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The Huron News-Record, 1897-01-13, Page 3
i- .., • .. .. •. ♦ r • . ,�' ..i; r... ' t ., ,. ....., x. .. ., .. • '. .. .alb. CHRISITHASS ■ THEXUEST Thee Tarin Tinkers. I Eddie' the great nlanrifac- Tue New County Council. THE RESULT OF THE ELECTIONd FOR reeve, James Paterson, D. McMillan j and James Gemmill, councillors. r McKillop. THE ELECTIONS. - The elections Unll boy's In the Ulllted Staten. HURON. despite the bad roads the aspirants for minutes. office were out, and worked hard all CURES incipient catarrh in day bringing voters to the polls. The from one to three days. 9 CURES chronic catarrh, hay toMi. yer, was {ever and core fever. ward No. 4, and as the result shows, Complete, with blower free. He. appeared before the tartifY tinkers faulted No. 1 Colborne, 18 96 N'EW FRUITS 1896 THE AND THE BEST the other city and an export duty of $4 a cord on pulp wood, to pre- (Godcrieh--Philip -Ashfield, R town of Hr)ltRupert Me - Me- Lean. . vent the export of raw material and For Xmas and New Year's Trade. Cou rh-tura the 'most prompt and b P p capitalists to Canada. Mr. Eddie said thi`tt, private owners of No. 2-Godcrieh t S Hullett, Clinton -John Cox, James Snell. RAISINS, CURRANTS, FIGS, PRUNES and PEELS. Old Raisins 28 The effective remedy for diseases of the a s rote mi ht oppose stn export duty on the but that the duty would be No. 3 -Hay, Stanley, Bayfield -Geo. for 81.00• Headquarters for TEAS and SUGARS. throat and lungs, is Ayer's Cherry wood, much better for them in the end. He McEwan, John Tprrauge. CROCKERY, CHINA, GLASSWARE and LAMPS we have to make room , Pectoral. As an emergency medi- said that although American horn, he No. 4 -Stephen, Usborne, Exeter- Dr. Rollins, onald McInnes. A for our Imported Xmas and New Year's Goode and have to reduce our Good Butter, Egge and cine, for the cure of Croup, Sore Throat, wanted the government to look after this young country its sharply as he No. 5 -McKillop, Tuckersmith, Sea - prices. Call and see our Goode and get prices. Lung Fever and would if lie had the power. forth -Thos. E. Hays, John B. Me- Dried Apples taken as CASH. 1Yhooping Cough, Whitt it difference between American Lein. 'Cash Paid for Good Butter and Eggs.• born Mr. Eddie and American born No. 6 ---Grey, Morris, Brussels - Archibald Hyslop,Henry Money. J• ,W" Irwin Clinton• ��ER'o5 John Charlton 1 Tlatter gees to Washington and shows the American how to country No. 7-W. �Vutvanosanosh, E. Wawa - Blyth, ' Cherry Pectoral government pinchlthis order to force its to do the bidding nosh, Winghaut-Donald Pat - torsos, Alex• Stuart. cannot be equaled. cannot 11. E, Al. BRA\t'LIIY, of the United States. His chief an- xiety is not to force American capital here,ter-B. Turnhellerrrv, Wroxe- No. . S. Cook, S• Uuuk, Rubt. Miller• Shrewd,6uyef sAIVD „r� 1). D• Dis. Sec. of - to come to Canada to saw lumber and work and wages to Canadians; the American Bal)- , tist Publishing Society. 1, etersbitrg' give but to coerce the Canadian govern- Hallett. pq p4p�oo 'Va., overs of Fine Dishes endorses it, as a cure for violent colds, bronchitis, etc. Dr. Brawley mast into a prepetuation of the pre- sent system of allowing (' inadian logsOFFICIAL to be rafted over to Mtchi �!,tn, there to es k k > and rofits fur RETURNB.-The following is the result of the Poll in the town - ship of Hullett for township Council- also adds: 10u11 nunisters suffering ma a woi wet, lors:- --ARE BUYING THEIR— from throat troubles, I recommend Americans. Polling Sub -Division Nos. Mt. Eddie is a Canadian patroit ill 1 2 3 4 5 13 7 total A PERFECT TEA spite of his American birth : Mr. Char•l- Ben. Churchill 37 21 39 38 31 14 12 192 -+-HOLIDAY CHINA AYER'S ton is an American in spito of of his Johu Crabert 32 35 60 24 20 14 2.2 207 Canadian residence and his oath of Robert Ferris 32 91 4 87 17 39 32 302 John Laaham 43 73 35 92 47 53 46 