HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1897-02-10, Page 2a:
"Hettyl' she put out her hand; GLENELLTS MYSTERY.
"Hetty! What to It ?"
thr odd-looking foa'elgner pawed
through the then o4qlen slay and dist
aPRetlTed in thq Gletu !'hat night
ed ground, and that she was under
the magic spell, When Charley King 1,
the girl flung:oft her touch.
' Ghostq, indeFd! The Idea of Peo-
tihocic as of earthquake was felt, and
course. Why had she been so stupid
As GentldinQ's cont,panion ceased
She raised her face, and Geraldttle
pile in thdo age beliering 1n such utter
People who passed neat elle forest
Woman. And Mr, Edgewater, you
speaking ]ie ]p'oked up from the road
at kris feet, and his eyes fastened their
Duer started, Hetty had a vulgar•
and lnsign!fipant prettiness, but it was nons�Itse! It in too ridloula tsl"
heard strange and unearthly cries.
Frotrt time to time these strange
�� � � � � � RU.i � ��
young schoolmistress recalled In a
all obliterated now to tite exprerslan Thera was scarp in Miss Rathsby`a
1 �Mr/ �+
mute apgeal hit h@r face. The sun was
voice and ln,every feature of her gree-
Shocks 'Were repeated, The man was
pusahble for me to be happy married
setting- the sl atmosphere was
that distorted her small features,
"Let ty face as she spoke these words.
never seen again, and it was sup-
For X,tpns and New Year's Trade.
flll0d with a reddish .glow that struck
me be," she panted, let me be! Her companlon, Charley King, a young
posed that he was murdered,"
marvel to me that you should be con-
uPtin toe cleat' pallor of the girl's
I hate you, Miss Geraldine Duer. Yes, dull engineer, was amused, Judging
"Olt! and is that all?" asked Miss
Cr 1;>:LS. Uls3 Rai9�ps ..8 The
the@tis and turned her beauty into a
I do ! If he'd gone into the woods
by the smile that came and went be-
Rotbsby, In a disappointed tone,
for $1.00. lfeadquatteis'for PEAS and SUGARS.
cart of lurid radiance. was one of
after Jerry Tradd, to save him, and
fore he made answer, in a halt Booth-
The authorities considered It
tle corner of the earth. I should have
other needs were I a man, and to
those moments in which a woman's
if he never comes back alive, what
Ing, half apologetic tone—
enough, and resolved to render the
CROCKERY, CHINA, GLA`S.WARE and LAMPS, we have to make room
countenance burns Itself Indelupon
the memory of the man who loves her.
will it be to you 7 You don't care
fur him, or nothin' but your own self! Ah, now, don't you think you ars
a little severe upon my townsfolk and
Glen as inaccessible as erl. For
rsst root
aught I know yours is the first
for our Tnlportud Xmas and New Year's Go. de and have to reduce our
And Terence Edgewater was the type•,
But you hln talk with him, and walk
their pet idiosyncracy? You know a
that has stepped within it for forty
prices. Call and see our Goods and get prices. Good Butter, Eggs and
of who loves forever. Geraldine
with him, and make him love You—oh,
I tut,h two days ago oil the bodies is which one is very and brought
I have
Dried Apples taken as CAS Ii.
Duer knew it. But, then, what cared
, seen you is a part his very nature,
must say, then, that you
and then folded
breast. • ' I have realty been stifling
she for such matters? How very
load down by Watts'. I seen him talk- ce es-
!n most cases without quos-
Lost more than you can Imagine, and
Cash Paid for (Food Butter and Eggs.—.
foolish for any plan to address her In
in' to you, and I seen the look In his tion o reasoning. A few of our old
I shall try to atone for Your neglect
I have been hese, and never once have
the strain to which she had just Its-
face. And It's your fault if he don't I
kee�r for them as can 'predate what men, I think, claim to have seen and
of the loveliest spot on srarth."
