HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1897-12-31, Page 2i •., •� r-w,7
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LT y N, NI
I .,
Subscriber bas opened dress making rooms in Professio al 444
th. haus. formerly occupied by hire. R
A ' on 111, ,where cb. will ba preparedytooue
out. all order. entrusted to her iu .thoroughly -
xi h $oodrs 8arsalls- workmaul)ko and sati.faciory manner. She �jE BC
t u Sales Tarr and Talk
wUl aloe go out and do aowing• by the day If ,TA
i desired. M1S:3 BY,I, Huron Streets, Olintou, R
ypbas eenooay T Public confidence and The full force of this statement is full �j ��n} p Bitrrist+er,
1;, xtent than accord- aPPreolated by those who have been fort¢ I'hE old �IJ11.(1p11 PLA NING II�,I,
ny other proprietary medicine. This nate enough to take their course of Short- OONVI&Y1l,NCRg
imply because It hand or Business training in the H• STEVENS, Proptletor
Possesses greater , Oommissionar for Onterlo and Ma
t and produces greater cures than Tito old original Contractor pod Halide", Office immediately8outh of pllsoy,!�.
The Ca,nadaBusinessColl g v
other. It is not what s, say, but College who has made Clinton his home for forty
t tory.
Hood's Sarsaparilla dose, that td'st ONT ysara, is still in WS BRYDONE
story. All advertisements o[ Hood's CHArSA.M. business with a modern,
eaparilla, like Hood's Sarsaparilla it- up-to-date Faetcry, and is prepared to fill BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NCAA
For several weeks all orders of whatever deecriptiott, on abort PII$LIC
are honest. We have never deceived you have been
that notice and the lowest t , ETO.
a public, and this with its superlative our advertisement has not been changed. workmanuhi etrms; first-class
edicinal merit, is why the people have We simply did not have time to change it, for kinanngetaken, and all kinds R ba S Up-stairs, Opposite e-$eaoer I-lock. N
iding confidence in it, and buy but we want you to know that the good ing material furnished as desired, oL NTONe
work of placing pupils still went on. We to Geltery •e
always find time to look after their in.
AN William Street, Clinton, immediately NIC Qc 40' 6iJ11ERQ1Y
AR� 1 O � T behind the Park. t»'ormerly of roamer..,, Holt & Oamer
` ��pS���ri�l� / ���� ��j PROPERITESFOR SALE office—HamiltC}oUDSt o osite Colborn
iii' CH, ONT
Almost to the exclusion of all. others. Try it ���H1 T���
Prepared only by'C. I. Hood a• Co., Lowell, Mass �.I1 ]1 FOR SALE„ D• L- ft kC+PIH E RSO
are the only That this institution is doing more for The undersigned will sell ata saoMflce, Lot 961 s
HOOCI'S Pills with Hood's Saraaparllla or 12, Railway Terrane Clinton. Tice, o t 461 t'ONpEYANCING, r
its pupils than any other school of the upon application, JAMEf3 SCOTT, Barristerlares FIRE, LIES AND ACCIDENT IrtsuR
kind in the Dominion.
Hol' be exclaimed, with np. Believes the Was in I�9eaYen. �� ��� MONEY TO LOAN,
lifted hands, an then,' continued Wesley, i�� HOUSES FOR SALE OR RENT
calling all that were near hint by their, The peculiar case of Mrs Cook, wife 1 Several houses either for sale or to rent. Ful] Owe' MacKay Block, Clinton.
n-mes, the dying patriarch said:—'Thtnk of rt wealthy farmer on t he River road, Secured good partiealars ou applloatton to JOHN MOGARVA
of heaven, talk of heaven; all time is lost 6 miles from Chatham, is exciting the months, endingAugusti1581897 the eleven JOlfel RID®uT•
when we are not thinking of heaven!' Thi, "lost intense :and widespread interest FARM TV RENT.
