The Clinton New Era, 1897-12-31, Page 739moor, X1,
yr r
FRWA X;s; X)J10T ld F,Ii 131, 1894
e eYP.nt 'the SnasOn
J an. 3.
P144- w1th JasJackson
11'a7a"d The W. D. FAIR CO.
Ii T�. 4ill![�pllf�-It you want youriSkaree
ba,0,uaround at loo a pair, go to
flir ',4:'YlgXl,'Worlutiop on wheals.
Bl►,11114vlj'T STOCK . — Messrs. Danford,
Roptt,4;:' lit Co. have purchaeed the Bankrupt
Stony pf VQ $ iieealoy & Co at a low rata on
th10 dollar, which they intend W open in a taw
rlavd,lLad Pell out the entire stook at low figures.
A>l aocoiinue mnet be paid promptly.
1< ltore by authorlm w H. Beasley to collect
�ionf�s:agd W give receipts for aoeouuts out-
IM,ttdr qg. on the b9oks of the late Arm of W. H.
0,14 do HiQ.. Clinton. GRO. N. REID,
Oen u� Standard Bank, Toronb.
he:llooka,,tco•. are a0 the reeldence of Mr
B stay,: Victoria St,. where he may be found.
�. �Qltiitl �Iptl1IC$.
PORK.—Last season Messrs. James
"Sheep and Co. salted down between
til ree-and four hundred hogs, and pur-
"• pFse putting down the same number
Ibis season. It is a pity that this bubi-
r i0ess could not be enlarged, as there is
'`recta for it.
MOzgvM>iNTs.-Jas Seale cf Seale &
E vover, Clinton Marble Works,re•
fur.p'ed last week from Benton, where
flip had been engaged in
up a
hnem.onument for W. Bell, uncle of
It was one of their fin-
est, bill design, of old country granite.
G},Onn LOAD. -The Goderich $tar
s been, boairting of some large loads
f'grain hauled to that town, amount•
ng't?) between 80 and 90 bushels. Last
v¢e9k Layton Bros., of Tuckeremitb,
'delivered at the Standard Elevator
here a load. of 116 bushels of good
wheat, which is a load worth boasting
SUDDEN DEATH. -Mark Cassels, an
ld 412d highly respected resident . of
ton, but of recent years residi at
in�ham, dropped dead on nay
Vlint, Mich., where he was n a vfs-
to,his sons. He leaves a family of
e sons and one daughter the body
ssed north to his lat"ome, Wing -
on Wednesday. .
'AM1IY RE -UNIT -The family of
r Arthur McRae! had a nice re -union
OhriQtmas. For several years some
ars oft a family had been aw ,
the resent occasion all wr to
h'ad ft very pleasant time
rthar, the eldest so. , who
rous drug basins at De-
ould only remain lit onday,
is, Business demanded his attention.
Bl OSITY.-O/FriP y Mr Doher-
of the DohertyWorks, pre -
ted every rnaan in his em -
(some 55 or 6a Christmas
esentIn the sbfine turkey,
d' every unr¢firried employee (75)
f- ineektieThis was a generous
tion` f tbeir services, and the
cert mly reciprocate
VST. -The friends
bers, now residing
T., will regret to
o that has befallen
i youngest son, at
from membranous
e year old daughter
suffering from an
ia. She is doing
uproving in condi-
hile J. Rana -
Monday, he
What might
nt. A gen-
through his
re walking
e way when
gh an open
feet, but
thus sav-
ere badly
The best
e held on
hen such
Selly, 0.
d. ott, the
ther will take
hear mething
miss this e. The
own here accom-
Mts GreI is si sppe-
igott will onvulse
and the chestra
iln'd. On ly only
lt64 is charge
awe d last
e 'jrectio of a curlin 'nk,
yed:to en� rge the bull
ipn of i feet to its yr'
bG be used either for
lir hockey. and new
led for. On Monda th
warded to S. S. 0 oper
workmen have been
ariagg the founAation.
1 *111 be ready to
of January.
