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The Huron News-Record, 1897-01-13, Page 5
N.I+,t XV f4 ITEM. EM. Such so the following which appear ed in the New Era editorials last wool exposes but one of the many ways by which people are deceived by these pedlars. Through the country they travel telling all sorts of stories snd being smooth in tongue and manner, manage without difficulty in making a substantial profit on the crodulence of 'the public, This is the item in ques tion: e SELLING SPECTACLES, --There is at present a apeetacle vendor going the rouuds of out country and villages telling the old story of having found a pair of gold-riuuned spectacles on the train between Buffalo and New Fork. He offers them for $1.00, then 75c, and some- times 50c. He must have found a good many polars, as quite a tow have pnrchaned from hint. 130 olalius he is not selling spoetacles but soap, but he never shows his soup and always tells his old story of finding the spectacles. Thiry may be worth tho price, but anyone who think, he is getting a $b pair for 50c will probably got left. Beyond finis, neo!)]e should not buy s ec• �tllles, or all things, without first testing 2elr �H�yodand tato glasses, so that both may bear the tenor relation to each other, and the only right way this eau be done, is ill buying of roeognizcd dealers who have a reputation at stake. Besides the exposure of this trick the editorial contains the best of ad vice. Spectacles of all things, as it says, should NEVEM be bought in any such haphazard way. A proper test by a reputable dealer (not a so called teat by a pedlar) should always be had before glaseesj are worn. We as the only GRADUATE OPTICIANS In the district are the recognized dealers here. We have a reputation too good to lose. We test your eyes as they should be tested and fit you with glasses accordingly. Lastly, we allow you to take no risks. We refund your money if not satisfied, Free test and moderate charges for glasses. Allen & WilsonDRUGGISTS OPTICIANS CLINTON. STER[flSHIP Ticket Agency, W. Jackson, r CLINTON. Winter Term Monde Jan. 4 '97. Term, yr f • A/TiQ 4 t STRATFORD, ONT. Canada's popular Commercial School—NoNr BETTER IN THE DOMINION. Our courses of study are bristling with good business points; experienced teachers in every department; ex - students of other business colleges now In at- tendance; moderate rates; board low, A co - AHEAD SCHOOL TURNING OUT WIDE-AWAKE YOUNG MEN AND WOMEN; graduates always suc essful, Beautiful catalogue free. W. catalytic Principal 'eautiful Wcdding Presents, Presents that are both useful and pretty. We have just ordered another lot of beautiful Silver. ware, we had an immense stock before Xmas and it was very quickly sold, and we again have a fine assortment of Cut Glass Marma- lade, Brass Kettles for 5 o'clock tea. See our Cut Glass Marmalade Dishes, they are pretty, as is also everq,hing else, B. RumbaI19 l JEWELER, CLINTON. �CL[NTO ,:. Skating and Curling Rink, FOR SALE ON EASY TERMS, ,. 942-tf R. I R W I N, Again Open. i O. OLSON is again open for business on Victoria streot with it —Full Stock of— FLOUR. FEED, MEALS and GROCF.RIF.S. The stock has been selected with great care, and the public may rest assured that the very best value In the market In all lines will be given. Any person purchasing 25 lba. Flour, 25c, of oiled Oatmeal wlti receive G lbs. of Red. pat % Best Granulated Sugar for 25c, Agent for Clinton Flour. OLSON,Viotorio St., Clinton , 11 year's Experiehee In Rep airinrf Watches Has given us such fin insight into the work that why} we take it job iu hand we know just how to go about it, even if it is the most delicate piece of utechatlisin, 11 years experience has given us knowledge, :t knowledge of how to do out- work and your work well. Watch repairing is one thing we know how to do thorough- ly find one thing we guar- antee to do thoroughly and to your satisfaction or money refunded. We a4so repair Clocks. Jewelry set equally as well and we re- pect8ully solicit your trade for this class of work. AZA, Qlzb�Q1:4W P. B. Crews. Jeweler, Meeting of the Huron County Council. The Council of tho Corporation of the Count: of Huron will meet in the Council Chamber it the Town of Goderich, an Tuesday, the 20th o this month, at3' o'clock P. W. 1V. LANE, Dated Jan. 12, 18+97, Co. Clerk. 