The Clinton New Era, 1897-12-17, Page 7111,lt POT` Al ,k Gxltativea. , of Three east Nations, , O[fitj1 �V D 1. CQ51POU�TD 4.. ,: ; Xedic A* e That' is the Woia- 7,40 f of the ,Age de A-bWt Medical Men Re- coIn wend it - . e, .K�K-V aW 4-iVmavns, 1 -dill. :hrea men have, done a mighty work for professioq of medicine, and they will r°ha rerrierrbered as true benefactors of iqq?,�gai! fiaae: ttgki� $qp, Lord Lister, President of the . .], $Qeiety, t'rofessor laaward E. slpo, ill, D., of Dartmouth College,and nfes'gcir Charles Richet, of the University Paris, are the men that have lived to g kits rlkind. ';afeasor Edward E, Phelps, who gave grnrld'his fampce Pa'n's Celery Com. ind,.haa gone to his well earned rew, rd, ltje gre%t medicine still saves me t and ti^I,; very day. 'Thousands live tn•ra,v u 0,*e ,kife, health and vigor to Paine's tiry:Coh0pund, the mighty discaee ban- er. ' tl;'lie weaki nervous, sleepless rneu- tiq; neuralgio; dyspeptic and coostipat- are scqu,ma tde hale and vigorous, and dadly'dangers, of liver and kidney t1b1¢s ai a quickly dissipated. 'here ;is now no neossssty for con Inn. an ;agony and danger when such a rea- 4 t gent as Paine's Celery Compound is 3,odt to sufferers. Paine's Celery Com- lud Assuredly cures; its thousands of gnificent testimonials in the past are !,tient proof. Have you tried it ? ,+ Sohn.e.igood—Some Bad. �!41 much use for Col. Bob ,er•soll on general principle,-, but he s sane pretty good things at times. i fiillowing from the Arena, giving 3t of'`what the Col. would like for licttnas, contains some ideas and gestions, some good- some bad, the Ilati4n of some of which would be ,tile be of the world at large: - If I had the power to produce ex- fy sabat I want for next Christmas ould have all the, kings and emper- resigu and allow the people to go - themselves. C would have all the nobility drop it titles, and give their lands back 1>,e p,3ople.. I would have the Pope iw.'�a'way his tiara, take off his sac- estmeuts, and admit that he is acting- for Cxod-is not infallible- ju8t an ordinary Italian, I would 01t;aitl the cardinals, arch -bishops, lop,§ L i •iest.s, and clergymen admit They kiw nothing about theology ling about hell or heaven, nothing tit the destiny of the human race, t1bg4bout devils or ghosts, gods or 61s,, I.would have them tell their Gk'$ to think, for themselves, to be ly men and womanly women, and o all, in their power to increase the of l>Uman happiness. ;,yvriuld have all the professors in ges; all the teachers in schools of y kind, including those in Sunday ols;:.agreo to teach only what; they i. ,that . they would riot palm off ,6 as demonstrated truths. would like to see all the politiclans ged to statesmen -to men who cs. make their country great and omen who care more for public l flue pcivategain-men who long a of use. 'would like to see all the editors of ire and, magazines agree to print pptb, and nothing but the truth, Abid all slander and misrepresenta- and to let the private affairs of le alone. would like to see drunkenness )ibhibitfon both abolished. vvoulil like to see corporal punish- tAcme away with in every home, cry school, in every asylum, re- atory, and prison. Cruelty bar, and ,degrades; kindness reforms ntobles. ;?would like to see the millionaires c undform a trust for the public Would like to see a fair division of is between capital and labor, so the toiler could save enough to ;le a little June with the December s life. 'would like to see an international ' esyp:blished, in which to settle Ws between nations, so that arm- tttld be disbanded and the great !a allowed to rust and rot in per- eace. would like to see the whole world -Prep from injustice -free from #ition. its will do for ,next Christmas. following Christmas I may want A Rich, Full Color 11 Hatnond Dye rOardinal one of the Most fashionable and Most Useful colors. iKkfliotia of packages of this wonderfully Ioliltiid;popular color are sold every year. FW W'stuond Dye Cardinal is noted for itstren�th,'fastnese ana beauty of color. 