HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1897-12-17, Page 4>r
x k liar' always been cyeto.,inarY i4' Rev,. W� c TanaghpxeaOboe got
•• „�„ nnlitic 1, warfare :fQJ• the denial of a egrawry ser . of ,4 at, diner 40 netcl:•.Su
' to tfl..0 wovi txa p4blia man to, be: accet
ped and honored y'
'... � rev. J, W. Ford, of fy x(,Ro don, eaten
mby lila opponenie, but It pees that ed the funeral • of Mrs ,:,, We
r dn�, 4�11tA t,�ie. W�
some members of. the Opposition Ju last week,
"" Qd Q>t stem tb o a s
H. Whitney.,, v. A. S. Rami on al c cQu 'd t "
to vlRRaQ ,Qs,ery HIn Node : ,t tli
t111t3'1"A,t@ X11113
his. Gredit be It said—are deter
diet church, Guelph.
ltolaAp to s,tick to an •Untruthful story, no. Mr Findlay preached` at Listowc
matter how flatly denied. Concerning; last Sunday for Dr. Williams, who w+
a visit of American lumbermen to the at Wingham.
Ontario Oovernment, which the op. J. Ransford attended a meetingg�
ol! 11e1ser- Qpposition said was secret, and where the Executive Committee of the H.
g� _� 0 intriggue like! took place, Mr Hardy. ren Synod, at London, last Friday.
117atoiutoseii stated in the House that the visit was Rev. I. B. Wallwin, of . Luckuoi
-.x.l4okRon as, not secret: and neither he nor bis col. who was invited to both'8t, Thoma
rioQa- T., W Irwin, leagues leagues were guilty of the slightest and Leamington, has accepted tI
a to Kori# -'gr¢ ,Akam imp opriety at the time; he further latter place.
dAcliity-Ta@keen Bros, ph:el�enged investigation of whe matter Rev. B. Clement will continue b
oaA;i•�W Cao er8a co and told his accusers to formulate an „
oci@1 iiroL CWIDFaix y course of sermons on the Mone
o=3iatt aS Mgclaoh rty charges they wished, and he' would
@ question next Sunday morning. t�
gpgr @rg -0 Caopar& Co give . them * committee of their own subject being. "Proportionate giving
s to Cr@ditora .,las Scottchoosing to sift the affair to the bot-
u;gSixowins—Hod vests onspros tom. The denial was Ignored, the in- We notice that Rev. W. Stout, let
netihing phoiO:UO Y Ivwi x a g
ii¢ yHutlh ,yy Z, ouimotta g tion declined, and insinuations of town gave an hour's address, c
aoii'ving z clroyttc Wleen�an thrown out in such a w4y that they Tuesday evening, in the Kirkton Met]
n.4irir0 fie}ioe. 1'Sic7Evans could not be reached in fair debate. odist church to a large audience (
i@ Flgimlt-Atlen.t� yvrlson Such a course is discreditable. If the Orangemen, and dealt with topics i
us.Furnitprs- d. C t3tevettson Ministr has been guilty of what is al- interest at the present uncture in nil
`e, wise to tend@r the very j,est service
y y j P
b lie matters.
pib�e to adgQrtieosa,and in ordwtt• to do eo it 1'eged, it would not a hard to prove,
Loco arythat''changes?'Aio, d'behended and should furnish better "election A full meeting of the church Boy
xcjtlatto�.than wednesdaymornirig. we thunder" than anything in view at the Brigade will be held in the En lis
to t pxorxiiseto make changes when hand- g g
p:`ister,; present time. Bot it is as decidedly church School Room Tuesday at 7 p.m
unfair and improper to attack a gov- when the election of officers will ��aa,,k
ernment by insinuation as to attack place. Every member of the Bridag
e1tf an individual. should attend this meeting.
