The Clinton New Era, 1897-12-24, Page 6' ., r'
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I � 11
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i Dyes
now a Pilot on a Boat i$topped a Horse
Weak,nervoua people havingheart trouble
In a Oornflald. are easily ahooked and frightened. Mil -
I was on the upper Ohio once when the barn'e Heart and Nerve Pills fortify the
pa ll)N(3t $li o 1$r .5pre, r4ever
river was low, and was much amused over nerves, restore regular action to the heart,
s+Q )Never:Bahl, Best in the
the use which as pillet put a Iioegaphone. and cure every form of heart or nerve
trouble. MrsGladys McMillan, Toronto,
Fla boa 4 the, thing to oti33 ashore any
says: "Milbarn's Heart and Nerve Pills
message that alight have been given the
cured me of nervousness and palpitation.
� golort Pie9iies, Coatames, 131oneea,
boat to carry. This was to earn time, fox I was so nervous that the least noise would
e. ldbaT00`b .Cl4sts, Vents, Trousers,
those little Doatp in the, ]peal tradep area
g'rotlt deal like the, qkl fashioned mail car-
trouble me: but am now perfectly well.
r�a s
, Ai,(id�ns•Wo.ol yarnR, (7otton Yarce,
visas-- �ythlzlg to a000mmodate the peo-
gq forpakpgta @nd Mo,te,Flaanela,Sheep•
Photographs. Piaster
Dle along the bank. I
_4ll V,%,,`Feathere,
�a, hirtkens, , eons, Mosses, Grasses,
"We were in the pilot boos% gnd the,
boat was running up a shoot hear the
$e Bone log I etc•
hey tasks: �rillag Ink, Marking Ink,
West Virginia side of the river. Ilia oom-
It Goats a Fortune to He Lord IIiayor of
xlpiI.. , . I Idtamlling Ink, Shading Ink,
'wood Colored Var•
field was an old farmer, who was
lug a plow behind an old, flet} bitten gray
Who expenditures for subscriptions and
1 Qolorni Stains,
hes, Sh o Pressing, etc.
Sip Iffier Dyes in the world can give the
that only needed a half invitation to atop
anytime. The pilot put the ogao� hstop
�i S—
entertainment are largely in excess of the
sal and ciWal allowances of the lord
1i rarA '� re&alt9 as the Diamond Dyes.
Xt . fq, @11P Ripllardsou Co., Mgntreal',
to his mouth and shouted and
the old gray whoaed. I
"The he
malar of Lojadga;i, writes the London oor-
�ndelnL of the ATew York Tribune. It
>tooi> gf �jreotione and sample acrd of
farmer heard the sound, and
thought, evidently, that a neighbor was
i}iayox anywhere from
0, 000) to
grsr.11 dost free to azly address.
there or thereabout, Por he looked around21Q
to St)0, 000 ($100,
ooh ce. 81r George i andel-
to see whence the sound came, Then he
tossed n clod at the old horse and started ,
Ph I>B b4b1�j ¢pent ,000)trom tEex ess
(4 J w �'9`�OOb {i1t150,000) in excess
1�P greti9t responsible for anything what
this headiug.
hili up
When, said the pilot and again the
� g+
ary and allowances The office Is
always P costly one. Whoever accepts it
01kkoppoars under
old horse stopped. Then the old Rube
t>xpeo� heavily for the honor. No
l Y
1., T,
y,Ome:)i?ertinent Sugg estions
went to the river bank and looked down
3vay x ever emerges from office with-
lord a
in the willows, but not a soul could he
atlt'betnput pof least 510,000 ($80,000)
the -Editor of the New Era.
see. He looked up and down and then atpoarer
the steamboat and scratched his bead In
for the experience, but the honor of
)r-$re,,—Please allow me, for the first
surprise. He couldn't afford to waste any
knighthood is iuvarinbly bestowed upon
hiinj and his wife enjoys the distinction of
oe in your paper to est forth m
f_,;6pa Y F P y
a plain way on practical temper-
time in looking for the ghost, for he went
back to the plow and started on with his
being addressed as Lady So -and so. No
de: reform,;quietiy forced upon me dur-
travelling salesman.
jo b
alderman who has passed tb9 chair ever
returns to it, Ro-election to the office
( s y.eura as a
dtllieis. nr4 not only a necessity to the
"On amore the joking piloteaid'whoar
and again the horse stopped dead still. '
never oscura No alderman In willing to
the tolls twicao. IIs might be if he
tt)iI put, aside from the bar room, they
y tbs �sF4ndard institutions of coaven
you could sec from the, boat that the old
fellow was all mixed up, for he looked up
could got a peerage for a second term.
p aria;wjth open doors, stand to offt r
and down the river and then at the hill-
The election of the lord mayor is a bur -
league with touches eiY me-
jt ity and comfort to all confers.