'tle'ptio age dyes two pounds of silk or ail 061 Oodg' a standard shade that will @ver waeb ont. It colors over, with grand lthits,, all shades except greens. Tlie roAt Diamond Dye Cardinal for /eine at,tton and (nixed goods is the only ordinal';#ori cotton dyeing in the world that .fast to light and soap, one package Akee d 'fast and everlasting Cardinal on fel 0hud of cotton or mixed goods. Bo ndg'dedeived with crude imitations or isp grease dyes, Ask for the "Diamond" Id you. will always have waccesa. I A5 ORIA PoTilt% its ana t711f2c. �*II •'ta tna tMrtittl#e stein '41 .. t�Itrtpl?Mls t . Le \ / i" + , P-7111,11171.._'11 ,1;,r,+, e, I 11 . r I �1 �I /'Y . I '. - . I I . , . r"", . tae! �R f r ,...: . . q, . .. . °f"li� PTl`i. 'KiN(L, •. } .. l r.»-�=T lk[I. William M .P,k, og•n[, 1',, P.,. tae olnn� QV 1 �i� To, , � ^y y...- Subscribers' u e etorl ea gckldate dor !the, z'ldkng• oIt f +! t✓f i e to Iiia lea6doiu at dead of alRhg 1n �1 �i ray heel hoi) C1orr}wnll and Stormont, iia ! ho corning+► (Qlz, aevar a.osutt to 131ractlons, is serIollsl , 'Tho ioboI'llawore^tkno and with lege. bedtgiil y ill at bia residence, . !. Of this go on qY royalty, su$Pering from ingaillmatioli of" I•,he CXS ' t A�p1g1Q75.. pFx , %ll i Ro Ato and elope and tQ4 lata ease Agt f s . fun s: No W never a cunt'to had >avI CANCER CAN SE CURE,D., or beat Igsgraupe bra warn he said!, nor eased to pt"s% 1ppipliwales T+OR $T, Unt q t� 2;, . DIIRINC{ the past year we have triad; to Make each issue of the NEW E9 , 09.Yory high was he. Cancer is the severest known fp m of , • a weloorne guest to every home. We have tried to insert nothing, offensive or On clic!! fine deg bo redo lzi stats � binoa siseaso. Bardgok Blood !ditty, is T F, SLO.AN -MLQQ„i, ,. objectionable, t9 keep its golumne Olean, dna let its tong be Instructive and e1e- (Oil, never u'oszit W pay bad hol) the hest powerful medicine known, It pjli AR SIRS;-- Nlth va >uls true to watch and wolf cures cotter and skin diseases. Proof:'tMy voting.e have aimed to make it first 1.alpd foremost a local newspaper, ills sliy;iltcx3t coed to see. husband lead two oalacers taken off his face, About two years ago I suffered from an attack of biliona d#Rrrhgea, Wei and to this end have spared neither pains orexpense in order to rotate Wawa and another was coming On his „kip, $e became chronic lid threatened my e8tatt#1.ttce, I used severltl kinds of atent ria,' d� , ': P or everything ho had the boat and was treated by my family physician, but was nor ourad. until I used our loo ! _ '` from every section of the Count VVe fatter puraglves that the (Oh, Haver a oent'to pay had hof), cool; two bottles of Hood's Sarsaparilla dna Indian Tonic. At helped me at once end continued y " n sl Y' irleNT it»>t~a has no sa it disappeared P I. Ont need to Improve, erior as a county paper, and the With not a care to troatlle his rest pP red I know $biomedicine is ati prove, and now enjoy patko& p Y P P + generous patronage which has been aogorded it, hag Or a feur ,of alight to be. excellent blood purifier," Mas Was. miusy.. health. I can heartily recommend it to all troubled as I was, or in need of a generatl, aided very materially in accomplishing this, Akron, Erie Co., Now York. uvigoratingm edlgine. R. R. DICSZX� J, I.?,. And ante Goes cent tae holds the throne For sale at all dealers or address the Company at Hamilton. TO OUR FRIENDS -one and all -we we desire to return our very Sincere thanks for (Oh, novur a on. to pay has heti their support and appreciation of our efforts. We are not by any means unmindful of it, Se Iles scion µ•arid fat• his very own. Price $1 per: bottle, 6 bottles for $5. This scion of royalty. ,, We shall try in every possible way to improve the paper -not simply keep it up to Rheumatism Oh, limo gee on. but hla kingdom stanc}s- - - - - - its present standard, but to advance along every line that will make it more acceptable. (Yet never a cent to pay hits hal, l �"` We do not believe in standing r still -our motto is ever "Forward, and all our energies ,•. '`l 6 " And we all kwp �.