The Huron News-Record, 1897-01-06, Page 6P CL �• a Promotion Exams. I over Thi ItESULT OL THE IIHIIIST51As MAMMA' TION IN THU OODERIOU PUBL10 good Ou'erings inra��A r��.ept�}yj,.{.ar� e 1q e y �0 I SCHOOLS. I wv ill•® t 8,CkjjeSS, s • hnn%rrr I Names are given in order of merit : ® 1kl:. n.!ng C ti'Z ll Of BI1 o� and Young$•^nterpril,6ng citizen ul' liycul+, ill., From St. Patriok'a Ward to Central, --, writes: "Before 1 ]Milt Muth utleu. -Annie Stoddart, Alms Daucey, Rosa tion t0 reg the bowels, I Payne and Thiiza Lewitt, equal, Reggie At this season of the year handl, knew a tl•cil':ON; t+nt since 1 (Elliott, L+'meat Plattkidneys-the , Fred, Sturdy, Millions die annually through lack of care for the eys—the the majority of people are �` T lwur•ut•cl ileo evil re- Flo Graham, Alex. Colborne, Georgy first sign of kidney trouble noticeable is a single pain in the back Y I 1 amts; ofcnustipat;„Il, t Vivian. y g looking f �i which gradually develops into that dreaded mated Bright's di- � Or suitablt, � resc,uts ` symptoms is highly colored for young and old, the eflie,,Cy of From St. Audrew's Ward to Central, sease—one of the most alarming 17 Qy r r�+ Alics Cux, Arthur McLean, Norman urine ivin bricklike deposits—do not delay when the slightest li"� 6 k;.�� a 1icl.eud, Flossie Neftel, Alice Duulup, symptom has appearedalidney troubles are easily prevented in I 'We do not know of anything I here i of ;1,11 Owen McGillicuddy, Lilian Nlncdon• their earlier stages—if neglected they may become obstinate, �► more appropriate for little ;;a�'h G1e ,;,,�';; �,,•;;,,, •,.j ald, \lalcolln McDonald, Ethel Suth chronic and perhaps fatal—medical science has proved that all money than a nice supply o for ate: 'llirh yciu attend, Alex. h9clvor� and Fred `l'at kidney diseases arise from an excess of uric acid or kidney acid — lie'_ u::t ,,:: + ._ sun, equal, Mahal hillock; Charli+, tu;lt di.l nut reat:;ly yicl;l to tills 1)uulup, Kate McKay, poison In the blood—One of Dr. Chase'skidney-liver pills if taken went{ly will neutralize this acid and prevent any tendency to Superior Writing Paper, r, on'dy. 17, 11 ire hod gee:+, proi i- From St. Davids ward to Central. Bright's disease or Diabetes. Envelopes, Penholder and Pens, to our ruit;•nll ,,, :,n ur' al;d i'<.r -Reggio Tye, Elasuor Wilson, Magris N ,,c, h:;tl ,t p:,'jndict n allyl 1>ron+llQQt, Pearl }littler, ltoau C•Iley, Have you any of these symptnuns? Back Ache, Dull Heavy Writing Ink and Lead Pencils• r•;ithart;c.., h:lt n:, "oon :Is Elie I,1,'+I11 Mina Card, Gentle Morrow, Arden pain in the Bladder or Baso of the Abdomen, Pains in the Back s ���d� ws+�� m o ®®•�� m e to nr,e ^yen's 11113 11c'1, health %•,,:1' Aitken. Unusual desire to urinate, Scalding urine with passage re -(oral." CENTRAL SCHOOL, and Sides, TAO News -Recon stationefoop.obstructed, l�,ed or White deposits, Tired Feelings, Weakness,Div. VI—From sen. 1I. to jun. Ill Dropsical Swellings, these are sure signs of kidney troubles.1t-Leonard Cnll', Diiltou Ball, Arthur ` 0” % Wade and Edna Straiton, equal, Mag — Can supply you with the best material ° f �t�' • ;;io (`Murray, Arthur Mauger, L'ertie ItUherlsOu Nellie McKay, Rowlio YOUNG MEN OLD MEN in the market at the lowest prices going, y� �1 y�3 f,Ct�6pi� fSd'a�i� Sluith, May McAuley, Mabel Trathe ----- Eiedal ssd Diploma at 4Jorld'e Z''air, way, Maybo'tl McDonald, Eva Gudwin, With backache, weak hack, deposits Troubled with stricture, impediments Vera Whitely. in the urine and othu',symptoms of obstructions, stoppage of the water, !!!!!Oz!