HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1897-01-06, Page 5i
Des engin ofIII- -- I.LLIB-HM1TH. -In Godeina on the 30th tilt.G v NS I G 6� .L� ' GUNS!
ps a CHARMING so WHO by Roy. Mark Turnbull Chas. W. Ellie. of Lon' U RBT O ATTRAOTS dun, Ont., to Miss Hattie C. S lth only daugl
'e. Drug I LARGE AUDIENCES. ter of Mrs. R. 13. Smith, of Godoriclt. I Weare practical Machinists with a fully equipped Repair Shop. We teat,
TIxnALL-CATTLE.-In Goderich, on the 23rd repair and clean GUNS and SEWING MACHINES of all kind, makes
Experience SHE TELLS SOMETHING Oh` THE HARD ult., by Rev. Mark Turnbull, Lucy, youngest and styles; if any of the parts are broken worn Out we can make new.
Is our Chief Specialty. The daughter of the late Goo. Cattle, to Edward I Y '
WORK NEOESSARY TO MAKE A 8000ES6- Tyndall. of Stratford.
human family being heir to many y We grind, Sharpen and polish all kinds of KNIVES,St.ISSURhi,
ills0require drugs. These drugs FUL ARTIST—MANY BREAK DOWN MCPHEE-MCMILLAN.=•At Goderioh, on the SKATES, &c., andretem ler if required.
In Repalrinrf UNDER THE STRAIN—AN INTERESTING 23rd of Decalnber, by the Rev. Dr. Ure, James l q
they want pare, disease not buing ., F. McPhee of Goderich, to sones Mary A. Mu- Remember we repair everything in the shape of Small Machinery,
a thin to be trifiled with, Con. CHAT WITH A TELEGRAPH REPORTER. Millan, of 61burne township. yr.
g Household Utensils, Umbrellas, Parasols and articles of like nature.
fidence comes with the knowledge �(1}nhpLy —
HUNTER- the residence of the Our rices are the lowest that are possible and the guarantee Satisfac
�' Watches From Lho Quebec Telegraph. bride's tathor, on the 31st tilt., bqq I{ev, G. �V. P p b
that a pure drug has been admlU Andrews Mr. J. M. Hunter of Sanborn N. ll. tion.
istered. Such a Confidence our Those who have attended the per. to Elsic,tloughtorMr. T. C. l'ickard,of Rolmes• r p
diuga give. They are pure. lie• Has given us such an insight into the formances at the Academy of Music villle• Bllt� Dour Sel1S from us--ttie0 are the Lest.
Suite from them are sure. In work that when we take a this vieek, will readily concede that HOWELL father,
Go ,,rich township,
the ip, Oil Dec.the
s y bride's tathor, Godoriuh township ou 1). 31st,
bu in • We lane rice second to Mies Zelma Rawlston is one of the by Rev. J. E. Howell, (father of the grooin) ass-
t b P P job in hand the know just feted by ltev. Jos, Howell,
and G. W. Andrews, y, ''gg�� Co.,
quality, In selling we also place brightest soubrettes on the stage. She Dr. A, J. Howutl, of Falr rove, Mich•, to The Onward .11�1C�'c1e �.+►® Clinton.
ho'v to go about it, even if Sarah A., tihird danghter'.N,1r. Itobt. Acho• ' 1
quality first, price second. Still is a nand musician and s ato r shows
f you can always depend that you it is the roost delicate piece ger, and as an impersonator chows a
JENK,NB'-CIIVaCI11L4.--AL file CeHldellc0 of
are getting what you want, a „tire of urechanisut. 11 years talent considerably above the average. Mr. Jeu,os Lindsay, 13th con. G odurich Town• --
i''. ' drug at as law a rice as it is She has winning ways, a mischievous ship oil Doc. 24th, by Rev. A. Stewart, Mr. W.
Town -
drug P experirauce hits b'tveu u5 n Y , Churchill. Jenkins, of llolnresvillu to Miss Annie Clinton
`possible to sell such all article for, twinkle in her eye, and a captivating ('hurctrill. knowledge,a knowledge of EmpoilumQuality in Drugs is what you mauuer. Icer magnetiein for drawing GLGNN--smrr,,.--in DungiulnoD, on Dca �
Want.' Quality, and the best of it ; how to do our work and 23rd, by Rev. P'. Swann, Mr. John Glenn to
large audiences fe not alone Confined Mind Elizobeth Smith, of W. Wawauosh.
is what we give you, nothing else, yorar work well. Watch to the stage, as she is possessed of a Opposite the Town Hall.
;Il •�., g Y , g g � P McGowAx-ANDERSON.-At the residence of
The fitting Of repairing is one thing we eharaoter which is pleasing to come in the bride's father, E. Wawanosh, on Dec. 30th,
A, >:tev. Mr. Ball, Mr. Alex. McGowan, to
c know how to do thorough- contact with. It is full of good nature, An,lie, daughter of Mr, Findlay Anderson.
en -
Spectacles ��.� amiable malities, and a charm that en- •
p - ly and one thing we guar- - A Splendid id line of Saskatchewan
dears her to all those who have been l .tt • p
Is also a specialty of ours. We (DEATHS. a , Ill •
antes to do thoroughly and so fortunate as to have made her ac . Lobes—three colots—light
do it well and properly because w.;, 4 • g
to your satisfaction or gUalntanCe. A Telegraph represents Mmas F. Mi Wroxeter, , on Dec. 25th, 1090, r ��fYIPn
we have learned flow and know Thomas F. Miller, aged 51 years. j-�-�,;,�' a and Clark brown and l�lnelc—
i Live had the pleasure of an interview
2.j lit rNs •
how. Dozens of people can money refunded. We also BUDD.-In Morris, on Sunday. Dec. 7th, • quality equal t0 Buffalo and
with Miss Rawlston which resulted in Sarah Jane, beloved wife of John Budd, aged pyi •
testify to our skill in giving Com repair Clocks. Jewelry set e.3 years, 11 months and 3 days. Prices trade winnerq.
a biographical sketch of her life being
fort and satisfaction after others g •
equally as well and we re- published in these columns on Satur• •
had failed. If glasses are what • Goat and Galloway Robes all
you need we guarantee to fit you pectfully Solicit your trade day. Luring the course of the inter. MARKE'1' ItEPORTS.