{:p w iiia swift commands � will be bout in this direction. will' glad bntuitity -SOUTH AMERICAN RHEUMATIG CURE ' `, a The low price at which newspapers are now issued, leave the margin of profit very -Enema A. Leuta ut Good Housetteeptng. A UNIVERSAL LIBERATOR.' small ndeed, and it is therefore, important that eIl items entering into the cost of a THE THEORY OF EVOLUTION, -AZARA- P E K11)H K , �,.�, Relief in eft hourst What a glad mss• I y11 newspaper be out down as low as possible. sow the Idea of the Variability of spo- saga to the pain -racked, bed -ridden, des - Payment is advance reduoea the expense of a newspaper, because it eaves cost of Wes Came to Darwin. pairing sufferer from rhoumanstn'a cruel book-keeping, future difficulty in collecting, and is much more satisfactoryboth to the As lou ago as .fur 1, 1839, nun = Dar grasp slid this is a foot, borne out by a thorenghly up-to-date periodical for women, w8! enter upon Its , LS 6 y young volumes of evidence, for this greatest of thirty-first volume in r8g8. Daring the year tt mil be as lteretole publisher and the subscriber. There is nothing that gladdens the heart of a publisher so 'Nin, then 28 years or age, had opined a Painconquorora, A N1Il2I20R OF FASHION private -journal, in which he purposed to . much as to find that his subscribers appreciate his efforts, and one way of showing this P j ! l Rheumatism is ourablo--Soutis Amer]- roaord all Nets that caluu to titin which can Rheumatism Cure is an absolute Paris and Neto York tach !sane will contain care£ully'ttrq_ appreciation is by prompt renewals, seemed to have any boating oil the itiovu specific, and radically cures the most Fashions pared drawings of the advance fashions ' , `' We would urge upon our subscribers the desirability of forwarding ',their subscrip• P of Paris and New York- Once a month point of the doctrine uY traustnutativu of stubborn cases from one to three days 4^ Q Colored, Fashion the BAZAR will issue, free, a colored . tions promptly as possible, and you have our thanks in advance for so doing, species- Four or five yeas earlier., during "I suffered intensely from rheumatism supplement fashion supplement, Cut paper patterns ..1 s'-• the course of that fatuous trip around thu and soigtica. Tried many remedies and of certain gowns in each number will be Yours truly,Cut Pa er Patterns made a feature. These will be sold in , World with Admiral .ii'itZr°y tLa S1atUriL1- many Physicians without any lasting T. W. Higginson p connection with each issue at a uniform Wiliam F31iuJc RO$T. HOLME 1st to Thu Jae <* benefit. A few doses of South Ameri- . Q Bf-Week/y pattern at,le, Darwin had ula.tlo the tan Rheumatic (Duro wonderfully helped sheaf price. The BAZAR will also publish bi personal observations which list tended me. two bottles cured, me."—E- Errett, weekly, free, an outline pattern sheet. • _ .. _ ---__ to shake his belief in the fixity of species. Merrickvillo, Ont y P LONG SERIALS AND SHORT STORIES Jones Vacation, In South Ainerica, in the Pampean for- Thouisande o4'freed Waves tell the Two famous authors will contributelong WILD EELEN SUSP8 61051) Ai:lsBtl& tGtY. same ®tory—clowt siliffer can hour aerial stories to the BAZAR 1. rs The motion, he bad' discovered eat fossil lou o . 