®A®!!!'O TO fs'esicre Ureng1h, Uhl dyer's Sarsaparilla kidney decay should not postpone orgy frequent desire to urinate at NEWS-RECORD �� �®^ �������• jun. 1[I. to intermediate 1II. using Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver ni ht will find Dr. Charas Kidney- Flowll'�i -Grace Dyke, Spencer Guest, Philip Pilk.. Liver Pills great reliever. Th e. Nilren News'Il �i�'io1^t7 11lilohull, Iisasie Brimacombe, Sidney ' Belcher, Chas Saunders and 'gena Mc Donald, equal, Albin Dyke, Angus 81.266 Yoat—$1.90in Advance - Furnitupe) FU��r��ture --- Crehan( Annie Andrews, .lack Ll1tyK I LO EY ® I V E n ;luck( Fled. Craigio. reu..e, Huur•y I (. , 1 0 WEDNESDAY. JANUARY 611, lSl)7. 00000000!909089696966600 *0000190069611)!!!!®!00!!! - ----I-,-.-- Charlie Ilyslop, Yelcy Edge, Alice ___ Div. V -From sen. It. to jun. III -- ......Of which I have x good Assortment in stock consisting of...... f -- _—" -_ •-- ICayfield. Garrick, Dorothy Edge, Norman Allen, Parlor Suites, Bedroom Suites, Dining Suites, Fancy -Chairs, of al 1Sty egg" Dais htobetts Ralph Sheppard, pard wit TESTIMONIAL and at all Prices. Nl)irI1NATI0N8. — The llOttlinatiorl 9 P t l , for Reeve, Councillors and Crus- lie 'Tuwtrse, , Willie Glovar, Harry Pictures and Picture Fraines, also a lot of New Moulding of the latest tees for the village of Dayfit•13 was Rabb, Maggie Doak, Jus. McMath , J. F. Browning, Carpenter and Joiner, of Kingston, Ont., writes the following styles and patterns. Now is your tinge to get Pictures franled for Xmas. Lizzie Kneeshaw• testimonial • All title ;it mentioned Goods will he sold at astouishinj; Low Prices bell] in the town hall r+f said village Gentlemen. -I was troubled with my kidneys for ten years and was compelled on Monday the 28th day of December, From jun. III. an intermediate III, to arise four and floe tinesa night to urinate. The pain in my back was terrible. from nu%y' until after the Holidays. Kindly give nw a call before baying I have used enough plasters and pills to stock a drug store, and obtained no relief. elsewhere. pn1911,16 t0 elalute. The following -Hatold'raylor, May Rti)tu+ved,Lasio The doctors pronounced my case hopeless andadvisodrnotoggotoTorontoHospital. AfulllitutnfL"n<lertrlkc�r'SGnntlsonhanQandcottt•teousatten- ,arties runts nominated for rr.spectivo Smith, Albert Algia, Herman Fisher, Aw and I had made up my mind to go when t read >Ouradvertisomentin The Toronto tion to all custoincis. Repairing Furniture and Upholstering ] ICvou{ng News callin{� your pill the great K. and L. Pill, which I took the meaning offires.-Janles Tiaras and H. Ston Rubt. Craikio and Dan , �Icllouald, to be the i{NIGH Cd UN LABOR PIhL, rand beintt my elf a membop of that order I also a Specialty. All c1.1.�ses Ot' work don, l�'eatly and Che:Mply. had confidence it the Home, and I pronounce Ghent the Workingman's Friend, for H. C. BARLETT, .—. Huron St., Clinton. buts sur It,'eV@9. GPOI(�H Erwin, equal, Eva �Iaylles, leubt. Buchanan, sinee taking them regular for threemontha•IcansayIam entirely cured, and had James Thomson, Dish, B lildy, Thomas Reggie Blackatoue. I taken them years aLro, would savetrtved hundreds of dollars 1u doctors bills Very truly yours,_' to JOS. CHIDLEY. Elliott, Jantrs Fullie, John Me. Div. IV -From iutermediato III. J. F. BROWNING, Kingston, Ont. -- Donald, Joseph Wild. The last three to sen, III. -Maggie .Murray, Harry retiring leaving the furruer four Conn Cull, Eddie Craig, Jas. Garruw, Alfred Ask those who hAvotried and been benefltedbyDr. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills about their wonderful curative powers. Don't be skeptical. Ono or two doses of cil lots by acclamation. , RLOborts, Maria MeSween, Walter Mc- Dr. Chase's Kidney-ldror Pins may mean the saving of your life. They act gently -- — Donald, Victoria Blackstone. and effectually, and do not in any way interfere with your daily avocation. 110VA1 Itching, Burning Skin Diseases Cured From sou. III. to jun. IV.—Christa• A POSITIVE CURE FOR KIDNEY TROUBLE for 35 Cents. bel Anderson, Emily Whitely, Irene Acheson, Rhoda 'Morrisun, Olive Bates, !!!®!!!!!!!!!!!o!!!!!!!! Dr. Agnew's Ointment relieves in Bright's Disease, Liver Complaint, Headache, Biliousness, Costiveness and one day and cures tetter, salt rlieutu, May Hale; Chester harrow, Doty Sal- Dyspepsia• One pill a dose; 25 cents abox,or5for $1. The piles, SCAN Mend, eczetua, h:trhers' itch, Iowa,' Thos Sheppard, Moreau Baker, ®Zde��, Clothin y�.� Establishment ulcers, hlotches and all eruptions of the John Shaw, Geu. _McCreath, Hattie skin. It is 9outhing and riuir-ting and Sruults, Belt Halo. l.J acts like. n1Ag'ic in the cure of All baby luuurt•s ; 35 cents. -"Sold by Watts !tt Div. III. -From intermodiate III. P1 LL SIn Clinton back agai❑ in Victoria Block, next to the Post Ogee, Since 1854 I Co. to cep. Ili. -Ernest Jordan, Angus we have catered to the wants of Clothing buyers and this week we re - McDonald, ha luah Morrison, Mary move to our oid quartorg where, we will again be ready to servo our many Mr. Euclide Lefet•riere, of Hall, who McDonald Bertha Horton Willis with his wife went, with the shipload Webster, Kenneth 11IcLood. patrons. In years ,one by we tDnde a,.reput.+ation for selling duly Teli- ofFt•ench-UitnttdianemigrantstoBtftzil able Clothing and to -da stand ready to defend that reputation. The a few months ago has written back a From seu.•III. to jun. IV. --Mabel We will give $Soo to any person troubled with disease 0 Y Pu tale of woe. He says they are treated Strang, Wilfred Williams Lottio Mor. of the kidneys that Dr. Chase's Combined Kidney and Clothing and 1""ur � ish Yl �yLy like slaves. He only receives twenty rust•, Jennie Cantelon, Alice Naftel, Liver pill will not relieve or cure. v j�, 9.3 l Ji 1Z.Cw7 1di�✓ 1� dollars a month, and the price of pro Dura Price Irene Dickson Bassin we gall are good-wA know they are hood, for the past experience h visions is so high that he call barely , taught us the difference betwen Good Gonda and chew imitations. ward off starvation. Smith, Grace Imrie, Pearl Snell, 6 P -- .- Div. II. -From jun IV. to sen. IV. impr, ss upon you that we have Good Goods we will offer you -OliTurner,ve urner, Frank Saunders, Ern I THR MOLSONS BANK. Special Prices an all Lines dllring US MGM.The Half Fate Dollars est Horton, Charlie Lewitt, MayDowding, Herbert Davidson, HughCome early and see the cloudburst of economic prettiness in Fabrics and Andrews. George Manger, Mary 'fait, I incorporated ny Actot Porlinmeot 186b. Garments Of warm day style and comfort that we display. The wonder - Flo McLean, Emily Shepherd, Percy r ful purchasing power of a dollar will be exemplified as never before in Snell Jessie McDonald, Ernest Ste- There neverboenatail when grow. CAPITAL, $2,000,000 r ore ereh gnardagainat uatiilnrewlthmoreevery department. Watch for Special Pricey next week, but in the Sterling Value and 'Full Strength rera) There has Haver been el.' hey en REST, $1.400,000 wart, Willie Farr, Willie Robinson.. Fe,r. There has moroeseential.'rheynro meantime Colne And sea the Goods. 