If on the eontrar for this class of work. view, Mies :Rawlelo>_ let out a secret, (Corrected every Tuesday afternoon.) h _ sizes gull prices.
properly. y which she consented to allow the Tele. CLINTON. Ours special ydake, of SINGLE HARNESS has gained a superior reputation
glasses do not benefit and treat. P P P
silent of the eye is neceasar we ®o®� graph to make public. For many Fall Wheat ................... 0 79 to 0 80 for neatness, durability and lowness of price. Team Harness always in stock
y y year,, she has devoted the best part of Barley .......................... 0 30 to 0 40 or made to order.
will at once recommend you ' e P, Crews her time to study, sometimes practising Oats ................ I............ 0 17 to 0 18 HORSE BLANKETS, COLLARS, BELLS, COMBS, BRUSHES, &c., also
ase a physician. We test free at the piano alone for 10 hours a day, Peas .............................. 0 36 tc 0 39 TRUNKS and VALISES,
and refund money if not satisfied. Potatoes per bush.......... 0 20 to 0 25
Jeweler. It is not therefore astonishing, that [ P
W. Jackson,
Winter Term, Monday, Jan, 4, '97.
FIYTj� �
y Canada's popular Commercial School -NONE
9TPER IN THE DOMINION. Our courses of
dy are bristling with good business points;
erlenced teachers in every department; ex-
gnts of other business colleges now in at -
Pee; moderate rates; board low. A Go -
MEN AND WOMEN; graduates always sue
is 1. Beautiful catalo are free.
W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal
'Presents that are both useful and
pretty. We have just ordered
another lot of beautiful Silver•
ware, we had an immense
stock before Yrnas and it was
very quickly sold, and we again
have a fine assortment of
Cut Glass Marma-
lade, Brass Kettles
for 5 o'clock tea
See our Out Glass Marmalade Dishes,
they are pretty, as is also
everything else.
• mRumball,
JAI Cooper,
Clinton, Agent for
C. Pe Re
)ominion Express Money
` btiminion Steamship Co.
Allan Line. :Beaver Line.
a American Line.
�rth German Lloyd S. S, Co.
Cooper's Book Store.
under a strain of this kind, she began to Eggs per doz.................. 0 13 to 0 14
reel the effects upon her nervous con -
day ............................... 8 66 to 8 00
stitution. She is of a robust build, and Cordwood ....................... 3 00 to 3 50 D
Again Open. apparently atropg physique, and stood fipples per bush ............. 0 15 to 0 15
the strain without interrupting her Dried per lb per ]b......:. 0 02 to 0 26 JOHNSON & ARMOUR.
o. OLSON is again open for business on studies, until She had perfected that Ducks per lb ................. 0 05 to 0 06 JL.L.d.\ ,j,� ,lr„L �J
victoria street with a which she desired to accomplish. Like Turkeys per lb ............. . 0 06 to 0 07
—Full Stock of— many other artists who have gone be Geese per ib .................. 0 05 to 0 06 _.
FLOUR, FEED, MEALS and GROCERIES• fore, she completed her work, graduat- Chickens per pair............ 0 25 to 0 35
The stock has been selected with great care, ed with the highest honors and la TORONTO FARMERS' MARKET. Good Will
ftl,d the p11b11C slay rent assured that the very g s P best Va1llC111 the market Iu ILII 111106 w111bC pared to enter i:pon her stage career. Wheat, white,... .....$ 88 to 00
gieorr• The reaction of over study and lou do red ................ 87 to 00
Any person purchasing 25 lbs, Flour, 25c. , g
relied oatmeal will receive 6 lbs. of Red- hours, soon began to tell upon her, and do goose........... ,•. 67 to 63
path's Best Granulated Sugarfor25e.Peas
although it did not interfere with her """"'-.......... 43 to 44
Agent for Clinton Flour. ' Y g Buckwheat ............. 33 to OU For��o uu •
climbing the ladder of fame ae an ac- Rye......... 33 to 34 Old
0 OLSON Victoria St Clinton tress She ver soon became co n'iiant Oats ......... . ........... 22, to 00
e f •! of the fact that She was suffering from Barley ..... . ............ 28 to 34
_ a strain on the nerves which threatened Hay ... d...........12 00 to 14 00 At this season Of the year
sooner or later to result iieriouel Straw, bundled......... 850 to 900
Y to her do loose .............. 600 to 7 06 the majority of people are
Card of Thanks. health. Her sufferings did not in- Eggs, new laid.......... 18 to 21 looking for suitable Presents
_— terfere with her nDgagements, but pre. Ducks .................. 40 to 60
Butter, rolls......... 15 to 17
her from participating in pleas Or y0llnj?,' and Old.