I have only the
side behind him to see it he could find the
diaoval mummeiy, like the,Novomber pro-
h¢sn' in the business,
f Gst"Helings, for I have found the ma-
iit;;� 4ftotel keepers not only affable and
man who was working him and his old
horse. He made up his mind that he
ib the to
cession, with its tinsel splendors and gro-
ueHalf a dozen ex -sheriffs
q pageantry.
'iIQ # & business sense but truly kind-
would take out of old gray, and
fix for the occasion he went to the under
have an informal conference, and one of
arced find anxious for the welfare and
brush and out a stick that was 10 feet
them agrees to take the of£oe and to pay
the costs for a year. The common crier,
n$ort of their guests.
lye:Cocthat part of hotel keeping that
long. lie started the horse with a vengeI •
sacci When the pilot hollered 'Whoar
the recorder, the common sergeant, the
bearers, the sword bearers and the
try belongs to the saloon, and not t0 it.
1t .O lignor selling in small quantities,
again the old man gave the gr , link
that sounded clear to the boat We could
chaplains appear for dress parade, and a
c I have no sympathy, in
the liquor business in any Corm.
almost hoar him say:
small knot of liverymen gives assent.
lord mayor is elected by representatives of
that the hotel keeper might lime
Phar, gol darn youl I'll teach you
the liveried guilds, and he exercises jurls-
'rinsoful citizen, having no pangs of con-
to stop when you hear a spook hollerin at
diction over a square mile of territory with
;en'ge iE'tbe temperance people, individ- 1
you. '
a resident population of 35,000. The
But the pilot kept up the ggood work
'Whoa) Zoar
greater London, with its 700 square miles
' ", t` -, lending financial support to
Ir", y g
'pte'1'where drink was not sold,. Philip, I
and hollered Wheal and
again and again the old man hit the gray. t3 g y
and 7,000,000 residents --a world within
executive head and no cen-
itsel —hoe no exec
f%ther of ¢lexander the Great, gained I
Finally it looked las it he had caught on,
tralized systom of government. It is the
e;bloodless victories by the use of mon. I
for he let the old horse atop while he
center of a worldwide empire, yet It In an
,an most ancient kings slid by the nes
ir just here let me say
watched the boat I
Then the pilot thought he had had
anomalous jumblo of "disjected provinces"
without unity of action Or enlightened and
arms, and
, Aentgriousness in this stands in the,
enough fun and he called out: I
progrosslvo municipal policies. The mod -
of temperance reform. We would not
"preferential trade" with temperance)
Feed the old gray I Feed him t He's
so hungry that he can't work. That's
ern art of municipal government can offer
no more startling contrast than that be -
p on this account. Then another i
all the atterold withRubhgot
tweeu the choice of the lord mayor of Lon -
to be avoided is that of lending our II
his voice and we
Then o h
don by half a dozen rich gentlemen who
tip y only; without our sympathy and in- i
heard him lay: 'You thunder with
have been sheriff nasi the popular election
sues (whd. would arise from principle) I
your old voicol It'd stop a railroad train
anywheresI' " — Cincinnati Commercial
of a munieip:..i �. • ; _, , . ;':.r !.reator Now
ompEyranoe reform, but heart, band ai d
York. _— _ —^_ —
at -book should work together,
Z. e trouble now is that there are too
Y 17ar rooms ire, so-called hotels, but
fsWgood, hotels, with every good an.
Odatiou except intoxicants, which,
It a Sad Mistalce For Them to Begin
y@r ware ything but good. Public
with no enticing glitter of
Lite In s Boarding House.
