HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1897-12-31, Page 8BUTCHER SHOPS MOOS WANTED ,. Ily qutlntity of fat hogs wanted for ping purposes, for which the high - i market prices will be paid. Parties dlig hove to I;;ell•will oblige by, leav- W.oi,d at the shop. D. Fitzsimons, Clinton. ENTRAL BUTCHER SHOP FORD A MURPHY e'are doing business on the cash princi- le,l and will supply out customers with .Ile beat meats at the lowest paying prices FORD ,& MURPHY, 40LINTON Business Change. The undersigned desires to intimate to the people of Clinton that he has bought --out the butchering business lately conduct- ed by Reid Bros'., and will continue the same in the old stand, Enron St„ Clinton, where by strict attention to the wants of his customers, he hopes to merit and receive a fair share of patronage. He will Sell for cash only, and at the lowest prices. Chas -J, Wallis, Clinton. FLOUR .AND FEED STORES. Flour & Feed Pitore SHORTS In large or small quantities. OIL CAKE and MEAL OF -ALL KINDS. i pounds Choice Oatmeal for i bushel of Oats. D, COOK, CLINTON. BANKS. The Molsons Bank Incorporated by Act of Parliament 1886 PITAL - $2,000,000 kST FUND - 01,500,000 HEAD OFFICE, MONTREAL. War. MOI.soN MAcpirrnwoN, President F, WOLFLRSTAN TnowAs. Gen Manager Notes discounted, Collections made, Drafts 1ssned, Sterling and American exchange bought and sold. Interest allowed on de- posite. SAvnrnae BAN1c-Interest allowed on sums of 01 and up. Money advanced to armers on their own note, with one or more endorsers. No mortgage required H. C. BREAER, Manager, Clinton G. D. in cT AGGA►.RTO RANKER ALBERT ST., - CLINTON, , A general 3[3anking lBusinoss transacted. NOTES DISCOUNTED Drafts Slatted. Interest allowed on deposits. I FARRAN & TISDALL. BANKERS, CLINTON, ONT. Advances made to farmers on their own notes at low rates of interest. S, eneral Banking Bueiness transacted. Interest allowed on deposits. y bale Notes bought J. P. TISDALL, Manager. I� FIRE INSURANCE CO. M & ISOLATED TOWN FDOPMTY ONLYINSURED OFFICERS. 0. o.. Watt Prosidaut, Harlocic P. O.; James oadfoot„ Vice -Pres., Seaforth P. O.; W. J. hannon, Secy.Trcas., Seaforth P.O.; IL Mardis nspector of losses, Seaforth P. O. DIRECTORS Jas. Broadfoot, Seaforth; M. Murdie, Sea- orth; Geo. Dais, Seaforth; Geo. watt, Harlock; E. Hays, Seaforth; Aiex. Gardiner, Lead- ury; Chas. Carbutt, Clinton; John McLean, ippen. AonNTS. isRobt Sm1th, Harlock agent for Hallett. Mor- and surroundings; John H. Yeo,llohucsville, or Goderich, Colborne and surroundings; obt, McMillan, Somforth, and J. Cumings, gmondville. Parties desirous to effect Insurances or trau- act other business will bepromptly attended to n application to any of the above officers adressed to their respective offices, WORKSHOP ON WHEELS L~. .AYLOH, the celebrated Cutler land rindor, of Sheffield, England, is back to u I r a short time, and is located on sley's Corner. Ho will do ng & Repairs of all ki it s notice and at reasonable rates hives tiobladed and made equally zors, Scissors, and all kinds of rpened, Umbrellas and Parasols f; aired andoldoneabought. Crops tfr3 gummed and sharpened. Nr Twenty-seven Years OUNNS NATURE'S MEDICINE Nature's medicine for oonatipation, live complaint, sick headache, biliousness, jaun dice and eallow complexion is Lasa -Live Pills. They are a perfect laxative, neve griping or causing pain. One pill each nigh for thirty days will cure constipation. Thousands of school children ar starving in Qnicago, and great an, widespread is the destitution amore! the little ones. Iu every school build ing in the city funds