St, Andrews Ward.are of any kind. The nervousness Chickens ............... 25 to 40
increased to such an extent that she Turkeys ................. 6 to 7 We do not know of anything
LADIES AND GENTLEMEN became a victim to insomnia, and slow. Geese.' ................ . 5 to 6
ly her digestive powers gave on., and more appropriate for little
Permit me to thank you most sin- . Potatoes... ... .... 35 to 40
cerely for the very generous support Dressed hogs........... 400 to 5 25 mons thAi1 Of
accorded me for Public School Trustee she was fast becoming a chronic suffer- Reef, hindquarters...... 400 to 5 50 y n a nice supply y
on Monday, the ,first time I have ap- er from nervous debility. After trying Lamb .. ...... . .... . , , 6 50 to 750
peared before the electors for public many remedies and prescription@, she do forequarters.. .. 250 to 3 50 Superior Writing Paper,
P one day read an advertisement 1n one Mutton. 400 to 6 00 '
office. In the est electors have not h g p �
taken that interest in the amount
of Envelopes, Penholder and Pens
Clinton which the large amount of of the daily papers referring to the ---�...�.- -- p ,
taxes they pay would warrant. This complete recovery of a similar case as Political Points. Writing Ink and Lead Pencils•
is a 14ck fault of the School Boards; her own, with the aid of Dr. NVil- Liberal newspapers, stump sneakers, �������ow ��11►�q s r.� e
the lack of interest lies with the else- liams' Pink Pills. She had tried so and debaters who Dined in with such
tors t:heniselves. During the resent j
many patent remedies that she almost steal will to cry down the Australian ReNews-flecora stationeru Dou
year I trust every elector will become Y
more interested in the Town's largest despaired of trying any more. Some- steamship line, and alio were holding
spending department. Again thank- thing seemed to influence her to teat tip samples of a few cans of Australian
ing one and all, this preparation, and she ventured to mutton that came by that route into
I am ladies and gentlemen, the that
are silent about the buss- Can supply you with the best material
g purchase one box of the pills. Before !less that has been going on since last pp y
Your obedient servant, she had used half of them, she began fall in carrying Canadian wheat and
A. M. TODD. to feel an immediate improvement in flour to the Antipodes. in the market at the lowest prices going.
tiercondition,.and by the time she had
Summerhill Cheese .Factory. used two or three boxes, she was a diff. The Ingersoll Sun argues common •00•••••••0••0••
ferent woman entire! and today Sense in the following :-All men are AT■-� Clinton.he Anneal Meet.fac of the the ,,ler of the y' Y not made equal. The Great Creator en° THE lr WS�R y-+ CORD O/
Summerhill Cheese factory for the election of tilers aro fete aCtT06@e8 who display 4 E
be held
and transaction of all, S business, will better example of perfect health than. dowel some men with special talents
be held in the Orange Hall, Summerhill, on P f for development in various directions,
Saturday, Jan. 16th, at 1 P.
m• our representative found Miss Rawlston thus showing his infinite wisdom. This --- -- - ---- ----
B. CHURCHILL. Pres. in when he called upon her last Week, would indeed be a very queer world if The C. P. R. Company
• J. H. T.OwER1', sec. P all men had equal desires, ambitions proposed to in- � Mr. Jossph Gourley, Treasurer of
The subject was suggested by our re• q augurate their entrance into Hamilton West Luther Township, was stricken
and mental faculties and were an- and Buflalo b facia two ti ains on with
porter seeing a box of the Pink Pills in dowed with the same propensities for y placing paralysis while attending the
RugRu .Lost. Miss Rawlston',, oseession. "I al P P the road of exceptionally fano work- nomination proceedings, and died
p acquir�ng wealth. Socialists and gnat- manahip, which will make the journey shortly after.
ways carry them with me," she said, chists preach the foolish doctrine Of in very fast time.
Lost, somewhere on the Baytleld Road. be- "and would net be a da without them thking money away from million- The wife of Detective Thomas War,
twecn Clinton and Finder d, iL buggy rug with Y ' aires and giving it to, paupers Robert Glass, a ten -year-old London son fell down the elevator at the On -
Hgure m it. Finder will be rewarded on although I do not take them regularly, g g P P ' hap Y
returning Sam° to D. B. KENNEDY, Clinton, I find them a ver beneficial stimulus to equalize the distribution of y, was rescued from drowning in the ta,rio Medical Council building last
y wealth. As God has endowed Thames by a companion named Lewis week -and sustained such injuries that
— — fai one in our proTession. If the as• man with different faculties and no Fedderson, nine years old. she died 'in a few hours.
House for Sale• sertion of the benefit which these pills two possess the same talents for ac- Archbishop Fabre died last Wednes- The
Two story frame house in Clinton, ten rooms, have worked upon me will do the pub- cumulating wealth, that doctrine is P petition for the commutation of
stonoceller, hard and soft Witter. Good ground. impracticable. If on the first day of day night in Montreal, at a few min- the death sentence !passed upon Mich -
lie an cod, I am perfectly alliin ael Brennan at Bari ie for the murder
Fra[no stable. For full particulars apply d- y g P Y g January, 1897, every plan in 'the world utes past eleven o'clock.
the owner, JOSEPH ALL NSON, Clinton. that my. name sbould be mentioned, was placed in possession of the same of J. H. Strathy will come up for con-
939-tf and that the facts Should be given to number of dollars, within a year they The banquet tendered Premier Lau. sideration at an early Cabinet meeting.
--- the public.". would again be paupers and millionaires Tier by the Club National, in Montreal At Newark, N. J., both sections of
Desirable Farm to Rent, Mise Rstrleton a permanent address
as there are now, and no humre
an law was attended by about five hundred the People's Electric Light and Power
could prevent it. Company's lant were destroyed b
is in care of her manager, Mr. Tom guests.P' Y y
D. A. Hogarth, insurance agent, of tare, Plunging the city into darkness
The undersigned offers to rent the splendid farm McGuire, Room 5, Standard Theatre Paris, has just had a very trying and °Mr. Greenway'a speech of the 15th which may not be relieved for several
on the 9th con., Hallett township, being the north $lllldln New York City. pLinful experience. A short time be- tilt. rn Winnipeg, foreshadowing a days.
half of lot 86, containing 85 acres. Frame hoose, g,g
barn, stable aed shed, young orebard bearing this _ Eerie Christmas Mrs. Hogarth and fam- Government repurchase of railway
year, a creek running through the farm all the year ily left town fol• it few days' visit with lands in the North-West for the area.
round. A dcshable farm for stock or grain, being The Champlain election' trial was
onl slit miles from the town of Clinton. Apply to r friends near Woodstock. Dir. Hogarth tion of free A. FAMOUS MAN!
a concluded Vt Wednesday at St, Anne de was expected to join them in a day grants, is favorably received _ _
11, 18. JANE DODSWORTH. or JOHN FOitD, t in England.