Up. DYING. -Word
roan Fergus, Out.,
illness of Conduce
e: G}..T.R•, the well -
lecturer. For
t en conductor on
on the London
teres' ,ween
it d he
f the
he is
III be
`era -ado
TwmEs:-Get i eady to write 1898.
The NEW ERA gives the news. A large
4mount of wood is beinghauled to town
Grip is bothering a number of ourtownspeople. Renew for the NEW
ERA. Clinton market leads. Satur-
day will b%.New Years. Happy New
Year to all our readers. The stores
still look gay in their holiday attire.
Now is the season for everybody to
square up. Public schools will reopen
on Monday, January 3rd. Quite ,t
a young blizzard was on deck Thurs-
VETERINARIES.—The annual meet-
ing of the Ontario .Veterinary Medical
Association was held at the Veterin-
ary College, Toronto, or, Friday. J.E.
Blaekall, of Clinton, was elected Sec-
ond Vice -President. Attention was
drawn to the appointment of Lieut. -
Col. McCrae, to go through the Prov-
ince and instruct farmers in the dis-
ease of tuberculosis. This appoint-
ment has been the subject of discus-
sion in the press and several members
of the association condemned it strong-
ly, among them Mr Blackall, who said
he considered that Hon. John Dryden
had by the appointment "thrown
down" the veterinary profession, and
that it bill could be introduced and en-
gineered through the house 4;7 some
private member cold water would still
be thrown on the back of the pr•ofes•
THrs HOCKEY CLUB.- The second
meeting of the Hockey Club was held
at. the Commercial hotel on Tuesday
evening. Mr O. Cooper was elected
See. Tress. to succeed Ike Read,, who
is leaving town. Ike has heed -one of
the chief pushers of the chili, and his
assistance will be greatl5r•- missed, not
only in this club but byother sporting
clubs in tcwn. TheclhWhas succeeded
in corning to an a reement with Mr
Shunk and the Onrlitig Club, whereby
the rink will be built 50 feet wide in-
stead of 35 feet as originally intended.
With the neva• rink and good support
there is no riason why Clinton should
not have *he best team in this district,
and it is to be hoped that the town will
appreciate the endeavors c:t the boy,,
and give them a bumper house every
Many new resolves are being made
just now. Many people want to make
a greater success of life this coining
year than they did last year. Well, in
order to make it success of life it is pos-
itively necessary that you become it
temperance worker. We (the Good
Templars) need your help: we must put,
a stop to the liquor traffic. Think of
We to drunkard's
raves every year. Have. youit forth
any efforts to save them pp ? If, you du
not show by word or action that you
are in sympathy with no, of course we
can come to but one conclusion, that
you are in favor of intemperance. The
liquor traffic inflicts more mischief up-
on the nation, and more misery upon
the people, than comes frorn all other
evils combined. How can we sit with
folded b°ands and do nothing when
there is such a curse in our land. Join
our order and help us in our work.
Last Friday night being Xmas eve, it
was thought, best to withdraw our
meeting. However, a full attendance
is requested to -night, Friday, as im-
portant business will come before the
meeting, after which a "surprise" pro-
gram will be given; as this spit of pro-
gram is something new, we urge every
member to be present at 8 o'clock shat p.
NOTES.- Sam Pike takes possession
of the Waverly hotel next week, as
mentioned a couple of weeks since. On
Satuiday Dave Cantelon was around
town placing temptation in the way of
some of us who at a hard up, by flaunt-
ing two one thousand dollar bills in our
face; he took good care not to leave
them lying around. J. H. Cade, who
has a permanent summer situation at
Chatham, has returned to Huron, and
will spend the winter at Belgrave. J.
Droll, who has been confined to the
house for several days by illness, is
around again, as usual. Cantelon Bros,
matte a large shippment of butter to
eastern points on A9:onday. Lottie, the
third daughter of H. W. Cook, Maple
street, has been seriously ill with ty-
phoidfever, but we are glad to know
she fs improving. Dave Cantelon, son
of D. Cantelon, apple buyer, has gone
to Toronto to visit relatives, W. Cud -
more, the well-known hay exporter,
started pressing bay in this vicinity on
Tuesflay. The last meeting of the coun-
cil will be held next Monday evening.
