HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1897-01-06, Page 8■ !
I 00)%;Ne, -The Woogruen or Me •AAA•.*:!••toe•AA•�raA••AAA�AAA•A�AA�A*AAtiAAAA.ta��N "
are I World Lodge of this place has engaged < (+ f
• the services of the well knowW tlln er, Illh1.'� i �. ^-f1 0
Mr. Chas. Kelly, and also Miss delle•
ands date - " 1 ' Dirrerence4
♦ I Rose Emslie, the Scotch Elocutlopist, ( �i` t' it���� y // •
for an entertainment here in a few fl ;� �` i t �'� , /t ��// •
Not for office but for weeks. They should draw a big house. ��\� f/�,. I •R1�AAR.A•A•fats••taAAA•••••!•AA•A•••AA•A•A!••AA•AA
trade. Our platform is MYSTERY TEA.- The ladies of St.
good values at honest, Paul's church Guild will give a Mystery `.;, \. .✓
want to be Tea in the S. S. room on next Monday, 1 "-•�--o----
priCOS. W0 Jan. 11th, from 6 o'clock to 8. D%uslcal �Ene•
your dealers during 4897 selections will be given duri4g the
d h• All dial]
c ,
and respectful] 4011C1t feast of goo t inifs.
are.01 y �. Jk Tennyson could take a worthless sheet of paper, write a poem
Y invited as a most interesting as well as r,
the favor of your patron- enjoyable time is expected.\M, w N, on ,. Rr� on it, and make it worth $45,000. That's Genius.
age. We shall strenuous- DEATH, -The Town Council of 1896 t , �}�°+F%
I endeavor to impress died on Monday evening. There was 9va-• Vanderbilt can write a few words on a sheet of papbr, ayd
Y ust a quorum of pall -bearers to look v make it worth $5,000,000. That's Capital.
you with the benefits o1 after the corpse. There was little or �
trading with us by giving no business outside the burial Gere- p" = The United States can take an ounce and a quarter of gold and
mons The bony (the new Council)
you qualities in all CASES will be resurrected on Monday, Jan• stamp upon it an "eagle bird" and make it worth $20. That's 1
+p :war Mo i1
equal to the prices asked nary 11th, at 11 a. in., In the council ^� , ;.
while in some particulars chamber. 1 nes.
� +
A BIG Succuss. -To the Oddfellows A mechanic can take material worth $5 and make it into watch
the ' advantage leans hard of Clinton the credit is deservedly �4i, 1
l springs worth $1,000. That's Skill.
your way. Weare "often due for the finest concert that
has ever yet been given. The town / t o • A merchant can take an article worth 75c, and sell it for 100
the cheapest, always the hall on Tuesday evening last II $ +
best. contained a large and very enthusiastic j �(, That's Business.
audience who thoroughly enjoyed the
Examine our line of Books for Bays swithout plendid programme, wchange or delay, Mr. Haroldhich was given I . n , A lady can purchase a hat for $1.25, but she prefers one that
l� I
:aid Girls in our West Window now Jarvis, of Detroit, was the chief attrac- j i'. costs $?7.50. That's Foolishness.
gulag at 30c, cloth bound, and all tion and all the good words previously , •• �A
standard authors or see our 15c paper said about him were not exaggerated, - '
novels in paper covers, He is it fine singer and the splendid A ditch digger works ten hours a day and handles several tons
tone and flexibility of his voice, as well In Greeting the - of earth for $2.50. That's Labor.
as the great range, was very pleasing .a+
to hear. What we litre to hear in the The writer of this could write a cheque for $80,000,000, but it
singing is the words. In this respect New Year wouldn't be worth a darned cent. That's Tougb.
e D,;- Fair Go.,woparticularly liked Mrs. Wall, who l� i. iti su different from many singers of
• this day in enunciation. In the •'Flow -Some manufacturers take a piece of shoddy cloth, make it up
CLINTON. er Girl'' and "My Mother is a Lady," Our Wish is that it may be a Happy and and call it good Clothing, That's Gall. -
every word could be heard away at thepsinus one to all our Friends.
