HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1897-01-06, Page 2•-•��,r.,,.. ,s. ._ _ ,.--.- _.. ___ _ ___ _.. ._-- _,... _ - - -- _ ._ ._---__•__•._-_-_,_..-..� -- -- orsuar. I RELIGION r OF WORDS, the bt'hlxowrown the live animalcules Prom public men oed from be allayed sBs- BUSINESS DIRECTORY'-------�- TO THE FARMERS. ' !"w' plc}ons that never Doc be ands ed and �j• M/♦ There leas testa so much adulteration will nieike them stanch friends of the L. oe L. �j� �e / 1® Study your own interest and go where of articles of food that it is all amazc> og ressed instead of the oppressor. ! you can get DR. TALMAGE DESCRIRES IT IN HIS meat to me tlhut there is a healthy es, this religion, this practical relig- I 1t11I'1X CLINTQN man or woman in America. Heaven ion, will come a'nd put its hand on + D• • I SUNDAY SERMON. only knows wliat they put into the what is called good society, ,elevated d Meote Hal Mqnday of evaiq Retable Harness, I spices, and into the sugars, and into society, successful society, so ttat 'Pec- ' 111K. month. Hall 9nd flat, MoHs1�block. Mallin ondhran always I 1•i'tletleal L'eli„tanl 111 Ii11,/1 That to the butter, and into the apothecary I pie will have their expenditures wlth11 ,11 - Tg� OI�SaV g I ware o sA noutl hat the $liesthy havemade walaome. Beware acthops one esti cheap, a• that' OOX. \Vorlh Boruething--'TUe Iteeliner of Alt diut;. But ctuemioal analysis and the in their income and they will exchange DLt. J. s. FREEB BN, w. M. got to live Cd1 Oall and gat prlcaa. Order. eleclutrila�n and All 'r•on-Kath► With. microscope $Have made wonderful re- -the hypocritical "not at home," for the incorporated by Act of Psrliamout 1866. P. CANTELON, JR. sec. J. P..613ELPARD, D. li by mall prom ply attended to oat Work Is Dead• Velations. The board of health of Mas- honest explanation "too tired," or "too W sacUfisetts analyzed a great amount of I busy to see you" and will keep innocent 1•� JOHN BELL, Washington, Dec. 27. -This subject what was called pure coffee and found reception from becoming lntoxicat- paPITAL, - $2 000,000 t>0081r. HARNESS EMPORIUM, BLYTIie ONT of Dr. Talmage cuts through the con- in it not one particle of coffee. In , ed conviviality. �T, • - - 81,40D,00b �yLINTON Lodge, No. 84, A. F. di A, M. meeEe ventionalities and spares nothing of England there is a law that forbids the I There has of to be a new departure lJ every Friday, on or attar the moon. Visit Putting of alum in bread. `l"hs public in religgion. do not say as new rell - tag brethren cordially invited NOTICE. make believe religion which is all talk authorities examined 51 packages of I ion. Oh, no, but the old rellgion Read Oflioe• - MONTREAL, A. J. HOLLOWAY, W. If. THOS. RUMBALL, Sao. ' and no practice. The text chosen was bread and found them all guilty. The ' brought to new appliances. In our tune honest physician, writing a prescrip- we have had the daguerreotype and the Clinton, Dec. 8, 1896. James if., 20, "Faith without works is p Y,j R. 11dOLfiON President. � -- There being some misunderstanding with re• i tion, does not know but that it may I amlbrotype and the photograph, but it •i k 1A01Ag nANIfHOMAS,GieneralMan , ar. - — Bard to wreckage, let !t be diattnatly understood dead." , bring death instead' of health to his is the same old sun, and these arts are y g, p, rr, ]�, that it any person takes possession of auy kind The Roman Catholic Church has gatient, because there may be one of Only new appliances of the old sunlight. i BafAs "counted Collections made, Drafts of wreckage and tails to report a int I shoo al p 1 Hearne Tent No. 88, Hnlghte of the Maoaabaea of oboe take prnd fa s t Remember this is the been charged with pallia$ too much the drugs weakened by a cheaper So this g101'tous gospel is just what We issued, Sterling and American 0z• last warningI shall ive. CAPT. WM. BABB. article, and another drug may be in want to hoto change bought and sold at the World. $1,000,$2,000 and $8,000 Policies. blain- Receiver of recks, Go erich, stress