HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1897-01-13, Page 8l• rel FURNITURE. -A change of ad. for N Broadfoot, Box & Co., Was received too. • I -1� We late for this week. The firm tare show- Plain Truth' ing rr,very wide ran a of stylish and t tt 11 t serviceable code. I I �% Are FAREWELL SERMON.—Last Sunday Rev. Father West preached his fare- well sermon in St. Joseph's (R. U.) � ::. •r' Church. During hire several years pas- torate here he endeared himself much �• to the town and country members of The public has long since learned that the statements by us in our ad - the congregation, and all regret very The much to part with him. Rev. Fr. vertisements can always be relied on. There is so much deception and fraud Quigley. of St. Augustine, will er- j manently reside here, the first service • I�/��- t" Q� in advertising methods that the public usually take advertiaer's statements with • tinder his charge to take place on Jan. Cheapest 24th. He has not yet secured a suit- �' "rr• a grain of salt. Vire have always endeavored to tell a straight story and results ,.t -sr► able residence. have proved that plain truth tells. wa C FROM OxBow AseA.-Last Saturday _ • ��` `�- y THE NEws-RECORD had a pleasant call from Mr. Young, Oxbow All this Month of Assn., wherea he he is engaged inn buaiuese ' /� and farming. Mr. Young informs tie 1 . The that the farmers in his section are con- tented and prosperous, the last two January - years crops having put them on their / 4U -" - Best feet, He speaks in the highest poss- ible terais of a great future for that r r , We are offeringsome bigsnaps in out • country. His daughter accompanied p hiiu and both will return in a week or �lilrl (,I be an BO' i ��II I�i1� C Department. We claim the above to r i. . I► Ordered Clothing p absolute fact. (lave you tested HER EQUAL NOT INS EAFORTH.—The I usi If not, don't•you think you Seaforth Sun says of Mrs. Wall, the f now famous Clinton Soloist, who sang . . t II ;ttf G �Ir �jy J I Our reputation is well known for carrying a class of Goode not usually should do so in oonsideralton o our claim "Always the Best" and in St. Thomas' church there on Christ- mas day •-The soloist for the day was Been in places Like Clinton. Our outside business is a big one and with -very frequently -a consid Mrs. Wall, of Clinton, who sang "The n Greeting the none but the best are sold on the road, end now wedwant to clear out erable money -saving advantage for Holy City" in a way that has, never never VI acceptance. been equalled in Seaforth. She pos- the odds and ends of these very fine Suitings at prices that will be no Your P . sesses it voice of magnificent compass and sings with such expression and Year higher that, New some very cheap lines. The people now-a•days have been clear enunciation as to stamp her as • • one of the finest vocalists in Western educated to look fur new gouda every season and old goods will not Canada. Our wish is that it may be a Happy and sell. We make January a month to car.ry out our purpose and at the ANCIENT ORDER OF FORESTERS,— prosperous one to all our Friends. some time give the buyer a long while in season to wear their The WY D Falf Co.S' eCourtlected Prosperity, following o cers Clinton, elected the -hief officers for red. W. D. ensu- ing term :--Chief Ranger, Bros. Fred. We commence the year with the intention of making it as prosperous for Goads. Pickett; Past Chief Ranger,James Dun- our customers as possible in saving them money, by giving them the besfgoode CLINTON. ford; Sub. Chief Ranger, Geo. Haxby; ° Treasurer, Chas. Overhury; Secretary, at the lowest prices. very commence with our stocktaking sale, offering all At the �aJ.J.i.e t1111e • • • Agents Parker's Aye Works. F. W. Watts; Senior Woodward, Thos. winter goods at a ver low figure, in order to reduce it before entering. I. Hillock ; Junior Woodward, J. Slo- man ; Senior Beadle, F. W. Evans; Corsets The Hwen News-Reoora Junior Beadle, A. Blown, Trustees, You will find big reductions all over J. Derry, J. C. Brown, F. Evans; This week we offer 63 pairs of 85e Corsets for 65c, but you will have to STT t►1.26 a Yesc—Sl.coin Advance Auditors, J. ell; our ty y' is Miller, y the store. VV e are getting ready for Wm. J. Powell; Court Physician, Dr. see them to know what a bargain we are offeringyou. J. S. Freeborn. