HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1897-01-13, Page 6V-n.;w.. ,,, ry . I --.--..-•--.,_...---- --•-_._...-.._-_.__—_.- _.- .---._ - .. _ - --- .--. ....--� _. ­- -- ...-. . — p ( o�tX��. TO THE FARMERS. A CAVALRY CHARGE, 000 cavalrymen rode through the parted are two years in which we are incest BUSINESS DIRECTORY I 'Red Sea. Three bundled and seventy- interests our first and our last. held �• �• �, Noe ��O one yearn before Christ Epaminondas u,pfp in our mother's arms, we watched Study your own tncare*taod go when �, headed his troops at full gallop. Alex- the• flight of the first. With wonder - j f you Dao got ander, on a horse that no other man fag oyes we all watch the coming of �Puatug. E7LINTON REV. DR. TALMAGE ON THE NECES- could ride, led his mounted troops. lure lest. The name of that advancing Meet* excona Monday of oven Reliable Harness) SITY OF REVIVALS. Seven thousand horsemen decided the year we cannot call. It may be in tlh month. Itq11 9nd flat, MoII►y struggle at Arbela, Although saddles nineties of this century, it may be in TIE ��SONS BANK. block. Vletting brethren always I manufacture none but the BaeT OP ST00tt. were not invented until the time of the tens or twenties or thirties of the made welcome. Bowart o/shops that atoll cheap, as tho� Aass fie ItellevrN In a ,iuAdeu s/ovvmeut ie Constantine, and stirrups were un- next century, but it is coming at full DR. J. S. FREEBORN, W. M. yet to flee. Call and get prices. Orden (nptura are world fur Iutthtcuu,n, an- known until about. four hundred and gailo With what mood will we meet Incorporated by Act of Parliament 1866, P. CANTELON, JR. Sea, J. P. SHEPPARD, D. M by mall promply attended to Ile ••01da Tient Nlu Call cleat be Iver- fifty Years after Christ, you hear the it t In jocosity, as did Thomas Hood in ,-- '� �Q�� g L�y r,,,me by n Flunk :tloventeut. j initheg and snorting of warchargers his Last moment, saying, "I an; dying 11APITAL, - $2,000,000 I1j1r�Al1#t. greatest btyttles of the ages. out of charity to the un(lertaker, who HARNESS EMPORIUM, BI.YT11. ONT Washington, Jan. 3.-T rmon of Austerlitz and Marengo and Solferino wishes to earn a lively Hood." Or in REST, - - $1,400,OOb yyLINTON Lodge, No. 84, A. F. it A. M. moot* Dr. Talmage in behalf o�a sudden were decided by the cavalry. The fear as did Thomas Paine saying in C every Fridayy, on or after the moon, visit mounted Cossacks re -enforced the his fast moment "Oh, how I dread this lug brethren cordlally invited N OTICE. movement to capture the world for . , .L.�I Russian snow -storms in the oblitera- mytlterious leap 1n the dark I" Or is �6sd OffiO8e - MONTR•EAL, ' A. J. HOLLOWAY, W.N. THOS. RUMBALL, Sao. righteousness strikes a chord that will tion of the french army. Napoleon boastfulness, as did Vespasian, saying Clinton. Dec. 0. 1895. vibrate through Christendom. The text said Lf he had only had sufficient cav- in his last moment, "Ab, methinks I amt EL P- MOLSON President. There being some misunderstanding with re- air at Bautzen and Lutzen his wars becomin as k NOLFERSTAN b1OMAS.GeneralMan& er. gars co wreckaga, sec it be atecinedy understood is 11. Kings, xviii, 23, "I will deliver' would have triumphantly ended. I do Demonax, the infidel phi orsopher say ng �t� that 1 i f an kind f any pared cakes possession v y thea ' WO -horses it thou be able on shy not wonder that the Duke of Wallin in his last moment, "You may go home Kates d;,eonnted, Collections mads,, Drafts at wreckage and falls to report to me t ehau al g IIearns Tent No. 88, IInights of the Maccabees of soca tako proceedings- itautember Cilie to the part to set riders upon them." ton bad his old warhorse Copenhagen the show ie over:' Or conscience issued, Sterling and American alt- I the World. ®1,000, s2,000 and $0,099 Policies. Mem- last warning l shall iva. CAPT. wM. RABB. Up by the waterworks, the upper turned out in best pasture, and that stricken, as did Charles M. of France, change bought and sold at the World. over 