upon good works and not Y p graph the Image of God g g berahip over 100,000. Assessmant principle -has Godarlah, Sept. 7th 1881. g upon faith. I charge Protes- full force, and so opposite prescription may on one soul and Not gospel, it on p enough u g have just the opposite effect intended. another soul. Nat a new gospel, but lowest current rates. cover exceeded 12 assessments In r year. Chaspset tantism with putting not enough stress Oil of wormwood, Warranted pure, the old gospel put to new work. In loTaaaaT ALLOw1Don DarOaiTL and safest andtexistence. yofMeets e OrangoHrll, CBn• from Boston was found to have 41 out- time we have hand the telegraphic ton, firetandthlydFriday of every month. gpOII good works as connected With I . ef3 __., FOR SALE. salvation. Good works will never save per cent. of rosin and alcohol and invention, and the telephonic invention B'AR,IVLE3MB. chloroform. Scammony is one of the and the electric light invention, out honey advanced to farmers on their own notes ' a man, but if a man have not gold most valuable medical drugs. It is ! the are all children of old electricity, COex S FLOUR. The property re Bissau, n the ed by the ad, 3 Y, Massor more endorsers. No mortgage re- dereigned as a residence on the Huron Road, works he has no real faith and no I very rare, very precious. It m the sap an element that the philosophers have �n�ed ss security. & FEED STORE In the Town of Qoderieh, consisting of one half of genuine religion. There are those who or the gum of a tree or a bush in I a long while known much about. So H. 0. BREWER, ! an acre of land, good frame house -story and a Syria. The root of the tree is exposed, this electric gospel needs to flash its M8°°�ye,,,r;ma, half -seven rooms, including kitchen, hard and depend upon the fact that they are all I an incision is made into the root, and light on the eyes and ears and souls of { C1inLoau• soft water, good stone cellar, stable, wood and right inside, while their conduct is then shells are placed at this incision men and to become a telephonic me- %�, r, r carriage houses, There are also some good fruit .wrong outside. Their religion for the to catcth, the sap or the gum as it dium to make the deaf bear, a tele - VI • Do NeTa gal BRAN and SHORTS in Large OT trees. This property is beautifully situated and exudes. It is precious, this scammony, graphic medium to dart invitation and g verysu}table for any person wi,hingAolive retired- most part is made up of talk-vigigr- But the peasant mixes it with acheap- warning to all nations, an electric light Small Quantities. For further particulars apply to ous talk, fluent stalk, boastful talk, per er material. Thi_ -n it. is taken to Alep- to illumine the eastern and western BANKER oII� CARE. LINSEED MEALS E• CAMPION, petual talk. Tbey will enterta,in you po, and the merchant there mixes it hemispheres. Not a new gospel, but thu ; ALBERT STREET, CLINTON. 642-tf Barrieter,Qoderfoh. by the hour telling you flow goad they on t a cheaper material; then it comes olrl gospel doing a new work. • 10 lbs. Choice Oatmeal for one Bushel are. :Phe come up to such a higher on to the who}wale druggist in London Now you say, "That iso very beau - Y L or New York, and he mixes it with a Liful theory, but is it possible to take 11 A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS Oate J. C■ STEVENSON, ordinary "that they have no patience with obeaper material; then it comes to the one's religion into all the avocations TRANSACTEI%. 