HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1897-12-24, Page 8v , r law )HAI+ OP10,=R. Haxby, who has bee helping his son in the barber shop fc eeverul months, during the time Jag McRae, assistant, was laidup, has gon Fw0a)41ui0440pa 24, 1897 back to Buffalo, McRae having resuir ed his posittou, 1, �QTIQt d' HOLIDAY RAMPS.—The G,T,R. ar mokh o. for Christmas resents nounce,special sates for the Ohristnia >mt4'Gl pg'etospaLd'apa"G.!•1 •IlsWut holidays, as follows:—Going on Dec li'Q1UL[ yF sit��h�est price paid for Poultry 24 and 25, valid to return leaving del t t7Al`T"fI�N 134iQ18 tination not later than Dec. 27, a lif)1:ATB 0.19040 0,11! you want youriSkates single fare. Going on Dec. 23, 24, an, beautifull hgllow ground at 10c a pair, go to 25, good till Dec. 28, at fare and on � X >.11:, worksb4. on wheels. , third. Going on Dec. 31 and Jan. I 010bilmas aura New Year's Mixed Candies, good till Jan, 3, at single fare. Goinl gA anReleino Only, 4o. per pound,at J. W. on Dec. 30 and 31, and Jan. 1, good til a1. , 7 . Jan 4, at fare and one-third. *0 !l , SI0Nl NQUANNIS for Your Fruit and STooK NOTES.— John Averyy sold ung delivered on Monday last to R.McLean Goderich, his 3 -year-old prize heifer ' Nellie Booth, for the old time price o 1 6 cents par Ib. She weighed about 150 lbs. anger pronounced by practica ' butchers to be the best they ever hand led. Her dam is by Mr Biggins' old but General Booth, and she is by D. D. Wil son's bull,Pdme Minister. This heifer was only stall fed about seven weeks, PIANO RECITAL.— More than conk find comfortable accommodation crowded the Oddfellows' Hall, last Fr -i day evening to hear the Piano Recita given by pupils of Miss Mcl3ardy. Im strumental selections were given by Miss Little, Teeswater; Miss Adams, Londeaboro; Miss Nellie McKenzie, Miss A. Fitzsimons, Miss Mary Ste- wart, Miss Jean McPherson, Miss M. Houston, Eldred Archibald and Mrs Wall of town; instrumental duets by Misses May Armstrong and Etta Twitchell; Misses Jean McPherson and Lola .Miller, and solos by Mr Edwards, Goderich, and Fred Doherty. Miss Mc Hardy superintended the program, and all present appreciated the exer- cises throughout. STATION NOTES.—Duriug the past week Doherty & Co. made a shipment of organs to Cape Town, Routh Africa, and also to the West Indies. Mr Mitchell, of Wingham, shipped two cars of maple blocks. Mr Perrin ex- ported a couple of care of grain to Portland, Cantelon & Fitzsimons a load of hogs to Collingwood, on Mon- day. Conductor Hun says the freight business, both in and out, is heavier than he ever knew it to be at this time of the year, . The Wingham train left o8 on Wednesday, 22 cars of grain and hay for points east. Jar H. G. Me- Micken, Travelling Passenger Agent of Great Northern Railway, was in town, Tuesday, on business. The G. T.R. pay train passed through town on Saturday last. A WELCOME CHANGE.—The cold snap is with us, and business is with the business men. The winter weath- er held off so long that tradesmen had begun to despair of doing the Christ- man trade which many of them have been counting on. Large stocks of winter clothing and furs have been lying comparatively idle, while all that was needed to put them through the traders' hands into, those of the people. was a little cold weather—a touch of real winter. Farmers, more- over, on,whom depends a great deal of Clinton's Christmas business, have been the victims of bad roads and un- certain weather and have held off for thesnow. The present snap was op- portune, business took a jump forward and Christmas trade has been brisk. A CURLING RINK Arrangements have been completed with Mr Shunk,of the Commercial Hotel, for the erection of q curling rink. He bas purchased the old Johnston Jiver y property at $35Q adjoining the hotel, and has re- moved the building, in place of which he will erect a first class rink, to be 35x 154, and, it being inside the fire limits, will certainty be covered with sheet iron The curlers haveguaranteed four years rent in advance, at $100 a year, and expect to open the rink at an early date. The ground was levelled for the rink on Wednesday by W. Wheatley. The tenders for the buildingshow very Diose figuring, being as fllows:—D. Connell, $824.00; S. S. Cooper, $338.60; r. McKenzie, $844.00. As the building had to be completed by Jan. 1st, Sam's reputation as a hustler seemingly got Min the contract, and he is under a Forfeit of $12 a day to complete it by :hat time. TEMPERANCE.