So answered the wilful beauty; and
J. W. Irwin, Clinton.
I been ab.e to eihow :myself as I truly
am! I wonder if all the good people
heart} solpething very extraordinary
he be!"
way arid the sweet perfume of the
forest pervaded the air as their• light
"Marty?" she said, with curt im-
In the Glen years ago -before my time;
to the Glen she went thereafter as
way that irritated the pretty philo-
patience and a haugihtier poise of her
In the tumultuous flow of her jealous as for the rest of us, I suppose not
often opportunity allowed, declar-
saying and
face- rose 'before her. Hetty loved him
--- - - - -- -Y- - - - =
beautiful head, "Never, Never! It's
anger Hetty's language lapsed from its half a dozen have ever been there;
I Ing to herself, as she eat upon the
not my dacdre to love any man. I re-
profandly that I never have
acquired elegance into the vernacular
most natural to her. But her meaning
we simply Ignore the place."
"That is exactly what I supposed,"
green sward drinking in the beauty of
her surroundings, that it was enchant-
loved any and that I aim not likely
ever to love any. I wish to be, and I
was clear enough to Geraldine. Hetty
in love nvith Terence Edgewater ? Of
returned Miss Rothsby, triumphantly.
"Those antediluvians who sit, rain or I
ed ground, and that she was under
the magic spell, When Charley King 1,
We have decided to sell out our outire Stock of Crockery and Glaraware
Intend to be in all particulars a Nelw
course. Why had she been so stupid
shine, In front of hotels and saloons, i
came he was a willing escort, and so
this utonth as we propose giving up keeping those lines. Intending
Woman. And Mr, Edgewater, you
as not to see It before ? The haughty
tell their stupid vagaries over and I long as she was by his side, what did
purchasers will Bed the prices vary low as the must be sold.
must not take it amiss if I tell you
young schoolmistress recalled In a
over again until they come to believe matter where they went?
that 1t would be, of all things, im-
flash a hundred small signs that would
them true, so make others believe," The picnic by moonlight had been
Groceries also at Close Cut Prices, - Terms, Cash or Produce,
pusahble for me to be happy married
have disclosed Hetty's secret to one
"Perhaps you are right; but that a long -talked -of plan among the peo- �
to a country clergyman It is only a
less 'blindly self-absorbed than her-
does not alter the tact that the Glen ple of the village. The selection of
marvel to me that you should be con-
bears an evil reputation, and yve are the place was left to these two visit-
AgeLt for the Kolona Teat,.
tent with so narrow an horizon, witih
Geraldine threw a light scarf over
all familiar with the blood-cirrdling ors, and they had chosen the haunt -
so stunted a life in this forgotten lit-
her .head and went to the end of the
stories of deeds said to have happen- ed glen. Friday was the night ap-
tle corner of the earth. I should have
other needs were I a man, and to
village street and beyond. There she
stood,with her face towards the woods.
ed there-" pointed.
"It seems to me they can easily be The sun had not yet set behind the
����� a'FURNITURE -�-189'7
me such lack of ambitlon is despicable!
Groups of anxious villagers were about
explained. Doubtless when this coun- distant mountain top when doors here
See! I am frank, aan I not? I suppose
I shock ytu? But I mean to speak out
her, and some of the men had ventured
as close as they dared for the smoke
try was new the Glen was the ren- and there throughout pretty Ellen -
dezvous for ruffians and outlaws; se- dale opened for the gay picnickers to I
We have started the New Year with as fine a line of Furniture as you wish '
for once! (Ihr'' atr;t► drew a long 'breath,
to the woodland. The wind had died
eluded, almost inaccessible for those sally forth. Merrily they set out, fol
To lowed by kindly wishes. Mer -
to see and at prices that will astonish you for cheapness. All our goods are
suddenly hrew out her graceful arms
them tightly over her
completely down. The people had lost
present fear for themselves. But there
who met there to be surprised. anxious
doubly secure 'themselves they circu- rily they trooped through the village i
warranted to give ealisfaction and we extend to you an invitation to call and
and then folded
breast. • ' I have realty been stifling
was another fear, common to each one
fated horrible tales, raised a Yew streets with jest and laughter, while
inspect our lar'Lle stock of BED ROOM• SUITES, PARLOR SUITES, SIDE•
in this little hole, I think! One year
of them naw --the fear for the young
ghosts, and made occasions to im- curious eyes peeped at them from be -
hind blinds or open doorways. But
I have been hese, and never once have
minister, who had labored among
ahem, width -cant enough recognition,
pose thorn upon the credulous early
settlers. There is the case in a nut-
when they entered that distant path.
