HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1897-12-24, Page 7THE CLINTON NEW SRA I�LI�`QHFR gp)?a •, In the old frontier days Nervous people find relief b enriching kL Al A PERSON.FTE a hundreds of their blood with Hood's Sarsaparilla, the pioneers were one true blood purifier, and great health „ Mrs Wm. Hatribly, Belleville, Ont., say Xmas �x tortured and giver. My husband was troubled with kidne MOOS WANTED- i • burned at the complaint, rheumatism, •lose of appetit stake by cruel sleeplessness, etc., and could not 'get reli \ Indians. The WOMAN'S GREAT CHAMPION. until I got a box of Doan's Kidney Pills ft The mammoth Bar of Boa we have on -� tortures en- hirh. He has now token tour boxes in a Any quantity of fat hogs wanted. for exhibition in our store, will be given d u re d by Elow General Spinner Opened 1Pabtle Of. 6 and is completely cured. :shipping;ptirposes, for which the high- away to the person guessing the near- these must . flees to the Employment of the Fair Sex. Dean's Kidney Pills are the ones tht est number o pounds in it, on the 20th J J have been Writing of "Women In the Government sure, Remember the name, Doan's, est ina�rket prices will be paid. Parties day of this month. The person guess- a r someChing Departments" in The Woman's Home bavinghogs to sell will oblige by leav- ing second nearest will be given two ? ` horrible. Companion, Mary Nimmo Salentine says: mg word at the shop. pounds of Blue Ribbon Tea, beat black > There are "It is a curious fact that this glorious A DOG THAT OWNS JORKIN5. Toa in town, and the person guessing �( thousands of country grow and prospered from the days R. third nearest one pound. If you have men to -day of 1770 to the period of the civil war and Ll• Fitzsimons, Clinton. not (guessed come and do Be. who are be- The Canine Is Tyrannical and Mrs. Jur r,�C. • Ing slowly founded and.perfected the greatest govern- hins Is the suflorer. -0 utont upon earth before women were in. + e..c �� L tortured to vitud to boar u hand in the public dude Jorkins owns it (tog, or, to be more ex TRAL BUTCHER SHOP Newr 'Frult for ehristmas. 1 , death at the p s, plieit, the a:,; owns Jorkins, and the, stake of die- el -oil to the most casual planner. During both live with Mrs. Jorkins in a flat ease. Their all these years there wits a total exclusion much to the discomfiture of that FORD & MURPHY JAS. STEEP, Clinton bodies cry out but in a language that only of woman from the wort: of the executive goo( the sufferers themselves can hear. When woman, who does not as a general thin' departments Now they are seen wher- < a man is suffering in this way his body tolerate dogs. We are icingg 'business on the cash prinoi• cries out with an aching head, a sluggish °1'ar governnnent wort: Is being conducted, "Piper has More sense than most poo pie,! and will supply our customers with body, muscles that are lax and lar a brain in places of high trust, superior skill and the best meats at the lowest paying prices that �s dull, a stomach that disdains food high omolupnt,ttt pie," Jorkins says whnil expatiating or the virtues of his favorite. AGIENTS-'"1'he best Life of Her flit0eaty T and nerves that will not rest. "It was in 15,5:.' that General Francis F "Yes,"Mrs Jorkins adds, sarcastically FORD.