The following, from the Hamilton The consecration meeting of the O1
k#Xi2AY, DECEMBER 17, 1897tario street Epworth League on Mor
Times, will be endorsed by all: --A pri- day evening was very well attends(
vate member of the Legislature is to The•meeting next Monday evening wi
M"„4peu.LrttCr to the Hon. introduce a bill to abolish the exam P- �
be one of special interest, an essaywi
be given by Mr Thos. Murch on Th
David Mills, tion from garnishee process, which Witness of the Spirit.”
civil servants now enjoy. The Legis- CHRISTMAS ENTERTAINMENT. — Tb
i ",U -in st'er of Justice you are likely !store should pass it. It should do Baptist church intends holding its at
;111begalled u on.ta take some action nual Christmas entertainment on tb
P more; it should provide for the dis- evening of Thursday, 23rd inst. Di(
it If in the death sentence passed charge from service of any employee loaues, recitations, choruseq by tb
tla']>>bKee perscns in particular. who is found to persistently avoid school and solos by wee tots. Silva
paying his debts. And that course collection at the door. Come one com
's are be taken in the Dominion service also, all.
Mrs Sternaman, in some of its branches the depart- The Exeter Times Bays:—"The cit
Youngg Allison, mental heads have already decided to zens, particularly the congregation c
And Young Hammond so act on their own responsibilitiy. Main St. church, are indebted to Me
lie.`dist one was found guilty of The rule should be general. B. J. Gibbings, of Clinton, for the ser
fier husband. The evidence It is said that the loss to men em- vices rendered in connection with th
conclusively to pint to her as anniversary of the above church. He
Y P ployers in England, by strikes during singing was much appreciated, an
tine causing hisdeatil. The jurors the last 12 months, is $75,0r,0,000,to merited the applause given."
a-rendered,the verdict seemed to be s%y nothing of the bad feeling aroused. It used to be said that one of th
s8ed of her guilt, but because of It is very rare indeed that a strike re- best judges of borseflesh is a Meths,
diet minister. Be this as it may, w,
being a woman, attached a recom. sults in permanent good. If the em- know that Rev. James Livingstone
!dation to mercy. The law should pioyers make a demanded concession now of Aylmer, was always foof I
o sex, and unless there are they "get even" with the men as Boon gocd horse, and we notice that he ha
ii ht` ,s our certain knowle just purchased Ilw crIpridid Gold Rini
F y dge as circumstances permit. It is the in- colt formerly io..• iwd hy .1l, Ashton
igating circumstances, the law variable rule that the greatest suffer- Aylmer.
ul'd'be allowed to take its course. ere by strikes, are the laborers and The second ut (iw bei ;d, of lecture(
oitnlg'Allison was found guilty of their families, and the lessons that arranged for by St. Paul's churcl
labor has had in the years of the past Guild will be given on Monday.even
dpkak Mrs Orr, presumably be; all seem to be thrown away. Labor ing next, in the School Room, when
,p she would not. yield to his lust. never can successfullydictate tocapital. Rev. C. L. Mille will give an interest -
611 tions. The plea is put for ing sketch of life among the Black
FERS0NRL Feet Indians. Mr Mills lived and lab.
he should not be executed ored among them for some time, and
;off:"bis youth and his ignorance. Geo. Miller, of the Boo, is here on a visit will no doubt give a most instructive
ea a good one? Once admit it to relatives. address.
.one can tell where it will Miss Harvey, of Stanley, is the guest of Laet week we stated that Rev. Mr
the Misses Washington, McLutc
d[ninistration of justice. Geon would take Alma and
on a second trial, was Mr Pope, Dominion Government valua- Turner's appointments until Mr Find -
poisoning his wife, os- tor, was in town on business on Friday, lay recovered his health. This was the
e insurance on her Mrs Robt. Fos, of Winnipeg, is here on a intention at the time, but as Rev. W.