I been ab.e to eihow :myself as I truly
am! I wonder if all the good people
for the past bwo years.
shell.” I
Charley his head in a doubtful
way arid the sweet perfume of the
forest pervaded the air as their• light
CHAIRS OF ALL KINDS, when we know the can please you in quality and
about here really .think that to be a
all love lilm—all!" Geraldine
kept to herself, Hetty's
way that irritated the pretty philo-
feet pressed the carpet of pine needles,
village scf,oal ma'am is the very top
and aulmlnai ion • of.• all my dreams?
saying and
face- rose 'before her. Hetty loved him
'Very but
the Jest died aiway, the laughing teas -
ed, and their voices had a hollow
I wonder 'f they think that, as I sit
not only alone because he was good
and noble, and walked a steadfast
well put, Miss Rothsby,
there are certain things—"
sound. Fear seized upon them; each
p .
i(i the stuffy ittle schoolroom teaching
Tom )im and Betsy Jane to cipher
path, true to his calling, but because
"Nonsense!" she broke in half
had a strong desire to turn back, but
Our Undertaking Department is complotoin every respcet and as we purchase from first clay:
3n all branches as we have
only, wo can guarantee to glue good satisfactioneand
and spell I am leading' the life that
the touch of his hand was happiness
laughingly, half angrily, "I know you
are to say something stupid i
shrank from the ridicule of his fel-
lows. Then the spasm passed, and in
p P
an Undertakecturersr
an Undertaker and Embalmer of fifteen coats experience and an orders Ave may be favored
shall receive the very best attention. )5on't forgot the h'air's
suits me best? Dear met" She laugh-
Her flashing eyes, her
to her, because the glance of his fine
dark oyes made her tremble.
and old -fashion and I will not per-
low voices they talked of little mat- i
old stand near 112111.
ed scornfully.
face were set toward
"Better go in and sleep, Miss Duer,'•
mit it. The robbers are dust long
tern in the village. I
When the
P. S. Night and Sunday calls will be attended to by calling at our Mr. Jno. Pow•ell's residence
white, glowing
the lurid sunset. She did not look
at her companion. When he spoke she
said one man with rough kindness.
"We're in no danger for tonight,
ago, and the ghosts and terrible deeds
vanished with them, you ma,y be sure;
for such a palpable
the exquisite beauty of
Glen burst upon their view all other
thoughts were dispelled, and the ner-
'y� s� //''�� �''p�
B1 & Co,
started, at if returning from afar.
We're only stayln' nip for the minis-
yet have your all,
in oblivion the most
vous reaction of their groundless ter-
oadfoot, ',.fix
�� \J�l y
"And what the future that you
Geraldine turned slowly. Sleep! No;
imposture, buried
romantic and beautiful spot on earth.
ror made them doubly merry. Hun-
!picture to yourself, since you wish not
life, filled with
there would be sleep for her that
Fie upon you young men, to let such
dreds of lanterns gleamed faintly in
to lead the peaceful
the performsnce of —t e! duties that—
so I think at least—the Maker elves
night, she felt. s When she was rd a
Harmono stings she heard a
a state of things continue!" the fading twilight from the trees and
"But what can we do about St? We I vines on wither side, and the grand
were taught to respect the opinion ala cal[ which barred the entrance
us as His choicest blessing T'
g atas.
great shout, and on winged feet, scarce-
ly knowing what she did, she retraced
of our elders, and have done so." Iwas fairly covered faith them. The
Terence Fdgewat r spoke slowly
and It's delicate face -the delicacy, the
her way da;vn the village street, The
"That's all very well; 1!ut respect first glimpse at the fair of the
bl carried too Par?" night," as her silvery disc rose above
spirituality o2 the fine features had
men who had one to the ed
g edge of the
can �
"well, ~hat do you scantly. "asked the tree tops, was the signal for a
Opposite the Town Hall.
always seemed effeminate to the Irnpa_
wood had cane back, running in ad-
Charley, a trifle impatiently. � song, half chant, half roundelay, that
tient, im,p�rious temper of Miss Ger
Vance of the minister and old Tradd,
crying that both were safe! How had
"That the Glen be thoroughly in had been composed for the occasion,
Fr"I �%'-• ���0e'o�� I
Ine Duer—had a strange, new
vadedaby Just let the place be ell and as the young people heard In the
upon It. But the girl was too absorb-
he done it ? How had he dragged the
helpless leaden body out of the Jaws
waded by merrymakers, and the spell pride and strength of their youth,
? � • A Splendid line of Saskatchewan
ed to see, or Dare.
iv Ill be broken. Once known it will their faces upturned, their rich, sweet
y •
"A future of Indeapendence," she
of death ? It seemed a miracle until
become famous, so people will came
voices fillip the dying day wAh
g g
lin" •
il Lobes—three colors—light
cried, "of travel and self -culture and
Terence Edgewater assured them that
from fax and near to see it." I
melody, one would have said,
tlpr h.