—We speak the truth when we say that Clinton Star Lodge No. 387 1. O. G.T.is flourishing. There save been initiations nearly every Fri - lay night this quarter. If all the mem- )era would only come out and take An nterest in the temperance work, we 'eel vure that much good would be lone. United effort is what we need, Ind so let all the temperance workers )ecome enthused over the temperance luestion, and it will not be long before ave will have the desired results. What s there to hinder us from doing a rrand work in our town this winter? kit who werepresent last Friday night ,no)ers from Ft y6i* Kinburn and ed the Londe - oro ]edge's paid us a visit. A Drogram :ortsiritingof eolos,speeches,recitafions, tnd instrumental music was rendered, tfter which refreshments were served, )wing to bad roads Auburn and Port - Irl. Hill lodges wereunableto come. We ntendgiving a grand entertainment )n Jan. 14 don't forget the date. A rery enthusiastic program committee las been appointed, and they intend to make this entertainment the hit of the reason; further particulars later on. vo lodge to -night, it being Christmas )ve. FORESTERS' SUPPER.—On Thursday wening last about 75 members of the )anadian Order of Foresters sat Town to their annual supper, at the )ommercial hotel, where an excellent epast had been prepared. After sup- er, John Fisher, W. C. R., called the nembere to order.-ind proceed with ;he toast list. The Queen and Royal Family being duly honored, was follow- ed by That of the Canadian Order of Foresters, coupled with the names of I)r Shaw and John Smith; the former made an excellent speech, dealing with matters of interest to the order; ti the course of his Speech Mr Smith ;]aimed that Clinton Court had the lonor of -standing first among the :ourts of the Province, for the amount if money in the, treasury, member- ibip considered. Municipal institu- fons was briefly responded to by dayor Holmes and Reeve Kennedy. Che ladies, by D. Cantelou, Jr., and , Smith Kilt -y. The host, by Mr Shrink. 1 Tongs were rendered by Iliessrs. Spat- ting Ker, rs and J. Finch. Instrument. 1 seiections by Mess.merton, herr, r. Jackson McRae, and Downs. The ' venin assrd off plea antly, and lit - tally t resent "dr not go home t k)eiprs nearly two "'� tiara JVriN UU NLAWlAMi �X&042orlatmiw and Now Tones price Lemons and Currants at J. W Tuwll�s: ;I' OTXOZ TO DEBTORS 1'.,'`iltrgjby agthorize W,_H. Beesley to colleo T48 1300ke,,40., are at the residence of Mt eesley, Vict.oila St„ where he may be found. �Q'�1Z �Al'pllC�. T}ARGR SIF XPMENT OF FLOUR.. — On tigisday, Mir Fair, of the Clinton Mills, rlrl0'the largest shipment of flour that a§ over left this station. Itconsisted t 201sacks, and filled 14 ordinary box ;aksg;,,;It was destined for Glasgow and verpool. AXES STOLEN.—When John For - n rented the Sperling farm, Gode- ch township, he bought it quantity of 46'which were in the barn, and when R diad moved his effects there he was til priseld to'Bod that about 30 bushels ad•been. stolen. QI�SLE BBo2N.—On Friday evening fohn ems, rfvho resides on the Bay - road, ii short distance from town, 4d fl v misfortune to break his ankle. e Was driving ft load of straw into the )atu when he was thrown off, with the esuil skated. This is the second time ho same :leg has been broken. k, SPRAINED KNEE.—R. Ransford is 6ing from a sprained knee, the re- t of k very simple accident. In get- out of his rig a few days ago, the d, which was blowing strougly at ,time, carried the lines out in such a that, he caught his foot in them tcipped,falling forward on hie knee ODEL SCHOOL. --Promoted to sec- - bgok, , M"iss Shepherd's room :— l3eywOoO, Al, Mitchell, W. Hous - Manning, Ed. Grealis, F.Todd, erd, D. O'Donell, F. Rogers, J, Proctor, Ruby Hill, J. e Smith, Mabel Ker, R. ert Reed, Min Perdue. angel in classes are not ns. LV -FOR LAND.