have been sus scribed for food for ]the unfortunates while children of well-to-do parent bring clothingfor those who have non( XM4z%_V ��A1 '-�,4M The 'mammoth Bar of Soap we have o exhibition in our store, will be give away to the person guessing the neat est number of pounds in it, on the 20t day of this month. The person guest ing second nearest will be given tw pounds of Blue Ribbon Tea, beat blas Tea in town, and the person guessin third nearest one pound. If you hay not guessed come and do so. New Fruit for ehtistmas. JAS. STEEP, Clinto Al3ICNTS-•'The best life of nor Majesty NTS-­The seen," writes Lord Lorne about "Quasi Victoria." Agents make five do)lara daily Outfit free. The BRADLEVY GARR10TSO CO., Limited, Toronto. McLEOD'S System RE A OVA►.TO AND OTHER TESTED AHIMDIS SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOT For Impure, Weak and Impowerisix Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Pa"t tion of the Heart, Liver Complaint, e ralgia, Loss of Memory, Bronofdsi." 0. sumption, Gall Stones, Jaundice, XNa and Urinary Diseases, St. Vitus' Don Female irregularities and General Debt Laboratory, Goderich, On J. M. KaLSA Prop, and Mea Sold in Clinton by J. H. COMBE, and ALLAN & SBO 1 11119111 ne6n L' Per, aps it's natural. If perfectly well, this is probably the case. But many are uffering from frequent colds, nervous debility, pallor, and a hun- dred aches and pains, simply because they are nt�t fleshy enough. Scott's Emulsion ;of Cod- liver Oil with I i ' pophos- phites strengthens the diges- tion, gives new force to the nerves, and makes rich, red blood. It is a food in itself, §oc. and $x-, all druggists. SCOTT & 110WNE, Chemists, Toronto. ' UULUMbUO A NIHAhh. Frank Rco . Stockton Says the Disverer Disobeyed Queen Isabella's Orders. Frank R. Stockton, in his story, "The n Buccaneers of Our Coast, 11 in St. Mch- olas, says It is not necessary for us to enter vary I deeply into the oonsidemtion of the policy n of Columbus toward the people of the is - i lands of the West Indies. His s000nd voy- age was nothing more than an expedition for the sake of plunder. He had discov- elred gold and other riches in the West In- d'iee, and be had found that the pie who inhabited the islands were pie hearted, inoffensive creatures w did not know how to fight and who did not want to light, Thereforo, as it was so S easy to sail his ships into the harbors of the defenseless islands, to subjugate the E natives and to take away the products of their mines and soil, he commenced a wr- itable course of piracy. a- The acquisition of gold 'and all sorbs of Met plunder seemed to be the sole object of ills Spanish expedition, and natives were eY enslaved and subjoctod to the greatest Does hardships, so that they died in groat num- ? bore. At one time 800 of them were sent as t. slaves to Spain. A pack of bloodhounds, which OWumbus had brought with him fior the purpose, was used to hunt down tliaatures the poor Indians when they endeavored to escape from the btmds of Maepressors, N and in every way the island of =I, the prinoipal scene of the actions of Colum. bus, was treated as if its inhabitants had 11' Cotton committed a dreadful crime by being in Cook's Ciotton Root Compotmd posseseion of tho wealth which the Span - Te the only tanfq reliable lards desired for themselves. monthly medicine sae , r which Quem Isabella was greatly opposed to ladies can depend if>< the these cruel and tinjust proceedings. She sent back to their native laud the slaves aiour and ttnre of see& which Columbus bad shipped to Spain, Is prepared intwo dqVrees and