an speak, was spoken by Wesley in a tremulous w the whole country side. tike ►vasa �ti]',t PUPILS CONVEYANCER UOM
voice, and his new patishrOnere at Bevan• widow bP,fOCe marrying het• present pp�� G°o480acre farm to rent in Goderieh Town- ' MISSIONER, ETO
we to Jittle children, nah were for the instant almost swent off husband, who also had been married ship, about six miles frons Clinton. All ppartic-
YV]thalove words eau tell, their feet by a tidal wave of relig=ious before. She is the victim of a strange ularsonapplicattontOJOHNRIDOUT,Clinton, Fire Insurance. Money to lend, Real estate
Or your liv are hymns of Heaven Matters carefmly attended to, )
enthusiasm. Tradition has it that illness, which induces a cataleptic, or Seoared good poeitione in the months ,
Sweet as Ben ah's Pabbath bell;, !.' . that Indiana who were ppresent became so trancelike state at regular recurring in- of September and October of thio year. FOR SALE. Offi°e—HUrtON STREET, CLINTON `Y`t
• are Indeed God's little angple ;. , greatly exeited,notoulybyDir Wesl.•y'sfm- terva)s. Nactor �-
Tn spotless white arrayed,, paasioned oratory—though they did not un- Last night she recovered from one of We always like to back a statement with Buchanan PoI gigotartiy °p�pj;;�ld?tawYr o� D 4�
Type of the eternal Heaven derstand a word he said- but by his f;ea- her protracted trances, during which the proofs, $ere ie the list, and we woald balance at Sl0 a month, -Building in to be re. �• �Q� �
t]y the preciouil Savior mode; teres, that one old warrior nervously clutch, to all appearances she was dee ,show• like you to note the class of positions as- moved, Apply to J. SCOTT, Cii„ton, DE:JTIST, CLINTON
Your glory shall Hover perish, ed his tomahawk, fearing an outbreak in mg neither' pulse nor heartbeat. She cured, also that six or seven of them have
Your beauty never fade. the strangely-moved audierrce.” was in an ecstatic state, and told her engaged as teachers in other Bneinese COT�'AGE A I1TD LUT I+Ott
husband and others that She had been Colleges. AT ZURICH THE 2ND THURSDAY OF
SALE. S'w '
Do you find gently
round little angels in Paradise, bad seen the angels, and EACH MONTH
Flinging gently fdaffeor knees, the abocte of theredeemed. In the apir- THE PROOF The undersigned offers for tale a frame cot-
Full of deepest, fond affection— SOME UNUSUAL T1TLEg. tage of Pour roonre with kitchen and woodshed Office Hour" to 5,
`Full of eagerness to please? itland she had met she declared. Mr What do you think of it? Forty-three of drainage. Will be sold cheap. A
Cook's first wife, who received her the following attached. Cential lYsitua ed. Goodwaterand
Put away all present trouble, The Names of a Fesv Books Which Have kindly, sent a tender mewed er between Sept, Pupils were $feted g my to
Bid. adieu to earth's alarms, Not Been Copyrighted, y Clinton Dee, lol.h W C, t;EARLE.
Fondly fold the little 'darlin s The journalist who had the loved ones on earth. She mention- 1897. As we have prepared D$•
C'• �!!UCE,
g just written a ed variousotber deceased relatives and these, so we can re- , SURGEON"DENTIST, ii
Safer, sweetly in your arms, delightful little brochure, entitled "The I friends whom she conversed with, and are P HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE,
Liberty of the Press; or; How to Knock the who were ha P yon and help Graduate R C D S of Ontario, and T inity
For perchance upon the morrow Props From UndEr the Archimedean Le- PPY in their eternal abode qou if You prove The frame houseand halt-.ore lot on Huron versify Toronto.
