HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1897-12-17, Page 61
ALE,., �
bill. 004 i'quea, and will do so until Jan 1.
,A, largge cumber o1 shrewd buyers have
already eW te he golden opportunity
Qt 001600V goods goods from our stook, at
prices whiohl they know are ridiculous-
ly low. If there is anything in this
4 stook that you want, you will never
r have a better obanoe to get it than now
J.B. Ru mball
The Leading Jeweler,
t Are bath
r Eyes
' Alike ?
t, .
t, Few people leave eyes alike. Fully nine.
tenths of those who weer glasses have
different vision in each eye. Careless
examinations fail to bring out this de-
!? -7'' feet, consequently,. you suffer with
headache, from eye strain.
P' ; ! we Test each eye separately, select proper
lenses, and adjust Glasses to snit both
.. r, Spectacles as low as $1.00
Graduate Opticians and Booksellers
°t CE/VTR,gL
The course ' of study in this
chool is up to the highest
standard of excellence.
And then Xmas. Busy days we intend making them.
Preparations have been going on ., for months, and
everything is ready for the rush.
MEN'S SID GLOVES, 2 fasteners ...I .................... .500
MEN'S TIES, special lines................................25o
GIRLS' BLACK MITTENS................................15o
WOMEN 113 BLACK MITTENS ........... ...250
HANDKERCHIEFS, all silk, in Pink, Blue, G+n,et ...........So
LADIES' KID GLOVI:IS in Blaok and Fancy Colors.
TopSMIRTS-We are always open to
buy, goods, and especial-
ly if a snap is offered. Last week a chance presented
itself for us to buy a manufacturer's sample lot of Top
Shirts. It was a big buy, but we took hold of it, and
they are ready for your inspection.
TOP SHIRTS, worth .... 50o for 40o TOP SHIRTS, worth 75o for 60o
TOP SHIRTt3, worth....65o for 50o TOP SHIRTS, worth..01.00 for 75o
We axe here to do business, and hope• to see you during
the next few days.
McKinnon & Go., Blyth
Xmas Goods
9 meat. Md advantages o every depart- Ste�
ment, Moderate rates; board cheap. En-
ter, any time. write for circulars. is C.
o f W. J. Elliott, Principal 1 Opp,
mus Buying= Nicerathan PERFUMES
Never such a magnificent assortment. We make a specialty of Perfumes,
and our selection is snob, both in Bulk and Fancy Bottles, tha c we can suit
ti everybody. We also show an excellent selection of
Ebony and Solid Back Hair Rrushes, Cloth Brushes,
Manicure .Sets, Collar and Cud' Boxes, Etc.
' Kindly call and inspect our stook before buying elsewhere.
J. E. HO VEY. Dispensing Chemist, Clinton.
{ Y
3 '
We are selling out, and as the stock gets smaller
the prices get lower. If you want to save money
come and get the bargains While they are going.
Below are a few lines
8 Ladies' Jackets at $1.00
9 Ladies' Jackets at $2.00
10 Ladies' Jackets at $3.00
The fo1-mer prices were from $5 to $17.50
A lot of Old Men's Fur Caps, were $6.50 for $2.,
A big stock of Clothing, Suits, Overcoats, Odd Pants,
Vests and Coats, Overalls, Hats, Caps, &c. See our
' Cottons, Prints, Flannelettes
and Shirtings for 5 cents.
A Jot of Children's and Youth's Boots, Shoes, Rubbers
"I.-ind Overshoes at much below cost. See them.
Tweeds, Dress Goods, Shirts and Drawers, Ties, Cuffs,
,.., CoIjars, Gloves, Handkerchiefs, &c., away down in price.
We are clearing out, no mat '.0r what others mai say
to the contrary, and you can get bargains here.
)site the Town Hall, Clinton
Corrected every Thu, -,ay afternoon.
Thursday, December i, 1897.