717 2t Early Closing, The Butchers of Clinton have agreed to close their shops every night at 7 o'clock, except Saturdays, and on that day at 9 P.m. Tht general public are roguested to observe the hours and leave their orders early. COUCH & WILSON, R. FITZSIMONS, FORD& MURrnv, Clinton, Jan. 11th, 1897, CHARLES Ww947 4t . McKillop Directory for 1897. John Morrison Reove. Winthrop P. O. W.I. Archibald, Deputy Reeve, Le6dbury P. O, Daniel Manley, Councillor, Beechwood P. O. Jos, C. Morrison, Councillor, Beechwood P. O. Wm. McGavin, Councillor, Leadbur�yy P. O. Jun. C. Morrison, Clerk, Winthrop P. 0. William Evans, Assessor, Beechwood P, O. David M. Ross, Treasurer, Winthrop P. 0. Charles Dodds, Collector, Scaforth P O. Richard Pollard, Sanitary Inspector, Leadbury. News Notes. Hog cholera is reported in Middlesex County. The Quebec Legislature has been prorogued. Another consignment of Lee -Enfield rifles numbering 2,000 arrived at Kingston. Mr.. Geo. - Cowan, it farmer living near Paris, wastllrown froth his bug} y by his horse running away and cried from his injuries. The Dominion Parliament will not meet until March, and the tariff pro- posals will not lie brought clown until April. Mr. Laurier will go to tiVashington before the session of the Dominion Parliament, and make himself persona grata with the members of the McKin- ley Cabinet, It is understood that at the naxt ses- sion of Parliament Sir Richard ()ar•t- wr•ight and Mr, Fielding will change portfolios. The members of the. Eastern Ontario Dairymen's Association held their twentieth annual convention in Brock- ville Wednesday. Friday counsel for Mr. W. D. Dim- ock, Conservadye M. P. for Colches- ter, N. S., acknowledged bribery by agents, and the seat was declared va- cant. Mr. W. H. Walker, the well-known graphite mine owner of Ottawa, has assigned forthe beneHtof his creditors. The liabilities arnour-t to about $140, - ow. Sir Donald Smith, the Canadian High Commissioner, has established new agencies in Ireland and Wales to make better known to emigrants the resources of Canada. It is stated that the uncle of the. Princess Chimay has' stopped all sup- plies of money until affairs are settled in regard to her elopement with the Hungarian gypsy. Miss Grace Stearns, it young Port Rowan lady, was taking a gun out of a buggy in her father's barn when the charge exploded, entering her side, in- flicting a fatal wound. rhe British Board of trade returns show that the total imports for 1896 have increased £25,117,677 over 1895, and the exports have increased afi14,- 033,193 over the previous year. • The engagement of Miss Ella Walk- er, gtauddaughter of Hiram Walker, the millionaire distiller of Walkervitle, Ontario, to Count Manford Von Mat- uschka of Schloss, Bechau, has been announced. The Toronto Public School Board of 1890 at its final meetingpassed a reso- lution deciding that in the interests of education, economy and efficiency it was desirable that the public and High School Boards should be amalgamat- ed. Captain George Irving died last Thursday evening at the residence of his son-in-law, D. B. Odette., Windsor, aged 81. He was one of the oldest captains on the lakes, and was well known to most of the vessel owners from one and of the lakes to the other, rodelrlieh Townlshtp• VISITINO —bliss Isadore Elllott, of the tth, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. W. .Elliott of the Bayfield Line. Fins.—Tramps entered Gilbert Malt's vacant house, on Thursdaylast and built a fire in the cellar. It was dis- covered by Mr. Wm. Crooks, who was driving along the Huron Road, and the flames were promptly quenched. The tramps were quite unconcerned when discovered in the honse: They headed for Clinton. SAYING GOOD-BYE.