HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1897-01-13, Page 4Cheap Musle. We put chased toil mush mucic for the Holiday trade and wish to reduce our stock before akain turning our attention to Bicycles. Therefore we are Offering Violins and Music Books at ,-1 off. Sheet - Music aad Songs lit 10c per copy, original price 0c, 50c, and 00c, Call ill vorly aml get first choice, upportunity will only last 2 weeks. MEOWSBicycle 42nd Music , Ilouse, Clinton. School AND School —Special values in -- Scribblers, Exercise Books, Lead Pencils, Pens and Inks. Authopi d- Text Books Fur use in public and High Schools, Collegiate Institutes and Colleges. *Book Covers sup - _plied free with _ all our School Books. Q*i�-A.ny book k mail- ed on receipt of price. COOPER'S BOOK STORIEI CLINTON. Mete Pve>ti eluents. McKillop Directory. \Vine -Lack Kennedy. We -The W. D. Fair Co. Plain truth -Jackson Bros. County Council --W. Lane. January Sale--Hodgens Bros. A news item -Allen & Wilson. Cheap music -Geo. F. Emerson. 19arly Closing -Crotch & Wilson. Well worth considering -N. Robson. School books -Cooper's Book Store. The Huron Nevus -Record 1.25 a Year -91.00 to Advance WEUNESD.LY, JANUARY 13th, 1897 UURI?EYT TOPICS. Montreal Gazette: -A good cleat is being said about the commiur; session of -Parliament, and statements are made that a bill to repeal the Franch- ise Act, a Redistribution Bill: and other ineasores will be passed before 'he Houses are prorogued. It-, will kely turn out, however, that when le Tariff Bill is out of the way and he Crow's nest,, Baiede�: 0haleurs and other railroad schemes the Ministers are talking about are discussed and acted on, the members will feel that a, rest 1, desir.r.ble. •i if h t e . m'mendln ants of the tariff and Supply 1 1 Bt are dis- posed posed of in three months from the time Parlialnent assembles, good work will have been accomplished, and not. many will feel like crying for more. The. Brussels Post has been whining )eca.usv, Tit u NFWS-RP1,C0RD told the ruth about rile false charges against Postmaster Farrow of that village, and declared in effect that it (The Post) would go into detail if this and other papers wonlol c:olitinue the "fusilade," Brer Kerr was one of the -witnesses A0AINST Mr, Farrow and that official is now exonerated and retains his position --tried, as he was, by the enemy, and PARTISAN evidence against him. It will be in order for the Post and othor partisan Grits to make the most of tho Situation and falsely make charges against, other faithful public officers to sec•itre little plums for partisan Grits. If the editor of the Post would pay mot E, attention to the shortcomings of Grit officials in his own section he would find plenty of material to work on. Mr. Farrow has come out with clean skirts and we are glad to know it, but at the sanie time we very much regret that those from whom justice might be exppected have been guilt of wilfully seefang' the blood of their worthy neighbors. Such being the case, what will the borrfd Tories he justified in doink when they come to power at the expiration of the present parliament ? At London Lady Tina Scott, John Cockerton and Wm. Aylott were each sentenced to eight months' imprison- ment for libelling Earl Russell. OV RRIBNT !r0P108. Kincardine Review. -The attention of the Hardy government Is called to the fact that people in Ontario are marrying and giving in marriage in spite of the recent amendments to the Act respecting the Solemnization of Marriage' r M, Hardy will have to crake still further restrictions if he wants to prevent marriages. UA NADA'$ PUBLIC DEB 7' I NUREAS RD. The financial record of the tir•st six inonthsof tho Laurier Administration is now Made public. The tigw•es publish- ed in Saturday's Canada Gazette show the receipts and paytalents that pass- ed through the books of the Finaruce Dep:Lrtuteut up till December 31st. They are necessarily incomplete, but yyet for purpusesof comparison with the figures fru• the corresponding period of Last year they are valuable. The re- venue for the past six months hits amounted to $17,452,8.17, which is $169,- 458 short of Lite revenue for the past six Mouths of the previous year. The sources of revenue for the half year, as compared with the corresponding holt year of 1895-6, were its follows: - 1895. 1896. Customs .... $9,672,725 22 $9,389,185 25 Excise ...... 