HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1897-12-24, Page 2--
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,� . p A MODERN
1k�:� ACLER
,�, bei tirtae is predicted in the Gray j
nun Opal electiow at the .coming elec-
rube death nrrut 1 ed on, Thursday of COURAGE AND FOiIESIGH•T.
' 11I(•11 -Mar McVeigh, Morris, wt the age <
1' S
of t0 year's.
e" How tiro British Authorities on the Fron-
lt is not likelv that Reeve j3uwman, tier of India Prepared For a Tremen.
of Morris, will Ile opposed at the cotn- dons Flood—A Wonderful Calculation
'41 ing election. ,
` The Mitchell 100 acre farm, 9th con., Showing When a Dam Would Break.
�� Cr$"_, ,r Grey,hits been sold to Robt, Menary, On the northwestern frontier of India,
of the Battle line. In the flanks of the Himalayas, is a small
� . One day last week Me Jos. Kale: Mc- stream, the Biraht Gunga, a tributary of
Killo , had the misfortune to fall and
radii#,tea 4f this .college seen- p the Ganges. High up on this stream is
4:K0ellePt'po6ltions last week. severely injure his shoulder. the little village of Gohna.
9'6re,d.rt%6Ap h.A9 &eG. red.po W B Solley, or 141auistee, Michigan, In September, 1893, an enormous bulk
nS dr r10,g:tbq'.1pacttwo years. formerly a druggist of Exeter,comrnit- of rook arid earth slid down, he mountain
1p, 11ut. g ' d►tates' t4ssisted to ted suicide r0dently in that place. side into the river, and in October of the
,lops4, , , • , The store of Messrs You ug & Paulin, same year was another great landslide.
1>l4Qr_'uprm begins Jan. 3rd.. Wingbam, was burglarized Wednes- The mountain from which thio mated lr
day night. They did not get much. carne down rises 4,000 feet nbol;e o bed
ltIRr" .°oatialo uo ��TT1IIf On Dec. 15th Mr Robt, Stapleton, of of the stream. The
dam wbic the ma -
At" W. ,# IMHO Turnberry, .ural Miss Agnes Wilson, of terial formod across the valley was about
1 M �®�tilV�r � Wawanosh,were united in marriave. 900 feet high and 3,000 feet long, as meas -
Mr Robt. Beattie, the efficient and ured across the gorge, Of oouro the for-
' pa. iStaking teacher of Na 14, Stanley, in of this dam would co.9vert the
111rv$ce C11111to11. has been re-engaged for the year 1898. stream above it into a lake, and tit was cal-
a culated that when the water should reach
n Messrs E.Gauut & Sons,of Nest Wa- the level of the top of the dam 1 it would
A1.�1DRUNIi RAILWAY. wanosh,hrtte just sold their stock bull, cover an area oP about 1 1-3 s
save Clinton station as follows:— "General," to T. J. Coleman of Mark quare miles
. and would contain about 76,8[}0 ,000,000
Zd"SAST, f eoTNG WEST dale, County of Grey. cubic feet of water, about as ru tic water
7 9, a m 11Tlsed Train 10 t6 a m There are over 100 applications in for as could be carried in 600,000 o the big -
,,,2 09 _p m Passenger......1 09 p ui the usitior of teacher in S. S. No. 3, gest freight trains.
tfti,,;;4 35 p w I Mixed rain 7 05 p m p All of this was
Passenger ...10 27 p m Grey for 189$. J.T. Dodds, the present apparent to every one,
'$_ HURON HURON AND BRUCE, teacher, lits resigned. but back of all this the Bri ash officers,
G-ING SOUTH o�ING NORTH Henry Smith, Hay, has disposed of civil and military, who were u charge of
'`r. Passenger Passenger the fat Aeet, which won the sweep- the affairs of that region saw certain
,�,.960am 825 pm I 815 am 446 pm stakes prize, at Brttnlfnrd,to P.Curtili, other truly awful fact9.-•'�dome time the
I I...4585 608 , 1 990 600 of Centralia, at 7c. per !b. lake would fill and flue water would begin
fi 15 453 1 944 615 to rise over Ole Brest of the dam. But,
•'*,,,808 448 950 20 Walter L. Hackett, youngest son of there bOno mason, protection,the
1;,..::,769 441 969 629 Mr Jas.Hackett, Ashfield, left on Moll" .>'�* would begin at oncto cut wn
7 80 .. 4 &9 1015 655
g Y
co"....Toe s5A 11033 714 day last for Detroit where he has u.6. the crest and the face of the dam, and, the
„6 56 3481041 723 tamed a situation in a drug sto� breachstarted i would increase swift
44 9.39 1055 737 two d by
;690 315 11110 800 Ls,st week Messrs Cleg & Dames leaps, as greater and greater volumes of
purchased 3 steers, two rare old, from water were let loose, till the whole lake
Andrew Hislop, 16t eon., Grey, for would be released, to sweep in one vast
Ftwemwhich they pal aetidy sum of$187. ' wave down the valley. This process of
. Mr Alex. � s decided to be a breaking down begun, the end would not
,,graham ha d ( be a matter of days, but of hours. Be-
_ 1 the Retweship at the com twoen the first trickling overflow and the
Y'DEf7EMBEii 24, 1897 in , ection;and MrJohn Donaghy wiil
•one out as a candidate fur the second escape of the mass of the orator probably
De ttt Reeveshi less than a day would elapse, possibly only
hili twelve hundred p y p' a very few hours. In fact, 17 hours after
'an- the first overflow did take place the great
ljrougbt. fro We regret to learn that our genial
e New flood was let loose.