Ilolmosville. 927•tf la Perade, when counsel for he re- or so, and he was supposed by hiswllat His Researches Mayo Done for 00
spondent, Dr. Marootte, Conservative, neighbors to have done so until Mrs. Mr. J. Israel Tarte in an interview World.
admitted that corrupt practices surd- 'Hogarth, not. having seen or heard in Montreal said that the Laurierit
All successful and
of her husband, returned and found ,
roperty or Sale. tient to affect the general result were distinguished mea
g him lying in bed, where he had been Government was not prepared to yieldbare imitators, and
A CHANCE FOR GARDENERS. Committed by agentd, and the seat was for eight days without food or water, to clerical interference in politics, andDr. Chase, the, tivell-
In consegnence of my age and lack of help, I bave declared vacant. and utterly unable to move or help in the grave crisis they were facing ofkno u•n author of
decided to offer for sale my aplendid gardening pro- lib. ver sad death occurred at Pal- himself in any way. Mr. Hogarth's ill- Chase'o Recipe Book,
perty consisting ofavoand a half anresin Clinton, Y ` seas was caused h the burstin of a a conflict between the people and the
some of the beet land in the county of Huron, lnclud. merston on Monday morning when Mr. Y g proved no emceptieta
in g hot beds and other necesenry requirements, Samuel Fluety, aged 30 years, passed tumor in the stomach, which was so bishops, he would be found on the side to the rule DT -
Thero is on the premises a frame house with cellars away. Mr. Fluety cameto this country bad that whenever he attempted to of political freedom. Chase's discoveries
soft and hard water, barn and other outbuildings rise he fell back in a faint. He is now hair many Pretend -
The Bavaeld river adjoins the property. will soll at about fifteen years ago from Essex
n reasonable price for half cash and balance aecured county, England. He went first to doing as well as can be expected, and There is a movement on foot among ed rivals„ but ger
by mortgage. rte I desire to loll, this lea chaacc
his uncle, Mr. Jarbes Fleuty, in !lopes are entertained of his recovery. a number of Toronto sporting men to equals.
seldom metwith. Apply personally or by lettor to Wingham, with whom he learned the make a pool for the purpose of Fending Loavg ac i,e n t f is
the proprietor, printing trade, in the Advance office Drs OxASM rosearciws produced
JOSEPH ALLANSON, P g Champion Jake Gaudour and Eddie Cbme's Kidney -Liver Pills and Chasse
854-t f. rllinton of that town. He afterwards worked SOLD AT A LOSS
in different towns in Ontario, settling Dornan, Ned Flanlan'e nephew,abroad. Ointment, the first o curtain cure for
-� in Palmerston in January, 1892, as ■ It is proposed that enough money be all kidney, liver, atoenach, bladder and
rhsumatie troubles ; the latter an abso-
COMING TO foreman on the Palmerston Reporter. —_ raised to send the pair to England, and 1pte specific for chronic and otfensi
Clinton, Saturday, den, gabs He took control of the Reporter one probably Australia, and give them 611 side dineoses. Among ilia other discual
year later, and was editor and proprie- In order to convince the public that the backingthe want. Gee were Cbaee's Catarrh Cure and Chase°
for of the same until August of last Dr. Agnew's Liver Pills are far super- y jr?mseed and Turpentine 4or colds
year, when he disposed of it, and had for to any liver pill ever placed on the At about quarter past twelve o'clock l 9breardhirtis.
REMEMBER THE DATE. since been running a stationary store, market, the manufacturer has for the Friday night an earthquake was felt I bur•ing 1$95 the Canadian
which he had ripened up some time past six months Acid them at 10 cents distinctly in the central and eastern afsloturers, Edmaosob, Bates d[ Lb..
It yell have Catarrh or Catarrhal Deafness previjus. He was a member of Court for a vial of 40 doses; or at a clear loss pportions of the city f Ottawa. A- Lombard stregt, Tiorento, ga.e away f
and desire to bo clued without risk of losing Prince of Wales, No. 35, C. O. F., and of 50°, of their cost price. The truly lens the bank of the idealr Rivet it 500,000 ssmjes of Chase's Kidney•Li•
money we will give you a "Germicide Inhaler /
i 13 ImeraWn Tent No 183 It O T M wonderful merit of Dr A new's Pills was erhaps felt mor severel than Pills and 100,000 samples at Chase's Dint
and medic ne for the cure of your dlsease with-
out askinone cent of pay in advance. Give it
fair trialat home it found
. .
He was an esteemed youngrt man, and
is now recognized in three-fourths of
p Y
anywhere else. The Shaking lasted
went. The return they brought Pro
how they were appreciated. 7210
'Ske,tmg and Curlingin
a your and genuine
every respect yqou can pay $3 for same, if not
well known to everybody in the com-
muni( He leaves a father, mother,
Des engin ofIII- -- I.LLIB-HM1TH. -In Godeina on the 30th tilt.G v NS I G 6� .L� ' GUNS!
ps a CHARMING so WHO by Roy. Mark Turnbull Chas. W. Ellie. of Lon' U RBT O ATTRAOTS dun, Ont., to Miss Hattie C. S lth only daugl
'e. Drug I LARGE AUDIENCES. ter of Mrs. R. 13. Smith, of Godoriclt. I Weare practical Machinists with a fully equipped Repair Shop. We teat,
TIxnALL-CATTLE.-In Goderich, on the 23rd repair and clean GUNS and SEWING MACHINES of all kind, makes
Experience SHE TELLS SOMETHING Oh` THE HARD ult., by Rev. Mark Turnbull, Lucy, youngest and styles; if any of the parts are broken worn Out we can make new.
