HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1897-12-31, Page 4ehalfot missions Wresponsive . Wnn last a special l ervice was held in Rattenbury street Sunday school, there being a large attenclance present. Hymns appropriate to the occasion were also rendered, together with chor- uses by the 'prima'ry .class, who had special training by Miser M. Washing- ton;recitations by Jennie Shannon and Duncan Stevenson; Quartettes by Mrs rtinning, Miss I. Boles, Meters Davis nd R. Manning-, also Misses L. Miller a1111 Goodwin,Messrs Oakes and Bruce; soap by Ruby Bruce; and an address by Rdv. Gr. F. Salton, on "Formation of Chkracter." The whole exercises were exceedingly interesting. S.1A. NOTES. -Last Thursday night after the service in the barracks�, was concluded a num r of soldiers and some trieuds Lie" b in a bt888idy and marched to ars' quarters, of which, to the astoni hment of the d his wife,th� took tempor- ary an ary possession on behalf of the corps and frierss; 4ectetaF'q Morrish read a suitabW a 544AW presented the of- ficers .ith a purse; in a few touching 'C9c . the Ensign expressed his Rrati- 1 for the kindness of all eoncetned. Xrna�s night was the occasion of a full hall aildanenjoyable program, of which the children's di ill formed a prominent feature The children who attend the At my Sunday School will render apro- gram, which it is expected to be the best yet, on New Year's night. PRESENTATION. -Ori Christmas eve the scholars of Miss J. Wilson's Sun- day schodl class, of Willie chutch, sent to her home a handsome chair, accom- panied by the following address: - To MIss WILsoN-Oun Dnin Farann AND TSACHnn.-As "Time" has almost conclud- ed another revolution in the persistent course of nature, bringing with it its usual Christmas joys and New Year's greetings, Iwe, your Sunday school class, feel that we cannot allow the occasion to pass without, in some measure, expressing to you our love, respect and esteem. Although we have to regret many occasions on which we have neglected doing what we might have done to cheer and encourage you, yet you ave been faithful in the path of duty, and ha irest u yothave taken in our spiritual elfarntee bas attached us to you by strong Jing@,ofparsonal friendship. As a class 4. permit us to present to you this chair, ioh by no means expresses the measure fir appreciation of your most faithful ides to us, bite as something that will in oominq year, serve as a token of our minabion to follow more closely in the tdpa of the Divine Master, whose 9 slid precepts you have most rba'ented to as during the l;abbath of the year about to close. q then much of the Xmas,joy of clod's bleadiage during the sail•, we Ase abk��''11�ftiloi;foNtira Cres. i DW e IR,ennedy, Mira Largon io 0 farmer akors and IF ' ��e l,1 4 r � 80LlKES,--gyp Qlintort, on D,ia, a0t14, rhe ^lvife ' �� e IR,ennedy, Mira Largon io 0 farmer akors and Mooney commenced his annual ' ��e l,1 �;10Plleotor Qlintoµlan. **Qii s. oA Nov, 15th, and pg. Dec., +isth Kaci 80LlKES,--gyp Qlintort, on D,ia, a0t14, rhe ^lvife ' �� Will Solloway, of TorontP, ie homer on a oolleoted and laid t0 bthe,T;eaenrer 0130 Wupat of Root, Hoee, of a daughter, .rk of R, wPekti ciwit, (alµire4 $9,170.00, The. balance of taxes are re- be paid on or before rho 8th of ARGENT,., -.1n Clinton, on Dec. 24, the wife W. Argent, of.&,son Mise t race Tedford l9ft P>7 Tuesday to , pf friends in Chicago. , ,cult Jauuary, ago,' a- . .. oi'w; (yREEIf,-In (lodesioh, on Dao. 18, the wife 'n w: l tree% ; of a "l+on. vl06 Many of the friends and aogµalntanoes of ,,�,``,�� While in town; ROY Cil: P'. Salton was the Mr Elsie will regret to bear of bis death rotor M0XAY-Iu Ashfield, on Deo.9, ihe wife of MoNsy, of a daughter gust 9t ?Are �, Hodgene. whioh Mr Canielon of Streebsvillei fast., took plaoe on Wednesday, the 16vh at hie late reeidenae on lot I0, on tl a of , yp•BBg�R.