389 am --AT-- OfIICe• John Wilson 3t) 43 7 38 11 3l 48 208 -ONONSO THE CASH GROCERY. Cherry Pectoral NOT A QUARTER Under the County Councils Act._ For County Councillors:-•• Polling Sub- Division los. Awarded Nodal at World's Fair, 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 total 40 DOSES IN A BUT JJohn Cox 32 25 11 '24 31 18 38 179 JUST 29 CENTS, AND D.A.Forrost'r 36 19 12 12 1 11 12 103 THE We wish we had more windows to show our Goods in, We have so marry AYEii'S PILLS Cure Liver and Stomaoh Trouble& VIAL OF DR. AGNEW'd LIVER PILLS. JanlesSnell 76 151 108 178 78 95 74 757 FINEST TEA JAMES CAMPBELL, Clerk. IN THE WORLD TEA .rice things in the China Line. Hullett, Jail. 5, 1897. FROM THE TEA PLANT TO THE TEA CUP Talk is cheap—OUR DINNER SETS do the talking; a look at our No PAiN, NO BAD AFTER EFFECTS, Stock will convince you that we have the prettiest and cheapest line of DIN- The New Year. PLEASURE IN EVERY DOSE—LITTLE, IN ITS NATIVE PURITY. NER, TEA and CHAMBER SETS that are shown in town. -- Nuinber Five Division. ,e BUT AWFULLY (#(loll, "Monsoon” Ten is put up by they Indian Tea Now is the time to buy your Xmas Presents while out- Stock is complete, What wilt thou do with the year rowersasa sample of the best qualities of Indian 3 ' That is dawning so flesh and clear— ., HAYS AND M'LEAN ELECTED. �ca,. Therefore they use the greatest care in the and have its set thein aside for you. (,ure sick headache, constipation, selection of the Tea and its blend, that is why they c Dawning in whiteness, IN BERRY SETS, WATER SE'1 S, FIVE O'CLOCK SETS, tiALAD Dawning 1n brightness- biliousness, nausea, sallowness. They put it up themselves and Belt it only in the ongin:J BOWLS, BREAD and BUTTER PLATES, CUPS and SAUCERS, lire. What wilt thou do with the ear? are purely vegetable. In pig demand TCCKERSb1ITIi• Pukages, lb., thereby securing an ng itspuckage ,andy and icon:, we are offering exceptionally good values, . Y and illi cr•n ist•s sell thein. More DIV1S1UlIS-1 '2 3 4 Total lout up ul '�, Ib., , lb. and 5 lb. packages, and neva. The Lord speaks: Give it to me 1 gg McLean 11.1 180 213 'LU(I 090 cold in bulk. FINE MIXED CANDY 5c. per )uncl. RAISINS 5c. per onnd. CUR- grafi les in size. -Sold by Watts & Co. 1 p p With my life I ransomed thee, -_- Hays 82 18 30' 46 178 ALL ROOD GROCERS KEEP IT. RANTS 5c. per pound. '2 pounds MIRED NUTS for 25c. 2 pound extra good And 1 came to set thee free. A despatch from London states that Wilsou 67 39 83 17 150 (`REAMS for 25c. 0RANG 1i S -ORANGES-ORANGES 15e. per doz. 4 ound M service is constant eace, If your g,.cer does not keep it, tall him t0 write rr P p Y p, no colonial statesman of recent years i�lurdie 15 15 89 1'2 �)1 � STEEL, HAYTER & CO. GINGER NUTS for 25c. And blessings with sure increase, has received a more notable tribute of + :K'KILLOP. Q,0 Q0p,0Q Oeme,EyeOe O.00.p pq Q©•p.e�e•C'•b Joy -springs that never run dry, esteem frons toll parts of the Empire \Varcl No. Hays. McLean. Murcll� \t'ilsoil, 11 and 13 Front Street East, Toront- QaQw Qw Qo Q�Qv� e o e ` �e e>OQ�Q c► e� a el"a� o A work that will satisfy P than that tendered to Sir Charles up- . 1 109 0 41 5-- A Kappa l�ew Year The Cash Arid the end ? 'A glorious day per at St. George's Club on Tuesday 2 142 4 11'2 U And a crown of life for a I"' ,� Y night. 3 106 S 102 10 iso YEARS to all Crocker 4 174 16 134 10 EXPERIENCE. Y• The best itnodyne itnd expectorant oe�eQOQcaQOQra�eae �eeyeQOQ�oe�e<a.