rl'be Lord m°yeL im His owu Describing minutely her heaven ear-. Street, Clinton, Occupied bysubecriber, Is offer- Special attention given to the Presrva
ver that Moves the World, was calling roundingrs, Mrs Cook went to say that yourself
And call the little cherub on Mr. Young at the library to get it copy- she really bad been dead, but her spiv- ed Por for sale. Accommodation for ordinary the natural teeth, tion
To the golden great unknown; righted. Mr. Youn famLY• Hurd and soft water and cellar, also
g gracefully ,and as it was permitted to return to earth for bearinglruf.t,li g. The house is well located, Office, Coate flock,overTaylor'sehpe store
Then love God's little angels dim to a clerk in that department, and as another two weeks, at the expiration and wit! be ao d on all terms. Apply N. B. Will visit Blyth every Monde
With your heart's divinest dower, the clerk was getting the paper ready he of which period she would finally pass 1• A. D. Skeels, a former pupil, as teacher GEO_ S WALLOMW 3orAonGN�WpClimntes to Bayfield every Tbursday afternoon during the
While still the time is left you, was making himself interesting by talk- from this world into the next, no bore of Penmanship, Troy Bus, College. summer
While atilt You have the power, iia to, return. 2• A. Burch, a former pupil, as Cummer• �•�
Flood their little lives with kindness, to, air," he was saying, "I rather Mr and Mrs Cook are a devout couple, Bial teacher, Grand Rapids Bus. Uni- C+HOIlUE PA Rlili FOR SALE. LR• WM. GUNN, L, R. C, p, and D. R,
Bless in look, in tboeght, in word think you have hit upon a good title for consistent members of the church o#, versify, Edinburgh. 0!$oe-Ontario d Dt,C]fntoSn
your book. Of course some people won't England, and well known and highly 3. F. B Cornwall, a former pnpil, teacher Township' of Goderih, 87 acre. nearly all Night sells at front door of residenceon Rattan
did the little children's Savior,a lote45 and 74, on the Maitland con., bars St., opposite Presbyterian
The wor=d's eternal-Lord; know what the dickens-I beg your pal_ respected, Neither is given to fiighti- of Shorthand, Evansville Bus, College, cleared and Fairly well fenced. ;#oil is Bret- church,
purest love enfoldtbem, don-what on earth it means, but that ness o!• extravagance of imagination. Ind. class Good frame house aid outbui first-
egrendeat God has given, doesn't make any difference to you. They but,on the contrary,both are educated, 4 Geo. West, ae Mgr. Bus, DO Tacoma Sewing orchard, well watered, about 6 mise t J. L, TURNBULL,
-God is love forever, are stupid people who wouldn't buy it any- sober-minded persons. The subject of Bus, College, ey, as P• n d chur hhe on of Oil sold oasis. oncoble University at M, D,t 1ORONTp "
how. Still there's a good deal in a title. these remarkable experiences calmly, 5 Hessle Dunkley, as Steno. with Mich, Ontaro �BeiloV. 10tori eUni a rity
o deathless love of Heaven. Of cellae I don't mean the !rind our rich not to say pleasurably, awaits what Rapids. terms AOuly to JOETN Rlt)OUT. Clinton. ciety otEdinburgb,late of London b ,
Chair Co. Grand Ra dinbargh Hospitals, pffioe.-- g • end
girls love to ma 6. Delbert Wide as Ilk-k ce Rattenspit St. CTintonr'Ddvsel +
marry," and the shire she consider's theinevitable,herdecease n pr, with Grand HOUSE FOR S��E yaold
THE NEW WOMAN kled, "but titles of books. You under- within two weeks' time. Rapids Knitting Works. _ ewered at the same place.
ght bel
Nowentere upon pursuits formerly mono- stand I fust made a 11at I came across 7. Sarah Towl,Steno. J. B, Stringer & Co. $2,200 buys the two semi-detached brick
polfzed by men. But the feminine nerves today. They are from different sources. Chatham. houses on Rattenbury St., known as the Fox-
are J,
are still hers and she suffers from tooth- Here's a few that funny fellow Tom, Hood. Fred Varkerke, Bk-kpr,, C, A. Spears. ton Property. W SHAW, PHYSICIAN, RG ¢
gave to the Duke of Devonshire to go on ClintonCIInt®fit ®1➢CC. 9. Hattie Paul, office asst, Dean Printin IIoac Areoaeheur, ate., office end P
ache. To bar we recommend Nerviline— P Other houses and also vacant lots Porsalo. tsirio St„ o
some dummy bttoka for an entrance door Uo•, Grand Rapids, S y—Yrlvate toads in lar a and small copied by Dr�sA E° res ene� t Q
nerve pain Oare—care. toothache in a 1'IS1E T BLE. soma-to loan iv to funds Rates low. gush church, to arl r
moment. Nerviline, the most marvellous to his library' 'McAdam's Views In DUE 10. Wm. McTavish, Steno„ for Mr Pratt, W. BRge RateR. Barrister. ppl4ton, Olinton Ont
pain remedy known to science. Nerviline Rhodes'' Boyle on Steam Designs For, MAILS CLOSED S60'y Y,M,C,A,, Toronto.
may be need efficaciously for all nerve Friezes,' by nn Arctic Explorer; roti- 11.,Walter Oliver, R STAN1sURY
'Pm 1OA. j6M. r* A"I Bk-kyr., McLaughlin CHOICE "UM FOR SALE. a't Medical Department plotor�F THB
pain. lion,' by Lord aeon; Cursory Remarks 10 15 6 55 London and S. W. Ontario 7 •W 405 & McFarlane, I3e]1's Siding, B.C. }1e , Toronto, formerly o1 the gos ay IIniyer. .