Edward W. Bok, editor of The Ladies'
Man and Wife Join Hands in Proclaiming
sparkle of poison through cut
Home .Journal, always a stanch and un-
I the Great South American Nervine King
th no side doors to perdition, and
compromising advocate of the home, as•
, of Cures for Stomach Trouble and Nerves
S., ,
tug doors with oiled hinges into hell;
serts that a home, however humble, is a
wo.od counters, over which the fiery
million times better place for young mar
; Mr S. Phillips, Wierton,ent., writes: "I
';passes in the foamy cup, concealed, to
ried couples to live than is the most lux-
was very mach emaciated by chronic dye -
g. infernal cravings and cruelly des-
carious hotel or best boarding house in the
entry and dyspepsia for a number of years,
'-sill better feelings, but hooses where
land. "It is always a sad thing," he says,
No remedy or no phyaican seemed to suo-
•thie; `oommandmente are kept and the
"when a young married couple begin life
cessfully cope with my case. When all else
' ' rule is observed we need.
in a boarding house or hotel; sad because
had failed I read of the cures being effected
lime Dice a case. Upon driving to an
they start life practically outside of them.
by South American Nervine. I decided to
I el iii the country some weeks ago I was
solves The furniture around them is not
give it a trial. Before I had taken half a
1d:: might stopover night. The lan}-
their own. T.he young wife may bring
bottle I was much improved and felt great-
frormed me that her husband w to
with her all the trifles she chooses. She
ly relieved. A few bottles of it have made
ppivIng fqr . license. Said I : I
Al I"liava'no sympathy with the
may add a touch of her own here and an.
other touch there. But the things in the
me a new man. I am better and healthier
tbau I have felt for years." Ella wife was
bjisimeon. on have a young family
room are not theirs, and sooner or later
also a great sufferer from stomach troubles
train. Sorely the surroundings in
she realizes it.
and headaches. She says: "Seeing the won -
se' hotel are not good for young
"During the day the wife is alone, No
derful effect it was having on my husband,
n:. Tell me, could you not accom-
duties call her. Nothing is there in her
I tried it also. The remedy gave me almost
the publio in your hotel without
life to exercise her Ingenuity or develop
instant relief, and has cured and made a
& licence?" The answer was, "No,
her womanly talents. She cannot pro•
strong woman of me." Sold by Watts & Co.
cannot be made to pay." Now, she was
pare any little pleasure for her young hue-
to, pay $100 and refarniah the
band, for things are prepared for her.
'01or theprofits of the bar, but with-
When her husband leaves her for his office,
, Sorting Sawed Lumber.
it- the.travoller has to take the .poorest
she turns back into the room and wonders
"The Story of a Pine Board" Is one of
oinnpodalfion I ever put up with, and
what she can do during the day; how she
the Melee in St. Nicholas. Mr. W. S.
gllty prices for it, It is a lie
will employ herself, where she will go.
, Harwood who writes it, tells of the
ve0 to swallow more than once that
There is nothing in her room to appeal to
growth of the tree, the felling of it by
liquor bneiness gives acommodation
her to stay there. No home duties con-
lumbermen, its passage to the mill and
do not pay for.
I am not in favor of compensation
front her. So she goes out and shops per
haps for awhile; runs around to her moth-
the cutting Into boards. Then he says:
uor dealers when prohibition comes,
foot, but I do
er's; calls upon some friends; goes back
her little, if is
A systeof rollers carries the sawed
I lumber and the slabs from the saws to the
e shoe it on the other
kthat; for honest value we should p %y
to room to practice a she
musical and has a piano, or, if she is fond
distant end of the mill, where the boards
are trimmed and sorted. The rollers are
dally and think that, since temper-
of books, she reads. There is nothing in
;revolving cycllndors of steel., raised just
I9glglation slowly, nevertbe-
her life—two-thirds of herself ilea dor
I enough from the tables in which they are
rarely, for the temperance party to
want She ip glad when the time comes
set to keep the motion. Stand-
te, ,'Jho finest. hotel in every town
for her husband to come home; glad to
Ing at the end of the roller carriage, a
ke, step in the right direction and
feel that she has some one to whom she
blue bloused workman with his sharp
pose and storm the devil in thin
can talk; glad of company. And be?