7 T Furniture Dealer, fglC. crhainary Christiansyin the plain lis- retail druggist, and he mixes it with e. and business of eci nes, and I will �, GOOK. (JLINTOl�t. charge of their dui As near as I cheaper material, and by the time the give you some specimens. Medical doe poor sick Ulan gets iL into his bottLa tors who took their religion into every- 762-te THE LEADING UNDERTAKER AND can tell, this ocean craft is mostly it is ashes and chalk and sand, and day life; Dr. John Abercrombie of Ab v iVotee Diaootinted. - - Drafts famed. �� sail and very little tonnage. Foretop- some of what has been called pyre erdeen, the greatest Scattish physician Interest Allowed on Deposita. ��1��15 FEED STORE mast, stn 1 g scammony after analysis '}ilas been of his da 11is book on "Diseases o uu FUNERAL DIRECTOR. ysail, foreto ]mast studding Y S y' 1 Pound to be no scaminony at all. the Brain and Spinal Cord," no more 9itnton, luneath, 18e1 6889 I Opposite Town Hall, Clinton, Ont sail, main topsail, mizzen topsail- Novv, practical religion will yet recti-. wonderful than his book on "The Phil- J ���„�,�.., everything from flying jib to mizzen fy all this, It will go t.o those. hypo- osophY of the Moral Feelings," and of- 1 — HURON STREET, CLINTON. GO TO THE y ����� spanker, but making no useful voyage. critical professors of religion who of ten kneeling at the bedside of his Pa_ `� Now, the world has got tired of this a "corner" in corn and wheat in Cdi- tie�nts to commend them to God in -------- Union Shaving Parlor and it wants a rel' ion that will work sago and New York, sending prices prayer, Dr. John Brown, of Edinburgh, The Best Early Seed Potatoes, and all i8 up and up until they were beyond the immortal as an author, (lying under the Did■ W. GUNN, into all the circumstances of life. We reach of the poor, keeping these bread- benediction of the sick of Edinburgh, La, IO. P. and L. R. Q, S.,LEdinburgh. office- kinds of first-class Clover, Timothy, Field For first-class Hair -Cutting do not want a new religion, but the stuffs in their own hands, or control- myself rememberiing him as he sat in a o ee:etaCllatoa. Night calls and Garden Seeds, Flour and Feed of all and Shaving, ling them until the prices, going up his study in Edinburgh talking to me p old religion applied in all possible and u a,nd u the pe fUldence on Battenbury street, oppositePresbitea p p, y vete, after awhile about Christ and his ho of heaven, church. kinds. Closest living prices for cash, SALT Smith's block, opposite Post Office, Clinton directions. ready to sell, and they sold out, mak- abed a score of Christian family physi- in stock and for sale. TEAS of the choicest J. EMERTON, Proprietor. Yonder is a river with steep and ing themselves millionaires in one or cions in Washington just as good as DR. TURNBULL. varieties and blends. Excellent value. Q CO.,rock banks, and it roars like a young with years, trying to fix the matter up they were. WATTS & V with the Lard r buildingpi a church or Lawyers who carried their religion in - J. I, Turnbnh, M. B. Toronto Univ. ; h[, D. ; J. W. HILL, Huron ,Rt., Clinton i Niagara as it rails on over its rough a university or a hospital, deluding {o their professions; Lord Cairns, the M ,Victoria UUniv. M. 0. P. Qe e. Ont,; F•llow - CHEMISTS &DRUGGISTS bed. It does nothing but talk about themselves with the idea that the Queen's adviser for many years, the . a obstettical society o[ Edinbur h. Lala a! a Lord would be so pleased with the. gift hi hest le at l( g Central Butcher ShoTelegraph itself all the way from its source in g gal authority in Great Brit - Lo den, Enq., and Edinburgh boaplta s Offioe:- He would forget the swindle. Now, ain-Lord Cairns ever summer in his a �' Great Northwestern Tele ra b office the mountain to the place where it y D► Doweley a stead, Ra►tenhury St. Night salts g p , as such a mom may not hay© any lit- vacation preaching as an evangelist am- .iiswarod at Office. __ Clinton.empties into the sea• The banks are orgy in which to say his prayers, I ung the poor of his country; Jolla COUCH 8a WILSON I Albert Street, will compose for him one which he McLean, Judge of the Supreme Court DR. SHAW. so steep that the cattle cannot come p Subscribers $ache to noElly the public that they own to drink. It does not run one practically is making: "Oh, Lord, we, of the United Statos and president of Offiloe, OnteriQi+eet, o o81te have bought out the butchering business lately con- pIIps pIIps ! by getting a 'corner' in breadstuffs, the American Sunday School Union, pp