& MURPHY, CLINTON have seen," writes Lord Lorne about I (Quoon A wise man will heed these warnings and Spinner, treasurer of the ignited States, rile knows enough to comp in wher, fi Victoria." Agents make tive dollars daily. will resort to the right remedy before it is succeeded fn op -=tin;; the govcn11nnunt do- Outfit free. The BRAD LE Y.GARRETSON too late. Dr. Pierces Golden Medical Dis- rains, because he hates to got wet." CO., Limited, Toronto. covert' makes the appetite keen and hearty, pautrlrents to tilt) enti)loytrterrt of women. Piper is a dog of parts -part tetrior Business Change. It invigorates the liver. It promotes the The civil will' Was cit its height find every 1 with a strain of bird dog and trash of _ natural processes of secretion and excre- ubl°bodied mutt was ❑ceded in the front water spaniel. He dislikes to get his foot For Twenty seven Years tion. It makes the digestion and assimila- of battle for the prutoction of the country. wet and Is afraid of a gun. IIs s0ldun The undersigned desires to intimate to J tion perfect. It purifies the blood and fills 'If ever 1 strike u successful blew for the people of Clinton that he has bought lion the life-giving elements of the food. women, now !e try time,, said Genera] barks at nlglQt and would wag ills till] al oat the butchering business lately conduct- It tears down olid and worn-out tissues and Spinner. The first legal tender notes sight h a burglar and accompany him ed by,Reid Bros., and will continue the replaces them with the firm, muscular tis- had been issued; they were printed 111 through the house noiselessly. He has one same in the old stand, Huron St„ Clinton, DUNNS sues of health. It is the great blood -maker accomplishment, and one only. He goes and flesh -builder. It is the best nerve tonic. sheets of Pour notes each, sail men were down three flights of flat stairs every where by strict h attention hopes to the waste of BAKINC4 It cures employed to cut them a tart with shears. h ➢lie customers, be hopes to merit and receive ea per cent. of all cases of conaump- 1 morning to bring up the daily paper, a fair share ofpatronage. He will sell for tion, weak ]sags, bronchitis, lingering General Spinner mttinttrined that won°n which Mrs. Jorkins gets from hire by coughs and kindred ailments. Found at could handle the shears mare deftly than strategy in the course of the day after he cash only, and at the lowest prices. POWDER all medicine stores. Accept no substitute men, and Secretary Chase finally consent - that may be represented as "just as good." ed to let him exlleriniLm with %v( on 0111- has chewed it to pulp. Obas•J, Wallis, Clitlton. The "just as good" kind doesn't effect ployees. The first one engaged was Jennie .forkins had often intimated to Mrs. J. THECOOf�S BEST FR9E�f® cures like the following: Douglas, and her first day's work settled that !t was no trouble b bring up actnow, "Twenty-five years ago eight different doctors hybrid by bund and believes that now, told me that I would live but a short time, that rile matter in her payor and that of from• when he is brought up and they can FLOUR AND FLED STORES. LARaE6T SALE IN GAALAOA. I had consumptiou and must die," writes Geo, anldnd. Other women were employc<L R. Coope, > sq , of Myers wall neither sell, lose hila or give blur stray, Co., Kilns. i finally commenced ato�Te 1'110 men left and the women took their that her ministrations should continuo, Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery taking places. Soon, howuver, a machine to cut ry and acs stili the move and that If she cannot go out and take in the land and among the living.- y was invented, and the women Produce fxca�r�e McLEOD S were discharged. General Spinner now Piper with' her it is her duty to stay at Don't suffer from constipation. Beep convinced the officials that rho iinble borne System 11EA®VA.T0R the body clean inside as well as outside. peculiarly .P 1 The other (lay ped Jorkins struck. She � Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets cure con- fingers of women were eculinrl adapted sti ation and biliousness. They never to the counting of notes. He had employ- had often threatened to, trod on one ocre- Headquarters for all hinds of p cion had struck -the dog, She poly r0 - gripe. All good dealers have them. ed his daughters in his own bank and fused to attend to Piper's