HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1907-12-05, Page 5DECEMBER 5T11, 1907 --THE }MYTH STANDARD --PAGE Flys. rizomarangsmoLmmommismaim 1,11 r. V THE RIGHT HOUSE A RELIABLE STORE WITH WORTIiY GOODS ON SALE AT MODERATE FACES FOlt UASH AND FARM PROI1t10E, Chickens II r'.r rAl (rd Wanted Alive A Li on Dec. 10th and 17th, for which we will pay 6 cents per pound in trade. Highest prloes paid for Farm Produce. rr E. BENDER, BLYTH u U See our prices on Dressed Poultry `1a �► it far► a SMS Te. ► 'e areeXe i tassimmianwagrialigEM NEWS AROUND TOWN hh 3C Wile will occupy the chairs at 1 our tutulicipal board next year ? LAu-r Friday Wes Tainan wan lucky enough to shout a tox while out hunting. RENEW for your paper and help tee Editor along so that he may be ahie to pay his debts. 'Put bilkers here are reducing the bread to a pound and a half loaf as the labels will show, LAST Thursday and Friday even• ings a number of the young ladies and gentlemen attended the dances in Brussels and Clinton. WHEN travelling by the C. P. R. purchase your ticket at town ticket office. All information as to rates, time -table and connections cheer- fully' furidahed by 3, McMurchie, C. P. R. Hall and steamship agent. TRE closing examinations of the County Mode) school will begin on Tuesnay,, December 10th. The ex. amination in practical teaching and in reeling will he held after the close of the written examlations commencing Friday at 9 a. to. Aticu. llmLop, M. P P., has re. coved word from the Postmaster. Genoi'al that a mail service will he put oii0. & G. railway at onee: Mr. Hislop has started already to help Blyth and vicinity m the r'iding, he represents, The thanks of ' the peopld,W'ili go to him. "HAVE you ever heard Dr. Eger- ton R. Young speak on missions among the Indians ? if not, a greater treat than you can well imagine awaits you, He is the John B Gough among tnissionar•y speak - ars. Ile holds the fixed attention of the largest audiences to the close of' every address," (Bishop McCabe,)— Methodist church, Dec. 120. fRE C, P. R. have put on a special freight car on the evening train from Toronto to Godertch which will equal express delivery on paresis from that city Anything ordered by mail can he shipped as freight and arrive here the same day, a convenience our merchants will doubtless be glad to take advantage of. LICENSE MATTERS.—A. E. Morris- on, of Snrnhn, an officer connected With the Provincial License Depart. Ment is making a tonr of the hotels in the license district of South Huron aceautpe k d by Inspector Torrance. As sono as he is through, he will perf,rm the some offle in West, Burn., nedrr dirt'ctla, "f Ii'sp('etor Aspic It, ON 3t cla� .'v"ni't! Ilse hart, belot,wil Cook, 6th line of Morrie, near Rnnshire, wan lnrmd MTh' all its et meats. blr, Cook lives some distance trom his hare, and vote teedlug'- hie tattle, that were +ti town.); maned loos, lie placed the lantern on the mower, rind the settle knocked it over, with the re - that the hare, with nil the feed it coutafued was Pureed. DIco6MBER. ONE cur Manitoba feed wheat for sale very reasonable, Geo. Powell, THE snow that fell last Thursday and Friday brought pretty good sleighing, Gummi, will meet next Monday on account of Dr, Milne attending the Co. Cannan. REMEMBER the dates for the dift'- erent entertaininents that take place in town from now till Xmas. G. ln. CHAMBERS & Co. expect to move in the near future to the store recoutly vacated by J. S. Golden. What will I buy for Elia What will I buy for Fred ? lVhat will I buy for Stella? And what for Cousin Ned ? It isn't alone the presents That cause, my worry, you see ; It wouldn't be hard;If 1 know' the price Of the things they% buy for me. "Rev, EGERTON, TL YOUNG is the most fusel ating.tnissionary lecturer to whom we have ever listened, is the Ithafilmode.testimony of the Presbyterian Pastors of Detroit. During the past few days he has spoken fifteen times in our churches, and everywhere among us he has been listened to with great delight." (George W. Barlow, Pastor Calvary Presbyterian church.) -- Methodist church, Dec. 12th, FOWL WANTED We are paying the highest prices for Turkeys, Geese, Ducks, Chicks, Butter and Eggs. Grain cheeks