190,900. Assessment Policies. -has Receiver of w'roolie, GJ�erich, reservoir aP Jerusalem, the general of the Duchess of Wellington wore a saying in his last momenta "Null 8 g Goderich su bracelet of Copenhagen's hair. Not nurse 1 What murder! What blood lowest Durrant Tutee. Hover exceeded 19 assessments to a year. Cheapest , Pt• 7th 1891. the besieging army and the generals one drop of my blood but tingles a9 Or sh,nl! we meet in gladness oY Chrf htrs low t curie ort aces. ra sad safest in existence. Meats in Orange Hull, CBn• ton, first and third Friday of every month. ' FOR SALE of besieged Jerusalem are in consulta- l look at the arched neck a-nd tian hope, like that of Julius Charle • tion. Though General Rat.•shakah had pawing hoof and panting nostril Bare; w,ho bald in his last momeanit: F'AR]YL�Rl9- y been largely aid to stop the sic e, 'he of Job's cavalry horse. "Hast "Upward, Upward I" or like that of Money advanood to tarmacs on their own notes COOK'S FLOUR The property at present oeaupied by the an- g Y p p g thou clothed his neck with thunder i Richard Baxter, in his last moment slth ono or mon endorsers. Na mortgage re dereigned as a reaidance on Chu Huron Road, I kept the Inloney and continued the He paweth in the valley. He goeth' saying: "Almost well." Or like that of lutred an *ecurity, &FEED STORE in the Towa of Goderiob, onneisting of one half of siege -the military miscrl;ant ! Rab- on to meet the armed men. The qui- Martin of Tours, sayinlg in his last ' H. O. BRElWER,g r, 1 an sore of land, good frame house -story and a shakeh derides the estpftcity of the city ver rattles against him, the gtit- moment "I go to Abraham's bosom." C1, Toa. CYinLoii. half -seven rooms, including kitchen, hard and tering spear and the shield. He swath Or like that of polished Addison, who 4 soft water, good stone cellar, stable, wood and to defend itself and practically says, among the trumpets, Ha, hal and he said in his last nonan "See with BRAN and SHORTS in Large Or carriage kousos. There are also some good fruit "You have not 2000 men who can man- smelleth the battle afar off, the thun- what ease a Christian can die." Or , 0 G Do g trees. This property is beautifully situated and age horses. Produce 2000 cavalrymen, der of the captains, and the shouting. like that of George Whitefield, who felt e Q very suitable i 1 think it is the cavalry of the Chris- that he had said all that he could of Small uantities, and f will give you a resent of `L000 For further particulars apply to i g y p tian hosts, the rand men anti wo- Christ,. declaring th. CAMPION, cavalry horses. You have not in all g en ." his last moment BANKER OIL CAKE. LINSEED MEALS Y men who, with bold dash and holy "1 shall die silent," Or like that of ALBERT STREET, Gl CLIDTTON. 642-tf Barrister,oderlob. I your besieged city of Jerusalem 2000 recklessness and spurred on energies, Mrs. Schimmelpennicb, who said in her bit are to take the world for God. To this last moment:. "Do you not hear the 10 lbs. Choice Oatmeal for One Bushel men who can mount them and b Y army of Christian service belong the voices? And the children's are the loud - Oats S I and bridle control a horse." Rab- evangelists. A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS J. C. STEilE111.aONt gelithe It ought r be the Mist- est:' hi like that of , "Standatti,say- shakeh realized that it is easier to find news of the regular churches to multi- ing in his last moment: "Stand aside) I TRANSAOTED. 