HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1897-12-17, Page 8,.'t4o Clinton,
earns in the bid stead, Huron St.,
tvhers by strict attention to the wants of
his customers, he -hopes to merit and receive
a;fair chars. of patronage. He .11 sell for
.0411 only, and at the lowest passe.
+CLae.J, Wavle, Clinton.
&oduce fxchaue
Headgvartera f for e11 kinds of
have a choice stook of FEED CCRX
beat market pries paid for coarse grain,
aken in exchange. Cash paid for Eggs
C QO IK� s
)ur & Feed More
In large or small gnantiiiea.
)ands Choice Oatmeal for 1 busbel of
PURITAN D011S.PUGILISTIC Ba i '�+'. w� xcr s
We hear a great Oxford County Council is consider»
deals these dayq o£
the purchase of all the toll roads
ourpurrtatt #r .
te- HgWA SPAR,:GiUiET MAN9T1*1� A itp .ire CottntY. rm�romntnuwtwnw „
fathers, but little GIANT 1N A FIGiHT. Mrs , David Baird, a farmers, wife,
concerning .the agsd 74 years, dropped dead at'Tam-
wives and moth. ----
worth .while tivashiPg dishes, -
era who landed at • '
Plymouth hock A Quarrel over tine 'wise That Uad to Be It is probable that the big Dominion
and fowided that setticd by a personal Encounter—The Cotton Company's MUls at BCantford
colony which was Transformation oR Olark'ttnd Lia Ut11e° will sbprtly,be moved to Three Rivers,
destined to play Quebec. THAT,
such a large park and lElaw it Worked. Alphonse Cyr, who ran a nail into
r 62xa�lder Returning from a month's hunting in his foot while working in Booth's will,
Cushman wrotee Teton mountains, three of us who had died of lockjaw in the hospital at Ot- - 3
from Plymouth taawa. F'AC- SIM11"
that he ymouth come in over that trail 30 days before were Robert Nnultlt.t, a wealthy farmer,
Immensely glad to see the little red station
not advise any building at Beevor as it lay away down dropped rlt•at1 from heart disease in the
one to come here g and of the McKay Milling Company t A�n ' '
who were not con- there in the basin, looking In the vastness yard
'tiY ""`IOIl�O 5 �lYrtpT
tent to spend their of space like some kind of tired bug. We Mr Frank M. Pebbles, the Chicago Od tf a?
time, labors and were glad, for Clark, the telegraph apex- artist, has completed tde palming of 130 —OF—
for the ator and station agent, bad proved Sir Wilfrid Laurier, and the result is
benefit of those to be a worthy citizen during the two ver satisfactory.
who $bill come y
(;}tern 4urtely con- data we had or waited their on our way tti--
tenting them• two of ns—Por the third of the hunting'Hon• Edward $lt ht tit the University
speaking the _
selves with such trio. Clark was a spare, peaceful looking dihne nignno announced that he would nevi �'131sht±TtGhetYtfl- o
hacdsh! a and difficul- man of about 130, who seemed to delight +
p er return to Canadian pµblic life. fl�gBsfiit idler
ties as shall fall upon them. in doing good •turns to his follows, and he T1CS rc�Q
Wbatself-retm»ciatiouarid heroic gpurpose was the last man on earth to suspect of Rev Dr. Saunders, President of the O �rp Uft�-1wrIfTLet-A is ON TEM
was thiel They &owned witches to be attic, nursing combative tendencies. We were Montreal Methodist Conference, has
ut that was no part of their puaitanism. It therefore vastly surprised when on our re- a,-cepted the call to DundasCentre
t7i� purltan women we owe so much for turn trip the door of the° little red depo6 Methodist church, London.
t spit}t pour Aple which gives them opened and a eros looking creature stop- On a farm four miles from Hazzlett- g,p �
tglalae a to
laarilshi and stake P ville, Del., Mrs Alex. Hankin has giv-
life �xtane for sir tonvRions. pod out fA wo oomc,gnize as.
e American women of today have the The unreoognizod man had his hair en birth to four boys, all sound and
SP t of their puritan mothers, but their olipped close to his skull; his mustaoho healthy, The mother is doing well o' �'�,y
ssi�ni and is proud of the achievement.
