HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1897-01-13, Page 2SPECIFIC
~hire childhood, 1 have been
iLihlelt'll \1.1,11 s( col. 1110IIci boils aild
sures, which caused ulo terrible
sullemig. I'lly'siciall.l loam unahlo
to Le:p III and I o..ly gi-mv Worse
undo their cru•+'.
"a,... At longth, I began
to tints •
t G�
` ,, `arsaparilla, I a n d
a^ a. vets 8()():l „rete het-
` tel% After Ilshl"
1 half ;1 do cu bottles
I Was completely
cur^d, so that 1 have not had a boil
or Ililnllle oil tiny part of Illy 1)Ody
fur the last 1Lt'clvc years. 1 can
cordially reconlu)(lnd Ayer's Sarsa-
parilla as the Very best blood -purifier
in existence." - U. T. RLINIIART,
.,Irersville, Texas.
ELM IftZ11110,
_ Sarsaparilla
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral cures Coughs and Colds
T.hp Hiwn News -Recon
$1.26a Yeer-81.00ln Advance
iVrDNESDAY, JANUARY 13th, 1897.
A Wonian'S Weapon.
"What is a woman's weapon
I asked a charming girl :
She dropped her lashes shyly
And stroked a vagranteurl
Then consciooly she uiurrutu•ecl
This rosebudynewly out :
"I have a strong suspicion
Her yveapon is a pout."
-What is a woniau's weapon?
I asked a. lover true,
He turned hill) to It minden
With eyes of heavenly blue,
Her velvet lips were parted,
All innocence of guile.
And eagerly he Ianswei ed :
"Her weapon is a smile."
"What is a woman's weapon ?"
I asked a poet then.
With sudden inspiration
He seized upon his per,.
"Oh, I could write a thousand,"
He cried in accents clear:
Oman's surest weapon,
''But W ,
P ,
I grant. you is a tear.'
Did Not Get the Right Kind
Canada's Only Seeuritl".
Sir Charles Tupper, formerly Uana-
dian high comnrisstortev to Great
Brit+tin, ane more rneently prime
minister of Canada, which offtoe he
resii;ned on July 8 last ; Sir Robert
Ueurge Wyndham Herbert, who was
t rwituent under secretary of state
Or. the culonieb from 1870 to 1892, and
who is now is gent -general for Tas-
utltpiit, thud l�uu. Duncan Gillies,
agent-genelal for Victoria, were the
guebts of honor Iloudtay evening at it
banquet given by the: St. George's club
of Londuu, F,ng. Major -Gell. Sri- Owell
Burne pr•esd ed in the ubseuce of Lord
Loch, furluerly governor of Cape Col-
ouy fund her majesty's high comutis-
siouer to tiouth Africa. Among those
present, were Sir DOuaid Sutith, Caua-
diau high commissioner to Great Bri-
tain; A. U. Junes, Salford Flowing,
Major Jnhll NV. Laurie, M. P„ who at
011e time was a colonel in the Cana-
diaut militia, Itud Rufus Pope, it ulet -
,ler of the Canadian parliatueut.
Gen. Borne, ill toasting Sir Charles
Tul)per, made a lengthy ret'Ll'"Ce to
his distinguished career.
lu replying to the toast, Sir Charles
said that hu did nut go front London
to Canada for the purpose of suc"wd-
ing Sir tilackeuzie Howell in the pre-
wiership, but that he was sumniuned
by the latter to confer with the gov-
ernment oil important puulic business
connected with Canada and the em-
pire. He had been toluctantly drawn
into pI 1 tit s when he thought he had
retired (rout Ian active political life,
The Liberal-Cuusevvative parfy in Cal)-
ada had .asked hitt to to -enter tile
a arenas.
Referring to the Washington treaty
Of 18W respecting the fisheries, which
the American senate refused to ratify,
Sir ('harles paid It high tribute to the
tact and ability of .Joseph Chamber.
Iain. Sir Chatrles declared that th.(
governing{ principles of his career had
ucen to preserve British institution;
and tn pouott, unary betweea the cliff
erect parts of the empire.