Is our Chief Specialty. The daughter of the late Goo. Cattle, to Edward I Y '
WORK NEOESSARY TO MAKE A 8000ES6- Tyndall. of Stratford.
human family being heir to many y We grind, Sharpen and polish all kinds of KNIVES,St.ISSURhi,
ills0require drugs. These drugs FUL ARTIST—MANY BREAK DOWN MCPHEE-MCMILLAN.=•At Goderioh, on the SKATES, &c., andretem ler if required.
In Repalrinrf UNDER THE STRAIN—AN INTERESTING 23rd of Decalnber, by the Rev. Dr. Ure, James l q
they want pare, disease not buing ., F. McPhee of Goderich, to sones Mary A. Mu- Remember we repair everything in the shape of Small Machinery,
a thin to be trifiled with, Con. CHAT WITH A TELEGRAPH REPORTER. Millan, of 61burne township. yr.
g Household Utensils, Umbrellas, Parasols and articles of like nature.
fidence comes with the knowledge �(1}nhpLy —
HUNTER- the residence of the Our rices are the lowest that are possible and the guarantee Satisfac
�' Watches From Lho Quebec Telegraph. bride's tathor, on the 31st tilt., bqq I{ev, G. �V. P p b
that a pure drug has been admlU Andrews Mr. J. M. Hunter of Sanborn N. ll. tion.
istered. Such a Confidence our Those who have attended the per. to Elsic,tloughtorMr. T. C. l'ickard,of Rolmes• r p
diuga give. They are pure. lie• Has given us such an insight into the formances at the Academy of Music villle• Bllt� Dour Sel1S from us--ttie0 are the Lest.
Suite from them are sure. In work that when we take a this vieek, will readily concede that HOWELL father,
Go ,,rich township,
the ip, Oil Dec.the
s y bride's tathor, Godoriuh township ou 1). 31st,
bu in • We lane rice second to Mies Zelma Rawlston is one of the by Rev. J. E. Howell, (father of the grooin) ass-
t b P P job in hand the know just feted by ltev. Jos, Howell,
and G. W. Andrews, y, ''gg�� Co.,
quality, In selling we also place brightest soubrettes on the stage. She Dr. A, J. Howutl, of Falr rove, Mich•, to The Onward .11�1C�'c1e �.+►® Clinton.
ho'v to go about it, even if Sarah A., tihird danghter'.N,1r. Itobt. Acho• ' 1
quality first, price second. Still is a nand musician and s ato r shows
f you can always depend that you it is the roost delicate piece ger, and as an impersonator chows a
JENK,NB'-CIIVaCI11L4.--AL file CeHldellc0 of
are getting what you want, a „tire of urechanisut. 11 years talent considerably above the average. Mr. Jeu,os Lindsay, 13th con. G odurich Town• --
i''. ' drug at as law a rice as it is She has winning ways, a mischievous ship oil Doc. 24th, by Rev. A. Stewart, Mr. W.
Town -
drug P experirauce hits b'tveu u5 n Y , Churchill. Jenkins, of llolnresvillu to Miss Annie Clinton
`possible to sell such all article for, twinkle in her eye, and a captivating ('hurctrill. knowledge,a knowledge of EmpoilumQuality in Drugs is what you mauuer. Icer magnetiein for drawing GLGNN--smrr,,.--in DungiulnoD, on Dca �
Want.' Quality, and the best of it ; how to do our work and 23rd, by Rev. P'. Swann, Mr. John Glenn to
large audiences fe not alone Confined Mind Elizobeth Smith, of W. Wawauosh.
is what we give you, nothing else, yorar work well. Watch to the stage, as she is possessed of a Opposite the Town Hall.
;Il •�., g Y , g g � P McGowAx-ANDERSON.-At the residence of
The fitting Of repairing is one thing we eharaoter which is pleasing to come in the bride's father, E. Wawanosh, on Dec. 30th,
A, >:tev. Mr. Ball, Mr. Alex. McGowan, to
c know how to do thorough- contact with. It is full of good nature, An,lie, daughter of Mr, Findlay Anderson.
en -
Spectacles ��.� amiable malities, and a charm that en- •
p - ly and one thing we guar- - A Splendid id line of Saskatchewan
dears her to all those who have been l .tt • p
Is also a specialty of ours. We (DEATHS. a , Ill •
antes to do thoroughly and so fortunate as to have made her ac . Lobes—three colots—light
do it well and properly because w.;, 4 • g
to your satisfaction or gUalntanCe. A Telegraph represents Mmas F. Mi Wroxeter, , on Dec. 25th, 1090, r ��fYIPn
we have learned flow and know Thomas F. Miller, aged 51 years. j-�-�,;,�' a and Clark brown and l�lnelc—
i Live had the pleasure of an interview
2.j lit rNs •
how. Dozens of people can money refunded. We also BUDD.-In Morris, on Sunday. Dec. 7th, • quality equal t0 Buffalo and
with Miss Rawlston which resulted in Sarah Jane, beloved wife of John Budd, aged pyi •
testify to our skill in giving Com repair Clocks. Jewelry set e.3 years, 11 months and 3 days. Prices trade winnerq.
a biographical sketch of her life being
fort and satisfaction after others g •
equally as well and we re- published in these columns on Satur• •
had failed. If glasses are what • Goat and Galloway Robes all
you need we guarantee to fit you pectfully Solicit your trade day. Luring the course of the inter. MARKE'1' ItEPORTS.