sbe gave positive orders that no more of strength, of the inhabitants were to be enslaved and No. i for ordinert' cases that they were all to be treated with mod - is by far the best dollar medicine known oration and kindness. But the Atlantic -sold by druggists, one Dollar per boy- is a wide ocean, and Columbus, far away No. 2 for sped cases--ro, degreea from his royal patron, paid little attention stronger --sold by drrt1ggists. One box, to her wishes and commands, and with - Three Dollars,; two boxes, 14" Dollars. out going further into the history of this No. 1, or No, s. mailed on .receipt of period, we will simply mention the fact price and two 3 -cent stamps. that it was on account of his allogod atroc- Tite Oook Coes ities that Columbus was superseded in his U VyUcr, o ene1o. oominand and sent back In chains to Spain. Sold in Clinton by Alles & Wilson, DROPSY CURED WITH ONE BOTTLE druggists. _ A great care and a great testimony. "For ten years f suffered greatly from Heart ,Disease, fluttering of the heart and smoth ering spells, made my life a torment. I was confined to my bed, dropsy set in. My �+ ry STEYENSONS phriican told me to prepare for the worst. fU1 I tried Dr. Agnew's Cure for the Heart - one done gave me great relief, one bottle 1 cured the dropsy and my heart." Mrs Jae. Adams, Syracuse, N. Y. Sold by Watte & Co„ Clinton. -THE LEADING- Satan's Feature Graphically 'told UNDER(T�D�j R►1 ��J.aji� Rev. I. N. Haldeman, in the First Bap - TAKER Church, Seventy-ninth St. and Boule. -AND- vard, Detroit, preached Sunday night on "The Future of Satan," and he predicted T p7f D a p ML+t p� an eventful future for him. Satan,be says, L' M ALXXvjinm will appear on the earth as a wonderful man out of the east, and will conquer the world by deceit. He wiil be a great sol- dier, a diplomat, a scientist and an adept in things occult to such an exeent that he ,GOODS ��Pu in STUCK will lif able tmake images speak and raise himself from apparent death. Iia will establish himvelf in Jerusalem and de- ceive the world into believing that he is God: Best Embalming Fluid noes]. In the end Christ will descend out of heaven and the church will rise to meet Him. But they will be opposed by Satan and his hosts. Then will take place the Splendid .Hearse battle between Michael the archangel and the boats of heaven and Satan with his hosts. Satan will be overcome and oast for a thousand years into prison. At the Residence over stove - expiration of that time he will be liberated, and again will deceive some of the people. 'jUPPOSITF TOWN HALL His time will be short, however, for he and bis friends will be swept into hell forever. s• Satan, the preacher said, was a powerful angel to whom God entrusted the world in - - the beginning. The angel became ambi- CLINTON MARBLEO $S, tions to rival his God, and was cast out of heaven. Dr Haldeman read pas gee from COOPER'S OLD STAND, E), the Bible to substantiate all bis description Nes to Commercial Hotel. of Satan. This establishment is in full o, oration and a order and g in the moot eatisfaa is y way, Oeph Iff tory and granite work a specialty. Prices a s reasonable as those of any establishmantBA%.;nACHE },� �(,� 9 ,kr,a k HOOVIDR,011nton. m makes the young feel d-yT � {,� that life is not vrort'h Rvf g, tttCCz"e a dan- ger signal of Kidney Disease --file tm¢rrI evidenceof weakt inactive sore � MAT STAMPIW person coredofjdncy vnalntess will The undersigned is prepared to do &Q kinft you that when the back to ache, of Stam ing for ]Tats, Persian Rugs fwd era- all troubles ended, Neither nfinettls, per otos of like nature. Work done_ppren��ppdy and piastersr. nor elmtrkity caa Cane IL "1:'he at reasonable sense 7[R.9 A WOIt1(r) fc1T01f seat of flee trouble i not in the: skin, fkah of Baron street. w—l b h's in IM 40dneM can CURED Builk Now I had terrible pains in my bmak and rny, water was thick and muddy. I was s�1 broken up r� +� �y�,�.y� and in poor health g nerally. 