paid after bank hours. McM1LL'AN & CO. Dinsley Street Blyth Suggestions It can't be out of the way for us to suggest that when you are thinking of a holiday purchase you should not overlook Met - calf's jewelry De- partment. We have thelargest assortment of Gold Watches, Rings, Bracelets, Lockets, Fobs and Chains evershown in Blyth, and we are prepared to meet any catalogue prices. ['HANK METCALF Jewelry ,and Stationery. Tax collector Westlake will be at the fire hall every day till Dec. 14th from 1 p. m. ti11 2.30 o'clock to re- ceive taxes. LARGE numbers of rabbits are being shot In these parts this fall. Bunnies aceta unusually plentiful this year, OP recent years only 6 deaths oc- cur to each one hundred amputations. Tide is owing to improvements in antiseptic surgery. Tuts week G. M. Chambers & Co. shipped a ear o1' potatoes to Kincar- dine from Londeshoro and will ship a car to Godcrich next week. 'foe ad vete leer who does n little extra pushing in the papers frorn now on to Christmas is the man who will be able to report the biggest trade. CatEF WESTLAKE has received in• strtrwtions to arrest all persons inter• ested in reifies if any aro held in town, so that somebody had better be careful. Tats week J. E. Johnston moved his business and houselwld goods to Clinton where he will open up a harness ehop. Riley's old friends will wish him suecese. Owtxa to the smallpox rage at 0oderich the Liberal nominating convention has been cancelled, A large number will go to Brasseis on Friday to hear Han, A. 0. McKay speak, AT the election of officers of the I. 0.0. F. the following were elected : Past Grand, IL L. Reines ; N. G., A. W. Robinson ; V, 0., F. Anderson ; F. S., P. Me'1'aggart ; R. S,, R. M. McKay ; treasurer, Jas. Cutt. OWING 10 tite slippery walks a number of people have been taking tumbles and they say the cement walks are anything but soft. Not wishing to offend anyone we will not publish the names this week, Ox Tuesday evening of this week a movhtg picture show was put on in Industry Hall and drew a fairly good house, The pictures were good but the second part wets only fair. The company expects to cane back in about two weeks, "His heroic journeys through the snow, drawn by dogs, are described in a way which will secure the at- tention of all, Robinson Crusoe him scif can scarcely beat Egerton Young, and then, the story is true," (Rev. C. H. Spurgeon,)—Methodist church, Dec. 12th. OWING to the panicky feeling that exists throughout the country die banks have been piling up their re- serve fund and reducing the line of eredit to patrons and in consequence this fall, if business men are to exist throughout it a sharp collection of accounts will be necessary, eh MUM NOTES, Next Sunday is Bible Sunday in the English church, The Ladies of Trinity church pur- pose giving a 10c tea at the Rectory next Wednesday, Dec. itch, tl•otn 4 p. til, to 8 p. 10. • * The members of the A. Y. P. A. had an evening with Burns, the poet last 'Tuesday evening. *** Rev. Martin J. Wilson, of Tees - water, will have charge of the an - nue! Missionay services in the Methodist church at Blyth and ,lacltsoa next Sunday, Dec. 8th. The Society is asking for an increase of 40"/ over the splendid contribu- tions of last year. Let eve' believer in Missions give as the Lord hat h prospered hint and the full amount is easy within the ability of our church, Mr. Wilson is one of the promising young men of the min- istry. Come and hear hits. The Rector of T• rinity church took his text from Ps, 67 and versos 1-2 for his morning sermon last Sunday and in the evening took as his subject "In the King's service." ▪ * Rev. Small conducted the after- noon service at Londesboro for Rev. Leckie last Sunday. * * * Auburn and Smith's Hill congre- gations are to meet next Monday Afternoon to call a Minister. Rev. D. Kelso, of Wallaeetown, will preach there on Sunday. Rev. S. A, Anderson will preach anniversary sermons in the Tees - water Methodist church on Sunday. Huron County Council. Huron County Council is in ses- 1151011 ill Wiughain, as we go to press, The meeting was to have been held iu Gcderialt, but on account of the stmtllapox there, to avoid danger, the place of meeting was eluniged to Wingham. The first session opened on 'iles- day evening, After n brief address froth the Warden, the toinutes were read and approved. 