Eng ducted by Mr. Jus. A. Ford, and will continue the Id fertilizing rill Into the adjoining field. swindled the people of the United feeling more satisfaction in the latter Ush church, formerly occupied by Dr. same under their personal supervision. orders will It you want afirst-aloes, well made pump, one that It has not one gristmill or factory on States out of $10,000,000 and made suf- office than in the former, and scores Appleton., have prompt and careful attention. Fresh m•ste of fering all u and down the land, and will, give you satisfaction, send ydnr order to the like of Christian lawyers as eminent in the all Muds will be kept in season, sold at reasonable undersigned. He will dig and clean wells and do it ab either side. It sulks in wet weather we would li e to compromise this mat- church of God as they are eminent at rates and delivered anywhere in town, i the closest prices. He also handles a first-class with chilling fags. No one cares when ter with Thee. Thou knowest it was the bar. tTA�. S. Freeborn, �'D + ARTHUR COUCH, CHAS N. WILSON. FORCE PUMP, that river is born among the rocks, a scaly jab, but, them, it was smart. Merchants who took their religion into CLINTON.ow, here we compromise it. Take 1 g� L. H. & Q. C. P., I., M. C P. & 8, o., &o., &a. JAMES FERGUSONFERGU80N and no one cares when it die into er cent. Of the profits, ana with that everyday life: Arthur Tappan, derided agacr��nate of slag's & Qneon's Colloga of Physicians, Oppodt Queen's Hotel - High Street Winton. I the sea. But yonder is another river rpm. cent p in his day because he established that Dublin, Irelohd. Licentiate of the General Medies, CENTRAL BUTCHER SHO P - you can build all asylum .system by which he came to find out f9buaatl, Groat Britain. Member of College of 809-tt and it mosses its banks with the warm for these poor miserable ragamuffins the commercial standing of business r•lpysfalaza ar-d surgeons, Ontario. Formerly real- of the street, and T will take a yacht g p y FORD & MURPHY. tides, and it rocks With floral lullaby and go to Europe. Forever and ever. ride starting that entire system, knew dedtl ono ublIn. a Hos .tel nti (Lying-in and nm• L1 L1 rt D (1 fi j� the water lilies asleep on its bost>7n. Amen." p I l'ided for it then, himself, as [knew rolygicall. ])abl`n. Speaixl attention to diseases o! (Successors to Jr. W. Langford.) r s a j' R H N 0 a M L him well, in moral chary Aer Al. Mon - women and ativa •en, office and residence, Rattenbury It invites herds of cattle and flocks Ah, my friends, if a man hath got' day mornings inviting t St., next door to Ontario St. Methodist parsonage. Having bought out the above basiaess, we intend (MEMBER OF ASSN OF P. L. S.) of sheep and Coveys Of birds t0 COine ten his estate Wrongfully and he build t=' g o a room in the 8, g -1g p top aL his storehouse the clerks Of his to conduct it on the cash principle, and will supply a line Of hospitals and universities, „_ our customers with the boatments at the lowest pay Provinoial Land Surveyor there and drink It has three grist- from here to Alaska, he cannot atone worldlshin to asking them .about i heir ng prices. mills on one side, and six cotton fac_ worldly interests, and their spiritual �AQ>�tlticU. FORD &MURPHY. and Civil Engineer, for it. After awhile this man who interests then giving out a hymn, lead - torics on the other. It is the wealth has been getting a 'corner" in wheat dies and then satan gets a "corner" ing in prayer, giving them a few words _n_ LIVE HOGS w�NT�D LONDON OW -X, of 200 miles a luxuriant farms. The of cod advice, asking them what Dr. Bruce, SWUM .Dentist. s Orrrda—At G. J. Stewart's Grocery Store, Clin• in him. He goes into a great, long g g birds of heaven chanted when it was Black Frida There is a "break" in. church they attended on the Sabbath, „I ton. y' what the text was, whether they had born in the mountains, and the ocean the market. ,According to Wall street any especial troubles of their own- Ar- FFICR-Over Taylor's Shoe Store, _—shipping will 'press in from the sea to parlance, he wiped others tut, and t:hur Tappan. I never heard his eulogy Clan tun, Ont. Special pre -Don't hail it as it comes (town from the At- now he is himself wiped out. No col - P P Build Without A Plan, laterals on which to make a spiritual pronounced. I pronounce it now. And servation of natural teeth. Highest Market; Price Pard. other merchants just as good. William lantic coast. The one river is a man loan. Eternal defalcation. j N.B.