't TT Furniture Dealer, &C. horses than skillful riders, and hence ply them, to support them, to cheer see my father and mother coming to D. COOK. CLINTOl`l. he makes the challenge of the text, "I them, to clear the way for them. kiss me." Or as did the dying girl, 762•tt THE LEADING UNDERTAKER AND Some of them you like; some of them who, having a few evenings before sat Notes Discowded. - - Dra%te r- 11 will deliver thea 'pUOU horses if thou be o d t 1' Y Interest Allowed on Deposits, Clinton, June 801, 1891 e68y DR. W. GUNN, 'R.'C. P, ind L. R. C. S.,•Edinburgh. Office - Ontario strtJ Clinton. Night calls at front door of residence on R.t.teu.oury stt•eet, opposite Presbyter - tan oburch. DR. TIJRNBULI.. J. L. Turnbull, M. B. Toronto tiliv. ; M. D. ; 3, M., Victoria Univ. hi. C. P. k S. Ont, ; 1,110w of the obstetrical society of Edinburgh, Late ,)f London, Eng., and Edinburgh hospitals Office: - Dr. Dowsley's stand, R,treap,ury sit. Night calla answered at Office. DR. SHAW. Office, Ontario streat, opposite Eng- lish church, formerly occupied by Dr, Appleton. Jas. S. Freeborn' X -D L. R. & Q C. P., L, ht. 0 P. & 8. O., &c., ko, to adnate of if it g's & Queen's College of physicians, I uhlin, Ir�lare, Lie,•uliato or the Oeueral Medical Council tin+rt R•itdn. hl+nioer of College t.f heshu.,,, as d Anrgeons, Outar c. Formerly relit• vt o ,no nt• unda Hrrsp t%t (Ldng•ln and Cynic. .�l"R:call, Uutd n. speOftl attention to dfseaees of t,• wan anti uhf d von, Un1ce cud rosideuce,Rettcnbury 9t,, next d ,or to Ontario tit. Methodist parsonage. 8:9-1y 11=3210' I Di. HIllCa, Sllrgean Dentist. (Yhr'I(`F,---over T;1,1.101"., ShOe story, (.1lintoll, Uut. SlIeclahttteutiori to (pro- scrvntittn of nnlural lentil'. N. B. -Will visit Blyth every Mondav, and Bay('00 ul,,y Thiiisd,t) afternoon during the su,nlner. 11 H. Agnew!, Lt D. S., D. D. So D _NTIST. . (;ratl9nle rf R iyal C,,11e r, of Dental Snr- ppeona of Uu it i,,. Ilona (,t iduate of"Friuily Dnivelsity, Turolltc. L't7t Ltecl Anaesthetie for paiulrsa r-'r•Irfi«II. Oflice cppositeTotut Mall, over Alvnllutv's Stor p. Night Bell at vwered. Will visit [h usall et ry Itlonday, and L'urich f he'2nd 'I'lllll•allaV (f eacll mouth ~ 00RtilaI. jj��/�{(' G. CA\IEfoN, JIAR1115'1'AR, SOLICITOR, ,'YJ,. t'nrtvr3uncor, &e, nlne - e,)ber )la,ut�tun and bt, Andrews -tits., opposite Colboiue Batt], Goderich. bm.t, J. SCOTT, Barrister, ¢c., 9LLIOTT'S BLOCK, - - CLINTON. 31oney to Loan, E. CAMPION, Q. 0, BARRISTER, - SOLICITOR., NOTARY, csfc., /.� odtorleli, - Ont. U81ce--UverDsvia' Drug Store. Money to loan. M. O • JOHNSTON, BARRIS ER, - - SOLICITOR, COMMISSIONER, ETC., Goderileli, - - - Out. Ofce--Cor. Hamilton and St. Andrew's Sta. W. BRYDONE., BARRISTER - - SOLICITOR. NOTARY PUBLIC, ire., Oprica BEAVER BLOCS - - CLINTON. 817-tf BILL'S FEED STORE, I HURON STREET, ULINTON. The Best Early Seed Potatoes, and all kinds of first-class Clover, Timothy, Field and Garden Seeds, Fleur and Feed of all kinds. Closest living prices for cash. SALT in stock and for sale. TEAS of the choicest varieties and blends. Excellent value. J. W. HILL, Huron At., Clinton Central Butcher Shop. COUCH & WILSON Subscriber- desh•e to notify the public that they have bought out the to business lately con- ducted by Mr, Jae. A. Ford, and will continne the some under their personal utipervialon. Orders will have prompt and careful attention. Fresh meats of all kinds will be kept in station, sold at reasonable rates and delivered anywhere in town. ARTHUR COUCII, CHAS N. WILSON. CLINTON. CENTRAL BUTCHER SHO P FORD & MURPHY. (Successors to J. W, Langford,) Having bought out the above business, we intend to conduct it on the ca+h principle, end will supply our customers with the best meats at the lowcac pay - ng prices. FORD & MURPHY LIVE HOGS w.ANTDDr Highest Marker, Price Paid. D. CANTELO�V, Clinton 1 v93•tf. -- ----- B. THOIliiLINSON9 VETERINERY SURGEON, Honorary Graduate of Chu Outaiio veterinary Col ege, Toronto. Treats all (14casre of Domestic Animals on th wostmodern and scientific Principles. Day slid Ni,ht Calls Promptly Answered. ltosfdoaee-Rattenbury Street, West. Clinton. Out J E, BLACKA�L, Veterinary Surgeon and Veterinary inspector Office au Isaac street, next New Era office. Residence, Albert Vit., Clinton. r whiff Goof T o , Horseshoer and General Black- smith, Albert Street, North, - Clinton. JOBBING A SPECIALTY. Woodwork ironed and first class material and work guaranteed ; farm implements and machines rebuilt orad repaired. Card of Thaliks. TO