: piearoon directs the board in any direction
r;fort of kin.
i+o#proh'bitten? Certainly. We
What can he do to express himself to his
young wife? Nothing around him is hia
he wisheq the rough slabs being sent
Ialong one set of subordinate rollers to be
en stopping at half way
Everything is by lease his for a time, for
, shaved up into shingles or ripped into
o,ggh and should move right on
ity and into the legislative halls
so much money. And after he is through
paying for it he leaves it behind. The end
kindling for city consumption, while the
,ting, yet moving
e of ,� ton that when
is the same as the beginning. That Is
boarding house hotel life is in-
�,s p� a broad, inclined table,
where whizzing little saws trim thein and
itio"t 'fires have de ` oyed the last
why or so
urious to youngmarried people. It
sew them into the requisite lengths. In a
cagenear the top of mawork
nee# the 'liquor trams oma cellar
to' xidge board, then the' Murch of
them ractiically homeless."
per levers
man operates a aeries of levers like those
slitLll rine in her might ala hall
in use in a railway switahyarti directing
I tdiis curse into oblivion, and s 11
��Z3 Y•° 3:-4..
the pieces of lumber as they pass up the
be it with a beautiful structure ov
Tho fan a Is on
incline. The lumber then tumbles down
'p'doorwa'y of whiob we may read,
similes every
the other side of the incline and ie ready
Iloe On earth and goodwill toward men.'
,i " T"ayyt.
for pilings
Yours in the work
Lincoln's Berth.
Grief and Worry
In the early days of sleeping care two
in berth. One day tail,
men slept one a
"iibtr is the. severest known form of
lanky man engaged a berth from Pullman.
Pullman handed him the check and said,
digeage.: . Burdock Blood Bitters is
est p6werful medicine known. It
to shall sell the other check to that berth
and skin diseases. Proof:"Illy
A well and favorably known lady of Mitch-
another man, of course. The lanky
man wound himself up to his full height;
d he'd two cancexa taken off his face,
oflioj owag coming on his lip. He
ell givza an account of her sufferings:
"Grief at the death of near and dear rel•
then unwound himself again. " Young
" "the
&,bottles of Hood's Sarsaparilla and
atives afew years agocausod nervous trouble
man, he said, person who can get
9opp6ered I know tbismedieine in an
and general debility. Prior to chat time I
into one of your berths when 1 ani wound
116nt,blood purifier." Mas Wnt. KrRBY.
was in excellent healtb,quite stout and very
up in it is welcome to the aceonimoda-
F.',x1e. do., Now York.
strong. With my said bereavements I be.
tion." This ninn was Abraham Lincoln.
,, 31 fir. —.
came excessively nervous,my appetite fail.
—Now York Tribune.
orifi,. btyden, a retired farmer
ed, I lost flesh and strength, and my mind
Ll 663, last night took by mis-
and nerves were in each a state that found
it r)'OAts.of C irbolic acid instead of
it almost impossible to compose myeelf to
O 00, nif�tilrg. His daughter Flora,
sleep. When 1 would drop into slumber I
Who does not know women and young
� is old; ionentering the room,
would wake np in a short time trembling
girle who are continually in teire? Who al-
�g I tlie'earbOtte acid and informed
violently and in a cold prespiration, and
ways see the dark aide? Who have frequent
1i"fktiior lie enlist have taken the
could not go to sleep again that night. My
fits of melancholy without any apparent
trigg. inedieine. A physician was
memory became cloude.i and fickle. I had
cause? The intelligent physioan will know
b fn;r . 11el' worked for over two
great pain through mytemples,and myheart
that it is some derangement of the complic-
Iitho ef6rb the patient was out of
seemed to frequently stop its pulsations.
ated and delicate feminine organa.. The
�'�1 '.i ,.
Tb again I hadfaintingspells so that my
young girl suffers, bodily and mentally, in
friends thought I was a hypochondriac,
silence. There is undue weariness, unex-
Fortunately I procured a box of Milburn's
pected pain, unreasonable tears and fits of
Heart and Nerve Pills from Mr S.A. Hodge,
temper. Dr.Pierco'e Favorite Prescription
',lforJ'eara I l'hve been taking medicines
the well known druggist of this place, and
' exerts a wonderful power over woman's del-
Ilve�j�' odqp �F`laint, rhenmatism, heart
commenced tatting them last spring. To
ioate organism. It is an invigorating tonic
and is specific for the weaknesses,
1►iad�if rvouA prostration, but three
my gratitude they performed a complete
bt.laitdd'a$argatarillahavel done me
cure. My appetite in now good,I have gain-
irregularities and painful derangements of
lod tliko,4hyyotlier medloine I have..
