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The Huron News-Record, 1897-02-10, Page 1
OF TABILP18-11.25per Annuniq 1.00 In Advance. INDRPSNDENr IN ALL THINGS• -NEUTRAL IN NOTHING A. Ili ToDn, IDA#!or •itd Own•r A V ►L, XIX CLINTON. HURON COUNTY, ONT. WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 10, 1897 WHOLE • NO.951 William Sturdy Sworn: Live at Man- and out at Black's l;lief, when we had of familiar itv, foolish it roan be, not men 1Je.rJ_ I cheater, have attended two Conserva- committee meetings there ; he was not intending any insult; that is still my 1 .PlotO tive meetings in my life -time; I drove at the annual meeting in December, idea; it did not have tin efectinkeep- DoE' Laid • • • Mr. Munro to the convention that 1890. Ing us out of the post office. There ars just ten of those Frieze nominated Mr. McLean ; he was not Cross examined: Mr. Roberts was Re direct: 1 had no reason to be of. Ulsters lefand we are well, and I called for him to come with I going to —_-- me. urged to take an active part, but did fended, as I was not touched; so far as sell them at a price. not, said he had his bubiness to attend I am concerned it was An unpleasant a Cross-examined: He was only at one to; he is a prominent man at Dungan- occurrence. $9,00 Coats for .............. ....$8 99 as The Infamous Charges meeting to my knowledge ; he did not non in any sphere you like I always $8.0U .. „ Agnes Hays sworn • Was attending ,� • • . • ............... 5 99 µ want to come, and I urged him ; Mr. call oil him when I go to Dungannon the Model school in fall of '94; went to $7.5 540 • Munro was not a delegate nor was I for an arpose; he did no work at any the post office one evening with Miss I and a six dollar coat for three dollars Against Honest P �.L IVJ,�C appointed that I know of,, when I of the any held there. of there I heard ;n name read out ; Jeckell; I think to post a photograph; and ninety nine cents, which is the l Y This closed the evidence for the pros- saw Mr. Campbell; had seen him be- best value in the county. t r. Munro s name was read too, but he eention, and Mr. Roberts w is called on fore, but never met him; made enquiry Servants• said nothing to me about his being dap- his own behalf. as to postage, dun t remember any pointed a delegate ; I think Mr. un- conversation art all; Mr. Cam Dell at- Come Early ° — ro is as good a postmaster as they can Iiave been a resident of Dungannon tempted to get ; he is certainly not an active or of- fur 20 years ; have acted as chairman p put his arm around the but i4 LION AND LIONESS HEELERS AFTER THE fensive olitician ; he stands as hi rh in but never otomy own req nest ; have le- T gut out of his way; thought he might ti P b ways tried to act the art of a have been drinking; he teats a complete as there are so few left that we the community as an man tctn and is Y P gentle- g; y ' urian and impartially partially to both aides; Mr. stranger and I did not see why he might easily ire out of your size. ,,. respected by all. l should touch me in an I was A new line of Overalls with file INNOCENT LAMBS■ ed him in finding there, and they were y of say l; •: This closed the evidence and Mr. ed him in findin them and the were rather annoyed, but did not say much and elastic braces just to hand' r Garrow clalmed that no case had been on the table, the whole thin occu q- about;it; suppose I must have tneu- for $1, made out. Mr. Bishop refused to with- � p tioned it; must have talked of it to c — p in but a few seconds; r. Pedley draw the case, claiming that the com ' Mise Jeckell; don't remember anything We keep Under - The as ed me to let him hive a few minutes 'the Grits Were After Blood and missioner could report the evidence to more, and though the audience were that was said. p the Postmaster General. a calling "time" I asked the audience to Cross-examined : We boarded at W. clothing H`d','tS Caps, Received a Cold Bath. Mr. Seager said his duty was not to stand s my ruling and give him five R. Robertson's; did not tt very often and all lines of Men's ' pronounce judgment except on diaput- minutes more • he