DIY MANY PATRONS: I desire to tender my sincere thanks for the very liberal patronage accord• od me in the past and to inform the public that I am still in the Carpet Weaving Business on East Street, Goderich, next the Bicycle Factory. Personal and mail orders will ae usual receive prompt attention. All classes of work a specialty, at the lowest poe- eible prices, and satisfaction guaran seed. W. A. Ross, East Street, GODERICH. y u o no Ike. ou say some are ons bench in a London mission, was 'FUNERAL DIRECTOR, able; to set riders upon them." too sensational, and some of th.tm are seen to have tears of contrition rolling Rab-shakeh, like many another bad erratic, and some of them are too down her cheek, and who. departing Opposite Town Hall, C1intOn, Ont vehement, and Some of them pray too from the room, had put in her hand — --r than, said tt very suggestive thing. Thai loud. Oh, fold up your erttictsm and by a Christian woman a Bible, with GO TO THE word is full of great energies and let them do which we, the pastors, can the passage marked: "The blood of. Union Shaving Parlor great opportunities, but few know how never do 1 i like all the evangelists i Jesus Christ cleunseth from all via." to bridle them and mount them and have ever seer, or heard. They •tre Though having promised to be at the busy now ; they are busy eve day next meeting, she ltd not come. manage them. More spirited horses of thte week. While we, the pastors, Oh, it will be grand when from the For first•claas Hair -Cutting than competent riders. The fact is srve God by holding the fortress of windows and doors of the "house of and Shavin;;. that in the church of God we have righ'teousuess and drilling the Chris- many mansions," we look out and see tian soldiery and l marshaling an - Smith's block, opposite Post Office, Clinton plenty of fortresses well manned, and Y passing along the golden boulevards of theins and sermons and ordinances on heaven the white horse cavalry that J, EMERTON, Proprietor. plenty of heavy artillery, and plent3• the right side, they are out fighting St. John describes in Revelation? WATTS ( CO. °f solid columns of brave Christian the forces of darkness "hip and thigh John Wesley said he thought horses. with great slaughter." All success to had souls; but, take the storyits Re - soldiers, but what we nest Head is them 1 The faster the gallop the bet- 9 cavalr mounted troops of God -for Y g 1 must as figurative or literal, you Y- i ' ter I like it. The keener the lances must admit that none but cavalry CHEMISTS & DRUGGISTS sudden charge that seems almost de- they fling the more ladmire them. N'v'e horses is mentioned as being in heaven; a crate, If Washington, if New York, care not whet conventionality they ill- John xix., 14, "The armies which were Great Northwestern Telegraph office, p Tract if they only gain the victory. in heaven followed him upon ,white Albert Street, Clinton. if London, are ever taken for God, it Moody aand Chooman and Mills and will not W by slow bombardment of. Jones and Harrison anti Munhall and horses." You see, they aremounted cried troops. Their Leader is in deep crim- PIIIIRPS PIIliIPS argumentation, or by regular unlim- Major Cole and Crittenden and ahlun- son attire. His vesture weare told, is ' ! bering of great theological guns from dred others are now making the cav- "dipped in blood," not blood of hu- alry charge, and they are this moment man slaughter, as many other conquer - the portholes of the churches, but by takIn r New York and Philadelphia If you want a arst•olnss, well made pomp, one that h, P ars have their attire, but His Own will.give you satiafactlon, Bond your order tothe gallop of sudden assault and rush of and Cincinnati for God, and I wish blood, blood of crucifixion agony, the undersigned. He will dig and clean wells and do tt at holy energy that, will astound and they miq•bt take our nation's capital. blood by which He redeemed you and the closest prices. He also handles a first-class FURCE