4,108,592 45 4,138,U36 98 Post -office., 1, 403,000 Oil 1,415,000 UU Public w'r ks, includ'g I ail - ways. . 1,950,047 93 1,073,203 02 Miscellane's. 485.498 7.1 537,421 57 Total .... $17,6'21,804 34 $17,452,847 72 The revenue for the last month of the half year showed art improvement of $50,212, as the receipts for Decem- ber, 1895, were $2,607,,722_while _those for December, 1800, were $2,717,934. While the revenue has decreased the expenditure has heen increased. For December, 1896, the Government spent $2,1112,00.1, whereas its predecessors re- quired in December, 1890, to administer the public affairs the slim of $1,910,- 530, or $95,:111 less than the outlay for last month. This disparity is not confined to tiny particular month,but• it spread over the Liberals' experience ill office. Consequently the returns show that while the late Government spent $13,5:35,031 in the first six utouths Of last. fiscal year, the present Adminis- tration has expended $11,061,406 in the first half of the current fiscal year on consolidated fund. The Outlay on capital account hits so far kept within the mark, becauso some of the works wort" atan ti stn ds 11 during the early part of the Liberal regime. Nevertheless the Liberals spent $1,979.3:36 in the half year, as compared with $2,148,172 spent by the Conservatives in the first half of last year. During the month of December the Government spent on capital ae- count $397,881, as compared with an expenditure of $304,132 in December, 1895, The natural result is an indrease in the public debt. The net debt on December 31st was $9256,667,475, and the debt when the present Govern- ment. took office was $250,425,310, The fiugres show the following to be the financial record of the present Governinent:-Debt increased by $6,- 242,162, expenditure increased by $526,- 375, revenuediminished by $169,458. Official Returns. County Clerk Lane has furnished ud vrit•h the following official returns for the eight County Council Divisions comprising Huron :- Div. No. 1 Ashfield Colborne Goderich Girvin, llugh....... 777 225 35- 1037 Holt, Philip .... , ... 317 230 675-12.22 McLean, Robt....... 500 408 ' 626-1534 Div. No. '2 Clinton Goiderieh Hullett Cox, John. ....... 852 750 179-1181 Forrester. 1). A...... 646 198 103— 947 5liell, Janles.... 130 111 757- 948 Div. No. 3 Bayfleld Hay 8t.anley Douglas, Y ......... 94 151 39q-644 McRwen, George... it 698 158-- 867 Torrance John ....... 234 819 344-4297 Div. No. 5 MvKillep Tuck's•th Seaforth Has, T. E. ....... ;190 176 321--1090 McLean. J. B........ 28 690 66— 784 Murdie, Richard.... 450 51 78— 539 Wilson, 1) l.) ...... .., 31 156 438 — 1125 Neat !Cast Div. No. 7 Blyth NVawanosh Nvinallam Currie, Hobt. • 6 fit 170 149— 3811 Hanna, John... 26 47 26 226— 325 Patterson. D... 246 426 378 121-1171 Stuart, Alex..: 53 479 IOri 46- 643 Taylor, T. H.,. 86 71 161 161- 479 Div. No. 8 ° 13bwick Turnb'ry Wroxeter Cook, B. S. ...... 775 150 24— 949 Miller, Robert...... 499 515 108-11.2'2 14amidom T. B...... 211 —197 74-- 482 Political Points. As we said before, you will do well to keep a keen eye on the Ontario Grits who n ' were so vicunrs infent ' t • warfare agaihst separate schools in Manitoba. If you watch closely Vol] will see some- thing ulagniticent in the line of soiner- taults. The date for the, meeting of Pillrlia- ment being now in view it is time for Sir Oliver, as the representative of morality in the Cabinet, to organize it, political Salvation Artoy, to operate on the Speaker's right. Mail and Empire: -Why not get out a circular to Roman Catholics telling them that Protestants are conspiring to dethrone the Queen and inviting their to report to the local Liberal -Con- servative Associations? Let the Liberal machine think this over. 0. K. Frnser, lawyer, of Brockville, has been appointed member of the penitentiary commission now sittilIb at Kingston, Ont. He, is brothel, of the late Commissioner of Public Wol ks in Ontario and a prominent Roman Catholic. It is currently reported that the appointment was made because of strong protests of the Rornan Catho- lics who have felt th•tt whatever trouble had occurred in the penitenti- ary was due to firiction between those of opposite religions. The Catholic papers and people have been urging that their interests be protected, Mr. James Hodge, of Hamilton, shot himself dead on the stairs at the City Hall. A convention of the Liberal -Conser- vatives of North Ontario was held at, Beaverton Thursday for the purpose of selecting a eandidate in the coaling bywelection for the House of Commons. Mr. Angus McLeod, of Bracebridge, was the unanimous choice of the con- vention, all the others nomjnated re- tiring in his favour. �N 111,111• FARROWS FAVOR, IThe lfrusset's Posttuatster is lux. otterated. CHARGES UN UFFENS1V1v PAILT1SANj3f31P NUT SUW1'AiNb:D. Froin the Toronto Globe. Belleville, Jan. 0.