—A very large number of the friends of Mr. David Beacom gathered at his residence on the Baylield Lille to stay good-bye, lie haviuK sold his fariu and is about to remove to Hullett. The gathering Par over -reached the hundred utur'k and all regretted very much Mr. Beacom's contemplated removal. His friends are legion, as he has resided oil the present farm for 47 years. He was presented with it handsome blackthorn cane, Mrs. Beacom with it silver nutter dish, and Miss Webster with an alhum. Oysters and many other good things were served and it most enjoy - BIAS time spent by all. A PROVIDh.NT1AL RESCUE, FROM A LIFE BURDENED WITH PAIN AND BUFFERING. LANGUOR, SEVERE HEADACHES AND PAINS IN THF. REGION OF THE KID- NEYS MADE TER LIPEOFMRS. M'CAUCE MISERABLE — DR. WILLIAMS' PINK PILLS CURED AFTER OTHER MEDI- CINES FAILED. From tho Gravenhurst Banner. Poor health is an affliction that Is dreaded by every one, and the Hrersign of approaching disease is usually met with an attempt on the part of the patient to check and kill it. Ft•e(ruent- ty, however, even the most skilled physicians fail, and the sufferer en- dures a weary round of agony such its those who are in the full en joyincnt of health can have no conception of. But when at last it medicine is found that will cute its worth cannot be estimated in dollars and cents. It is without price. Such is the -opinion of Mr, and Mrs, Hugh McCauce, of Ashdown, Out,, Mr. McUauce tells the story of his wife's illness and cure as follows :— "For three of- four years past my wife had been constantly failing in health. The first symptoms of her trouble were languor and loss of appetite, accorn- panted by hearing down pains and headaches, which affected her periodi- cally. Asti tle grew on Rhe was, at- tacked with pains in the region of her kidneys that becatne almost unbearable owing to their severity. Home reme- dies and different medicines were tried, but with no good results. Last winter she grew so weak and helpless that I was obliged to seek medical aid for her, and accordingly sent her out to Barrie, where she received the best medical attention, the result of which was only slightly beneficial. On her return, owing no doubt to the tedious. ness of the journey, she suffered fr•ora a relapse and her trouble came back in it form mote aggravated than before. I noticed in a paper which I was read- ing one day a testimonial from one who had been cured of a simil,ir trouble, and although knowing that )they remedies had failed in toy poor ;offering wife's case, there was yet a, ,-ay of hope. I therefore procured a .'ew boxes of Dr. William's Pink Pills tad on my return horse administered ;he first dose to iffy wife. Itis perhaps seedless to relate that before the first suIpply was exhausted she found great elief. My wife now commenced to .enjoy abuoyancyOf spirits and kept on raking the Pink Pills with increasing ;ood results, By the time she had iced six boxes her condition had SO i111- woved that her neighbors were almost taprepared to believe the evidence of :heir own eyes when seeing the change n her appearance, Before taking the )ills it was a severe task even to dress lerself, much less to do any house- vork, while now, although not having ised anv of the pills for more than it ;ouple of months, she attends to all ter household duties without the inghtest inconvenience. Takingall hings into consideration, I feel it it fifty I owe to other sufferers to recom- mend these little pink messengers of lealth which stood between my well sigh distracted wife and the jaws of a ingering but certain death." The experience of years has proved ,hat there is absolutely no disease due o it vitiated condition of the blood or hattered nerves, that Dr. Williams' 'ink Pills will not promptly cure, and hose who are suffering from such roubles would avoid much misery and ave money by promptly resorting to his treatment. Get the genuine Pink 'ills every time and do not be per - traded to take an imitf:tion or some ther remedy from a dealer, who for he sake of the extra profit to himself• nay stay is ` host as good. Dr. Wil- iams' Pink Pills cure when other nedicines fail. County Curmicy. Emperor• William has designed the ower for the German Protestant hurch at Jerusalern. Mr. Wiilifatn Whyte, superintendent ,f the Western Division of the Can- Aian Pacific railway, states that of tho otal amount of ninety million bushels ,f wheat in the West at the opening ,f the season, he estimates that from wo million and it half to three million tushels are in the hands of a few farm- rs west of Winnipeg. The meetings of the South Huron ?armers' Institute, held at Brucefield ,nd Exeter, on Tuesday and Wednes- lay last; were well atltended and in very way quite Successful. The 3rucefield meeting was the largest of he kind that has yet been held at that (lace, while the evening entertainment vas equally a marked success. A t :xeter on Wednesday, there was a arge turn out of the farmers of the urrounding townships and a very in- eresting meeting was held, but the venin entertainment had to be dis- rensed with on account of another ritertainment being held in the village he same evening, and the officers of he Institute did not care to interfere vith any local entertainment of that And. The next meetings of the Institute rill be held at Hensall and Dashwood on the 4tb and 5th of. February. Over Twenty -One Thousand Subscribers in 28 Days. A RECORD BREAKER. By the official figures, careful audited, we Fee that the Family Her and Weekly Star, of Montreal, receiv over twenty-one thousand subscribe in twenty-eight days. It is eviden of wonderful popularity and we da say there is not a weeklp newspap in America that can show such record. Here are the figures by da as officially given and vouched for. Subseri do by Mail. Tuesday, Dec. 1 ..... 3'3'7 Wednesday, Dec. 2...... 447 Thursday, Dec. 3.. , ... 488 Ft iday, Dec. 4 .. , ... 625 Saturday, Dec. 5...... 5`120 Monday, Dec, 7...... 9f18 Tuesday, Dec. 8...... 451) Wednesday, Dec. 9...... 7114 Thursday, Dec. 10. , .... 630 F i iday, Dec. 11. , .... 70.2 Saturday, Dec. 12...... 675 Monday, Dec, 14 ...... 1168 GUNS! GUNS! GUNS! We are practical Machinists with a fully equipped Repair Shop. We reut,, repair and clean GUNS and SEWING MACHINES of all kind, makes and styles; if any of the parts are broken or worn out we can make new. We grind, sharpen and polish all kinds of KNIVES,SUIS' 601 % ly SKATES, lkc., andretemper if required. Id ed Remember we repair everything in the shape of Small Machinery, I's Household Utensils, Umbrellas, Parasols and articles of like nature. ce Our prices are the lowest that are possible and we guarantee sadefac re tion. er a Ys Buy. your SA8113 from us --thee are the best. ns The 'Onwaird Bicycle Co., Clinton. OPPOSITE MAIIKET SQUARE. Well Worth ConsIdering / IAS it ever occurred to you that there is a possibility of a duty being put on 'Peas. Why not buy a quantity and be on the safe side, Japan China Indian and Ce 1 T Tuesday, Dec. 15...... 434 7 1 y on eas. Wednesday. Thursday, Dec. 16....., Dec, 17.,.... 808 784 I have them all, from the lowest to the highest grades, at remarkably fine values, Friday,' Dec, 18 .....737 Winnipeg. '= Saturday, Monday, Dec.' 19. , , . , . 739 - Try our 25c and 40c Japan Teas. p Tuesday, Wednesday, Dec, 21 ...... Dec. 22...... Dec. 23 ..... 1`2$1 487 780 Special Bargains in DINNER SETS also Fancy China and Thursday, Dec. 24...... 868 Glassware. Saturday, Dec. 26 ...... 1376 used in the erection of permanent qquarters at Bisley for the Canadian quarters a. MonTuesday, Tuesda Wednesday, Dec. 29...... Dec. 20...... 927 588 N. Robson, Albert St., Clinton, .Li fr"t cure in all such oases, and healthy rest saltation free. Thosr. unable to call, can Dec, 30...... 9W ernor• Kirkpatrick ie suffering in Lon- Thursday, Dec. 31 ...... 1004 case is regarded as very serious. Saturday, Jan. 2 ...... 