4 first deals with Scotch and Con! cental Ey rvtLLJ.fpr EJ.feir -T•r M. D'Artout, who titled mare than ono - ---- gar. -2.,, Important post under the French govern- � card Its Eirisn�-+�N ts,od Ap. animals covered with armor like that On scenes, the second is a story of a goung � RAGGED LADY nsont, was a man of easy goln,g disposl- pastaut 1,oas o! Rd$e. the existing armadillos" and had bona Id by ti�atft7 $ Co. t girl, versatile, and typically American. By IV. D..f1GWZLLs tion, which was talion advanta of b struck with this similarity of typo between Mary E. Wilkins These and a score of other a mil 'r , �° y There nO a ancient and exisoin • faunas of the soma 60 YEARS' prominent writers will contribute those subordinate to bim. He never pun- b a octave Thanet p �� P ffii AttaCl{'Of C'' 1Q1© short stories to the BAZAR in 1 psy region- He was also greatly impressed by EXPE1 RIENCE iteti,adna De Forest H. P. Spofford making the paper especially rich in Mary E. Wilkins !shad and rarely roprovod, and the result beats and the lunge am doing t;b,otr work- the mannas, Ll which closely related spe- Ba, S. Briscoe fiction. was a lea discipline, notwithstandingIohiswrs the 1Ss foot all the gen clic vital im4jr, all alp oies of animals were observed to replace ® DEPARTMENTS AND SPECIAL ARTICLES energy which he intusod into his gFrn de going oua In some liOWrjP�r, aIl'the .. one another as he proceeded southward OUR RT LETTER THE LONDON LETTER ;! purtutent through the exercise of his Own vital cirgana are depressed and do their over the continont tied "by she tiOnth ' By XATNARJNB DE FOREST 8y h/rr. POULTNHY SJGPLOfY influence and ability. work feebly, Ileapitatlon is then slower, American character of most of the product- CLUB WOMEN HUMOR In "La V"IO a Parts," Pillemotti relates and may even in Y severe Attacks b9 Ey MARGARET 11. WELC,ff Ry JOHN RENDRJCZ R,ANGS ;F that when Al. D'Arwut was at the head of cry more a the Galapagosarchipelago,alineinand There will be a series of articles on,Etiquette, Music, the i ' the ministry of the Interior there was a come 1(p53 ptlbkl The hetlrt also tlhttiees more especially by the manner In which TRADE fbIARKSM Voice, Art, the Play, Women and Men Leaders amongWomen, cleClerk in the bureau Who could write a re the leis Of powm and its movienx5ts they dilfer on each island of the group, DESIGNS Gardening, Housekeeping, Life and Health, Indoor Dtails, etc rk in hand with as could speed, may be so weak that pulsation in the ar- none of the Islands appearing W be very COPYRIGHTS &C. A,;. 10c, a Copy (Send for Free Prospectus) Sub., $4 a Year; P d. terio9 cannot be detected. As for the tem- ancient in geological Eeilse." Anyone sending a sketch and description may Pastags free in the United Slates, Ca,urda, orad IKexico. and the minister always kept him in his I peratLlie of th° body, that genal all ID gnteklq ascertain our opinion free whether an own offices as private secretary./ Y At first tho full force of these observa- tnvontion is probably patentable. Commnnten- W. D, no,.�im Address HARPER & BROTHERS, Publishers, New York Clty Octavo Tbanet mains the same as in health. But In oras trona t e. Oldest est agency IInncuring n tents. One dap the minister missed his seere- tloisa did not strike hila, for under sway sent teres, Oldest aRencs for securing Patents. �* ��� �` ��' `mss tary and inquired where he was. whore the lunge and heart are onfeobloQ, of ,yell's geological conceptions he ton- Patents taken through Munn & Co. reco-e �,=,■ .e. �� as we have desoribed, it sinks two or three Welat notice, without charge, in the "Reis not here today. His father is de tativvly explained the relative absence of }� p� �1 dead•„ Joy ewes below the normal, and the skin Ie life on one of the Galapagos '-lands by Scientific AIINQA �CO# la a D'ArtOut bowed and said nothing. A °OId and clammy, In t}rese cases, of suggesting that perhaps 'no species had LoOKI"'W g- corrse, the victim of the fit has really