diet another FIELD GARDEN SEEDS AND OTHER TESTED R112MEDIES knew they could work more rapidly than hour. She declared she aright as well ltic mon. Ho was permitted to engage seven in a ricefleld as to be eternally cooking SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE A SIGHT TO BEHOLD. women, who were regularly appointed as We have a choice stook of FEED CCRN ! counters t)1. United Statoil money. The rine 1n the flus kitchen for that dog She OATS, BARLEY, PEAS, Sco For Impure, Weak and Impoverieb A Look upward to the azure dome, seven pioneers did their work so well that said that Piper ars a gallon of boiled rice Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Pa ta- Where stns and planets are at home it was not lop before con per diem. Highest market price paid for coarse grain, p And where the clouds at g congress was mak- tion of the $earl, Live: Complaint, ea- pleasure roam g appropriations "I'11 sea him further," she said to the in a rt) riatione for the employment meat of ` r taken in exchange. Cash paid for Eggs ralgia, Loss of Memory, BrondMais, Con- p y astonished Jorkins,,coo 'before 1 turn myself Ij sumption, Gall Stones, Jaundice gee Look outward to Elle billowy sea, women in all of the executive depart- Into u ]]]nice, cooking rice for hint. 7`ry and Urinary y Where argosies for you and me menta. It is true the women received but it yourself and see how you like It, - HILL & JOYNER y Diseases, St. Vitus' D■aoe Drift rudderless and will not be half the salary paid to men for the same Female irregularities and General DalaMy Directed to Pone port where we work at the beginning, but the salaries Jorkins rice crushed. H° asked meekly HURON i ST., CLINTON. May get their golden cargoes free. whore the rico was kept and spent the • Laboratory Go�lerieh Ont were gradually increased until now a f • rest of til@ day cogking it, while his wife Look upward to the mountain to woman reoalvee the Baine saltire as s man P every t with o bad headache Fie filled '�T� �-t d• M. 1►S.;C.satL, From which an avalanche may drop. In the public service when she does the every t p p COOK Prop, and McAwfitotarer same work- It was a grand achievement ul tin, all and basin to tiro flat Look down the street a mile or so, for women. All honor to the hero who r with boiled rice, the proportions of which Sold in Clinton b� Cohere People come and people go appalled him. Hiding as much of it as Flour &, Feed More J. H. OOMBE, and ALLAN & WILSON In such u tossing that they seem fought it to completionl Small world er he could, he took in a steaming moss to Tha flotsam or A swollen stream. that women are at work raising a fund to give Piper, who bad concealed himself un - 0 LpoJc into windows where the old erect a statue to his memory.- der Mrs. Jorkins' lounge. BRAN flit SHORTS WOOn►s �ofgr 40nZW3EL And jewels of the new and oldsFIRST POSTAGE STAMP. "You can't give a dog redbot food,' GreatThGreat$;nallr6 Remedy.Are set in glittering array said his wife. "You must cool it for hilt. In large or small quantities. Sixoed to For those who have the cash to pay. Order In Which It Was Adopted by Dif- I always do. " promptly* and permanently ferent Countries. Her husband looked at her with admira• OIL CAKE and MEAL cure all forms of Nervous Look at some passing carriage which tion. He was beginning; to think her Weakneas.Znt-ions,.5por•tw• May make you wish that you were rich. The first postage stamp seems to have martyr. He took the rice and the clog into u OF ALL KINDS. atorrhea,Impotev"and aZ1 Look anywhere -that is to say, been used In Paris In 1653, but the serv- the kitchen, whither Mrs. J. presently pounds Choice Oatmeal for 1 basher of � ds of ti core• Look anywhere except her tray- ice in which the stamp was used was only followed him. She found him on his Oats. 01 r"OOP�ef°e For, lo, here comes what we'd conceal,local and soon failed On May 8, 1840, ].pees, with his bicycle bum h W' a�a, 014uwors'time.