Wheat . .............. 0 82 a 0 82
Oats...... 0 23 a 0 23
Field Barley.......... 0 25 a 0 25
Peas .............. 0 42 a 0 42
Buckwheat ............ 0 28 a 0 28
Rye.......... ....... 0 40 a 0 40
Flour per owt ....... 2 20 a 2 65
Butter ................ C 13 a 0 14
E ser dos. 14 a 0,15
Hay new N; old...... 6 00 a 7 00
Sheepskins .......... 0 25 a 0 25
'No. 1 Trimmed Hides. 6 50 a 7 25
Potatoes...... ...... 0 40 a 0 45
Turkeys, per lb ....... 0 7J a 0 7*
Geese per lb........... 0 05 a 0 06
Danks, per pair...... 0 50 a 0 60
Dried Apples, per lb.. 0 04 a 0 05
Apples, per bag...... 0 90 a 0 90
There were about 550 head of butchers'
cattle, 75 calves and 250 sheep and lambs
offered for sale at the east end abattoir to,
day. The butchers were present in large
numbers, but trade was rather slow, and
prices remain about the samd as on last
week's markets. There were nearly three
carloads of Christmas beeves on the mar-
ket to -day, and for these 5o per lb was be-
ing asked, but no sales at over 2jo, but
these were scarcely so good as some of the
others. Prime butchers' cattle sold at 410
per lb; pretty good stook at from 810 to 3je
per lb; common dry cows at from 2}o to 210
and the leaner beasts and bard looking
bulls about 20. Calves sold at from $3 to
$6 eaah. Sheep sold at from 3o to 3ajo per
lb., and lambs at from 4c to 41c. Hogs are
advancing in price and sold at from 410 to
5o per lb.
75 lbe. good feeding wheat for 68 lbs Oats
100 The Wheat for 100 lbs. of Barley, any
45c per bush for Peas, in exchange for
bushel good feeding wheat at 40c; also
plenty of good Yellow Corn for sale.
W. G. PERRIN, Clinton.
We want logs of all kinds this
winter. We are prepared to
pay the highest cash prices.
Itwill pay you to bring your
logs to us.
R. d J. Rans ford,
Stapleton Salt Works
Two only Ladies Greenland Seal Capes, 32, 1 When you come to Clinton call in and let us
inches long, beautiful twilled satin lining, l show you the Flannelette, heavy, wide and
best quality of fur, a great holiday snap,
regular $28.50 cape for less than cost, be-
ing only ................................. $19.50
Ladies' short black Coney Capes, beautiful
fur and a good bargain, reg. price $8, sale, $5.50
1 only Ladies' Black Astrachan Cape, best
glossy black skin lining, good and durable,
reg. price $13, sale ....................... $800
2 only Ladies Black Niggerhead Capes, with
sleeves. These are best and most stylish
goods. Regular price $9.90, for.... ,..... $7.Q0
3 or 4 beautiful black Muffs in' Seal or Op -
possum, really desirable goods and very
stylish as Muffs are coming right in style
again. Also we have the neck Boas to
match. These goods were all $7.50, sale, $5,50
Then we have Racoo7, Grey Oppossum, and
Brown Beaver Muffs and Storm Collars to
match, which were $5.50, now for $3.50.
These prices are to clean them out regard-
less of what they cost.
Men's and Boy's Caps in. winter Cloth, Astra-
chan and Sealette, which are now
and the regularprices of which were C1. 257
sale prices are now only..................98e
Boys' heavy long Tweed Cape Overcoats,
prices .............. $5.50 for $4, $4.75 for $3
beautiful at only 5c, and the best and wid-
est of all at 61c. Ask to see the Gingham at 401
We have only a few Mantles left and many have
gone out lately because we made the price do the
work. Well, we don't want these few to remain
and will clear them out within the next fete days ;
at half price.
We must tell you again about our Men's fall and
winter Overcoats. The pile is -getting smallex ''�
every day, yet we have the sizes, prices and cel- r`
ors to suit the people. A great Frieze Coat, $7.50 `
for $5.25. This takes them all
Then our Boy's Ulsters at as low as $3.75, and
Tweeds as low as $2.50. These prices knock the
feet from under most other people, and they won-
der how we get them.
Art Muslins, Brocaded Hangings, Chenile Covers
and Portiers are all here at present for holiday,•.
presents an all at sale gprices.
