HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1907-12-05, Page 1• f1”1.1.1. !,•;!,'Pi! VOL. XX I . BLYT1I, ONTARIO, THUASDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1907, GREAT REDUCTIONS ON - FURNITURE, CARPETS, RUGS, OIL CLOTHO, LINOLEUM'S, ETC. IET:. Et tit la CDP, ••••••••••ems••••• The big Furniture Dealers of Clinton offer special reductions to the people of Myth find vicinity. Ione enienses pni,1 11)01 ways and the goods delivered to your deer without, exalt %Pillage as w ()drape our %pee ries rer Ito purpose, \\o guarantee you a NaVlag of 20 per cent, widen :mums tt20 on tAnt put chase. Mattresses, $3.00, Springs, $2.00. Cobbler Rockers, $2.00. Couches, $3.90. Carpots, 32c per yard. Rugs, all sizos, from $8.50 to $40.00. Irmo. mawirmaaarly 3:0 1E; Err • We have thebest equipment In Western Ontario, the best rubber hearse outside of Tri•or,ta. No eharge fern° hearse and a saving of $20 on the outfit, Our 'phone nninber 0 28. Night or day any %tall will ((ud V) lama:Cate tioe, at Ebenezer, innovate eirenil, dosed fit t he sacramental service en Sunday last, The pastor recei red eleven per- sons into the church 100 result of the special effort. We ttotunteni 1 110 aptimi of the Township Gummi! 10 their Wil'ill1Z110013 10 Hill hi 1 110 impt•oventent of 1 Its South Boundery, 1Iollei,i should buckle into it too and put the rued in decent shape, Malt 111E11,--00 OibiesilitV, 13111 ills' „ Rev, A. 0, Wishert, B. A„ of Brussels, tied the matrintottial knot at the home of tho bride, TA line, be- tween John 31 millings, of Colborne Township. and _Mrs. Alex, Cameron, of Morris. Only the immediate relatives wore in ittteiglattee. 51r, end Mrs Munnings left for their home, near the following day!, \\'o trust happiness and f wosper it y 'jIl ho two constituent elements in their Emma> lives. 1140, M01111illaa' 0008 Will C011 till 110 to manage the farm on the fith line, their sister keeping house fur them, •••••=m• ats rimmed No. ree of Charge Commencing to -day you can buy Millinery at this store at a fraction of its real value and, have one hat or a dozen trimmed free of charge. All 1 rimmed and Untrimmed Hats have received 'their .marcqing orders, and to -day you can buy Stylish Millinery at prices unheard of. Prices like the following will not be had every day, and the sooner you are at hand the better the bargains you can SCCUre, F X 131.11411 C":10 Pr;,[ —T„m Frid • Miss Tessi A tillott. We handle the best. General represontativea for the Gourley, Winter & Leming. 5' edit la Rood. any terms ▪ you want, Tay 03, 'li3it(limo:1130r oi.jo'sePtItthealid, Be euro and hunt us up when you want Anything in our line. We will make it yuu. ! Mrs, Taylor aged 211 years, It months and 5 dui s, passed away, Site was siek last winter with plettro-peettitionia and Permr reenvered from the effects, though only siek in bed about a week berme she died. funeral took place on Sunday to Burns' cemetery, 'phone o 8 service being conducted by Rev, 11r, Leckio, Tho splendid 200 artre tarn) on con. 5, WALKER & ROSS, CUNTON The Big Furniture Dealers and Undertakers. "YOUR MONISY BACK 113' YOU A.BE NOT SATISFIED. School Children's • • Eyes gets The Standard balance of year 10 Gents A very large number of ohlldren attending the echoole aro In lm - mediate need of glasses, and yet are unaware of It. Education depend/3 largely on the use of the eyes. It these are defi- cient then the uhlef basis of learn- . lug Is hampered. Too great care cannot be taken In ren defects, and only an optiolan In whom exult/Ai con- fidenee can be placed should be consulted. Our optician will give oonselen• tlotts advice and recommend the use of glasses only where It will considerably benefit the child's vi - WHITE CITY DRUG STORE Dr. W. J. MILNE READ the ads. in THE STANDARD Best Situations are available with renewal of indastrinl selivities 10 early spring, lf you 110' 3320 one, you must enter now. Short, , sharp, snappy Courses. for those whose time or money is limited, and the broad- est tind most critnprehensive entrion- Mtn for those who',Wintld attain more than ordinar,v Alan .,0ourses In Commercial, &ono- graphy, Telegraphy, I ivil Set•vice, Matrietiletion, Pemnanship, Etc, Write for particulars to