4'to the friend, F. Dibbler, of Zurich, clad the That all this would happen orae not
oke St. John misfortune to fall off a chair and break speculation. It was human experience.
e., ag{ icultural set- his arm while working in the shop one It was exactly what happened at Johns-
; The good work of town, Pa., in .1889, when several towns
Da Ri le Who bought ht Jos. Stan
Dan 0 on with .increasing Rigley, g were wreaked and 6,000 livor warn lost,
Its a ,the ears roll b zel s farm, which consists of 50 acres Of only the Gohna dam was 14 times as high
y y land, with good buildings and a flne or- and 3% times as long as the Johnstown
'.ifs Northwestern On-' chard. The farm is lot 7, .,on. 14, Me- dam, and the water held back was 26
i>� Killop, and Mr Rigley paid a sura of times as much. From surveys they knew
, $1025 for it. the area of the watershed from which the
Star, Ind. Conserva- On Monday morning, Will Thomp• water would come to fill the lake, and
son, Gerrie met with what might have from records they know the ordinary rain-
alr`e`d'to make some been a very serious accident. While fall, and so in the autumn of 1898 they
shi do, not favor. Quebec. taking T. D. Ed�ar'shorse to water, the calculated that the overflow would begin
1xG.that:while the Quebec animal became playful, and kicked,the Aug. i'$, 1894. It actually began Aug. 25.
x`s„ shoe cutting Will's wrist, his having a No doubt the officers intended to make the
peridP $425,000 for.educa- hold of the end of the rope probably .error on the safe side and hardly expected
`ry "$pends. $721,000; Quebec preventing worse injuries. the overflow to take place as early as Aug.
for agriculture, Ontar. The death occurred on Friday morn- 15. Having satisfied themselves when the
uebee s ends for charities ing of Mr John Hislop, of Grey, in the flood would take place, they began to pre-
p. 74th year of his age. He was born in pare for it. They built a telegraph line
from Gohna down the river 150 miles and
,.. 'bio $995,000. .It costs for Ettrick Hall in Selkirkshire, Scotland,
established stations at all Important points.
to 4 .. to Quebec $190,476, in On. in June, 1825, and came to this county They put up pillars of masonry on the
45 years ago and settled on lot 2, 16th
27,000y for civil .government, in slopes of the valley in the upper part 200
con. of Grey; where he has resided ev- 'feet above ordinary
$270,0,26; Oaltario $252,932 ersince. He' was the father of Archie y flood level and farther
Hislop, Liberal candidate. down the valley 100 'feet above floods
AliaSlsia,'C.onservablve candidate Thera pillars were estaAlished near all vii
The many friends of Mrs Wm. Merry lager and"camping grounds and at inter-
Lpgislature in. East Kent, has (nee Miss Gussie Vercoe) formerly of vals of half a mile down the river. The
t ore. Who warms approve rove of Seaforth, will be sorry to hear of i r people were directed to retire above the
y pp Merry's death, which took place in hue of pillars when they sltpuld receive
e1'nment's measure greatly re- Rossland, British Columbia. 13e was warning of the flood.
the size and cost of the county engaged in mining, and was suffocated The valley is not thickly peopled, but it
t. '$e'decittre&that the measure while trying to Save a friend in the contains several villages and one town,
mine. They had only been married a which has a population of 2,000. It Is,
nlye6onomical,but that it tends little over two weeks,when Mr Merry's however, a famous resort for pilgrims, and
rtes, log rolling. • By -and -bye, death occurred. ie studded with shrines, and streams of
et�I'll'1r_.to the law lit any constit- On Friday evening of last week 21 of devotees pass back and forth.