-In Aehfleld on Dec. 19, the wife Some People may not ha Rioha><d Webster, of a ughter to town and sister, are visiting relatives here. 2nd ooncession of Taokusmitb. The de- arouilbefor McQUILLAN-In West Wawanosh, on Dec':' to a little buying of E El Dr. Bruce will eat his blew Years' dinner ceased was barn in Yorkshire, England, in 12, Maroh,1828,and was at the time of his death ter, the wife of Richard Webster, of a dough- seand we remind you with friends at Collingwood. in his 70th year. y menea stook which a COOK. -In West Wawanosh, on Dec.17. the tall new and up-to-date. IJ. J. Holdsworth, of Ashbury Park, N, wife The trustees of S. S. No. 8, Gray, had a of Samuel Cook, of a eon .pANALSTiNE-In Y., is visiting hie old friends here. Ir Miss Chambers, Toronto, this week big job on hand in the selection of ateacher wife Wingham, on Dec. 16, the of A. Vanaletine,,.of a daughter was for she guest of Miss Tena Cooper (book -store.) 1898 as successor to J.T.Dodds,resigued. There were 194 applications in all, ranging g g M BEST -In Seaforth on Dec, 91, the wife of J. CANADIAN Beet ' Mrs J. Junor leaves next week on a two Pp all the way up to a B. A., and the salaries the of a son. MODUALD-In Tuckersmith on Dec. 116, John R. McDonald, of a daughter, months' visit to her brother at Port Hope* asked, cantering from $175 to $450. Edward wife of Mr Olark,publisher Tiverton Watchman, McIntosh, of St. Marys, was the choice at 6260 annum. He holds a non -proles, MONAMARA-In Seaforth, on Dec. 15, the' wife of Chas. McNamara, of a son ALMANACS' was a caller at the Naw Eos office this week. per eional let class certificate. REED -In Seaforth, on Dec. 21, the wife of Miss Emma Southoombe, who has been visiting at Leroy, N.Y., has returned home. Seaforth, Wm Reed, of a son PETHIC-tn UcKlil,p, on Dec.19, the wife da dwuQhter. Greig and Miss Mary Irwin spent Cnrist- of The Pope's Encyclical. Levi Pothio, of a of >Z1HD. The 1898 issue now ready. Pries, tone at the home of Dr Turnbull, Milver- (Ottawa correspondence Globe.) MCCALL-MARSHALL.-At the residence before LarLo end better than e, elf ton. Wr Jardine and his sister, of Pine River, The encyclical of his Holiness the Pope in reference to education in Manitoba was of the bride's father, Morrie, on Dec 29th, by Rev. W. Rigsby, John Mof all of Bruce, to Sara, youngest daughter of W. Marshall. DIARIES for 1898-(jp differ are visi►inptheir cocain, Mies Mary Twit- 011911. nob published in Rome until Saturday, so P - G - At the residence • ent et les--1Fic to V he brad 'stat father, of the. bride's father, Goderioh township, on Y $1 Mrs N. Robson, who has been visiting that the summary cabled by the Associated Press was a forecast rather than a conden- Dec. 29th, by Rev. W Godwin, C.A. Vanstone Colborne, to Miss Ada youngest daughter of f ienda at Detroit, returned home last w ek. sation of what was actually known. It bears fall that the Poe advises the P Mr W. Haacke. READ-ELLIOTT-At the residence of the SCHOOLBOOKS �O®� bride's father Goderieb township, Dec. as, S Mr Will J. Westaway, of Brantford, out y acceptance by the Catholics of Manitoba on \JOL b Rev. E. A. `Shaw, John Reid Stanley, to Diss Uabriel Elliott 1, id a flying visit to Clinton friends this of the concessions embodied in what is known the Manitoba school settlement Maud Elliott, daughter of IONE,-HELWIG.