The Clinton New Era, 1897-12-17, Page 3Rjots ooh OP fi FINE RUE;OE T ' e Wkuess oud the ShadoW a Of Graver T1�Ing >i t EIN LIFTED ' .n l I 'Thousands. of Homes in 1 ,•��au.ada yl Mr !P. ,-.Iril+ioii, ,engineer Evening 1 ewe, says --"I was 1 >TTR%e ta,• G�rlada,.1 sronblsd itivith 'the most severe form of oar tarrh for sit;ht parv,'1, 'Had tried every- E thingo get, w@1 ba't 'vvlthout success, The in aorosrimyf eoeid were so severe at r rtiglit t " t tVartuz oble to obtain my need- edreot. waelalsotigbjeot to sneezing to t such an ext + at that.WouIcT sneeze as often t as 40 to 50 tines a `,s1a " At the general bodpital,where' T` w. t for treatment, I was told that `,stn opera ion `WCs necessary and burning it`ou5 tha my bops. I have fi nsed Mom on' e Cold and atarrh-Cure for >? ` oihe month and became''apidly better. I believe Munyon has done more for me than E all the. others and I bayo tient hundreds "of 1 people to Munyou. 1 Munyon'e Rheumatic 1 Gure seldoin fails l s to relieve in one to thrpe'hoursi spud cures in-% few days. Price 250. p , Muuyon's Dyspepsia 'Care positively 1 ' oures all forms of indigestion' and stomach ) t , troubles. Price.25o. ' Mnpyon's Cold Cure prevents pneumonia eknabxeaks up a cold in afew hours. Price Il2apyonIs Cough Cure"` ,stops coughs, night sweats, allays sore t.0s'and speedily " heals the lungs. Price 25c. a ll Mgnyon's Kidney Cure dpeedilq cares pairs in the back, loins or groins, and all " forme of kidney disease. Price 25o. ' ',Munyon's Nerve Cure stops nervousness' and builds up the system. Price 25c. i t Munyon's Headache Care stops headsohe '' to in three minutes: Price 25. ° kinlyon's Pile Ointment positively cures forms of piles. Price 25c 'Munyon's Blood Cure eradicates all im- 4 %,,r , rr parities of the blood. Price 25o. k1Q, Munyon's Female Remedies are a boon to, all women, ianyon's Catarrh Remedies neverfail. T1ie Catarrh Cure -price 25c -eradicates the disease from the system, and the Ca- tarrh Tablets -price 25c. -cleanse and heal c the parts. 'f Munyon's Asthma Remedies relieve in three minutes, and cure permanently. i rPrice $1. Munyon's,Vitalizer restores lost vigor. Price $1. A separate, cure for each disease. At all �r dr Oggiste. Mostly 25c a vial. Personal letters to Prof, Munyon, 11 and i 13 Albert St., Toronto, answered with free -nedical advice for any disease. Christian Endeavor Budget. The annual Convention of Huron 4"oiinty O. E. Union and S. S. Associa- it'll;' tion;wilt be held in Wiugham on Tues - a k y'and Wednesday, June 21st and 22ndi 1898. t, How C. E.STANDS IN THE WORLD 1;t has 51,578 societies, 3,000,000 mem- bers, adding 100 new societies every syr •s! Are you help week. How it grow x '! C. E. AND THE CHURCH. Dr. Robertson, M. A., of the British Weekly, says to the British section of 1 U. E. -"Dear Christian EndeavorerF, the empty pews of your churches." Mkt ;., •Q So say we.- Be there yourselves, and take others with you. < ' Is' CHRISTIANITY TRUE ? There are many questions that arise iin the minds of the young touching the Bible. They are very perplexing, I and somewhat distressful. How can they he met ? Can we give any help in answering them ? To meet tb*ase i, one wants a handbook that can be looked at repeatedly. Such a book r has been published by the American c e;L; Sunday School Union, under the title ? ,'r "1s Christianity True." It has ans- Sl'''tz overs from History, the Monuments, Nature, the Book, Experience, and the Frowth of Christianit It is therefore invaluable'; we cannot commend such a m t' book too highly. HOW TO PUT LIFE INTO\A SOCIETY x r To put life into a C. E. Society, there is nothing like having some useful work to do., Work that calls forth the C,' heat t, and gives the head something to think of, and makes a demand op the pocket. Work- for others; work that wars against our inherent selfishness. Work that breaks the bands of selfish - Hess. and makes the man, in the high- °' est and best part of his nature, free. Such work may be looking aftersome poor families, teaching a mission �{ �''•' school held in a kitchen or'd country School house; supporting a native worker on a foreign mission field, or a $ible woman at bottle. Do something for, others;; get