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 13th, 1897. ANNUAL MEETING. - The annual Ladies' and Children's Underwear stock -taking and many lines must go - meeting of the teachers and officers ofVeete in order to before that time. LOCAL NEWS. Willis Church Sabbath School was We are offering special value in Ladies' and Children's held on Friday evening last, when the reduce stock. following officers were elected for- the present year :--Supt., Mr. Houston; Piles Ladies' fl flPil�3s of Children's Wool Hose -- In and Around the Hub, Asst. Snpes ofo000ss, t., Mr. Jas. Scott ; Sec., Sir. -0 Jno. Allen ; Asst, Sec„ Mr. F. Beattie; Trews., R. Aggnew ; Librarian, Mr. Bry- —� At Barmain Prices in ribbed and plain -oods, �alvii �X. done; Asst., 1V1r. A. Porter. The school b is in a flourishing condition, The at- — Come and investigate to -days Assist Amkm lu 10 Highest price for butter and eggs—CAVTELON tendance and collections are not reced- ing, The anniversary will be held this Buy your flour at Olson's and secureyear about Easter. the a pi=ed with every 100 lbs. Oatmeal ea- ACCIDENT.—Okwd, Ashland, third BEESLEY �+ U0.) •Iwnged for Oats. Epi of A. M. Tadd, aged about flys AGna - ---- years, had a narrow escape from ser W- S.A. SPECIAL MEETINGS. -The public ious injury and possible death last • H. of Clinton are invited to join the S. A. Saturday afternoon. He was either The Famous Clothiers, Coats' in their barrack3 on the 23rd inst., standing on or walking across Albert when a series of special meetings will street Louth. A number of standing llfe Ladies' Favorite Establishment,Clinton. be led by the Brigadier and Staff Cap- rigs hid from the view of the driver - Block, tain Turner from London. On the of a horse and cutter the youngster. following Tuesday amagnificent ban- The animal knocked him down and ORDER YOUR MEAT EARLY, -The EVANGELISTICSERVICES,t were quet, to be followed by a monster spread its legs to prevent crushing the butchers of Clinton have wisely decided Evangelistic services which were held time, will take place. Field officers little fellow. One runner passed over to close their shops ever evening in the Rit ubury street Methodist from the neighboring cors will assist him. Fortunately the injury was yy Our Great g g p to close s Saturdays) at e o'clock. The church during last week, are being _ at this meetin very slight, so slight that lie y. g. neve rule went in force on Mande I continued this week.in the Ontario t. ��t► scampered o8 like a pale -face from a The official announcement appears in church. A wide and deep interest has .�TH AT MnN.KEY. SHow."-Mr. Edi- .red-faced warrior. All's well that ends L. beer) created, which, it is hoped, will - 3, for -Sir-A very "learned" individual, well. another column. both continue and increase. Toa much - - - after several weeks consideration and SPRAINED WRIST. -About two years I perhaps cannot he done to im rove "combine" consultation, writes the "THE VEIL." -Mr. Editor, -A writ- ago Mr. David Steep sprained his wrist the moral and religious tone, o£ the j New Era criticising my criticisms re- er, ashamed to sign his name, makes while forking flax for the flax mill. community. garding the dishonoring the nutcs charges against you through the New Since that time the injured member THE STAVELY MONEY. - Many from parents to allow their children Era in effect that you had some has been more or less painful, at times citizens of Clinton are anxions to know off'from school to attend the deg null "veiled" object in running for Public I so much so that he would he unable to if the $10,000 premised this town from , 1 monkey JA show. He -does not, -in any- School_.Trustee. As a supporter of yyork. On Wednesday the injured the Stavely Estate by the Ontario sway consider the "dog", although this yours -oppose to you in same othe=r' member was placedin piaster -parrs in--Gbvertirrient is ){oirig to fie }�z td -aver: -- -- - -... -- p animal was the most prominent and respects -I emphatically repudiate the hope of restoring strength. From past and present indications we moat instructive part of the entertain- statement. There wits no "veil." would not like to say tbat Clinton will o went. This d b t d sin le-double-thribble You were pressed to stand some of see a dollar of the money until the eve g RUNAWAY. -Last Wednesday Mr. S. writer "bravely" defends the unwar- the most extensive taxpayers because Smith, the affable and reliable stock of the Provincial elections, and proh- ranted action in urging on the untrain- we knew yrni were interested in school dealer, had a narrow escape while ably not then, and probably never. In ed dogs -(sic 'em, arc 'em, 'tizer)-be_ matters,and bectutseweareawaresome driving slang the Base Line. The this m,tttRr a very unwise course has The clearing out of everything that belongs to winter, at prices that cause "monl.eys" read "monkies !" trustees are not and do net attend the cutlet was in some way "rutted" or been pursued by local oliticians and GrammarI What haw this to do with Board regularly. Probably half the p mean money say d. for those who buy. trustees do not attend half the meet ditched and the horse freed itself. also