Referring to the situation in Canada
Sit. Charles said that if the. Domiuior
were isolated it crust fall into the lap
Of the Unite.l States. Consolidated, it
%would rei nail firmly attached to Grew
Britton. Ire greatly admired tin
United States, but was profoundly con
viuced that union with Great Britair
was the only true securfty for reit
liberty to all parties. The Unites
States, he added, desired to absorl
Canada. (Cries of "They will neve:
get it,") The Cluradiat) fisheries Wert
the chief attraction for the Unites
States, and the minerals of the Douriu
ion were anot.ner. Canada could giv(
the United States the finest harbors it
the world, besides bringing that coup
try 000 utiles nearer to Great Britain
He contended that Canada's deep -seat
ed loyalty to Great Britain woulc
always constitute an impassable bar•rie
to absolption.
raise of St
Sis Charles spoke in p
Donald Smith, his successor in th,
Canadian contnrissionship, who, ht
said, was highly esteemed by all tin
present parties to Canada. His refer
once to :air Donald was greeted Witt
The St. Georgo's club, which tender
ed the banquet, is a social, colonial
and cosmopolitan club, and has a
membership of about 3,000. The club
house is at No. 4 Hanover square.
Why labor in vain? Why do you
try to dye cotton or mixed goods with
common dyes that the makers prepar-
ed for all wool goods ?
Well, you ere not altogether .to
bllanie ; the deader who sold you the
dye, Alld who told you it was good for
either cotton or wool, is the one who
is directly responsible for your loss and
failure. He. sold you worthless dyes
because they gave hint a large return
of protlt.
It you had bought the Diamond Dyes
made specially for cotton and mixed
goods your work would have bepn well
and truly done. These special cotton
colors of the Diamond to,
are the
latest discoveries of the best chemists
of the world, and are far superior to
all: other dyes for the coloring of cotton
Fast, Diamond Dyes for cotton are
quite fast to light, mid if you use them
your carpets and rugs will be as bright
after years of wear its the most expo n-
aive carpets you can buy. For dyeing
cotton or nixed goods, ask for Fast
Diaunond Dyes for cotton ; take no
others. -- - Y
New Year Resolutions.
There were three little folks, long ago,
Who solemnly sat in it row
On it December night
And attempted to write
For the New Year- m'good resolution.
"I will try not to make so much noise,
And be Slue of the quietest boys,"
Wrote one of the three,
Whose uproarious glee
Was the cause of no end of confusion.
" I resolve Aat I never will take
More than two or three pieces of Cake,"
Wrote plump little Pete,
Whose taste for the sweet
Was a problem of puzzling solution.
The other, her paper to till,
,Began with, "Resolved that I will-"
But right here she stopped,
And fast asleep dropped
Ere she came to it single conclusion.
The best way to cure disease is to
drive it from the system by purify-
ing the blood with Hood's Sarsaparilla,
Seven of the Sisters of the Ursuline
Convent at Roberval, Quebec, lost their,
lives in a fire that destroyed the build-
Ask your grocer for
ds -o
For Table and Dairy, Purest and Beat
A Remarkable Cure. ---J. W. Jenni
son, Gilt'ord, spent between $200 ane
5300 in consulting doctors ; triee,
Dixon's and all other treaturents bill
got no - henifit. One box of Chase':
Caatarrh'Cure did rust more good that:
all other remedies, in fact 1 consider
myself cured, and with a 25 cent box at
James Gibson, of Ancaster, is a
proud Inau these clays. By virtues OI
the double XX vote he and his tol y
fellow -conspirators have been aisle tc
send a Tory representative to the
County council from Grit Ancaster.
Disease is to establish health. Pure,
rich blood means good health. Hood's
Sarsaparilla 'is the One Trite Blood
Purifier.. It tones tip the whole
system, gives appetite and strength
and causes weakness, netwousuessand
pairs to disappear. No other medicirA
has such a record of wonderful cures ae
Hood's Sarsaparilla.
Hood's fills are the best after-dinner
pill; assist digestion, prevent consti
pation. 25c.
Mr. Laurier's friends are bound to:
make a martyr of him. It, is now
claimed that, at the funeral of the late
,Archbishop Fabre, Mr. Laririer was
"slighted,' and was permitted to takc
his place to Hon. Mr. Geoffrion's pew,
instead of in the front row with Sir
Adolphe Caron, Lieutenant-Governot
Chaplewt and the judges. But Mr.