C+nnstituHons are toot tatg�ed or able to en- was shaved off to astul%je; a thick sweat -
(lure half the hardships of these New Brig- er in defiance of the heat of the dab climb- Geo, W. Vanderbilt, youngest son of �-�•�-�-q-•�;,�/•��1
J 1 land ancestors. Very often they are run- ed up to his chin, With one hand he hold W. H. Vanderbilt, is taking a trip to �',�L,.lura, 000
A� 1 � doveu with weakaesEes and irregularities the rope which ended in the form of a vile Europe and the Orient. Before leav-
peculiar to their sere, and thrronstantdrain looking bull pup. The strange inan was in New York he placed on his life a
upon their vitality makes theta chronic in- smoking a very short and stubby cigar. g•
�EF% vaids. Many women hesitate to go to ng policy of $1,0(10,000, on which the an- so-
their family physician, because they dread Altogether be looked tough, very tou{Ih, nasi premium is $35,000 for 20 Years, �dl•Va de
TNEC00SBESTI=RIEND g heisted pugilistacully tough. ochen pay menta will' cease, the oticy
nils local exaursuationa so generally ipr �StO135j2Vtt5�2'
upon practitioners, "Rellol" he yelled. Then we knew It being payable at death. The policy is
LARaE6T SALE IN 04� such women should write Dr. It V, was Clark. said to be the largest ever written by
Pierce chief consulting physician of the Clark's own transformation was. Im- one company,
invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute, menso, but greater was' that of his oiiioo- apt ` orated'
Buffalo, N. Y., giving a full description of Thirty ears ago Mrs Robt. Dames,
sirs toms, histo etc., sr that he In the days of our lounging there waiting Woodstock, when a child, stepped On
th imp best for Hawkins we had been Ana g eastoria is put up !n ano•sl2A bottles otxi f I♦x t
MszLD70D'S can give them the best possible medical some glass and cut her foot, The
advice- If Dr. Pieme'e Favorite Prescrip- strike a rather Pair Inventory of not cold in bulk. Don't allow anyone to still <
tion seems to suit the case the Doctor will nishings, and we knew them all, from healed n'iicelyt•essoNo by
i'no en w d ���. you anything else on the plea dr yromice that ih
,y�lemRENOVATOR say so. If not, then he will give medical coal box to water cooler and oilcan. Now, thought of the incident until some six t +jI as good,, and "will answer every pqz
l advice which will put such women on the however, there was ageeatmetamorp mea ?, ears ago a small piece of glass work- ,o . geq t� y u Sat ().A43 -T -0 -8 -I -,A.
rapid road to recovery and health. "Why, what does all this moan!' years
of the toot., which served as a
AND OTHER TESTED RBUEI?I$13 Johnson Inquired reminder of the accident. Some, ���GG qac
It's all in how it is Read "Them?" said Clark "The boxing r
g3oves and punching bag and Indian months ago Mrs Daines stepped on a u9
SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE -- clubs?" atone, and from that date her foot has snap,
Helen Hunt, of Collingwood, found troubled her, gradually becoming
For Impure, Weak and Impoveridaed a purse in church and notified the pas- "And the pfotrlieVP When did�o u° worse, until she was unable to attend
Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Falpatta- for that she had it, so if anyone re- up the prizefighting business? who ere to her household. She applied Poul- `
tion of the Heart, Liver Compiaiat, Zen- ported the loss it could be returned. all these bruisers you have hangtOg on the tices and did everything possible to
ralgia, Loss of Yamory, Htonol.l.is, Cor- The next Sunday the clergyman made wall?" overcome the difficulty, but without
sumption, Gall Stones, Jaundice, X408Y the following announcement from the "Well," said Clark, ' T`m 3ilttsesed if I avail, and the cause of the trouble was
and Urinary Diseases, St, Vitus' 1?aa�e a wyst.ery until a few days ago, when
Y ulpit:—"Someone loan av purse here know• x wrote to a man in P° o shit orad Remember, when purchasing your
Female irregularities and General L?eltllltr Fast Sunday evening, and if the owner soot him tsioin end this him to shat the she discovered a piece of glass embed- '
L,>Aborats�'y, Goderieh, Out. wants the property he can go to Helen worth of it in secondhand things -riot had ded in the foot. On Tuesday a surgi-
Runt for it." W do with prizefighting. As a feet, I cal examination was made, and a piece
r. M K4X,AA don't know a blessed thing about fighting, of lass abouthree-quarkers of an inch
prop, and YaarbNatt+er prize or any other kind; but than make a in length, in the shape of a triangle, hi '10 '►tmaS Supplies.