PUMP. throw into panic the long lines of Here the tremendous facts: There me. That deep red garment is to vivid JAMES FERGUSON drilled opposition armed to the teeth. are now in this country nearly �66,U) contrast with the snowy white charger church congregations, with nearly `31,- on which our Lord is seated. And no Noth!.ng so scares the force of yin as ()00,000 communicants and seatin saved sinner can gaze on that red and Ogposlt Qaeen'a Hotel High Street Clinton.09.tj,- that white without remembering that 8o9 -t, a revival that comes. they know not, capacity in church for more than 43,- 6 ,hence, to do that which they cannot 000,000 people -in other words, room in though his sins were once red, like tell, to work in a waythat the can- the churches for three-fourths of the crimson, they have become whiter than F. W. F R 8 N C n JI B not understand. They will be overcome population of this country, and about snow. one-third of the population of this Oh, those celestial cavalcades whom (MEMBER OF ASS'NOFP.L. BJ by flank movement. The church of country already Christian. In other our conqueror in scarlet shall lead on God must double up their right or left words, we will hb.ve only to average through the streets of heaven! Provincial Land Surveyor bringing two souls to God during the As from the windows and doors of wings. If they expect us from the next three years and our country is, the "house of (many mansion~" we and Civil Engineer, north, we win take them from the redeemed. Who cannot, under the look on the passing spectacle some of LONDON, ONTO south. If they expect us at 12 o'clock power of the Holy Ghost, bring two us will wish that on earth we had had OPPIOa--AE G. J, Stewart's Grocer Stare CBn- at noon, we will come upon thein at souls to God in thiree years? As so less salary and more hardship, less Grocery p many will bring hundreds and thou- comfort and more exposure, less caution to❑, i2 o'clock at night. The opportunities sands to God, most of you have to and more courage, less shelter and Don't Build i1''� Q for this assault are great and numer- bring only one soul to God and the more storm, less smooth sailing and W I 'It CI`�jlt ous, but where are the men 2 "I will gospel. campaign for this continent more cyclone, and that we had dared ilhlj ut u11 deliver thea `UUJ horses if thou be able will be ended. If you cannot bringone all at the front instead of takinggood soul to God, or two souls, or three care of ourselves in the rear. For- _ to set riders upon them." souls, in three years, you are no Cbris- ward, mounted troopsl favorite of -The opportunities of saving Ameri- tian and deserve yourself to be shut heaven I Cavalrymen and cavalry- , J. ADES FEWLER & CO., ca and saviing the entire planet were out of heaven. women of the Lord God Almighty No Archit$cfs and Civil Engineers never so many, never so .ur ant, never Get out of the way with your dolor- chargers of heaven too white #'Ka. g gnus-foreboding aand ubange your dirgss arched_of neck or too prancing it Are opening a permanent ofllee in Clinton and aro so tremendous, as now, have you not for whalt we have not done for the for those Aeated -ou them. ib's plepaied to supply PI 06 Sperifleatious and detail' noticed the willingness of the printing grand march of wbat we may do and warhorse wbile, the battle was going on for any class of work at moet reasonablo rates. will do, The woman at Sedan, in said, "Ha, ba!" shall not these charg- press of the country to give the sub- whose house Napoleon the Last was rs, now that the clay is won, utters Potent Drawings prepared and paurite obtained• ject of evangelism full swing in column waiting to make surrender of htimself • more jubilant "Ha, ha?" Forward un - e vatuntioneandinspectionscarefully rade. after co,umn'l Such work was former- and his m4ny, said to ;.he overthrow -,n der arches of triumph, by fountains �r 1 :onfined to tract distribuf ion and French Emperot, What can I do for rainbowed of eternal joy, and amid gar- ' .