-Will visit Blyth ovary Monde and' who lives for himself, The other river E. Dodge in the iron business, Aloses Monday, But this practical religion will not IT. Grinnell in the shipping business. Bayfield every Thursday afternoon during the CANTELC� N, Cilirit011. 11 onl rectif • all mercandise ; it will alst t p g summer. 799•tt. J. ADES FOWLER & CO,, is a man who lives for others. Y y Peter Cowper in the glue business Do you knout how the site of the rectify a,ll mechanism, and all toil. A Scores of men just as good as they $r Architects and Civil Engineers time will come when a man will work were. g ancient city of Jerusalem vvas chosen? as faithfully by the job as he claps by Give R. Agnew L. D S DDS B. THOMLtN%ONour heart to God, and then fill . v ! Are opening a permanent office in Clintonclitand are There were two brothers who had ad- the clay. You' say when a thing L9 your life with good works. Consecrate ,)-,., 1 Do .t a o VETERINERY SURGEON prepared to supply Plane, SpoetOoattons and detailt joining farms. The one brother had slightly done, "Oh, that vvas done by to I1im your store, your shop, your 1 for any class of work at most reasonable rates. J br the job," You call tell b the s),vift- I ®Et�o NIST• - Honorary Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary Col• a large family;. the other had no nese or slowness With which a hack- )tanking house, your factory and your ego, Toronto. Patent Drawings prepared and patents obtained. home. Thry Bay no one will hear it. Gradmite of Royal Ccllege of Dental Sur- g ' family. The brbther with a large fam- man. drives whether he i, hired by the God will hear it. That is enough. You University, Ontario. }'ludo' C,a•.idvate OfTi'iilit Treats all diseases of Domestic Animate oa the valustioneand inspectioneoarefullymnde. it aid: "There is my brother with no hour or by the excursion. If he is g ; Y mostniodern and Scientific Principles. 61 Tamil He must be lapel and ,l will hired b the hour, he drives ver slow- hardly know oC anyone, else than �Vel- University, Toronto. he pit Lccv.l Anaesthetic Day and Night Calls Promptly Answered. Gc�i Yea7'S E� 7G'7'2ence2n �ntar20, y' y' y y' tingl.on as connected with the victory for painless extraction. O ice opposite Town 1 try to cheer him up, and I Will take ly, so as to make as many hours as • at Waterloo, but; he did not do the Mall, over Swallow's Story. Residence -Batten_ - Street, .o .--liaton,Ont. some of the sheaves from my field passible. It he. is hired by the excur- Mall address—P. O. Boz 210, Clint on I hard fighting. The hard fighting Was 1Vi,r 7 _ T in the nighttime and set them over Sion, he whips up the horses so as to done fighting. the .Somerset cavalry, and the ht Bell arswered. � on his farm and sa,y nothing about get around and get. another cu,tomet'.I a J .L, 13LACK.A ��L, - - - it." The other brother said, ' ATy bro- All styLcs of work have to be inspect- I try, land regiments, a Gr Kem and nfthe Will visit [leusall ci any 1tlDuday, and Gurieh the 2nd Thursday cr" c-ucli month Veterinary Surgeon ther has a large family, and it is very ed�ships inspectr`d, horst.s inspected, ,Life Guards. Who cares, if only the difficult for him to support them, and machinery inspected, boss to watch I day was won? and Veterinary Inspector j"CAVEATURADE I will help 'him along, and I will lake the journeymen, capitalists coming In the latter part of the last century __�@�� 1 some bf the sheaves from my farm down unexpectedly to watch the loss, �k� j�3�de Office on Isaac street, next New Tara office. in the nighttime and set them over conductor of a city car sounding the a girl in England became a kitchen __ ' -__ _ Residence, Albert St., Clinton. I g maid in a farm house, She had man A,�h1� on his farm and say nothing about it." punch bell to prove his honesty as aht le G. CAMERON, BAHRISTLIt, SOLTCITOR, , MARKS I So the work of transference went on passenger 'hands to him a clipped y s of work and much bard work. X1 Conveyancer, &c. oaiee—u,iner flawitton and - ,.