. and g Ib. packages, turd never sold in balk. ALL GOOD GROCERS KEEP I t•. If }'uur (r,,.cer does not keep it, tell him to write IV STEEL, HAYTER & CO. A and 13 Front Street East, Torontm 6y 50 YEARSO EXPERIENCE. 1 � TRADE MARKS, DESIGNS, COPYRIGHTS &o. Anyone sending a sketch and description may quickly ascertain, free, whether an Invention is probably patentable. Communications strictly confidential. Oldest agency forsecuring patents in America. Ave have a Washington office. Patents taken through Munn & Co. receive special notice. in the SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, beautifully Illustrated, largest circulation of any ��sclentlflo journal, weekly, terms MOO War; 6■T�1.50 six mon be. Specimen copies and ND Dana ON PATENTS Sent free. Address MUNN dk CO., 361 Broadway, New York. e a s nt m ndnems! hP mVttPrPd and a mnmpnt la(Pr the to twice than are right balance. my returned ed oraere what Ir Uhat always u.rther vemybody non hat, hla, eplied eiw Gran' 8 - • _- Tl.e Baby's Christening Itobe, lower 1I(rhta in the Melton mansion "The christening robe is usually of were extinguiQhed, the finest mull and trimmed with. real Valenciennes lace edging, but one of The Beet Make, fine nalnsook with hemstitched hem, "What are you talking about?" said front of machine -made Valenciennes Sprocket, contemptuously. "In the insertion and nainsook embroidery, ftrst place, mine fo at least half tie m yoke to correspond, makes a very ounce lighter than yours, and yet dainty and serviceable affair," writers fitted for heavy roachn bettertbe Emma M. Hooper in a practical ax- "RublAsh!" retorted Toecl.lp. "Geared tide an The Layette," the same pitch as yours. I can get January s' Ho Ladies' Horne Journal. "It . "It the speed out of mime with less may be made as follows: Take two half the work.". the lengths I of flne lawn, thirty-six inches "That is true. But even lY it have wide, costing about fifty cents a yard; a three inch hem hemstitched and were, with one tare busted, where would you be? I can repair bath of a ruffle of three-inch Valenciennes mdne in 1 mdnute, 37 seconds." lace; whip this to the lower edge. Gath- "So could I. But I never had to, el• to a short, square yoke, opening it Milne wont bust, any way." in the back. The yoke should be made "You never took yours where of stripes of lace insertlon and nain- yen -liable to. You don't dare to. The Book ruffle ezrilsreddery and edged with 'L of lace, the neck being finished lightest jolting would throw yours out of balamee." with a ruffle of narrower lace. Cover, Balance! What do you know about the front with alternate crosswise Why, I can take mine, turn rows commencing of lace and embroidery insertion, them at the h0ai twenty t upside down, and-" "Excuse me," said -the (stranger, who inches wide and tapering, toward the ad been looking on, but mlghi I ask top of to a width of six inches; a rutho lace down each side. One on gentlemen what the trouble is?" sleeves seam gathered in to the armholes Well," said Sprocket, "I am trying and at the wrists, where there is a o show this idiot the superlority of band of insertion and ruffle lace. Of wheel over brio," Which the blamed fool cannot do," three-inch edging lace eight yards, of narmvv half a yard, and of lace and Toeclip, "for the reason nainsook insertion six yards of r-ach. hat-" One yard from the neck to the lower "Gentlemen., gentlemen," Interrupt- edge is amply long for a dress, many the stranger, raising his hand; in being only thirty-three inches, a9 it to settle this little difficulty, has been decided unhealthy for the would you say if I were to show baby to be burdened with any extra ou a wheel that beats both of yours weight." fits?" "You can't do it," said both the nribatants at once. Pleasant Exercise. Watt a minute; yes I can. I calf reduce before You a wheel that is Stern Father-"V4fiat were those bsolutely perfect In every way; one peculiar noises I heard down here last never requires cleansing, yet Is ill ht? Did you and young Comeback bright; one that you can travel uncork any of my beer bottles?" on, Lf you know how, than were Demure Daughter -"No, papa, we just going through some labial nyth.ing else In the world; one that cxerclses." reoogmizes as the beat as as they see it; one that you knave . Stern Father -"Oh! I suppose these ow to use as soon as you get Lt; one new educational fads must have their when it gets old and wofn, can ways be changed for a new one it'hout any discount." '- "What make?" yelled Sprocket and oeclip in a breath. REMARKABLE CASES "Well, they make them to Philadel- Washington and San Fran- Chronic Invalid• Raised from Their sick se0•„ The name of It," roared both bley- Beds After Givirg Up (lope. lsts, trembling with agitation. London, Ont, -,fleury R. Nicholls, 170 "There is no particular name to it," Rectory street, catarrh ; recovered- Dr. the stranger, "unless you call Chasa's catarrh cure. 2oc. -but, here, gentIpTnen. I'li show it Markdale-Geo. Crowe's child, itching you. The greatest w1heel in the eczema ; cured. Chaso's Ointment. orld. Knawn as the cartwheel!" And he took from his pocket a brand ler, Truro, N.S.--H. H. Sutherland, travel - silver dollar. -New York Journal. pilee--very bad case; cured; Chas,'o Oju'.ment. 60c. He Looked It Any way. Lucan-R-m. Branton, ,gardener, plu worms ; all gone. C'hase's Pills. L'Amable--Peter Van Alien, eczema fol three years, Cured. Chune's Ointment. Gower Point--Robano Bartard, dread 1111 itching piles, 30 years. Well again; CLaWs Ointment. 008. Meyersburg-Selsun Simmons, itching Piles: cured. Chase's Ointment. ` hlatone--Geo. ]lichardson, kidney and N' e liver Rufferer; better. One box Chaso'n I Pills, 25c. +', Chosley-11. Wille son, crippled wild, rheumatism and suffering from diabetes„ completely recovered, Chase's Pills. lifatchard Township -Peter Taylor, kid- _ r - .w I ney trouble, 30 yearn; cured. Chase's Pil It. 23c. smear Cra•u'iord Toromtc-\tats if -ICC Delano,}•, 174 street, Suld'et of colds. parpcUutl (tiered by (")t^((P'a Syrup of Ual- P o Fulli P P-Whaffor yo' fool Reed and Turpoutjale. 25 centR. kanninnies Pullin' yo' gran'fadder's tar .bonel way'! McHbe yo' flak Fail&1110:•, Dr. Chm agP'g reedieR aro sold by all w1r p,h Hdmnnsoll, llatea & ('o., manu- faclurers, Toronto, I r