Only 3 pair best wool Blankets and- 3 pair Canton
flannel Blankets. The wool ones are beauties
and were $2.50, for $1.90, the Cantons 90c, sale
74c, both per pair.
A large lot of special Holiday Gifts and Presents of '
all kinds will be on hand.
i Clinton,
HODGENS.—In Clinton„ on Dec. 15, a Farm Stock of A. Osbaldeston, lot 35, con 15.
daughter to Mr and Mrs F. 'R. Hodgens. Goderich townsbip, (the Weir farm) on Wed-
McKERCHER—In Howick, on Dec. 2, nesday, Deo. 22nd. Thos. Brown, Auct.
the wife of Alex. McKeroher, of a son. SERVANT` WANTED. RUS-f
McKERCHER—In Wroxeter, on Dec. 3, _
the wife of W. S. Mc$erchor, of a daughter G1ood genera] servant, at the House of Ref-
SOOLE—In Seaforth, on Dec. 6, the use• APPIy to Mrs French, Matron.
wife of Cbarles Soole, of a son. _
Dec.1NTY wife of west wa�vanof a on COLLIE LOST This store will be thronged with buyers from now until Xi
13, the wife of Wm McIntyre, of a eon Lost, in Clinton, on Friday, a email
grey and 1.
BELL.—In Toronto, on Dec. 8, the wife black collie, white breast and Pour white -tipped We -were never so well prepared to supply every demand.
of W. Bell (Knox College) formerly of toes. Any one returning same to New Era
Tuckersmith, of a daughter. office or to Geo. Dale. Huron Road, Tucker- holiday shoppers. A large collection of everything that i:,d
g smith, wiu be suitably rewarded.
SCOTT.—In Hallett, on Nov. 27, the sirable and worthy in holiday needs will be found here.
wife of Miles Scott, formerly of Bruoeiield, STRAY STEER
of a daughter.
MARRIED.Came into subscriber's premises, lot 19, hiaitrf HANDKERCHIEFS—in eat variety,from the 2c p ictoriaI
land con.. Colborne, some time in May, a yearl- I
BOYD—DUNDAS—Ou Dec. 2, at the ing steer. Owner is hereby notiftedyyto prove the fine initial and hemstitched silk.
residence of the bride's father. John Dun- property, pay charges and ta�v:B FORSTER
dos, by Rev. Mr Tiffin, assisted by Rev Mr ur
MoCutcheon, David J. Boycl to Cbarlotte FINE PROPERTY' for SALE. LINENS are very suitable for Xmas gifts. Table Covers,
Dundas, both of McKillop. — �J
bee Napkins, Sideboard Scarfs Doylies, Tray Covers. d
ATKINSON—McKAY—At the residence The undersigned
tow of
for sale his property p > > Y , y
, adjoini,.g the town oP Clinton, consisting of 14 til
of the brides brother, Adam McKay, Bea. acres, 5 acres of which is bearing orchard of ��•pp f
forth, on Dec. 8, by Rev. N. Shaw, James houchoise,
ban b The ultrynhouse, et otall inFurs for X114aS=Ruffs in Raccoon and Opposs-1
R. Atkinson, of Ridgetown, to Mies Mar hbnse, bank bar., poultry house, etc ,all in
Mary first-class repair. This is a rare pens oo for a t $2.50• Storm Collars, $`2i
McKay, of Seaforth. farmer wishing to retire or for a parson wano-
DIED. ing farm, For particulars apply person
aor by
y or by letter to H. JOYN1;•R, Jr, Clinton, - Russian Sable Capes, 27 iiieb, beautifully lined and finlshl
MCEWING—In Tuckersmitb, on Dec. 3, full sweep, $10 each. Muffs, 75c to $4. Greenland
Agnes Manson, relict of the late James Gauntlets. Russian Beaver Ca s wed a shape silk Mlle
MoEwing, aged 83' years.. ` Rite �ditRi'Xl$Rl>xR1Xt�. 1) r g' P r �•i
COOK—In Wing -barn, on Dec. 8, Mar- Coney Caps, wedge, $1.75. Persian Lamb, fine qualityf�r
Karst, infant daughter of Mr and Mrs C. STRAY HEIFER lined �5. Goat robes, heav and fine fur, lined With hon
Cook, aged 4 months. __ y
Came into subscriber's premises, lot 122, 7th En lish lush, $6.50, $7.50, $8. Galloway Robe; 'su
MoDONALD—In Clandeboye, on Nov. Concession of Hullett, about six weeks ago a
30, James McDonald, aged 89 years, father Yearling Heifer. The owner is hereby notified qua sty, large size rich glossy black, an extra good rob
or Mrs Wm. Moore, Wingham. to prove property, pa char es and take it +> > 7
away. CHARLES D1c OSI, Gtlinton P.O
NOBLE—In Clinton, on Dec. 13, Thos.