• A dam the first regular postage p' - and aL ,BeforeandAfter. pt' woman on tt wheel] g p g stomps were !s- work. Ho was cooling the rico, while lants,soh"noonkadtorn- And did you ever? sued 1n England. Various local forward- Piper sat by and howled. -Chicago Times - D. COOK, CLINTON. !lr*aittr,rues'rite,0—mru'aoaand an-firgram Oil, mel Oh, myl ors of letters and postmasters in this eoun- Herald. Eas boon presertbod over 85 years In thousands of —New York Sum try issued stamps as early as 1841. The eases; is tho only JUUaLid and Honest Atbdfoitae first to do so was A M. Gr=eg's City Dls BANKS. hooffeknownsomewAzkdrurtble medicine of thisejif, NATURES MEDICINE patch Post, which was sold to the govern. � close price a worthless medew in phwo re cuts, Nature's medicine for constipation, liver ment In August, 1842. Blood & Co. o1 ACTIVE MAN WANTED incises price in Iettac•. and we wm send t>1 return p Philadelphia Bald stem The Molsons Barak �'L Prise, one s a1, m''5, one "w complaint,sick headache,bilioumess, jailed. P stamps in 1841, and the To read this advertisement and then give tPlenea,almsoUJorre Pmmphleterreetomyaddreak ice and sallow complexion is Laxa-Liver postmasters of Baltimore, New Haven and Putman's Painless Corn Extractor a trial. WUO Wood Oompaiky, Pills. They are a perfect laxative, never New York of 1846 also sold stamps. It never fails to cure. Acts in twenty-four Incorporated by.Act of Parliament 1885 Tptadsoc. out, Osaada. griping or causing pain. One pill each In 1847 the government took up the hours and causes neither pain nor discom- CAPITAL $2,000,000 night for thirty days will cure constipation. business, but Brazil In 1848 was ahead of fort. Putman's Corn Extractor extracts - Sold in Clinton b Allen & Wilson the United States in taking up the stamp REST FUND - 51,500,000 druggists. Pulling Out a Tooth, end of the postal business. The other pricorns. It is the best. The modern dentist, who was undoubt• cipal countries followed in this order: HEAD OFFICE, MONTREAL. edly intended for a blacksmith, takes you France Belgium and Bavaria in 1849 The Government has made arrange - Hanover, British Guian menta with the Head Line Steamers Wni. Mor sox MACParcnsox, President into an up stairs office and seats you at ° g Prussia Spain ... running between Halifax, Belfast and ' F. WOLFL+aBTAN Taottea. Gen Manager front window, as be says, for light. You and Switzerland In 1860; Italy, Denmark, Dublin to carry the mails. This will -Notes dieooanted, ,Collebtions made, Drafts know that he is in league with the man Baden, Wurttemberg, Saxony and the prov- give a direct mail service to Ireland. issued, Sterling and American exchange ( JJ�� across the street, who from an opposite Inces of Canada in 1861; Chile, the bought and sold. Interest allowed on de- 1 ffEVEN�ONA window is studying your digestive econ• Princes of Turin and Taxis (who had the posits. SAVllsee BANII—Interest allowed on J omy, and who seems to have wagered that postal monopoly !n Germany) in 1852; euros of $1 and up. Money advanced to 1 the dentist couldn't gothis llstquito down Portugal ' !n 1858; India and Norway in farmers on their own note, with one or your throat. 