pi 'a 'i sp put forth in •his visit to ner mother, Mrs Tewsle Wade, of Dakota, (it former pastor of
y,.and this char spending ' he is ng, and did not other friends. charge) is s endin the winter
*.the'eno try of the crime here, he has kindly consented to take
witting. '1'hP same argu- Bishop Baldwin spent half an hour in the work and will commence his duties
mi`tted, wo d free from the . town on Tuesday, waiting for train con- next Sunday.
cry:murdere, , rieotiona. Anniversay sermons were preached
tAt your position is admittedly a Mies Lora Gregory, of Exeter, who has in the Ontario St. Methodist church
onsiblgow4, and one bat concerns been visiting her sister, Mrs G. F. Oakes last Sunday by Rev. W. S. Pascoe, D.
gbole Lommunity. , he security Heron St„ has returned home. D.,• of Wingha(n. The services of the
f(fety of society, as you Welkknow, Mrs Wm. Harland and Mabel had the day were of unusual interest and pro -
ads, upon a fair enforcement of pleasure of Mr Wm. Murney'a company at fit. The preacher was in one of his
,Ib has been charged against their home on Tuesday, Dec. 12th. best moods, hence the sermons were
predecessor in ,office that he of rare excellency and power. The
t,d�toomany commutations. The Miss Ida Way, daughter of W. Way, musical part of the services was in
0,was said to be untrue; at the base line, has been re-eagaged for S. S. No. keeping with the occasion, the choir
tine.ft displayed the temper of 4, Colborne, for the 8th time; her, salary is rendering choice selections in a most
mutiny towards the principle. $320 a year.
p artistic and effective manner. The
with ,law has caused many Conductor Snider is still off duty. He collections of the day amounted to
as,,is', ga of the people, who bas been very ill at his home in Windsor, about $80.
taken law into their own and at one time his life was despaired of. At a meeting of the quarterly board
a t?Vhat Ilk, occurred elsewhere He is improving now, of the Methodist church St. Marys,
agcur here. 'If the law is allowed Y .
xezrte (pure ip capital cases, the Sidney Bowden, of Brighton, England, an invitation was extended to Rev. G.
friends of the criminal are is the guest of John Avery. Mr Bowden W. Henderson, of Sarnia, to become
parties who would object. bas been out here several times before and their pastor. Among the other clergy.
law does not take its course, and liked this country so well that he thinks he men mentioned were Rev, J. Philp, of
Qukl,ita pen to be no strong will in time become a Canadian by choice. Ridgetown, and Rev. J. Galloway, of
n s for Isniency, yourself, as the Sam Glidden has rented the farm of Sarnia. Mr Henderson has already
accepted an invitation to North street
Aetrator, and the government of Mrs Melville, 9th con.Hullett, for a term
s you are a member, are subject of five years and takes possession next Ap. church, sh erich, but rumor has it
a'cepsure of all who are dissatis- ril. Sam is a steady, reliable young mar., that he wished sometime ago to with-
: Jhstice to the wrong -doer, and and will not allow a property to depreciate draw his acceptance.
i y to the community should -under his care. S. A.NOTEs.—Owing to the additions
you in these cases. Sentiment- which have taken place from time to
'Ed. T. Holmes, the well-known nlechan-
li�ould carry no weight, not in- time during the past year or so, the ac•
!oil foreman of the N>ew Enc office, has
e you one atom in the course of commodation for the soldiers has had
been confined to bed for a week with a
If satisfied that the verdict to be increased; this has been done by
tt on them is right, then alight attack of congestion of the lungs,
P g you but hopes to be better in a few days. His enlarging the platform. Itis expected
lzertainly allow the law to take that the coming Christmas prograrn
illness has imposed double duties on the
e6for if one is pardoned all editor. will be the most attractive one that
e maebinery of the law the Salvation Army has ever submitted
guilty. Why should The friends of Miss Jennie Birk, niece to its Clinton friends; the musical fea-
them over again. It Of J. M°Matb, who 'has. been teaching in tures will be of first class character.