If on the eontrar for this class of work. view, Mies :Rawlelo>_ let out a secret, (Corrected every Tuesday afternoon.) h _ sizes gull prices.
properly. y which she consented to allow the Tele. CLINTON. Ours special ydake, of SINGLE HARNESS has gained a superior reputation
glasses do not benefit and treat. P P P
silent of the eye is neceasar we ®o®� graph to make public. For many Fall Wheat ................... 0 79 to 0 80 for neatness, durability and lowness of price. Team Harness always in stock
y y year,, she has devoted the best part of Barley .......................... 0 30 to 0 40 or made to order.
will at once recommend you ' e P, Crews her time to study, sometimes practising Oats ................ I............ 0 17 to 0 18 HORSE BLANKETS, COLLARS, BELLS, COMBS, BRUSHES, &c., also
ase a physician. We test free at the piano alone for 10 hours a day, Peas .............................. 0 36 tc 0 39 TRUNKS and VALISES,
and refund money if not satisfied. Potatoes per bush.......... 0 20 to 0 25
Jeweler. It is not therefore astonishing, that [ P
W. Jackson,
Winter Term, Monday, Jan, 4, '97.
FIYTj� �
y Canada's popular Commercial School -NONE
9TPER IN THE DOMINION. Our courses of
dy are bristling with good business points;
erlenced teachers in every department; ex-
gnts of other business colleges now in at -
Pee; moderate rates; board low. A Go -
MEN AND WOMEN; graduates always sue
is 1. Beautiful catalo are free.
W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal
'Presents that are both useful and
pretty. We have just ordered
another lot of beautiful Silver•
ware, we had an immense
stock before Yrnas and it was
very quickly sold, and we again
have a fine assortment of
Cut Glass Marma-
lade, Brass Kettles
for 5 o'clock tea
See our Out Glass Marmalade Dishes,
they are pretty, as is also
everything else.
• mRumball,
JAI Cooper,
Clinton, Agent for
C. Pe Re
)ominion Express Money
` btiminion Steamship Co.
Allan Line. :Beaver Line.
a American Line.
�rth German Lloyd S. S, Co.
Cooper's Book Store.
under a strain of this kind, she began to Eggs per doz.................. 0 13 to 0 14
reel the effects upon her nervous con -
day ............................... 8 66 to 8 00
stitution. She is of a robust build, and Cordwood ....................... 3 00 to 3 50 D
Again Open. apparently atropg physique, and stood fipples per bush ............. 0 15 to 0 15
the strain without interrupting her Dried per lb per ]b......:. 0 02 to 0 26 JOHNSON & ARMOUR.
o. OLSON is again open for business on studies, until She had perfected that Ducks per lb ................. 0 05 to 0 06 JL.L.d.\ ,j,� ,lr„L �J
victoria street with a which she desired to accomplish. Like Turkeys per lb ............. . 0 06 to 0 07
—Full Stock of— many other artists who have gone be Geese per ib .................. 0 05 to 0 06 _.
FLOUR, FEED, MEALS and GROCERIES• fore, she completed her work, graduat- Chickens per pair............ 0 25 to 0 35
The stock has been selected with great care, ed with the highest honors and la TORONTO FARMERS' MARKET. Good Will
ftl,d the p11b11C slay rent assured that the very g s P best Va1llC111 the market Iu ILII 111106 w111bC pared to enter i:pon her stage career. Wheat, white,... .....$ 88 to 00
gieorr• The reaction of over study and lou do red ................ 87 to 00
Any person purchasing 25 lbs, Flour, 25c. , g
relied oatmeal will receive 6 lbs. of Red- hours, soon began to tell upon her, and do goose........... ,•. 67 to 63
path's Best Granulated Sugarfor25e.Peas
although it did not interfere with her """"'-.......... 43 to 44
Agent for Clinton Flour. ' Y g Buckwheat ............. 33 to OU For��o uu •
climbing the ladder of fame ae an ac- Rye......... 33 to 34 Old
0 OLSON Victoria St Clinton tress She ver soon became co n'iiant Oats ......... . ........... 22, to 00
e f •! of the fact that She was suffering from Barley ..... . ............ 28 to 34
_ a strain on the nerves which threatened Hay ... d...........12 00 to 14 00 At this season Of the year
sooner or later to result iieriouel Straw, bundled......... 850 to 900
Y to her do loose .............. 600 to 7 06 the majority of people are
Card of Thanks. health. Her sufferings did not in- Eggs, new laid.......... 18 to 21 looking for suitable Presents
_— terfere with her nDgagements, but pre. Ducks .................. 40 to 60
Butter, rolls......... 15 to 17
her from participating in pleas Or y0llnj?,' and Old.