5 alys the b¢st. For a -le by leading Div. I -Sen. IV (for standing only) dealwerasevorywhero. Ineistonhavingthoar. Bead Office, - MONTREAL. in Diamond Dyes, Possible marks obtainable 900 -Frank 9 J. H. R. atoLsnx, President. Edwards 633 Orville Godwin 573 �ENRiSSEEDANNUAL F, WOLCERSTA`'I'11U11A8,Qonernlhlunager. THOS. �����`' Sr. > , to fell of information for gardeners and ■ .��� 'Altldred Godwin 5.69, Tana McEwan Dlnntera. There will never be abettertimoJACKSON, than now to send forthe 1897 edition. Free• Notes 0*,4counted, Collections luade, Drafts - -� 568, Ida Bates 567, Albert Cornell D. M. Ferry&co.,Windsor,Ont. g - The Pioneer Clothier.— -: 563 Claire Reynolds 558 Herbert I issued Sterling and American ex- Sixteen ounces of eilver, for the p Y I + chango bought and sold. coining of $18.60 1n silver dollars Buchanan 540, Willie Davison V7, INTaaaaT ALLOWEDoN D11POatTa Established 1854. Clinton, Ont. can in bought to da for lv 94. ' Lizzie Courts 531, Laura Craig 537,• SAVINGS BANK. -- - --- o Y Bert Maugor 5'33. \Villa Pette 532, InterOst allowed on sums of $I and up. Think well of the true value of the Percy Tye 513, .Rollie Brown 509, Touches the spot silver dollar if its coinage were made Willie Johnston 505 Clara welsh 501 COMING TO FARMERS_ c System y� y��{ free and unlimited. ' ' Money advanced to, fartners on their own notes l�l.acLeod's SyS 1.Ieiil, .Ailenovator Montague Colborne 499, Wilfred Nat- �1 { T (]}}, with one or more endorsers. No mortgage re - Just another important thought for tot 494•, Fannie Blackstone 491, Harry Clinton, Satnpday, Jan. 9th 4ulredassecurity. e 6 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!e!®®!! !!!!m©4os!!!!!!!!s!!!!lttoo!!!! the ladies. It takes from two to three Woraoll 472, Alex. Wright 467, Bert H. H. a BREWER, Manager, --FOR-- packages THE DATE. December, 1895. r ,,,NTON. FOR - packages of the common imitation Martin 461, Annie Andrews 460, Etb• 'REMEMBER _- dyes to do the work that one single el Sneyd 458, Lin Knox 458, Mary If you have Catarrh or Catarrhal Deafness [)I7ECAN GIVE POSITIONS -to of Teak and Impure Blood, package of' the Diamond Dyes will do. Imrie, 455, Jessie Henuinga 441, FIOr- and rlesir•o to be cured without.risk of losinfl VV all gracicsof ability. Agents. I ook•keep- If you wish to know why, we will tell enee Algie 426, Clara Hall 435, Vida anonoy we will give you a '•Germieldo (if r• ors, Clerks, Farmers' Sons. Lawyers, Meehan- Liver and Kidney Diseases, y Y+ and medicine for the cure of your discaso with- ice, Physicians, Preachers, Students, Married you. It is simpiv because the ingred Pull 424 Ids Grierson 417 Ethel out asking one cent of pay in advance, Give. it and Single Women, Widows. Positions lire ' ' a fair trial at your Home and if found genuine worth from $•100.00 to $2,000,00 per annum. We 4 ) lents of the common dyes do not pose Vanntter 414, John Tait 406, Bert in every respect you can pay $3 for sauce, it not have paid several of our canvassers $50.