by the powers that sooner The delay e/ the question at issue? Thribble "G.X." There was no serious damage beyond is unwarranted and the sooner thepeo- With the reat•art of winter et to come our Dr Goode wants will ,should be put in training. -Again, ings in a year, or take any interest, in, a few breakages. p{�le get it glimpse behind the scenes the g Y + Y 9 PARENT AND RATEPAYER. these matters. Although'I have every letteI•. respect for your opponent, I regret FROM MANITOBA. -Mr. W. J. Foster, be many, and there's no place where you can supply them better than TRAMPS. -The subject of tramps is very mach your defeat. -Yours, 'tAx- of Strathelair, Man., .is here on a visit. THE MYSTERY SOLVED. -The Mys- here. in some respects rather large. We PAYER. He is a brother to Mr. Charles Foster tery Tea hely in St. Paul's S. 3: rooin notice that Elmira during December CoxcERT. - Another good oppor- of Stanley and Mrs. Wm, herd of Monday evening was not as well Thi fed and housed no less than 482 at a tunkty will be ivn the people of Clin- Clinton. Some twelve years since Mr. ionized as it should have )sen. T cost of $76 for meals. While many tan to hear a hist -class concert in the Foster left for Michigan and ftnnlly deliciau� menu was n surprise to all. We have good goods to soil, and prices a good deal less than regular to have visited Clinton during the past town hall on Friday evening, the 22nd went from there to Minnesota. Some The good things behind the screens sell them at, Specialty interesting rices on week, this town is more favored by inst. Mr. Chas. Kelly, who possesses three years since be removed to Strath- were represented on the bill -of -fare P Y g P their absence. For December and the a wonderful bass voice, bliss Hattie clair•, Manitoba, and speaks very high- under assumed names and much merri- th•st ten days of 1897 twenty-four Kelly, contralto as well as mandolin ly of that section of country. Por two meat was enjoyed by the waitresses in serving their guests. selections, And tromps were taken in by Chief and piano player, and Miss Belle Rose years the farmers have had good crops what a look of disappointment Wheatley and given a night's lodging Enislie, the well known Scotch elo- and any are engaging ed the countenance of the unnlucky g in stock rais- hick mFurs, in the cells, the cost for meals at 15c. cutionist of. Edinburgh, will furnish a ing. Mr. Foster is a blacksmith by each being $3,60. There should be first-class ro rarnmce under Lhe sus- trade and is en aged in the business. gentleman of portly appearance who same manna devised by the muni- piccy of the ` �Vaodmeu of the Wort He will remain ere about six weeks. selected the number that brought him Mantles, cipal authorit•es to compel these Lndgo. No doubt• a hig house will onion, rutistard,• milk, toothpick wounded and lazy and miserable Wretches to earn a greet these talented artists. The fell- ONE OF CANADA's LEADING ARTISTS. Witter. As it solace to his wounded decent and honest living. Thespeaking unin s the charming waitress would, Mantle Cloths, J g• Y lowing is from the Glasgow Herald : -The London Advertiser, in unin ted, bring on ham -sandwich, , should be compelled o work for what Belle Rose Emslie, the Edinburgh of it resident of Clinton, very ,justly eggs honey, rolls, assorted cake, cof- they get or'be committed to jai.. The elocutionist, {;ave several readings in says: -"Miss Clara I1. Mountcastle, of fere, &c. The. former were only apps - Woollen HOSiery, 'Town might keep on band a sup Ttly of which she showed her remarkable ver- g • tilers which enabled (titre to regale ,stone to be broke for the roads, or , , Clinton, one of the ]eadin •trtists in woad to b cut for chanty and thus s'itility. (,udd1P Dnon was given Canada, is preparing a special attr•ttc- himself with the latter to his hearts T et return for the fond and lodging of with rare sympathetic power -, her titin in marine water colors for next content. The ladies are to he can_ Ladies' Underwear g 8 g other selections were rendered with sir's art exhibition. This talented gratulateii upon their having provided wayward tramps• equal intensify of draimitic power andja�jy now has in her possession ninny a repast well worth 2,ric for 10c•. Games Black Dress Goods. soul. The artist is one of the hest elo. fine pictures, two of which, "The and arnuseinents were provided for all \.N PRESENTATION.