THIS CELLS WHERE HEALTH MAY daisy bluff, don't you think?" was removed.
gold in Clinton by BE FOUND "I should say so. Why, any one coin -
H. COXBE, and ALLAH ds WUJ@014 And that is more important than making Ing bore would take you in that oaL11t If yon take quality into conoideration we are able to meet all requirements,
money. If your blood is impare, Hood's and with these surroundings, to be the PAINT YOUR CHEEKS in FRUITS, FINEST BE
Sarsaparilla is the medioinr for yaq, It champion middleweight of the universe-" Not with paint on the ontsids that is VOSTIZZAS, CURRANTS, ELE67E FIGS NATURAL FIGS, Pl�l�]x'.,
ogres scrofula, salt rheum, rbeumatiem,ca• That's what I thought," Bald Clark easilywashed off. Put the color on from SPICES, Rest brands CITRON, ORANGE and LEMON PEELS, t)OCOA,
north and all other diseases originating from „you see, I'm waiting for a man." CHOCOLATE, ICINGS, EXTRACTS, ESSENCES, ORANGES, LEI MONS,
Cook'8 COttOtl It00t COltlpou►nd or promoted by impure blood and low state Then explained. Three works be within. Scott's Emulsion fills the cheeks CANDIES, CROCKERY, TOILET SETS, DINNER SETS, &.e
Is the andy safe, i rliable of the system. with rich, red blood. It is a color that
monthly medicine on rrWh — _ lino he had had trouble toes the telegraph s too
Wits can depend In the lint with the new operator flown the road L Crate Fancy China,, ,fast the ging for Christmas prase
HOOD'S PILLS are easy to take,easy to at Canyon, and the dobate over the wire outdoor gsorciae. �1�
*our awd Hme of wee& operate. Cure indigestion, headache. had ended on Clark's part by telling the' Muldoon, -the trainer and athlete, ad- N. ROBSON189 � Clintom' r
is prepared in two degreft other operator that he was several kinds vises tliesem° physical asrrcis°for woman
tictrcn F3xtended Insurance of a liar and on the part of the Carryon for mon "tYutdoor oxarciso " he says
No. for ortltnsry t7aea -- man of promising to drop In about the ,wUl pros o their heaautf, bring hoalth
is kyr far the beat dollar medicine known Tho provision for extended insurance con- end of the month and beat flee life out of and improve the temppeer� Xe suggests ± Or perkops a LOltngC, a parlor. SUite„
--cold by druggists, tate Dtllarper boz twitted in the unconditional policies %ached Clark "And he's a big stiff, vetch arms good, long, brink wants, work with the You Want an = i,ra Extension Table, & Stlt Of Hfp,�iL •. '�
No. 2 for �� to °� by the Confederation Life Association guar- like flour barrels, 1 boor heard," said the dumbbeila, um in rope and playing ball• Bach Dinilig Chairs, a Bedroan�SclG
Btronget_ gold�drngg►sta
one b>04 anises that, in the event of your failure to agent. "So I decided that as u Hain, all thear ane Discs mtxtit b gtaken �/ �,,�� >�j�'� � 3
Three Dollars; two oozes, Five Dollars. pay the third or any enbeegaent premium, peaooa 31e man like me couldn't lick him proper costume, which should consist $ 1liattress, some Pictures Framed
No. x, or No, s, mailed ou "celyt al you will be held covered for the full amount one way I'd try it another- l3o tlainka cove fitting garments that will not in-
-- - Price
#slid typo 3sxtik stamps. of the policy for a term of years which is I'm ust what T am, a common crit tib rail- of rho trod and will Our stock is complete, the quality !s egdal to the beet. ;
The Molsons Bank definitely stated therein. By the operation j ��° free a any � Y Our rices are as low se the lowed~ We want your trade.