Noble, aged 57 years and 9 months. STRAY PIG China and Glassware—We must again call,
Came into subscriber's premises, Clinton. tention to our magh`
A Alice State of Affairs. about Dec.l2th, a year old Black Sow, Owner .
—_ is hereby notified to prove property, pay ex- cent showing of beautiful articles in China the 6616
penses and take it away. JACOB BEKER . 1 t
If the Laurier Government does not goods from tie European factories; every piece a work of,
put an item in the estimates to pay Mr r
Davidson, a Montreal florist, the sum CHOICE HOUSE TO RENT There's nothing nicer for a Christmas gift; ever persoli
of $900 for flowers placed on the coffin Subscriber offers for rent her splendid house reciates a piece of file China. Our assortment is corm
of the late Sir John Thompson, the case on Princess St. east, containing 7 rooms, with , p
Wil l go before the courts at once. When summer kitchen, hard and soft water, half an rola a child's mug at 5c, to a lovely 5 -o'clock Tea Set t
J acre of garden and bearing fruit. Rent mode -
Sir ohn Thompson died Sir Mackenzie rate, possession immediate. MRS ARAM
Bowels became premier Sir Mackend
and his colleagues are said to have or
GLOVES—for ]:Ladies' Children and Gentlemen
Bred a beaut{fuhand costly wreath fromm The Gem Woven -wire Fence
Mr Davidson to be put on the coffin o1 Subscriber is agent for the Gnat WOVEN -WIRE
the dead premier. Mr Davidson states FENCE, admittedly one of the best wire Fences TIES—Bows, Four -ill -hand, Scarfs, new and nobby, 5C t0 jl
that he was instructed to send the ac- in existence. The wire used is the genuine
count to the ministers personally and Coiled -spring Steel wire, best made, with ad -
not to the Government. The words on lustable tighteners, closely woven, and is fur- GAMES—Improved Crokinole Halma, L
nished complete at 5c per strand per rod. The D p > ma > Checkers, os } 1.
the wreath showed that it was a token fence is not woven until it is put up, and one Authors C.
of regard from his late colleagues to can have as many strands as they 'Wish It is t ciL
the deceased. The ministers now re- a strong, durable fence, none better, and t
where used farmers prefer it to any other
fuse to pay, and the present Govern- PERCY EVANS, Holmesville TOYS in large variety.
ment are asked to foot the bill. The g Y
matter is now tinder consideration. A NOTICE TO CREDIT01tS. 'ti
few days ago Mr Davidson got judg-
— CHRISTMAS FRUIT'S—New Valencia Raisins lum
in the Exchequer Court againnstst In the matter of the ILatate of Catherine r p pq S�
the Government for $900 for flowers Walker, late of the Town of Clinton, and free from stones. Currants, choke fruit, re -0,16 n
used p,t the funeral of Sir John Thomp- , married woman, deceased. All Our Spices are pure.
son in Halifax, The whole proceed- Take notice that all persona having claims p p
in g froin beginning to end of this ftiner- .
as was a
public scandal and the Gov- I against the estate of the above named Cather -
P , , t e walker, deceased, who , iedonare re u about Our goods will o'lv0 you satisfaction and our prices ale
ernment and its officers of that time the 7th day of December, 1897, are required to g b Y r
are wholly responsible. sand in particulars tar o, the same to JoaN Cas- and in many cases lower, than the same class of goods *ou,
TER Clinton.ton.Ontario,theExeou.tor named in
y istdher ay will Februand ry, 1898,
t before the cost elsewhere. Buying and selllll for cash, and haute
The dead hod Of Mr Richard Stevenson, 1st day of February,1838, nuc) that on and aftt r
an agAd and wealthy bachelor of Zone the said date the said Executor will proceed large quantities, is the Secret Of Olin �OW prices.