1Vinglenn 'Town Council then ap- peared, and Mayor Holmes read an address of velennle, which was suitably ticknowlcdged, The Directors of 1Vioglotto floc pita!, and the Chairman of the High School board, extended an invitation to the Councillors to visit these well. equipped institutions. The Invita- tions were, accepted and 2 p. m, Wednesday fixed for the visits, A number of accounts were pre- sented, The report of the 0r;nilJury was read, as to the conditions of the House of Refuge and the Comity Goal, A eommmnlcation wits read asking eo•opel'atletl to secure iteFistaime from the Government to establish a Consumptive 1tospital. Also a elehn of 5203 for loss of ,t horse caused by an unprotected midge, while undergoing repairs. After other unimportant routine, the Council adjourned to meet at 10 it. 01. 00 Wedtlesdtty. The rest of' the report will he given in next issue. While the Public Is Invited to make use of this column for the expreision of personal views en public mutters said public men, personalities are debarred and In all eases the suitability of the com- munication for publication is a matter to bo decided by the Editor. Without differences of opinion there would, of course, be no correspondence, and for the opinion of our correspondents and their differences with our own TIM STANDARD must dtclalat responsibility. LOST.—On October 21tb, an imitation buffalo robe, between Auburn post office and Robert McGee o, on the hone• Only. The finder will be suitably re• warded by leaving the same at Standat(I office or Auburn post oflice,—Robert McGee, Auburn, Ont. FOR__ DIAMONDS Call aiad See Us We carry a complete line of Fine Uoit Lieweiercu abest innd the Watches Our prices are lower than others and assortment equal to city stores. Special inducement is given out- siders. We want year trade and can assure you hest of satisfaetion. yk�t (.1".143) . STILL CONTINUES Satisfied Customers with e Satisfactory Goods , .t� 2 New Suits for Men Best values you have seen and the very latest tic in cloths and styles, goods well tailored, cloth shrunken and material sewn with linen thread. Vr A Mir lot of Men's Sults for each $9.d0. Another last Men's Sults for eon 95.00. 97 00 Men's Nobby Sults for 85.05, 7.50 " 0.88, 8,00 'PILL ON A CLOTHING SALE. * We ha e yet a Big Stock of lo, Plums in Clothing. 87.00 Fine Cloth Overcoat, Chestcrttold style, for 85.05, �tG 7.10 ' 0.98, * 0.50 it „ 7.29. MO 7.05, 15,00 " " 8,50, att,�• 0.80. 0.00 ' 7 65, 10,00 " 8.50. None of our Clothing sales punched on tick- ************************** ick- ets. Sale ends Dec, 14111, 1907. CASH FOR BUTTER AND EGGS. POPLESTONE CARDINER Successors to McKINNON & CO. **'**.******** i ** **'***7K***i A. TAYLOR'S FOR Groceries and Fancy Goods FOR XMAS TRADE All kinds of Prepared Foods for brain machinery and stomach ease. DIVE US A CALL. WE' KEEP THE BEST AND THE CHEAPEST. H. L. JACKSON A. TAYLOR - - BLYTH JEWELER . . BRUSSELS( Store Open Evenings • Furniture will be veru popular for presents this year. We have "anticipated your wants by laying in a large stock of the niost.beaut,i`ul Furniture made in Canada. On account of hard tithes' hmong the nlanufeeturers we bought these goods at geeatly reduced prices and purpose giving our customers the benefit of our good buying, 1ST AS MEE 7 Parlor Suites, all well made and highly polished, prices from 9(0 to 800, 27 Cumber,. combining Leanly and cern fat, prices from 90 to 925. 8 Morris Chairs, made for men 9) to 98. 10 Fancy hocks+rs, covered in silk, leather, plash and other goods, prices from Ot to 912.00 each. We have many stt les of Desks, music Cabi- nei8 Chilth- Cabinets anti Kitchen Cabi- nOta, Every one a bargain. Dozens of Beautiful Pictures, ifitto s, Hall Stands, Panay Tables, Ohildrun's Chairs, . Sleighs, L'tc, Goods Promptly Delivered Musical Instruments If you event a good Piano or Organ this is the place to buy it. We deal in higlegratle instruments only. Surprise your wife by giving her one of our Drop Head, Ball Bearing, Silent Running S e-forrixl.g Maelaines Special prices for 80 days. • L'Y'Tkl