Steed's pond was converted into an op-
en air skating rink, on Saturday, the
ice being in fairly good condition.
Messrs Taylor & Sonsyre advertising
their Walkerton busiv_:ss for sale. It
is said that Mr Todc: may enter mer-
cantile life in town, The officers of the
Clinton Masonic lodge were installed
on Monday by' Past District Deputy
Grand Master, Dr. Shaw. While Geo,
Johnston, teamster, was away from
town on a Christmas holiday, some of
is neigh rs f$und that one his borees
d inju _d itself, and Dr.Blackall was
led i ,who found thatnothing could
of a but have the animal killed.
Guy ckall, eldest son of Dr. Black -
all, a itten on the hand last week
by a utually quiet dog; it was not ser-
ious. Mr Langford has rented Mr
Knox' cottage, corner of Rattenbury
and O ange streets. Mrs Wilson, who
died a the residence of her sister, Mrs
Uzell, on Monday last, has been an in-
valid or almost seven years, and hne
been gteat sufferer, but bore all with
Chris ian resignation;her husband died
-some yearq ago, without family; she
was a memher of the Methodist church.
John McOla herty and wife expect to
attend theggglden wedding ofJohn Mc-
Clinton, an ylife, of East Wawanosh,
to -morrow. The children of J. C. Mill-
er, Hotel Olarendon,have been quite ill
for several days, the youngest so sick
that her life was despaired of, but we
are pleased to state that she was some
better yesterday,with a prospect of re-
covering. Miss Hodgens has with-
drawn from her position as Assistant
Matron at the House of Refuge, and is
visiting friends here; her position is
still open and offers a splendid chance
to a girl who wants a good situation.
Mr Tisdale has added r:zs his valuable
collection of. paintings 2fine oils paint'
d by celebrated French artists. Mrs
2ell,lstbn the sick list. John Fisher,
expecte to go to St. Marys
elk to do some work in the
tat church. The Post Office was
n Xmas eve until 9 o'clock
dation of the public; this
and courteous act on
ster Porter. Ed. T.
•.til« ,.._m --
POWER MILLS. -Mr Herod,an expert
rr•om Brantford, is this week asslating
George Levis to the erection of several Commence the New Year b Annual
power mills, and in adddition to those Y i
mentioned a couple of weeks ago, Lav -
is has just sold one to E. Wise, Gode-
rich township. Swearing
MUNICIPAL MATTERS. - After the January Sale*
nomination, on Monday evening, Clerk
Coate was appointed chairman of the
public meetingg, and called upon the The new year brings with it our Annual January Sale of
several candidates to address theelect- from wasting effort and money in your buying. We ter Dry Goods. For years it has been our olio to he,
ore. The first to do so was Thos. Jack- will continue In this respect to assist and encourage you sale, and we therefore announce to -day thaton
son, sr., candidate for the mayoralty, p
who said be thought the present may- by giving you for your solicited inspection, a liberal
or should have gracefully retired and varietyin all our de artinents from which to select and
allowed him to t with
the position; be p r select,
alto found fault with theimproperly
doassessment, in all cases qualities in keeping with the prices asked. Jan. 3
claiming that it was improperly tions We feel that we are free to assert without fear of sur-
ae regards personal property; he also ,
criticised Mayor Holmes for voting to cessful contradiction, that we can clotse the year giving ad- we commence to clear out the balance of our winter stock.
have the a lot, y building on the a vk
i -x- ditional significance to the pretension with which we gcom-
part of the lot, and objected to the �•>;- g' '
penditure on the opening up of Diels menced it, viz: Often the Cheapest always the Best We hold this sale because broken lines and remnants that ha
street, which, he Paid, must have been s • ti
between tour and five hundred dollars; accumulated during the busy season must be turned into rea
these were the chief pointe of his ad• mons and also that our stock of winter oods may be do
dress. Mavor Holmes followed Mr Canadian Almanac for 1898 Diary for 1898. Y' g Y
Jackson, and while that his to the lowest possible notch for sto-ek-taking.