16W lobbyists during the session by cutting Monday, Jan, 4 .....1690 — tween his office and the legislative No doubt this phenomenal accounted for by the wonderful success is value ■ t r � + y �®s• Fi v© ter of the Family Herald and its beautifu premium picture "THE ORPHAN'S The ®Id Reliable Specialists. PRAYER." ,_ -oo `Lr____ ine treatment of tht 'r•ilroat and Lung Troubles, Catarrh, Asthma, Bronchitis, Nervous, Chronic and Special Dis- eases of meh and women. st Manhood restored—Kidncy and Mad. der troubles permanently cured—Gleet, Gonorrhoea, Varicocele and stricture cured without pain. No cutting. Syphilis and all Blood Diseases cured without mercury. aIld ]Wen Suffering from the effects of D youthful follies or indiscreti(ms, or any troubled with weakness, Nervous Debility, Loss of Memory. Despondency, Aversion to Society, Kidney Trouhler, or any disease of the Genital -Urinary Or. gong, can here find safe and spvcdy cure. Charges reasonable, especi..,v to the poor. CURESGUARANTEVE?. ldle-gged ltleu-Therearemanv troubled Ht) with too frequent ev:icu- a slight smarting or burning sensation, and .tient cannot account for. There are many he cause. The doctor will guarantee a per- oratlon of the genito•urinary orzans. C'on- write full particulars of their ease and have tions for use. Mention this paper when 0 8 p, m. Sundays, 9 to 11 a. m, f WOODWARD AQIf*WUR. le Entrance No. 12 F. J,.Azabeth St,) T, F+Il1GH. MARKET REPORTS. (Corrected every Tuesday aftarneon.) OLINTON. Fall Wheat ................... 0 80 to 0 92 Barley .......................... 0 30 to 0 40 oats ............................. 0 17 to 0 18 Peas.......... ......... 0 36 tG 0 40 Potatoes, per bush.......... 0 20 to 0 25 Butter .......................... 0 11 to 0 12 Eggs per doz.................. 0 13 to 0 14 Hay. 8 00 to 8 00 Cordwood. 3 00 to 3 50 fipples per bush ............. 0 15 to 0 15 Dried Apples per lb........ 0 02 to 0 2'e, Ducks per 1b, ................ 0 05 to 0 106 Turkeys per lb... ......... 0 06 to 0 07 Geese per lb...... . ..0-05Ao 0-06 Chickens per pair .......... 0 25 to 0 35 TORONTO FARMERS' MARKET. Wheat, white.... .....$ 87 to $ 00 do red ................ 86 to 00 do goose .......... . ... 67 to 08 Peas .. .... ..........:. 43 to 44 Buckwheat , ... . ...... 34 to 00 Rye ..... , ... 33 to ` 34 Oats ................. 21 to 25 Barley ................. 30 to 34 Hay ... ... .........13 00 to 1400 Straw, bundled... , ..... 850 to 950 do loose ...... .. ..... 600 to 7 00 Eggs, new laid ... , ...... 18 to 21 Ducks .................. 40 to Oil Butter, lb.,'rolls......... 15) to 17 do Tubs, dairy...... 12 to 13 Chickens ............... 25 to 40 Turkeys ................. 6 to 0 Geese ................. . .5 to 0 Potatoes ....... ... ... 30 to 40 Dressed hogs........., . 450 to 5 40 Beef, ee , hindquarters.... , .400 to 550 Li lab .. ................. 6 50 to 7 51) do forequarters...... 250. to 3 50 Mutton ................. 400 to 6 00 TORONTO LIVESTOCK MARKETS. Milch cows, each ...... $15 W to $3500 Export cattle, per cwt..... 3 70 to 4 Butchers' choice cattle,cwt 2 90 to 300 Butchers' good cattle, cwt 2 00 to 275 Bulls, per cwt ........ . .... 2 75 to 3.% Shipping Sheep, per cwt.., 275 to 3 00 Butchers' sheep, per head.: 2 50 to 2 73 Lambs, per cwt.... . , . , , , 3 50 to 4 Ori Calves, per head.......... 4 00 to 600 Choice Bacon hogs,per cwt 4 00 to 4 13 Thick fat hogs, cwt ......... 3 50 to 360 Light fat hogs, cwt ......... 3 40 to 350 Sows per cwt... • ...... , . .. 2 75 to 300 Stags, per cwt . , ....... , .. 