WItal BU:111ESS COLLIR George Spotton - Principal While The Last w Just 26 Suits and 25 Overcoats left to clear at half price. Heavy Tweed and Black Melton Suits, regular $8 to $12, got to clear them at $5 to $8.50. Black Melton and Beaver Overcoats, also a' few patterned Coats, regular $8 to $15, going at $5 to $9 and $10. A number of Heavy Tweed Pants. regular $1.25 to $3.50, your choke of these at $1 75. Don't fail to gel our Suit or Overcoat Bargains this week. Full Line of Knitted ds to per cent off for next week in Sweaters, Palley Vests, Mufflers and Toques, Clothier and Gents' Furnisher, S. H. GIt LE 23 EN Sic' rILI 171 --------. Exoter, Mrs. Patterson, of Medicine Hat, was the guest of her sister, itlt•s, (Rey.) Fear, Dr. Harry , Browning 0 11.0Sialillgi caring for the smallpox pat fen t.t in and near tioderieb. The Antilyersery services of the Street Methodist church will be held on Dee. 16th. Thos. Harvey 1300 C011 1111011 to his hoose ft few (10 50 lest WOOL, 01'5831101100 011 (Ile face tieing the cause, Niehotas Beaver, of Stephen township mirchased the 13ex Furrn, Tha pnr- chase price beieg,i-Jfitr, Abort ono hundred Exeterites at- , tended the fowl supper in eonnection with the Eliinyille Illelliodist church anniversary. The voters at the coming municipal Mentions will nee11 to have their minds pro ty svoll made up before they. enter the polling booths. 10 all five ballots will be nsed, one for the !Alice of 1'0010, one for the councillors, 000 for the Evaporator By-law, one for the school : trustees and one for the plebicite vote on the cow by•Iltw, Clinton. "Harvey Davis has made arrange- remits for tho Skating 1111,0, and ns soon as the weather is favorable the same will ho got into shape, IIPaold 01t(3301 0(1, who aeridenti, tot a bullet in his leg a few days ago, is aOttillg along nicely, The organ factory is closed down for ten days 0( 00 for the purpose 03 0(0011 Letting, ()Males Smith moved his 100113,3' to Soaforth where he is painter in the foundry, Some of on r 1(1103003 people are talk Mg of trying to hring here the well known Pianist. J. .0. A. Tripp and r,aG,pand Reed, two very popriler and well known at•tists 101 1111 evening entertainment. A good concert has never yet failed, The "Fair of Nations" under the allaai0OS of the Indies or wosioy oloo.oh w 500 WKS [e11.1 1110 101111 hall, Nov, 21 st, was one of the most unique, and ((0(3(0003 01 entertainments ever held in Clinton, and Was so well patronized that 1110 hall was tilled to its utmost capacity for the evening's program, 15, Kremish, of Bradford, England, was the guest of William ark 0013 (0' cent ly. Mr. Kramisli represeets one 03 1(0 larirest manufacturers in that' great inAnufacturing ctty and los'ae- Ittlite With J1(0130011 10100 tit a ViSi1 paid by Mr, Jackson to that city, The Jaekson Mfg, Co„ 30 now 000(5- 05 over time, in order that they may keep up trill' the great demand for the goods they manuineture, tip to the present, time they have inore Ion shiest, hooked for next 0e300011 that, they had for all • last 5.118011, They have inade further addition to their staff both here, and in their factory in G ode - rich, and ((11 3111' rate they are growine, it will not: sorprise ne if their Resent staff of 120 people 11333 110 200 very soon, Their pny day 0l( 'Monday last WOR the largest in the history of their business. ; orris. Mrs, Goo, Smith has returned from nn enjoyable visit with Mrs. and Miss Kevnaghlin ,Cole drain llehentnres Ca113 25 for 31781.40, maturing in 10 50010 (4(311 bearing five cent interest,were gold to Miss Agnes Scott, • Miss lior, who is new reaching 01 the Miller school, felt line, will go to No. 511111 Ifowick Township for next, year. She Will take with her the good wishes of the community, ' The two weeks' evangelistic serViccs owned by Robt. Al aill1111, lins been sold to his brother, Thomas, for the 011111 or $1. 1.000. There (0 a g0101 33012 house and large baulk barn on the idnce and it is well imm•oved, This will give 1l '00(0 of If ullett 1150 acres of splendid farming land. We have not , heard what Robt. McMillan intends, do ikt,10g. \. 