moved a vote of to the punt office, its our letters came ined points of fact. There was noSon- thanks to the chairman, and privately Mr. Robertson's box; did not see any FAr111sh1nS. ` trovers that Mr. Munro was in an thanked me form kindness; I have fine in the ti -- Y Y Y public part; we were there qr sense an offensive partizan. It would gone in and out of some committee not more than two minutes, met two PROSECUTION AND PERSECUTION appeal that he had attended two meet- meetings, but in no instance did I take girls going in as we came out; the •���•raoo f ingge, moved a resolution at one, con- any part; I had resigned the position wickets were closed, and I think Mr. '1 GO WITH LAURIER AND tri but ed $5; and presided as chairman of postmaster when I was a candidate Campbell came out of a side dour; IAA at the Manchester meeting. in 1891 for the Local House ; was not don't think he, intended any insult; I ' J. HOLLOWAY, HIS PARTY. Mr. Garrow-Well, if the Postmaster Present At the last annual meeting nor think we mentioned it to the Robert- ; General dismisses a man for that, all I the nominating convention of 18913 ; ysou's, we learned thathe did not drink, CLINTON. can say is, God help the postmasters. never was aware until to -day that I and that it was his habit to be over was ,appointed vice-president; I was familiar, and this made me think less never nominated for the Dominion of it. he went to get it, he made a remark ' '• • • ROBERTS' CAGE. which led me to believe that he had The Goderich Court Trial and Mr, Roberta' cane teas then taken tie- House at toy own request, and always Re•direct : Am quite sure there was read the card; I have a very hazy recol- the first witness called being Mr. Mc- declined because of my public position, no conversation after he acted so; we lection of it now; do not think T told Arthur assistant postmaster. From and I always refrained from active went right out; I don't think I was so hien about the ►naLtter,. it was about a It's Lessons, his evidence it appeared that he carried work for the same reason ; Mr. Metlr- muhannoyed ghat I did not hear any letter I thought I had lost, and wits on the duties, Mr. Roberts coming dais thur was appointed assistant by me remark which might have been made. sending the curd to the writer of the ly from his own shop to sign ;toy pap- with the sanction of the P. O. depart- Mr. Bishop here announced he would letter; I don't suppose there was more ers or reports necessary, or look up ment ; the inspector never complained than three lines on the aid. --- anv mistakes which might occur ; firr that I was sub letting the post office ; defer further evidence on clause 1 until c " this, Mr. McArthur received $120 a (Mr. Roberts here gave the details of he had obtained affidavits to allow of Cross-examined: I think 'Mr. Camp - i ale+ldein�'�✓ Does Not Justify year, the rent of the boxes and use of the arrangement between himself and taking the evidence of two ladies pri- hell is an exceptionrt•Ily good postmas- the buildin for his book and stationery Mr. McArthur. vately. ter -and thoroughly efficient, as far as Grit . business, Mr. Roberts owning t" On cross-examination a lou ahem t Clause 2 was then taken up. his executive ability is concerned; I the Grit Partisan Charges building. All this evidence was in- g P J. C. McIntosh sworn: About Octo- ani not. it Conservative in poli*ics; I • was made to get adtnissiou from the think the remark wits. "Oh, that card — tended to substantiate a charge that witaiess of political acts during the last her, 1895, a letter came addressed to + Mr. Roberts did not attend to his two elections, but beyond discussing my don ;one of our girls called at the about the letter Von lost." duties, but farmed thorn out. chatters lila. Roberts said he had done Post office and did not get the letter, Court here adjourned till 2 p. tin. `4 TSS FOR CHAN<iQ..