roll l 6,-0,unted.on one's fingers the pupils. attending the Goderich Mod- When they bad done all they could, the
r . el School drove out to the home of Miss officers waited for the Ilood. At half past
yc'election in South Essex,the McCluskey, Goderich township, where 6 on the morning of A.ug- 26a little stream
$'{ ive'icand%date made his fight they spent a very; pleasant time. The began to trickle over thedam. At 2 o'clock
•o' ' o: th '' Cou t ou rain that fell during the drive did'not in the afternoon a message was sent down
:, l.,p t..., e n y C tYcils
injure anyone; the journey being made the valley, saying that the flood would
t ts' esuTt was that'the normal in, a covered van. All. present had a come during the night. A thick mist over- ,
,dorit 'was doubled. good time, and the evening will be re- hung the lake and the dam. Ai half past
membered as one of the happy events 11 at night a loud crash was heard, a cloud '
• in school life at the Model. of dust rose through the mist and rain and
trap'`ht �liCa'or Budget. file flood roared down the valley.
_ Last Wednesday night the death of Just below the dam the wave rose 280
one of Exeter's most prominent -citi- feet above the ordinary flood level. If this
G0A.Vention for'nuron— y
zeas, in the person of Richard Pickard, wave had swept down Broadway, it would
I(gI>111ii,.Yune 21,aI7td 22. of the late firm of R. Pickard &Son, have risen to the cornices of some of the
* ci merchants, occurred at his residence, recent 20 story buildings. Thirteen miles
1f7NO0L11iAG7EXENT. of paralysis, of which be suffered min below the dam the wave was 160 feet high,
or attacks of late. He Wap, at the
°d,lbf `6fiebarat ement is better and 72 miles below, at Srinagar, it was 42
$ . store during the day and apppeared in
Id'to A'ny society. Do not be his usual good health, and tad just feet above ordinary flood level, and at
o speak it: bo you. ask, how? retired when paralysis overcame him. Hardwar, 160 miles down the stream, at
1 eh oyed'the meeting, or the The news will be a surprise to a very the mouth of the valley, the wave was still
or;t at the prayers were help- wide circle of acquaintances, havingg 11 feet high. The average speed of the
at &6 words spoken, did you been in business for upwards of 35 flood going down the valley in the first 70
that th i,spirit of the meeting years. He leaves a widow, four sone miles of its course was estimated at about
lenL. Look,for the best side and two daughters to mourn his demise 18 miles an hour, but In the upper 12
and applaud it, nothing miles it must have moved at a rate of
' ^" ,ordof real encour- over 27 miles an hour. In 4% hours 10,-
tt V. wor 1• a charm, it NEWS NOTES. 000, 000, 000, 000 cubic feet of water, almost
onflEionce. it b the society two-thirds of the whole contents of the
with, bllkii dg, and lake, were discharged. This mass weighed
John Barber, Simcoe, was killed by more than 800 0
sena it mlK tilt', it eakS the 00,000,000 tons.
iAnd:lets ASoa of lav ow in. a well caving in. /• Nothing could withstand that weight
0 criticism !all a bligh ,�d - Corean laboreryget 15c a day and moving at such a speed. Rocks were
ill that is best and all, the • board, themselves. ground to dust. The town of Srinagar
1.Ali iti'ls an @vii spirit,and should 1,asr"week it was just 70 below zero was entirely destroyed, with the rajah's
.1"iitly w, lied against and re- in the Klondike. palace and the public buildings, and a
thick bed of stones, sand and mud was de-
„ VPA1t)yi'�pI Me James Mitchell, ex -attorney -gen- posited where the town had stood. All
eral and premier of New Brunswick, is the villages of the valley were swept away.
Bsd cold winter days we app,@- dead. But, wonderful to relate, there was abso-
arrr, I . X have been learn ng. a Mrs Thos. McMillan, a resident of lately no loss of life except the Gohna
i OrWit les 'd from a flower. Galt for over 50 years, was found dead fakir and his family. This old fellow
d lt,xtd tool" and it, •did not, in bed. scorned the warning of the Christians,
rriited ' :,' a;ited. Why did it and he and his family were twice forcibly
Olniy , Yt Qugiiti tO4 11 discovered j'Vm. TOCCisa, the actor, was stabbed moved up the slope, but each time they re -
r 1 ,iVas born" treated to ,cold. to dekth at the door of the Adolphi turned, to be finally overwhelmed in the
it 'chille(l.. e treatment WAS Theatre, London. flood.
d and hot ora"ted gt 1. on, then it Centre Bruce Liberals have nominat- The whole cost of the protective work
dlllnit dl ' % t Sc alt is in 1111 tsar so. ed Mr Malcolm. of Kincardine, for the and the value of bridges and public prop-
, 64 rGliea0 we need a warm- Legislative Assembly" arty destroyed amounted to 2,600,000 ru-
Ilideatit400pliaris to bloom. The American House, Amheratburg, pees. The ofiieial value of the rupee in
( it Egikio$ DAA,WHU was burnt down, and the boarders 1894 was 82 cents, and therefore this sum
barely escaped aliveA was equal to $800,000. This does not in -
p, . t , . 9 ail this. YluiCp a fes- 3' p chide the destruction of private property,
our',°„ bud g""tit xiere are two The courts have decided that hotel- of which no estimate has been made.—H.