St, Andrews Ward.are of any kind. The nervousness Chickens ............... 25 to 40
increased to such an extent that she Turkeys ................. 6 to 7 We do not know of anything
LADIES AND GENTLEMEN became a victim to insomnia, and slow. Geese.' ................ . 5 to 6
ly her digestive powers gave on., and more appropriate for little
Permit me to thank you most sin- . Potatoes... ... .... 35 to 40
cerely for the very generous support Dressed hogs........... 400 to 5 25 mons thAi1 Of
accorded me for Public School Trustee she was fast becoming a chronic suffer- Reef, hindquarters...... 400 to 5 50 y n a nice supply y
on Monday, the ,first time I have ap- er from nervous debility. After trying Lamb .. ...... . .... . , , 6 50 to 750
peared before the electors for public many remedies and prescription@, she do forequarters.. .. 250 to 3 50 Superior Writing Paper,
P one day read an advertisement 1n one Mutton. 400 to 6 00 '
office. In the est electors have not h g p �
taken that interest in the amount
of Envelopes, Penholder and Pens
Clinton which the large amount of of the daily papers referring to the ---�...�.- -- p ,
taxes they pay would warrant. This complete recovery of a similar case as Political Points. Writing Ink and Lead Pencils•
is a 14ck fault of the School Boards; her own, with the aid of Dr. NVil- Liberal newspapers, stump sneakers, �������ow ��11►�q s r.� e
the lack of interest lies with the else- liams' Pink Pills. She had tried so and debaters who Dined in with such
tors t:heniselves. During the resent j
many patent remedies that she almost steal will to cry down the Australian ReNews-flecora stationeru Dou
year I trust every elector will become Y
more interested in the Town's largest despaired of trying any more. Some- steamship line, and alio were holding
spending department. Again thank- thing seemed to influence her to teat tip samples of a few cans of Australian
ing one and all, this preparation, and she ventured to mutton that came by that route into
I am ladies and gentlemen, the that
are silent about the buss- Can supply you with the best material
g purchase one box of the pills. Before !less that has been going on since last pp y
Your obedient servant, she had used half of them, she began fall in carrying Canadian wheat and
A. M. TODD. to feel an immediate improvement in flour to the Antipodes. in the market at the lowest prices going.
tiercondition,.and by the time she had
Summerhill Cheese .Factory. used two or three boxes, she was a diff. The Ingersoll Sun argues common •00•••••••0••0••
ferent woman entire! and today Sense in the following :-All men are AT■-� Clinton.he Anneal Meet.fac of the the ,,ler of the y' Y not made equal. The Great Creator en° THE lr WS�R y-+ CORD O/
Summerhill Cheese factory for the election of tilers aro fete aCtT06@e8 who display 4 E
be held
and transaction of all, S business, will better example of perfect health than. dowel some men with special talents
be held in the Orange Hall, Summerhill, on P f for development in various directions,
Saturday, Jan. 16th, at 1 P.
m• our representative found Miss Rawlston thus showing his infinite wisdom. This --- -- - ---- ----
B. CHURCHILL. Pres. in when he called upon her last Week, would indeed be a very queer world if The C. P. R. Company
• J. H. T.OwER1', sec. P all men had equal desires, ambitions proposed to in- � Mr. Jossph Gourley, Treasurer of
The subject was suggested by our re• q augurate their entrance into Hamilton West Luther Township, was stricken
and mental faculties and were an- and Buflalo b facia two ti ains on with
porter seeing a box of the Pink Pills in dowed with the same propensities for y placing paralysis while attending the
RugRu .Lost. Miss Rawlston',, oseession. "I al P P the road of exceptionally fano work- nomination proceedings, and died
p acquir�ng wealth. Socialists and gnat- manahip, which will make the journey shortly after.
ways carry them with me," she said, chists preach the foolish doctrine Of in very fast time.
Lost, somewhere on the Baytleld Road. be- "and would net be a da without them thking money away from million- The wife of Detective Thomas War,
twecn Clinton and Finder d, iL buggy rug with Y ' aires and giving it to, paupers Robert Glass, a ten -year-old London son fell down the elevator at the On -
Hgure m it. Finder will be rewarded on although I do not take them regularly, g g P P ' hap Y
returning Sam° to D. B. KENNEDY, Clinton, I find them a ver beneficial stimulus to equalize the distribution of y, was rescued from drowning in the ta,rio Medical Council building last
y wealth. As God has endowed Thames by a companion named Lewis week -and sustained such injuries that
— — fai one in our proTession. If the as• man with different faculties and no Fedderson, nine years old. she died 'in a few hours.
House for Sale• sertion of the benefit which these pills two possess the same talents for ac- Archbishop Fabre died last Wednes- The
Two story frame house in Clinton, ten rooms, have worked upon me will do the pub- cumulating wealth, that doctrine is P petition for the commutation of
stonoceller, hard and soft Witter. Good ground. impracticable. If on the first day of day night in Montreal, at a few min- the death sentence !passed upon Mich -
lie an cod, I am perfectly alliin ael Brennan at Bari ie for the murder
Fra[no stable. For full particulars apply d- y g P Y g January, 1897, every plan in 'the world utes past eleven o'clock.
the owner, JOSEPH ALL NSON, Clinton. that my. name sbould be mentioned, was placed in possession of the same of J. H. Strathy will come up for con-
939-tf and that the facts Should be given to number of dollars, within a year they The banquet tendered Premier Lau. sideration at an early Cabinet meeting.
--- the public.". would again be paupers and millionaires Tier by the Club National, in Montreal At Newark, N. J., both sections of
Desirable Farm to Rent, Mise Rstrleton a permanent address
as there are now, and no humre
an law was attended by about five hundred the People's Electric Light and Power
could prevent it. Company's lant were destroyed b
is in care of her manager, Mr. Tom guests.P' Y y
D. A. Hogarth, insurance agent, of tare, Plunging the city into darkness
The undersigned offers to rent the splendid farm McGuire, Room 5, Standard Theatre Paris, has just had a very trying and °Mr. Greenway'a speech of the 15th which may not be relieved for several
on the 9th con., Hallett township, being the north $lllldln New York City. pLinful experience. A short time be- tilt. rn Winnipeg, foreshadowing a days.
half of lot 86, containing 85 acres. Frame hoose, g,g
barn, stable aed shed, young orebard bearing this _ Eerie Christmas Mrs. Hogarth and fam- Government repurchase of railway
year, a creek running through the farm all the year ily left town fol• it few days' visit with lands in the North-West for the area.
round. A dcshable farm for stock or grain, being The Champlain election' trial was
onl slit miles from the town of Clinton. Apply to r friends near Woodstock. Dir. Hogarth tion of free A. FAMOUS MAN!
a concluded Vt Wednesday at St, Anne de was expected to join them in a day grants, is favorably received _ _
11, 18. JANE DODSWORTH. or JOHN FOitD, t in England.
