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The Huron News-Record, 1897-01-06, Page 7
• CHRISTRA So • a, 1896 NEW FRUITS 1896 "Nearly forty years ago, after For Xmas and New Year's Trade, some weeks of sickness, my hair RAISINS, CURRANTS, FIGS, PRUNES and PEELS. Old Raisins 28 The turned gray. 1 began using Ayer's for $1.00. Headquarters for TEAS and SUGARS. Hair Vigor, and was so well satis. CROCKERY, CHINA, GLASSWARE and LAMPS, we have to make room Bed with the results that I have e for our Imported Xmas and New Year's Go -.do and have to reduce our never tried any other kind of dress. prices. Call and see our Goods and get prices. Good Butter, Eggs and ing. ltrequiresonly Dried Apples taken as CASH. an occasional appli- cation of Cash Paid for .Good Butter and Eggs. - AYER'S J. W. Irwin Clinton. e Hair Vigor to keep l« Ail my hair of good Lj p / � �/']�Buyers color, to remove �Il YC7YrV tf �� D dandruff, to heal 1 itching lumors, and prevent the ,t hair from falling out. I never hesi- t ' be°o�e°o�e°o"eL oveYs o Fine Dishes tate to recommend Ayer's medicines p to my friends. —Mrs. iI. M. HAIGHT, F. t Avoca, Nebr. k' ---ARE BUYING THEIR— `` HOLIDAY - CHINA 04 Hair Vig®r Prepared by Dr. J.C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Diana. Well Satisfied vith Ayer's Hair Vigor. --AT------- THE CASH GROCERY. We wish we had more windows to show our Goods in. We have so many Rice things in the China Line. Talk is cheap—OUR DINNER SETS do the talking; it look at our Stock will convince ,yon that we have the prettiest and cheapest line of DIN- NER, TEA and CH AMBER SETS that etre shown in town. Now is the trine to buy your Xmas Piesents, while our Stock is complete, and have us set. there aside for you. IN BERRY SETS, NATER SE'1S, FIVE O'CLOCK SETS, SALAD BOWLS, BREAD and BUTTRR PLATES, CUPS and SAUCERS, &c. we are offering exceptionally good values. FINE MIXED CANDY 5c. per pound. RAISINS 5c. per pound. CUR- RANTS 5c, per pound. 2 pounds !ii IXED NUTS for 25c. 2 pound extr.t good CREAMS for- 25c. ORANGES—ORANGES—ORANGES 15c. per doz. 4 pound GINGER NUTS for 25c•. ow.o�a�.o'o.�.Obe•o.e�e ©mom©•o.o•o.•�se�.e'o.•o. A Happy Now Year # ..The Cash to all Crockery. �b0�i©©�9�rt�•o.o•m.-c,.e�c� 'me•cyep�0�•C�e�e�m o-o.a•o.-e�.0�eovro-o.c�e�0 •o.e�eJ�o'�'�e�00.•a I'hoile23. OGLE COOPER & COO Handsome Men's K, Underwear. Anything in the shape of Underwear fits in well for a sent this time of year, and HERE a good variety will onnd, and prices special for this tithe of year :--- Extra heavy all wool Men's Ribbed Shirts, ........50c " 11 blue Shirts ....... 50c " •' '° plain Shirts. .......45c " " •' •' blue Shirts.......45c •' " " heavy fine Frey Shirts...55c ., ,. .. 11 ,. 60C extra fine Shirts ........ 75c and up to $2 a Suit, Best ever shown in this part of the country. is, O AA � Ce. DuffOn Opposite Mason House, . f Clinton. Now FuTmIturo ang URgeftaklng Store, Brick Block, Clinton, (Near Fair's Mi11,1� We are now prepared to show you a nice line of FURNITURE of every description. IBED ROOM SUITES FROM $8.00 UPI DINING TABLES FROM $4.00 UP, ROCKING CHAIRS FROM 900. UP,' and all lines of Furniture, in the same propoarLion. Call and examine our Iied Room Suite; Spring and Mattress at $12. 50. .The Undertaking department is mauaged by Mr. John Powell, Under - i, itker and Embalmer. Broadfoot, Box & Co. Ho! for Christmas. We are offering Special inducements to Cash Purchasers for the remainder gf this year. Call and satisfv yourselves our Goals and Prices are right Just opened out the finest assortment of Hand painted China Goods, ,just the thing for Holiday Presents, Fancy Toilet Sets, Combination Dinner and Toa Sete, latest designs and beat quality. Have you tried our 25c Tea, tha beat value in the market, also the fragrant Monsoon, brand in load pseltagps (liewere of 'Tea Peddlars.) NEW RAISINS, CUR ANTS, PRUNES, FIGS, PEELS and SPICES. Pure Essences and t+'�,tt'acte. NEW NUTS, GRENOBLE WALNUTS, S. S. ALMONDS, FILBERTS, CANDIES, ORANGES, and LEMONS, &c. Aftiiiiiiiii—Butter and Eggs taken as Cash. trit flue sugar cured' Hams, select B. Bacon and Cambridge Sausage. . ROBSON, - - - Clinton. dust grrlyed our Christmas- Stock oi__._;_ PEELS, RAISINS, CURRANTS, CANDY, NUTS. &c. '+ -- QUALITY CHOICE. P ICES LOW. YV'e have still further cut thio Prices of our CROCKERY and GLASSWARE .As Nve must very wateriall7 reduce the stock before New Year. Don't fail to Wise our stock, we know the Prices will suit you. GO J. STEWART. 