1 75 to 200 Boars, per cwt............ 1 00 to 1 r,p Lady Scott, who was on trial on the charge of criminal libel at the instance of her son -ill -law, Earl Russell, creat- ed it sensation in the Old Bailey Court. by admitting her guilt through her counsel, and withdrawing the plea of justification. Julia Washin, who lives near Chatham, had Crhenephew before a magistrate on a charge of assaulting her. The young man, William Wash- ington, informed the authorities that his aunt killed her younger sister with an axe seven years ago, and County Crown Attorney Douglas has ordered an inquiry into the case. Mr. Edgar Wills, Secretary of the Toronto Bort ad of Trade, states that he and Mr. Caldecott had an exceed- inisfactory Interview with Hon. Al., GBlair, Minister of Railways, at Ottawa, on the subject of the faulty connections of the Grand Trunk and Cttawa, Arnprior & Parry Sound Rail- ways at Scotia Junction. Eli u tn News Notes. :� Arrangements have bt;en made to Ss. Le hold the Provincial convention of the _°" `3ii.:°, Conservative party on February 3 in Winnipeg. '= J. El . Swafts, of Wingilam, has pur- ye chased from Mr. Perdue, of Wawa - nosh, a four-year-old mare, sired by Saranac and half sister to John Nelson. The lumbermen of Canada are to he\�\�\� a '. asked to supply pp y the wood that will b� used in the erection of permanent qquarters at Bisley for the Canadian quarters a. �'"`�°\�`'• `i t tions of the Madder, often accompanied by Volmen 1 weakenin¢ of tl,e .v t•m in a manner the i who die of this difficulty, ignorantof I It has been learned in Toronto that fr"t cure in all such oases, and healthy rest saltation free. Thosr. unable to call, can the illness froul which Lieutenant -Gov- n.ealchic gent by, xpress, with full instrut ernor• Kirkpatrick ie suffering in Lon- Writing. Office hours; From 9 a, m, t 29 don is cancer of the stomach, find thePINPIEY 1, & CO. case is regarded as very serious. (st' Premier Hardy is going to escape fIDETROI lobbyists during the session by cutting A path through several partitions be- — tween his office and the legislative chamber. If he could only escape the BIRTHS. elections in the same way what a cinch he would have. GOULD--Ill Clinton, on Jan. 2nd, the wife of Mr. H. Gould, of a daughter. John Hood, of Hamilton, Out., who went to Buffalo to take charge of idle Squ xRE. —In Goderich Township oil Jan. Ist, the wife of Mr. John Squire, of it son. Tifft House, is convinced that he has been defrauded by his Clerk, Fred BROWN.—In Hallett on the 4th fust., the wife of Mr. James drown, of a son. Gregory, whom he retained in that trusty position. He enlarges that Gre- COULTEs.—Ln Morris oil January 5th, the wife, of Mr, Jobn Coultes, aL daughter. gory has stolen $3,000 and decamped, p + leaving a destitute wife and Child, iff Toronto, on the tilt., the of Chas.teth wife of Chus. Edwards, of a daughter. Ed The editot• has been defined as "a NICfrOLSON—On Dec. 25th, at No. 13, Glenn than who carries it pair of scissors in Ave., Duluth, the wife of Frank Nicholson, of a his vast pocket, a note book in his daughter. coat pocket." It should be added, how- MCCUROolt. — In 'Whigham, January 4th, ever, that he carries his brains in his the wife of Niel McGregor, a son. own headandis seldom at -a loss -for -:h ..--- happy thought or an apt answer. strange freak in the animal king- MARRIAGES.A dour may be seen at the farm of Geo, HUBnARD—F,1,151.ON.—In Lansing, Mich., Dcc• Shelton, on the town line of Derehatn 25th, by the Rev. Mr. Allen, Capt. F. It. Hub - bard, Detroit, to Miss Fanny, second daughter and West Oxford, two miles east of Hanle corners. Mr. Shelton sa-vs he of John Elston, of Morris. owns it sow which would weigh a bout CRAICIE—BAKER,—In Goderich, at the resi- dente of the brido's parents, on Dec. 30th,- by 1 200 pqunds. A few weeks ago she re- Rev. Dr. Ure, Robert Craigic, to Henrietta fused food of any kind, for nine days, Baker, eldest daughter of John Maker, both of and thea commenced to eat, and ap- town. peared to bedoing well. On Christmas SHAW—RANCE.--At the residence of the morning she shed her skin from all ex- bride's mother, Mrs. S. If. Ranee,onJan6th, by sept the feet find lower part of the body and appeared as if parboiled, yet Rev. J, F. Parke, Dr. J. W. Shaw, io Miss ° Fanny Rance, both of Clinton. she continues to eat heartily and ap- Hononm—IRwiN.