� Female�Compiaints, etc. ,es8 the strength, pun ity and penctrat- Smith 350, Thos, Morgau 343, no charge will be made. Could anything be weekly for years.. D7any havo ,started poor more fair? You run no rink. For remedy ort and become rich with us. Particulars upon Ask Druggist or write direct to J. 31. MacLeod, GODF.RICH, Ont. ing powers of the Diamond Dyes. - - - above liberal teruns appply at COMRE'S prug application. State salary expected. gg ' Old War Horse. Store, Clinton. SATUk2DAY, JANUARY 9th. T. H. LINSCOTT, Manager, TOROSTO,ONT, 922-u• Just think of having to spend thirty This grand ,ofrer good on that day and date only. - - _ - ------------.—.. _. - '• cents for adulterated dyes for your A 01tAND ARNTY MAN CROSSES SWORDS Who can think �j work, that Can be [)alter done by the WITH HEART DIBEA9F. AND WING A �— Wanted—An Idea of eom paten a �� Reasons Diamond Dyes at a cost Of 10 Cents. GLOIIIUUS VICTORY WITH THE thingtoDntontl 'o�l J HOUS6 for Sale • Protect Your tdeaft they may tiring you wealth You will always be on the wrong aide AID OF DR. AGNEW S CURE write JOHN WEDISEItB RN & CO.. Patent Attor• FOR THE HEART. Two story frame house in Clinton, ten rooms, neys Washington, D. C,, for their $1,s*) prize offer Why 0111• Sales of Stoves this Season has been so (Much increased. as long ne you allow proflt-loving --- stone aellcr, hard and soft wator. Good ground. and list of two hundred inventions wanted. Frame stable. leor frill particulars apply to 1 St We keep the largest Assortment in the County to choose from. merchants to supply you with their Dr. Agnew's Cure for the Heart can the owner, JOSEPH ALLANSON, Clinton. _-- ---- - - Poor, weak dies; it is certainly to not be over estimated, says H.' M. Mus- 939-tf Our stock is composed of all the Loading Stoves manufactured in Can - pecuniary (hair benefit, but you are Selman, a %veil-knotyn G. A. R. roan of __ __ __ - The Town Hall 2nd ltdtt such as the Hrtppy Thought, Honor Brig'llt, Welcome Pearl, Fam- the loser in every way. The all Weissport, Pa., and he continues, "My ous Model, Grand Peninsular, Impertnl, Radntilt Rome, Re. ailments were palpitation and flutter- Notice. Booi and Shoe 3rd We. buy in large quantities direct from the Manufacturersond for Cash,— important question is: "'OWill you ing of the heart. I used two bottles of securing the lowest prices possible. work with dyes of full strength, your valuable cure and feel like a new The Annual McethaQ Of the MCICHIop Mutual �V or will you blindly (glr our roan. I have taken bottles And bottles Fire insurance Company will be held in the Repair Shop. The very best grades Ot Coal constantly Ori hand and ! y y ry town hall, scaforth, on N riday, the 15th clay of dith the kind that have (;f other medicine; without help. I in- January, 1897, at the hour of one o'clock P. M., delivered to any part of the Town. goods wtr•oduce it to my friends at every op • for the purpose of electing the Directors for only one third the coloring power, and portunity possible, It, is a great medi- three soars, for the hooting and receiving the �i See our new Lanterns`— "Diamond?" reportof the transactions of the company nor JAMES YOUN i ''pp that cost as much as thecine. Insrde of 30 minutes after the the year, the financial statement, the Auditors �_ HARLAND B.LLOS•� flrst dose I had relief." -Sold by Watts report, receipts and expenditure, assets and lie• - - - gt Co. bilities and any other business in the interests of the company. The well known Boot and Shoo maker{ has Clinton. { W. J. SHANNON, Soc,.Treas. opened % Repair Shop in the Clinton '!own Stoves and Hardware, Clin iron. Stablley -- Geo. WATT, President. 