� A CHEERING TR►U�R for the cure of colds, coughs, and all Total :ii)U 28 •452 31 QVQo veov��g -eQQee �emeQ�Qv oe�eo�s CO.hroat, lung, and bronchial troubles, is BEAFOIt7•H. O G�E ♦y ®o�•ry � �/ the only specific f is Cherry Pectoral, E.W.1285. w. 87 Total Phone 23. V�1 the only spectHc for colds and coughs Thos. E. Hays 12ti lU:) 87 i'24 admitted on exhibition at the Chicago J. B. McLean Y.3 20 23 66 World's Fair. Mich. Murdie 9 12 17 38 TRADE MARKS, ---- - - - - Thousands Prove the HANDSOME b'EACIIFRS• D. D. Wilson 82 189 '217 438 DESIGNS, Hays headed the poll with 1,090 COPYRIGHTS dee. ay Statement 130nIP•titrie3 i1tl91ghtly blotches, plr)L- votes, McLean t:tkln 3,r SPCOtId place quickly ascertain, freeone sending a ewhetch thernd dan Invention Is pies or sallow opaque skit. destroys with 78-1, Nilson third with 625, and probably patentable. Communications strictly ��111 the attractiveness of handsome fea- in America. Oldest veneyfornecurtngpatents Murdic fourth with 541 votes. 1n America. Wo have a Washington office. Dufton'stures. In all such cases Scott's Emul- Patents taken through Munn h.Co. receive cion will build up the systern and special notice in the That Paine's Calory Compound lmpartfreshness and beauty. SCIyyENTIFIC AMERICAN, ____-- _ Division NUIIIbeC Seven. anyYsci utiaalournal weekly,terms$3.Wsoyynppat; Handsome o. b. Porter's Hill. 150six months. specimen coplesand u PATTERSON AND STEWART ELECTED. 13eOH ON PATENTS sent free. Address 1.lEn�s C. O• No C, F• -At the last regular MUad y. ew'Y Ci � Makes People Feel Young meeting of the Canadian Order of The result of the (:lusty contest is 381 Broadway. New YOrtc. Chosen Friends, Council No. 3013, the given below. The result in division 7 following officers were elected for the for county councillors was as might be Underwear. Again. ensuingq t�erra :-C. C., Jaynes Connolly; expected. Currie, Hanna and Taylor, _ a P. C., W. Lobb; V. C., George Falcon- cut up each others votes considerably. A sola Move. er, Recorder, O. W. Potter; Treasurer, Iii division 8 Turnherry went strong W. H. Lobb; Prelate, Milton Woods; for Miller. The double votes played The British public has tit last awak- Anything in the shape of Underwear fits in well for a Marshal, W. Edwards; Warden, Alex. havoc with all reckoning. ened to the necessity of inculcating resent this time of year, and HERE a good variety !Vile Cox; Guard, J. Hudie; Sentinel, G. COUNTY COUNCILLORS. patriotic sentiments in the minds of A Cured Mali Says: Kelly; Medical Officer, Dr. The subject has been brought before Sh:Lw; a the school children of the kinggdom. P be found, and prices special for this time of year :--- Trustees, James Connolly, Alex. Lox, � to 1) Wrn. Tichborne; Auditors, A. Cox and y Q the public by a letter to the London I Feel Just as Bright as a Boy. ° Times by ' An Old-fashioned Patriot," I,xtra heavy all wool Men's Ribbed Shirts . .........50c John Hudle. The Council is in a pros- p a. blue Shirts....... x x and it has excited a great deal of in- •• " " 50c perous condition. Meetings are held ,� x pa �+ terest. It is suggested that Union plain Shirtsr............4bc the second and fourth Wednesday in •" " •' •` bluA Shirts.......45c each month. Y tiVingharn 149 � 121 46 161 Jacks and portraits of the (ween be �' " peau fine re t........56c Blyth 6 26 240 53 80 presented to those schools which d1s- .. .e 1e " " Y grey 4` 60C The Right Medicine ror Every Ail- Stanley. E. wawanosh, dre nhe themselves, and that the its it - 44 44 44 P.D. No. 1. 19 3 128 20 53 cyan be taught to salute the flag tis is and up to extra 2 a SStii� a Shirts ........ 75c ing Man and woman. NOTFs.-We are sorry to hear of the 2 17 2 135 41 66 the case in the United States. serious ill'ness of Mrs. "William Clark, e. ,i 3. 106 2 52 10 17 The suggestion is a good one. It has `"Best ever shown in this part of the country. Jr. We hope to soon learn of her re- . <, .. 4. 28 19 63 34 25 been the,practice of England too long covery.-Miss Martha Taylor, of De- W. wa'nosh. to iguora the power of sentiments irn- troit, is visiting her sister, Mrs. J. 4'r bibed in this way, and th,p commence- 0—P.D. No. 1. 19 11 10o 93 10 Rathwell•-R. Reid, B. A., who has 44 anent of such a plan will do more to All the combined powers of earth been spending the holidays in this vi- 2. 1 14 146 66 1`L stimulate the loyalty of the next gen- a, .4 and 5. 