opponent had as much right to be in Ever keep one? Few ever start the Experience has shown that the best, file most SatlsfaC-
the Held as himself, stated that his Called Canadian because it's•clever, re -
chief reason for seeking re-election, methodical habit but continue it. It tory the quickest wa to accomplish this iS t0 tither these
was his desire to stay with the Stave- liable, complete, -the Best. It contains will save your memory and make you 7 y p g
mindful of your promises, and at the lines together, mark them at rices th
ly building till completed. Mr Holmes an immense amount of reliable inform- � p at must sell them, and tell
justified the expenditure in opening ation, con-enientl arranged and in- end of the year serves as a valuable or the people about it. "We will make it pay you well to to dol
(ip Isaac street, and believed it was an y g cord of its events. They are good for 11 p
advantage to the town; the cost was dexed. The price is twenty-flye cents j business purposes, and at home, too. your January dry goods buying here: Watch our weekly
$250, the price of the toad alone, no and iba big value for the money. If you Duties to be performed in the future
should be noted down on their proper announcements read and profit b them.
town funds having been expended for P P r p y
its improvement. The council, he have not had one before commence day and the mind relieved of remem-
said, had nothing to do with the as- with 1898. ; bering them. We will print next week a more complete list specials for thig
sessment, and Mr Jackson or any other
/� sale.
ratepayer, could appeal against the D FAIR CO,assessment if they thought it wnt not The Clinton
right. The Mayor gave in detail the W.
actions of the Sote my committee, Dress
showing that hie vote in favor of plac-
ing the building where it is, was given '
in committee, and could have been
amended by the council had it desired
to do so. The mayor also challenged (4pods
criticism on the general work of the °
council, claiming that the town had
got good value for every dollar expen• Box
ded. Mr Plummer also made a short -��- For January Sale.
geech. Councillor Taylor reviewed
e actions of council. which be be-
lieved had been in the interests of the �� All winter dress goods t0 b
ratepayers, and advocated the pure � �!/ % � cleared out. Fancy dress pa
rhiise of a town clock, which, he
thou ht, would be econom in the end. j' , terns n0 two alike the bes
uncillor Todd alluded to the impro• y i r
erassessment, suggested ranolithic .� IJ �, -/
P gg g �, , ;� ; � �1� goods we have, all must go.
walks, waterworks, and a better sys- I III(I!,� °ij' ( "� Just two special rices t0 V0
tem of roadwork. After Mr Stevens, '10�1,
II,,vp passessor, had made an ex lanrhtion in®�treply to the charges of iimproper as- ' I 1 I I ;, ' � an idea of what we are doing
sensing, and Mr Searle made a few re - �!�II` Fancy figured dress goods, costume lengths, green and black, marks, the meeting closed. A Shoe for wear, a $hoe of beauty, a shoe you'll be proud of. Servioa green and brown, bluett and brown_mtxtures, have been $5.25 $3.6
By the retirement of Geo. Swallow which means pleasure; satisfaction, which• means a constant friend. If a suit. For January Sale..........
and J. 0. Hoover from the council you wear them once you'll alwaye want them. If you buy them once r. • • •
board, the town loses the services of Heavy French Serge, black and brown, �0 inches wide, suitable for 5�e, e
you'll see where the saving,is. They are rood for comfort and wear.
two cud men. It h happened that Your feet will appreciate being covered with our skirts and dresses. Regular 75c. For January Sale..........
Mr Swallow was chairman of one or
two of the committees during the year eMngpn¢S,.Dozens of remnants of black and col -
andhad a great deal of work to do, Felt Lined Waterproof Boots 11
and he was called upon to sacrifice a p ored dressoods• len the Of 1 to'5
good deal of time that he pould not g ' g
spare from his business. He was real- yds., all gathered together and marked at quick -selling prices.. 1
ly one of the hardest worked council- Special Line Women's Waterproof Overshoes for $1 1
lors of the past year.