--(8pecial,)-Lieut.- Col. Lazier, the commissioner appuitlt- ed by the Dominion Government to in- quire into the charges of offensive partisanship against Mr. Tbowas Furrow, the pustrnaster at Brussels, has cumpleted his report upon the evi- dunee. the finding is altogether in Mr. folk rruW's favol-, as it exouorates 111111 upon every one of the ten charges pro- ferred agiticst him. It is as follows:-- As to the first complaint, 1 find that they said Thowas Farrow did, during. the las; general election campaign fur the election of ruewbers to the House of Commons, while 'IV "19 at a meet- ing held at the tomo Hall, in the '1'uwushipp of Morris, ask one questiun of a'spealcer, speaking in the interest cif Dr. McDonald, the reform candidal e. That this was the only interruption, if iuter'rnptiun it could be called, mime by hint at this or any other uleetillg, and was not clone In an offensive manner. SPOKE A'1' CONSERVATIVE MEETINGS. As to the second, third and fourth complaints, I find that the said Thoruas Farrow did sneak at public meetings held in the interest of the Conservative candidate during the said electoral campaign, in tho village of Walton and Brussels. I also find that oil both occasions he consented to do so on the nights of the meetings, at the urgent solicitations of Mr. Dieki• i - son, tho Consei vative candidate, with- out any previous intention of speakin . That at the Walton meeting, Mei•. Dickinson being' ill,-aud at the Brussels meeting, Sir James Grant, who was billed to speak, not attending, were the. reasons given for his coin - Vance with the requests to speak. further tied that his speeches on both occasions, although in the in- terest of the Conservative candidate, were not violent or offensive partisan speeches. As to the fifth complaint., I find that the said Thomas Farrow was not a re- gular attendant at the vitriolIs political conventions, caucuses and conlmittee- rooms of the Conservative party iu tho said village of Brussels, The (+'idence establishes the fact that lie was twice dmring the said campaign inside the said committe-rooms, but took no part in the meetings or thu work of the committee. As to the sixth complaint I find that the said Thomas Farrow, during the said electoral campaign, did not per- sonally canvas for votes in the said village of Brussels or elsewhere in the interest of the Contervative candi- date. As to the seventh complaint. This is a reiteration to some extent of the second, third and f.)urth complaints, So far as it is not, I find that the said rhunlas Farrow did not in his speeches from the platform nor upon the streets of the village of Brussels say anything against t lie personal or political char- acter of Dr. McDonald the Reform. can- didate, As to the eighth complaint, I find that the said Thomas Farrow did not attend the annual convention of the Conservative panty for the East Rid- ing of Huron held in the Village of Gorrie on ur about the 11th day of Maylast. As to the 9th complaint, I find that the said Thomas Farrow did not take part in a meeting called by the local Conservative Association, at the said Village of Brussels, in the month of August last for the purpose of arrang- ing and preparing appeals against the Reforni local voters' lists, or for any purpose. Nor did he attend during -.the niont11 of-jul-y last, er rat xny tune.,, - a. meeting of the local Conservatives to consider the advisabiity of proceed- ing with a protest against the elec- tion of Dr. NlcDon4ld, the Reform member. NOT PROVEN. As to the teeth complaint. No ev- idence was giyen before me to estab- lish the fact "that the said Thomas Fau•row has (luring each ain(1 every cam- paign since he assumed the duties of postmaster been an active political partisan and a regular attendant upon the various conventions, caucuses and Political gatherings, speaking in the interest of the Conservative party," except, first, that he attended a convention of the Conservative party in the fall of 1894, call- ed for the purpose of bringing out a 4 