%� Wm. Midloagh sworn: I always took nothing, its Mr. C;arnpbell said he did not think Mr. Roberts to Lit3tL (,onaervative, but it wars for our family; two days after CHARGE EIGHT. The court adjourned at 11 o'clock p. After luncheon char g I hays not, for ten years, attended an James McIntosh left the letter at our charge eight was y m., with the understanding that of u . of their meetings; the only meeting I thought advisablc:lu house saying he found it in his box taken up, and Geo. Jamieson was first 5 g y:trgument would called, who said he heard Postmaster For nearly twenty ever caw him chaiunan of was when be he:vrd in ttte'nioruin opened; I took the letter to Mr. Camp- f v years the Grits than announced the time fot'spcakiug; Sir John Macdonald was at Dungan- g' bell and he said he did open It; I said Campbell canvass a mail for his vote in. G r 0e out o office in this Dominion. there was no agreement made its to non, SECOND DAY—THURSDAY. fyoil have no right to open this; he said 1891. He could not tell who it •tvar3 In consequence the welfare and pros- time, but an offer was made finally by Cross examined: For 50 lata have The court opened at 10 o'clock with a he had a right, as -sometimes it was when asked, however. �per;t of the country did not suffer. Dr. Freeborn and Mr. Leitch -Mr. Mw y lived on rh rosent lot; have been very large attendance of spectators. neresstry to see who the owner was; I Mr. NV. L. Horton who, it is stated, ' ,> k3utt ja chailige, has trtken place. The Lean, first, I and Mr. Cameron a quar reeve for ten years, and a�J. P. for 30 The charges against Wm. Campbell, think he must have known the con- will get the postofilce if Mr. Campbell RefiirilnPria are in power to -day and ter of an hour each, the other three to ostmaster at C:oderich they are making scary bat use of their 'close up the meetingI decliprad this years; have known Mr. Roberts at least P were at once tents of the lettsr when'he opened it. is ousted, told of a difficulty he had time, particularly in the' vas of places as unreasonable and said wx_avould &t - that long; he never, to mq knowledge; taken up. Cross-examined The letter was ad- with Mr. Campbell in the postoffice in ° p made himself offensive politically. Mr- 4artow t9okexc�e tion to car tai n dressed to John R. or J. R. McIntosb; 1892- It was about a letter he bad re - of prefermedt f6rpartisans. Through- peal to the audience through the chair- pp out the tyhole,conntry thousands and ratan ; I went to my seat and Mr. earn- D. McGillicuddy affirmed : Have at- chargee, particularly No.. 4, that Mr. my tion was living in Detroit at the ceived which was open. Prior to that tended weet,in sat Dun ancon; :lir. Campbell purchased :the position of time; I got the letter from J. A. Mc- another letter of his had been opened, thousands of the hungry following Brom made. nn better headway ; we e g postmaster. This he did under the Intosh; never heard that anyone else though he dict not accuse anyone of have succeeded in forcing the Adminis- talked with Mr. Johnston and then Roberts has been there ; sometimes salt P Y ation to create 'fat obs for commis- Mr. Munro was appointed chairman in the audience, sometimes was chair- clause of the Act, contending that the opened it; it was an unimportant let- doing it. ai mars and the Segal r�Lternity at the and made announcements of what had man snore than lined; think he was at commission was limited to an enquiry ter; my son dict not get touch mail Mr. Garrow--There are other Hortons �nse o. the -genera 1. public. Right been handed him; then Mr. Cameron one of Mr. ivlcLean's meetings in June Into the conduct of the official in his mailer, in Goderich ? rid left charges are trumped rip and proposed we should have all hour he_ last; never heard him %Peak on Dowin- official duties. James A. McIntosh sworn: I remem- "Yes." ,. trials and female witnesses are placed tween us,- as there were three speakers ion polities, except .in a general w4 The Commissioner favored the con- her the letter referred to; 1 think it ' I "Might not %lune of them have open in the witness box to swear away the to follow us ;Ido not remember that when opening a meeting ; never heard tentiou of Mr. Garrow, but allowed the was addressed to J. R.; Mr. Campbell ed your lettere ?" a - honest positions of honest public ser- Mr. Munro