the A handsomely illustrated weekly. Leans, cit - month afterward the minister a ain called boon created since that island arose But oulation of any actontifle journal. Terme, $3 a P t1 appearance of death. Bulonburg says very gradually it dawned upon him that such year; four months, $1. sold by all now6aeaiers. u the thiel' and asked bias! the same ques- severe raises In Nv hich, Frith fey cold skin, facts as he had observed "could only be MUNN & cp�3616roadway, New York s tion, the pulse and rusl,ir stiff cu: o so weak Ile is noir liars, monsieur," was the explained on the supposition that species Branch Office, 625 F et., Washington, D. C. as to become ii slave led ta,,.- :,., answer, "for his father is dead." gradually bocomo modified. " From then - .-- . f; W Cos we a, silence,the r truly to co: sremb on, as he afterward asserted, the subject p7�7 r I The minister bowed again in pression fy ri n d s the haunted him It will thus be seen that NEWS S Rud OPINIO1� S i but went away with ii puzzled expression the worssde fol d sad the idea of the variability of species carne ]n his eyes. Three weeks later the same the thlep do p regard to Charles.Darwin as an inference from O F thing happened once more. Upon reoeiv- to atatjileptdc par,.,,•• '" • • • ;,::atuod to 1. Ing the stuns answer, D'Artout spoke up bo dead during sae '0L ,:•rys (Jrwho have personal observations in the Bold, not as a National Importance When a Iran gives us aU (Yrder for a Suit Of Clcrthes w6 I rather sharply. thought borrowed from books. -Henry "Whatl" said he. "Is he oin to s t been buried oliva Smith Williams, M. D., in Harpor's. begin, right then and there t -o loop for his next ordETr. • away from the office all the while his fa- i death true that the only positive sign Of dead' lsaecostshol t stir more area !!tical B mahinb him the vt�'Iy best garment be seely tiler is dead?' The Danish Language. fa-ff SUN And If s v tests hold to be quite roliaiile Julian Ralph, who made a tour of the had, ,Ind Charging hill as little as we, oftn afford. i trod if several of those areapplie in a aaso European continent, found it diliicult tv Alone G'�ontains Both. A 7si ema t an Compliment. I always with exist, negative sroo c ut little iliastor the Danish language. -The This Will bring bim back Dine times crut, Of ten. MaRing "1 consider it an Insult," said Mise doubt cAn exist. But no co soientioas Dau 1?aseaigh. physician will ever take chanes in a ouso °�" he wrote from'Copenhagen, "aro •• You don trefer to that immense bunch of this sort where there exists t o slightest not satisfied with the alphabet. Tboy have Daily, by mail . . $E9 a yr good dothes 15 not Only Commendable, but ought to° invented a twenty-seventh letter, which is of rosusY' doubt. 13e would insist that b ii i be do- Dally &Sunday, by mail $$ a yr be profitable in the long rtln.. That's the acid weri'�' 'I do It's a birthday remembrance, layed until all trace of it was removed, ail O with a mark run through it, cl3ago IOO�lllg �1 OIatVVntlyd 1Q, anti the carts on it tutys. ' May each of these Some old and reliable authorities in medl- nally,from north-northwest tosouth-south- - t y� beautiful flowers represent a year of your osw have told of oases where oatisleptice east, and this amazingletter comes in ��� 1�L111C�a�T S �t11 life ' "Washington Star have been buried and returned to life most of the words. The too so proud of again. We can scarcely doubt that such it that they paint it, all by itself, in horoic , were authentio. But in this wnneotlnA size on the front of the second stories of Is the greatest Sunday Newspaper ib the world, NU\'-571CTARTAN Chore is one important point to he conoid- this, Ialwaysasused to think that when a �• COATS (l r^r ered. Medical science has made rapid tad- British or Russian or Swedish prince came 5C. a copy. BY