TOwnahip. was found beside his hens to distribute the estate of the said deceased, g g i
There was mono In the house and on his havin regard only to the olatm6 of which he
y shall ave hadngtice, and that he shall not be
persob,'so it is supposed death was due to responsible for the assets of the said estate,or
any part thereof ce any parson en parsons, of ���
natural causes. whoseelaline er notice shall not then' have been
Mr J', C. Patterson. Lieutenant -Gov" reoalved. JAMBS SCOTT, w e
or nor o1 Manitoba, disclaims anq posit'
Solicitor for John Carter Executor The Cash Dealer, Loades
ical motive in his present trip east. Datod at Clinton, this 16th becember,1897
Two only Ladies Greenland Seal Capes, 32, 1 When you come to Clinton call in and let us
inches long, beautiful twilled satin lining, l show you the Flannelette, heavy, wide and
best quality of fur, a great holiday snap,
regular $28.50 cape for less than cost, be-
ing only ................................. $19.50
Ladies' short black Coney Capes, beautiful
fur and a good bargain, reg. price $8, sale, $5.50
1 only Ladies' Black Astrachan Cape, best
glossy black skin lining, good and durable,
reg. price $13, sale ....................... $800
2 only Ladies Black Niggerhead Capes, with
sleeves. These are best and most stylish
goods. Regular price $9.90, for.... ,..... $7.Q0
3 or 4 beautiful black Muffs in' Seal or Op -
possum, really desirable goods and very
stylish as Muffs are coming right in style
again. Also we have the neck Boas to
match. These goods were all $7.50, sale, $5,50
Then we have Racoo7, Grey Oppossum, and
Brown Beaver Muffs and Storm Collars to
match, which were $5.50, now for $3.50.
These prices are to clean them out regard-
less of what they cost.
Men's and Boy's Caps in. winter Cloth, Astra-
chan and Sealette, which are now
and the regularprices of which were C1. 257
sale prices are now only..................98e
Boys' heavy long Tweed Cape Overcoats,
prices .............. $5.50 for $4, $4.75 for $3
beautiful at only 5c, and the best and wid-
est of all at 61c. Ask to see the Gingham at 401
We have only a few Mantles left and many have
gone out lately because we made the price do the
work. Well, we don't want these few to remain
and will clear them out within the next fete days ;
at half price.
We must tell you again about our Men's fall and
winter Overcoats. The pile is -getting smallex ''�
every day, yet we have the sizes, prices and cel- r`
ors to suit the people. A great Frieze Coat, $7.50 `
for $5.25. This takes them all
Then our Boy's Ulsters at as low as $3.75, and
Tweeds as low as $2.50. These prices knock the
feet from under most other people, and they won-
der how we get them.
Art Muslins, Brocaded Hangings, Chenile Covers
and Portiers are all here at present for holiday,•.
presents an all at sale gprices.
Only 3 pair best wool Blankets and- 3 pair Canton
flannel Blankets. The wool ones are beauties
and were $2.50, for $1.90, the Cantons 90c, sale
74c, both per pair.
A large lot of special Holiday Gifts and Presents of '
all kinds will be on hand.
i Clinton,
HODGENS.—In Clinton„ on Dec. 15, a Farm Stock of A. Osbaldeston, lot 35, con 15.
daughter to Mr and Mrs F. 'R. Hodgens. Goderich townsbip, (the Weir farm) on Wed-
McKERCHER—In Howick, on Dec. 2, nesday, Deo. 22nd. Thos. Brown, Auct.
the wife of Alex. McKeroher, of a son. SERVANT` WANTED. RUS-f
McKERCHER—In Wroxeter, on Dec. 3, _
the wife of W. S. Mc$erchor, of a daughter G1ood genera] servant, at the House of Ref-
SOOLE—In Seaforth, on Dec. 6, the use• APPIy to Mrs French, Matron.
wife of Cbarles Soole, of a son. _
Dec.1NTY wife of west wa�vanof a on COLLIE LOST This store will be thronged with buyers from now until Xi
13, the wife of Wm McIntyre, of a eon Lost, in Clinton, on Friday, a email
grey and 1.