—On Tuesday even- cntionists Glasgow has ever heard' Storm" and "Good-Bve, My Love, who (hoose to remain and enjoy thein - last a number n the friends ri Dr. Sc•Hoot, TALK -11A Fortner Trustee" Good -Bye," aro master ie! es of marine Colored ][gess Goods• f,haw gathered in the ILattenbttry ' p selves. ]tis the intention of the Clone! House to pay their1respects to the Doc- writes our esteemed town contern or- realism, splendidly conceived and ext:- to give social evenings twice it month, We, and present hint with a lounge and at•v saying that the writer " male a cuted. Anyone travelling in the c•oun- to which all are invited, six dining r•ooin chairs, previous to strong effort, to sec•nre election" in St. ty of Huron would find plenty to in- A. 0• F. ---On Wednesday evening the day of his marriage, Those pre- Andrew's Ward. While we are gnite terest hint in her studio." last Bro. F. W. Wntt9, District Chief w �r sent were: -J. McMnrchie, F. Karn, twine the statement is not true, null Ranger of Eiuron, acconipnnied by Furs and Mantles. Drnrcl of ANOTli} R PIC;NEER.--The N.McL. Fair, James Fair, Jr., M,McTag_ that we did not canvas :t single vote, Bros, Derry, Beatty, Powell and A. Nqaail, T. L. Fortune, ir, Blackall• 0. the electors are in a position to fortil following from an exchange refers to Slotnan, visited Court Bismark of .tohnston, 0. Cooper, A. Porter, W. 1). an intelligent opinion. That the the aged and highly respected motherot Zurich, where they received a very Fair, L. Kennedy, H. B. Combe, Joe. schools of Clinton are the largest Barrister James Scott, of Clinton: -An heatty welcome from the Zurich menr- Rftattenbury, Dr..Bruce, ]it,;.d resident of Bast Ox- . Jackson, spending departments of the people's bens and also a visiting party from Every Mantle in the store and every dollars worth of Furs W. P. Spalding, Ab. Morrish, P. B. rnoney cannot be successfully disputed, Oki and respecteCourt Sherwood I rest of Seaforth. Crews, Dr. Myers of Pott Elgin, and No charge whatever has been made ford died the other morning in the per- The following ofiicere were installed:- must be sold. If you are in need of either we are making it Air. Shaw of Chatham. The chair against the members of the Board in- son of Jean Armstrong, wife of Michael Bros Dr. Campbell, Chief banger; H. was taken by Jas. McMnrchie who dividually or collectively as to the pro- Scott. Deceased lived with her bus- H. Webber, Sub -Chief Ranger, Jas. worth our while to buy here. made it few introductory remarks and per',or improper expenditure of so hand on lot 10, con. 2, and had reached Merner, Treasurer; bred Siegner, Sec- Y Y Sec - afterwards called Mr. W. D. Fair to do mucic money, as our critic asserts. the advanced age of 81 years. The retary; W. Wagner, Sr. Woodward; the honors in presenting the Doctor "That, the school has been most econ- cause of death wits senile decay. Mrs, H. Magel, Jr. Woodward; H. S. Peine, Mr. Fair in a ornicall�V managed is within the know- Scott was it native of Scotland and Sr. Beadle; S. Hardy, Jr. Beadle. The with the furniture. ` withbrief speech spoke the kindly feel- ledge o. every ratepayer," is a w1, te- tante to Canada with her husband and unwritten work of the new and heauti- --0 1. lugs the friends assembled bare to- ment made by " A Former Trustee," rine child, Mrs. Leak, They settled Ful Ritual of the Order was exem ili- warda the Doctor, enlogised him for and one which the electors of Clinton first in Lasts Zorra and afterwards fled by the District Chief Ranger, nt)ter rho man ggeed qqualities which he pus- would not object to have discussed in moved over to the present homestead which an adjournment to Bro. Peine's teased, andnskedhimtoacceptthearti_ detail. We did not s:ty that in East Oxford. Ten children survive. Hotel, where the fourth degree wits efes tendered in the spirit in which they economyhad or had not been They are: Mrs. Leak, E. Oxford; Mrs. exemplified by Host Peine in a tang- ■ ■ • were given. The Doctor briefly, but the rule, but a discussion of this Hart, E. Zorra; Mrs. McLean, Lanark niflicent table laden with good r. feelingly replied, thanking the iia. nature will at least enlighten nine oat county; Mrs. Mills,T( as a ;Rev. Alex., things, which was keenly appre- semblage for their gift, and assured of every ten Taxpayers in Clinton. Carleton Place; '.Thomas and John, E. ciategd and ample justice done t ■ ■ ■ them that though about to join the This would he one means of creating Oxford; Henry, old homestead; James, to the same try the brethren. connubial ranks, he would stilly have greater interest in our schools, and we Clinton; Wm., E. Zorra. All the boys Then followed 'rhe usual Rpeeches DPy'GOOCiB ►n11(nClothing, pleasant recollections of by -gone days assure our critic that he can have the except James and Alex. are farriers and songs and it very enjoyable even- . •+M• repent with those who were present. tree use of the columns of THE NEWS- •tad all the girls except Mrs. Mills are ing closed with the singing of our aLIN TUN. Speeches and songs followed. RECORD to do so. farmers' wive9. I National Anthem. El