on Swearing,' by Jupiter;'Percy Vere,' in, 7 40 4 301 Wingham and Kincardine 955 6 30 12, P' F. Roes as Steno. with New York For sale, a splendid farm of 33 acres, belong- Ll ponaarras• New York, Coroner tale and
Postal Iliete8. 40 volumes; 'Cook's Specimens of the 1015 6 65'Western S.W. & N. W, U.S. 7 00 4 05 Belting &Packing CO, Chicago. in to the lata C. Spooner, nd'oininq ape eor. ountyofIfurou,Bayfleld,Ont, for be,
_ , 10 35 1 031Paris, Bufiitlo& eastern U 8 7 OU 4 u5 13. Lizzie Thompson, as $k-k r PoratSon o! Clinton. Ul cleared and under good
Sandwich Tongue,' Un Sore Throat and,
the Migration of the Swallow, ' ]Kosciusko' 30 >5 1 03 Toronto&pointseast r4 lith 700 05 Steno., P and cultivation, small frame house, frame barn
Canada is gohg to adopt the postal Watson &Frost, Grand Rep- good bearing orchard and well, Will be sola E. BLACIiALL
Ante system in vogue in the United on the Right Of Polos to Stick Up For 103 • •.Montreal and Ottawa... 7 00 236 ids• on reasonable terms to close up the saints. Al- . VETERINARY SURGEON
Themselves' 'Lamb's Recollections of 1 03 Manitoba, N W Tand B C 700 235 so frame cottage on Albert Street, Clinton, 010,HonoraryG $da�eoftheascoonta OVe
$ingdom, Mr Mulock has been si,ud 14, Evelyn Miller, Steno., Viava Itdedioina with half-acre of ground, epplondidly9ocated. ;ass on the tsatmodern and ecie inary
S'• Suetty' 'Chronological Account of the Date l0 • •gtratford and Seatorth,. 7 00 2 35 Co,, Gran ] Rapids, Me o C. and, a len i Ooocated. ee ties, ring
ing Lhe question for some months and Palm,' and several others, 1 03 16• Jennie McLachlan, Steno., Chief Jos•
is now considering the details with a „ 10 27 Points E & N oP Stratford 7 00 2 33 lice Drake, Victoria, B. C.
MR'S' W ROBERTSON,' Clinton. 'es a Oifltlesrdeuoe ediatelysouth of he
view of bringing the system into o et•_ Then there were some old volumes of Albert bt., Clj on Erg P the time of Cromwell which had titles like• 1 03 ".•Mitchell and Dublin.... 7 00 16, Flora Face, Steno„ Herald office, Mon- P16tOPE['dTY FOR !SALE Ight orday_attandedto promptly
on July1, bank
Paper notes about these: 'Crumbs of Comfort For the Obick- 7 2 Goderieh;......... 12 45 tress, Que, pp p
the size of w back bill will be pt rote- one of the Covela,ant,I 'Hi h Heeled Shoes g, Sarnia and 9 04 17. Fred McCarthy, Steno. Writers $Son, Huron le, thatt lintontydiractlf opposite u eirle of �jOHN VETERINA
on thin linen patter of the#ollnwing de- gg 1015 Lucan erose!❑ F• MILNE�
�itninationa:-2U '15, 30, 40, 50, 00, 70,80 For DwtuPs In Holiness,"$ooksand Eyes 440 6 " ••intormeuiute poiuts....7 00:4 05 Grand Rapids. the has retained RY SURC ON
• •Loudesboro & lielgravo.. 0 66 18. Annie Clarke fresidence
nide house on the lot is nearly half an d for the � el, who and ope� be
tnLlAO cent% $1, $1.50, $2,'$2.50, $3, $4 Fur Believers' a Breeches,,
The Spiritual , Rteno. Mr 3911, Barris- w Y Qaeen'e Hotel, where he ma b oe
Mustard Pot to Make the Soul SneezeP7tth The office is open to the public ter, Rodney. acre. The pro �ertp le roost ell bIy situated, .tile, &o, eacment of all diseases of h 'sae,
Ind The cost of obtaining these , , canted) from 8 a.m to 7 lv (holidays ox 19. May Burdick, Steno. �V. E. Stevens, and wt
JOHN RIDUUT, t elf��o{{n. q4 A1Itmen night ll da
totes w' I be 1 cent Ip up to 4l1 cents.