'Two boxes of i 1 ree� Plants, Shmbs. co Hobbs y. . Push 7iidney. Pills cured me completely. Push the Salo of them hard, there is nothing bet, Ior' A. x. VAN Ageing This old-ostabiiahed and relfablo btxAnces in 64'.'foledo St., Adrian, Mich. being continued ae usual, and those who want Iihad suffered with a lame back and was con. anything in our lino can rely on the very best fined to my bed for n arly two weeks. I tools of service not quite all of a box of Dr Hobbs' Sparaaue Kidney Pills and wa entire lyy cured, cltolce Plants for Spring Iteddtng. ISAAC MAnx, Mi S. L vonth St, Saginaw,Mloh Floral Designs for 'IWeddin,gs or FuneratS • 1'. I Ol)1)r•' Trait and Orrnunental Trees spruce. Scoliol s char Pine Pr ccs of eutivo stook All orders li'�on`7) . r ' . T &fire y Pills4 T� A )LINTON NEW ERA every Farmer Wants It. The Christmas number for 1897 of the old Farmer's Advocate of London, Out., ar14 Winnipeg, Man., has set it merry pace for agricultural journals everywhere on the globe, and has done a good thing for the cause of farming in Canada. Whatever helps the far- mer quickly stimulates the general in- terests of the country. This paper very ably and artistically sets forth the strong features of this foremost of Canadian industries, A powerful plea is made for the extenpion of improved Live stock rearing, and the object les- sons, in the way of engravings, are un- ique. A magnificent colored plate is given of Mr H. D. Smith's (Compton, P. Q.,) famous Herefords, ,with por- traits of many other prize-winning an- imals and fine farm scenes. To the stockman it will be "a thing of beauty and a joy forever." Every province in the Dominion is strongly repr•esgnt"d. Poet Elliott indites "The Farmers' Jubilee," and artisticallycontraets 1837 with I807; while Bengough, our great bumoristand cartoonist, contributes a catchy poem, illustrated, on "The Can- ady Farmer." Agricultural Commis- sioner Robertson, of Ottawa, extends a hopeful pet can -iv seasonable greet- ing, and Mr .John Dearness, I. P. S„ a well-known educationist, contributes a thoughtful paper, on agricultural edu- cation or nature study in the schools which should awaken widespread in- terest on this important subject and help to solve the difficult problem. Western cattle ranching is admirably reviewed by Air J. H. Craig, ex manag- er of the great, Oxley Cattle Ranch Co., and the mineral resources of Canada are reviewed editorially. The tendency of British agriculture is a subject of a careful article by a Scotch writer. Sug- ar beet: growing in Germany iselescr'ih- ed by Prof. A.E.Shuttleworth; and Mr Palmer, of the British Columbia De- partmentof Agriculture, writes graph- ically on the outlook of that Province in 1898. The Christmas Number, we notice, goes to all new subscribers for 1898, and the publishers of the Farmers Advocate(nowissued every two weeks) are to he complimented on their effort, and in getting out ordinarily a paper containing easily double the really high class practical matter that can be got in any other way at so low a :ost($1.00) a year. CWI-NAIN AND OTHERS. The Philologist With an Attack of Ma- laria and the Intellectual Drug Clerk. The philologist had an attack of malaria. IIo went to the intellectual