'Fake Ayees Sarsaparilla for t132 Complexloa News Notes.._._.._ -gym Mr. Michell Prue of Port Rowan was shot through the lung while out hunt- ing rabbits. Mr. John McQaty of rhainesford lost his life In a fall through the C. P. R. bridge at that village. Mr. T. G. Marquis, B. A., English luaster at the Kingston Collegiate in- stitute, has been appointed head- niaster of the Brockville Collegiate Institute HANDSOME FEACHFRS. Sometimes unsightly blotches, pipi- ples or sallow opaque skin, destroys the attractiveness of handsome fea- tures. In all such cases Scott's Emul- sion will build up the system and iulpart freshness.a-nd healthy. Io his peatcoful hone at Harteu On Tuesday, Mr. Gladstone celebrated his eighty-seventh birthday. fie was in good health and spirits Out of the Toils. PHYSICIANS FAILED—CURE.-ALLS FAIL- ED BUT THE GREAT SOUTH AMERI- CAN KIDNEY CURE, A SPECIFIC REMEDY FOR A SPECIFIC TROUBLE, CURED MRS. A. E. YOUNG OF BRANS - TON, P. Q., QUICKLY AND PF11-MAN YNTLY. This is her festim any: "I was taken sick in January, 1803. 1 employed sev- eral of'the best local physiciauls anti was treated ,by theist for kidney disease until the, antumn of the same year without receiving much benifiL. I then began usingyour South American Kid- ney Cure, and derived great benefit almost immediately. I feel now that 1 am quite cured. 1 have taken no med- icine for some length of time and have not had it return of the slightest symp- tort of the disease." --Sold by Watts & Co. The creditors of Mr. F. X. Messner, the Formosa banker, held a meeting. The affairs of the old man are in very bad shape, and he is unable in his statement to explain clearly holo his losses occurred. 'A January thaw is always moreppro- ductive of colds and coughs than 't Jan- uary frooze. Than is the tithe Ayer's Cherry Pectoral is needed and proves so extremely efficacious. Ask your druggist. for it, and also for Ayer's Al- manac, which is free to all. Isaac Zuker, convicted in New York of atrson in the first degree, was sen- tenced Tuesday to thirty-six years in prison. CATARRH IN THE HEAD Is a dangerous disease. .It may lead directly to consumption. Catarrh is caused -by impure blood. and the true way to cure it is by purifying the blood. Hood's Sai'saparillacur•eseatart•h because it removes the cause of it by Furifving the blood. Thousands test, y that they have been cured by Hood's Sarsaparilla. HOOD'S PILLS nye purely vegetable and do not purge, pain or gripe. All druggists. 25c. Mrs. .John Armstrong„ of March- htirst, Ont., committed suicide recent- ly by cutting her throat with a razor. The best way to caro disease is to drive it from the system by purifying the blood with [food's Sarsaparilla. Sir Alexander Milne, Admiral of the British Sleet, is dead. Ile was ninety years of age' - "1 Had no Faith." BUT MY WIFE PERSUADED ME TO TRY THE GREAT SOUTH AMERICAN RHEU- MATIC CURE AND MY AGONIZING PAIN WAS GONE IN 12 HOURS, AND GONE FOR GOOD. J. D. McLeod of Leith, Ont., says: "I have been a victim of rheumatism for seven years—confined to my bed for mouths ata time; unable to turn myself. Have been treated by many pbybicians without any benefit. I had no faith in rhournattie cares I saw ad- vertised; hat my wife induced me to get a bottle of South American Rheu- matic Cure from Mr. Taylor, druggist, in O teen Sclund. At that time l was in agony with pain. Inside of 12 hours after I had taken the tit atdbse thepain ued unti had all left me. I continl I had used three bottles. and I now con- sider myself completely cured."—Sold by Watt@ & Co. q An Episcopal 31andement. L'ELECTEUn INTHaDICTED BY THe QUE— BEC 11I6HOPS. READE116 WILL BF, REFUSED THE SAORA- MENTB—THE EDITOR OOMMUNIOAT- INO WITH MR. LAURIER. Quebec, Dec. 27.—(Speoial.)