O b
n L11N
self-improvement! A future in which
he had been in no such peril as they
"It may be all just as you say.' re-
Miss I2.othsby! Surely no restless,
• and dark brown and black--
I shall knqiv the cleverer and elle );Peat
life in deep,
thought, for the fire had not reached
the little clearing where the but stood.
sponded the young man.
unholy spirits can abide here longer.
The magic of our innocent bravery
:� O
e qua �lty equal t0 �lidlt�al0 an(l
of the world. and drink
rich drawght4! In wh,ioh I shall round
be some
"But you are hurt, all the same!"
Terence started. The voice was that
"Bunt you forget the flowers.
and your pure voices must exorcise
told me the on the first day of your y
them far evermore."
t .
® i�l'1C0S tl'fid0 wlnnel'a, i
? O
out my own personality and
one, someth ng! Can a women do
of Geraldine Duer.
"Hurt!" he said, confusedly. And he
visit to the Glen you broke ablood-red
blossom from its stein, when a There was to be dancing until nine
o'clock, when supper would be served,
�, •
0 Goat and Galloway Pobe$
these things when she is married ?
stream of red fluid trickled from the
Once in a thousand times, perhaps. I
put his hand to his head. Then,
stalk, and the flower became white. and afterwards more dancing if they
Sizes and
cannot, I will not be tied down to the
excitement and the tension over,
? chose; but the parents had insisted
How do you• account for that,"
--... ;, ; , e h rices.
hum-drun.." She turned abruptly on
realised what had befallen him.
He had as he struggled to the edge
"I don't try to account for it. Who that the young folks should be at
; home by eleven, and Mrs. Gray had
Our special make of SINGLE HARNESS has gained a superior reputation
ber heel. "But there! Let us go back
of the wood with his burden, received
can explain the vagaries of nature?
sub- ; Pro for them by virtue of her
Foe• neatness, durability and lowness of price. Tealn liarness always in stack
to 'the village. I have Tom's and Jim's
and Berty Jane's copybooks to correct
a blow from a falling branch. As 'he
took h[s hand from his head 1t was
One flower, stem exudes a milky
stance, and then a red fluid, a third
The ons fire lighted on a great
or made to order.
--as a first step towards the magnifl-
independence of I have
wet with blood, He tried to walk on, ,
pure water. All are equally wonder-
ful and Incomprehensible. It is ab-
p was ,
flat stone near the oak tree, and to
, , , , , ,
cent yihich
been talking so grandiosely."
but he staggered, then he was consc!-
surd to be affected by a phenomenon
show its good fellowship crackled in I
and VALItaES.
She laughed, but it was not a mirth- I
ous that one of the men had caught
him in his ari s.
just because one da'sn'L understand the most cheerful way, while its cud
dy glow threw into brighter relief
fill laugh. Rather it was one of dis-
dain at her owm life, her slender op-
He had a strange vision of Gerald-
flwers the sombre branches of the pines way
"Nevertheless, I think the o
1 ortunitie" for gaining what she de-
ine's eyes bent upon him with a deep,
new look—the look he had dreamed
are the greatest obJection to our pro- , up the sides of the Glen.
I The baskets were emptied of their
e.ired. Terence Edgewater spoke no
that her eyes would wear if dove
ject. Their peculiarity seems un-
j good things, the tempting feast was
more after Its last question.