Devotion, 'Tobacco Battered nod' the Tock boxes hay° access to rho lobby anti IS p of Barrister, Ay] mer, Ont. for 8400 cash. b`or partiaulare Tended co. g Y, promp ,� at
Pipes Shattered About Their nity That g p 20. Mead MON T,
Bill Clerk, Grand Ra- FINE PROP�IttTY for SALE. -
cents between that figure and $2.50 Mone Order and Savin Bank office open
Ind 3 cents each for all above that, Idly Idolize So Loathsome a'Panity, by a.m. to a p.m.
[ hese postal notes will replace the poet Volley of Holy e1�ot T3• dodmed From . Mahler for registration must be posted half • Sonora" Graduate of aha OntarlloVe ON
tfflce moneyordere for thetransmission Mount Helicon,•a Poem Against the Use an hour before closing the malls. 21. Henry"Weatherwas, Steno., Agri°ul- Tlie underaIgned offers for sale his i ary Coale e
Of Tobacco b Joshta S Ivester The STAGE pr perty g , If,
Treats all diseas
w all small sums thr y ' MAIL — SUMMERHILL — tore College, Lansing Mich. atljoiaL.g the town of Clinton, cons+stinq� of I. omestio Animals on the
ghys the post. The gII11g� of !Divine vel' 'Seven Sobe nP a Tuesday anpd Friday, arriving at 5.25 and ]cavy 22' 'Toho V. Morrison, Steno, acres, 5 acres of which is bearing orchard of i �cientiflc Principles. Day andnikht�o
►resent money, order .seism is a cum- Manitoba choicest fruits, The buildings Coca,
of frame Y answered. Residenco—
tersome and indi Sorrowful Soul FO}'. Sin,' and Some more ID at 6.30 m, Trust Co, Winnie Wlintou, Rattenbur
method and 23. Elsie P g' bouse, bank bar,, _poultry house, etc,, all in
vststea much time Of the same sort. �ddedto'thaseare a few ONCE A DAY pig*hy fa mail despatched Welford, Bk•kpr. D. D, gaw_ Hist cies. repair. Tlife is a rare chance for n
e continued seatterin from this office to Londesboro and Belgrave, thorns Co•, Toronto, farmer wishing to retire or Pore person wand
he trar, with ents,fnr gonesl:ketheae: Wavosof Sound also to Mitchell and Dublin, mails closing as 24• Wm• Garrett, Steno., etc„ A.E.Brooks Ingaf uitfa m.er F r JOXNER Jr, Clinton, ARRIAOE LICENSE, rAaiEB
be tranemiesi and the IIi h C,"A Jawey Forever,' by abrve stared PP Y Poreon-
& Co., Grand Rapids, Issurer of Marriage Licenses, Li
. ase postal b' � ,�Ctive "Ear 's . C `•A Rich Amari- Mails for British il5les'andl European coup• s ad
Residonaa, Mary sliest, Clinton.
.Vic cony � ' a. wi •-lie Earl's .Choice, and so on tries Intended to be forwarded by Now York, 25 Clair Co.,1BWalkerton par' Walkerton, I3USiNESS PIiO1PERTY FOR
a list, of odd ones." must bave written. on tholGcp iota hand corner SALE
be clerk handed the journalist .folded of envelope Vit NEW Yoxs. 26• Frances Reddick, Steno, Hadley Lum• AMES CAMPBELL,, LONDESBp
.-oy order office wit OU* Paper' her Co., Chatham. That desirable Brlok Briefcase Stand on A] ISSUER OF MARRIAGE
trfica,tion of the payee or any :,Thank yon," said the journalist. -- 27. J. W. Warner, Stook Clerk, Wooden bert St., Clinton, occupied by Mr N. Robson, is No witnesses r
Fifty cents, please: Anything more mi C' S WANTED. Grocer offered for sale, i ion Is One of the
n8g rear lot and stable.