drug clerk and remarked: "Will you kindly put me up ten five grain pills of cwi-nainT' The drug clerk, with the nonchalant c'onEdence of his kind, answered: "Ten five grain pills of ki-nin? Cer- tainly." "'_No; not ki-nin, "said the philologist, j "but Iwai -neon." "I thought you said cwt-nain." "No. You tnisuuc?crstood nae. I said covin !n," ailswerod tho philologist. "Ah 1 I stand corrected. \Vo havo beon In the habit of calling it ki-nin among the profession. " "&lave you? 17hen I wont to school, the proper pronunciation was cwai-nain, or it may have been mvi-nine." The intellectu:a drug clerk looked puz- zled. He a.pparci:tly ss';spceted that ho was being guyed. Ilo att(nnpted to creato a diversion bysuggesting that the philolo- gist might find tho-ah-the-l;i-nin- moro offectivo in tho form of capsules. Tba philologist said: "I have l)ocn in the habit of talking my twin-ain in the form of pills'." "You may have It any way you pike, professor, and you may call it whatever you please," said the drug 'clerk as he bowed with an expression that in(licatecl that he felt himself som(d; hat crushed. " Well, I'll call it ewi.n-ala. But you can call It almost any oldj thing and you will be pretty sure to bo right, according to somebody who has made a dictionary in the last 60 years. If it works in as many different ways as it is pronounced, I will either be killed or cured before morning." Then the philologist laughed and said, "It's a great word," and the drug clerk murmured, "And a great medicine." Later they were seen behind tho prescrip- tion dost discussing something that usu- ally is absorbed with quinine and is gon- orally pronounced excellent. -New York Sun. Michigan's "Jag Act." The laws that are passed by somo of our state legislatures aro absurd and puerilo in the extreme," said Mr. C. L. Milhous. "In Michigan there is a oWtuto known in the cities as the 'jag act,' under the swooping provisions of which an offi- cious policeman can bring almost anybody before the local courts. It mixes up all sorts of offenses in a way that would be ludicrous if it were not harmful. A man, for instance, who threatens to leave his vvife and children is, by the act, a disor- derly person and subject to arrest; so also Is an innocent exhibitor of a Punch and Judy show, or a rope or wire dance performer, or the giver of a drink to a frjond who has already had perhaps a few smiles toq many. The trouble with a law like this, which tho supreme court of tho state has de- clared oonstitutionnl, is that it may easily become an instrument of persecution. It may be employed as a dragnet to enmesh respectable citizens who thoughtlessly violate some of its provisions. Domestic infelicity might cause a roan while in bad humor to threaten to abandon his home, though he really cherishes no such pur- pose. My theory is that legislation in- tended to regulate the morale of a people is out of place in the closing years of the nineteenth century. "-Washington Post. An Agreeable Arrangement. When a certain general was camping on the lower Mississippi, his nogro boy, Harry, was one day askod by a friend whether the general was not terribly an- noyod by mosquitoes. "No, sah 1" said Harry. 