,^� Cortlpetrly, road operator. All right When he gets alloy flea action of all the muscles. P
incorporated by Act of Parliament 1886 Vnndwoomulo. of this extended in
it is obsoletely off Na 71 here and walks up the Platform
�� ��E�r �� �
impossible ler yoe: to lie suddenly without and sees a man liks me looking like the � i tConblunicy. tt,� t.
r •, CAPITAL _ 02,000,000 Sold in Clinton by Allen & `e7ilson,
Insurance, on account of 7onr failure to pap fellow who ie going to whip Carbon, and
druggists, the premium. The Confederation Life As- when he sees these sporty furnishings and --Write, more connee wd stories, ^;nailed
+; REST F17I3D 61,500+000 soeiation publish a set of pamphlets, giving pictures, and especially when he lights on the city editor to hte naw xeportes.
fall partioalare as to the different plans of the pup --wag, I kind of think he'll decide And Wo hist day the -PO~ Minded
$EAD OFFICE. MONTREAL, insurance operated by them, which they he ain't got any business in my neighbor- ju ills oopy all pasted touothee.—nettoit � {. /� �( --Select from the followin91
Wim• L11 onaox McArnunsox,. President will be glad to send pn application to the hood after all. Notice the padded round lveo Press. We �`Qi at it AGAIN •`what you want, and make yortL�
F. Wor>Tsnax m Tnouhs. Gen Manager ' head office, Toronto,) or to Israel Taylor, noes of this sweater." n� �re �mneters are !n ties tp cobs to Bir- purchases early.
c Clinton, agent for Huron. We were loafing-atMamy s go
' 13;ot,3a dieoonnted, Collections made, Drafts yghen-No. 71 rollyd up tromthe southward lin, Y,efpsic and Dresden. They record the New Iiegalar Price. Our Price
,Vaned, Stirling and American exchange 1 7Ibm.Goo Raisins for.. --..•..•.........,>025
the nest morning. We walked idly over @Xi rt amount of holies ltrevded att(1 btt0 7 lbs. (food Japan Tea• .................. • 1 t0 washboards ......-..,, .....-...-•25 25
i lwnglt and Bold. Interest allowed on de- TG j\`{\ — `" al fare of the occupants Olbe. 25o Japan Tea .... .................. 1 00 Oatmeal (Per Sl lbs)............'... 25
ough $d�0°$�S—In�reet allowrdan ' 11'Ut 1oN� A Woman in a Smotcfng Oar. to the st�tation, tttlking on the wag of � 5lbs. 80oJapan Tea ..... ................. 1 fA Flavoring Extracts ... 10 0}S
P va wed to vt
1J 1►✓ plan of IM teasing and 91bs. Black or Japan Tea ............... 90 Laundry �a'tarch.................... 10 0$,
anima of $1 and up. Money ad when the Orange county exprrss on rho Clark's gator p P T�j� Regular Prior. Our price Baking Powder ................... .... 10 Ofi
tartnerg on their own note, with uo= nor Erie railroad stopped at Paterson one blufling the enemy, when suddenly John- EJrt+ Laundry Soap, lobe bars for ..,. • e5 linking Soda . . ........... •. , ... 5
tft 1
mbYe endorsers. No mortgage req morning last week, a stout, middle aged son oiled: 1113y George,
ormrge' �sothetman from n BroRme .....................ltl 19 I Sunlight Soap (8 bars............,.18 �,a5
Mona er, Clinton tto��Q ._ $ $rooms...m*.,.......v.,...r, .., t6 84 81oa.ping11a1on(tideTpl?agaa •••84 $5
BREWER, g —THE LEADING— Irish woman climbed ug the steps e the Ca non. Well, the slaughter of the inno- � Y
smoking car and walked in, not heeding y „ Other goods at like prices. Mach Sugar for little mme9. Ghoioo Tamil Plour, +2.855 cob,
—r U1vDERTAKER the warning, "Rear car, Mies; this iB the cent is about to begin. N pate canted in exchange for Oatmeal. Choice Butter on hand. Bran, torts, Chop and alit '�
G. MCI Ar� A.RT. smoking car." The Canyon operator, u big th°wed v11- NORWAY kinds of Crinin bought and poll. 1
, M The commuters looked up from their Iain, opened the door of the telegraph /�t
"''-AMD— whist, and even the man from Tuxedo was room and looked fiercely in. Clark wasn't O• OLSOpB�f Victoria St., near Queen's Hotel, Cf1I1tOri r
BANKER a little bit interested when she seated her- tbere, but bis sporting garnitures were. E ABALME" self, unmindful of t'he s)noke As the The man stared at them to some surprise C Y Ff � f+
ALBERT S'�',, a CLINTON, train moved out from the station the anQ than started toward a chair, doubtless V JJJ \\\VVV ���aaa, »�
brakeman entered the oar, tapped heron intending to sit down and wait. We were
Dusinrass the shoulder and said: at the window and saw e banil Clark step � � �7(!L)t12L� A Double bl e i�A �/! II l./ ���.,, ��AL
gen�*al Banking A s'O1;L LINO OF Madam, this is the smoking car. There ped cheerily !n from the baggage room, t
trAri8tltC�ed• bristling hood and `t�
GOODS gF lei�g are plentyof scats for ladies 1n the other sweater, stub cigar, delicate t�S5t12S Of the
care." all. Tho pop followed iy By using the Knot';, Doamn Asa Sr1+r> x, paten�;d U. w dud
NOTES DIi3CO�NTA That she was not feazod by the informs- "What do You want?" Clark called
L_ Canada, The only satisfactory sifter on the market. ,.:Two sif..