811011, son or .3110, snei return ed last week from the !tutted States where for the last 3 months [13 51(0 been attendhig Suite 31(338 1(3 charge of some ' of his father's thoro bred Leicesters, whieu ikon sold to A. White, of Ifornaville, N. Y. While away he attended the State Pairs Of New York, Now 3 ersey. Vermont, Virginia, and Pennsylvania, Al each fair he not only W011 10t, and 21111oll throne), the class, but won the championship for the best: male and; female shown, and also 310 31'1000 for flocks, This i0 311 OX0Opti011illly good . record, more 30h00 itis remenibet•ed that New York Stale fair is one of the best ! in the continent and it is particularly flattering to Mr, Snell as a breeder. This ip the eleventh flock of sheep tilot Mr, Snell hes sold to this American, Mr, Snell jr„ enjoyed his experience very much, it is greatly to his that, a youth of 16 WILS selected for so responsible and important a duty. 110 is evidently "a chip off the idil block" 00 fur as 000051 33 concerned at •-••114-n.• Godeplch. A vagrant was sent to jail for six months by the police magistrate, The sailors are beginning to arrive home for the winter, and we may' ex- pect some doings in hockey Circles be- fore long, The repairs to the north pier are • completed and the next work along the pier will he inalibig material to Lep the sunken break WatP1', Geol.go mid .2.2.211. 30112(0300 (011(00(1 from two 1101,1„, visit! t0(01011\'e(lat In vertiess, Megantie Comity, Quebec Province, While on their visit 110y haal many shooting exeursiuus, but only bagged one deer as the Eastern Townships, lik% many parts of Ow (alio, are getting short on game. All oil well, which had evidently done serviee on Meet reel street, the publie library, in the early (ley when there was a lititel in that neigh- borhood, caved in and the town em- ployees have filled it in, It look the %order ef the board of health last Sunday in clesiint the churches to break Organist Cuff's 'cliurch.going habit, this being the first Sunday in half ft ceutury, since started as a choir bey in a parish 03111005111 Euttland, that he 11118 1010s011 being present, et Sunday S0V111e00. Si IWO 1310 age of 12 years he lins had charge 01 31 church orlon. The branch into Listowel, it is ex- pected, 11111 110 lilliShad the 011 or tho year, so that there will be no in- crease of holiday truffle into Coderieh 11130 season. "Work on the Goderfeli and or rho (40dotioli and Guelph Rail- way wil, still go on, t& hone 11 0 hip; Willi Will 3101 employed %luring the wintor. HI the spring it is expteted trat 510l154 It'll' be cuiployed in (310 station yard, and along the beach, im- proving the facilities for train !mac, • 0(111 10 may he the surround- ings for smellier ilin, During the 311(03 3(11) (112(10111ottee181 1'111 nit 1,1%,.,3 C.o( Pi11.atn0 1)01V 0ae 00111011/ 11111(0 pipoS on the Colborne (41 10 of the Liiiwal C—C73b-1 - I nwilan Pictorigi end lheilly 311 St andard one year IC 50,00, for 001,3 $1,130hart, gain." 1)on't Coll 1(1111 1100 iItiSoffieti and lc 0 ve,Yehr Trimmed lInts at $1,95.—Ilalf a dozen (0030 SI yl Ish Winter lime in almost any or the fashionable mlifules worn this year, regular price up to $1,30, for 1$1,95. Beautiful Trimmed Oats $3.00.—About hall 15 gen of our One Pattern Hats In velvet and Freneh felt shapes, Dimmed with wings, wide ribbon and velvet, regu• lar mice up to i7, fa 53.00. Black Dress 1 fats 10 one of tho best bargains we have ever offered in Millinery 1 Eight only, beautifully made Hats, some trimmed with large Week wings, ribbone and silk velvet, others with large black ostrich plumes, regular price up to $.10, for 1315110. G. M. CHAM SOotorth. 'Tarry Carnoclian, who Into been for several years 11300 clerk at the Royal Hotel, has assumed the propt•ietertildp of I he Grip I [Mel. The apple evaporator, whiell has been in operation for the past two months, lo CIOSOC1 down for the 0011800. Wliiitf 10013115 poultry at the town hell, Wm. Ilartry had he (3(303013 11110 10 fall off the 23(0and in (1011(5 (0 broke his leg below the knee. His many friends \ill regret to bear of his acci- dent. .inhe I'lnyd, who was 011 employe 111, the furniture factory for the past 1 I Years and who 11110 laid off work a few 111100 050, intends leaving town, lie goes to Kalamazoo, M ich., where he has secm•eil a position. The anniversary services in,eonneo- tion 113( 33 the First. Presbyterian Church, Seaford!, will he held on Suit: day, 3)00. 