—The seusation of the day is the episcopal inandement read in all the Roman Cath6ho churches .here to -day against Mr. Pncaud's paper, Ithlecteur. It is sigued by Archbishop Begin, of Que bee; Bishops Lafieohe, of 'Three Rivers; Gravel, of Niculet; Blais, of Riulous• ki ; and Labreeque, of Chicoutimi, be- ing all the bishops of tht, ecoleoiastical Arohdioeese of Qaobec. The pastoral rofurs to the right and duty of the bishops to warn tha faith- ful against dangerous publications, and says ►his is why they today publicly denounced to the faithful i'Electeur newspaper, published st Quebec, whose unhealthy articles are declared to euustitute a true religious and social peril. OBJECTIONABLE ARTICLE. The ulaudement refers especially to an article of tho 28th of January last, declared to be false, ecandalous and subversive of ecclesiaetical authority, which was levelled at a member of the Catholic hierarchy of this province (understood to be Bishop Lubrecque, of Chicoutimi), and which the director of the paper was later obliged to dis avow. Two weeks later, says the let- ter, the same paper, under cover of the authority of a preteuded thoolugiaI), emitted the stone priuciples of insub- ordination towards the chiefs of the Church, and of lack of submission to their teachings, and went so far ss to deny to the Canadian episcopacy the right to authoritatively iutervene iu the question of remedial legislation, thou submitted to the Foderal Par- lialuent. These doctrines of i'Elec. teur, say the bishops, were tonsured by a'theolo,dan of Laval University at the request and with the formal appro- bation of the diocesean anthority, but this did not prsvent the said journal to continue in an injurious manner, by ridicule and fallacious reasonings, its cr'usaae undertaken against the direc- tion the episcopacy in the uestion tion o h q of the Manitoba Catholic schools. To this have been added new injuries, ro- criminatious, and invectives against certain bishops, who, exercising their rights, jo.idged it proper to comment from their thrones upon the last cul• lectivo tetter issued by th'b bishops on the occasiou of the Federal elections. The diocesan authority again inter- vened, slid publicly protested against this unworthy conduct of the Quebec newspaper. Despite these reiterated ceueuroa there have followed only per- fidious insinuations, lies and sensation- al despatches, published in order to deceive their readers, and to neutra!ize the effect of episcopal directions, PADEPHLET REPRODUCED. Further, 1'Electeur has reproduced with gladness, and without any recti- fication, the pages of a pamphlet in which is openly taught, first, the right of aggression, and of tho armed revolt of the subject against legiti- mately constituted power, that he may judge tyrannical in its action a doc• trine reproved by the Church; and, secondly, that a Catholic may, and ought sometimes, in a matter of poli- ties dealing with religious legislatiun; to take no notice of the direction of the bishops, but rather to follow the advice of a professional politician, which doctrine is manifestly contrary to the teaching of Leo XIII. The mandement refers to an article which appeared in ITleeteur on the 27th of November, intended to blind the eyes of the people to the violation of the promises made to the elector- ate, and in which, reproducing the doctrines already condemned by the bishpps, particularly in their last col- lective letter, the right wits denied to the ecclesiastical authority to deter— mine the nature, mode and sufficiency of the religions teaching that should be given to Catholic children ; second, neither to exact nor to order anything to assure the eflicienev of such teach- ing ; third, nor to prohibit to Catholic children attendance at mixed or athe- istie or Protestant schools from the moment that the civil power concedes a half-hour of religious teaching out- side of school hours, preteutions all as contrary to the sacred rights of the Church, as they are prejudicial to the interests of souls. INTERDICTED FORMALLY. This is why, continues the mande• monk, in invoking the name of God, As a blood maker, blood purifier, health giver and sys- tem renovator Manley' s Celery -Nerve Compound is unrivalled. "The eruptions en the face par- ticwmiy have been removed acrd the tsoublatamy back to wen, asci I feel like a new arca. I corralter Itiaalelr's Celery Compound better this doctor'statdicina torbloed and liver troubles, to it hu peeved @6 la my cane." 1 "I"14ffla. Waterford, Oat. Sold