-At the residence of the I y� ek, as while claiming at the same time that Viese bride, on Dec. 22nd by Rev. C. C. Couzens Mr Robt, Jones to Rise Annie Helwig, all of Schools re -open next week, and, not. 114isses Rorie and Allis ]sorett are this week visiting in Clinton, the guests of Mies ooncessions are inadequate, and expressing the (lope that fall satisfaction may be ob- Auburn. withstanding the Christmas rush, PILSINGER-CARL-At the residence of bride's Dec 22 by our stock of Boake, Scribblers, eta., Moe Biggart. tained from the Manitoba Legislature. At the parents Goderioh. on Rev Joseph Edge, Renry C. Filsinger, of her- has been replenished and is now Mrs Thos. Kemp and Mrs Rich. Green• the same time his Holiness reminds the lin to Amelin Jane, daughter of M. Glarl complete in all school requirements. VOLTNG-MCCORMICK-,t the Manes, Bel- - sides spent Christmas holidays with their uncle in Blyth. y Catholics of Manitoba that they may be de- ficient in providing for the education of arnvo, on Dee, 16, by Rev Mr Hall, Jamee - Young, of East Wawanosh, to Miss Bella Me- r BOOS COVERS supplied free with Charles Robb, of North Dakota, is visit- Catholic children. The following is a reli- intelligent cabled summary of the Cormick. of Culross TAYLOR-DOWSEN-In Stanley, on Dec. 22, all our books. in hie father, W. Robb; it is eleven ears g ' ' Y since he was in Canada. able and document :- After s eskin in raise of P g P at the residence of the bride's fathol•,-William J. Taylor to Emma, youngest daughter of Mr Dr MoNanghton and wife, of Argyle, Canada and of the Bishops it treats of the law of 1890, and condemns what was then Henry Dowsen, both of' tanley no OKS mailed on receipt of price. McLENNAN-ATKINSON-In Tuckorsmith, Michigan, have been the guests of Choir done. It las down rind les of Catholic Y P P on Deo. 23, at the residence of the bride's father by Rev. N Shaw, of Egmondville.Wm. Want, Mrs MQNanghton. education and speaks of the rights of par- McLennan. of Hibbert, to Rods, youngest James Watters, who has been living at Win bam for some time, has returned to ents. The Bishops are praised for resisting the law of 1890. The Pope recognizes the daughter of Joseph ►tkinson BE \TlrIE-HAMILTON-At the residence of Mr Gavin Hamilton, Hullett, father the g town, and expecte to remain here. Mise fact that something was done to remedy the law of 1890, and Bays that the Manitoba of ) John Beattie, of McKillop, to mins Elizabeth pride, on Doc. 29. byc Rev. , A. Hamilton, Mr COMP BOOK MR RL Owing to the death of her mother, Government were inspired with s love of HUPSHALL-COOPER-At Ids Carter will make her home with her Mrs Cbas. Glow, Herron Road. justice and praisewortby intention in the 11F the residence of the bride a father, London road, Tuckersmith, aunt, Among those who attended the funeral decision they arrived at. He says that the law made to remedy the evil is defective, on Dec. 22, by Rev. S. Acheson, Franklin Up shall to Jessie' J., third daughter of James CL1I�TON. of Mrs Rattenbury yesterday wag Samuel imperfect and insufficient. The Catbolice Cooper, all of Tuckersmith DOUGLASS-BROWN-At the residence of _ Grigg, the well-known resident of London, demand, and have a right to demand, much the bride's father, con. 9, Howick, by Rev. J and nephew of W. Grigg, of town. more, as the arrangements made may fail W. Gofi'in, Jas. Douglas to Lizzie, daughter of Goo. HQdgena will spend the New Year of effect owing to local. circumstances. had been done in Manitoba for Stephen Brown � �^�G BELL -BROWN -At the residence of the rr� Brown, How- in Toronto, and will not return until Mon- day evening. This is unfortunate as he Enough not Catholic education. The Bishops must aim bride's father Stephen con. 9, fair, by Rev. J.'W. Goftin, John Bell, of Bai- v Man., to Miss Marion Brown. will not be able to record his first vote for at having justice done and must pursue the object with zeal and prudence. There must aril, DIED. STRATFORD, ONT the man of hie choice. Ike Read leaves town this week for es town not be discord, yet as the object