At the entrance to the village he
should ever come to her—and uneo•n-
sciousness clo#ed over him#
wholesome, to say the least.,'
"I suppose so—and it is such a Pity. spread, the fragrant aroma of the
the last thing ready,
T® ���� � ARMOUR.
stopped, and through the darkening
veno cannot think how I have set my coffee proclaimed
gloom Geraldine was struck with hisheart
In the little parlor of M¢no
Mrs. Hairn's
on this picnic in the Glen. Im- and Mr. King, as master of cere-
or two hun- monies, was about giving the signal
"Will you excuse me If I go no fur-
house her two boarders --the minister
agine the effect of one
I dred lanterns. There is not a thing for them all to assemble, when itis-
ther with you ?" he said, however, in
his usual quiet way. It was
and the schoolmistress—sat together.
Terence Edgewater, still white, but
tinctl throughout the place there
I could wish changed." y
"Except the flowers." came a soft, silvery sound like the
tone dock the hour of
S T /l TIO / /� n Y
as if nothing' -had glassed between
convalescent, lay upon the hard hence-
"Except the flowers. I wish they of a striking
nine. The dancers, pausing 3n their
/ �yC/'d/ Lp.- I/,{(/,1y ti\j
them. "I must go into the woods to
hair sofa. Miss Diner, by the window,
had been reading aloud to the invalid.
would disappear for that one evening.
the giddy whirl, looked at each other and
atter the Tradds, They have ill-
looness there again."
A silence fell upon the •room. In the
Ua you think we can persuade
others?" said, "What a pretty device of bliss
"Oh, of course," said Geraldine, a
pause, Terence Edgewater stole a
"We'll try; the idea will be quite Rothsby's!" but even as spoke
the' seemed to tremble beneath
little coldly,
She alone. At Mrs. Har-
the, lovely h Inst cried pro-
glance darkly
I file darkly etched against the light
startling, however. We shall meet earth
ivlth much more opposition from the their feet, whit a Ionil, unearthly
walked on
door Hetty in the
background in the window. How often,
I parents than from the young folks, glow lit up with appalling distinct -
mon's sat gloaming.
Mrs. Harri, n was her landlady. Het-
as he lay ill, had he seen, in half-Yev-
and if we hasten matters it will leave ness every obit In the Glen, to the
very top of the beetling ledge above
ty, her daughter, was Miss Duer's
l erect dreams, that look that she had
less time for talk. Friday will be the
it them.
"Good evening, Hetty" said Miss
I turned upon him as he had swooned
away ! How, vainly, since his conva-
'harvest moon,' why not have
I 'then?" . 1 With a disco '.ant, Jarring sound the
music stopped. hearts beat fast;
Stationery Department
lescence, he had watched for its re-
"Just the thing! Do you cuPPOse
Hetty. for some reason, did not
She to
turn ! And, at length, to -day, as she
sat reading to him, coldly and calmly,
I Blarney, and his harpers will go?" I cheeks grew white; then the sounds
"No indeed, nor any other mucid- died away.
Cartier a superior stock of Pena, Pencils, Pads, Writing Patpers, En -
seem to hoax, made no reply
he had told himself that he had never
ans in Ellendaile. We'll have to fore- is it? What does it mean'?"
velopes, Writing Pads, Mourning Writing Paper and Envelopes,
trite greeting,
" " • " "
seen it at all. It was a hallucination.
1 go dancing." i everybody was asking,
"A danc- ! Charley King made answer, al-
g slaps
Memoriam Folders Programme Folders, Wedding Stationery;
She could never love him; she never
moonlight picnic without
harpers though lie could not quite control the
Scribblers, Inks, &c., fife. No better Goods or value is offered in the
e woods."
l ing? Preposterous! If the
tremor in his voice.
County of Hnron.
It was like a great cry that went
up from the heart of every hamlet
"I have had an offer to leave here
and to teach in town," she said sud-
� will not yield to my powers of per-
suasion papa must furnish the music; I It must have been a slight A"*
along the belt of that border country.
Yes, the fire. They had
I denly.
"Ali that be beginning for
j he knows all about the Glen, and will of earthquake or some electrical dis-
be to help us." turbance. I have seen most wonder-
TH ■ i �����[�,oD�� Clinton.
woods were on
! will a
"I beforehand that you ful phenomena. in my time."
� i v
been burning, slowly, tot several days,
the larger life that you wish," he mur-
will tell you
of Partly reassured the musicians went
but the terrible winds of the last 12
hours had accelerated the work of de-
He stooped and looked up at her,
may as well reserve your powers
persuasion for the papas and mem- back to their stand and the company—
struction to an appalling extent, With
the nightfall the wind had abated.
white as the pillow on which he lay.