�i Years Fx�Je�'ienceila Ontario, Y you?" And the despairing ex -mora- dens abloom with unlading effores A religious journalism. Now the morning arch replied, "Nothing but draw down cence and along palaces where, after Mall adarene-P. O. Box 210, cunt on and evening newspapers, by hundreds the, blind so that i cannot be stared they have dismounted, these souls shall and thousands of copies, print all re- at." Jn this gospel campaign we have reign forever and ever, they march, ligious intelligence and print most plenty to draw down the blinds. In they brandish their weapons with awakening discourses. Never since the God's name I say pull up the blinds which they gained bloodless victory, g and lea the morning sun of the com- and they rlsu in stirrups of gold to r world has stood has such a force been ing victory shine upon us. What we greet all the rest of heaven, gazing offered to all engaged in the world's want in this campaign for,God is the upon them from the amythistine ba1- evangelizatiom. Uf the more than fif self abnegation and courage of the conies• A glorious heaven it will be jppp [ h teen thousand newspapers on this con- ,.nen of Sir Colin Campbell, w -ho, as for all of us who anywhere and any- eAVEATS, I IiiDL MARIeS tinent I do not know one that is not Lord Bishop Cowie, of New 'Zealand, how served the Lord, but an especial COPYRIGHTS. alert to catch and distribute all mat- I once; ebaplain of his army, told me, heaven, a mounted heaven, a proces- CAN I OBTAIN A PATENT? For a ters of religious information. said to the troops: " Men, no retreat stonal heaven for those who have done ppcomppt anew@@,r and an honest opinion, write to Oh• now 1 see a mighty suggestive from this place. I)ie right here." And outside work, exposed work, and lie- B10NNS:CO.,whohavehadnearly tittyyoars' nese in the fact that the first book, of they shouted, "Yes, Sir Colin, we will longed to the Lord's cavalry. "The ar- eznsatri e in t)ycon dpatententia bustgase. COmmlrntea. any importance that was ever pub- mien which were in heaven foll(lwed formation done❑adential. Arinndbooltotin. do it l" And they did. rormatfon ooncerning Patents and bow to 0b. lished after Johann Gutenberg in- him upon white horses." talnthem sent free. Also ncatalogue ofinecbnn. vented the art of printing was the The cavalry suggest speed. When Then let the creaking door of the a ml Patents taken books through Munn g closing year go abut, Wbe,n that closes, Patents scientific through Munn & Co. receive Bible. Well might that poor man toil once lh�a reins are gathered into t.hc Eeaalndticeinthe seleptipr.Amerlenn,and on, )polishing stones and manufacturing hands of. the soldiery horsemen and the hetter doors will open. Tho world's t ue are brought widely before the pubilcwUh. looking lyses and making expert- spurs ata struck into the flanks, you hri p Y Y CUL Cost to the inventor. This splendid paper, g g ` ghtest and hap zest ears are of tsauctlweek] 77,ele8antlylllnstratod,basby farthe merits )bat brought upon him the hear the ratapan of the hoofs. "Ve- to come. Toward them we speed on largest clreulationyear. of any Sample picas work In the charge of insanity find borrowing locity"' is the word that describes the ill swiftest stirrup. Cavalry charge at Orli 83 a year, Sample coptee sees tree. BandlnnIRDdttion monthly, R.Wnyosr. Single money, now from Martin Brother and movement -acceleration. momentum- lnkerman was not so rapid. At last eoples, tN cents. every number contains bean• now from Johann Faust until he set and what we want in getting into the the equestrians equal the chargers. At tifful platen. In colors, and photographa of new on toot the m htiest ower for the kin com of God is celerity, You see, houses. with plane, enablingbuilders showtly p g y. last the riders are as many as the Istest dee a and secure contracts, Address.. evange:ization of the world. The statue the years are so swift, and the days are horses. MUNN&CO. Nbw Yeah 3(/l DBOADWAT. in bronze which