candidate to contest the riding in the interest t o f the (,tins . ert• ativeart his P v, s reason for attending, as sworn to by himself, being 1,hat he understood his name was to be brought forward as it candidate, and that lie attended to put his foot down upon it at once; that his name was proposed, rand that he at o once declined the nmination, and there is no evidence that he took an farther part in the proceedings, And, second, that he acted as scrutineer or agent of the Conservative candidate in the McDonald -Holmes election of 1891. The testimony of the witnesses upon this complaint being so contradictory, I find, as a tnatter of evidence, that, it, hits not been proven. At the request of the said Thomas Farrow, I find, and it was conceded by the complainants, that lie hati b,•e.n it capable and efficient postinastop,at.ten- tive to his duties and obliging and courteous in thedia;charge of them. Tho- newspapers received from Brit- ain by the list snail clearly indicate that interest in Canada, and Canadian •ttiuir•s is inerpasing in ti -e old Land. We notice also with great plaasure that the Dnily Mail, one of London's brightest daily journals, has it, special correspondent, touring in Canada at present, and his series. of excellent let- ters are most interesting reading. He has given great attention also to New- foundland, and in an able communica- tion deals with the French shore ques- tion, pointing out the evils and sug- gestinga reinedy. The enterprise of the Daily Mall is alr•e'ady'beinning to repay the owners, for we learn tha,t its Christmas issue exceeded half it million copies, and its regular daily sale is rapidly approaching three him- dred thousand copies. It must be of immense benefit to Canado to be fully represented in its columns. Tue,40'xsluf ll.� Bltl>a>rs,-Mies Olivia Clemeute, of Winohelsee, ie the guest cf her friend Mrs. J. G. Crich. --Mise A. Stanley, of Holmeaville, spent the past couple of weeks with Mrs. A. Elooat,-Mise Maggio Dick, of Blylh, is visiting her aiater Mrs. W. U. Laudesborough - Mr. Joseph Townsend, of Manitoba, to renewing old acquaiptanoes here, Dorno rumor says he will not retttra aloue,---Rev, T. E. Sawyer intends commencing special services next week. -The E. L. -will hold a temporanee literary on Friday evouing.--Mr. T, Brownlee addressed the E L. uu Sun. day availing last; a number of our Alma friends were over. We will be pleased to see them uften.-Mr, Gif— ford Crich spout Sunday on the Bice Line. -A number of the people truni this noighborhnod took ill thq bux social at Alma and report it gob tt;Ji.Ma. -blr. Phil and Mrs. l6weliffiE,``s, of \Vinchelsea, spent Sundav with the lady's daughter, Mrs. J. G. UriCh. RUNAWAY. -While Mr. A. Morrison was moving from Mr. W, U. Lends borough's on Saturday last, the horses attached to the engine took fright and became unmanageable. Tbuy rou about twenty rods when the engine upset and then they decided to stop The result was a broken fly wheel and tongue with a few odd things out of shape, It looked rather wild and the rasult might have been worse. Port .Albert. NOTES, -J, B. Iiawkins, wife and child, of Dallas, 'texas, are visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs, Goorhe Hawkins, -Prof. T. A. Hawkins, of Brussels, is also on a short visit at tha same homesteed.-W. B. Hawkins, who returned home a oport time ago from Winnipeg, has gene to Loudon to attend the Military schoul. I presume he is taking the advice of that noble statesman, Lord Pamerstou, "In time of peace prepare for war." -Mies Bella Hawkins, who has boeu home with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Hawkins for a short time, has returned to the H. L. C., London, -No less than ten of the above "clan" ruade a X or a X X (the latter privileged by the grace of Sir Oliver Mowat,) at the recent electionsin this Part. -The contest for the reeveship in Ashfield between Afc- Kenzie and Farrish was "nip and Luck," McKenzie coming out only two ahead. I understand there will be a recount. A big vole was polled. -'tile election for No. 1 County Council division, where the "plurnpers" came in, was pretty well divided consider- ing Ashfield had their man in the field, Sud it was taken for granted it would be the same all along the line. But ye gods and little fishes, there was a murmur up the side road and down the concessions when the tele- gram came that the people's Hugh was left out in the