t ion in Londesboro public school to you to know P aeobion, for The Field Commissioner's (Mise Eva
e seants of this letter are some time, will be pleased to know that in Bootb)address delivered in Massey Hall
pa er friendly to the gov- consequence of good services rendered by on Sunday evening, Nov. 21st, in be -
# t) dud endorsed by everybody her, the trustees have re-engaged her at an half of the annual Self Denial appeal
m they have been expressed in increase of salary for 1898. was the occasion of one of the most
lily: Dr Duncan McCallum, of Crestline, remarkable events in the history of the
Ohio, paid a flying visit to his old friends Salvation Army. The crowds who
Trine#al Estimates. here on Saturday. He was called to Cana• went to hear her were so great that a
—'" da by the death of his father, John mcCal• building with almost double Its capac.
ages for the year were laid lum, of Exeter, who passed away earl ity might have been filled; the address
e on Friday and the budget last week of heart failure; the remains was considered as being the most mae-
de' op ties and the es- were interred at Woodbridge. terly effort of her life, and the interest
es diff The little from those of While Dr. Pascoe was here on Monde and symppathy of the audience were ex-
eahr The increases amount to y' ceptionally gratifying to her supporters
)Jaid the dacreasea to $13,363. The be spent some time with his old friend, Mr
'merit House a propitiation ie David Tiplady, In the years of the past The Rattenbury St. Juniors were
is by a ii,tyuo; an the provision both were intimately associated in relig. pleased with the audience which greet -
by work, and as, they talked over the old ed them at their entertainment on
i60telaantrgovernor s secretary. P-nerienees, the faces of bosh glowed with Thursday evening last. The church
tppears to be cut out altogether. r leasurable enjoyment at the ha
a proVioce tbat'is constantly ex. happy recol- looked quite business like with the
, with the• development that is leotiona.
� black -boards covered with what look -
41 lin western mining lands, Rich. Heywood returned on Tnesday ed to the majority of those present
pvernment is entitled to great from Gravenhurst Sanitarium. He looks simply specimens of drawing, but tin -
for repressing the tendency ofvery much better than when he left town, der the skillful questioning of Miss
tpenditure to grow correspond- and speaks in the most eulogistic terms of Dodds and the ready replies of the
. A.glance ober the details of the his treatment while there. On leaving, the Juniors, proved to be in unique form
(res su gesti the numerous Chan- doctor informed him, after a thorough ex• an outline of the geography, principal
oto whi h the revenues flow—ad- amination, that he did not think he would persone and events of Old Testament
4tio_n 0;t,jgstice,education, char- experience any difficulty in the future. history. The program of songs, es-
t ectiAlf'of crime, reads througgh His friends are pleased indeed to see him says, recitations, and dialogues, and
I ernesses, libraries, art schools feeling and looking so well. - especially the music of the String
iofn Of statretice, shelter aipa From our exohangov — Miss Ma Band, were much enjoyed, and Rev.
,`for the'ufflioted in mind• and ggie Mr Millyard'a power of oratdry will
'Beattie; of Brussels, is home from a visit not be questioned, when it is known
the erring and the friendless, to Clinton. Mies Fair, Miss Nettie Clarke, that he held the Leaguers by his elo.
lriese and vigilance in the sinter- and Mr Porter, of Clinton, weregnests at quence, when the voices of their com-
the farther .and fruit ggrower, the Seaforth !lunge on Sunday. Mies Bea- paniona, and the rattle of dishes, and
alntenan'ce rif Civil i stitutions com of Clinton spent a few days in Bea.