does not impose a line of conduct determinate and WILSON-InCli-"Jon, on nor. 29. Eliza Ann Wilson, relict of r1,� ,-to "i::i;,ri Wilson, The coarse of. study in this Montrose, where to take a nasi- conclusive, but, on the contrary, admits of, aged 65 veers ant' mouths ch0a up to the highest tion in a wholesale drag store. He is a oleo- several, as is usual in such mattera, it fol- RA'Plict of h" I. .in n. ' ,:rah Towns-a end, relict of the i,+ . n `tatr-r bury, born standard of exa;ellence;3� er, ie;iable young man,and his friends here lows that there may be, on the lines to be March 7,1816, dies Dec. :8, 184. rgod Sl years will watch for his advancement. followed,a certain number of opinions equal- and 9 months, Unequalled advantages in ever de art - BERS-At Grenfell, on Dec. 17, Tom- 09 g Y p Duncan Allison, one of the most romis- P 1 good and acceptable. Let none then lose y g eP my, youngest child of Mr and Mrs T. Cham- meat. Moderate rates; board cheap. En- y, you ing of the Modelites who attended school sigbt of this rule of moderation, gentleness bers, formerly of Clinton, aged years. ter anytime. Write for circulate. here, will take obarge of Gosman's school, Morris next ear,and will read the NEwERA and brotherly love. Let none forget the re- a sot due to his Wei hbor, but let all weigh g McFARLAND.-In Petrolia, on Dec. 16. Elizabeth A. Lrquhart, wife of Joseph Me- W. J. Elliott, Principal 1 every week, to see how things go on In the P the oiroumstances, determine what is best Farland, aged 37 years and 9 months, and s sister of Mrs -McElroy, Blyth County, to be done, and do it in agreement and not ANDERSON -In East Wawanosh, on Dec. without oonaultation with the Bishops. As 21, Archibald Anderson, aged 75 years and 11 Mr and Mrs W. Doherty spent a very pleasant Christmas with their son-in-law, r� ards particular( the Catholics of Man- g ' Y months SUBSCRIBERS ANllERSON-In Seaforth, on Dec. 22, Fran- c. A. McKee, at London, but a very scans. )t)ba the Pope expresses his confidence that God helping, they will win and obtain full cis Anderson, aged 82 years and 5 months JOHNS -In Exeter, on Dec 20. David Johns, Ing incident occurred on the street when Mrs Doherty was mistaken for Francis estisfsction. The confidence is founded aged 6n years. SHELL -in Dashwood, on Dec. 111, William TO THE Willard, the well-known social reformer. above all on the goodness of their cause, next on the justice and wisdom of those Snell. aged 69 (years MCVEIGH- n Morris. on Dee 19, Mrs Me- Toronto Daily and Weehly The mistake was a natural one, for both are strikingly alike and ood-lookin g Y good-looking. who govern, and lastly on the good=will 0f In the meantime and until -Veigh, aged 69 years and 9 months Newspapers, Dr. W. A. Blackwell, dentist, of Cinoin- nabi, Ohio, was a caller at the NEw ERA of- all Canadians. they succeed in their claims let them not Especially • O �opille�1111 New Also Daily and Weekly Papers pub - floe this week. He is a son of Mr Black• refuse partial satisfaction. wherever the law of circumstances, or good • lished in Canada'or the United States, well, Holmesville, and came over owing to disposition of the people, offer some means _- should remember that we receive new the illness of his mother. M.: Blackwell is the fraternity, of lessening the evil and warding off moresubscriptions and renew old ones, at C. C. C the lowest also a member of printing having learned his trade on the Mitchell danger, it is absQlntely expedient and ad- vantageous that they should make use of . publishers' prices, and sup - ply all premiums as advertised, Recorder; in fact, was the first "devil" con- nected with that paper, and when he wants them and derive from them all posaib'e benefit. Wherever, on the contrary, there -- SEE Don't forget this, we save Ton. Ipoetsge and trouble of remitting. This a so tc a little relaxation from dental duties, farce is no other remedy, Catholics Eyre exhorted -- apr>he, all the Monthly Publications of Cana,41, United to typesetting. to liberality. The Pope speaks of the ne- Canadian Cough Capsules cure Coughs States and Canada Ed. Wineland, of Avoca Stock Farm, cessity of highly -trained teachers for pnb- and Colds, Sore Throat, Hoarseness, Frog Iowa, who has been baying up Shropshire sheep in this vicinity, chiefly from breeders lie sohools,and finally warns the press to be decorous and not personal. It is to be no- in the Throat, etc. Pleasant to take; and do not affect the stomach. Just the thing WCO W. , COOPER & t Leo %III f ill; sin ere as they '? ROLLERS FOR EXPORT. --Messrs. in Stanley, left this week with a carload treed that in this U0011U0011111011eor pu ie ape g Rowson and Osbaldeston, who run a for the west. This is, the first time Mr breathe the spirit of the age and enjoins an clear and strengthen the voice. Prepared portable saw mill, which is at present Wineland has been ogtside of the States, observance of constitutional usage which is by ONTARIO CAPSUIjE COMPANY, of CLINTON, working, on the farm of Mr Swanz, and his pre -conceived ideas of Canada have characteristic of his enlightened policy. He Clinton, from the formula of an P^-•+i-nt Maitland concession, Colborne, have, been knocked endways. The atone and practically condema the dictatorial attitude Chicago physician, and for sale by a'1 S'i•R.AY STEER rented a storehouse at the station, l brick farm houses and bank barns he found of the majority of the Bit hops in Qnebec druggists. Price 25 cents. Came into subscriber's premises, lot ltl�lviait- wherein they store maple rollers for in this vicinity were surprises to him, as and takes the more liberal view that Cath- Buy a box of your druggist and gibe the land coo.. Colborne, some time in Ma3•, a year(•' the English market. On Monday they they have neither in any part of;bis State, olics are free to choose and to act. There Capsules a trial. You'll find them the best , ins Steer. Owner is hereby notified to prove shipped a carload, which represented and the beautifal farms were all things he does not appear to be a single word in the throat medicine ever made. property, pay chargee and take, it away. p W B FO RSTE nearly two thousand rollers, did not expect to see. He thinks this is a encyclical against the Public Schools of grand country, and is an ardent believer in Canads,and in proof that his Holiness eon. WOODMEN OF THE WORLD. -At the alar meeting of the Woodmen the utmost freedom of trade between the eiders Federal intervention at an end there last reg two countries, believingthat such would be is not a word from which which to infer that the of the World belt( last Wednesday mutually advantageouCatholics are to look to Ottawa to obtain "�• T� T V V ® �. ���' night, a candidate was initiated and Amon the Christmas visitors here were that full measure of justice which it may several applications received. The g contended was not accomplished by the r `r work was exemplified b Sov. Jae. A. Arthur McRae, Detroit, eldest son of A. CHRIS�'1�IAS NOVELTIES. IE�,. CIl'EilP GAS P y MoRae; Fred Bakes and wife, Stratford, concessions of the settlement, an excellent D.S.C.C., a London, r such daughter of W. Mcgowen; James in excellent manner as to draw re- youngest marks of commendation from all the Smith, Brantford; Gordon Waldron, Tor- THE NE ERA (9IVE8 THE HOME NEWS This is the season when ladies desire � GOODS onto, eldest eon of T. Waldron' Stanley; R. to remember -their gentlemen friends 4S GOOD EOOI] members present. The Woodmon of + y+ We have what you want in the World are