HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1897-12-31, Page 5GUBAT L A.UCHTEh Ahs0 , of WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELERY, SILVERWARE, BISQUE & CHINAWARE Still continues, and will do so ant3i Jan 1. A large number of shrewd buyers have already seized the golden opportunity of selecting goods from our stook, at prices which they know are ridiculous- ly low. If there is anything in this stook that you want, you will never have a better chance to get it than now Now For stocktaki*ng,� The Christmas rush is over h�a the »orb s a t isfactory trade in our experience. The end of the year is approaching, and we must prepare for stocktaking. Every vestige of Hinter goods mast be cleared out, and no matter at what sacrifioe. We will carry no goods over when they are offered at prices like theaw— Men's heavy Frieze Ulaters, high storm col'ar, h•lf belt, tweed lined, slash pockets, dark and light colors, sizre frarn 36 to 44, regular price $6, reduced to .......................................... $4 50 Men's black Beaver Overcoats, tweed bronk., velvet collar, sizes from 37 to 40, regular price $9, now ........... .. .................. 6 95 Boy's Overcoats in Tweeds and Frieze, Lvm $1,96 to .......... ... . 4 00 We have a few Ladies' Mantles and Jackets in black and brown Beav- er, black Nlggerhead, brown Frieze, etc.; all new German make, all this year's goods, which we will sell at about half price to clear, pri es from $3.50 to ...... .... ............ .............. 10 00 Wool Meeting, yard wide, worth 36c, for ........... . . .. . . . , . , , . 25 'Heavy Wool Tweeds, worth 76c, for ............................. . .. 50 Heavy Tweed Dress Good s, double fold, worth26o, for ................ 19 Plaid Dress Goods, 36 inches wide, worth 18o, for .................... 121 e THIS TOREN AV Wishes all its customers and the public generally ilappy, 0 ad'oo 1 Now YOHIIIG.A We wish a((l, o to impress upon yob. J.�. � Ladies all wool ribbed Hose,worth 360 for .......................... 25 that 63�is 1.7GOM iu full of Bargains, Men's lined Kid Glover, two buttons, worth 75c, for .................. 50 and for that matter full c f , Men's Wool Books, worth 180, 2 pair for ............................ 25 Men's Top Shirts, dark colors, worth 750, for ......... . .............. 50 eager The Leading Jeweler, Men's Underwear, lambs' wool, worth $1, for .............. .......... 75 buyers every day, each of whom are CLINTON. All other winter goods will be sold at equally low prices. We will make` , among the very best judges ud es of val- prices interesting daring the next two weeks. alues to be found anywhere and who W ' cHinnon Cox- \ � "� Holiday Gift $.$ ®��,� t r HuroA compares with this Big Store at Clinton forBa ab r �' ns in all kinds Watches, Clocks, of Dry Goods, Clothing and General Jewelry, Silverware, optical Goods, ,I 2' CHOICE House Furnishings. Novelties qq ``F — You will find it a pleasure to '= �' — _ - Xmas Goods select your gifts from our Mag- i I 'l}r = P+ `0 nificent stock, as it contains sow ® B many articles suggestive of the IN >. �.., gift season, Having bought theW1 n Biddlecombe stock at 6se the $, it places us in a position t _ to give you prices much lower -ti -_ Furniture than elsewhere. Never before _�> v ___ _. �,_ werehigh quality l r such low prices, during the month of January, which -is our