ed in flesh, health and strength, and feel
woman. Careless, easy-going doctors fro-
tlCl 66, itirti)y ifedommend it to ot-
cheerful and happy. I dleep well,and have
quently treat their women patients for bil•
t bIIt �i ,?'d'tjiil7,'Vetft6u, Michigan.
no trouble with my heart or nerves wbatev-
iousnem, nervousnes9, dyspepsia, liver or
op-, .
er. 'T'hese pills are a great cure for heart
' kidney troubles, when the real sickness is in
O ''I ;�Xh% orf• tllo only pills to
and nerve troubles :as well as a splendid
I the organs distinctly feminine, and no help
Itl1t Y p td obapailia, Easy, yet
tonic for the entirosystem, and I am very
can come till ahoy are made strong by the
' tuftglad
to recommend them to all sufferers
use of Dr.Pierce's Favorite Prescription,
in to the
• ., •
frann similar eomplainta. ,(Signed) Miss
Send 81 cents one-oent stamps
' ' , . �
W. Wiasersobmidt, MitehelY Ont.
World's Dispensary Medical Association,
Buffalo, hr.Pleroe'e 1006
Lain,L ills onre constipation, bil-
fotllevega, 260.
.Y .,and receive
page Co mon Sense Medical lAdvieer,fllns-
. - Ill I
Excruciating Paine, — Have You Suffered
Rheumatic or Sciatic Pains ? — South
American Rheumatic Care will Relieve
in'6 Hours and Cure.
"I suffered intensely with rheumatism
and soistion in my left hip. I tried many re-
medies and a number of physioans, but they
ooulddo little for meiduly giving neo a.t times
a little temporary relief. I aaw South Am-
erioan Rheumatic Cure advertised and de-
oided to give ita trial. The first few doses
benefitted me wonderfully, and after taking
only two bottles the pains disappeared, and
7r :
.` R
. - - I - -_T
It is announced that Lord `Utratb- OFFICE of
cone, (Donald Smith has presented hie I I C E
entire herd of Buffalo. now on his R. o
farm near Winnipeg, to the Dominion ;
Glovernment, to be placed in the na- Clerk 5th • DivisionaCOurI
tional Park at Bans. .
AqL for beat Insurance . 1.
"I was troubled with earache for a long THE SLOAN MEDIOINE C0.01
time," said Miss J. Johnson, Innisfail, N. 4 I
W.T., " DEAR SIRS:-- trying different remedies DEASIRS:—
without success, used Hagyard's Yellow Oil About two years ago I suffered from an atta"
I's a last resort and I can really oay that it became chronic and threatened my existence. I used sev
cured me so completely that I have never and was treated by my family physioialc, but was not on,
had earache since." Indian Tonic. It helped me at once and I continued to impro ', .Ft
health. I can heartily recommend it to all troubled as I was, orI .
nvigoratingm edicine. R. B" DIQ
cure a marvei,aa r unu uuuu ou uau aur two For sale at all dealers orladdress the Company at Hamilton.
years that had I been given the whole uni. 0
verse I could not lie on my left side." E. Price $1 per bottle; 6 bottles for $6.
P�RRISTT, Merriokville, Ont. Sold by Waite Rkelulmatism.I
An Arrogant Father Humbled by H
e Relief m six houret What a Riad mea- t •�'
Twelve -year-old Son. saga d
to the pain -rooked, bedridden, des- c
"It is an everlasting and incontrover•ti- pairing sufferer from rheumatism's cruel LLL
ble fact," romarked the, undersized man, grasp—anis this is a fact, borne out by
"that pride goes before a fall. I used to volumes of evidenoe, for this greatest of
have some doubts on the subject, but they pain conquerors. Whave all been swept away by the events of Rheumatism is carablo—South Ameri- a thoroughly periodical for women, will enter upon its .
this afternoon." can Rheumatism Cure Is an absolute thirty -Cyst volume io ,8)8. During the year it will be as hesetelore,
"It was a sudden conversion P" specific, and radically aures the mast A MIRROR OF FASHION
"Yes, but it was a complete one. I am stubborn cases in from one to three days. Paris and New York Each issue will contain carefully pro -
not In the habit of gloating over the mis- " I suffered intensely from rheumatism -Fashions pared drawings of the advance fashions
and sciatica. Tried many remedies and of Pans and New York. Once a month
fortunes of others, but I must confess that I ,many physicians without any lastingg A Colored fashion the BAZAR will issue, free, a colored
a great wave of satisfaction went over me bonoflt. A few doses of South Amer4 Supplement fashion supplement. Cut paper patterns
whon I saw the proud structure of self can Rheumatio Cure wonderfully helped ,f certain gowns in each number will be
esteem which Loftins has been rearing all me; two bottles cured me."—IF Errett, T. w. Higginson Cot Paper Patterns made a feature. These will be sold m
Morriekvillo, Out. A Bi-Weak/y Pattern connection with each issue at a uniform wit
these yeafre totter and tumble to the dust," Thousands of'freed elavoe tett the Sheet price. The BAZAR will also publish e.