other than the presentation today?" smiled the clerk, and the incident Hoge wante7, dead or alive. Highest price 28' Jennie Grocery
Daniels.Steno, p opertapids. The atis free fromfincutnbrance land title he �, w. No
ea, It is expected that the West Mich. yy ovi MEMBER o
was closed.—Washington Star; always paid. C. J. WALLIS, Huron St, Clinton $urnitttre Go., Holland, displitabIs. Price reasonable and terms to suitEngineer, L. prLondonl, Ont• p
a they are fixed, will give a 29. Annie %1Oh' urchaser. Apply to GEO. STANBURY, Lou- Ivi]
The system is very pop- McRae, Steno, George Angell, d tewart's Grocery Store, Clinton,
g g on Road, or address Clinton P, O
d. The number of notes SOAR PIG FOR SERVICE; Wholesale Art Supplies, Detroit,
a year after the system 3d, Belle Somerville, Bk'],r, F. Gonne, t
waelittleover4,000,000, A PERSONAL ITEM — Chatham, P 1 PERRIN BLOCK
Subscribe has Just bought a thoro-bred 31. B. R. Pearce, Static. Bas.
ed fn 1$86-7 to 07,000,- Mrs Wm, Humbly, Belleville Ont., Says Driroo•Jorac boar, of first class pedigree, which Furniture 2 FOR SALF CLINTON
lock is to be congrat- y he will keep for service. Terms, Of at time of Co., Grand Rapids, 00�
y husband was troubled with kidney service, with privelo a of returning if races- 32, W B. Pelton, Bk'kpr. E. Wigle, Pub- $800 oaeh and 120 month! and COATI
sive policy. complaint, rheumatism, .loss i s ser g g spa mentaoff�l8eaoh
pprelie f Y• JOHN ILID7;Auburn Mills, liaber, Grand Rapids D J CAMPBELL, Hamilton Subscriber le pre .red to pfoal
sleeplessness, eta., and could not get relief
until I got a box of Doan's Kid;' Pills r 33, Casper Baarman, Aest, Teacher Grand ere for Wood or p
LDRI;N for him. He has now used four boxes in LHORO-BRED STOCK FOR Rapids' Bus, University.1 gest, a1, which toil
Parm for Sale or to Rent;. PLEMENT gpU onleaaOStrco
de dietreae the all and is perfectly Oared. SALE 34.vasaie Yeates r _ MS � W
Steno. I rank Smith
°omen to the Dean's idle Barrister. UUotham, Tho south half of lot 6, concession 9, Town.
P e pills are the ones that For sale, 2 two ear old Tamworth BOars,one 35, Gean Ripley, Steno, (tem.) Campbell Clearedship
f .Mo ri , good stints o 0 acres,
tion �OENTS
is the throat, pure. Remember the name, Dean's, being winner oft yentap —Book business is bet
leaeant and
prize at London also Manufacturing CO„ Chatham. 1 here are on the promises a frame house, frame I °Oka A �t also have bettorand f
1sr,at Exeter, Goderieh, Clinton SeaPort(i and 36. Harry A]i ier, 9InISclearfrom;foto$!(
Dungannon. Also an .gad Poland China Boar, g Aest.-teacher, Grand barn, frame drive house; good orchard, never- °a laedere are' "Queen Victoria "
winner of ist prizes where shown . 2 h rOe Jer• Rapids Bus, University failing supply of spring water, Situated }mile 4164stone," "My Mother's Bible ti
Bey Beare, B months old, one winner of 2nd 87. Alex, Adams, Book-keeper,Metal Shin- aoonblo for+mrgOA f Blyd.gAMiLfON,Bly h It reslrvOSpeaker•" 'iClondikoGel
1�lgurehead of the Constitution. Prize at London. also one •,god Jersey sow, gle Co., Preston. pppp�yy is° " "G,(mggeon of the Unseen, "
uarq 3• In 1884 Captain HIllot, who had been winner cheap,
pWEbL Y v�°FISHall )LR,Benmil]or Cashier, Pennell a or AveOS. R. WRZQHT, Executor, 948 Princess ie+rar and Bup er."' Canada• an
sold chew 38. $!.lobe Brown, e., London, Ont, f4•" Books on tuna, Oot4 free.