progressing rapidly. G. Logan, of East Saginaw, whose old To the Electors of St. Andrews 60r_ They now have 425,000 members in frirnds were glad to see him looking so Ward TIES, HATS, CAPS, Re are not continually harping about well; Joe Clark, Meek, of Saturday Nigbb,) Chap Goods. We argue this way, Lheap North America alone. The following ( mond- Eal LADIES AND GENTLEMEN. -I am in the field GLOVES, SHIRTS, Goods are of a poor quality, andanot as ofiiCers were elected and installed:- Toronto; Wes. Baker, Principal g again as a candidate for St, Andrew's ward some would make the public believe, Good villa School brother of R. Baker, con, 16, BILE HANDKERCHIEFS p price. Coll. Com., Jas. Eagleson; Adv, Lieut., + ' and respectfully solicit your support. I ehalj + Goode at Chea C. Goderioh Township; F. Remington, Molson not be able to calf upon you personally, but as UMBRELLAS, B. Thomlinaon; Banker, C. Wallis; Escort H.B.Kerr Bank, Bb. Thomas; W. McTaggart, Of GOr- I am permanently returning to town in n few No man is in the trade to benefit somebody Clerk, , .Hoover; , ' don, McKay & Co's wholesale house, Tor- days, I can assure you that, if you see fit to FUR DAPS, ETC.' else. He is in it to retake a (fain;. Sentry, C. Wilts Managers -W. G.n. elect me, I shall do all I can Ifor the interests onto; Fred Beattie, Heneall; T. L. Fortune, of the town and the ward. Yours truly. We advise ever cnvtomer to Smith, J. W. Chidley, B. homllnsOn. Just the thing suited for the holiday y buy agood arti- Althou h international frac@rnally Mitchell; Will Newcombe, Petrolia; Rev Mr JACOB TAYLOR, season, and our prices are eo uaged ole. as it is the cheapest in the end, and it j + Hellin ton, Listowel Mr and Mrs Smith, that every parse enc be suited. isnot necessary to visit your tailor every the insurance rance department is pure y g + few months for a new supply. Canadian, and under special act otPar- Strathroy, (the latter a sister of Mrs Mo- THE MAYORALTY (foment. Math;) Miss soy Stevens, Blyth, daughter Our Christmas Ties, The Good Goods keep their appearance wear of Jan. Stevens; Miss Eva Jenkins, Arthur, To the Electors of the Town of Clinton longer, and give satisfaction cl both loco THP: DATE OF INCORPORATION-Clin- daughter of Thos. Jenkins; Harry Morgan, done up sing(y in Fancy Boxes, are sellers, tailor and yourself. Try it and you will bo ton was incorporated as a village, and Waterloo; Ed. elloser, Blyth; Herb. Young,LADIES AND GENTLEMEN: and are very handy for sending away. oonvfnoed. became a se are to muriici alit just 4b ' Y ' We invite inapeotion and comparison. P P y ] Toronto; H. Raneford, Seaforth; Bert Wal. At the earnest solicitation of a large num- years ago to -morrow, Jan, Ist. The ker, Detroit, son of H. R. Walker; Mr ber of the ratepayers, I am before you as a A. J. NORRISH, Clinton. A. J. HOLLOWAY, Clinton. first election was held on the 4th and Couoh, Mitchell, brother of Arthur Conch. candidate for the position of Mayor of the 5th of Jan., 1858, those who were elect- George Robb, of Clifford, was home for Town of Clinton. ed being Joseph Whitehead, Geo. Ful- Christmas. A. A, Walsh, of Boston, woe I have had considerable past municipal ex- I O 1 Samuel Rance, Wm. Rowell and nomination I will explain my platform at the r + + was home. nomination meeting and to the Elector a as I oJonasf the Gittings. n the Stet meeting meet them between naw and eieotton day. Jd%ckson Jacki, �� Of the Village Council it was "moved t Soliciting your votes and influence, dal, by Samuel H, Rance, seconded by Geo. Crisp County Clippings. ladies and gentlemen, Fulton, that, owing to the d deep in -- Your obedient servant, D aid McKenzie are will tea h the Dee. 21,1897 THOS. JACKSON, SR. est taken by Joseph Whitehea in Me welfare and