out of Self; think of Others; pray for others: live for others, In a single word, love others. The old story of Prometheus is a parable Prometheus was on terms of • intima33 with the gods. From them he stole fire and gave it to men. For this sin he was bound to the locks of Mount Canoassus,am vultures were,set upon hint. They Call ate his liver. This grow again its fast as I was pecked away. Are his sufferings to b imagined? Take a modern interpretation of the par able. ,There is no cooking without fire. Ii cooking and eating the mischief lies. Tb stomach is overtasked, the bowels becom Clogged, they cannot dispods of the foo that ig given them.• The impurities bao: toe liver. Than come the vultures- "nientsof a diseadedliver, Dr Pierce' Oltlpn Medical Discovery is more tha equs A to the vultures 0� dyspepsia and' it kindled diseased. Th to is .nd more nee of suffering from dyopepals, thaii there is c hantting one'd belt, ,Sdld by all medicin A P. P. fc sun, it boy( eek, throng ' Peed otlfaer'w J'nniohrrie,Pt. Tart ii;tartial was recently, hold, on l't�'anpap statipi4 upon r31b'dG liop+ n?apt ;v ik* wAs Charged with a most brit-. t ,,l}gwaui gpon ,a chief, petty oflflcor. The lest pl inli'to have bopn that the plobim of 0 olti waaon duty as quartermaster, rtypn til and Poll down insensible, irCkf lioutpnant ,4a4te. on beard, and ° hilloo hila ' there . endeavored to rouse by` kicking, him about the body and cadand beating him!, lininorcifullY with heAvy riding whip. •Even it the man ad been drunk his Condition: would bb- lonsly have been, no exons whatever for bis abominable assault, which was of such iol@tice that, a pool of,, blood wao found rhere the ratan .had been lying, and he 4td to bis afterward placed on; the sipk list, paving stent 14 serious wounds :atone dm. The occurrence seems to . have been ,ushed up at the time. The lioutrenanb )rivately, Apologized to''the quartermaster nd practically throw himself on hip aeroy. But somehow or other the captain hoard of the affair, and, much to his ored- t, made a report of it to the admiralty. ienoe, the court martial. Now what was he sentence in this case? The of leer .was everely reprimanded and dismissed his hip. There was no question in this case of flogging, Imprisonment and subsequent venture Lismiesal from the service, but I v c say that inany a seaman has suffered all ,hese punishments forinfinitely less seri- )us crimes.-Londou Truth. Dying Man Grasps at a Straw. •'Dr.Agnew's Cure for toe Heart has done o much for me that I feel I owe it to sat - ears I had smotherito ng spells, ive pains in my ett side, and swelled ankls. •when I took he first dose of Dr. Agnew's Heart Cure, ny friends thought I was dying,it gave me almost instant relief, and six bottles entire - y cured me. Mrs F. L. Lumaden, Scran- on, Pa. Sold by Watts cit Co. Ontario i,eads Them All. A report has been prepared by the :)ntarioB6reau of Statistics and will pos- 3ess much interest to Canadians gen- E!rally. It, deals with agricultural pro- ducts of the Province. From it we learn that Ontario lands are becoming more and more cleared. Thele is now in this Province 23,173,408 acres of assessed land, 54.7 per cent of which is cleared. Of this there were 876,955 acres in crops which is an increase of I33,000 acres and more. The yield of fall wheat last year was 17.2 bushels to the acre. This was below that of the previous year, which is 19. In point of yield, Ontario is still away ahead of the wheat growing states of the neighboring republic, as will be seen by the following averages: Ontar- io, 17.2; New York, 6; Pennsylvania,14; Ohio, 9; Michigan, 12.8; Indiana, 9; Il- linois, 14.7; Missouri, 11.7; Kansas, 10.6; California, 14.6. The spring wheat crop fell off, too, and amounted to 13.8 per acre. The average yield of barley was 24.7, which equals that in W1SCOn- sin, the greatest barley State in the un- ion. The oat crop averageq 34.2 per acre, which is falling off. This, how- ever, surpassesanyt1iing in the United States, except that of Wisconsin. It will surprise many farmers to know that the most productive wheat - growing district is the island of Mani- toulin, with 26.8 bushels to the acre, and that the district of Algoma comes