She had risen, and in three swift
mas, aunts and uncles, who declare sat down to table, but it was in vain
they have 'heard unaccountable sounds they strove to speak naturally, in
to Their voices
But the villagers stood awe-struck at
their cottage doors with the red light
strides was by the side of his sofa.
I "Nos' She caught her breath, and
issue from the Glen. You will need vain they strove eat.
them all and wish for more before we were thick, their hands trembled, their
lay the ghost. Ah! here hearts beat painfully quick and loud.
0*n'se 0
upon their blanched faces. The burn-
her eyes—oh wonder!—her eyes had
Letty and Tom Maynard, and After a few moments Mrs. Gray,
Ing woods were near. Let the wind
that strange, that deep look once
that Is Jack Craig and MissAnnie be- smiling faintly, said—
but rise again, sweeping the flames in
more. have declined. I .have no
hind them. Good! Now we, can begin
"My friends, I fear I have taken
their direction and wihat would the
coming hours bring ?
care any more for the plans and
dreams that I told you of. They seem
the attack."
cold in this beautiful but moist place.o®.���N
I that we adjourn to warmer
A flying dawn the one
to I I 'have
Charley King had, returned but a propose
shape came
me absurd. am changed.
few weeks before +this conversation quarters. What say You? to a good -
street haggard, singed and distorted,
no wish to be a woman!' I oh,
from a five years' absence in distant
i night waltz at my house.
and uttering piercing cries that shook
Terence!" She sank on her knees and
lands. Among his fellows there none
I Before an answer could be given
O► r1 ��1►^ds1�1
the nerves of those who •heard with
horror, It was one of the Tradds,
put out one trembling hand. don't
know haw it is—it came about on the
had a higher reputation than he Eor again there sounded throughout the
those qualities which men as well its 'Glen the faint, law chime, ao awfully
wig Reduction In Yarns•
those ne'er-do-wells whose but was in
day when you saved Jerry Tradd,
most admire. It was not in its sweetness. With one
the woods, and the villagers remem-
when I saw how noble and good you
women ,distinct
strange then that pretty Miss Ro'ths- i impulse all started to their feet. Sud-
bered now, for the flrat time, Ghat
Tradd had
were. I—I have learned to care for
dearly! And
by, whom he found visiting his sister, denly a yell of human agony, stifled
from beneath
himself had a stroke two
you so dearly, your .love,
an old schoolmate, should find him and seeming to come
days before, and that he lay in the
Is it mine still T'
Particularly attractive, a.nd he, tar his them, reached their ears, and a rocky
back, reveal-
=_ =<
Special for this Week, ---`
burning forest paralysed and
I There was no a.nsweir. was
part, had declared to himself, after door in the cliff swung
thus awaiting the end of his life of
needed. He drew her head downward
the manner of men hard hit at first Ing a cavern filled with light;
drank and dissipation. It was the eld-
until it touched his cheek. And in the
sight, that it should be Rothsby or i
in flame that brighter than the light about it was
Don't miss this sale of Yarns. Come
est girl, a frowzled wild-eyed creature,
surrender of that moment Geraldine
no one. � a human farm wrapped
who had come running to the village
the news.
relinquished her ambitions once for
About a mile from Ellendale was sprang out of It and fell upon the
had -green
early and get first choice. Not less than
The Tradd boys were away, wrto
the haunted glen of which they award.
been speaking, marvellously beautiful Hero was something tangible, and
the ta-
a lb. in one lot.
,could tell where ? She herself had got
The Amerlenn Corkoo,
y y
and picturesque. Miss Rothsby had Charley King swift) led
the youngest children out in time, but
I The American cuckoo does not ado t
spent manv an hour there, for her wards this new horror. Too late! the
how move tier father ?
the indolent and dishonest ways -of
friend and hostess was an important form lay still, the voice was silent,
The crowd was pushed apart, ^na
the European cuckoo about its nest.
personage in household and parinsh and the flames were masters at
long been their
Terence Edgewater confronted the
I It lives in thick woods, and builds a
matters, and there were times when ; of himwiho bad so
nest of sticks and grass an the branch
the visitor must entertain herself. As messier.
the forever,
We have reduced our 50c. to 40e.