said anything further; Mr. him discuss politics at a meeting.point to stand till Mr. Bishop looked told me there was a letter from Buffalo „ vents. Tine latest outrage in this I Johnston talked with him, but ap- Cross examined: Have known Mr. it up. and asked tine if I thought it was for Well I k not prepared to say, but any of our folks; he handed we the: I don't think so." s�pect has. transpired at home -in the ��rrarently without effect ; I then left the Roberts a long time; have never, known John H. Johnston. sworn: In OCto- THE SALT BUSINESS. , r , t�ouuty of Huron: Unlike many prev- 1naLll • I know nothing of to overt act him to be an offensive partizan; have her last,worked % few days in Goderich letter, it had been opened; I brought P , Jr.,t home thinking it was for Inn sister, On the charge that Mr. Campbell ions cases. there was a batch by Mr. Monroe; have been told all had no fault tr� find with him as a .tvwashi for David McSrien r., hada and then took it to J. C•. McIntoshr, !, grouped together in order to give kinds of stories; as far as i am con- chairman • alwa s satisfied with him, few words conversaation with hiw in was engaged in the salt business, m. the ° calor of respectability to the corned the thing I felt sorest about town about Mr. Cam House. Re -direct: Mr. Roberts, I consider, is Campbell. (This con- Logan, represepting a salt company farsaical procedure and if possible was that he did not get rip and say, certRinly an active Conservative, but versation was objected to as hearsay Cross-examined : I looked at the let- here, testified than as Mr. Campbell damn ii•nd oust Postmaster Campbell, Gentlemen I cant act as chairman not offensive; I know he was an active evidence, and ruled out.) In conse- ter, and I think I told Mr. Campbell wits in the salt business himself, he one of the -most, highly respected, with any such arrangement," politician in local affairs, but, of my7 �IuePee of something I heard I spoke. to what was in it, or something about it, Logan, mailed his letters at the station faithful and painstaking public offic- C;'crsa eXAM11ned : Mr. Munro did own knowledge, I. know nothing of mr. Citmpbell, and told him he was and who it was from; if it was in my for fear they would b© hold -over at the fails in the Dominion. Grit and not make the Arrangement, nor was he what he has done in Dominion matters. blamed for insulting women in the post box Mr. Campbell handed it to me; I ppostoffice. Under cross-examination Tory alike concede this to be a one of the ersons with whom we office; mEntioned no names • he was knowythe son of John McIntosh, and he admitted that; his lace of business fiV.ot. Goaded on h artisans the' The court then adjourned at 6.45 till of a letter of his not ion P v p , tried to rna a an arrangement for g m,, when the first witness called very indignant, and said he wouid thank g g ago and was a great deal nearer the station ( Gt+erntnent on VOeclneaday last, a caking; there were six speakers at p his friends to leave him alone -the opened it: there are many McIntosh's than the post -office, and therefore it tlltovlptr Commissioner Seager, who g P was James Mitchell, as secretary of the Y in town and lettere demi timed • t3 , t e meetin Mr. Munro a Exult, to my West RidingAssociation. were doing biro more harm than good. get wttr9 handier to mail thorn at the std- , is' A1411pi: a Police Magistrate, open- mind, wale that he did not leave the mixed beeause'there are so many; I am tion. Mr, Bishop said there were several �^ ed,the-eilquiry into the charges against chair; I have attended wont of the The minute book was again produced, lady witnesses, and he wanted their usually a Liberal in politics; so far as I Mr, Robert Porter, postmaster at the postmasters and mail clerks at meetings and I never heard him speak showing that Mr. Roberts had attended evidence taken privately. know Mr. Campbell is a good postmas- Clinton, who ran against Mr. Cameron Goderich, for offensive partizanship. or take part. meetings and conventia5na he seconded M p' ter, and quite careful; I know of no g d and defeated him for