Lanrior will be able to get even fur
this slight when his own funeral comes
off. He will then take the most pro•
minent place.
4oderielt Township.
returns here show that Thus. Churchill
was elected Deputy -Reeve, and John
Middleton, Chas. Willinans and James
Johnston, Councillors. The figures
Alk 0170 A P`
Dr. Chase's Catarrh Cure
(Qee, Bessie, this is the way mother does.
1'ou insert the tube and give one good blow and away she goes. And do you know
I I,rr ye ncycr h+tll ,bad breath or a touch of headache since using lt. Now just lot me try it on
you and i ani Lure it will help that cold in the head and fix up that red nose.
is Jho breath foul? Is this worse towards night?
is the voice husky i Does the nose itch and burn?
1)o you ache all over? Is there pain in the back of the head,
Is there pain across the eyes?
Ill the nose Mopped lip? is there pain in the back of the eyes?
Ito you snore al. nlghts is your sense of smell leaving?
Iloe" )•"ur novo Iliseharl;el Is there it dropping in the throat?
Ulu• the nose bleed eatslly I Is the throat dry in the mornings
1: t Ilere I inkling in the throat Are you losing our sense of taste?
1: the , ose sore and tenders Do you sloop w?1th the mouth open?
Uo you sneeze a great deal I Does the nose stop up at night?
IF so it is sure and certain indication of Catarrh.
Uitrs insrn,t rellof - in less than a minute after the first application the air passages are freed.
111,11 the I enthing becomes natural and easy -the most acute attacks of cold in the head are
nntrd in a few boors- Cures incipient catarrh in a few days -and will permanently cure most
c•lnvmic rose. in front our to threo months—it allays pain—counteracts all foulness of the breath
it,,, ulcer, • and ill ion incredibly short while absorbs and dries up all discharge. It eco-
In n:
it., io,iurions hiKredients, such as cocaine, the use of which, like njorphine, in many caws
lin- a••cn
Ill.. nn•tuts of contracting the dreaded narcotic habit. Bewar of catarrh cures con.
I a.Ining �uoh hit;redient.s. Dr. Chase's Catarrh Cure is sure, pure, harmless and easily applied.
1 n•. (',,a. -e'; Improved Inhaler• accompanies every box free of charge. N ollow directions closely.
]Tern are a few from a thousand or more testimonials who have been helped and cured,
For y, it s 1 snlll•red front that drend disease I had been a sufferer from catarrh for fifteen
—o;, I n rrh -1 -renta sinn.11 fort line in gtedictnes yearn—it became chronic. I have spenta lot of
tcithm,r rer,•ivinc any relief -I had the disease money and tried many doctors. I also trent ad
in It eery bail form, toil nothing seemed to with a catarrh speclnitst in London—ill fact.
reach the watt of the trouble until I procured had trial most everything I saw advertised
rind used t'hn;o's Catarrh Curu. I got almost without getting any beneflt.. I was directed
instant relief un,l 1 deoliu•e that, though 1 can by the advertisonlents and teAhnonials I read
barony credit it fill' "I'll' i have been pormanatt- to try Dr• Chase's Catarrh Cato, I used three
ly mired, mrd gladly give lily- testimony to the boxes and it cotuplute cure was elrected. I
merits of thi, great euro. heartily recommend it to all sufrera•s from
A1:7'IIUiL I'. THolINF. caturrh.
Charlottetown, P.E.I. Clachan, Ont. JAMICS SPENCE.
Last, somewhere on the Bayfield Road. be -
and Bayfield, a buggy rug with
tiger figure on it, Finder will be rewarded on
returning same to D. B. KENNEDY, Clinton,
House for Sale,
Two story frame house in Clinton, ten rooms,
stoneceller, hard and soft water. Good ground.
Frame stable. For full particulars apply to
the owner, JOSEPH ALLANSON, Clinton.
Wanted—An Idea Who can think
of some simple
yy yy� thing to patent?
WrlteeJOHN WED1iERBIISN y& CO gPatent Atter•
nays Washington, D. C., for their Si,8W priso offer
and list of two hundred Inventions wanted.
F. J. M I LN E,
The Town HallTHR
Boot and Shoe
Has returned to Clinton and has his office at
Incorporated by Act ofParliament 1866.