1310, The services on that day will be conducted by lter. E. 113ra, lioss, 0. A., pastor of Knox Church, Geelph, mid will 001111001100 at the usual hours forenoon and evening, tithe church choir assisted by Miss 31a1ti0, of Exeter, will have special music. 1,111 1.11b10 for the occasion. Brussels. Robert Thompson has shipped Ore( 10011 barrels of tipples hos 00;10011. Tax Collector Oliver has received something over 31200 111 taxes 00 fay on 1110 1390130 to be collected. The Sehool tioard hits increased the 1 salary of Miss 1101011 1), Ford, who . teaches in conjunction .\vitli Principal . Cameron in the advanced classes, to 30110, the 031103 to come into effect 1(1 1908, Miss Ford is doing excellent ! work. ltov, NV, E. Kerr and daughter! Grace, of Mum, were spentling it deys in town with relatives. An assembly was on the program at - t110 'Iown Hall, Brussels, Thursday 000(31(5 of last week, The 'London . harpers sepplied the musical !program. Bee, Edwards will fit up an outdoor, skating rink, lie says, ott the variant . 01 00 Mill street u•Itere the factory• 1 formerly stood and will utilize power , from 010 electric light works to flood it, A. cement stnoke steel; may be built at the Excelsior Knitting Enctory to take the tdane.‘pf the metal one dam - %tired by the WIndpstorm 1,101 110051, The Sabbath: ,Sehool excursion re— turns were recolVed last week and will bo distriboted on,receipt of 150 official statement from Montreal. Proted0! were 10100011 considerably by the rain of the mornin5 of the excursion. The ritinger-liansford suit over 601 neglect of the defendant to stay the flow of brine from the lo ((11 of the plaintiff twill be heard- this week in oder1011 ' A lumber of witnesses have 110011 011111010nri1 and somebody will :have conSitlerahle costs to pay before the case is definitely, settled. Toto S'PANDA RD 10 y01.13 (1 IS - 14(34 B. Ten emits will pny Ft New Winter Shapea 01)C,—One dozen only, this season's newest Felt Shapea In six different styles, almost all colon, Ruch ae cardinal, brown, myrtle, navy. „, grey and black, regular price up to $2,15, choice 118c. 51 Colored Wings M0,-1 2 pair only, Wings in almost all the leading colors, ' such as grey, green, navy, eta., regular price 750, $1 and 51.25 pair, choice:10c. , 31,50 131atdc Ostrich Feathers $1.00.— Six only, large 131aok Ostrich Feathers, beautiful glosay blacks, tine quality fibre, regular prloe $3.50, for $1,90. n "l BERS Att edvertisement in TUE STANDARD paYs. ARE YOU WEARING GLASSES THAT DON'T SUIT YOUR EYES? Then come to London and have a pair made for you that will correct all your eye defects, no matter how complicated. We have patients in all parts of Canada who can attest our skill and accuracy itt fitting each particular case, and the lenses are ground in our own laboratory, under personal supervision. Appointment medal)), mail, or phone 1872'. THE TAIT-BROWN OPTICAL CO. EYESIGHT SPECIALISTS 237 Nadas SO, London, Oat. ••••••••••••••••••••••••• • : CENTRAL 4 • • • • ; BUSINESS ; • • COLLEGE 1 • : of Toronto bas started thousands lt, .: aen,efsayyonwnagymtoeinwittopdenw.onten on the ; mince and sue- • s. Let us stye you the right • • start. Write for catalogue and • . plan to aramd the next six months t : with us, Enter any time. Aa. 1 . dress, W. II Shaw, Principal, ii, . 'rouge and Gerrard Ste., Toronto. • :•••••••• •••••••. 44•441•4 . . raae/eItddlell 8,1. 4, 1.1, e old Habit The old cold goes; a new one quickly comes. It's the story of a weak throat, weak lungs, a tendency to consumption. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral breaks up the taking -cold habit. It strengthens, soothes, I heals.Askyourdoctoraboutit. "1 bad a tortIbto cold, and walling relieved ; Mc I tried Ayseo (Mem 140turia and It proeubptlydbrok:t up .07 'WV 00000, and rtatrworr;g1g,'of ".-M:I. r. Zire. • Telmla, Ohio. A • Keels 1;74, a.Arrit,nsAntleit. vim& Anis u sof foilt1111 the end of the year. ' 1,10 A IT your oeder now for your Fall printing. We will do oar best to please yon. ers PILLS. NAIR 131410L I I 1.n teep the bowels regular with Ayers 11131 Net one put each i• rtil1 • ' tit