the Dominion '' Mr. Bishop, of Owen Sound, assisted by the nomination of Hon. J. C. Patter r. Garrote strongly objected that defect in the est office or staff eau- Mr. L. E. pancey, labored diligently can - James Johatston sworn: I was Pres- con, and was nominated himself, but Mr. Campbell's character and his official not say he is an offensive partizan in inHouse,hissaid gn Campbell)1891, took no part ent at the meeting in Anburn referred declined Y p in his campaign it) 1891, prat any other in the prosecution, and Mr. Garrow ap ,had paid in $1 at one time on life were at stake ; ' he had a right to politics, he never troubled one about time since FFioe was, as far as p to� I heard Mr. Camel and Mr. Me p y, g openly, politics. he knew. p}�e�ared-for Mr. D. E. Munro, and P. behalf of t municipality. alit Witness Have these char ea made o enl and IioltforMr. J.M. Roberts. In Mr. Camp- Gi licuddq complain, and said to Mr. said Mr. Roberts was never on the the evidence made in public; there was R Beck I think it would not do an Re•dlrect: Have heard street rumors bell's case Mr. GaITOw was assisted by y Executiye committee, had never acted no pretence of anything serious having On the marble business charge, Wal - harm if they allowed them all the time about reading post catds; may have ter Vanstone, of Win ham, was called. Mr. R. C. Hays. There was 'it large re vice-president; witness had no cot- been attempted, heard politics g t they wished; Mr. Beck, the president, respondence with him whatever on T e commissioner sand it wits certain P fiance it in the post He said a letter from him was held at a attendance of spectators file first day %aid we have made our arrangement office; can't instance any particular the Goderich post -office, and that he •ind TtiuradrLy,, the court room was and they do no better with us I did political matters; tyle complaint always ly desirable that the evidence should case, lost to order through Mr. Campbell. k crowded. was thatMr.Itober�swoulddp nothing; be teen In ublic and he couid not g P not stand up or speak in the audience; g public, William McDonald sworn: Have liv- It transpired in the cross-examination D: E. MUNRO% CASE. had declined the nomination for Do- agree to the le uestexce except most for several veers we have had no west- f3 q P ed in Goderich about 33 year9 ; I told that Mr. Campbell had been promised Mr. Bec sworn : Am resident 4 ' i , but at Smith's minion House because of his position serious reasons. In theiro.wn interests Mr. Campbell once too en a letter ad- the order before the art bu in a - n in to select delegates, p these witnesses %hogld prefer speaking � # as ostmaster, p p party y' u19•the West Coeserva; ve Asso- Hill we would select from those res- dressed to Will. McDonald to see if it preached the witness. blr. Camp )ell s a ent or those we thou to Hugh Giirvitn sworn: Mr. Roberts in court. criation; (counsel here enquired Inmate- thought would attend, was for me and it was not, so I handed marble works first belonging to his 1 as to the composition of the a5socia of late years I do not remember Mr. was chairinan at a meeting in Dun. "Me, PaLr•row : There is no use of talk- b annon when Mr. Porter was a cardi- in allout it; I will not o into an it hack; I do not remember telliA any son-in-law, Mr. Robinson, nut the lat- e Vii, its cif8cere and members) Mr. Munro being on as a delegate latter- p g g g g Y one Mr, Campbell opened the letter ter failed, and to save the business Mr. Mucro holds no office or position in ly he belonged to the very indifferent date and John McMillan spoke; Mr. private-roo►n nor permit my client co without authority; did not tell Neil Campbell bought it. A the association : sometimes attended class of politicians. McMillan lost his notes and I think he do so. ° The evidence roust he taken Melvor• there are three W}n. McDon- Miss Reynolds, the lady who wanted ' tneettn s or conventions; was not, at Cross-examined: Mr. Munro has re- blamed Mr. Roberts for pulling them here or I Abandon the investigation. aid's in town; I had Mr. Campbell open Y pp the monument, said thatt she