Stock -Ta. reutation which this store has alwaysheldforthehighquality FINE COBLER--SEAT ROCKERS, PARLOR SUITS, month. So you see it is intended espeoialiy for yo m the goods sold, will still be mDINING CHAIRS BEDROOM SUITS,comee along and each one bring �, ]end aintained. Safety as well as , satisfaction comes from dealing at the best place. A cordial in- PICTURES, FANCY ROCKERS, PHOTO FRAMES. J. vitation is extended to every- body to call. We will be plea°- PICTURE FRAMES AND MOULNINGS ed to show our stock. A, �• (IR"I G GI GENERAL STOCK OF GOOD FURNITURE. LOW PRICES FOR CASHG1`0 WwSqmMAN Successor to J. Biddlecombe, II i CLINTON. i J. C. 2ftevenson Opposite the Town Hall, Clinton , CLIevery 11ARKETS 1 �� of o, �. • Corrected every Thr.raday afternoon. FF�F��++ What is Thursday, December 30, 1897. 1 Xmas Buying= Kiser �Cllan Pte' ��US `heat, ... 0 83 a 0 83 11 LONDESBOROUGH, Dec. 39th, 189,7, Oats . � � ......�...... 0 24 a 0 24 COMm Never such a magnificent assortment, We make a specialty of Perfumes, Field Barley.......... 0 28 a 0 28 We desire to cordially thank our patrons for their liberal treatment during ,��� Better and our selection is such, both in Balk and Fancy Bottles, that we can suit Peas ................ 0 44 a 0 44 the year. We wish you all a Happy New Year, and trust that when you 1 everybody. We also show an excellent selection of Buckwheat,.........., 0 28 a 0 28 are in need of any goods you will remember where the Emporium is, We I Biscuits tllan Rye .................. 0 40 a 0 40 are prepared to supply your wants�at as low prices as are consistent with Flour per cwt ....... 2 20 a 2 50 an honest business. Try us if you want good TEA, FRUITS, BOOTS, I �sqrw • ��galli Ebony and Solid Back Hair Rriishes, Cloth Brushes, Batter ................ C 14 a 0 15 CLOTHING, HAPS, CAPS, ROBES, BLANKETS, &o. To those who Eggs per doz.......... 14 a 0 15 have failed to deal with us we extend a cordial invitation to try us for 1896. Manicure Sets, Collar .and Cuff Boxes, Etc..'I Hay new $4; old...... 6 00 a 7 00 Sheepskins .. 6 26 a o 26 ADAMS' EMPORIUM Kindly call and inspect our stook before baying elsewhere. No. 1 Trimmed Hider. 6 50 a 7 25 � � '•'a' ' +�'�a�+arav+�m�nn}mrat�Qa}a� Potatoes .............. 0 40 a o 45 L� s�o ®: ' R. ADAM- - S TurkJ. E. HO VEY. Geese pe, per lb ....... 0 017 a 0 08 HOVEY. Chemist, Clinton Geese per lb........... 0 5 a 0 06 Danks, per pair ...... 0 40 a 0 60 (Chickens, per pair .... 0 25 a 0 25 ft(v °�'dUCrB13¢tzlBrifllx. 1l1r D. B. McTavish, Q. C., of Ottawa, Pork . . ......... .... 4 00 a 5 00 has been appointed senior Judge of Carle - Dried Apples, per lb.. 0 04 a 0 06 ton County, in pines of Judge Rosi, w1 0 Apples, per bag...... 0 90 a 0 80 Annual Meeting Hallett Agri- has resigned. �e are Often asked how It 1 "'' cultural Society Wm, Anderson was found dead on the - SELLING MONTREAL LIVE STOCK MARKETS y road near Ameliasburg. He was 76 years goods—at the very 1110 The Annual Meeting of the Hullett of age, and had represented Prince Edward �t� There were about 250 head of butchers' cat- Agrirultuxal society for the election of officers Open secret. YY e wate tle, to calves and 70 sheep and lambs offered and direptgre for the ensuing year, an(i other County in the Legislative Assembly, for sale at the East End Abattoir, Trade was business, will be held in the Council Chamber, Twenty-seven bye -elections Por the Do- 1 for cash ILII d In large Cl very dull, as the butchers will not be needing Clinton, on Wednesday, ,Jan. 12th, 18)8, at 1 minion House of Commons have taken t0 Start Wlth. 