Repair Shop.
CAPITAL, $2,000,00
Elliott 31 22 53 R 13 7....134
REST, $1,400,000
Hranley ..... 29 17 64 22 41 24....197
Johnston .. 100 43 35 11 50 0....251
Head Office. - MONTREAL.
J. H. R. DtOT.SON, President.
....35 ,260
F. WOLFERSTAN TdOMAS, General Manager.
The well known Boot and Shoe maker, has
oppened a Repair Shop in the Clinton Town
Notes discounted, Collections made Drafts
11:111 and will execute, all orders entrusted
issued, Sterling and American ex -
to ills care oil short notice and at satisfac-
tory rates, Ordered work a specialty.
change bought and sold.
Give hill) a call.
No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Total
Cox .....194 18 164 77 160 74.. .750
Property For Sale.
Interest allowed oil suras of $1 and up.
Snell .... 17 23 18 2e 25 4,, . ,111
TD consequence of m age and lack of het I have
9 5 p,
Money advanced to farmers on their own notes
with one or more endorsers. No mortgage re.
decided to offer for sale nig splendid gardening pro-
auired as security.
party consisting of ave and a nail arras in Clinton,
some of the best land in the county of Huron, includ.
H. C. BREWER Mena er,
lug hot beds and other necessary requirements,
December, 1896. CLINTON.
There is on the premises a frame house with cellars
soft and hard Water, barn and other outbuildings
The Bayfield river adjoins the property. Will Bell at
a reasonable price for half cash and balance secured
I Is
grades of ability. Agents, Book -keep -
Clerks, Farmers' S,pns, Lawyers, Mechan-
by mortgage. As desire to sell, this a chance
seldom met with, Apply personally dr by letter to
the proprietor,
I ics Physicians Proachera, Students, Married
and Single women, Widows. Positions are
worth from $400.00 to $2,000.00 per annum. We
894.1 L !Tinton
have paid several of our canvassers $50.00
weekly for years. Many have started poor
and become rich with us. Particulars upon
Rnro r.no1•
application. State salary expected,
Last, somewhere on the Bayfield Road. be -
and Bayfield, a buggy rug with
tiger figure on it, Finder will be rewarded on
returning same to D. B. KENNEDY, Clinton,
House for Sale,
Two story frame house in Clinton, ten rooms,
stoneceller, hard and soft water. Good ground.
Frame stable. For full particulars apply to
the owner, JOSEPH ALLANSON, Clinton.
Wanted—An Idea Who can think
of some simple
yy yy� thing to patent?
WrlteeJOHN WED1iERBIISN y& CO gPatent Atter•
nays Washington, D. C., for their Si,8W priso offer
and list of two hundred Inventions wanted.
F. J. M I LN E,
Wards 1 2 3 4 5 6 Total,
Churchill ....41 17 33 49 90 41....272
Sturdy ......51 46 05 2'2 28 10....231
Has returned to Clinton and has his office at
the Queen's Hotel, Victoria Street. All calls
day or night., will be promptly attended to.
Elliott 31 22 53 R 13 7....134
Hranley ..... 29 17 64 22 41 24....197
Johnston .. 100 43 35 11 50 0....251
Cottage for Rent,
Middleton. 23 40 64 75 82 38.... 298
Williams 43 28 1810.9 32...
Situate on Isaac Strout ;six rooms ;hard and
....35 ,260
soft water. Rent reasonable. Appply to I). B.
KENNEDY, Davis & McCool's livery,
John Cox headed the poll with 750,
D. A. Forrester carne next with 198,
and James Snell third with 111. By
The charred remains of Mrs. Thos.
wards the vote was as follows :-
Allen, a widow, living near Lavat,
No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Total
Bruce County, Nvere found in the ruins
Cox .....194 18 164 77 160 74.. .750
of her house, which, it is supposed, she
Forrester 10 32 25 46 34 41....198
accidentally set on fire by upsetting
Snell .... 17 23 18 2e 25 4,, . ,111
the lamp.
T. H. iANSCOTT, Manager, TonoxTO,ONT,
Vocal Culture.
Madapic wall 18 open for Concert ongage-
ments, and will continue to ,give vocal Witton.