prosperity of Clinton, this meeting is of opinion that. he is the on y, o school at Silver Creek, Man.,st $450 a year Tuesday afternoon John Bishop,5th line, THE MAYORALTY most fit and proper person to advocate Gray, shot a white owl that measured 5 ft., its inteteats; therefore, resolved, that 5 inches from tip to tip, To the Electors of Clinton he be Reeve for' the cut -rent year. At this meeting ,Tbos. Stevenson was app F.W.Johnaton of Denver,Col.,has bought ' bulla in the county of Huron, which he LADIES AND GENTLEMEN. h For font years you have honored with your confidence pointed Clerk; Edward Dinsley and ]H. p J. Middaugb, Assessors; O. S. Doan, McTaggart, Treas- shipped Prom Seaforth last week. shipped S.S.'Jole, eawmiller, Ethel, has your by elQotieg me as Your chief magistrate. Dur - ing drat time I have endeavored to render zealous and un. ielfish service in the interests Collector; lYlalcolm parobas- liver; Wm. Rowell, John W. Kerr and ed 100 acres of bush from Wm. Moolory,cf Elmer the timber down of the town. I aminthe, gf io as candidate for the Wm. Coates L'eense Inapectors• Ed- , l + iward and will send sawlog + g to his here, andield coming year, and it you think that I have the trust in Dinsley and Thos. Plummer, In- mill been faithful to reposed me, and I solicit Sppector of Highways." E. Dinsley and Mr A nue McLeod who resent( sold hie g y nm worthy of renewed confidence, your support. O. S. Doan are the only survivors y farm in IInbornc,near Exeter, has pnrohas• It is scarcely necessary forme to say that carcel among the names mentioned. ' ed a property in the town of Woodstoak,and the beet interests of the town are also my in - terests, and if re-eleoted I shall be only to Personal intends rem vin there in the spring. q 8 P B• glad to advance them in ever yy possible way. Permit to that(- think the council; We shall be lad to have contributions to g this column from any of our readers, If A few days ago, three little boys (Corn Caro, Mich., named Wagner, aged respect• me say which is the last time I shall do so for this w loo has been ver careful in the ex endi- + y p has you have visitors or purpose going away yourself drop in and tell us, or send us a ively 6, 8 and 12 years, arrived at their grandfather's, C. Wagner, Zurich, having tura of town funds, and tried to get good value for every dollar expended. The taxes note to that effect. i travelled all he way alone. i have been kept xe low as ossible, consistent with the J. Ferris, Manitoba, is visiting friends J. here. Barry Heattieson of ras.Beattie, of Sea• and those has beenino was e)or extravaB Woe. It (nay not be poneiblo tar meitollea It"snd Mise J, E. Ford spant Christmas et forth, who was confined to the Winnie Winnipeg hospital with an attack of typhoid favor, in seeuyou ell personally bo ore the daY of loo- titin, Monday, Jan, e, 1898. ,'Rowever. I • ask Seaforth, now home on a viait,having almost entirely for a renewal of your oon$denos an snp>ort that beat services sirali r Ob r d from his sicknessMr Beatt and promise my vary Mrs Bentley spent Christmas with friends a vee bedevoted to advance the welfare of;'the at Paris. + was praotising law in Rainy River distr• e, toWiswn. � hing you all the compliments o� the 112re James( Carson (and daughter) of The amount of taxes that the 1tMorr `Qtr+ season, I remain very ttnl curb, 1 Cl iladdonia, is on a visit to her brothtt, leotor's roll calls for this year is $1 , (91,02. R x 7�OIi A Utl i0 V 4CU MLYtl ili7iiq=5 Our stock of goods suitable i co m bete, g and' ood, shrewd goods at low prices, will con ' dealing i �ogrefillive and growing that we' ave Jacks,01n The Noted Sh r winter wear *full iu� t3Y'i3;li�i wand ire] llt their L awn iliteres ,th us. bus me `' 'is goaa evz( 1118 go, .a S1 s M.