- rime rolled on, and she married the t. Andrewa-sts., o iosite Colborne Hotel, Goderlch, RIGHTS night after night and night after night. nickle, All things much be .watched and. 8811-t• PI but every morning things seemed to inspected -imperfections in the Wood son of a weaver of Halifax. They were Goo, Trowhill CAN I OBTAIN A PATENT P Fore industrious; they saved money enough 1 Arompt answer and an honest opinion, write to be just a they were, for, thoug7l covered With putty, garments warrant- after awhile• to build them a home. , UPNd:-,CO.,who have had neurlyyaftyyeara' sheaves had been subtracted from each ed to last until you glut thein on the On the morning of the da w ezperienoetnthepatent business. Communtoa. farm, sheaves had also been added, and third time, shoddy in 'all kinds of g y when they . J. SCOTT, Horseshoer and (}eneral Black- !e°rm,ittun conoonfide t Pate H and how to orb. the brothers were perplexed and could clothing, ohromos, pinchbeck, d}amonds I were to enter that. home the young smith, talnthem Sent free. lsoacatalogueotmochaa. not understand. But one ni ht' the for $,1.50, hookbind1. that holds oil wife aro., o'clock, entered the front Barrister, circ,,( lonl and scientific books sent Free. . Albert Street North . Clinton. I Patents taken through Munn a Co. receive brothers happened to meet while mak- until you read the third chapter . dooryard, knelt down, consecrated the. ELLIOTT'S BLOCK, - - CLINTON. ing this generous transference, and the ; spavined horses, by skillful dose of ', place to God, and there made this sol- e ecialnoticeintheScientificAmer•lean and JOBBING A SPECIALTY. tune are brought widelyveno . This the tndid aper, spot where the met was so sacred that jockeys, for several days made to look I emn vow, "Oh, fiord, if Thou wilt Noss Money to Loan. out cost to the inventor. Tnie splendid pneer, Y p p p me in this lace, the poor shall have a leeucd weekl elegantly illustrated, has by Parthe it was chosen as the site of the cityspry, wagon tires poorly put on, horses � p Woodwork Ironed and first class material and largest Wroulation of any scientific worIn the of Jerusalem. if that tradition should poorly shod, plastering that. cracks' share of it." Timc rolled on, and a E• CAMPION, Q• C work guaranteed; farm implements and machines �fOrld. $$ a year, Sam cgOntessentfree. fortune rolled in. ChildrCn rebuilt and repaired. 1Bu11dinIIggladitlon ,onthry ..50ayear. Bingle prove IId unfounded, 9fa beautiful vvallegoryneversetting plumbing any hatoneec}scitoabe plumbed, around lhcm,and they all became atflu 00vlee, 25 cents. itvery num er contains bean. ,Vial plate , in colors, and photogra hn of new imperfect car wheel that halts the ant. One, a member of Parliament, in BARRISTER, - - • SOLICITOR., honaea wif�plans,enablingbunlderel'oebowt forth the idea that wherever a kindly p a public place declared that his success i Card of Thanks lateat4enlgnsandsecarecontracts, Addrem and generous and los act is per- whole train. with a hot box. So little) I NOTARY, if C., a % MUNN dt Cu. Naw YOOK. 361 BaoenwAv. ,formed that is the spotfitfor some practical rel i ion in the -mechanism of came from that prayer. of his mother 1t' in the door yard. - Ont. temple of commemoration. the world l tell you, my friends, t.hc i yard. All of them were e TO MY MANY PATRONS : T have often spoken to• you about law of maul will never rectify these affluent. Four thousand. hands in the Offioe-Over Davis' Drug Store. Money to loan. DESTITUTION AT WHITE BAY• faith, but