— We notice in ar- ;;in many of our exchanges headed ,ricernint Salt;" wherein allusion side to the benefits derived by using t -on land. The article seems to be a od one,, fudging by its frequent ap- Afance, �ut what makes us tired ra r&emembrance of how we laid awake i' lits preparing that article. ,and now t credited 'to one of our con- ' carica. 1 f Freers i:liristmas af- llave ybu regewed your sub. !ription for 1SW ? Santa Claus is a se reider ofthe advertising columns days. Are there any stray anim- bout your premises,friend farmer? av`e you taken thb le 1 cobrse to as - stain their owners? The NEW ERA regularly delivered to all its patrons town every Friday morning, rain or ine,• any irregularity should be re- )rted 0,9,wed1tor. bereto ao MEMBER. — Among the stees whose terms expire at n of the year, but who does not at., for re-election. is Mr T. ickson, jh, one of the representatives r St, Jamesy Ward. He has put in ;lit years of more than faithful ser- ge, for in'addition to the routine dut- i:of-his office, hehas taken a.personal rest in the children in various ways the ratepayers' will gladly re-elect if he consents to stand, but his ex - "e desire is to drop out. IPAL NOMINATIONS.—We were e impression that all nomina- equired to be in writing. We the proposed change a very de - one, but it does not come into mtil the'31st day of Dec., 1897- 4P nominations are we er, it- apply to future e•nominatI ill take place e.To Hall, next nday even- +betwe n the hours of 7. nd 8.80, after that time the candida't s will allowed, for a limited time, ail eVV eloquence, ventilate their vie , keel -haul the members of the Conn- t ,,; The nominations' for trustees will kb,place at the Same time. %A.TH OF MRs TAYLoR.—After an nese which has lasted for about P06 yyears, but only a part of which as one was confined to bed, the wife Malcolm Taylor passed away on slay evening, at the age of 57 s. Deceased was born in Ireland, a daughter of the late Robert lr, of the Maitland con., Goderich uship; she was twice married, her st husband being John Holmes, by Win she had seven daughters, all of V;ln living, six of whom are en - reaching, the eldest one being s Mi:° Beeton, Whitechurch. arried to Mr Taylor about; `$%airs ago, and leaves two daughters d it son y her second husband, She is'n, member of the Church of Eng- idt fttid has resided in town for about gestic. 'itU TRAMP NUISANCIC.—Tramps have d6ble so numerous and are causing so itch antitiyatice in Waterloo county at the county council have taken )til# to temedy the nuisance by pass - the following resolution: "Be it re- yedy: that the clerk a Mils county is te% rite r eted t y.i n o notify all maxis- �tes onatables of this county to e t .,amps and have them cop- :tetT ae'va, milts to the county goal til hairil', labor for 80 days, and that e clerk be also inst)'ucted to furnish >rlsfdr. 'breaking at the eltpenses of e ward C'ootnty of Waterloo.' This is ' prd ta` lu(tlte tramps seiirce in the Ittiiq, acid tV60d be a goodptan to lot,iti Hunan. Scarcely+'a nightpass- g btrt on6 of two of theA6 entry get Igellg`kftf)1;Chlbfl,' ?V .eat,%y, and we 9 PRIZE WINNERS,—The large bar o r Soap in James Steep's store was got b33 Mr Alexander and Mrs T. Shi}�ley,botk e of whom guessed 95 lbs. The Soar weighed 9415-16 the. The second prize was won by 1). B. Kennedy, and Mn G. Rourke, and the third by Alex tic s Kenzie. L. O. L. OFFICERS.—The- following are the officers elected for L. O..L. No t 710 for the ensuingterm: —W.M.—J.P, I Sheppard-. D.M.—Thos. Beacom; Choi�pp El —A. M. Todd; R. S.—P. Cantelon; F.�3, . —W. G. Smith; Treas.--D. Cantelon; q D. of C.—W. Ford; Lecturers, J. Ford 1 and E. Robinson ; Committee — W, For d. 1 ACKNOWLEDGMENT. — When Misr Carlyle, the well-known artist, visited Clinton and was the guest of J. P. Tis. f dall, she was taken seriously ill, re• inaining so for a few days. This week I D.r Turnbull was surprised, and very a�r-eeably so, to receive a handsome I oil sketch from Miss Carlyle in ac- knowledgment of his care rind kind- ness on that occasion. Boy's BRIGADE.