I lx, It (1) I . yoil ive any Beepers cannot give away liquor due- 0 . grout in McClure's.
r wbpl1e orb uliili ,get' A I the So- iug prohibitory hours.
to`II I rind a'etid alae schedules Patrick Leahy and five children His Name For the Fire Engine.
leirip'. nib. --Alli secretaries are ' were bprned to death at Ottawa, His
11>heaa `'nGleni - pattetlee ; is needed wife and baby escaped, What be that 'or inersheen? asked Un-
rpustrllt tretriudirig till they an ole Abner of Ruralevillo as he witnessed
2) f)aii, div r9rObanlend a blood Warden Monteith was nominated the working of a fire engine for the'Srst
Yi;ont9w oroadtbe Bible?" ese for the Legidlatrve Assembly by the time.
(to;.day,, but bliq dif�th'd most to- Conservatives of South Perth. "Why, uncle," replied big city nephew,
litteiilii.viq' ;Og' he'iedi*ningof. The steamer Cleveland, laden with "that is a machine for extinguishing fires."
4 xnd' I aped a felt', is ode. by toile of provisions for the Xlondike,bas "Well," exclaimed the old man, "if I
IA'detic +i 14t A., of .,]'Vow been lost. This may mean starvation hedn't seed it with my own oyes I never
nd6h., . It'may bottle f0t111d 'for the miners. woulder belev'd thot pock . llttle'teakittle
stnrosr it Is -Published by" IT. Brakeman Nixon, while making a could bev hold so much w ter, "-•-Obieago
f' tYlre�w Stilkil, 1.olid la pne of tellllin in trio yard at Rennie, was Past
t { 6 Have seen, f5 The ti,tl0 is , struck by a` since of timber on a flat FeSv seem to doubt for o moment that
tl't'L.a the+ Ibre., 'Vittz 'book car-, crushing his head against a bolt contentment is the cause of happiness.
rv. tliixs tit1t," .ut °tllfig gig full Car, killing hint instantly, Yet the inverse is true, We aro contented
�- w = ' Thoito rias been no intention for some because we are happy, not happy because
6riltlier'6% l�ri�trIYlt-:fb-V t Topl , tinto o£ ap'pr)i`inting Lientonatit-Gover- We aro contented.
iii the hrrniotrsi, LO la fltsi�(lhaple's)A to a 8006nd tehmr, He There% lots 6f relj, ion in a beefsteak if
tadeestood thatswlk -will Iettve,;toe prance when Ile prtr
o13t- A7,00ti til belri t^tlgAtoa tbb'l'. isla.ture and will pirbbab q'obi give i� O f iv a rl Yet man at the right
I r rbtlailill i I' tris f sr 4 or t yearn, , klmei, M Jer itzdt�a fey.
-11 / n
Tire Difference Between :Xt. upe It; Zing..
land and America._
There is between 1linglandand America,
both as to grammar and propi ucii;tiAn,
another difference, which goes deeper than
more language, Fiver since the time of
Noah Webster thpro has been, in this nom•
munity, a desire to make the English late
guage consistent with itself and employ 1
accordingly, There lis a tendency to spec
and Its it on a theory, whereas in E❑ -
land`tIt is spoken and written accordin to
usage. If this usage meant, as in Fra .ce,
that decided and imposed by a I ' nod
body, it would be very different, slut in
England the usage recognized !9 not even
that of Oxford and Cambridge, but of
'rsooiety"—tMs being the vague name of
a who)ly indeterminate class, culminating
hi a series of princes and princesses whose
/parentage was not even wholly English,
but half German. There is a tradition in
France that the reason why the word car-
rosso (carriage) Is masculine instead of
feminine, as analogy would require, is be-
cause a little Bourbon prince, wishing to
go out to drive, once called for mon car-
There is no reason to think lhaV ,tbere
hoe been an such direct — til inf1,51ence
C. I r• S•T,•, l
;I. W -11
I of CW" 't area fav .