—At the residence of the pears as well as over. bride's father, Clinton, on .fan. 6th, by Rev. It. Millyard, Mr. Frank R. Hodgens sof Hodgens The story that the Queen proposes Bros.) to Anna Rippey, eldest daughter of It. to abdicate is supported by the theory Irwin, EFiq. that her Majesty desires and needs rest. But it is a question whether even the pressure for relief from her DEATHS. labours would induce her to stand aside so long as she lives. Mr. J. Cas- SCOTT,—In East Oxford, on Monday, .tan. 4th, Jean Scott, mother of James Scott, Clinton, in tell Hopkins, in his life of the Queen, her 82nd year. cites several of her Majesty's letters in which she asserts her intention to her duties BAKES.—In Stratford, on Monday, Jan. 4, Charles, Ron of Fred Bakes, a ved 5 months and �V. perform to the last, .For example, in 1887 she wrote of the sat- isfaction she experienced at the know- 15 days, and grandson of Mr. McKeown, COLBORNE,—In Goderich, on Jan. Ist, Wm. A. Colborne, aged M years and 6 months. ledge of the fact that her work was appreciated, and added :—"This feel- MARROW.—At Nilo, on Sunday, Jan. 3rd, Agnes Morrow, daughter of Richard Morrow. in g and the sense of duty towa+•ds any dear country find subjects, who are so aged 45 years and 11 months. inseparably bound up with my life, GLASS—On Sunday, Jan. 2, at the family residence, 461 Dundas street, London, Isabella, will encourage me in my titsk—often a beloved wife of Gilbert thus, formorlp of Clin- very difficult and atduous one—during ton and last remaining sister of the late Itev. the remainder of my life." Wm. Digman. This from the Toronto Mail and Em- LOCKWOOD.—At Amherst, N. 8.1 on .Ian. 2nd, p ire refers to an individual well known in her 18th year Eleanor, eldest daughtor of H. Lockwood, Vanni of Montreal, in Clinton:—Yesterday (Thursday) Captain Andrews, accompanied by Mr, WIOIiTMAN.—In Morris on Dec. 31st., James Sarre Jones, called at The Mail Office Wightman, aged 83 years and 10 months. and received from " The Flaneur" theFI.EUTY --In Palmerston on the 4th Inst., Samuel Fltiety, aged 30 yearn, sum of $47.25, being the balance of money- sent in to "The Flaneur" fund. NICHARDv, - In Bhievale, on the 3rd inst., This amount (it: addition to $50 re- Annie McHardy, aged 36 years. viously paid over) initkes a total of -- $97,25 which the readers of The Mail and Empire have kindly contributed in Mr. Ernest Pacaud has published a response to "The Flane.ur's" appeal for certificate proving that he has received the Papal benediction, and that the "a gond dinner for the captain." Any further contributiODS will be taken blessing is good for all the Pacauds charge of by Rev. S. D. Chown, 29 for three generations hence. It would be. impossible to believe that the bless - Alexander street, Toronto. ing had been given were it not for the Mr. Michael Tagney, who had for certificate. many years been a resident of Seaforth, Mr. Donald Campbell, eldest son of passed to the great beyond on Wednes- Mr. Malcolm Campbell, post -master of day niggh a had attended It meet- Lucknow, died at his residence, in ing of the (7 itholic Mutual Benefit As- sociation on Monday evening, and that village, on Saturday morning last, in the 45th year of his age. Deceased while on his way home was stricken with paralysis, and fell from the side- for many years took it prominent part in the affairs of that village and had walk. About an hour later he was found by Mr. John Darwin, lying occupied the position of Both Reeve helpless on the hard gronnd. He wasppopular assisted home and medical aid sum- and Councillor and was a clever and official. In 1870 he married MisslNauc) Louise Treleaven, daughter moned, when it was found that one of Mr. John Treleaven. The bereaved side of his body was completely para- widow and her three daughters, as lyzed, while he had received a severe well as the aged parents of the blow on the back of the head by his deceased, have the earnest sympathy fall, causing concussion of the brain. of the community in their sorrow. ine treatment of tht 'r•ilroat and Lung Troubles, Catarrh, Asthma, Bronchitis, Nervous, Chronic and Special Dis- eases of meh