—At the meeting of the Church Boys' Brigade Tuesday, Glen Fair and Fred Johnston were re- elected Captain and Ist Lieutenant, respectively. H. Brewer was elected 2nd Lieutenant, and Geo. Gordon, Harry Irwin and Charlie Porter, 1st, 2nd and 3rd Seargeants. The Warden re -appointed Fred Chant as Color Ser- Ceant. It was decided that Capt. ombe form u drill corps of twenty boys from the members. No boys will be allowed to go to camp who have not been members in good standing for At least four months. THE NEWSPAPERS.—Mr Woolsev, at former propr•ieter of the Brussels Her- ald, has again taken charge of it, and is doicg his beat to infuse life into it;lo tell the•truth there is no room for a second paper in Brussels, a fact that is evident to any necvapaper man who has watched the struggle for existence. The Wrngham Advance has been Stir- ring up the grain dealers in that place, claiming that the grain market there is not what it shouldbe;it required con- siderable courage to take the course pursued by the Advance, which was manifestly in the interest of the town. Most of the county papers issued sup- plements last week to accomodate Christmas advertising The Hensall Observer has been changed from a four to an eight page paper-. AN ADVERTISER CRITICISED.—ChAS. Austin Bates is regarded as one of the best authorities on advertising in the United States, and edits a department in Printer's Ink. In the last number he made a criticism on several of the ads. of Allen & Wilson,druggists, Clin- ton, publishing two of them from the columns of the NEw ERA in full. This is part of the criticism:— Allen & Wilson druggists, Clinton. Ontario* make a strong talk on tie "money back' 'pro- now,ibut it is as Themg good as eveback r it ea was, andyitois strange that. there are still business houses that hesitate to subscribe to it. As a matter of fact it is the simplest and safest proposition for the dealer that was ever devised. Any man who is in a legitimate business can safely of- fer money back. Money back is lust'another way for a merchant to say that he thinks his goods are the beat there are for the money. It is a strong way of saying it—the strongestway. It is an argumsnt to hammer away at day af. ter day. Allen k Wilson do that very thing. They harp on this string in every ad. They bring it in in seine forcible way every, time. Another good point about these ads. )s that bring forward a barguin each time. It is really a bargain, It is.wau put. The prise is always ,seven. Only one thing is advertised at a time. These ads. are small, but they are well set. A border surrounds. each one. They are asgood have, drug ads. as I over seen. If they will not sell goods, I don't know what will. NoTEs.—Clinton haw, been fortunate in the fact that it has not had a fire for nearly a year and a half, and we hope it won't have one for some time to come. 1). A. Forrester was downtown on Monday, for the first time since his accident: several of his old friends gave him a very cordial bandshake, and were glad to see him looking well, though bestilleltperiencesconsidet'able stiffness about the shoulders. Mise ' Clara Chidley, second daughter of Mrs J. Chidley, is on the sick list. Robt. Mason has moved to the house he rec- ently bought on Albert St. Mrs Proc- tor, Rattenbur•y St. west, is on the sick list. Ed. T. Holmes, of the NEW ERA, has resumed his work, though not yet entirely over his late illness. J. W. Hill line disposed of his flour and feed business to W. Duncan. D. F. Mc- Pherson has sufficiently recovered from his recent illness tg resume work. Miss Topping, late of town, is spend- ing the winter at Atlanta, Ga., and writes to friends here that her• health i is considerably improved. Mr Kari) 1 also writes from New Mexico that he is enjoying good health. We are pleased to know that Adam Foster is recover- ing from the effects of his recent acci- lent as well as could be expected.— 1 The inmates of the House of Refuge r will enjoy just as sumpptuous it Christ- i mas dinner as can be provided for i them. Persons who empty coal ashes f on the road are violating a by-law in 3o doing, and must not do this, unless they are willing to risk the chances of being fined. W alter Coats is employed at the Organ Factory. T.Jackson, sr., I is in the field for the mayorality; so al - 3(? is the present incumbent of the of. fire, H. B. Chant intends to move in- to his new house next week. Mrs H. I Andrews is expecting her daughter, j the wife of Dr. Steep, to spend the ( winter with her. THE MAYORALTY. 