in Clinton by J. H. Combe. we interdiat formally and under peu- ally of grave sin and of it rofusnl of tho saorarnent, the reading of I'Eleo tour, subscribing to it, working for it, selling it, or encouraging it in any manner, whatever. The prohibition applies to ecclesiastics, even to those who are privileged to read book4 con. twined in the Index. Catholics are urged not to have anything to do with other papers that teach the same doc- trines as 1'Eleeteur. In St. Roch's it is said that a num- ber of Liberals left the church when the letter was read. Mr. Pacaud, proprietor and editor of I'Electeur, is said to tie in close coin- municatiun with Mr. Laurier as to his line of future action, and hie friends'. announce that to,►uorrow he will seek to evade the effect of the mandement by changing the title of his paper, Which, instead of being in future 1'Electeur, will probably be called Lr Revanche, or"The Revenge." The New Year. How You May Feel Happier and Better than ill the Past. Prune's Celery Compound will Enable You to Thoroughly Enjoy Life, Act Promptly and Vour Fondest Desires will be Realised. Many of our''readers can truthfully confess that the year just gone by was to them a period of pain, suffering, anxiety,disappointment Ulnt pp meat and wretched - 111088. Some were laid on beds of sickness, weep and helpless; others ail- ing and almost broken down, were just able to move about to imperfectly attend to daily duty and work. The sick and ailing ones met with many failures and die appointments in their efforts to regain health. Doctors failed to cure them, and the very ordinary medicines of our times failed to bring back the blush of health to the 'pale and wan face. Those of our readers who were un— happy last year may this year throw off their burdens and dhaekles, if they use that marvellous source of health- giving—Paine's Celery Compound— that contributed to the happiness of so many thousands in past years. There is no necessity here to enlarge on what Paine's Celery Compound has done or is doing at the present time. Every day it ie making well rheumatic, neuralgic, dyspepic and sleepless mortals, and giving new life to those afflicted with kidney, liver and blood diseases. All classes unite in praising and recommending Paine's Celery Com. pound as the most effective of medi- cines. The more physicians know of it, the more do they earnestly recom mend it for the sick. If you would be well, happy and vigorous all this year, begin° at once with natures' healer and life giver. i The will of the late Lieut -Gov, Featser was probated at Frederickton. The estate is entered at $11,500, which is bequeathed to the deceased's family and near relatives The Seed is the Vital Thing. Planting must be begun right, else no amount of cultivation or fertilizer can prevent the crop being it failure. The first step is the selection of the seed. Do not take any risks here. Get seeds that you can depend upon—seeds that are fresh, that have a reputation behind them. The most reliable seeds grown in this country are Ferty's Seeds. Wberever seeds ate sown the natme of D. M. Ferry & Co., of Wind- sor, Ont., is a guarantee of quality and freshhess. The greatest care and strict- est caution are exercised in the grow- ing, selection, packing and distribntion of their seeds. Not only must they be fresh, but they must be true to name. On a par with the quality of the seeds is Ferry's Seed Annual for 1887, the most comprehensive and valuable book of the kind ever printed. Every plant- er, large and small, should get, read and digest this book before planting it single seed. It is free to all who ad- dress the firm as above. The Canadian -AnetralIan Royal Mail steamship line, the vessehof whioh ply between British Columbia and the Australian colonies, is about to planea re new steamer of 4,250 tone giator . on the route, Which would you rather trust I' An old, t ruc frie-id of twenty years, cr a : -,ra-!ger You may h:.ve Et.le health left. Will you ris_'. ith a stranger is If you have a cough, are losing flesh, if Nveak and pale, if consump- tion stares you in the face, lean on Scott's Emulsion. It has been a friend to thou- sands for more thin twenty years. They trust at and you can trust it. Let us