"Has he met with difficulty?" same story—don't—don'tsufior an hour weekly, free, an outline pattern sheett
"Yes Ana it did me good to seethe longer.-22..
way he got -red in the face and then turned gcikl b Watts iia. Twofamousauthorswillcontributelong WILD EELEN
y serial stories to the BAZAR in iW The By ""IAM BLACK
polo when he i'tutllzed his position. first deals with Scotch and Continental
"Ho has n haughty manner. You see, ' �• scenes, the second is a storyof a oun I RAGGED LADY
lie is a self made man, tuid as to conse- 60 YEARS' girl, versatile, and typically Am noon By W'. A HOWELLS
quenco, takes especial pride in his success. EXPERIENCE 1 I,, rP y
Reverses cannot fail to go hard with him."
"This one did."
"You were with him when the blow fell, 1
and instead of sympathizing with him you
turn around and exult in Ills misery,"
"Well, Lf you want to put it in that
kind of Language, ft's what I'm doing. TRADE MARKS
He had been talking loud and had half DESIGNS
succeeded in convincing me that I didn't COPYRIGHTS SLC-
kIlow much, and that what I did know Anyone sending a sketch And reeertption r an
quickly ascertain our opinion free whether as
wasn't of any account. Iie ball been lay- invention is probably patentable. Communten-
tione strictly confidential. Ra.ndbookonPatents
ing clown the late on every question that sent free. Oldest agency for securing patents.
came up for conversation and showing ine Patents taken through Munn & Co. receive
where all the theories I had ever farmed special notice, without charge, to the
about anything from politics to boiling an scie"fi c .Iffil"Iserica"•
egg were totally wrong. Thon canto the I A handsomely ilinstrated weekly. Largest Mr -
crash, the awful instant in which what culation of any seienti6o journal. Terms, $3 a
seemed to be a tower of strength proved as year; four months, $1. Sold by all newedoyalers.
ilfnisy and lmrishable as the decoration on MUNN & Co.361Broadway, New York
a wedding cake." Branch Office, 625 N St., Washington, D. C.
"Tho blow came in the shape of a tcle-
gramr" NEWS and OPINIONS
No. It was delivered lay one of his own
family. IIe had just settled back in his C I, •
chair, with his thumbs in the armholes of
his vest, to enjoy my silent embarrass- National Importance
ment, when his 12 -year-old son cultic into
the room with n lot of things he wanted
*itis father to tell him about the siege of 11111--a 17 I
Troy, the battle of Therinopylai and how TAR I& ML.0 S 17- 34 N
to extract the cube rout. "—Washington
,tar.. ., J alone Contains Bolh
When coughs and colds distress the child- Dally, by mail . . $6 a yr
ren Norway Pine Syrup comes to the res- 'Daily �& Sunday, by mail $S a yr
cue. It soothes and heals the threat, re-
moves all phlegm, and is pleasant and easy
to take. The Sunday Sun
The Schnapper of Australia.
The king of Australian fishes is un- Is the greatest Sunday Newspaper
doubtedly the schnappor.. We speak not in the world. M' s Ei
now of the trumpeter a Tasmania nor of gc- a copy. 8y mall, $2 a year
the blue cod of New Zealand, about which
the inhabitants of these colonies are not Address THE SUN, New York
unnaturally proud. Judging by his shape,
the schnapper is an ugly fish. His color
is good, but his proportions. are not fair as _.- _ .. . . ...... .. ......
he lies on the slab of the fishmonger. In ac o.o.o.o.a.oeow.o. _
your flitsb introduction to a ten pound
schnapper on the end of your line he strikes
you as an interesting acquaintance of I I by,
Whom you would 111:6 to know morn. On
your subsequent intimacy at table you for- n
get much of his unsightlineeQ He is, how f
ever, gibbous and unsymmetrical, having ,
a strange lnmp on his head, which gives . ,,,; Syrup
him a startled appearance. Thfs'fish is al- / q o Red
ways caught with rod and line, and the "q " ,I'
manner a his taking to peculiar.