13 To the Electors of the Town of Clinton t 1,ADI@S ANY) GENTLitMEN. i At the earnest solicitation of a large number A the ratepayers, I am before you as a candi. fate for the position of mayor of the Town of Clinton. I have had considerable past mun Initial ex- perience. I will explain my platform at the nomination meeting and to the Electors as I meet them between now and election day. 1 Soliciting your votes and lafluenoe, I am, ladies and gentlemen, I Your obedient servant Doo 21,1897 THOS JACK86N, SR 1 THE MAYORALTY. CO THE ELECTORS OF CLINTON ] LADI86 AND GIEwmau 6N—FOr four years you 1 anve honored me with your oQDfidenoe by r )lecting me as your chief magistrate During > shat time I have endeavored to render zealous Ind unselfish service in the interests of the c bown. I am in the field a pin as a oandidato for the 7 souring year and if you think that I have )een aithful to the trust reposed in me, and ,in worthy of renewed confidence, I solicit 1 rour support It is scareely necessary for me to say that p Elie best interests of the town are also my in - ,create, and if re-elected I shall be only too clad to ,d-ance them in every possible way UG As matters of local interest aro likely to• lintusned at the nomination meeting, I sot refer to th@m here. Wishing you om pliments of the season, I remain, • Very truly yours, AOfST ldditiohal local news will _ i • F 'I Last r c i Day hoppers The many, who for one reason or another, have had to leave their holiday shopping till the last day, will find our stock P, articularly attractive and in good shape for business Friday. Phis list may help you decide what to give. There's nothing in it but will make an acceptable and appropriate Xmas gift. Fancy Handkerchiefs Silk Drapes Tapestry Curtains Plain Handkerobiefs Silk Table Covers Chenille Covers Initial aandkerohiefs Silk D'Oyiiee Tapestry Covers Silk Handkerchiefs Laundry Bage Rugs Children's Plaid Ties Toilet Mats Door Mate Hid Gloves Linen D'Oylies Carpet Sweepers g Fur Capes Pillow Shame Quilts Mnffe Sideboard Scarfs Blankets Collars Tray Clothe Men's Gloves Ruffs Fancy Towels MutHere Gauntlets Linen Table Clothe Ties Fur Cape Napkins Umbrellas Dress Goode Centre Pieces Braces Shawls Lace Curtains Shirts Mantles Chenille Curtains Collars Try giving the useful this year.More people are doing it all the time, 41 A Storm Coat - This is just the weather for heavy Overcoats. Our, Clearing Sale of Alen's and Boys' Overcoats is a re- gular bonanza for the buyer. They are all Al. qualities, and we have r cut the prces right down to bed i rock in order to clear them out. No Overcoat buyer should miss this chance. Men's heavyFrieze Ulsters,strong and durable, heavy tweed lining, high storm collar, a coat that is sold all over and is cheap at $7.00, for $5.00 The best Frieze Ulsters in Black and Brawn, best ma- terials and best trimmings. The standard $10 quality $8.00 THE MANTLES We have not a great many Mantles to sell, but there is still a good. assortment. Prices on all our Coats have had a big slice taken off, for clearing out time is Here, and mantle buyers will be money in pocket buying- from this stock.• flodgens Bros., THE DRY GOODS PALACE, CLINTON Tonin Rlnanclal Statement. � t Y The financial statement has been is- sued, according to statute. The fol- ! The Big S lowing table Showa the expenditures for this year, from Jan. 1 to Dec. 15, and those for the same time last year ) The King of Hearts Kris Kringle Is now in full popular rule and favor. WO have promise of splendid Yule -tide weatlr and we have the Yule -tide show. We �6 'e . done our best for you in the past, we are doing it now, and this week's whirlwind of unprecedented value giving will mark this season as the greatest of all our Christmas I happenings. We are going to exert all our energy and all ouir power to, make you glad that we are in business in Clinton, for Clin- Ionians. Come and see our Host of help- ful hints. t The W. D. FAIR Co, Clinton. Box = Cali = Shoes A Shoe for wear, a Shoe of beauty, a shoe ,you'll be proud of. Service which means pleasure; satisfaction, which means a constant friend. If you wear theme once you'll always want them. If you buy them once you'll see where the saving is. They are good for comfort and wear. . Your feet will appreciate being covered with our Felt Lined Waterproof Boots Special Line Women's Waterproof Overshoes for Misses Waterproof Overshoes for, ............. 