Prosperous back of the hall. The lady has a line p
Agents Parker's Dye IVorks, voice and on this occasion excelled her -Jackson Bros. take a piece of cloth, selected carefully, securely
self. Mr. Foster never done better. We commence the year with the intention of making it as prosperous for made, cut, trimmed accurately, finished beautifully, and offers
The solo "Alone oil the Raft" shpwed our customers as possible in saMig them money, by giving them the best goods it as the strongest, cheapest, and handsomest that can be pro -
The Hwen News-Reeora his splendid voice to perfection.
Mr. Foster's voice is best suited at the lowest prices. We comm nee with our stocktaking sale, offering all duced. That's common sense.
$1,25 a Yea-$I.00in Advance for oratorio work. If he would winter goods at a very low figure, in order to reduce it before entering.
follow tip in this line he would The demand for OUR CLOTHING has been so great that it has
soon distinguish himself. Miss Combe been necessary for us to move into larger premises in order t9Corsets
WEDNESDAY. JANUARY 6th, 1897. is a pianist well-known to all V
our readers. Her selection, on this oc- be albs to meet the demand. That's the truth.
casiun pleased and delighted every one This week we offor 63 pairs of 85c Corsets for 65c, but you will have to
LOCAL NEWS. and proves the lady to be a most brit- see them to know what a bargain we are offering you.
liant and accomplished musician- Miss `�'�' a You find that your interests will be advanced by falling into
Fisher, of Goderich, who is a charni- 'j' Ladies' and C�i�dY•enls Underwear line with the majcrity of people -for we have them -we will
��- ingly pretty la on the stage, is ri very i.Jt take care of you. That's all.
In and Around the Hub, clever reader rid tertainer and gave
four selection two being well.deserved We are offering special value in Ladies' and Children's Vests in order to
encores. 5 deli ted the entire att- reduce stock.
901v11 (t! all. dience. T e "Grand Bumper Degree" p - - o
Highest price for butter and eggs-Ce,NTFLON Was probably the moat enjoyable- piles OI Lod1eS' Wool .Bose, PilE3s o� ChildPen's Wool Hose
Enos Should she appear here again we are Piles y
sure she will be as fully appreciated. 4
[ink your flour at olson's and secure the 141iss Azie Gibbings, who done most of =zzzz:::7At Bargain Prices in ribbed 'and plain goods, AM
gp in with every 100 lbg. Oatmeal ex- the ac-Coinpanying, is just what the peo-
anged for Oats. ple always say about her, very profi to -day -------===7 no
-------- -r-� trent and thoroughly accumplislled for Carne and investigate y -
C. O. F. OFFICERS.-000rt Maple such arduous duties. The piano used
Leaf No. 16, C. O. F,, elected the on this occasion was the finest used on DRU611,'
following officers last Thursday even- the stage, iihigh grade Evans, which
ing s. Johnston;John Fisher; V. C. R., the enterprising and wide-awake bust_ BEESLEY o ■ .¢.
Thos. JnsR. S., John P. Shepp- ler, Geo, Emerson, is agent fur. The The Famous Clothiers, Coats'
pard; F. S., Wm. Jones; Tr•easurei•, D- prcc.eeds, we believe, were nearly $140. '
Dickenson; Chap., Isaac Dodds ; Con- we H•
doctor, R. Heywood; S. W., George AWAY OUT WEST. -From a private Block.,
Cook; J. W., T. Taylor; S. B., A. letter, postmarked Winnipeg, from a The Ladies' Favorite Establishment, Clinton.
Twitchell; J. B., John Smith; delegates former resident of Clinton (an old time
High Court, John Smith and R.
oPolley. The installation takes place Reformer), now enjoyinr the bracing
on Thursday evening by R. Horsley;
air of Manitoba and the Canadian
Court Deputy, and John Smith, High Northwest, THrL NEws-ItEcoRb is per- SNAKES IN 1897. -Although 1897 is Brief Town Topics.
Marshall. mitt•ed to make the following interest- quite young and we are supposed to "The town bell ushered in 1897.