raffia asllbti. inter �OaOQ °n tion was apparent to all, and the man Prom loudly. "Can't a man taken 20 mile run Throat and Lungs. iers in one, of different size mesb°rs. Separates erriati iYo
p Tuxedo allowed himself to forget whether to keep in training wtthotihtiaobf offlW Have
loge cinders. No labor, no duet, no waste.
deposits. his partner's long suit was hearts or dia- coming in and occupying
4 on monkeyed with any of this athletic ... ) j .. .
f best Embalming F`iuid uae(1 monde y I'd pick On receipt of $2.00 we will deliver 1 donblleashsifterto any paxE ^1
r N �i�� a r T a aratueP if 1 thought you had, BRON pP Canada and pap express charges ourselves.
til►Plil 1 l�uu. Then the woman
winked knowangl}+, pP
took out of her cooker pipes tobacco and you up and throw you out th rhoCr t�I Write for descriptive eiroular atxi reforenees. Wbolesale anis
Splendid hearse matches, and answered: and into the ditch jus ASI'HIVIA, HOi►]R�CEI�iF-S.5'S SORTS
Got out of THROAT, RNTMUENZA, and mAnii, Agente wantedeverywheiro. County, township and ata
N "An did ye for wan minitIdidn't 'Cherry 13111 Chicken' out of the ring in
be afther knowtn 'twos the ahmoker?" San Francisco three years ago- rights for sale, Apply to
w CLIN9t`ON, OXT' She lighted her pipe and smoked all the here, you big tramp( What? You don't PAIN 1P7 THE QiT.
i New YoYk Sun. move? Take tluatl" And he landed a P qn t7�As�j XW St, C and Mannh tmar,
to Jersey CI crack alongside the ()arlyon man's head. BABY TO TAKE. P. Az» 11 f 1v0 6� Catherine St. Montroax, P. f� ry
Adviluor�9 '65ae to farmers on their owe
Residence over stare way y The visitor dropped off his GaalT in fright
notes at low rates df interest. OPPOSITE TOWN HALL a� SII12B TO CURB,
The Mitchell foundry was Bold under and crouched on the floor.