'hhell ��� much beef for another week. A bunch of ex- o'clock p.m., when an abstract of the affairs plane since the general election in June, thora cattle were held at th per lb, but none of of the society for the past year will be laid 1896. Of the 25 have been carried by the I pay other people's bi them were sold during the early dart of the before the meeting. W. COATS, Secy. day. Pretty'good cattle sold at from 2 c to Libe-1 d .. ora e, an two by tbelr opponents. I s1I nearly 4c per lb; common dry cows sol at Annual Fleeting Stanley Agri. Eight constituencies in the list of 25 Lib - one 2c e l 8fo per lb, All the calves fromexce$,2oral wins were carried at the general elec- one were o em 1size and sold at from 82., CUlturF+1 Society g 1 to iR each no o�,�e calves was hold at 812. tion in 1896 by the Conservatives. Last week We are selling out, and as the stock get smaller Sheep soli at froom p3Ic to 8$o per Ib. Lambs The annual meeting of the Stanley Branch Bold at from 4ic tel 42c. Agricultural Society for the purpose of elect - the prices get lower. If you want to save money in offioers and directors for the ensuing year WANTED A young eon of Mr. W. R. Peck of Chat- will be held in hire Elliott's hotel on Wednes- slladeS and eXCelle come and et the bargains while they are going day, Jan. 12th, 18)8, at the hour of 1 o'clock Lady or Oontleman 13onrder, in private fermi- m'^ ^ Q' g ✓ going. ha n was drowned in the river while nkat- p.m., when an abstract of the affairs of the 1 Apply At ,.4 1LC society for the past year will be laid before y' pp y NEW Elia OFFICIu was 37% y' Below are a few tiues n', the meeting. II. W. ERWIN, Sec. U The merits of Canadian apples are bc- _ STORES TO TIENT a yar he y coming well known. In a speech before 8 Ladies' Jackets at $1.00 the French Chamber recently, M.D'Estour- HOLMESVILLE On the west side of Albert Street, store oc- cu ted b Jaokeon & Jackson, and on the cant m nelles, a member of that body, drew atten- CHEESE FACTO, tY NOTICE. y ve efdt of Albert St., start lately occupied by W. elothi 9 Y< tion to the quality of Canadian apples and H. Beeeloy & Co. Particulars on a ptloatioo ©d t ��]] to the market France afforded for them. The annual meeting of the stock -holders and to JOHN JACKSON, Grllnton • op i • 9 Ladies' Jackets at $2.00 patrons of the Holmesvillo Cheese and Butter gr fhQ Co (Limited) will be held in Wilson's Hall, STRAY PI( The special purchase of o•r' SEE HERE. Holmesville, at 2o'clock P. m., on Saturday, P P RERIM, 0• t ;� l9T1'IfN menti< Feb. 12th, 1898, for the purpose of elosinQ np Strayed Prom Ford & Murphy's slaughter last week is having a quick sale, and why sboaixl' it nbt, [tpp $ the business of the season of 189'7, and for the house, about two weeks since, a White Sow olection of officers for the comingq year. about 8 months old, will weigh 125 ]be. Any a full snit that would be A 1 volae At $10. 10 Ladies' Jackets at $3.00 Tri lbs. good feeding wheat for 68 lbs Oats W. B. R)11,41tR, Pres. person giving information that will lead to Its W. S. LAWRENCE, Sec. recovery, will be suitably rewarded. 