945 2-t Hall and will execute all orders entrusted,'] Mr. David Fraser, the transcontinen- to his care on short notice and at gatisfac- NEw CouxclL,-The following is tel trotter, whose walking trip from tory rates. Ordered work a specialty, the result of the nominations in the Aberdeen, Washington Territory, to Give him a call. I Rug Host. Boston, Mass., has attracked consider- VOW Culture, Property For Sale. y h township of Stapley for 1897. -Reeve Madame Wall is open for Concert en age- - - -` -- Lost, somewhere on the BayAold Road. R. Mcllveen; Deputy Reeve, Wm. La- able ttttent.ion reached Toronto Tues- aa day tit noon. He left Wednesday for moots, and will continuo to (glue vocal tuition, A CHANOE FOR GARDENERS. swoon Minton and Ba field, a buggy rug it 1 mOp.t, Councillors -John McNaugh Montreal. 40,4t F. J. M 1 LN E, in consequence of m age and lack of het I have tiger figure on it. Finder will be rewarded o , q Y in returning same to D. 13. KENNEDY, Clintone• GOD, James MoDiarmid, John Gibson, VI,TERINARY SURGEON, dectdodtoofor for seisms aplondidgardoning pro• perty consisting of rive and a half nares In Clinton, F Q all b acclamatiOu- Cheese Factory Notice, Has returned to Clinton and has his office at Rome of the beet land in the county of Enron, includ. Desirable ]F'arIIl t0 Rent. ; Y tho Queen's Hotel, vlaoria Street. 111 calls Ing hot beds and other neceeeory requirements, a `_ The Annual Meetlno of the Stockholders and Patrons of the Holmesville Choese and Butter clay or night, will be promptly attended to. There ie on the promisee n frame house with netters The undersigned offers to rent the splendid farm Miss Louise Eugenie Bonaparte, • � � Manufacturing Co. (Ltd.) Fill be hold in Pick. 942-tt — soft and hard water• barn and other ootbuildinge g reabgreaGgrltndmother of the famous The Bavueld river adjoins the property. will edll m ha the 9th coy., containing t township, being the north g ard's Hall at 2 o'clock p. in. on SatuYhlay 8th a reasonable price for half cash and balance soonred half of lot 88, oontaintng 68 ogres. Frnmo hoose, beauty Betsy Patterson, of Baltimore, Feb. 1897, for the purpose of elostng uF the bust. I Cottage for Rent, by mortgage. As I desire to poll, this In a ahanoe barn, stnble and abod, young orabard boaring this who married Jerome, brother of Napo- ness of the season of 18M and for tau lootton of year, a ardek running throe h the (arm ail the your seldom matwlth, Apply pareonally or by totter to Y a le0n Bonaparte, in 1863 way married last officers for the onsuing'ear. Situate on Isaac Street; six (rooms ; hard'and the proprietor, round, A depltable raum for stock or greln, being W. B. FORSTER Pres. Haft water. Rent roagonable. Apply to 1). 13. JOSEPH ALLAN80N, only six miles from the town of Clinton. Apply td week in �VAghin>;ton to Count Adam purest and Bebtftir'i'a 18 and Dairy W.9. i.AWREN6R, See KENNEDY, next Davis &s McColl it very. 894•( t, (Minton MRS. JANE DODSWORTH, or JOHN FOX6, -- .. _ _ i. -- - _. .. .. . _ . -- ua.,.ovtna n, each 1AW nna_.. I IIolmoavllle. 927.61