1854; Uruguay and Mexico in 1850; Russia more endorsers. No mortgage required And this is the way he pulls your tooth: and Newfoundland in 1857; Sweden in "Take that chair; ploase, Now, which - 1868; the Australian colonies early in the H C. BREWER, Manager, Clinton -THE LEADING- tooth?" fifties; Greece In 1881; Turkey in 1883;" 4.4 This one." Ecuador in 1865; Egpyt in 1888; Bolivia UNDERTAKER "Ah, es"- in 1887; Paraguay in 1870. The interna - G. D, NerIAGGA RTe "Ow- yes" - The other onel" t=onal postal � ion was formed In Ociober, now. bR. WHYS -AND- ,Well. then, just a little wider. There 1874, and went into operation on July 1. NORWAY �� w." 1876 -St, Globe -Democrat Njjl�➢IRRasp-punch-ecrape- -ALBERT ST. - MBAL "O-00-oohl" and you break loose and Wont on Whistlink. SYRUP / ST., CLINTON,r expectorate. Any one who makes a careful study of I R p "Mercy," you gasp, "wouldn't It be less city noises will be astonshed at the very .A general Banking Business painful to blow it out with gunpowder?" lar a number which aro wholly unn°les- , transacted. a•ULLLINPi OF Nonsense. Open our mouth."' g Is Sure _ P y spry and the abolition of which would in a.7 GOODS KEPT in STOCK "Take me for the African sword ewal• no way Interfere with the rights or beer - NOTES DIliCOUNTED lowert nese interests of those who make thein. nT o Cure "Little wider." The noise makers may be divided into two 1 Drafts esued, Interest allowed on Gurgle -gasp- classes. The first and by far the larger deposits. — Ouch I That's killingme I" COUGHS S close make unnecessary noise thoughtless- 4. II77 "Just ono more pull. Nowl" ly They have never had their attention Best Embalming Fluid tseod. Up, up you o. You see the milk way AND FARRAN $TISDALL. g y Y called to the tact that they cause annoy - tying itself into a love knot. Your eyes ance to others by making noises which are i �Q' 7 Hearse out, there is a roaring in your Bare CO,L unnecessary, and education and the are- DS✓ BANKERS, Splendid Hearse -a crash, and you see the dentist with the ation of a sentiment is all that is required CLINTON ONT troublesome molar in his forceps, grinning to make them as careful to respect the r e as though !t were the funniest thing in rights and comfort of others in tho matter Mee26 Cents. the world. -Pear • Weekly. of noise as the are in other res Advances made to farmers on their own Residence over store Y beets. notes at low rates of interest. A personal experience illustrates what I OPPOSITF TOWN HALL HOW TO GET RICH. mean. As I was riding In a street car ret 4 - A general Banking Business transaoted. We refers to richness oY the blood. If you cently a respectable looking young man Interest allowed on deposits, are pale and thin, you are poor in strength sat beside mo and for 20 blocks he whis- Bale Notes bought and nerve power. Scott's Emulsion drives tied a sharp, idle, inane whistle, which away thinness and pallor, and brings rich was manifestly annoying to half a dozen i J. P. TISDALL, Manager, blood and nerve power. of his fellow passengers, The car suddenly����,�� OLINTON pfARBLE WORKS. lurched round a curve, and his foot came lightly in contact with my own. He im- COOPHR'S OLD STAND, . mediately turned, lifted his hat, bowed to eKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE Nex to Commercial hotelme and said, "I beg your pardon, sir,' INSURANCE CO. This establishment is In Pull oration and RHEUMATISMand went on whistling. Title young man order filled in the most satisfaoto, y way Come had learned from custom and habit that it ter and p y, Is otvused b UK4e ARM & �OLAT]DD TOCVN !'&OPH7R[T Y granite work a e ocialt Prices a 9 +0oid cnQ o4�elflln¢- is very bad manners not to apologize for ONLY INSURED reasonable as tbooc of any establishmm t pmltles I germ An the UoAeh even unintentionally jostling another per- im1,GH HOOV®R,Clinton, m ve hot bean 1Q ttlr�od q[at son, but be had not learned that it Is very i- oralanRe. I1, t111�h iso erica o j cis and therefore A Geo. Wales Pro4idant, I3arlo°k P. O.t- Ianoe tt je seed of unjust and unkind to A \ \ \ rotrdfoot, ee-Pres., Seaforth P. O.