Thorwaldsen erected so swift, and the hours are so swift, for Gutenberg in 1837 and the statue and the minutes are so swift we need commemorating him by David d'Ang- to be swift. For lack of this appropri- NES',• METHOD. FACTS ABOUT THE QUEEN. ers in 1840 and unvel,ed amid all the at° speed many do not get into heaven A man ,bo was for .Some years in Pomp and military processions and at all. Here we are in Uhe fast Sab- IIer Majesty was crowned on June German bands of bestmusic couldgive, bath of the year. Did you ever know lice log and lumber busina5s on thr, 28, 1838. the occasion were insignificant com- a twelfth month quicker to be gone? shore•i of Lake Michigan teals a lit - Her Majesty was born at 4 a. m., pared with the fact to W demoustrat- The golden rod of one autumn speaks t,e incident of th,', Irishman's unwill- May 24, 1819, eel before all earth and all heaven, to the golden rod of the next autumn, ingnesg to a.ckuuw:eclga his ignorance that Johann Gutenberg, under God, and the crocus of one springtime to the Her Majesty's first child (Princess inaugurated forces which will yet ac- crocus of another springtime, and the of any subject. .Ii,oyal) was born November 21, 1840. complish the world's redemption. The snowilanks of adjoining years almost One day a young Irishman app:ied for Her Majesty's father, the Duke of newspaper Iprovs will yet announce na- reach each other in unbroken curve. work. Kent, was the fourth son of George tions born in a da The newspaper 14e are in too much hurry about most Can you raft and boom lugs? asked LII, press wi:l report Christ's sermons yet things. Business men rn too much tb.� ,umber merchant. Her Majesty was married in tb, to be, delivered and describe His Iyer- hurry ru,sh into speculations that ruin AV coorse, sorr, returned th, unem- ebapel of St, James' Palace, Februa: sonal appearance, if, a9 some think, them and ruin others. People move p;uyed with cbeering promptness, 10. 1840. He shall come again to raign on earth. from place to place in too great haste, Well then, said lh,; lumber merchant, The Queen's mother, the Duchess of The newspaper press may yet publish and they wear out their nerves and go up on the gap above tbs railroad Dent, (lied March 16, 1861, aged Christ''i )proclamation of the world's weaken the heart's action. But the bridge anti boorn all (IV, logs }'oil find seventy-five. emancipation from sin and sorrow and only thing in which they were afraid of with my mark. Any of the raft.stnen Prince Consort (lied December 1.1 of death. Tens of thousands of good men being too hasty is the matter of the will tell you about the mark, th,; local - the. same year. in this and other lands have been or- soul's salvation. Yet did anyone ever ity of the gap, and so forth. IIer NT. fest was confirmed July dained by the laying on of hands to get damaged by too quick repentance The lrisbiutn he4itated a mornent, The McKillo�t Mutual Fire n 1831, in the Chapel Royal, 5t. James's, preach the gospel, but it seems to me laying the or loo quick pardon or too quick eman- cipation? The Bible recommends tardi- and then with an ingenious sari:e, he A1>ralJ to IeiKd. bV the then Archbishop of Canter- bury. that just now, by the on of hands of the Lord God Almighty,' the ness, deliberation and snaillike move- said: I'll be afther goin' directly, sorr ; d' Insurance Company. The Queen will wear nothing but newspaper presses are being• ordained ment in some things, as when it enjoins to be to you boom the logy as we do in Ih,: owld Is it, a sho- mT�oNEYtotend In largo oramaueumeorgoad black glaves, Her Majesty only re for preaching the gospel with widcvr• than us slow speak and slow to to do it counthry, 1 dunno? wid 'em, how l mortgagee or personal security at the lowest quires ;,bout two dozen gaits of gloves sweep and mightier re:yound we wrath and slow evil,but tells "The vel? ye boom sorr, or current rates. tt. HALE, Huron at. Clinton. — Farm Isolated Town Proper- a year, each pair costing but Ss. Gd. have