had pro - the T t y j tablas the table ; they were on the Mr. Bishop then naked that the court it, and it was not for me or the oilier mixed to buy it from Uir, Campbell, tl5e •last ofle• cannot ea Just which fused to me to act as delegate ;Tam table but not tvhetw he lett them ; Mr. room be cleared, but the commissioner man I supposed, but for the new roan and after that from M tried to get meeting he attended; never heard him usually an active Conservative ; I do Roberts takes an active part in politics, ruled that was the came thin her of take one from him insteget ssppeak at tiny political meeting; Air. not think Mr. Munro is an active Con- but I cannot say what he does du. g` Mr. of that name. i�Litnio tiiay have attended committee servative; it would be hard to replace . Bishop: then said there was one lady Daniel McDonald sworn: I Hm son When she, refused he said he su t p Cross examined: Did not, see Mr, gritneWit would be unsafe to brim in ' thset•iugs on voters lista, we do not re- nim to a postmaster to the satisfaction of last witness; remember going to the posed it wad because he was aL Grit 4 gard,himas a committee pian ; be was of the public ; he is universal) respect- McMillan place his notes on the table; to court and her, evidence would rave post office a year a o; there was a let- and Campbell was a Tory, but wit - chairman of a political meeting in Junn ed on both sides of politics, and le not they were moved acroia the table and td be taken in another way. The ter there Address e�to Dan McDonald, nese said it was nothing of the sort. 1898> that trleeting was in the interest regarded as a partizan. Mr. McMillan seemed to trent it as a :commissioner said this might be done but it was not for me; I saw the Signa- In reference to the, letter which Van- ni' 14�r. McLedn, joke; perhaps McMillan did move it 'op a roper certificate. girls opened it; I had stone had sent to Miss Reynol.ls, and t m• , James Tabb sworn: 'Vats present at vote.ot thanks to Mr. Roberts for his . tore one of the CSn es -t cahrined: Mr. Munro made a the meeting in Auburn ; Mr. McLean services as chairman • Mr, Roberta i ' Miss Jeckell was than sworn : In fall the letter before it was opened and did which he claimed had been delayed ' term of '94.1 was at the allodel school not, think it was for me, and handed it at the Goderich post once, she said go cT' fair chairman, there was good and his friends had a conversation -an d very often chairman of meetings of. alit3ref was at the post office with hoof to Mfes Campbell, and she ripened it she did not get it for offl e , because aid v tlr2a',; Mink likely he was moved to then Mr. Munro was elected chairman; various kinds in the village ; never•Miss + tbe'i` ai�t, and approved by the meet- 1 dont think he. was on the platform knew him to do au unfair thing as days who was also attending school; for me and showed me the signature; she had not been to the post office for - fn ; I never sat with }rim at any com- when elected; he read out the time al- such; never knew him to canvas or haw Mr. Campbell; he said, you are I said it was not for Inc. a week. mittee melting, do not know of his lotted the speakers; I never heard Mr. speak except when he was running nice Model girls; be did nothing'irregu` Cross-examined : Can't say, but Continued on editorial page. iFavinR done any committee work; he Munro spoken of as a politician; he is for the Local Houde ; e Roberts sup -g lar to rue; he apparently tried to put might have asked her to open it; she took no p3tft in'aldY convention. not a speaker. ported me as reeve and deputy reee his arm around Miss aye; do not opened it and handed it to me, and I - recollect any conversation they had looked at signature, then handed it J'a,mes Mitchell, ae secretary of the I Cross-examined : I cannot say that of Ashfield. P Y recoll bre postage on aphotograph; back. sation RU]VI• • • West Huron Coneervative Association, Mr. Munro is an active or violent ibol- Thomas McCann sworn : I live two atter , t went out had a sytrprtt}} riijolueed minute book front itician ; I cannot say anything against