41 22 182 280 49 O Opposite �Vlaeon House cannot stein the tide of truth that cinity, has returned to Ridgetown to _ ____. — eratin•than anything else could. A r I resume his duties in the Collegiate.- — .ii. C• Duff n sweeps over this Canada l fe ours in re- W G. and R. J. Richardson have, re- Totals 386 325 1173 613 411 Clinton. and to the citrin and life-giving vi'- Patteraon......1173 'Old, et never nen, and Sim le and I g g g g turned to Toronto to resume thele � P Atuart...... ...643 iietiutifu ever," Sing'.; the poet, in tops of Paine's Celery Compound studies there. -A social in connection g- + Thousands of the best people back up with the Bayfield road Presbyterian words which might well apply to and URWMI�More the sensible, plain and unvarnished church is to be held at the residence t, AsUbe1dAyer s Sarsaparillapuha most efficient Now Futnitufo � Mr. McAsh, Varna, on Tuesday night, and scientific blood -purifier ever offered , statements about. Paine's Celery Corn- Jan. 12th. -Mrs. Win. Clark, Sr., who THE REBULT.-The following is the to suffering humanity. Nothing but pound published from time to tinge. has been visiting her daughter in Eg- result of the voting in this township superior merit keeps it so long at the Brick Block, Clinton. (Near Fair's Mill,) The cured thousands send such con- mondville, has returned home. for the municipal officers:-Fot Reeve, front. ��-FRrrish, ward 1, 42; 2, 98; 3, 78; 4, 14; vincing letters of testimony that the 5, 30 ; 6, 68 ; 7, 42. -Total 381. Ma The Lientenxnt Governor. The custom of kissing the Bible at We are now prepared to show you a nice line of FURNITURE. most hardened skeptics are forced to Kenzie, ward 1, 58; 'L, 35; 3, 48; 4, 67. 5, the ins uaration of Statue officers, of every description. admit that the are founded on the 05; 0, 48; 7, 0`2• -Total, 383. Township g Y 'General regret will he. expressed at which has prevailed in Kansas sins) rock of truth and honesty. the illness of the popular Lieutenant- councillors, -Barclay, ward 1, 116 ; ' • the admission of the State into the BED ROOM SUITES FROM $8.00 �-%FI 122 ; 3, 74 ; 4, 70 ; 5, 58 ; 6, 3'L ; 7, 42.- Union, will not he observed by the DINING TABLES FROM $4.00 UPS The following letter from Mr. A. R. Governor of Ugicalo, who is at present Total, SLD. Hunter, 1, 28 ; 2, 84; 3, 111; f, McGruer, Dixon's Corner's, Ont., as- awaiting lL surgical operation in Lon- 4 25; 5 43 6, 61 ; 7, 26. -Total, 368. Populists chat Monday. Ver. C- ROCKINO OHAIRS FROM 900- UP don, England. He is one of Canada's + Clemens, chairman of tct Ato re- t sgres you, though your Casa may. he sons of whom the entire Dominion is 141acintyre, 1, 12; 2, 28; 3, 35; 4,12: 5,70; oasis Committee, objected to IT - ROCKING 6, 91 ; 7, 89. -Total, 3:•37. ground that the germs and all linos of Furniture in rho same propos:tion. Call and examine our Bed desperate lint death very nigh; and proud, and with reason. His prthllG , — - T - custom on the 4,' g Room Saito, Spring and Mattress et X12. b0. though doctor's rail and other medi- life is a, record of good service done of disease might he. carried from one The Undertakingdepartment is managed b Mr. .John Powell, Under- cines rove nnavailin for our relief, for the State from high motives. He Tnckerslrtitlt• person es another by kissing with bible, taker and Embalmer. p g y thin Paine's CeleryCompound nd will do ti not one to whole) sordid aonsidura- and a resolution to do. away with the THE ELIt(iTION.