talk 0 1A "i a1 k
'tie for no -outer meth*
cine. UP great garQs recorded in truthful,
convincing language of grateful men and
women,, constitute its most effective ad-
vQrtising. Many of these cures are mar-
velous.' They have won the confidence of
the people; have given Hood's S3areapa-
rilla the largest sales in the world, and
have made necessary for its manufacture
the greatest laboratory on earth. Hood's
Sarsaparilla is known by the cure& it has
made—cures of bcrofula, salt rheum and
eczema, cures of rheumatism, neuralgia
and weak nerves, cures of dyspepsia, liver
troubles, catarrh --our. which prove
Is the best -4n fact the One True Blood Purifler,
in England, but thele is no doubt at,
cure liver 111,v; easy to
1-IOOCl S pI111S take, to
what is called English society, which Is
easy operate. 2W.
the recognized standard of speech in its
own country, is responsible for inclegancies
The Ontario Depa*tment of Agricul-
and inaccuracies of speech which, if they
ture has issued a hirlletin showing the
had originated bore, would very possibly
population of the Province, according
have been repudiated and condemned. To
to the municipal assessors, is 1,972,28(1
say "it is him" and "different to" is as
showing a net increase of 3,269 in the
inaccurate as to say "I don't know as" or
"he played some," the difference being
493 townships, an incrPASe of 9,487 in 99
I towns, an inereaSP of 3,719 in 13 cities,
that while a thousand teachers In our own
stud a decrease of 2,579 in the 136 vii -
country are trying to eradicate those last
Improprieties there is probably no school
in England where "different to" and "it
We have the result of anothor trans -
Is hila" are not recognized as perfectly
action in steer feeding from Mr P.
legitimate because somebody in good so-
Whelihan, of St. Marys, which goes to
ciety is supposed to use them. And so of
show that there is money in farming,
pronunciation. One constantly hears well
Last spring Mr Whelihan in partner -
bred English people transform "Oh" into
ship with another party rented a va-
"Aouw," and a"when" into "wen"—the
cant farm for $140 for the season: They
latter being simply a more refined form of
stocked it with 50 steers at a cost of
that aversion to the h which is seen at its
$1200. A few weeksago 40 steers were
extreme in Mrs. 'Enry'Awkins.
shipped, Mr WhEliban receiving for
his the
To sum it all up, the besetting sin of
share of proceeds $1,000.—Mit-
Americans lies in holding a too finical and
chell Recorder.
pedantic mode of speech, and paying too
little regard to more usage, while to Eng-
Clinton Post Office.
Hall people usage -meaning social or fash-
ionable usage—is everything and the con-
sistency of the language nothing. --Thom-
as Wentworth Higginson in Harpers Ba-
A.M. .
P. M.A.M
6 5o
4 30
Lon S. Ontario
don and S W O e9
Wingham and . Kiucardiue
4 05
10 15
6 55
Western S.W. & N. W. U.S.
7 00
4 05
Eighty -Biz Steam Engines In One of the
10 lb
10 15
1 03
1 03
Paris, Buffialo & eastern U S
Toronto & east & nrth
7 W
7 00
! 05
Big Cruisers.
In a warship like the Massachusetts of
1 03
..,Montreal and Ottawa...
7 00
2 35
the United States navy there are alto-
1 03
Manitoba, N W T and B C
7 00
2 35
gather 86 steam engines, big and little, in
10 27
• •Stratford and Seaforth..
7 00
the equipment, and .many of these en-
1 03
Points E & N of Stratford
7 00
glues have double steam cylinders—in fact,
there are no less than 168'steam cylinders
10 27I
1 03
....Mitchell and Dublin....
7 00.......
all told.
I 7 40
2 55
crossing, Sarnia and
1 45
9 00
With so many engines to be supplied
i 10 15
6 55
7 00
4 05
with steam, it Is very apparent that the
7 40
..Londesboro & Balgrave..
9 55
matter of economy should be carefully
studied. This subject has been looked into
The office is open to the public (holidays ex -
canted) from 8 a.m. to 7.15 p.m. but holders of
more or less, but it has been found that to
lock boxes have access to the looby until 8 P.M.
compound the engines of many of the
Money Order and Saving Bank office open
auxiliaries would add still more to the
9 a.m. to 6 p.m.
complication, to say nothing about addi-
Matter for re Sstration must be posted halt
tional weight and apace. Then, again,
an hour before
o e orcein a
g the mails.
many of the auxiliaries are only occasion-
ally brought into use. However, there Is
Tuesday and Friday, arriving at 5.25: and leav-
Ing at 5.30 p.m.
no doubt that as great astride will be
made in the near future in steam eoono-
m for the auxiliary engines as has been
Y Y g
ONCE A DAY ONLY is mail despatched
from this office �,o d Dublin, and losiBelgng as
also to Mitchell and Dublin, mails closing as
done with the main engines.
ah;-ve stated.