this morning I speak to you things; it will be the all pervading in- factories. They built dwelling houses I desire to tender m sincere thanks about works for " faiUh without works fluence of the practical religion of for laborers at cheap rates, and where Y Further reliable reports show the' they were invalid and could not pay is dead." i think you will agree with Jesus Christ that will make the change , M. O. JOHNSTON, for the very liberal patronage socord spread of destitution at White Bay, in 'me in the statement that the great for the better. (they had the houses for nothing. One BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ed me in the paet and to inform the the extreme northern portion of New- want of thus world is more practical. Yes, this practical religion of which of these sons came to this country, public that I am still in the Carpet . foundland. Urg entt demands are being religion. We want practical religion , I sP.eak will 1 come into the learned admired our parks, went back, bought COMMISSIONER, ETC,, P g g to go into all merobanclise. It will professions. The lawyer will feel his land, opened a great public park and Weaving Business on East Street, made upon the Govermm�tt to pro- r made it a present to the city of Hali- su ervise the labelling of goods. It responsibility in defending innocence -Ciloda3riehe - - - Ont. Goderlch, next the Bicycle Factory, j vide relief. Upon flet last trip the will not allow a man to say that a and arraigning evil and expounding fax, England. They endowed an or- Ofaoe—Oor. HamutonandBb. Andrew'a8te. Personal and mail orders will as usual mail steamer treed to reach there, but thing was made in one factory when the law, and it will keep ham from phanage; they endowed two alms - was unable to do so owing to the ice it was made in a.nothler. It will not charging for briefs he neve. wrote, , �hntises.. All England has heard of the receive prompt attention. All classes blockade. She bad to land the provis- allow the merchant to say, "That ! and for pleas he never made, and for generosity and the good works of the W. BRYDONE., of work a specialty, at the lowest os• Kions sent at a pCace 25 miles south o[ Crossl ' P , watch was manufactured in Geneva," •percentages. he never^earned, and frcfm eye. Moral: Consecrate to God BARRISTER - - SOLICITOR. eible prices, and satisfaction guaran- the station intended. The Government when it was manufactured in Massa- ' robbing widow and orphan because Your small means and your humble sur - i wILl probably send an additional supply &&setts. It will not allow the mer-' they are defenceless. Yes, this prac roundings. "Godliness is profitable. unto 1 seed. of provisions on the next steamer, as h i all things, having rorilise of the life NOTARY PUBLIC, c,, that will,] be the last chance to reach the (tient to say that wine name from tical religion will came into the p ys}-, �p Madeira when it came from California. I cian's life, and he will feel h s re- that now is, and of that which is to OpviCE BEAVER BLOCK - - CLINTON. W. A. /joss, East street, unfortunates until spring. Practical religion will walk along by - sponsibility as the conservator of the, come." "Have faith in God by all 1 817 -if GODFRICR. .- - the store shelves and tear off all the public health, a profession honored by , means, but. remember that faith with - tags thlat make misrepresentation. it the fact that Christ, himself was iaout works is dead." I ONE OF THE DRAWBACKS. will not allow the merchant to say, physician. And it Will make Him d�I,e� to Road. The McKillop Mutual Fire "Th'at is pure coffee," when dandelion honest, and when ice does not ender- I -- - } Now, Johnny, said Miss Spriggins, the root and scory and other ingredients stand a case, he will say so, not try- Insurance Company. schoolmistress, as she poised the gad go into it. It will not allow him to ingto cover up lack of diagnosis withtl YJ XONEY to Lend in large or small sums ov good ; above the boy's back for a moment, I say, " That