p y the promptings from within, all wooed
e pregeFvatiott� of the! herrn and forth last week, visiting Mrs N. Cluff, them to the refreshment mom. The
o .th individual w all provided N. Main St. Miss Mamie Campbell, of collection taken es the dank, together
t sdys a great,, dol Pott 'the g' 6d Clinton, was the guest of Miss Emma With the money earned and given by
def•ttf ibtpagewpent, the Ontar- Thompson, Heneall, last; week. The Brus. the Juniors, makes the next sum of
1*13 6,g ="its critics it the can• held P'ost•bitoys, John Beattie was in�Clinton $25 raised btu the Junior League for
otwrtsta»ding- tsar it is able : fors few dayys last week; vve dont know missio+Is in the past pear. The Tem-
idCtilia, aifeairsl - 'the grtft#+ing what takes John dears t ere ss often. Mrs penance union meeting on Friday
l!r`1jkA O'titario, look aftex ltn in- P60861f, of Clinton, �a spending a few night promises to be of special Inter.
irifei'ostgt acid m, h1 . to all its Weeks with her data�liter, Mrs James Brod- sst, as Rev fse6 Olere of will a Int es
ititls, i6ltli precut, Il lio raft- chid, of Egmonavllle• she la b I
it. the ehofp 9% . Will!# �1i►NISCit► Under.
o: the leaders, sof Mr Spauldingt lire
preporlpg opeclal muoW for mai: -* -
I. Dir Thoal. ,Jaeltegu, r,t Ie practlsipg 1plred 14010tt itoalad'.flltlijy p1t #!<1tln.
ar with, the children of he >?regbyi Brian silael uteI r ilnd to :e en
churchfor their Zmas service which d s.. tencod .
will be held op the afkeJ; nuc' a?sc. oto Sotu�'(1aY�
Q• . .
o- nth• At Gioderich, iqn, We nes,dap >?'r+i'd
On Sgtiday,evening, Dec. 26th, Rev. Elliott Caine up before 0gp 'Masson '
]1 S. Band, preefdept of the Conferpxice, and a jury, cin the ohargQof u' anel�u h-
is will preach in ontaria St. church and ter, fq causing the , e I' p, of his brokher
Rev. B. Clement will that eveningHarvey. The evidence was much the
preach anniversary sermons at Besame as that already published, except
If forth. that a Yountg woman, to whom both
A. brotbexe hast paid some attention,gava
The Baptist church will observe Ito evidence, The case was glveh to the
anniversary services on Monday, Dec, jury at about 9 o'clock, and shortly of.
V, , pastor Jae.Coults, of Ailsa Orai�g terwards the ury brought in a verdict
9, will preach morning' and evening. He of guilty, witt a recommendation to.
1e will give an address on Monday even- mercy. Judge Masson will pass sen
Ing, subject, -,Our native country." tence on prisoner on Saturday.
is The regular meeting of the W.F.M.
e S. of the Presbyterian church was
held on Wednesday evening last. N9 NOt1'plS.
,e esti' ile Mtalkgonrt"Hfndr�ncesvery
to Mie- Mick, es M to
Liberaic riMr
u pions,' after which officers for the the Legislature in Cornvgall and Stor-
I- year 1897 were elected. I mont.
if The Paris Presbytery a
if At the meeting of the Christian En- y ry has, passed a
i- deavor of Willis church, held on Sun- resolution repudiating the views of
day evenin the topic, which was Rev. Principal Grant on the prohibi-
a• handled by Mies Wilson, was "What tion question.
h can young people do for the church." The Dominion Parliament has been
Next Wednesday evening "Our nine formally prorogued until Jan. 24. It is
e and how to get rid of them," will be not likely that it will meet before the
e taken up by Mr D. McTavish. . second week in February.
Rev. G. F. Salton, St. Thomas, will Four Assiniboine buffaloes are in
i- preach Missionary sermons in Ratten- the C. P. R. stock yards at Winnipeg.