BELL.—In Toronto, on Dec. 8, the wife black collie, white breast and Pour white -tipped We -were never so well prepared to supply every demand.
of W. Bell (Knox College) formerly of toes. Any one returning same to New Era
Tuckersmith, of a daughter. office or to Geo. Dale. Huron Road, Tucker- holiday shoppers. A large collection of everything that i:,d
g smith, wiu be suitably rewarded.
SCOTT.—In Hallett, on Nov. 27, the sirable and worthy in holiday needs will be found here.
wife of Miles Scott, formerly of Bruoeiield, STRAY STEER
of a daughter.
MARRIED.Came into subscriber's premises, lot 19, hiaitrf HANDKERCHIEFS—in eat variety,from the 2c p ictoriaI
land con.. Colborne, some time in May, a yearl- I
BOYD—DUNDAS—Ou Dec. 2, at the ing steer. Owner is hereby notiftedyyto prove the fine initial and hemstitched silk.
residence of the bride's father. John Dun- property, pay charges and ta�v:B FORSTER
dos, by Rev. Mr Tiffin, assisted by Rev Mr ur
MoCutcheon, David J. Boycl to Cbarlotte FINE PROPERTY' for SALE. LINENS are very suitable for Xmas gifts. Table Covers,
Dundas, both of McKillop. — �J
bee Napkins, Sideboard Scarfs Doylies, Tray Covers. d
ATKINSON—McKAY—At the residence The undersigned
tow of
for sale his property p > > Y , y
, adjoini,.g the town oP Clinton, consisting of 14 til
of the brides brother, Adam McKay, Bea. acres, 5 acres of which is bearing orchard of ��•pp f
forth, on Dec. 8, by Rev. N. Shaw, James houchoise,
ban b The ultrynhouse, et otall inFurs for X114aS=Ruffs in Raccoon and Opposs-1
R. Atkinson, of Ridgetown, to Mies Mar hbnse, bank bar., poultry house, etc ,all in
Mary first-class repair. This is a rare pens oo for a t $2.50• Storm Collars, $`2i
McKay, of Seaforth. farmer wishing to retire or for a parson wano-
DIED. ing farm, For particulars apply person
aor by
y or by letter to H. JOYN1;•R, Jr, Clinton, - Russian Sable Capes, 27 iiieb, beautifully lined and finlshl
MCEWING—In Tuckersmitb, on Dec. 3, full sweep, $10 each. Muffs, 75c to $4. Greenland
Agnes Manson, relict of the late James Gauntlets. Russian Beaver Ca s wed a shape silk Mlle
MoEwing, aged 83' years.. ` Rite �ditRi'Xl$Rl>xR1Xt�. 1) r g' P r �•i
COOK—In Wing -barn, on Dec. 8, Mar- Coney Caps, wedge, $1.75. Persian Lamb, fine qualityf�r
Karst, infant daughter of Mr and Mrs C. STRAY HEIFER lined �5. Goat robes, heav and fine fur, lined With hon
Cook, aged 4 months. __ y
Came into subscriber's premises, lot 122, 7th En lish lush, $6.50, $7.50, $8. Galloway Robe; 'su
MoDONALD—In Clandeboye, on Nov. Concession of Hullett, about six weeks ago a
30, James McDonald, aged 89 years, father Yearling Heifer. The owner is hereby notified qua sty, large size rich glossy black, an extra good rob
or Mrs Wm. Moore, Wingham. to prove property, pa char es and take it +> > 7
away. CHARLES D1c OSI, Gtlinton P.O
NOBLE—In Clinton, on Dec. 13, Thos.
Noble, aged 57 years and 9 months. STRAY PIG China and Glassware—We must again call,
Came into subscriber's premises, Clinton. tention to our magh`
A Alice State of Affairs. about Dec.l2th, a year old Black Sow, Owner .