• W. J. he trouble look fn &a �Rs- bad manners, to torture them with unnee- '1 happen, y.Trena.,'ScotorthP.O.;ICMnrdie ee& Ws , ass noise. -Dr. J. EL Girdner in North speotoroPtosem, Seaforth P. o. HAT STAMPING{ liniments or � plass aa��aeefcll m9 teSeaf POne CaAse. But tLe d6sewn *en American Review. •! e i t,r Jas. Broadfoot, Seaforth; M. Ytrrdle, flea The undersl nod is prepared to do an Undo Orth;Gm Dal., Soatorth; Geo. Wat*, Flarlock; of �m ing for Mate, Persian Rue and artt• KEEP OLOSE WATCHI -p,e a e, t3eatorth• Alen ;Johnor, Load- g CUR -- ` 11 _v; Chas. Carbntt, olintcn; John IfoLean, °lee o[ 1 o nature. Work done� pprempptlrr and atreasonable rstoe, 7dRs A.WOR,Tg1N(3T0]►f Huron Street. natt•NTs. Look to It that You Are Well Guarded t Smith Harlock• John Yeo, Holmoaville. I was taken with a severe attack of rhetrma. Against that Stealth Enemy, bt, M01111ian, 6caGth, and J. Cartilage, tie, and ootll d not turn myself in bed. I woe g y y, Kidney mondville. t t pills. Th to try Dr. Hobbs' sp Yfgee Kidney Disease- South American Kidney Cure artiea deairone to oiPodt Insurances or trap- Pills, They soon pat o on my feet again, t other business will be promptly attended to 11CP NOW NLotItban one box cured me -so completely is the Only Remedy Which will 'Relieve application to any of the above officers tha6t I hr.ve retnrned again to my work in the at once and Cure, f6seed to their respective offices. Lake Shore Repair Shope as well as ever. _ Wld,,A. SCITOMELli, Adrian, Mich. Michael McMullin, of Cbeeley, wrItes: ,,I t ei Ism pleased to eat' that Dr. Hobbs' remod 1 had been troubled with ravel and kidney IiHSHOP ON WHEELS t �� P�� ����g' have ever u are the most relieving remedy I g Y haus over need for rheumatism. You may use disease for eight years. At times the pain This o1fl-established and reliable ba�no.a is this as a testimonial for the benofit of others was so severe I could not lie in one position BIG BARGAINS IN SHOES beinga continued as nsnal, and thwo who want who are r, 284t d aide St., Detroit, Veteran of for say length of time. I took South Amer - IM. TAYLOR, the celebrated Cutler anytliing in our lino can role on the ver Civil War, 2A4 Adelaide St., Detroit, Mich. ' ha cinder, of Sheffield, England, is back y host loan KidneyCure accordingto directions town for a short time, and is located on of service , I of immeiate retie 'Pe soreness and Before you assortment purchase a pair you should Ur. Robb a see our assor.tmont of Rlon'a, Women's Dineley, s Corner. He will da Flofal Degi n for Spring Redding, weakness' -all left. I testify to the and Children's BOOTS, SHOES and Floral tDeelxuA for Weddings or FuncntrftlA G^•. remedy being a fill cure. This RUBBERS, trading 3t Repairs of all kinds i�l� at open "short notice and at reasonable rates i rnit and orntuucntrtl trees I �%�� "AAA t fFF��� Y y t you by using Hpruce. Scotch A Astrachan fine pill doses. It et' s ecific- a ddket Knives rebladsd and made equally Kidney Pills liquid that I! be hard anb- A full stook Of Blankets, Robee, Single Rdzora, Soiesors, and all kinds of Al cos of entire stock verb tow. stances and c rind Double Harness on hand. Give 'tiff shar Quad. 'Umbrellas and Parasols All orders promptly fitted, Fos sAIX nv ugh nature's lie a call. t p chant el. S this. It ie t yy'reptliredan'd oldonesbotight. Orris Jt►1><11 Stewart Estate FILi.EN & WILSON, Druggists, n linin . an Sold b9 JAS 6i'ITCIIE{LL E3awo guinmed and abarpened. f lilenrallltor CLINTON, ONT Watts cC , Moria Bloclt, Clinton. y p r t sict3clgfoodalulF uta-• StatilddisAudBonelsof Bone pd'owtC'S Mgescill7T .T,-] rON i,?kr�eol'47l?