miles from Dungannon, and know Mr. with Miss Hays; saw nn explanation Arthur Cantelun sworn : Remember Vlhicli it appeared Mr. Munro had him as postmaster; I am -A strong Lib- Roberts; was at a meeting in Januar�++, for his ss Ha t; my impression that being in the post office when Mr. This liquor comes from the �1reP0: tfrtended two annual meetin s or con- oral; have never had any personal en- 1898 when he was chairman ; he made Campbell hard a conversation witti Mrs, g $ evening was that the postmaster was Petrie Indies and when old is the mist v.entfons, at one of whickl a ave 5 counter with Mr. Munro in ulitic># ; I no speech, but opened the meeting in the WoraeF Rf liquor; I judged this 1 etrie about a post card; Mr. Campbell otNarcI the revision of the voters lists; never knew him to be excited or mixed the usual way. frofti his rather odd conduct. g sand there was n card from bur bus- wholPsonuo destillation known. "inoveda resolution atone; while his ( tip in polities; or speak on the platform. Cross examined: I vote Liberal band on the other side; she did not It induce perspiration and is in... { Is le'.tt peared sometimes asadelegate I C ss -examined : Had frequently P p tit+ it �ICpe- realdent, he never a.etedd its Robert Cummings, sworn : I have ways; was at the pleethig fill the time ; Seen Mr. Campbell when calling for wean to like this, saying Mr. Campbell velunble in cases of cold. The p never known Mr. unto to talcs pa.r. Mr. Pelle s ke fqr tare Liberaig,,and mail before; the wicket was closed this should not have said anything about finest kv lities aro to be obtaained. T the:litittelr, sand teats fix likely els not, alb- in politics except as chairman ; I know he was given 80 min to it, site could read her own card. q p li; Mr. 1'odlirY titnaj'tyfter tea; had been introduced I Cross;examined: Mrs. Petrie now only by tine exercise of graal. cap's . #ettt from the, nyeetinggy the lints a nothing about Mr. Munro being on wanted three fninutes tdore and Mr. up "r;lfitrrieuFai ;f�regnenIy being made d befQrre to Mr. Campbell; 1 believe he lives ss the other aide, with her hare- ,curl judgaurent. �s g any c ittea9s; don t know if there were Roberts asked 'the meeting to allow does trot drink; can't sa if any of theoil ewe lilt thb'ICttbWledge of those named. any committee meetings in '90 ; he is Mr. Pedley to ,finish. yy a hand; 1 mentioned the matter to some f. B. 14cG ll�cudify afflrihed : Had at- not active in politics to myknowledge; offittfilla were inside; utidetstood he re- + Joseph Beck sworn, Mr. Roberts:is ferred to the Model°;Schsrol; nepthirs one who said he had it complaint, and 4,. tsrlded mettin�ggs at Auibur�n, one being I don't know a thing about the Ooiyaer- of tl•e prontiltient men. of the Cyotll false vvas said that I e nle tier; cannot• that is the way it spread to the pro - one iitie last' Mt'. 11� G1'r C'7ameton and i vittives iii Auburn; 1 could not faint' R t vrer'e pesbta ti Djr. McLcian, Dr. Free- say that Mr. Munro was active or of- ervative party in the riding; he do�ff�s say whether illi% wale bole fir after. Eerittcrtva. pp of tale the acti.Ve paint the wouTd'lil s he apparently tried to put Fffs �arftl;.it R. (l. Reynolds sworn : Moiled aL card Lack Kennedy, " 1>nr96116 Leitcls66ri env r3ae int were postmaster to polities; he is. all reispelt its hill tri• he Was nominated at the meet- was earl` `in t -ho evexifi after .tear in • about six month,; aL .o, and findingpp eras J � T14 E 11t:R,0N X WS RECORID esentrtr Il ei 'C7onsetvatice interest; postmaster stud fa universallyrespected ing Mr'. Welamiller was chosen but th® ubllc art of the office, he did not was no naiad of a•eh�n it I aLskd�r, a r. Muntks iiia% ohairinan ; the chair- on bath aides of politica, doblined; have seen Mr. Roberts go in persevere; I think it was just a piece Campbell to give it back to me, and as The (,11nt0Il LigU(1T Store. .,:�,._.,.a,,.....m.,�..,.,,.•.,,.�,w..�,,,�.,..,�... �,.,�.-r�,r., ,,� .� .. ,,..•,, r �.... .• _ _-.,�;:. .,.y..�__.....a.� _-_... ....... .. _':.:,.�-.:.:� ,.�.,wirrata�tiii�w�isa.er�,,. _.._. .... ,._ _ .., _ ., , .r:.'