00 Wm, Taylor& SOS l'� Clinton and Walkerton. tore"s are also published, for purposes of 3omparisom— I ° 1887 1896 tSpecialXmasD1*SP1t High School deb pal rate$ $e 5000 $ 350ate,° b'ire 8t water deb, apol rate.. 21000 210 00 ons. debt deb, spcl rate..... 79813 687 57 'ub, school acct, .-.......... Sul 00 3409 00 �� Dounty rate acc't............. 677 so 948 20 Electric light acc't............ 700 00 660 00 )oil. Inst. act'................ 1600 00 1650 Co Neckwear St. ace' 846 t, with new att....... 1 52 196410 Fin 9alariesnadt... ............. 1194 00 111E 76 75 — emetery aac't............... 336 14 917 79 .'ire & water acc't........... 73416 457 83 'outage & stationery........ 12 98 16 68 ncidental acct ............. 216 25 7550 Printing ace't................. 89 70 63 35 he last day before Christmas is usually the ?ound sco't..... ............ 12 00 12 00 3t watering ace's ............. 200 00 200 00 biggest day of the year with us, and 'our buss lection acc't..... . ........ 27 10 3oard of health son' t,........ 30 00 s0 00 3harity aoc't............ ..... 40 88 7819 Insurance ace' t.............. 67 00 67 OU ness in Fine Neckwear is usualXy pretty large ax refund acc't............. 73 48 75 58 'ark acct ....................... 5 86 48 93 This year we present the most varied assort - h. acct • ...... ........ 1566 31 199 92 Yeah. Institutoaoo't........ 100 00 3tavely Est. s.co't............. 351 50 went that has ever been offered, and marry a In addition to the foregoing are the )x 97, a ries from Dec. 6 86, toJan- handsome present can be picked up 1897, amounting to $1362.88, or a tot - d expenditure of $14,456.17. The total eceippts for both periods were $27,645.- undwhich includes the $10,000 Sta.rely Our English goods are from the well-known iTATEMENT OF ASSETS AND LIABILI- houses of Welch Margetson & Co., and Youn TIES, 15TH DEC., 1897. g teal estate— ASSETS, & Rochester, and are not seen in any other house Collegiate Institute $9,000 Public School - 8,000 To. School and appliances s.... •...... 8.0x6° oo Prices 25c, 50c and 75c, packed one in a box. 'Ireland water appiinnoes............ 3,000 W 'ublib Park. .......................... 2,000 00 {inkingg fund in Molson's Bank...... 9,570 71 JnpsidTaxes:................ 5,688 57 Sash in hand.... ...................... • • 11,547 16 $54,8014444 That Money Box Lreau.ITrEs 'oneolidated debt debentures..........$21,500 00 fire and water debentures ......., 8,099 00 Every cash purchase of goods to the amount o ]ollegiate Institute debentures... .. 2,000 W $�00 50 cents or over, will get a key which will per {tamely Memorial fund, balance duo... 9,,648U8 50 $39'146 50 haps bring them a good sum of money. Hun Teachers' Examination. areas of keys The Board of Examiners for the have gone out, and some one CAS' 1of Huron, met at Goderich ,he 8t tomer will get the benefit. he 18th suet. The following studentsis vete granted Third Class Professional )ertiflcatep, as Public School Teachers, ralid for three years. L, MisaesAitkin, Amy, Anderson, Corp,lO�es and Mitts )autin, Cunningham, Culbert, Cous, )owzer, Edgge, Elliott, Fowler, Herbein 3ig$ins, Isbister, Jardine, .Kennedy Susie,) Kennedy (Annie,) Lamont. Le- Couzel, McOlusky, McConnell,McGreg- A nice pair of Gloves make a fine present, an Pr, Murray (Annie,) Murray (Georgie,) )liver, Reynolds, Reid, Robb, Stout, we can show you a splendid assortment 'witchell, Walker, Wilt.se. Messrs A Mott, Allison, Bricker, Fowne's English Gloves at 1.50 a llarkson, Elliott, Fraser, Hamilton, $ and $2 i p+�Q_7�1n 1Ack, Lennox, McEwen, ' �e+d oo`�y , `� Naftal, Powell, o a Oho er ° ell, Scott, Todd, All the latest Novelties in lien's and Boys, Caps r b o �p Ma, Torrance. can be found with us. ight will be ~arracks And °a°m the pro- t tical .. ' rgreat � r° q,nr'iltnber ' 1.41 1THE 816 STORE, -- CLINTON.