Although the power of all the auxiliaries
Mails for Bkitfsh Isles and European coun-
tries intended be
on the trial trip of the Massachusetts aver-
aged only about 2 Y4 per cent of the indi-
to forwarded by New York,
-must have written on the top left hand corner
of envelope Vis Nzw YORE.
cared horsepower of the main engine, the
actual amount of steam used by those
auxiliaries was no doubt anywhere from
10 to 16 per cent of all the steam gener-
ated. On the trial trip referred to the
Hogs wants 1, dead or nlive. Highest price
main engines and the auxiliaries in use
always paid, C. J. WALLIS; Huron St, Clinton
developed the following powers: Main en-
gines, 10,128 indicated horsepower; air
pumps,. 12% indicated horsepower, or
about one eighth of 1 per Gent of thepower
Subscriber has fust bought a thorn -bred
Duroo-Jersey boar,offirat class pedigree, which
of the main engines; circulating pumps,
he will keep for aerviae. T.•rmS, $1 at time of
86'4 indicated horsepower, or about one-
service, with priivelege of returning it neces-
JOHN L', Auburn Mills.
third of I per cent; feed pumps, 64 indi-
sary. EID
cated hgrsepower, or about two-thirds of
1 per cent; forced draft blowers; 107 indi-
cated horsepower, or about 1 per cent;
Subscriber has opened dress making rooms in
other auxiliaries, 45 indieateA horsepower,
or about one-half of I per cent. The total
the house formerly occupied by Mrs. Rye, Hur-
on Street, where she will be prepared to exe-
Of all the auxiliaries was 276 indicated
cute all orders enttusted to her in a thoroughly
workmanlike and Satisfactory manner. She
horsepower, or as above stated, about 2/y
will also go out'and do sewing by .the day if
per cent of the indicated horsepower of
desired. MISS BY0, Hurou Street, Clinton.
the main engines, This certainly shows
that there is an opportunity for the do -
Signore of the different auxiliaries to try
an,. see if some of this steam cannot be
saved.--Cassier's Magazine.
A Friend In Need.
A young man was tried for murder,
having killed a member of a rival faction
in a faction fight. The judge, reluctant
to sentence him to death on account of his
youth, turned to him and said, "Is there
any one. In court who could speak as to
your character?" The youth looked round
the court and then said sadly, "There is
no man here, my lord, that I know." At
that my grandfather•chanced to walk into
the grand jury gallery. He saw at once
how matters stood. He called out, "You
are a queer boy that don't know a friend
when you sea himl"
The boy was quick witted. He an-
swered, "Oh, then, it is myself .that is
proud to see your honor here this day l"
"Well," said the judge, "Sir Vere, sinus
you know that boy, will yoga tell us what
you know of him?" "I will, my lord,"
said my grandfather, "and what I can tell
you is this: That from the very first day
that ever I say him to his minute I never
knew anythingof him thatwas not good."
The old tenant ended his tale by striking
his hands together and exclaiming, "And
he never to have clapped his eye upon the
boy till this minute?" The boy escaped
being hanged.—Recollections of Aubrey
de Vere.
As He Tells It.
A restaurant keeper in the JeUloo and
Coal Creek country of Kentucky has • the
following business card:
"Twenty-five cents an Eat -25 cents a
sleep. The Edwards •Houso, P. M. Ed-
wards, Proprietor, Coal Creek, Tenn., DI -
ready opposite R. R. depot. Not the lar-
gest hotel in the burg. Not newly furnished
throughout..,, No free bus to trains. Not
the best grub tbemarket affords. But sim-
ply clean beds and something good to oat.
Toothpicks and too water thrown in. Try
usl Pay apt And If not satisfied keep
mum. Our city is composed mostly of
hogs, diggers, merchants and lawyovs,
named in the order of their importande.
Good erosstto walks on all the priboipal,
thoroughfares. "--Exohange.
Orodenitals 11,11ssing.
"Josrlphine is in trouble,"
"Wllo'p Is the mattery"
"Shelost her pocketbook with
V'os. 0 c itifloato In it."--�Chlog'o
For sale, 2 two year old Tamworth Boars,one
being winner of 4helird prize at London, also
at Exeter, Goderich, Clinton Seaforth and
Dungannon. Also an aged Poland China Boar.
winner of 1st prizes where shown. 2 Duroc Jer
sey Boars, 6 months old, one winner of 2nd
prize at London. Also one a ed Jersey Sow,
winner of 22 prizes. Any or all of those will be
soldcheap. WESLEY W. FISHER, Benmiller
The Gem Woven -wire Fence
pubscriber is agent for the GEar WOVEN -WIRE
FENCE, admittedly one of the best wire Fences
in existence. The wire used is the genuine
Coiled -spring Steel Wire, best made, with ad-
justable tighteners, closely woven, and is fur-
nished complete at 6c per strand per rod. The
fence is not woven until it is put up, and one'
can have as many strands as they wish Itis
a strong, durable fence, none better, and
where used farmers prefer it to any other
PERCY EVANS, Holmeaville
The old Clinton PLANING KILL
H.STEVENS, Proprietor
The old original Contractor and Builder,
who bas made Clinton his home for forty
years, is still in business with a modern,
np-to-date Factcry, and ie prepared to fill
ail orders of whatever description, on short
notice and the lowest terms; first-class
workmanship guarenteid. CONTRACTS
for buildings taken, and all kinds of build-
ing material furnished as desired.