is pure sugar," when there ponderous (technicalities or send the VICTORIA'S CROWN. ; , mortgages or personal security at the lowest want you to remember that when I are in it sand and ground glass. patient to a reckless drug store be- aarrent rates. H. HALE, Huron at, Clinton. whip you, it is not because I enjoy be- When practical religion gets its full cause the. apothecary happens to pay The present royal crown of Great Bri- ; J. Farm and Isolated Town Proper. stowing punishment on you, but because swing in t -* world, Lt w111 go down a percentage on the prescriptions sent. tain was made especially for the coron- MOIIey. ty only Insured. I honestly desire to do you good. I tthrtv street, and it will come to that •.And this practical religion will come anon of Queen Victoria, who succeed11 - lftone to tend on good eeonrlty at 61 and a per Huh 1 retorted Johnny Squanch, in shoo store and rip off the fictitious soles to the schoolteacher, making #ea feel ed to the throne June `L0, 18$7 and was .ant. y o to n good,,Albert8t., Anton, orrwaae. the weary tone of a blase elan of the of many a fine looking pair of shoes her responsibility in preparing our Drowned at Westminster June 28, 1838. ea2•t world; that is what comes of a fel- ; and show that it is pasteboard sand- youth for usefulness had for happi- Qeorls Watt, President, Hartoek P. o,; James ler's allowin' a woman to of dead witched between the sound leather. ness and for ho-n,o�r and will keep her To manufacture the present crown a iroadtoot, Vioe•Pres., Seatorth P. O.; W. J. Shna• g number of old crowns belongtn to the ons Secy. Trans., Beatorth P. O,; Michael Murdle, stunk pp him. And this practical religion will �o from giving a sl box to a; dull head g �ospaetorotloe..., SeaforthP. o. right into a grocery store, and it will chastizing him for whsit he cannot Preceding sovereigns were broken up, Cantelon Bros, atariaToae, If I pull out Uhle•Rlwg of all the adulterated help and sending discouragement all and the r gems extracted for use In tIENERAL GROCERS da PROVISa Jona Broadfoot, Sestorth;Michael Murdfe,Sea• SIGN OF THE TIMES. sirups, grid it will dump into tibio ash through the after yeairs of a lifetime. the Queen's Crown. tor/ht neorae Dale, eeatorth; George watt Harlook; barrel in front of table store the cassia This practic.,il religion will also come Thoaitut E, Hays,Bestorth; Alex Gardiner, ieadburr ' Kinsley-W hunt a mannish -looking bark that is sold for cinnamon, and to the newspaper men, trod it w 1 help ION MERCHANTS. Thomas Garbutt, Oitntdill -76th McLean, Hfppa6. costume Miss de Vance hias on. the brickdust that is sold for odyenne tbeen in the ghtherin�g of the news; I' reaitTS. Bounder -Well, girls will be boys, you pepper, and it will shake out the prus- and it wiill help them in setting forth) THE FUTURE SUMMER MONTHS. Groekery, Glass& Chinaware Th...Neflans Harlook; Robert McMillan, Sea- know, scan blue from tbia tea leaves, and it the beat interests of society, and it According to the methods which is ALBERT ST., CLINTON, ONT. forth and James (fnmminge,Egmondvule. . MILD RI&,HT FROM THE COW. will sift from table flour plaster of Paris will keep them frotm putting the sins � Parties desirous to affect Insurance or brans. and bone dust and soapstone, and it of the world in larger type thain Its now adopted for reckoning leapyears, 81gI}es0 QtihL Pclos for Butter and FtggA wt other business will be promptly attend• Pure milk is insured to the Lnhabi- Kr}ll by ohemica.l analysis separate the virtues, and its tnlst>akes than its December, January and February wild litlj ed to onoppppAoation to any of the above officers ad. tants of Havama by the milkman bring- one va,rt of water from the few hon- achievements, atud It will keep them) be summer months about 720,000 years ; 1 birossedtotheir respeetivepost Offices. ing his cows with him, and deawing est of cow's milk, and it will from misrepresenting interviews with hence. a off at each, house the amount required. ' 1 • C , � r. . .• J v