next with 25.1. A PERSONAL ITEM. Mrs Wm, Hamh'y, Belleville, Ont., says: "My husband was troubled with kidney complaint, rheunn,tism, loss of appetite, sleeplessness, etc., :t )d could not !get relief until I got a box of i )nan'e Kidney Pills for him. He has now t, ken four boxes in all and is completely c I. ; rd. Doan's Kidn•y Pil, , are the ones that cure. Remember the n ,ams, Doan's, COURTSHIP P D. Womeh Do the Lc,ve•• Pop the All Im por o* "The powers frees,; . is wom- en of Zuni are mi,i,- )oularly favorable to thein in . rs, rind In everything pvrtuhr !)o[n%" writes Edward Pt.,. n The Woman's Home Cron, OSS Pe- culiar liberties ar<, i.,a " mar- riage as well as aft, -r. I. ed priv- ileges of leap year ':,lt. rulj , ,.,otnuously in Znniland. When �;no if the daughters of the tribe takes an aruo'.ed liking for a young man, she very frankly confesses It, and her parents are informed'of herchoioo of a prospective husband. If they approve, the interesting information is imparted In due time to his family, and, if the as yet perhaps unsuspecting subject of fke selec- tion is suited, in turn he makes through the mutual parents an engagement to visit his admirer at her home. He is received somewhat formally by the maiden and her family, when something like the following laconic conversation ensues between the young people, while the father and mother, with the other members of the household, sit apart, amiably pretending not to listen: 'Thou coniest;' she says. "'Yes. How be yo those many days? he answers. 11 1 Happy. Gather and sit,' and she mo- tions him to a seat near her. "As a never failing hospitality on th( part of a hostess, when a visitor enters c Zuni home she places food before him ane bids him 'looson his belt and lessen hit hunger.' But he appears'preoccupied ani partakes quite sparingly, to give the polio impression that he fe a light eater -al iinportant•polnt in the favor of a prospect ive husband. Thanks. I am satisfied,' he says after dining off little more than a bird'i rations. • 'Hat enough. You must have com) thinking of something. What have yu1 to say?' she asks encouragingly. "'I don't know.' " ' Oh, yea you do. Tell me,' she coyl; persists. , " 'I'm thinking of yon,' in d whisper. h " 'Indead I You must be mistaken.' a "'No. "'Then do yon love me?' " 'I love you I' " 'Truly?' " 'Truly.' s "'Possibly we shall see. What thin' you, father?' as she turns in apparent poi s plexity to the family group. 3 " • As you wish, my child,' her parent rs £ piless� e "8ho then appears to ponder the matt( for the first time; and after due considers r cion of the momentous question consen) f .to become his yi-ill-kia'n1-ha, or 'his I b be;' and from that time on they are as d' voted to each other as are lovers in at Clime." TP OL VX XVW VRIA. PT Coughs axed: colds need not, )e endured they can be :used, and that quickly, Many mixtures are, .tem ?Crary in effect, 'but Scott's Emulsion of 'Cod-liver Oil ' with Hypophosphites is a :permanent remedy. The oil feeds the blood Ind warms the body; the iY popho,phites tome up the nerves: the glycerine soothes r n lungs. the. t Tiiazlied throat and g The combination cures. This may prevent serious lung troubles. 5oc, and tr.00; all druggists, SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, Toronto. Shattered tropes, "Ah," sighed Mr. Bloodgood, "I hada loped that John would grow up to be a iredlt to us and that some day I could ransier my business cases to his sboul- lore. But that dream is past. I shall have to look around for some one else who can become the active member of the firm. I pan never trust my business in .John's hands now. . " Why, exclaimed Mrs. Bloodgood- "what on earth is the matter?" "fie writes me that he has just been elected class poet. Maria, sometimes this seems to be almost more than I can bear.' -Ohicago News. Possibilities. Mr. GT•amper-You may call me cynical and all that, Maria, but I don't believe you would marry if you had your Iffe to live over again. Dire. Grumper-Well, I don't know. Perhaps it might not be you, John, but some other man thnt asked me to have him. -Boston Transcript. nespect For the Pulpit. Respect for the pulpit," said the pesei- misdo boarder, "is