(- bury St. church on Sunday, Dec. 26th, They were secured in the Territories
I. and Mr Millyard will probably go to by Mr McCabe, of Sioux City, who will
11 St.Thomas. In the afternoon aChribt. ship them south.
Il mas Song Service will be held in the During the ensuing year the Ontario
e Sabbath School, for which special pre. Provincial grants to education will
paration is being made, and Rev. Mr amount to $721,382.08; in the same
e Salton will also deliver an address, period Quebec will grant $430,010 for
- education,
e The following, from the Newmarket
Era, will be appreciated by the frier,de Sir Wilfrid Laurier cave there is not
e here of both the gentlemen named; the shadow of a foundation for the —
r Mr Coltman was formerly pastor of the statement that the Dominion Govern -
B t' t h ment ever contem fated 1't'
Only 6 days left to do your Christmas shop-
llDon't wait until the
last hour, and be obliged to choose hurriedly from a pick-
ed over stock. Don't let go of your money until you
.have seen our goods and, learned our prices,
e a� to c urch, and certainly has a
etiikrng resemblance to Mr Ranton.
The Era says:—"During Rev. A. H,
! a cos (ion
with Sir Adolphe Chapleau and his as-
- Ranton's stay in Newmarket Mr M.
f D. Coltman, who is attending:MCMas-
There never was heard in the Legislature
more lucid presentation of the faots con-
s ter Hall, in Toronto, came home on se.
oerning the financial position of the Prov-
Department is a "wonderland"
count of illness and was frequent]y
' taken for the popular evangelist. It
ince than tnat made by Mr Harcourt in
his budget speech on Tuesday. 1Vdt only
and a revelation to those who
r will be remembered that Mr Ranton's
1 meetings were closed the night before
did be put clearly before the House the op-
Orations of the past year, the present state
have never seen a First -Class
Rev. Morgan Wood's lecture, where
of the exchequer and the prospects of the
Stock. It is easy to select from,
3 Mr Renton met that gentleman. Since
. that time Mr Ran ton has been laboring I
future, all of which were shown to be emi-
nently satisfaotory but he made a tellibg
supplies exactly what you want
in Toronto. A week ago last Nunday 1 reply to those who' have set themselves up
Mr Coltman went to Bond St. Congre-as the financial critics of the Administra.
gational church to bear Rev. Morgan � tion. In brief, the position of the Province
3 Wood. and imagine his surprise when is this:—Tbere are assets aggregating $5, -
the Rev. gentleman, looking directly 291.968 and liabilities at present payable of
at him from the pulpit, called upon Mr $33,644, making a surplus of $5,258,325.
.,Coltman to lead the congregation in J The receipts of revenue for the ten months
prayer. Rather than cause any con- ended October 31,I897, were $3,693.138,and
fusion by an explanation Mr Coltman the expenditure $3,200,218. On November
complied with the request. The two 1, 1897, there was in the bank at the credit
gentlemen are certainly near enou h of the Province $724,882. During the year
alike to puzzle
'any casual observer,' $498,161 was added to the surplus. Mr
Harcourt eatimatea the receipts for 1898
at $3,313,372, and the expenditure at $3, -
OUT of BUSINESS. — The millinery 1 398, 767.
stock of Beesley & Co. has been sold to BUY Now.—Don't put off your Xmas
a party from Newmarket, who will buying until the last day. That is poor
pprobably dispose of it here. W. H,
Beesi.ey, who has carried on the buss- Policy. Get in early; get first choice
nese for a number of years, has not and careful attention. Read the NEW
yet decided what he will do. I ERA ads, and profit by them. They
tell where the goods are to be had.
Boy's & Girl's Own Annuals
Henty Books, Juvenile Pic-
ture Books, Miscellaneous
Books, choice bound Gift
books and Poets, Bibles as
low as 25c., splendid lines
from 60c to $7.50. Bible
and Meth. Hymns, Presby-
terian Book of Praise, Eng-
lish Church Prayers and
Hymnals, Catholic Prayers
&c., &c.
ALBUMS—Celluloid and Plush, 50C to $5. Beautiful
� G 'lines at $1 and $1.50
O 1 a 1ftS
PURSES'—from 5c to $2.50.