'In the ovedin Mars George is so 'toxicpted be don't mind the ekeeters, and In tbe;mornin the skaoters is So 'toxicated they don't mind Mara George. "-San Prani Argonaut. Tentoburg Forest. Th Toutoburg f'oroet, where Arminina defea A Varus and put, an end to Roman prog s in Gormany, is a wooded, moun- talno region, located partlytin the prin- cipalf of Lippe and partly in Prussia, extend ng at first, under the mune of Eggo, a northerly d*otlon throug (the to ritQry of Pondenborn to Drib+ 'fit to .xBervoraorn. five Wasted Kludness. Three young women were standing on the curb at the corner of Euclid avonue and Brie street peering 'down the avenue with anxious faces. A r9speetaable looking young man noticed their anxiety and ap- proached them. "Are you waiting for a oar?" he asked Tho girls looked up In astonishment. Then they glanced at one another. "Ye -os," said the tallest one. "Well," said the young man, "the oars do not come up the street because of the sewer excavation. You will have to go to the corner of Prospect and Me." And he passed on. Did you ever l" a bystander heard one of the girls say "Wasn't that cheek?" "Wonder ghat he takes us for?" inquir- ed another. "Guess he thought we'd walk with him," said the third. "Well, he ain't smart enough to fool us," said the first speaker. . And they continued to stand .on the curb and peer down the street. -Cleveland Plain Dealer. IN M&MORY OF TWO SLAVES. Story of Two Monameuts In the Wilda of the Kittatinny ?&contains. Nine miles northeast of Harrisburg, in the solitude of the WtWtinny range of mountains, stand two unique monuments. The Spot is far from any human habita- tion, amid curiously shaped and massive bo-w4ders and on the very crests of the ridge. The wanderer who by chance strays into this region may well pause in astonishment before A roughly hewn rock upon which stand two oayvod headstones of white marble bearing he following in- scirptions: UNKNOWN. Sere in the solitude of God's acre lies one whose life was filled with pathos and suffering and who had a tragic end. Be took the north star as a guide to liberty,yot in a fithal roo- ment. for fear of betrayal, he took the deadly cop to save himself froel bondage by his ilei low men. GF.OIIGS DO�t ID Dtn(p)i pprr09. �, WAgI#INGTOIQ, Died April 8, IBO& An honest colored own who lived and died on this mountain. $.e is buried on the site of hie former hone, Him virtues are aoiated by all who know him. aEQmQ30AC rex Pill. Friend`nso and think of tho Bre of Qod. Ono mar have a few moan grame of pigment beneath his skee. Locking into the pertain at eternity tewhe6 u @ tbot the Brother- hood of plan is toaptred by C}od'a woad. %here all praindios of race vanishes swap. The story of the two monuments 4ates to the days of the underground mAlread, whoa eaoapod slates warn pursued bF their Soutltern rnastem In 1861 1Vaab- ington made his as&" broVia irginia plantation and alter months of adventure reached the a" w ime the monumonts stood. Choosing to sive in freadora hero in the mountain -fastnesses, he harllt for himself a rude but and lived the Fife of a hermit for a period of 12 yearn. Gray and bent with years, he finally passed away to We reward, giooe, as he had lived. After many days the body was found in a knoel- ing position under a giant pine overlook- Ithe valley. 1Tho elements of deeper taragodv enter into the story of the unknown. Four years after Wnshington had taken up his abode on the mountain the unknown, also a fugitive slave, reached the spot in safety and found shelter in the hormit'a hut. For trwo years they lived together in peace and eafety, but one day word reached the un- known that the ngaenta of his former mas- ter were on his track and were but a few miles distttant. Cbooeing death rather than a return to slavery or the betrayal of his friend's hiding plana, the unknown stole away amid the rooks and there died by his own hand A few years ego the remains of the two slaves were buried side by side, close by