100 lbs Wheat for 100 lbs. of Barley, any Holmesvllle, Dec. 30, 1897. MURPHY BROS. We sell a good tweed suit, size 36 to 42, at U. kind. The former prices were from $5 to $17.50 MAYORS By ACCLAMATION g Doseronto— E, W. Rathbun We are up to date Fine Tweed Pants at $I 25i pair. 1 4iits per bush for Peas, in exchange for a buabel good feeding wheat at 40c; also St, Mary's—C. Richardson ' P A lot of Old Men's Fur Caps, were $6.60 for $2, aplenty of good Yellow Corn for sale. Hamilton—E. A. Oolgahonn For Xmas and Rolidaq trade i Your choice of3o Child's Suits size � to-`� 't W. G. PERRIN Clinton. Arnprlor—B, V. Stafford -- f many of these are worth $4,00 f�. A big strock of Clothing, Sults, Overcoats, Odd Pants i Pembroke—Thomas Murray y IN CONFECTIONERY, direct from ' Vests and Coats, Overalls, Hats, Caps, &c. See our t• Owen Sound—T, I. Thompson York, England, we have Rowntreo's choeo- I If price and value are any indueemeut, you will not let t i d o Walkerton—A, Menzies I later, Rose lnlnbes, Clear voice Jujubes, 1 without buying, pp ilbunit I{ Chrystallze•1 fru t done np In I lb. 1MxtB, y g' 7 Perth—J. o Allen at 60c a box. There is nothing nicer to aivo Cottons, Prints, Flannelettes =equiz Alliston—John Stewart s friend than one of those boxes. Also, as. I 8'O�t� and — I Simco°—Tisdale sorted Don Bons, at various prices,sh/���/• Stratford—John O'Donobue v A Shirtings for 5 cents. St: Catharines—w. B. Gilleland Mixed Candy from sc. a lb up Special. 30 pairs Men's Lace'i a$bots, axe 6 to I - I Windsor—Davie Also a fine assortment of NUTS MALA- t 1 A lot of Children's and Youth's Boots, Shoes, Rubbers Walkerville—Thomas Raid $1.40 to $1.50 a pair, 0, wol�tlt Barrie—Dr; Wells I GA NAVEL its, FLORIDA, GALT-POMnti Our #Ice for this lot $1 - -- and Overshoes at much below Cost. See them. Bowmanville—R, R. Loscombe We w nt logs of all kinds this Galt—J, H. Radford other cheaper lines. Good LEMoNs, If 7011 do not already tra3e at this store, resolve to do' • tjrampton—E. A. Crandall FIGS, DATES, TAI3LR .RAISINS, 8sc. during the year 1898. 'Twill nlean dollars in your pads eds, Dregs G;andskerchiefs, odShirts and Drawers, Ties, Cuffs, winte We are prepared to Tilsonburg—B. F. Bell 1 years business. we are always on the lookout for roli� , awe down in rice. Sta ner—Dr. A. M. McFaal Our fine Christmas Cakes able (foods at bargain yrs Gloves&c•y Q p Porletan uishene—D. J. Shanahan priors, and bur customers get the henefl� 1 pay a highest cash prices, B are selling quickly. We have reduced of our spoeittl parohases. Guelph—James Hewer the regular 25c. per lb. line to 20e. We are clearing out, no metierIngersoll—Walter Mills for the holiday(rade. A cheaper what others may say It wil pay you to bring your Me or Shaw and Ed. McDonald are line at 15c per lb Another 300 yds. Shaker I+'lannellette, wide . to the contrary, and you can get bargains here. logs us, candittes for Toronto Mayoralty. ✓' of 5 and 10 yds, the 7 and 8c. sort gri0c�si; in elnda OurReal Ho , °•made SREAU is ' r tV� 5e a Mr V, D. Smith, the Winona fruit grow• er, inaE nds to build an addition to his bi still me n with success . ��� d rA PLUMSTEEL GIBBINGS,R J Rans fora' will a pee $5 °old Stora a nr sees an /y BPP � Jas. C01aC�8rt • , will spa' d $5,000 getting ready for the � '1 CLINTO shipping f fruit to England neat year on ,Novel . Bake The Cash Dealer d��bd f;' tapleton Salt Works a large 13#10, �' and RAdtanra>tit .. tTtlephoft No. 1. � �� r�r . J. A ..