A general Banking BAeiness transaot.od• the power of mortgage, on Saturday ,•Says Quit that mister•!" he cried. •''I
interest allowed on deposits. "'McLaughlin,
knocked down to Mr. Don- don't mean any harm; to you. I come up
Sale Notes bought aid McLaughlin, of Hibbert, for the bore lick a ham operator horsed Clark,■1gantty ® le t► n ' w r+
r snm of $1,600, who held a second mort- I„_ M • 1
aeon the ro ern and the purebaso = i
TI6DALL, Manager. CLINTON MARBLE WORKS- g g p p y' •'Ott You dist Well, get UP. I'm
was made to save himself from loss. Clarkf ” ��� M 4 `
0% to Commercial
OLD ial Hot. SAC A E "Yon?" gasped -lie other. "Wily, I
' dfaa't know--you-were a flghtar, orr"�-' $O1ViB O� THE STRiKiN6 FEATURES �OI2 1898 '
9e ILLOP MUTUAL FIR bier f mmeralal Hotel. �yi,l as an idea came to him. "Int this ,THREE SERIAL- ST0 2IE5
INSURANCE CO. This establishment !s fu full or oration and a the ou feet and
` order 1111od in the most eatisfacto. y way Come 5 Y a town Granite?" �"�
M T,1aT73 D TOWER QTY tory and granite work a epeeia ty. prises a that life is not w'otdi "No. It's Heaver. " ` THB AI)VL'KI URERS FOUR FOR r r.FM N6 T#it3EV K Rr R osCPS3
roasotrableasthoeoofanyeotablishn:eat aalpf i w "what's itl That'e W There, now, ,� � nt,n.a<.xirxrorrrr-4rM0N rrrntnr�nrtaart
f �1'a "SUItJsD Cluedki � ,� don't hit me. It'V all 0. tat8toko k[y �ti , to a thrillinr .ern? of a fight for is s etirrint narranve of four t the
%asr his a he nture ht tb
t fill;! r9 it IiQOV�l;,0lintoa. >m 1? Clued y o trcaeure "ended in an old companions who have to- the hero has ,his adventurce, Add
tA1rv&1ta. man Clark works atQranito I'm awfully ,tT ; omtleinthe>.eerxiosofwRlee. crated a ions last fortune. from where
flea• W President, Hoxiock P.O4 !names �l you diat-when ltacic sorry, mister, and if you'll be hind enough SHORT FICTION �
L,Broadtooee Pres„ goaforth P. Q. W. J• all troui5l¢s ende(l. e t1i6, iwa
Trine., seaforth PDD i� `Y�iO to accept tnq apologles and let iiia go crit
S}Ipgnoit, S&to•th P. O, HAT STAMPING pWte nor electiidtir i� cum k. The go I can Watch 13o. 71 and ride up tto GTari- 6 � Ir addition to ti" three lents aerial ever
-y kind,
the whit ntion of y possible men ton afew otic hero
i "'Inepeotorof toeses�tmt i'a>ta �- teat 01'x- 1� *y ♦� � � O! , 7oer, there will , el><irt ler of every kind, of which it a only p •l�
g, ntandtoot, t3ssforth 1i. li[LuQI°. g°° The ntsderatgnes fe prepared to do eA Mads oftie its I ]l promise you'll hear of a fight �y„-e E �" a ydMt, the Oa►ler The Bloekndero A Harbor Mystery
tofth; qoa. Watt, Heraook: of f3ta in¢ for ]late, Persian huge sad artl• N8 i9 ilN1q& that'll remind you Pf your old ring days• Y By STAJMar J. WRI Mas nr rnuim R-4Rayss Rr ,/ortN R, srm�xa s"
�tldo Ilste, s3ea l atdi< ori L°od p Thank you." And be bolted for the truth,
yet fsegtolrth; .Ay �n1
John �,�,� dee of ilio nature• 'Work done_ prom Hyy and cari (ie The Flunkieg rf t'Vatklnr' Ohoft A t3rent Haut A Creature of
noYr� fSoNu0
his; i>arbnbt, Chinat reasonable rotas ]ii1?.9 A WOxiE> xGfTON which was now, leaving the station. By Joxv xi►xie(ex aiwee Ar sorn(s atrxrr RETC,
tipsn Suns; Street. CO URE D ne;really, did go to granite, the nein _ ARTICLES ON SPORT, TRAVEL,
•o Holmeovillo: station north, but instend,of making any An American 13xp1orer in A#rlCa
illolit Smith arlBeak>Sort n and 1. OumInge, [ I had terrible sins fit bnoh sad my v►utor a Irian a 8loplasnt 4i"r 91 In Africa Ry OatVyeft?a c. apkus
1 obi; 311(,M n,a p mfr wile Ell bioken up hostile domonatrntlon at rho agent, f sr rzatarBr eaooxe
mondvlll°. o1reot Insuranaos or titan- was thick and muddy• I ho bo hta i�olF(tt and • Ftrxt Lesceos tr Ttlaer and Shret -yyjlY r;A, [ ar, 0, Out n taolf t o�tso 1
artier III6. an9 tl) re t nsura ceii sod to D��j�jj and ill poor health generally. Two bozos of named. M4Phorson, n(d It uanrai n. r. r.tatstue RhF4X '� •' 'a`r ah, �• o• rex re�a st�i'TN>
igtOt biller to say g 1 y',Il llll� Dr Hobbs Sparagas ICidnoy Pills oua Ad the tick talo passongar train back do hlb own R PRiI`4� Co11tPSTt fiON i
oatttn. ter aur of ilii aboio offioors �JtllliLl tial oomplotely. Push the sale of them hard. town,•Canyon. The oonduotor ea3d that pP.PAt2TMLNTS
ro their respeativo gfPloes. tlwre is nothing better. A. X. V►x ALFATMe aThr ip Deaver the Editor's Table, Stamps and Coins, Photography ShortStories,
se rt l(dot,Sketching,.00 t:rtde, taplty
f Toledo St., Adrian, Mich. When ilia train nye passing
•, - _ a �1�t 70 Gorier R Nrn:ber (send for Free Prorgtefu;t). S„bserfpfddn,SX.dO a Y<tPo'.