CLERKS AND THEIR SALARIES. -As ing extracts: -Last Saturday with be living in arctic regions as far as cli- ! Miss Addie McBriens is tome from
a rale municipal clerks. underprtid, teton and a cold -black steed I start Ottawa.
etc fora visit to Crane Lake. En route mate is concerned, two real live snakes The Salvation Army and band
Why they should be no legitimate were discovered near the railway track paraded the streets as 1897 was born. Ax
a cantankerous prairie wolf with p
reason can be advanced The work of malice appeared. Halting, I imitated at Stapleton last Sunday. Thr, reptiles Capt. ani 'lies. Rance were here 1� ;,
a. town or township clerk is enormous. pp g would measure about thirty inches p ti'w? i�w,`�'R,� ! t
the. bleat of a sheep. He regarded me 5 y t N ;,,i
Some town clerks are reasonably well each. They were despatched in short from Blyth holidaying.
curiously :a little time and .thea walk- order b )Vfessrs, J. Rattenbury and Mr. Geo. Burns and son are here on y r t,_- .•i ,,,-✓� .sr+•+" �
paid, but we cannot recall the name of Y �a
ed on, my horse starting at the same ` •>
ar township clerk that receives even a Ike Read. Some say their appearance a visit from Detroit. �+;k*h'• t. °�•�1✓� may, q �
instant. Changing his purpose, the p Miss MCQUaig was last week visiting t✓
fair - remuneration for his services. y • pp indicates an open winter.
rake Goderich township as an ex- wolf turned and slow] approached l c the friends in Seaforth.
ample. The Clerk there has about five when I stopped ; the animal came A BUsiNESs MAN'S DOWNFALL.- Mr. Oswald Hunt returned to Lon -
months work for the township, and within half i dozen yards of was
No Front the Rid etown Dominion we donyesterday.•t••m••fa•Ao•A••O a
the work is by no means light. He doubt the animal concluded I was too g '
receives a salary of something like $1t10 lean for a tit -bit -a sad truth -pursued learn that Meredith Grass, who man- Dr. and Mrs. Freeborn ate their New '
his, original plan and slowly galloped aged d a bankrupt dr nods store in Year's turkey at Seaforth. "�,=ual
or $105. For this he works about 150 g., p Y.g Y • •
days, which means less than seventy away., One of our employes in going Clinton it year or so since, was recently Miss Madaline Craig returned to
to the post office the other day killed arrested charged with asaulting and Petrolia on Monday.
cents a day. The majority of school y _
seven wolves and coyotes, and one 'on attempting to murder his wife. The Mr, kind Mrs. E. Holmes, of St. Cat -
teachers perform less work than a p g c
Cat -
municipal clerk and receive from $300 thereturntrip. Yesterday,threecoyotes inforutation was afterward amended her•in,es, father and' mother of Mayor January
to $1, were detected within the sheepcorral.
000 per annum. The Taboret is * * by making it one of assault and he was Holmen) are hereon a visit.
worthy of his hire and the importance Four coolie dogs were set at them. allowed off to suspended sentence. y
of the work to he performed by all Wolves and coyotes do not Hee from The magistrate informed him that if Rev, Mr. and Mrs.Louch and family,
coolie dogs, yet at sight of one of our I be a ain illtreated his wife or com- of Elmwood, were visiting in town last For yearn it has been the Custom Of tllis''
municipal clerks demands more liberal g
treatment. three hounds they are frantic and plaint was made of his drinking he week, house to hold a clearing sale of all Winter
seem unable to run, so that they are would be promptly arrested and sin- Don't forget the Mystery Tea in St.
FAREWELL SpUPPER.-A few of the easily caught. * * * I do not re- tented to the full limit provided by Paul's church S. S. room on Monday 1i00dS ill the month of January. Following
many friends of Dr. Kraussman rnet at member seeing this variety of hound in statute. Mr. and Mrs. Grass are both evening.
the Rattenbury House on Saturday Ontario. In form they nearest reseal- well connected. Mrs. S. Mercer, of St. Marys, was in this well established principal of our bUS1neSS
acrd gave him a supper as a farewell ble the grev hound, ,but have rough town last week the guest of her mother, we make no excuse or apology in announcing
before departing to Detroit, where the coats. They are - very swift; wolt or ONTARIO STREET ' CHURCH. -The Mrs. Saville.