their cabin, and a funeral service was baald in the presence of a largo number of people. The monuments were erectod by the colored people of the state shortly aft- erward. -New York Sun. Pare blood is absolutely necessary for perfect health. Hood's Sarsaparilla is the one true blood purifier, and great health giver. PROSTRATM EXDAOSTED. NO SLEEP—NO REST. LL do not appreciate A�cr the words of John G. Saxe, who sang, "God bless the roan who tirst invented pleap:"But appreciation Is not wantingto those who have sufferer] as Mrs tillWhioOut Mara Township t. who became so 115 wlth nervous trgnbles that, to quoto her bro- ther, Mr. Donald McRae, a well-known re. 13 t of that Illustrlous section of North Ontario: "My sister had not slept a night for over three montbs. Sbe could not have stood this much longer, and It was only when death seemed Imminent that South American Nervbie became the good ply slctan. After taking the first dose of the Nervine she slept all night• and galned In flesh until perfectly well, and lane now no sign of nervousness." Thls Is a wonder- ful medicine In tho ecverest cassis of net• vousuess, and the greatest flesh -builder to be fpua_4 A!!X_WUro !n tb9_world.-25. SOLD BY WATTS & CO., CLINTON Q uantity & ua/ity . BIG- BARGAINS, IN SHOES vivre yon purchase a pair yon Should ssortment of Men's, Women's BOOTS, SHOES and 4 .14ketP, RobeQQ Single Ain ' d on hadd. Give i�colnoCC>;- TSf�L'9I!'CTL';C Is ON THDA WRA rOgVF �E-�Y 'p .i Il .1_J� 4DP' C ,i�., i ' r i 1A 0astorla is put up in ane -size bottles only - Is act cold in balk Don't allow an7on9'to you anything elso on the plea or promise tlta is "fast its good" and "will answer every pime." oUZ-See that yon get 40,A -B -T -O -R, -I- Tho leo simile slgaot ovory of ' WraDII i Remem er, ` when purchasin Chi°stIn�,SO Ste, HCS If you take quality into coneideratiQn, we are able to meet .11.regoiren in FRUITS, FINEST SELECTS , VALENCIAS, RAI NS, F VOSTIZZAS, CURRANT'S, ELEIIi FIGS, NATURAL F S, SPICES, Rent brands CITRON, ORANGE and LEMON PEE CHOCOLATE, ICINGS, EgTRACTS, 1 ENCES, ORANGE CANDLES, CROCKERY, TOILET GTS, DINNER S I Crate Fancy China, just the this or Ciltristmas pr N. ROBSON'S, - Clinton. ®� Want �� Or perhaps a Loun 4'. a Parlor '��,,11 j� ren I:Ytera510>; Table:. a set of Easy Chair I3aoid Diniug Chai �M a Mattress, some Our stock is complete, the quality Is equal t �j Oar priow are as yl_owg asp the ,l ow we gst We waih J s' H. °lrJ7 H FE L Bo. F 1Y'Yif a li•i L We're at it AG AIN-- purobases early. d lbs. New Raisins for ................,..$0 25 ' 7lbs. Good Japan Tote ................:.. 1 00 I Washboart 6 Ms. 25o Japan Tea • . 1....1.1.1... •...... 11 :Mi Oatmeal (p :5 lbs. 80c Japan Tea ....................... 1 00 Flavoring 81bs, Black or Japan Tea__ . ....... 00 Laundry S Regular Yrioa, Our price J3 'king P Laundry Soap, 10 5o bars for ... , ..., 25 I Belting S Broome .«.. .... .......,........ ,15 12 I Sunlight, Broosm ..ww--«-.......-..-. — .-. 4/i6 � 20 a 100. pl Other goods at like prices, Much S;near for little money Oats wanted in exchange for Ontmeal. Choice Butter o kin, Is of Grain bought an 0s' OLSON, Victoria St., near A Double �.AVlA By using the Kiinsrr Do nR Asn Canada, The only satisf ,tory sift terd in one, of different azo Mee) large cinders. o labor, On receipt of $2.50 we wi 1 deliv of Canada and pay VQ.ti4o for descrlpliva l fsata L Agents , iup ,,ht� g J+wl: e 1 #,a'i,�t}'d sPltl'M P. R.i s �+awiat'lna �t 1 SOME OF TI1EYTRiKiNG FEATUR TI-iRE$ SERIAL $TOR IM ADVr_RTURERS FOUR FOR A FORTUNB THE Dr B. X.lal))lOrrPFA r"OF Pr ALB r9 fe a