ever yet imagined. The iron us, kin'g's business requireth that days Money, and Insured. Tberc is n tradition to the English horses of the printing press are all haste," and our are as the flight PRINTING TELEGRAPH. • ty only Royal Family that hovs must wear ready for the battle, but where are of a weaver's shuttle, and ejacu- "Escape in - Money to lend on good security at 6t} and A pat the Highland cost.ums until the Queen deems to order a change. the men ,good enough and strong enough to mount them and guide latest for thy life. Look not behind thee; neither stay thou in all The multiplex printing telegraph, vented by Prof. Henry A. Rowland, of •ant. Apply to C. RIDUUT, Albert Sc.,ounton. 832•tt. orrroime. George Watt, President Harloek P. O.; James proper Among her most favorite treasures them? "I will deliver thea 2,000 horses the plain." Other cavalry troops may the Johns Hopkins University, will 13y this Droadfoot,Yloe-Preis., seatlorth P. O,; W. J. Shan• nano Sooty. Treat,., Seaforth P. O.; Michael Murdis, and reminisences of the past, the Queen keeps a brooch which once. be- if thou be able to set riders upon them." fall back, but mounted years never re- treat. They are always going ahead (message soon be put on the market. instrument an operator can t ransx.t a Ce`�,YZ Bros, 0� tnapeeta.otlouee, SeatarthP. O. longed to Robert Bruce of Scotland. Go out to the Soldiers' home and talk have been in the not on an easy canter, but at full run. Other regiments bear the command i written upon a type,•riter , in typewritten ftirin ' iI{+ ,@��xl OENLRAh CIROUERS &PROMs• nrasmoae, Jaaee Broadfoot, Sonforth; Michael Wardle, Sea. forth] Georrgge D■le, eestoi•th; George watt, Iiarlook CARING FOR THE EYES, with the men who war, and they will give you right ap- preefation of what is the impportance of "Halt I" and pitch their tents for the night. The regiments of the years have it reproduced at the receiving end. In addition, with Dr, Rowland's new machine five or six Thee%" E,1HI Soaforth; Atex Gardlner,Loadbury ION MERCHANTS. ThomasGarbntt, Clinton; John McLean, Rippen. When the eyes ache, close them for of the cavalry service in battle. You hear the clatter of the hoofs, and the never hear the command of "Halt)" and never pitch tent for the night. different messages can Ile. sent, over the same wire to +one direction at the AGENTS. troch cry, Glassib Chinaware Thomas Nellans,11arlock; Robert MoMillan, Sibs. five minutes. After weeping bathe them in rose water and lay a towel whir of the arrows, and the clash of e shin and the bang of the car- The century leads on its troop of 100 the leads same time. In duplex this makes ten or twelve messy es on the wire at one g forth and JamesCummin wet with rosewater over them for five asbines, tge,Egmondville, and down the they ride t ears, and year on its troop Y p of 365 days and the day leads on its time. (rhos, with five operators at ALBERT ST., CLINTON. ONT. Parties desirous to et7oct insurance or trans minutes. When they are bloodshot centuries. Clear back in time, Os k y troop of 4 houlb, and the hour leads each end of av- line, sending each an 300 900 Highest Cash Price for Butter apd Eggs sot other business will be promptly attend• i ed to �nappplteation to any of the above piAceri sd• glee more. When the whites aro el- Y p p Y low and the pupils dull consult our nand as led 20,000 mounted troops, m Bactrulna. Josepbus says that whew y on ite troop of 60 minutes, and all are °rage of thirty words a inmate, i words can be transmitted each min- . 162-ly areseedtothair respective post offices. doctor about your diet, the Israelites escaped from Egypt 50,-Id®shinig out of sgght. Perhaps there ute, . : .1 I I 11,1; % ,• •r . . ,.... . ,.... ,... . -1-1 - I .. I ____ ., ., 1.,.. .... .. ...yy.. ,_... ... ..'...:., i, .. .,,. - . d. , ,q •,. ..._,._. . ,...., ., .. ... ..,.. ..... ...... . .. . G• .. ._,. ..• .,...., .,..,.... ... . -:Hie ...,... . .., .....- ...ur. .tl .v _.,,.. .,.... _...,_...n a.