Ilolmosville. 927•tf la Perade, when counsel for he re- or so, and he was supposed by hiswllat His Researches Mayo Done for 00
spondent, Dr. Marootte, Conservative, neighbors to have done so until Mrs. Mr. J. Israel Tarte in an interview World.
admitted that corrupt practices surd- 'Hogarth, not. having seen or heard in Montreal said that the Laurierit
All successful and
of her husband, returned and found ,
roperty or Sale. tient to affect the general result were distinguished mea
g him lying in bed, where he had been Government was not prepared to yieldbare imitators, and
A CHANCE FOR GARDENERS. Committed by agentd, and the seat was for eight days without food or water, to clerical interference in politics, andDr. Chase, the, tivell-
In consegnence of my age and lack of help, I bave declared vacant. and utterly unable to move or help in the grave crisis they were facing ofkno u•n author of
decided to offer for sale my aplendid gardening pro- lib. ver sad death occurred at Pal- himself in any way. Mr. Hogarth's ill- Chase'o Recipe Book,
perty consisting ofavoand a half anresin Clinton, Y ` seas was caused h the burstin of a a conflict between the people and the
some of the beet land in the county of Huron, lnclud. merston on Monday morning when Mr. Y g proved no emceptieta
in g hot beds and other necesenry requirements, Samuel Fluety, aged 30 years, passed tumor in the stomach, which was so bishops, he would be found on the side to the rule DT -
Thero is on the premises a frame house with cellars away. Mr. Fluety cameto this country bad that whenever he attempted to of political freedom. Chase's discoveries
soft and hard water, barn and other outbuildings rise he fell back in a faint. He is now hair many Pretend -
The Bavaeld river adjoins the property. will soll at about fifteen years ago from Essex
n reasonable price for half cash and balance aecured county, England. He went first to doing as well as can be expected, and There is a movement on foot among ed rivals„ but ger
by mortgage. rte I desire to loll, this lea chaacc
his uncle, Mr. Jarbes Fleuty, in !lopes are entertained of his recovery. a number of Toronto sporting men to equals.
seldom metwith. Apply personally or by lettor to Wingham, with whom he learned the make a pool for the purpose of Fending Loavg ac i,e n t f is
the proprietor, printing trade, in the Advance office Drs OxASM rosearciws produced
JOSEPH ALLANSON, P g Champion Jake Gaudour and Eddie Cbme's Kidney -Liver Pills and Chasse
854-t f. rllinton of that town. He afterwards worked SOLD AT A LOSS
in different towns in Ontario, settling Dornan, Ned Flanlan'e nephew,abroad. Ointment, the first o curtain cure for
-� in Palmerston in January, 1892, as ■ It is proposed that enough money be all kidney, liver, atoenach, bladder and
rhsumatie troubles ; the latter an abso-
COMING TO foreman on the Palmerston Reporter. —_ raised to send the pair to England, and 1pte specific for chronic and otfensi
Clinton, Saturday, den, gabs He took control of the Reporter one probably Australia, and give them 611 side dineoses. Among ilia other discual
year later, and was editor and proprie- In order to convince the public that the backingthe want. Gee were Cbaee's Catarrh Cure and Chase°
for of the same until August of last Dr. Agnew's Liver Pills are far super- y jr?mseed and Turpentine 4or colds
year, when he disposed of it, and had for to any liver pill ever placed on the At about quarter past twelve o'clock l 9breardhirtis.
REMEMBER THE DATE. since been running a stationary store, market, the manufacturer has for the Friday night an earthquake was felt I bur•ing 1$95 the Canadian
which he had ripened up some time past six months Acid them at 10 cents distinctly in the central and eastern afsloturers, Edmaosob, Bates d[ Lb..
It yell have Catarrh or Catarrhal Deafness previjus. He was a member of Court for a vial of 40 doses; or at a clear loss pportions of the city f Ottawa. A- Lombard stregt, Tiorento, ga.e away f
and desire to bo clued without risk of losing Prince of Wales, No. 35, C. O. F., and of 50°, of their cost price. The truly lens the bank of the idealr Rivet it 500,000 ssmjes of Chase's Kidney•Li•
money we will give you a "Germicide Inhaler /
i 13 ImeraWn Tent No 183 It O T M wonderful merit of Dr A new's Pills was erhaps felt mor severel than Pills and 100,000 samples at Chase's Dint
and medic ne for the cure of your dlsease with-
out askinone cent of pay in advance. Give it
fair trialat home it found
. .
He was an esteemed youngrt man, and
is now recognized in three-fourths of
p Y
anywhere else. The Shaking lasted
went. The return they brought Pro
how they were appreciated. 7210
'Ske,tmg and Curlingin
a your and genuine
every respect yqou can pay $3 for same, if not
well known to everybody in the com-
muni( He leaves a father, mother,
Canadian homes, and from this time
on the retail race for a vial of 4o doses
four or five seconds and was accom-
ponied by a heavy rumbling noise. The
came. arae distribtitiom of ■amples nein'
no charge will made. Could anything be
more fair? You run no rink. For remedy one
liberal terms
and a number of brothers and sisters
will be 20 cents or five cents a vial less
young ladies of the telephone office any
be continued during 1896. Thdse at
dipta■eo a71auld enclose a 6•cent sta r
above a ply at COMBE's Drug
Store, Clinton. SATURDAY, JANUARY 9th.
who reside in Essex county, England.
than is charged for other brands of
They the
they felt the shaking distinctly, the
and also recette a street of the la'ten;
, This grand offer good on that day and date
His uncle, of Wingham, is the only re-
liver pills. aro smallest,
telephone trembling percept-
music in return.
>j4 tf R. IRWIN.
lative in this country,
cheapest, best.