The home of the schnapper is in the
deep sea, generally a considerable distance g 'S-rue
pfrom the shore and in the immediate -1•!or Co11 hS pc"
neighborhood of a shelving reef. (food Colds, Bron-
schnapper fishing map, however, be had
from the rocks of the mainland or an is- chins, Sore
land. Evory holiday in Sydney there are throat, etc. GuIll
hundreds who go forth to fish for schnap-
pers. For this purpose it is usual to club KERRY, WATSON A CO., Pnornrsrorts.
funds and charter a small steamer. By MONTREAL..
this means Cho expense is lessened, while
the party is made more enjoyable. The
bait is usually the flash of mullet or other
fish out up.—Chambors' Journal.
e)roadfoot, ox
How He Got There.
"So our friend Buehler went to the top
of Mont Blanc?" said one man to another.
"Not at all."
"But he said so."
"True. Two months ago, when he re-
turned from Switzerland, he said he bad
been at the foot of Mont Blano. Since then
he has gradually lied himself to the top,"
--Pick Me Up.
Dr. Marpillero, an eminent Italian scien-
tist, has for a number of years been mak-
ing experiments and observations relating
to children's ideas of life and death and
has published his experiences. He around
that in answering questions about life the
poorer children almost invariably took a
brighter view than the rich.
The money taken in at a prizefight is
rightly called "box receipts,"—Pittsburg
Pross. .
Saves Thousands of Lives.
Your years ago Jacob Dewttta, of n
181=4 VW 4ea!&1 to MSL
death by dreadful heart &VA668w )61e waw
ggiven u to fli®. L rom vilroruns manhood
he had o4io to a brokon d�aq�ndent wreak-
Honp prooared br. p�nhewwl'�s Care for t
wolghs 2x8gpwp►oua a, and
nd flat �to�obles the
day the It relieves lel &)ism rtnsfoe."-• ed
to him.
Mary E. Wilkins These and a score of other equally
Octave Thanet prominent writers will contribute
H. P. Spofford short stories to the BAZAR in 1898,
Kathwine Dc Forest making the paper especially rich In Ma,M. S. Briscoe fictio ,
There will be a series of articles ron Etiquette, Music, the
Voice, Art, the Play, women and Men, Leaders among women,
Gardening, Housekeeping, Life and Health, Indoor Details, eta
10c, a Copy (Send for Free Prospectus) Sub., $4 a Year
Postage free in tree United Slates, Canada, and Merica
w. D. Bowens Address HARPER & BROTHERS, Publishers, New York City ocn
-- N _ ----' %i
-.. --'.
t —11 � �1[, ��i
My hus
and finds
the only
been trouE
gestion fol
teen years.
Xmas NOVELTIES inurn
Our stock of Fancy Chairs, Tables, Desks, &c., for the holiday trade; is tt
best assorted stock that has ever been exhibited in the County of H
and what is still better, the prices are lower than ever.
Roman and Duke of York Chairs.
These are the two styles of Chairs that are creating such a ser
lovers of Nancy Furniture. Don't fail to see them.
Reception Chairs. I '
We have them in Rattan, Curly Birch and Quarter Cut 0
in the very latest Coverings.
Fancy Rockers in Plain and Curly Birch, Plain and Quartered Oak and Bir
holstered in Silk, Tapestry, Silk Brocatelle, Silk Velvet, Cordur
COBBLER LEATHER ROCHER.S in Birch and Oak, at prices that will
RATTAN ROCKERS in all the latest designs and finish, viz: 16th Century`s.
We have Chairs to suit every body, both as to price and quality;
Furniture line, can be had by calling on us. Come and see what we
Remember that we do -not expect that every one who calls at our st
something.' Selecting Xmas presents is a difficult matter, but if y ou
we >rnl yjbe7able to help you out of the difficulty. We are manufac
so if you deal With us you save money.
B1� OADFOOT, J20,X & Co Furniu r CRI
Pight and Sunday Calls for .Undertaking, answered at the residence of our
Vitneral Director, J. W. CjEUDLEY, Icing Street, Opposite Foundry, Clinton
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