mall, $2 a year LJ.CxT. SON, Divines All Meet on a Common. Level and vanoes in the many years that have elapsed here to get a wife all he had to say was, are of One Accord in Proclaimingtho since the last of these cases was reported Address THE 'SUN, New York It cannot be so very long ago when the ono CYowjill ere mjariy Dani' But i didn't Healing Powers of Dr, Agnew's Catar- test of death almost wholly rolled upon kaon a great deal of Danish then. In fiat k rhal Powder -It Relieves in 30 Minutes, was the looking glass held to the mouth I only knew the word tandstikker,' which - �� ��ll Yoe �s� But at the present time there are 2( -per- uiexins `rancid match' -at least I think so 'AMC-0 U I U U FOWN PEN "When I know anything is worthy of a haps 80 -tests every one Of which is eves using tlsose matches all over the % Cf.*1 .� Y recommendation I consider it my duty to more reltttible than that old ooa Tile dao- world.• Since I have come here I've not F �j t TIM 1f� �t 1ot1� tell it." Rev.J.Mardock,of Harriebnre, Pa., ger of burial before death has aver boon only discovered the O with a skew" �n THE SATE a, Jtiel>ty AND TIMP1P�Js0. says this of Dr, Aguew's Catarrhs[ Powder pully appreciated by doctors, and how bo through, it, but I find that the language ]a% V�7lE f be i� lifter bovine been cured of a very malignant prevent such a terrible accident has basic so impossible that the Danes themselves � 1 / We Handle the Celebrated Lapham's Rival It has the form of catarrh. He is not the onlyteat have given it u p i j,% Slotted Capillary Feed Piece, therefore will not flood 6 a constant s udy with them --New Yroe§ l ' �0� Late! divine ill thus continent who eould,andwho Lodger, 'They spell Copenhagen Kjopenhaven, { has preached little sermonettes on the won- Kiobenhavu, Copenhague, Coepenhab- ." WE GREAT OFFER OF s Or drop ink. cares effected by this famed remedy. What ROCHEFORT'S VARYING MOODS '�; names are more familiar to Canadians p of A Scotch :solre. �,,' io ;ij DO not allow DOt�le18 t0 press upon y� lines fE�t as gOOCIr the Rt. Rev. A. Sweetman, Lord Bishop of Two Aaoodotee Which Cleverly I11natzete At Scotch weddings some refits ago it Toronto, and Dr. Langtry, of the Church of Both His Natures. used to be the custom to batter the bat of Wllu London t�>7 but get the befit. Presbyterian to the Rev. Mango Fraser, of not I have heard, writes a Paris correspoud. the bridegroom as he was leaving the `'' Preabytorian ohnreh, Hamitton,or the not ent, a couple of stories showing that terri- house in which the eoremony tools place. tN �PFA�fS ���ed Methodist preacher -traveller, Dr. ' b vH.e ble pamphleteer Henri Rochefort in 'his On one of those o casions a newly married � Free PressWithrow, of Toronto, Atl these men'have varyingmoods ThedAyafter hiswedaing couple rolativoe of the bridegroom, deter ,If Notal- Stationer dost! not handle it write us and tiIl send you proven what is claimed for iven their ew's Ca- ho went down to St Cloud with hIa brklo mined to carry out the observances of this tarrhal Powder, and have given their writ- custom to the letter. �}� CS+9il be continued for a Pew we s 1 ten testimony to it, and enjoyed himself at the focal fair os l�1 whereby aybscelbers to Week- W Our reduced Price List. though he were on the brighter side of 80. The bridegroom beard them discussing iV &Z Press 8311 get . . , Strolling toward the park, he mot a priest, their plans and dispatched a measen er to Year Pah The Silver Plate. who was accompanying a party of boys idle carriage, which stood waiting, with ',` per Fre■ ltd l tw Capp, Clark Co.`jo.