�,DrtS?1M:'7r...,L}11C'P,..? ce:ab �1G�tiTw: gig N F CJ>71�F•`6AQFbFtPPER. wt) TS t017 TI -113 i I 0r Ymy ' CASTORIA, 0"t0ria in put up in one -else bottles only;';:;'';; Iii not sold in bulk. Don't allow anyone.to" yxia anything else on the plea or promise is just as good" and "will answer. eve pass,' 4 Sco that yrru get t Alli 'Lbs fat)- siaile !l' of arbppt when Remembte-hr,urchasin purchasing Chilreti,aa Sl,ppllejs If you take quality into consideration, wt) are able to meet all requiremez in FRUITS, FINEST SELECTED VALENCIAS, RAISINS, FAN VOSTIZZAS, CURRANTS, ELEME FIGS, NATURAL FIGS, SPICES, Rest brands CITRON, ORANGE and LEMON PEELS, C CHOCOLATE, ICINGS, E%TRACTS, ESSENCES, ORANGES, LE CANDIES, CROCKERY, TOILET SETS, DINNER SETS I Crate Fancy China, just the thing for Christmas ,< Ne ROBSON'S, - Clinton. You Want an Or perhaps a Lounge, a Parl�Su ]Extension Table, a set ; Easy Chair i Back Dluiug Chairs, a Bedroom5otl a Mattress, some Pictures Frame Our stock is complete, the quality is equal to the best. - qq Our prices are as low as the lowest. We want your trade. e TH We're { r •♦ 8'r Qi' al! it AGAIN what from the following jtq what you want, ani make X0 purchases early. i 4 lbs. New Raisins for....................$0 25 Regain] Price. Otte' 7lbs. Good Japan Tea.................... 1 00 gashboarde. 61bs. 25o Japan Tea ...................... 1 OD .... .......:a,?ta Oatmeal(per11lbsj................ �g 6 lbs. 80c, Japan Tea ....................... ......10 8lbe31ackor Japan 7'ea..,,100 Flavoring Extracts ... ....... ,,.,,.,,„• pp Regular Prio Our rice I Laundry Starch,.............,.....10 Laundry Soap, 1(),5c bare for ... .. .. D Baking Powder ...................... 10 U Brooms ....... 15 25 I Balring Soda fi Broome........,,...........,-, ... t'5 18 Sunlight SoapI��.(9 bars......,,,,,,,,,18 E0 b 100. plug MOJlenalds Tobacco ...80 Daher goods at like prices. Mnah Sngnr for little money. Choice family Flour, f.85 per pti Oath wanted in exchange for Oatmeal. Choice Butter on hand, Bran, Shorts, (,;Trop err g,.;k ]rinds of Grain bought and sold. ®. OLS0M Victoria St., near Queen's Hotel, 'C1inf J' A A tubae sA VI NG 0;F 0Q By using the Knestrr, DoulMn Asir SrrTrR, patented U. Canada, The only satisfactory sifter on the market. T tern in one, of different size meshers. el Calf s large cinders. No labor, no at, no waste. On receipt of : 2.50 we will deliver f double ash sifter tot any=' of Canada and pay express charges ourselves, Write for descriptive circular and references. Wholesale'`a n01ai1, Agents wan tedyverywhere. County, township and"flirt rights for sale. Apply to P. it, kRA�EL Patentee and Manufacturer, f 9610 St. Catherine St. Montreal, P. SOME OF THE STRiKING FEATURES FOR 1899;''' > ' THREE SERIAL STORIES TIDE ADVENTURERS FOUR FOR A FORTUNE THE COPPER PRil4CES'Sr Dy17,l.Yln2rofr nlrtcN Ry ALDaar Lad BY Knix MUNROrr^._,°0' is a thrilliaii stat) of a fight for is n stirring narrative offour It is in the bowels of the earthwhetB. A treasure eeneesW in an old cernpanlons who have lo• the hero has his ndventareA, `inn . bustle in the netaWas of Walem sued a long lost fortnne. from where he resceos the Priuoess.. l SHORT FICTION In additina to eke three los ff serial ateries, the pnbliention of wkich will eontlnne daring the mere year, there will be .Mrt steriee of every kind, of which it In only possible to mention a few titles here ' hast, the Owler The Blockaders A Harbor Mystery Dy er11L/T J, 1rJfPY/J► Dp JdAfM BAJLVM By JOHN h. spru R$ The Flaeking of Watkins, Ghost A Great "nut A Creature of Clrcumstente Dr ,oar alr►>.rtrrrr aiwoe By ROrnrs 8WR7r 'up 1row;AX ROBBIzTaoy ARTICLES ON SPORT, TRAVEL, ETC. Elepha■t Mating In Africa An American Explorer In Atirlca ay ersm aaoore .'r( 'tJl Dp 0=8 C, A& MR b Ptrst Lessons to Tiller and Sheet d� `h n Laying Out n Golf Goatee w Ap N'. O. FUN T.48w, 6'UTP11.fiN DEPARTMENTS PRIZE COMPETITiONS Editor's Tablo, Stamps and Coins, Photography Short Storles,Sketching,Phot . 10 Cmrar a Nnrotber (Send jar Free PraapeHms). Subaerrprdetr, $1.00 a .Teri Postage free In the United States, Canada, and Mexico. Address HARPER & BROTHERS, Publisher% Franklin Sgnar6, Nit'. �ltp t shnI,y J. 11,cy ,an n. V. Ail_ wats'olt, Cynas C. Adams fontthi y niC Y✓«''fl?"`.+w.