cold in the county town and many swore by the toenails of Moses there would be spots on the face of the moon before their candi- date would be "side tracked" at the next election. However, there is one consolation : We have two gentle- men well qualified .to look aftor the interests of the people in No. 1 County Caunell Division,-Up-to_date we have not had one day's slaighing in this neighborhood this winter, and the lake is as clear of ice as it was last November. One :More Unfortunate. Last Wednesday night some boys who were ppI"Lyillg on Cedar Street, Owen Sound, found a young wonlan tiwalkingg ' backwards and forward piteously crying. When first spoken to, she would not reply, but in a few minutes tasked them. to keep her from falling. The boys noticed that the woman was sick, and induced the driver of a lhundry waggon to convey her to Dr. Ryles - worth siii • o ce. Two do storeer w e call- ed in they . but t( could not i n sive the woman's life, and , c hk died a few ;rniu- utes after reaching the doctor's ofliec. The body was afterwards removed to to undertaking establishment, and Coroner Stephen was notified, but de- cided not to hold an inquest. A letter found to -day under a pillow in the To- ronto House, where she had been stopping, proved the deceased to be Miss Jennie Grey, of Midland. In the note which was addressed to "Sadie" she said: -"If you do not see me alive again you will find $2 dollars in my pocket, which you can send to cry mother to tiny a pair of hoots or a dress for Belle. Thank your mother for, nie. -,Jennie Grey." Another note which was found on Cedar street, ud- initted taking strychnine. On search- ing her clothes $2 dollars was found; also is ,letter front a young man in town to herself. An orange, which is said to contain ppoison, was found near the plUce where she spoke to the boys. The young woman was AIiparently in it delicate condition#, , �'te body was sent to Midland. Thepetition against the election of E. F. t.'lar•k, M. 1. for West Toronto, came up for trial Monday at Obgoode Hall before Justices MacMahon and Rose. No ovidence wits offured as to any illegal }proceedings, and the petition was dismissed without costs, The contract for the Government en- graving, of Dominion notes, postage stamps, and postal cards, for which tenders were called two months ego, has been awardod to the American Bank Note Co., of New York, for a period of five years. The contract is worth about $000,000 with the right, of renewal for a similar period. The iron grasp of scrofula has no merey upon its victims. This demon of the blood is often not gatistled W44 eausiul; dreadful sores, but racks the body with the pains of rheumatigpl until flood's Sarsuparillrt cures. "Nearly four years ago I became af- flioted with scrofula and rheumatism. Made Running sores broke out on my thighs, Pieces of bone came out and an operation was contemplated. I had rheumatism in my legs, draw,i up out of shape. 1 lost ap- petite, could not sleep. I was a perfect wreck. I continued to grow worse and finally gave up the doctor's treatment to take Hood's Sarsaparilla. Soon appetite came back; the acres commenced to heal. My limbs straightened out and I threw away my crutches. I am now stout and hearty and P.m farming, whereas four years ago I was a cripple. I gladly rec- ]nmend Hood's Sarsaparilla." UnBl.N AMMOND, Table Grove, Illinois. H ood's *Sarsaparilla I9the(line True Blood Pmlflcr. All druggists. $I. Prepared only by C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass. cure liver Ills, easy to Hood's Pl lIS take, easy to operate. 25c. Gorrie. A. O U. W. --At the last ineetin of Maitland Lodge No. 21(1, A. O. U. the following officer", were elected for the ensuing year: -P. Al., W. Bro, Amus Doan ; M. W., Robt. Blow; Foreman, Geo. P, Nash ; Overseer, Jno. Bowyer ; Recorder, Robt. Toting; Financier, Mich. Hass; Receiver, Win. Dane; J. V., Win. Massey; O.W., Matt, Sharpun ; Guide, Robt. Cunningham; representative to Grand Lodge, Bro. Am t Amos Doan • Alteena e Bro Rich. Ross. This siv tociety is in a . Rc flourishing condition and one of the largest in the district. K. O. T. M. -At the last meeting of Gorrio Tent, K. O. T. M., No. 255, the following officers were elected for the ensuing term: -Sir Knight Past Com., Abel D. Strong; Sir ICnight Corn- Jno A. Strong ; Sir Knight R. K. and F. K., Jas. S. Found ; Sit- Knight Chaplan, J. V. Dane; Sir Knight