� L�1$�tedr ��oronYV from the Catholic school. One of them his bat some time previous to his depar- M[7Z 2'ree s teas made arrange -w They pasgathered it along from pew to pew, was the possessor, of a small hand camera, Lure. Then, donning the but of the mals 1 I& a� to with the Veterinary Science * And gathered the coins, now fast, now few, relative who lead plotted against him, he 'Chshl Co. for n nu bot of - _ __ • •:: 1 and on seeing Rochefort he stopped with/ acnitis of ttujiu• book, "rhe�etorlo--------...-.__. _ _ . That rattled npoa it; and every time amazement, The bur pre red to go out tel rho carriage -•. . - _. _-_ a , Some eager fingers would dropa dime hurrying toward asy Science." the price of which is i priost,, he demanded permission to ask No sooner had he got to the door than �f $Y.00. This book treats fully and in f On the silver plate, with a silver sound, Rochefort to pose for him The priest his hat was furivuslyassaulted and almost )I Blain Ian ago the Anatomy, Dia - A boy, who eat in the aisle, looked round smiled, but consented. �The Idea of ttbe destroyed. He walked out of the ho-,rao �! Animals is and oultry,tment of Domta n- T% l�n..0 i n�„m. With a wistful face -"Oh, if only he ftnaleand Poisltry, also contain- �, e He d a dime to offer, bow glad he'd bel" famo" atheist rendering a sorvioe O"b amid the laughter of the bystanders and % iItg a full description of Medicine W as this to a little Catholic bo was 3ud1 ontorcxl the vehicles Then, tikingthe brat j� an I3ecolpts, so that every farmer `, He fumbled his pockets, but didn't dare Y Wrod bat from his head, he th ew it into �•y can be his own veterinary. l// - To hope use should find a penny there. cz'oua, but Henri accepted with a laugh r - and allowed himself to be moved from ono the hands of its proper owner, d4eiaiming, i gr ri for �'o® { i I spot to another and final "Hey, Mr- Dougall, there's your hat l" and :N11; 1J t + t IIs had minister with lie plaintive -wise, tO the donnod his own, amid the cheers of all f As the minister, with hie plaintive -wise, order to take his hat off. 723e Weekly Free Press and Fai'ip -- , + Had spoken of children far abroad But when it ctuno to Zola the atorrior Vresent. Mr. Dougall was the unhappiest 1 / and Home for one year (price �-,.-.1 ati< .. �I ! ~ I The world who had never heard of God - stuff W the man was seen. For years looking than in Scotland for some time � qnd a copy of the Vater[narySotence _ Jul+ � j '1 t 1 � 1� � s Poor, pitiful pagans, who didn't know, there has been a bitter feud between the after that. -London Telegraph. (price 2,00). Both will be mailer! to . . (� yy',t J 'i. a I say address upon the receipt oP r NJ ` ' L', tEl f two. Recently at Cabourg Rochefort wise ` ", , l .J l ) Wheh they came to die, where their Soule Two Dollars. l', ' t would go, invited to the house of a tltortury friend, Do not miss this chance We can- � t, `. ` And who shrieked with tear when their and it was only at the last moment that not affbrd to continue this offer In- ' :' , + _ mothers made definitely.lberSows! thousand Sub- the hostess saw the.mistalte elle had made OSHA1�'Atf \ ]n securin this off have availed y of o ops of Them lineal to anothergod, afraid g the attendance of Zola on lbs -- � this offer. Our supply of books is ��� __ � rve • t He might eat them up, so fierce and wild same occasion. She begged Rochefort to AN INTERESTING ITEM `, nearly exhausted. Remember, by 3 11% sending $2,00 for the book you got k4l/ � C \ t Anti horrid he seemed to the frightened moot Zola, and for her sake he agreed to The following history was related to our tho Weewy Free Press and ]!farm ` 1 ry child. do so. Zola for his part was delighted of reporter by Mrs Jas. McCaw, wife of the I i�% and Home ONE YEAR FREE. * the opportunity of a reconciliation. He well known ahgomak r of Oshawa, Ont. �i jests wanted everywhere, _ > And the more the minister talked,the more approached Rochefort and said, "We have This is what sirs McCaw Says:- I a� ' Aadreset t''�i,,� The- boy's heart ached in the inner core; been on