William Street, Clinton, immediately
behind the Park.
In the matter Rf the kkate of Catherine
Walker, late of the Town of Clinton,
nta'"ied woman, deceased.
Our last week's notice contained the names of I
seven who were placed, and Where laeed.
The demand for our pupils is no so strong
that some who have been graduate from other
schools, and have found no call f r their ser-
vices, take a post-graduste course ith us, and
get the advantages of our facihtie, for plaoing
pupils. All such must ,emain w th us until
they get thoroughly qualified befo a we recom-
mend them.
Write for catalogue if interested. '
V.MeLACHLAN & Uo Chatham
The undersigned will sell at a saorifice, Lot 451
or 12, Bailway Terraoo Clinton. Particulars
upon application, JA
ME� SCOTT, Barrister &d
Several houses either for sale or to rent. Full
particulars on application to JOHN MOGARVA
FAR111 Tor RENT.
Good 80 acre farm to rent in Godert •h Town.
ship, about six miles from Clinton. All , nic-
ulars on application to JOHN RIDOUT, Clinton,
Vactory and contents on the pproperty of D.
Buchanan for $125; by paying }S 15 down and•
balance at. $10 a month. Building to be re-
moved. Appiy to J. SCOTT, Clinton.
The undersigned offers for tale a frame cot-
tage of four rooms, with kitchen and woodshed
attached. Centrally situa ed. Good water and
drainage. Will be sold cheap.. C. 8EARLE. App yy to
Clinton, Dec. 10th
The frame house and n half -sore lot on Huron
Street, Clinton, occupied by Subscriber, to offer-
ed for for sale. Accommodstion for ordinary
family. Hard and soft water and cellar, also
bearing fruit trees. The house is well located,
and will be cold on reasonable terms. Apply
to GEO. SWALLOW, or on the premises to
MRS, AGNEW, Clinton.
For a'o,lo ts45 and 74, on the Maitland con.,
Township o Goderich, 87 acres nearly all
cls red and fairly well fenced. tioll is first-
class. Good frame house and outbuildings,
Be, Ing orchard, well watered, about 5 miles
from the town of Clinton, and close to school
and churches. to JOHN RLbe DOUT, Clinton.ld on reasonable,
ferias, Apply
$2,200 buys the two semi-detached brick
houses on Rattenbur St. known
yas the Fox -
ton Property.
Other houses and also vacant lots for sale.
111loncy.—Private funds in large and small
sums to loan on mortgage, hates low.
W. BRYDONE, Barrister.
For Sale, a splendid farm of 33 acres. belong-
ing to the late C. Spooner, adioining the cor-
poration of Clinton. MI clearedd and under good
cultivation, small frame hou+e, frame barn,
good bearing orchard and well. Will be sold
on reasonable berms to close up the estate. Al-
so frame cottage on Albert Street, Clinton,
with half-aeve of ground, sppleudidl located.
MR"C. McGREGOR, Constance.
For sale, that property on the south side of
Huron Street, Clinton, directly opposite the
residence of Mrs Walsh. There is a two-story
frame house on the lot, which is newly half an
acre. The property is most elifibly situated,
and will be Sold for 8400 cash. or particulars
apply to JOHN RIDOUT, Clinton.
The undersigned offers for sale his property
adjoining the town of Clinton, consisting of 14
acres, 5 acres of which is bearing orchard of
choicest fruits. The buildings consist of frame
house, bank barn, poultry house, etc„ all in
first-class repair. This is a rare chance for a
farmer wishing to retire or for a person want,
in_g a fruit farm, For particulars apply person-
ally or by letter to li. JOYNER, Jr, Clinton,
That desirable Brisk Business Stand on Al-
bert St., Clinton, occupied by Mr N. Robson, is
Offered for sale, including rear lot and stable.
The location is one of the best in Clinton. The
property is free from incumbrance and title in-
disputable. Price reasonable and terms to Butt
purchaser. Apply to GEO. STANBURY. Lon-
don Road, or address Clinton P. O
$300 cash and 120 monthly paYymonts ofl$13 each
Farm for Sale or to Rent.