send you a book telling you all about it. .Free for the asking. SCOTT & BOWNE. Belleville, Out. A PERFECT TEA MONSOON THE FINEST TEA IN THE WOR., TEA FROM THE TEA PLANT TO THE TEA CUP IN ITS NATIVE PURITY. "Monsoon" Tea is put up by the Indian Tea growers as a sample of the best qualities of Indian ms. Therefore they use the greatest care in the selection of the Tea and its blend, that is why they put it up themselves and sell it only in the originad paekages, thereby securing its purity and excellence. Put up in % Ib., i lb. and y lb. packages, and never sold in bulk. ALL GOOD GROCERS KEEP It. If your g,-ccer does not keep it, tell him to write tr • STEEL, HAYTEfR & CO. ., 11 and 13 Front Street East. Toronto Pf ' r-.. +Q .:,. .........:i�i..L1►i"?ai.",.�. _....�.,t�.,.i»+-. 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE. 01 TRADE MARKS, OESICNS, COPYR C TS &e 1 H Anyone sending a sketch and description may quickly nacertAin, free, wbother an invention is probably patentable. !:olnmunicatlons strictly eonadential. Oldest agency for securing aatents in America. We bave a wasbington oaict. Patents taken through Munn & Co. reoelvV epeow notice in the SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, beautifully Illustrated, largest circulation of any scienttae journal, weekly, terms $3.00 a year; aLW six mon he. Specimen copies and NAND BOOK ON PATENTS sent free. Address MUNN & CO., 301 Broadway. New York. Au Esteemed Journal. FRIENDLY APPRECIATION OF THE WITNESS JUBILEE YEAR. Uuder the above heading the 'Cul- tivateur,' the paper of which the Hon. Mr, Tarte is editor, publishes the follolving item: "The year that :is now drawing near to a close will re- main it red letter date in the annals of the lV'ontreal 'Witness' its being the one in which the fiftieth anniversary of its foundation occurred. Since the month of December last the, 'Witness' (lid not pass a single week without de- voting at least one page every Satur- day to the celebration of its jubilee year, and the beauty of it is that the subscribers themselves have, in every ' case, furnished the elements tar that weekly page. The historical or liter- ary contributions of those occas- ional contributors were so much the more interesting that, for the most paa•t, they referred to events contem- poraneous with the foundation of the paper. If the pnhlie found a real in- tellectual treat in thatoriginal publica- tiou, the `Witness' itself must have found in the feeling which inspired it and nurtured it every week, a very sweet consolation, that of knowing than it has the love of its readers, at love such ali yet no other Cauiadian journal has been able to secure. That fact now established beyond all doubt, is the greatest success which our worthy English confrere cotild have dreanied Of fifty years ago for its gold- en wedding of 18W,' Popular C. P. R. Officer. ADDS HIS TESTIMONY TO THE MERITS OF DR. AGNEW'S CATARRHAL POW- DER FOR CATARRH AND COLD IN THE HEAD HE SAYS IT IS PEERLESS. Mr. John McEdwards, the genial purser of the C. P. R. liner "Atha, batsca," says: "I used Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder for cold in the head. It is very effective, easy to apply, mild andpleasant. For catarrh it ham no equal, I have tested nearly every catarrh cure made, and founts none to compare with it. I recommend it first, last and alwaays. ' Sold by Watts & Co. Dr. Shields, an eminent physician of Tennessee, says: "I regard Ayer's Sar- saparilla as the best blood medicine on earth, and I know of many wonderful cures effected by its use." Physicians all over the land have made similar statements. EXPOSURE TO DISEASE Does not necessarily mean the coo ti,act- ion of disease provided the system is in a vigorous condition, with the blood pure and all the organs in a healthy action. When in such a condition contagion is readily resiated and the: disease germs can find no lodgment, Hood's Sarsaparilla is the best medi- cine to build up the system hecause it makes pure, rich blood, and pure blctodt is the basis of good health. In cold weather it is especially necessary, to keep up the.jjelilth tone because the body is subject to greats eapposureand more liAhle toAioease. ITood's Sarsap., arillwis the safeguard of health.