t Lr Illaadanf?drod wltN layne back and wan con • bl��1mati groin Canyon hid tlTui(tr 4 ate � � A � dry��� Ly IN {J II®1Lil� Poatage free to the Vnttcd Status, Canndn Wird hiexicd.
lE the next day, Clark sold load EY �irr N tJ
q � WHEELS Plants, fined to toy bed for nosilyy two works. z took . Address YIAltPl�n Fi nUOTIMRS, Pnl,Iisirers, ria alciin s-0tnaicr, rT• ir,,'plt9•
iN I]RA� VP not quite all of a box of Dr Hobbs' 8parnad" oiioots to rho proprietor of n cele t paiteti „-
V ')♦his old ostabliehofl and reliable badt_s is kidney Pills and was endrol cured, l•� '
yy Before you pureliaae a pair you should
R ' tlieJsolebrated Cutler beantx continued as usual, and Uiaso who vreint Iseno MAnit, f361 S, Elovonth t9t, Naginaw,atioh he 's i "i loan to see Or F3O Bomoh(ti0, see lour assortment of Men's, Women's
� "ler ey did their ,
!llt� land id back anything in oor line can role on tiro very beet ba sttltl to Johns=,
of t�hsf6eld, BnB + oP sorviao Dr. iflolyb� nbbly, especially the frrip I thinly it and Children's BOOTS, SHOES and � `•�..'"'
ails drindor, as the aiglit of the pup filet added rite RIIBBERS,
to ttlt4n tell a ,s Corner. o nd tri lodatod on last straw to tate bluff that bluffed him,
' r'
Tlttitsley's Corner. Se willdta oriel OcAlgais re 'Zidditgrbc'Ftinerou , moa;! gU-ho pian from Gatiyob. g full oracle oR Iilankots, Robes, Single '.• 'f
�epafrg or til "kinds PARAGU \�
�xl>x�if�g � ]Fruit oral! (►tnntaetttni 7fraos Ila no, loivover, inaitltsd that it was and Double Harness on hand. Give - s
Spruce. SCOtch & %Strftdlft t phut ]Kidney Pulls Cllr1'k'a wu short,cropped hnkrand tough, us a call.
on diort ilodod and at lrownftlilo rates yon snrn 13Y
1'ookeb 'l�higee Y>ybl�.r�ed an7 mads s�aailq stubby austaoho ouriing aoolvitiltp over y�if;{ S �' stantoy j. Weyman lf, b. Rt. wetsen CSrus C. Adattl5 Ponttncy i3igeloty Mirk rituritYte t
razors, soitsbts, and all lands of pr• DP°promptlyfilldq taw, il,%Bl'iC & iAlII,5O2 , 13rttDAist�, Yk, it o �►� s�,�,�' ,/� �✓ M 'i► w '�'1l��rif►�IMr
d � the bti of A 01gAi'.— llldag0, ttt00ld• JAS TWITC Block, Clinton.
it+o obarperied, UibbrAllaaapd'1'a>yasolo AO Viotoraa loo
esti relpntilr�daixd oidonoebotigixt: or'M v CLINTON, ONT
,yy b riteil4
John �te�vrtstate,llk+ai>btttai� ;.•
�mtaaed at�c�a t>,
i !t.