—_ is hereby notified to prove property, pay ex- cent showing of beautiful articles in China the 6616
penses and take it away. JACOB BEKER . 1 t
If the Laurier Government does not goods from tie European factories; every piece a work of,
put an item in the estimates to pay Mr r
Davidson, a Montreal florist, the sum CHOICE HOUSE TO RENT There's nothing nicer for a Christmas gift; ever persoli
of $900 for flowers placed on the coffin Subscriber offers for rent her splendid house reciates a piece of file China. Our assortment is corm
of the late Sir John Thompson, the case on Princess St. east, containing 7 rooms, with , p
Wil l go before the courts at once. When summer kitchen, hard and soft water, half an rola a child's mug at 5c, to a lovely 5 -o'clock Tea Set t
J acre of garden and bearing fruit. Rent mode -
Sir ohn Thompson died Sir Mackenzie rate, possession immediate. MRS ARAM
Bowels became premier Sir Mackend
and his colleagues are said to have or
GLOVES—for ]:Ladies' Children and Gentlemen
Bred a beaut{fuhand costly wreath fromm The Gem Woven -wire Fence
Mr Davidson to be put on the coffin o1 Subscriber is agent for the Gnat WOVEN -WIRE
the dead premier. Mr Davidson states FENCE, admittedly one of the best wire Fences TIES—Bows, Four -ill -hand, Scarfs, new and nobby, 5C t0 jl
that he was instructed to send the ac- in existence. The wire used is the genuine
count to the ministers personally and Coiled -spring Steel wire, best made, with ad -
not to the Government. The words on lustable tighteners, closely woven, and is fur- GAMES—Improved Crokinole Halma, L
nished complete at 5c per strand per rod. The D p > ma > Checkers, os } 1.
the wreath showed that it was a token fence is not woven until it is put up, and one Authors C.
of regard from his late colleagues to can have as many strands as they 'Wish It is t ciL
the deceased. The ministers now re- a strong, durable fence, none better, and t
where used farmers prefer it to any other
fuse to pay, and the present Govern- PERCY EVANS, Holmesville TOYS in large variety.
ment are asked to foot the bill. The g Y
matter is now tinder consideration. A NOTICE TO CREDIT01tS. 'ti
few days ago Mr Davidson got judg-
— CHRISTMAS FRUIT'S—New Valencia Raisins lum
in the Exchequer Court againnstst In the matter of the ILatate of Catherine r p pq S�
the Government for $900 for flowers Walker, late of the Town of Clinton, and free from stones. Currants, choke fruit, re -0,16 n
used p,t the funeral of Sir John Thomp- , married woman, deceased. All Our Spices are pure.
son in Halifax, The whole proceed- Take notice that all persona having claims p p
in g froin beginning to end of this ftiner- .
as was a
public scandal and the Gov- I against the estate of the above named Cather -
P , , t e walker, deceased, who , iedonare re u about Our goods will o'lv0 you satisfaction and our prices ale
ernment and its officers of that time the 7th day of December, 1897, are required to g b Y r
are wholly responsible. sand in particulars tar o, the same to JoaN Cas- and in many cases lower, than the same class of goods *ou,
TER Clinton.ton.Ontario,theExeou.tor named in
y istdher ay will Februand ry, 1898,
t before the cost elsewhere. Buying and selllll for cash, and haute
The dead hod Of Mr Richard Stevenson, 1st day of February,1838, nuc) that on and aftt r
an agAd and wealthy bachelor of Zone the said date the said Executor will proceed large quantities, is the Secret Of Olin �OW prices.
TOwnahip. was found beside his hens to distribute the estate of the said deceased, g g i
There was mono In the house and on his havin regard only to the olatm6 of which he
y shall ave hadngtice, and that he shall not be
persob,'so it is supposed death was due to responsible for the assets of the said estate,or
any part thereof ce any parson en parsons, of ���
natural causes. whoseelaline er notice shall not then' have been
Mr J', C. Patterson. Lieutenant -Gov" reoalved. JAMBS SCOTT, w e
or nor o1 Manitoba, disclaims anq posit'
Solicitor for John Carter Executor The Cash Dealer, Loades
ical motive in his present trip east. Datod at Clinton, this 16th becember,1897