Doctor will begin theractice of his coyote cannot escape them, though no
p New Year's dinner under the auspices There was baptismal service,in addi-
rofyfrie . Dr. Krahis s an has mads lof; has been known to catch an ante- p This Special sale
P of the Women's Christian Association tion to the regular, at St. Paul's
rnanyfriends during his stay inClinton lope. Few of these beautiful creatures g ,
who are sorry he has left, but wish are about here, though a lady told me of the Ontario St. Church, on last Fri- church last Sunday evening.
him prosperity in his new field of she had seen a herd of about 200 ante- day evening was it complete success. Mise Lena Doherty leaves this week '�f Q
labor. Speeches were made by all lope notfar froin Medicine Hat. * Talk- Dinner was served in the school room to take a coulee in the Toronto Con. For January 1897•
the guests present, all eulogizipg the ing of gold, the writer saws :- of the church, which is admirably servatory of Music.
Doctor's many good qualities. Before Look out for breakers there is still adapted for the pin -pose from 5 until nqr. Fred Beattie, of Jackson Bros., "
departing for the evening James Fair, Spanish blond in the Southwest. 7.30 o'clock, and wits pronounced by all left yesterday for New York to more r e a dO this
(. (J s ��Ly 1
Jr.,on behalf of those present, present- Strike, Lynch, Dynamite & Co. will to be a crodit to the ladies concerned thoroughly fit himself in the art of
ed him with a beautiful case of medi- soon be on. the rampage. Socially, in getting it up, both with regard to cutting.
cal instruments. Those present were: Keewatin is' destined to be the most the food provided, and the manner in Miss Lillie Johnson left on Saturday
Jas. Fair, Jr., Dr.Gunn. Dr. McCallum, ebullitional 4uadr•ade of the nation's which it was served. After . dinner l Be_rave, w
Dr. Shaw, W. P. Spalding, N. McL, existence. Commerce will be ad- the people repaired to the auditorium for here she has been en. because the conditions of trade to -day demand
Fair, Ogle Cooper, A. Morrish, D. Me- vanced, so will discord. 1 do not he- upstairs where an unique and pleasant .gaged to teach school during the com-
p q • p the continual showing of the newest, goods'
Pherson, J. Treleaven, W. D. Fair, M. lieve that the Republic as a govern- programme was carried out. The ing year.
D. :YleTaggart, P. B. Crews. rnent can be p@rmanent: McKinley is most marked feature in the pro- Messrs. W. D. McBrien, James each season. Things are different t0 what
too previous, too literally ultra. * * * gramme was the addresses. These Howe, W. Carter, and John Ford left the were 15 or 20 ears when if a piece
GUN CL UR SCHOOT.-The annual This (Manitoba) atmosphere is very were not given, in the old fashioned yesterday for Morrisburg to repack Y wY ago, > '
shoot under the anspices of the Clinton sweet and stimulating. Everybody way, by clergymen, but by the resident apples for James Steep & Co., Mr. - of goods did not sell one season it would Sell
Gun Club was held last Fridayon their feels jolly. and ex ects to become a medical men of the town. Drs. Gunn, Steep accompanying the party.
j Y. • p the newt. Now last seasons goods will not
grounds. There was, as usual, a good bank president (or his wife). As to Turnhull, Shaw and Freeborn, were Mr. and Mrs. Isaite Dodd celebrated
attendance and the shooting uncertain hunts: -Youths and maidens, mounted present and certainly did credit to their silver wedding anniversary yea- do for .this, neither would this season's be
nn account of the wind. Contestants upon sure-footed, swift -flying ckiyouses, themselves and the profession,' as well terday. A number of invited guests saleable next fall and winter, The only way
were present fromClandeboye, Cen- with half a dozen big hounds nearly as as doing good serdice to the Church were present and a most enjoyable
tralia, Wingham, Crediton, Seaforth tall its deer, often start out in pursuit and giving pleasure to those that heard time was spent, to have fresh new goods to show every season,;
and Clinton. The score resulted 'as of the premeditated coyote, rapwcrous i;hem. The experiment of going out- Mr, and Mrs. Thos. Mustard are here t
from Talmage, Central Kansas through is ril)t t0 carry old ones over. This i8 why,(
follows: -1st event -10 live birds -E. wolf, wily jack rabbit, or uncatchable side the beaten track for speeches ter 3
Cantelon 5, Ira Boyce 8, S. Eilber 6, kid fox. Then with eyes sparkling, tainly proved a splendid success and the illness of the ladies father, Mr. we hold this Annual Sale and the reason we;,
Sherdown 7, E. Hincbley 5. J. Dodds 5, cheeks roseate, and every nerve in will be worth tin g again. Whether Hugh McDonald of Clinton. Mr. Mus- have cut the rofit off goods belonging arti-
Riley 4, Harry Cade 6, E. Hovey 4, A. beatific tension, each vying with each from curiosity or from confidence in tard is a former iesident of Tucker- p b p
J. Bright 8, J. McMurray 7, J. Miller 6. who will be first at the death and get the elocutionary powers of local medi- smith. Cularly to winter.