Reeve Kennedy and Depiity-reeve
Jones were returned by acclarnation,1 .
Overshoes for ............. 90c ������ 'Al
Misses Waterproof
as are also conneillors for fit. Jamey
and St. George's ward. There is a
contest in St. Andrew's ward, the can -T,
didates being Messrs Taylor, GilroyM. a low ®A&M Not one to remain in the department. Not
and J. P. Doherty; thete is also it coil -
test in St. John's ward, the candidates one to be carried over till next season.—
beine Messrs Ford, Walker and W. ( Clinton and Walkerton. This has been our banner Mantle season, � r
and we are willing to lues sight of profit on
Bowers. what we have left, in order to empty our }
racks. Very little money will get a very V•'
good Mantle at our January sale
special line of Black Mantles,
Ill ill ll� Ill ��� 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 ��� ��� 111 111 111 t,l1 111 111 ill Ul 111 sir choicnd salt our bl9 and 41 $2.45 f -
Your ohoiae,of all our $9 and $]0 � !
-� d01-•- Mantles ...................... $5.95 t lJ
--� d0h -
Jackson Brbso d11- 5®c
—� i-•- i l
Clearing out time is here. Commencing i
-� d-- Monday, Jan. 3 we give you yonr choice of t p
• . our Sailors, Walking Hats and untrimmed
-� shapes, regular $1, $1.25 and $1.60 goods
�- at our uniform price, GOC. \ c �•
_ One-third off the price of all trimmed HateI!g loth . _r
dW— Fancy Curl Cloths, Ulster Twee
Mantle Cloths=
and Mantlings of all kinds at great
HOLDERS OF KEYS TO OUR CASH BOX reduced pries to clear. Two sample values:
Idli ZZ
can come on Monday neat or any day during d Heavy Curl Cloth, in Black, Brown, Navy, Neir, glossy finish,
--� o- regular $1.50. For January Sale ..............................
the week, and see if they have the lucky key. � Hea♦ Tweed Ulstering, just the thing for children. Regular (�(�
- s 7v
_dW dP -- $ ,25 and $1.40. For January Sale ............. .............
Mantle Cloth Remnants at about half price.
Ap-- This is just the weather for hes O.
The "Leader," price $5.00, worth $7.00
The "Bonanza," price $7.00, worth $ 10.00
The "Jackson price '$10.00, worth $ 14.00
The greatest selling lines ever placed on the market. Our sales have been enor-
-_,� mous in these lines.
Flair Goals.
Our stock Of MEN'S COON COATS, No. 1 goods, is the largest
in this section, and we are having a splendid sale of these
goods. People who appreciate g od goods should come do—
and see our sel tion.
�+ Men's Fur Caps & Gauntle` at the lowest figures tc be found do -,,
- anywhere
Look on i•Annuai
Slug da ' 8 ryAr
O ` Ll" -"0A 1 U=coats. Our Clearing Sale of Melq
and Boys' Overcoats is a regular bonanza for the buyer. Th
+�- are all A 1 qualities, and we have cut•the pricesright'down'
bed rock in order to clear them out. NoOvercoat buyer shoo
miss this chance.
Men's Heavy Frieze Ulaters, strong and durable, heavy tweed lin-$5,0
ing, high storm collar, a coat that is cheap at $7. Sale price..
The best Frieze Uleters in Black and 'Brown, best materials and Q� ((��
�~- trimmings, The standard $10 quality. January Sale price.. a$8.0
..-- ,.Your opportunity to buy se'
rte-- Ladies Ve'S' ftviceable underwear at ver
little prices, 0
Ladies ribbed Hygefan Vests, regular 65c........ 49ce
Extra quality ribbed Hygeian Vests, regular 75c.. 58c
Nib -
A Towel. Bargain.
Nine dozen only, heavy husk Towels, large size,
pure linen, wholesale price was $2.25 per dozen,
or 37 je per pair. For January sale our price, 2.�
You may expect the biggest kind of drygoods oods valuer Belie
Janua>< (rood bright, f• esh goo at prises
t t
will sav ou looney, . ,,