13igh second !n command at Lake Frte under _ _ (Millinery)Grand Rapids, no B$4DX.EY•GARRETSON'
Oliver Perry, exulted a violent political 89. Lula Leare, Book-kee er, C, . Lears GOOD FARM Fou SALE, c>ronto,
and partisan demonstration by decorating, �.Le Gem Woven-wire Fence Reed city, Mioh, P _
t, at the Boston navy. — 40, Maude Shepley, Subscriber OROS for sale the farm of 140 acres, 1 ���R d
vY •yai4 the bow of the Subscriber is agent for the GEar WOVEN-wrRE P yy Steno. (tem.) Atkinson - 71/ 1
Constitution with a figurehead of .Prdsl- FENcn, admittedly one of the beat wire Fences & Atkinson, Chatham, situatrd on the lfaitiand con. of Goderloh LTJ
dont .laukaon One stormy night fila ea- in existence. The wire used is the genuine 41, Eva Payne T0wuship. All .reaqred but about 10 acres of ULINTUN�,
, Asst. Book-keeper, Dant good hard , goo good clay soil Pour acres
oellonuy was decapitated as neatd and Coiled-springSteel Wire, best made, with ad- Mille, Chatham, Caring
ithin orchard, good 2-story brick house with [snnfaoturer and Proprietor t�1
deftly ae if the beet tools had with
instable mplete aat'ho per et ar nd per rods The 31' Frank Leonard, Steno. Grand Rapids "late roof, bank barn and good outbuildings; IhL Doti la lea Agoht fo ilio
eta Wished nom p Within 8 miles of Clinton and 4 from Holmes- ttoatlan of Ilia
bor enlisted the brightest sunshine in fence is not woven until it is put npr and one Board of Trade. Its'1''istnna p
can have as man strands as they wish It is 43, Da ton viae. A very choice and desirable farm. For Orr En dzuetrtut, STEAM gIT?
ration. Marines and blue aokete yy MoIhnes, Book-keeper, R. S. rticulars apply ou the premisoa to MRS, W. and attached on short
held under dark suspicion, and the where used farmersfge e�fa'r it to aneytother nd
y Webb, pork Packer, Detroit, Aiiob, CJCBBUTT, or at Holmaaville P. O,
seethed in a ferment of keen eon. PEROY EVANS, Hclmesville 44, Ge°• Eaetyu, ns Asst. Book-keeper, • euERs, L'N14YN1Ca, dolt ALL
Rewards were offotrod but in Austin•Mining CO., Austin, Nev. ° INERT •U'EPA nX8D EXPRDITI
d for yenta ilia secret was well NOTICE TO CREDITORS. HOUSO and Lot fon' Sale pATleirACTORV MAN
s now setfd that a seaman named In the matter o the hatate of Catherine The frame house on -Ra ttenbnrq street, arm implemahts mauufaetur
fib culprit, not for any pbliti. f Mies F ora Fnae who was in the dt]ioe team and water pampa torn
nt because of a cherished an. Walk-or, iaEe of lite Town Winton, immediate! east of D . Tomlinson s !s osition D
+ of the MZ
trOnl Herald, has since tical offered for sale on very reasonable forma, y gills fitted a1
full length !mage of a land• married woman, deceased. � offered a has returned home to accept a The house is centrally situated bei", onsw while threw quo old "sail- Take notice that ail persons lrav ngg claims Positionith the Sutherland-Innes Co., a minute' walk from the bggd, be Centre,
ed, with stern.Inadequate busts, against tger, ate of the abo died edCathor• of ChatUain, and makes the seventeenth [lag n cellar, large dining room, parlor, ' �aIN
t the stern. iiowover, ins Walter, deceased, who died o or about pupil hat we have placed with the sumo {
secured to rho trtfnk the 7th day of Deoembor,1807, are r quired to bed roc and kitchag down etairta with nue
sendIIn Olin* of the enm0 to osN oAn- firm, the majority of them being :til it, largF. 'nd two smaller bedrooms ,q stairs,
b tremendous that for xBK ClintOn, Outario,thOExecute, named in th en3plo P '.LA" mo jr
d not wither It not, hor7aatwIll andtostamont on or refers flee y• Gooa•e:red summer kitchen Bind garden Ari 8 .
On fortitude with IstdayofFebrunry,180fi auclthato ait(iaftor '� Quite a number have been placed sii co Very conveniently situated for bbardin 1t yy
thO said date the said Raentnr w 11 proceed Obis list was prepared, house. Apply at Niew EISA office, !! • ri�0 s,
ed the breezes and to,dI tributo the estate Of th0 sal, doeeased
it(q haV]ng 10H Ard. only to th0 elairit wvlrich ]
5itit $hdzYOReb, at #iallti
os„ It Nt S , a + MCIi11100 111s11lrauco C01111PAUy4 •
tlpf�lb alt �O , Attend fie,
Of . - Tho tredorel rred has Nodi" appointed to re '. ,
ofr m "WW rqq`souG thO, k1ppl�gllolt xnAttcririoO CO `fur the