The south half of lot 5, cobeession 9. Town-
ship of Morris, containing 100 acres, 80 acres
cleared and in good state of oultivativation.
There are on the premises a frame house, frame
barn.gframs dyrive house; good orchard, never -
from the tillage of o Blytb AsWill Situated
e sold on rea-
sonable terms. Apppplyy to C. HAMILTON, Blyth
or THOS. R. VPRIf313T, Executor, 943 Princess
Ave., London, Ont.
Subscriber offers for .alo tha farm of 149 acres,
Situated on the Maitland con. of Goderich
Township. All cleared but about 10 acres of
good hardwood bush; good clay soil, four acres
earingorchard, flood 2•etory brick house with
slate roof, bank barn and gd d outbuildings;
Within 6 miles of Clinton and from Holmes•
villa. Avery choice t4nd deeira Is farm. For
particulars applq on the premie to MRS. W.
TE4BBUTT, or at tlolmseville P.
House and Lot for 841
The frame house on Rattenbury
immediately east of Dr. Tomlint
offered for sale on very reasonable
The house A centrally sitnated, bei:
a minutet walk from the bnsiness
has n cellar, large dining room,.
bed relit'- and kitchen down stairs, ti
large rnd 'two smaller bedrooms
Gowi.e;zed summer kitchen and
I Very conveniently situated for.
hou(ie. Apply At NEW ERA oilE'loe
1V cirA.mola Insurance
/7 responsiblo for hp,ttssetS of tno salla ostato,ar The [redo'rsigtit
f any patttllpreo to any ol•aort or arsons, of rod, cut the MolLl
7 whosoola artoiicashai not<tlieti aveboon towntitilratifnol
rooeived, flesh, I artido 1111
dl- -
3A,Mng Sdoft, • patiy, m dostrin�
� :lelloitor for Joh»; flartnir. E>koautar
cid. Pa' ad at Ol.iirtoni'thi$ 1.ttlLDfto, I616rf, y807 tt'tiond11d'tor I+
„- ' ,,:;
J.A.MRS, KOT�`z.,
Barrister, So ';,,'
Conamisaioner for Ontario and APItoba.
Office immediately South of Gilroy & Wiaem,I. A
Office—Beaver Plock
Up -stairs, Opposite Foster's to 08110 y,
(Formerly of Cameron, Holt a Cameron)!
Offioe—Hamilton St„ oppposite Colborne Houep
Office, MacKay Block. Clinton.
Fire Insurance. Money to lead. Real estate
matters carefully attended to.
Office Hours -9 to 5.
Graduate R C D S of Ontario, and Trinity
versity Toronto.
Special attention given to the Preservation
the natural nra teeth
Office. Coate flock, over Taylor's shoe store
N. B.—Will visit
Payfleld every Thursdays afternoeverons during tMondahe
DR, WM. GUNN, L. R. C. P. and L. R. O. S
Edinburgh, Office—Ontario Sreet, Clinton
Night calls at front door of residence on Batten
bury opposite Presbyterian church. I
University, M
M. C. P & S.. Ont,
answered at the same plaoe. , - -5-
A eoouebear, etc„ office and residence On
tario St„ opposite English church, formerly o0
copied by Dr. Appleton Clinton n
, Ont.
Pit -pa. -T R11VbURYI GRADIIATEOFTdi",, epar'morltofVictoria IInivaronto,formerlyofthe Hospital. Anartee, New York Corona
County of Hnrou, Bayfield, Ont. r for hs
• Honorary4raduate of theontarioVete
College. Treats all diseases ofdomeaticat,
male on the most modern and Scientific
P103 Office—immediately south of the N,
Office. Residence — Albert St., Clinton.
night orday attendedto promptly
has returned to Olinton and opened an office,
at the Queen's Hotel, where he, may be consult-
ed for the treatment of all diseases of horses,
cattle, &c. All calls, night or day, promptly at-
tended to.
. Honorary Graduate of the Ontario Vetert
nary College, Toronto, Treats all disea...
Domestic Animals on the most modern and
Scientific Principles. Day and night calla prompt
ly answered. Residence—Rattenbury St., west
assurer of Marriage Licensee, Library Room
and Residence, Mary street, Clinton.
No witnesses required
• P, L. S„ Provincial Land Surveyor an
Civil Engineer, London, Ont—Office at Geo,
Stewart's Grocery Store, Clinton.
Subscriber is prepared to r4wulbo'
dere for Wood or Coal whicd
lowest rates. Office on Isaac 7MPLEMENT ROOMS. aGENTS — Book businessvAn 9.nn.+. inn 1,n -,..,...,,,
s'Rt i.
ROBERT .-: _ ee