ihrllllita: of a light far len stirringna aeto I' a treare wao.elel is an old companions d, a eearlointher.a.riaaofwiam acted a ion up SHOP ,hat Io addition to die tierce lean ostia] atories, the ymr, thorn will ie Wwrt stories of every kind, of:w a Nast, like,Owlor The Dy arA rrJ,f✓. wgrJ(IA D, rl Tho Plcteldar of Watkins' Ghost A Oreot Jk JOarr A7r))r#K BAYOR J y ROPIf7 AP,TICLES ON SPO FJoptnant Ruatin¢ In Africa BV mnrmr ))sora f Pkat l.es.snas in 111ler and Sheet �I 1k Pi ZOT D, P. PA AZDA 6iIP AYgMBNTS Editor's Table, Stamps It Coins, Phoio 10 Geta a Xarabsr ' ud fur F Poatage fri he Address HARPER & DUO � f.. ,l �14n.1. nwnwunmmnwm.anmttuammmnnwmmwatu ... ,'r ; 4ql THA ,. HE r , ? ,A ua�wrriamnarmma:ann .. . ata r ae.t •til a r M�t4:1 11', SIGN ^ ,.,04 '111 raP II.. , Ih1' i�colnoCC>;- TSf�L'9I!'CTL';C Is ON THDA WRA rOgVF �E-�Y 'p .i Il .1_J� 4DP' C ,i�., i ' r i 1A 0astorla is put up in ane -size bottles only - Is act cold in balk Don't allow an7on9'to you anything elso on the plea or promise tlta is "fast its good" and "will answer every pime." oUZ-See that yon get 40,A -B -T -O -R, -I- Tho leo simile slgaot ovory of ' WraDII i Remem er, ` when purchasin Chi°stIn�,SO Ste, HCS If you take quality into coneideratiQn, we are able to meet .11.regoiren in FRUITS, FINEST SELECTS , VALENCIAS, RAI NS, F VOSTIZZAS, CURRANT'S, ELEIIi FIGS, NATURAL F S, SPICES, Rent brands CITRON, ORANGE and LEMON PEE CHOCOLATE, ICINGS, EgTRACTS, 1 ENCES, ORANGE CANDLES, CROCKERY, TOILET GTS, DINNER S I Crate Fancy China, just the this or Ciltristmas pr N. ROBSON'S, - Clinton. ®� Want �� Or perhaps a Loun 4'. a Parlor '��,,11 j� ren I:Ytera510>; Table:. a set of Easy Chair I3aoid Diniug Chai �M a Mattress, some Our stock is complete, the quality Is equal t �j Oar priow are as yl_owg asp the ,l ow we gst We waih J s' H. °lrJ7 H FE L Bo. F 1Y'Yif a li•i L We're at it AG AIN-- purobases early. d lbs. New Raisins for ................,..$0 25 ' 7lbs. Good Japan Tote ................:.. 1 00 I Washboart 6 Ms. 25o Japan Tea • . 1....1.1.1... •...... 11 :Mi Oatmeal (p :5 lbs. 80c Japan Tea ....................... 1 00 Flavoring 81bs, Black or Japan Tea__ . ....... 00 Laundry S Regular Yrioa, Our price J3 'king P Laundry Soap, 10 5o bars for ... , ..., 25 I Belting S Broome .«.. .... .......,........ ,15 12 I Sunlight, Broosm ..ww--«-.......-..-. — .-. 4/i6 � 20 a 100. pl Other goods at like prices, Much S;near for little money Oats wanted in exchange for Ontmeal. Choice Butter o kin, Is of Grain bought an 0s' OLSON, Victoria St., near A Double �.AVlA By using the Kiinsrr Do nR Asn Canada, The only satisf ,tory sift terd in one, of different azo Mee) large cinders. o labor, On receipt of $2.50 we wi 1 deliv of Canada and pay VQ.ti4o for descrlpliva l fsata L Agents , iup ,,ht� g J+wl: e 1 #,a'i,�t}'d sPltl'M P. R.i s �+awiat'lna �t 1 SOME OF TI1EYTRiKiNG FEATUR TI-iRE$ SERIAL $TOR IM ADVr_RTURERS FOUR FOR A FORTUNB THE Dr B. X.lal))lOrrPFA r"OF Pr ALB r9 fe a ihrllllita: of a light far len stirringna aeto I' a treare wao.elel is an old companions d, a eearlointher.a.riaaofwiam acted a ion up SHOP ,hat Io addition to die tierce lean ostia] atories, the ymr, thorn will ie Wwrt stories of every kind, of:w a Nast, like,Owlor The Dy arA rrJ,f✓. wgrJ(IA D, rl Tho Plcteldar of Watkins' Ghost A Oreot Jk JOarr A7r))r#K BAYOR J y ROPIf7 AP,TICLES ON SPO FJoptnant Ruatin¢ In Africa BV mnrmr ))sora f Pkat l.es.snas in 111ler and Sheet �I 1k Pi ZOT D, P. PA AZDA 6iIP AYgMBNTS Editor's Table, Stamps It Coins, Phoio 10 Geta a Xarabsr ' ud fur F Poatage fri he Address HARPER & DUO � f.. ,l