and women. st Manhood restored—Kidncy and Mad. der troubles permanently cured—Gleet, Gonorrhoea, Varicocele and stricture cured without pain. No cutting. Syphilis and all Blood Diseases cured without mercury. aIld ]Wen Suffering from the effects of D youthful follies or indiscreti(ms, or any troubled with weakness, Nervous Debility, Loss of Memory. Despondency, Aversion to Society, Kidney Trouhler, or any disease of the Genital -Urinary Or. gong, can here find safe and spvcdy cure. Charges reasonable, especi..,v to the poor. CURESGUARANTEVE?. ldle-gged ltleu-Therearemanv troubled Ht) with too frequent ev:icu- a slight smarting or burning sensation, and .tient cannot account for. There are many he cause. The doctor will guarantee a per- oratlon of the genito•urinary orzans. C'on- write full particulars of their ease and have tions for use. Mention this paper when 0 8 p, m. Sundays, 9 to 11 a. m, f WOODWARD AQIf*WUR. le Entrance No. 12 F. J,.Azabeth St,) T, F+Il1GH. MARKET REPORTS. (Corrected every Tuesday aftarneon.) OLINTON. Fall Wheat ................... 0 80 to 0 92 Barley .......................... 0 30 to 0 40 oats ............................. 0 17 to 0 18 Peas.......... ......... 0 36 tG 0 40 Potatoes, per bush.......... 0 20 to 0 25 Butter .......................... 0 11 to 0 12 Eggs per doz.................. 0 13 to 0 14 Hay. 8 00 to 8 00 Cordwood. 3 00 to 3 50 fipples per bush ............. 0 15 to 0 15 Dried Apples per lb........ 0 02 to 0 2'e, Ducks per 1b, ................ 0 05 to 0 106 Turkeys per lb... ......... 0 06 to 0 07 Geese per lb...... . ..0-05Ao 0-06 Chickens per pair .......... 0 25 to 0 35 TORONTO FARMERS' MARKET. Wheat, white.... .....$ 87 to $ 00 do red ................ 86 to 00 do goose .......... . ... 67 to 08 Peas .. .... ..........:. 43 to 44 Buckwheat , ... . ...... 34 to 00 Rye ..... , ... 33 to ` 34 Oats ................. 21 to 25 Barley ................. 30 to 34 Hay ... ... .........13 00 to 1400 Straw, bundled... , ..... 850 to 950 do loose ...... .. ..... 600 to 7 00 Eggs, new laid ... , ...... 18 to 21 Ducks .................. 40 to Oil Butter, lb.,'rolls......... 15) to 17 do Tubs, dairy...... 12 to 13 Chickens ............... 25 to 40 Turkeys ................. 6 to 0 Geese ................. . .5 to 0 Potatoes ....... ... ... 30 to 40 Dressed hogs........., . 450 to 5 40 Beef, ee , hindquarters.... , .400 to 550 Li lab .. ................. 6 50 to 7 51) do forequarters...... 250. to 3 50 Mutton ................. 400 to 6 00 TORONTO LIVESTOCK MARKETS. Milch cows, each ...... $15 W to $3500 Export cattle, per cwt..... 3 70 to 4 Butchers' choice cattle,cwt 2 90 to 300 Butchers' good cattle, cwt 2 00 to 275 Bulls, per cwt ........ . .... 2 75 to 3.% Shipping Sheep, per cwt.., 275 to 3 00 Butchers' sheep, per head.: 2 50 to 2 73 Lambs, per cwt.... . , . , , , 3 50 to 4 Ori Calves, per head.......... 4 00 to 600 Choice Bacon hogs,per cwt 4 00 to 4 13 Thick fat hogs, cwt ......... 3 50 to 360 Light fat hogs, cwt ......... 3 40 to 350 Sows per cwt... • ...... , . .. 2 75 to 300 Stags, per cwt . , ....... , .. 1 75 to 200 Boars, per cwt............ 1 00 to 1 r,p Lady Scott, who was on trial on the charge of criminal libel at the instance of her son -ill -law, Earl Russell, creat- ed it sensation in the Old Bailey Court. by admitting her guilt through her counsel, and withdrawing the plea of justification. Julia Washin, who lives near Chatham, had Crhenephew before a magistrate on a charge of assaulting her. The young man, William Wash- ington, informed the authorities that his aunt killed her younger sister with an axe seven years ago, and County Crown Attorney Douglas has ordered an inquiry into the case. Mr. Edgar Wills, Secretary of the Toronto Bort ad of Trade, states that he and Mr. Caldecott had an exceed- inisfactory Interview with Hon. Al., GBlair, Minister of Railways, at Ottawa, on the subject of the faulty connections of the Grand Trunk and Cttawa, Arnprior & Parry Sound Rail- ways at Scotia Junction. Eli u