bad terms so long and"- Then "I was troubled seriously for a long time 1W no London Flee Pro Prinflno Co. 0# And the nearer to him the silver plate Roobefort frowner!, and tJning on his with my heart and nerves, and had a very sin>: TED ']„ _ Rept coming, the harder geemod his fate heel romarked, "I see no reason why we severe attack of grip which left me worse al �- That he hadn't a penny (had that sufficed) should not• continue on the same terms." in every way. At times the pm]pitation of 4l LONDON, - - ONTARIO. �/ a • `. To give, that the heathen might hear of -London Sketch my heart seemed so bid that I feared , �'�' �r� �E�r r .o Christ, death, My heart seemed to go right up '`�►i�,:�;s;7:W W.*1= • ' �r As they offered the piled -up g plate to him, A Jl'riendly Bound. into my throat, and caused a feeling of - 13e blushed, and his arse, began to swim. '� A,r;n�...,,r• ,� O �{ � 1 • For several years ' said a commercial suffocation most painful to endure. Then �� ��®®®®�rSD004®� 4®�34 -s + Then, bravely turning, as if he knew >raveler to a Star reporter, "I had never at other times there was a great fluttering � There was nothing better than he could d° been away from home overnight when I of the heart followed by a sinking feeling, : G. qP He spoke in a voice that bold a tear- got my present position wascom compelled dizziness, etc, 11 " p P The only`°oad "Put the plate on the bench beside me to travel about a great deal. At first .I I was feeling extremely miserable when the bete." found it extremely difficult to go to steep I got a box of Milburn's Heart and Nerve that n ill b.liid NIRS. JOHN CA.iH., My husband l� be • ' . T' And the plate was,placed; for they thought nights. I stopped at the best hotels and Pills from Mr T. G. Hyley's drug store, iDauy till a creak corn- '� , , . he meant usually had fine rooms and good beds, but and commenced taking them. From the ' u troubled with t3y5pepSYa, -" To empty his nnekots of every Dart: there seemed tO Ito something the matter, first few doses I improved rapidly, and asn titntiot] grader � But he stood sty -lit ht up,ana be softly put, I couldn't tell exactly what, rind I found now much hotter than I have been for a��� ally but surely is ) and finds✓ �1�T2I1s Tabvlt Rigb t square in the midst of the plate, his it very hard to get a fair night's sloop, long time. My appiitite la good and I am foot, "One day I mentioned the fart to a wonderfully improved in every way, I can a, I „' i And said, with a sob, controlled before, friend, who said, 'Got a clock.' T-idways recommend tbsse pills very highly, as I (° �� the only relit He has "I will give myself; I have nothing more." have a clock in my room At hoi#o, and I feel that no other remedy could have per, � - , , c. Margaret J Preston. am accustomed to the sound of itstickitig, formed snob a marvellous change 1n so ^ - I be,6n tI'OtjblEiCj �7pltll llldl� It Is curious how silent strap short a time Qnd it sues and Leasure to G i k x" $n croon] let Others knout that there tape tamed d g 'moi 0L' U � CStlOil jFOI' the t " s: M67 wean without d That was what I Y O easilyObtained which will caro them and � � b a • wanted, a croak, and I bought oda Now a simple, scientific and highly C14L95I1WC:►1,.r d when I 90 to mq room in a hotel tisually that very quickly. (Signed) Mrs Jas. Mo. '17te fad the first using Ido Is to put say clock on Caw, Oshawa, out, nutritive preparation for infants, teen Cars. . SImllri tied t110 mantelpiece or table. It ticks away delicate children and iuvaliel . 0 iiattur bravely, a friendly and familiar sound, Laza Livor I'llla onretf canstfpation, ilii• ICERFtY waTdoal d co.„ r+Ao iAtkrOAa, U O, T'dand I go to sleop without any trouble foasttess, and sick headache,- 250, rfloltTacAt., i� whatovdr,"--IVashington Star. Ni�0dm�440�► �0(A44 x044 ,,,�,�,_„•_,_,, ,-, ,i, 1