FANCY CHINAWARE, DOLLS; Games, Rockers, like
What shall I give for .Christmas
is the question of the day We promise the best in quality, the mos;, in quantity,
• and the lowest price to all.
Our advice is to give things of a lasting quality, with all the beauty one $eoopersBookS
can find. You will find it a pleasure to select your gifts from our
Magnificent stock, as it contains so many articles suggestive of the
gift season. Having bought the Biddlqcombe stock at Ac on the $
it places us in a position to give you prices much lower than else- LV
where. Never before were such high quality goods sold for such low
prices. Following list is simply a suggestion of what we are offering:
-----THZ� TWO
Ladies' Gold .Filled Case, stem wind, with CHRISTMAS NUY EL TIES.
American movement .................... $8.00 CHEAP GOODS
to season eti edesire 14k. solid Gold, stem windWatch .....$15.00 1emmber tmn lends. vs GOOD GOODS
We have what you want in
Ladies' 9k. solid Gold, stem wind Watch.... $12.00 TIES, HATS, CAPS, We are not continually harping about
! GLOVES, SHIRTS Cheap Goods. We argue this way, Cheap
Ladies Sterling Silver, stem wind Watch ...... $2.50 Goods are of a p°°= quality, and not as
SILK HANDKERCHIEFS, some would make the public believe, Good
UMBRELLAS, Goods at a cheap price.
Gents' Silver Watch, stem wind, with American • No man is in the trade to benefit' somebody,
$5.50 FUR CAPS, ETC.' else. He is in it to make a living.
Just the thing suited for the holiday We advise every customer to buy a good arti-
season, and our prices are so guaged ole. as it is the cheapest in the end, and it
• d
Cents' Silver ore Watch, stem wind, American that every purse aan be suited. is not necessary to visit your tailor every
movement ................................... 4.75 Our few months or a new supply. ,
f th f su ly
0 Christmas Ties, The Good Goods keep their appearance w8ar
BoBops' Nickel stem wind Watch . longer, and give satisfaction to both your
ys9 • ............ $1.50 done up singly in Fancy Boxes, are sellers, tailor and yourself. Try it and you will be
1. and are very handy for sending away, convinced.
One Day Walnut Clock ....................... $1475 5 We invite inspection and comparison,
Eight Day, Oak or Walnut Clolgk ................ $2.75 , A, J. MORRISH, Clinton.! A. J. HOLLOWAY, Clinton. .
Brocolies, Stick Pins, A Shoe Talk.
JEW E LRY.—Necktie Pins, " Chains, 13yery person who does not have
Cuff Buttons Rings Charms &c. to pay storage on his money a
> > > familiar with the difficult problem
of making a Small income meet the
requirements of these advanced
Fancy Goods & Novelties Mimes. Footwear is one of the
unfailing necessities, and it poste
a good deal in the course of a
of all sorts 111 teat variety year—if yon get the wrong kind.
g y We don't keep the wrong kind. + ;.
Not that we 'are more honest
than other dealers, but oar long ex -
Gold and Gold—Filled Spectacles from $2.50 up, with perience has taught; ns, bow to avoid
lenses specially fitted. being stuck on poor goods.
p y Steel Spectacles 25c to $1 This knowledge is necessarily of
benefit to our onstomers, because,
'. , the cheaper a shoe firm can buy
The reputation which this store has always held for the high quality the cheaper it can afford to sell.
of the goods sold, will still be maintained. Safety as well as, satisfac-
tion comes from dealing at the best place. A cordial Invitation is ex- qual"C however, for if a did, our
tended to everybody to call. We will be pleased to show our stock. shoes would not , "cheap."i we
keep no poor quality goods, no mat.
ter what grade.
The celebrated makers F`
Successor to J. Biddlecombe, Clinton.• -Tft-Ckao*a .46 TI�
very r ghi the Juniors on the "Evils of, strong
' and t►ahlve for her years, being over eightq. drink."
The Noted $hoe Firm,