Cheese Factory Notice,
The Annual 94eoting of the Stockholders and
Patrons of the Hohnesville Cheese and Rutter
Manufacturing Co. (Ltd.) will be hold in Pick-
ard's Hall at 2 o'clock p. m. on Saturday 6th
Feb. 1897, for the purpose of closing up the busi-
ness of the season of 1898 and for the election of
officers for the ensuing year.
W. B. FORSTEIt, Pres.
Holmesville, Dec. 30tH 1896.
Summerhill Cheese Factory.
The Annual Meeting of the patrons of the
Smnmerh111 Cheese factory for the election of
officors and transaction of other business will
be held in the Orange Hall, Summerhill, on
Saturday,.Ian. 16th, at. 1 p. m.
J. H. LOWERY, See,
Desirable Farm to Rent.
Thn undersigned offore to rent the enlondid farm
on the 9th con., Hallett township, being the north
hnif of lot 116, containing 85 acres. Frame house,
barn, stable and shed, young orchard hearing this
,year, a crook running thtough the farm all the year
round, A desllable farm for stock or grain, being
only air miles from the town of Clinton. Apply to
Holmesville. 927 tf
�� on and
At this season of the year
the majority of people are
looking for suitable Presents
for young and old.
We do not know of anything
more appropriate for little
InOI1ey than a nice supply of
Superior Writing Paper,
Envelopes, Penholder and Pens,
Writing Ink and Lead Pencils.
News-flocafa Stationer�� Den.
Can supply you with the best material
in the market at the lowest prices going.
Fupniturie!Fupnitupe! -�
eeee••ee•eee•ee••ee•••e• ee•eee••eeee•ee•••eeeeee
......Of which I have a good assortment in stock consisting of......
Parlor Suites, Bedroom Suites, Dining Suites, Fancy Chairs, of al Myles
and at all Prices.
PicturNs and Picture Frames, also a lot Of New Moulding of the latest
styles and piltterns. Now is your title to get Pictures frauted for Xmas.
All the ithove mentioned Goods will be sold it astonishing Low Prices
front now until after the Holidays. Kindly give we a call before buying
A full line of Lrndertalker's Goodson hand and courteous atten-
tion to Tall customels. Repairing Furniture. and Upholstering
also it Specialty. ,All clauses of work done Neatly and Cheaply.
H. C. BARLETT, :-: Huron St., Clinton.
�• Successor to JOS. CHIDLEY.
n U0-7 LN
O est
Clothing Sta1S l)1ant
In Clinton back again in Victoria.131ock, next to the Post Office. Since 1854
we have catered to the wants of Cluthing buyers and this week we re-
move to our old quarters where we will again be ready to serve our many
patrons. In years gone by the made a reputation for selling Only reli-
able Clothing and to -day stand ready to defend that reputation. The
Clothing and Furnishings
we sell are good—we know they are good, for the past experience has
taught us the difference betwen Good Goods and cheap imitations. To
impress upon you that we have Good Goods we will offer you
Special Prices on all Lutes wring this MaRth,-
Come early and see the cloudburst of economic prettiness in Fabrics and
Garments of warm day style and comfort that we display. The wonder -
0 ful purchalaing power of a dollar will be exemplified as never before in
every department, Watch for Special Prices next week, but in the
meantime come and see the Goods.
-=The Pioneer Clothier.
Established 1854. Clinton, Ont.
4� Touches the spot'
MacLeod's e�System Renovator
e eeeecee•e••eeeeeee•e•••ee
---FOR------- ,
Weak and Impure Blood,
Liver and Kidney Diseases,
FemalelComplaints," etc.
Ask Drnggist or write direct to J. Ili. MacLeod, GODFRIC1I, Ont.
Clinton RaiRess Emporium,
Opposite the Town Hall.
1.1.1•' 1.•�.^� ^�.
a?ad luM A Splen(lid line of Saskatebewalt
:,e ; • Robes—three colors—li lit
lu�l � •
N of • and Clark broiv n and rlaekc
quality equal to Buffalo and
.�t Prices trade Winnerq.
Gout and Galloway Pobes, all.
,. sizes and prices.
Our special make of SING LE HARNESS has gained a superior reputation
for neatness, durability and lowness of price. Team Harness always in stock
or made to order.