"Did you neglect my warning ? Did
of some low tree. Its eggs are bright
she was a good walker she soon knew Exorcised were ghosts
was the subterranean chant, -
not I tel you two days ago to go for
green and it lays four or five. Its
the country for miles around better
I harmless
unmeaning apparatus
a lb. for this week only.
your brothers and to have them carry
food Is chiefly insects, snails and ber-
than most of the young w•amen burn
ber filled with
chemicals to those who
your father away, out of the woods ?
ries, but it sometimes steals and sucks
and bred in the town, and so discov-
and curious
for the evil genius was
Did not I tell you that there was dan-
the eggs of other birds. There are
ered the beautiful and secluded spot
found them,
For the foreign alchem-
ger, with the fire spreading on every
s1de, if the wind rose T'
three kinds of cuckoo in the United
States. The commonest has a bit
long, is
which bore so bad a reputation.
"Better not go there again, Miss
dead. years
ist had sought to wrest from nature.
cost, her secrets, and had
A• C. Dufton
The girl began to cry, half defiant-
about an inch and greenish-
Rothsby," her hast said to her when
at any
last, her very g
Opposite Maim House, Clinton
)y. How could she tell the fire would
brown above and greyish below. One
she spoke of her expedition at the
found, at
spread so soon, or he, the minlster,
of the world's great poets, Words-
dinner table, and wandered that so
either ? She did not know where to
worth, wrote some beautiful verses ad-
charming a place was so little known.
find her br,:thers. But even as
dressed to this bird, in which he ask-
"It is humiliating to admit that we
Miss nnportaneds Question,
- —
she spoke Terence Edgewater had
ed whether it were really a bird or are the victims of superstition, but
wandering voice. It is very in the believes
Little Margery has just begun to
Is flllyd
Touches the spot -
turned from the mall. Whither was
only a
everyone community
go to the kindergarten, and
he bound ?
shy and solitary, but its note is cheery
that the Glen is haunted."
with a due sense of the importance of
"Say, minister I ... Not into the
You benne for Jerry
in the spring and summer.
I. -
"Then, as I should immensely enjoy
I a friendly chat with shops -fide ghost,
her studies there and the solemn
of the attainments that have
MacLeod's System, Renovator
woods? goin'
Tradd ? Truth, he ain't worth it, the
I Take a trnarty B a ,trust.
I shall make it a point to go soon
thus been put within her reach. The
•eeee••eeeeeeeeeetl►•• ee•eo••••e•eeeee•••eee••eeee
old buck," said a voice But even as
St.atisitics show that the longest- sgaln," laughed the young,lady.
Mr. King,
other afternoon, after earning home
in a
it spoke the villagers had the convic-
lived people have generally been those ; I hope not," said gravely,
or I feel deeply upon this subject.
from the school, she remained
for a time and then said:
---FOR- _.
talon that remonstrance was useless.
From Mrs, Hai non's porch Gerald-
Who made breakfast the principal
meal od the day.
You of course, noticed the oak tree
brown study
"Mamma., do I know as much now ap
weak and Impure Blood,
ins Duer had witnesed the scene. She
plant- ?
that hides the pawas thwayp
I don't know?"—Boston Transcript.
stood very still, and her beautiful lips
I why Not?
ed when I was a boy. A dreadful
thing harppem,ed there just before,
Liver and Kidney Diseases,
closed a little tightly one capon the , Teaches'—"Johnnie, what nation 02
other, muffled sob caught her ear, people are most noted as fishermen?
though I cannot say positively there
for shoe,..
and Hefty Harmon tried to brash peat
Johnnie—"The Ftndaridrsl"
was anything sut 0ernatural about it."
"What was it?" asked Miss Rothe-
Turnips acre a natural feed for sheep,
and may safely age pastured, ng
Female;Complaints, etc.
her and to enter the hottae. G aldine
in the strange light that filled the
'Jho voice of Exporfeaae,
by, curiously. "Tell me all the story,
the animals to sat all they desire; In
fact, root craps are always good for
Ask Druggist Or write direct to J. AI. 111ACLCOd, G1oDlsRICH, Ont.
nsght, cou13 see the girl's ahovldere
Deltas -Is a cthaperon out of date?
I can only tell you what i know.
any of our farm animals.
heave convulsively,
Susan—Well, site's out of all mdne