2nd event -10 artificial birds -J. Miller "brush." " " * English hunts are cos, it certainly proved a drawing Town Clerk Coats has received from
.5; J. Turner 4, E. Hinchley 5, McLeod not in it. " " Referring to politi- card to the entertainmeut. The musi- Mr. Chris. Macpherson, herson, of New Whatc-
3, A. J. Bright 7, E. Hovey 8, E. Can- cal matters :-Laurier is making him- cal part of the programme was of a p
felon 4, Geo. Hinchley6, John Dodds 7, self quite cons icious for his jackass- high order and superior to what is ome, Washington Territor a fresh
q p j g p � Whatever our Dry -Goods, wants may be, sive will make
J. Me. Murray 8, J. Stevens 6. 3rd isms. How eloquently he deplores often heard at such gatherings. salmon, dressed, weighing 61bs. Mr. 3' Y
event -20 artificial birds -E. Hinchley the galling tyranny under .which the Where all was good it may seem in-
R. Casts and Mr. F. Macpherson also it worth your while supplying them here.
10, J. Turner 4, A. J. Bright 15, E. people'have so long been round, and vidious to snake distinctions, but with- received one each.
Hovey 17, J. Dodds 15, E. Cantelon 11, of bow nobly he, ' the Prime Minister out detracthigL from the merits of any, Mrs. James McGregor, of Kinloss,
J. McMurray 16, S. Elber 12, Geo. of the Dorninion," is going to redress it may be noted that the solos by Miss Welsh county, Dakota, was the guest ••••••••••ti,•O••
Hinchley 14, Ira Boyce 11, 4th event.- those wrongs. In regard to the Mani- Carter and Miss Couch and the duett of Mrs. Thos. O. Cooper, and is now
15 artificial birds -J. Dodds 11, E. toba school question and free trade :r- by Messrs. Harland and Murch are de- visiting in Goderich township. The
^� I3ove 12, A. J. Bright 11, G. McLeod Manitoba has swallowed her lee, and serving of special mention. Notwith- lady informs us that the crops were
4, T. an Ion 9, Ira Boyce 9, J. Turn. Quebec has been made a cat's paw. standing the unfavorable weather for fair last year, prices good, and plenty z
er S; H. Hinchley 10, S. Eilber 6, G. We sball see bow the Grits introduce the night was dark and rainy, the of snow when she left. Hodgens Bros.,'',
Hinchley 12, J. McMurray 9. 5th Free Trade. If they attempt to keep church was well filled,. and about $00 Mr. Thos. McKenzieescaped serious
event -15 artificial birds -E. Canto- their ante -election pledges, the next was taken in. No doubt if the sleigh- injury on Monday while arranging to ton 7, J. Dodds 11, Ira Boyce 18, E. session will be their last. There is not ing had continued and the night been to e a voter to the polls. He Cour-
Movey ID, Gem Hipchley, i2,• A. J. a Grit in the Government, not except- fair and clear the ladies would hardly ageously held the ribbons and was
Bright I& 8th event --1G ar£ificiai ing Sir Oliver Mowat, that would not have been able to derve, 6r the church brought to his knees, thus averting birds- & Hovey 18 G, Hinchley 11, A. rather lose his soul than his seat in the to contain the number that would more serious results. As it is the CLINTON.
J. Bright 18, J, Dodds 11, Ira Boyce 7, House. " ' Only once a week I have honoured the entertainment with Venerable representative of. St. James'
10. Henchleq 11. see the Winnipeg Free Press, their presence. suffers fro;n a bruised limb. 71
Y• ' \
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