Sear- geant, F. L. Pollock; Sir Knight M. it A., Gen. IW. Barber; Sir Knight 1st M. of G., W. T. Dane; Sir Knight 2nd M. of G., Jan. Hueston ; Sir Knight Sentinel, A. Montgomery; Sir Knight Picket, W. Gallagher. MARRIED. - Miss Alma Evans, daughter of Jno. Evans, Esq., of this village was united in the bonds of matrimony on New Year's day to Mr. C. K. Willmott, of Appin, neat, Lon- don. The ceremonywas performed by khe groom's father, Rev. Mr. Will- mott, of London, assisted by the Rev. J. S. Fisher, of Gorrie. The happy couple left ort the evening train for London, accompanied by the beat wishes of their tuany friends. ELECTION. -The elections have come and gone and no doubt the hest men have been chosen to represent the people for County Councillors. The Nate-stonct .-Miller 1120,' C colt 92(I Sanders 470. The first two, viz., Miller and Cook to be our representatives at the Huron County Council for the next two years. For the Reeveship of Hotvick there were two contestants, viz., Johnstone and Southeran, the vote standing as follows:-Southeran 552, Johnstone 212, Southeran having a majority of 340, For Ist Deputy there were also 2 contestants, viz., Gregg and Stewart. The vote stand- ing, Gregg 411, Stewart 325, Greg having a tnitjurity of 89 votes. FIti' 2nd Deputy, Will. Finlay elected by acclaulation. Fnf• councillors there were three contestants, the vote standing, Spence 413, Doig 401, Spot - ton 307, Spence and Doig being elected.--------�-- Commandev and Mrs. Booth.Tucker have v - be i invited ❑ Ued t i n Wash n ton b Y Mrs Cleveln.nd to g explain t e lit n h eth ds of work of the Salvation Arany. I Is the word on CASTILE SOAP this weep:, cheap at Joe a cake but we give thein to you at 4 large cakes fot 25c. our witahazei Soap at 5c is it wonder. See there In our window. When looking For soaps Fine and durable try its. Soaps are needed every day in the week. We aiul to give you value every day in the week. JAS. H. COMBE, Chemist and Druggist. GOODS That are sensible, useful and ornamental, suitable for old and young. A Jewellery Store is the best place to get suggestions for Watches, Clocks or Jewellery. The stock and the prices are so Varied that every kind of taste I is slue to be suited, Only those who have seen our goods and pi ices can appreciate the gi eat value we ere offering this season in Ladies' and Gents' Gold, Gold• filled and Silver Watches from $5 upwards. Clocks, in all de- signs and at all prices. Jewellery of all styles, including Broaches, Ifings, Stick Pins, Chains, Charms, Lockets, Cuff Buttons, &c. � Silverware, I Gold Spectacles, Gold and Silver Nov- elties. Estate J. Biddlecombe Albert Street, Clinton. Established 1855. McKillop, COUNCIL. -- Council met in Jones' hotel at Leadbur•y on Monday, the 11th inst. Members of Council took oath of qualification and declaration of office. William Archibald was elected Deputy Reeve. All the old officers were 1e• appointed at sitme salaries as formerly, James Hays was appointed 1natliber of P Board of Health for three years and Richard Pollard Sanitary inspector. fit Achtin Dlcksan_ n(1 `N1illiam G. Smith were appointed auditors. Salaries and election expenses were paid amounting to $2:17.711. Tithe county share for count} election is $54. The Board of Health will meet on Monday,25th Jan., in Royal Hotel, Seaforth. Councilad- journed to sleet in Jones' hotel, Lead - bury, on Monday, Feb. 15th, at 2 o'clock afternoon. - Mr. Henry Lawson, for eight. year editor of The Colonist at Victoria; 13, C., is dead. He Nvas the pioneer jour- nalist of - C.tnada, having for forty years past been engaged in active eel itorial work in Montreal, Toronto and Prince Edward Island. The Dominion Government having decided to appeal to the Judical Com- mittee of the Privy Council froui the judgment ant of the SnP reins Court. of J g Canada in the fisheries sass, Hon. Charles Fitzpatrick, Q. C., has goat' to England to argue the case. "Nothing Like Leather." Fine Footwear For a Christmas present nothing is more useful than a pair of Fine Shoes and to those people who believe in giving useful. presents we ask an inspection of perhaps the hest stock to be found in the West. Our fast increasing business is good evidence that nor` goods are right. We are also sole agents for Granby Rubbers and Overshoes, the most reliable goods on thv market. Wear thein once and yon will take no other. JACKSON &JACKSON, '""►xne uovaa Shoe Firm.� pr