-There was aspirit- p tions ever appealed in the course nitrt of the service was ad.:pted. more for you than you can justly yea- that he deemed it right to pursue, and ed contest in year, township this yea, especially for the reeveshi The the result is that he has calyses and p Y p• - Broadfoot BoxCo. lite or hope for. Mr. McGruer says: result of the voting, however, brought possesses the confidence of the people Mr. John Shepherd, the former reeve, ,Some time ago my condition of at large aid of his party in a. marked p DR,CHASE'S health wits alarming and I suffered bo the front b a nrR crit of the The degree. There is every reason to and. Y majority very much. I was laid a three days ci ate for Hon. George Kirkpatrick a following is it gtaterneut of the votes Ho! for Christmas! out of every week ; and I often said to long and honorable career as at Cana- polled :-- than friends that it would be better, if it conn statesman, in the event of his re- FOR REEVE. CATARRH CURE We are offering Special inducements to Cash Purchasers for the remainder Y covery, which is confidently looked for. Divisions -1 2 3 4 Total of this year. Call and eatiafv yourselves our Goode and Prices are right was the Lord's will, that I should be He has the knowledge, experience, J. Shepherd 48 50 125 110 3:33 -- -- called away. Three of the best doctors leisure and inclination toi• such a life, A. Cosecs 09 69 13 36 217 Just opened out the finest assortment of attended me, but could not relieve me and will adorn any position to FOR COUNCILLORS. F N he may be called' b people. enple. It Hand painted China Goode, just the thing for Holiday Presents, Fenoy ToileO in arty way It was then I was advised goes without saying that tht� heartiest Divisions -1 2 3 4 Total O,q� Seta, Combination Dinner and Tea Sete, latest designs and beat quality, to use Paine's Celery Compound which sympathy and earnest hope of his Jas. Paterson 72 53 118 7A 32U D. McMillan 88 33 73 107 301 brought relief at once. After using speedy recovery are entsrtaind by all J Gemmill 79 53 71 98 301 Ht4ve you tried our 25c Tea, the beet value in the market, also the fragrant this great remedy I find myself a new sections of the comtion y' H. Crich 72 98 41 39 250 Monsoon, brand in lead packages (Beware of Tea Peddlers.) NEW RAISINS, main, and feel just as bright as a boy of The council will be composed for the CUR ANTS, PRUNES, FIGS, PEELS and SPICES. Pure Essences and eighteen years. I think itis thegreat- Extracts. , est medicine in the world, and would NEW NUTS, GRENOBLE WALNUTS, S. S. ALMONDS, FILBERTS, strongly recommend it to all who stlf- CANDIES, ORANGES, and LEMONS, &a. fer. _ ww- Butter and Eggs taken as Cash. Extra fine sugar cured Hams, select B. Bacon and Cambridge Sausage. Dr. Thornloe was consecrated Bishop of Algoma in the English cathedral at N. ROBSON, - - - Clinton. Quebec, rilost of the Bishops of Canada i- taking part in the service. Just Airived our Christmas stock Of CURED WEAK BACK FOR 25 DENTS. PEELS, RAISINS, CURRANTS, CANDY. NUTS, &c. For two years I was dosed, pilled, QUALITY CHOICE. PICES LOW. and plastered for wank back, scalding We have still further cut the Prices of our CROCKERY and ELAS WARE urine and constipation, without bone - as we must, ver materially rednee the stock before New Year. Don't fail to fit. one box of Chases Kidney -Liver Y Y Pills relieved, three poxes cured. R. J. following year as follows: -John Shep- jo herd, reeve; Jphn McCloy, deputy - reeve, James Paterson, D. McMillan j and James Gemmill, councillors. r McKillop. THE ELECTIONS. - The elections CvRBs cold in the head in ten created considerable interest, and despite the bad roads the aspirants for minutes. office were out, and worked hard all CURES incipient catarrh in day bringing voters to the polls. The from one to three days. only contest for township honors was CURES chronic catarrh, hay between Messrs. William Archibald and John S. Brown, for councillor in {ever and core fever. ward No. 4, and as the result shows, Complete, with blower free. the contest was At most keenly contest- ed one. The vote stood :-Archibald, BOLD MY ALL DCALEn! 95• 87ma it for Archibald Nee our @tock, we know the Prices will suit you. Smith. Toronto, One pill a dose, price ,Brown, , r y price 23 Cents 0. J. STEWART. 25 cents. Sold -in Clinton by J. H. Combe. 8 a