rapidly diminishing.' "?legging your pardon, " saki Asbury Peppers, "bat I think 1t is increasing. The pulpit doesn't get pounded half as much as it did in the good old days. "- Cincinnati Enquirer. Metiers. ,,,lex. B, ►end-4Qh" gilder,, two Ora, arty alt young men froth 'lorontp pp before the new year. However, if you cannot do go, we will redeem any cards e of o Johannesburg, wliicq; w nb t4 t or tickets presented, at a fair proportion of the full amount. We have had South .Africa, at the height of the boom several oustomd'rs who have secured one, two "and three prizes. There is there over two years agp, have return, home, They bl plenty of time for you to get yours filled, and we have abundance of goods to ed, say th4t sineae:1q. supply your needs. Our stook is very complete, and we are always getting in Jphannesbl p,t, the present time is very' flat, and woNld adYise Any one fresh supplies. Business has improved quite a lot, as we have the right kind ,who may by Wrikiug pt gpipg.themot,t of goods, and at the right paces. Our terms are cash or produce. We are to keep ay fo away pregent., i the pr a , agents for Our Native Herbs and Safada Tea Mrs Chaffs. Tufts, of Detroitan'd two ,DAMS' gMPORITIM, R. A �� S youqu children, aged two and three * nTy�heiJy Ito years, have lived for the past two / .li j3�, weeks on $1410. The Salvation Arm bame supplied her with. two days' food. Tier husband is away seeking work. At Bombay all the Hindoo sentries sa- Oves Yhouaands of Livoi , Dr. ,Agnew'p Ointment Cures hour years ago Jacob Uewitta, of Hay Iaiand, was dragged to the verge of Salt ,Eibeum, Eozetn,a, Tetter, Barbers death. bydre4drul heart B16oapo. Se way Itob,und all like skin diseases and eruptions It in day. Itouresere legion; Wen up. to die. From vigorous manhood IIs had goA© to a biokon despgpdemt'wneck. gives relief a Years of testing, and its failures are few. Y g, procured Dr. A now's (lure for the o 1 ''�th t and .d Heart, used t fa fol, y, grows daily in favor of suffering humanity. i Good for Baby's skin, good for young,lmid- weighs 218 pounds, had Ives to, bless the day y great remedy coal recommended h ( 30 die agod and old folks. 35 conte. Sold by to it relieved {ri mknutee.?A, ,.� • .- Watte�&Co. SOLD:BY WATTS;&CO.,CLINTON A 0 a a Continental Many things there be that a man doesn't care a continental about, but it's not so with his dinner. It must be good, and to make it good you must have a good kitchen range to cook it on. THE HAPPY THOUGHT is a good range, just as good as can be made. The corrugated oven fills the bill when perfect baking is required, as it is evenly heated and thoroughly ventilated. It bakedtwell, uses little fuel, easily managed, modern in construction, handsome in appearance, thoroughly reliable, The Happy Thought ;is the pivot about which all good housekeeping revolves. TaE RADIANT HOME Base Heater is the best that the L•rains of man ever produced, although many new patterns have been invented, none equal the Radiant Home. ' If there are any intending purchasers undecided as to the best stove to Ibuy, give us a call and we will settle the matter. Latest additions to our'already lame stock: - Spiral Rubber Packing, Improved eather Straps, Poultry Supplies. Netting, Poultry Markers, Bone Cutters, Drinking Fountains. Prepared Oyster Shells and Crystal Grip; a handful given to fowls daily will be valuable at all seasons of 'he year. dtirin� iffQB v/lll waent o Its re>idop'sk hithfut rfoorw 0094 sieutatlpii o#' the world'c,mpap jlnttroating at}d unpprtgiit neMtr THE NHWH THAT B,EHOME$ 01STORY J 1 �, Qpeatloaq of the middle wept; Iia e�iaglal cgi'ftt- \; IgduetrielEnterprli0 s ondentiathe'X19 dikgre Ionvlilltrac9 ' s, a. GroclFalf Art and 4ltorlttur0 t e story of the grgI gol. discovei'telf LONG Si;RIALS PIN!? SHORT rptoito ` 1, Two long serialswill appear duriu$ file THE AND AXE year, contribptetl by au[hors of inter- m eBeOCtATED t E[ aR[T6 i a onal fame and will be illust ted, )jj > ", 11 ,Y if _f �. Owen Winter These avid a aegis of equally prominent ti. Howard Py9le writers will contribute short atonestothp` John Kendrick Bangs Wunimyin r898,making thopaperes e- ` gg t r a uresar ttt Mary E. Wllklne clallyrichinfictton O he fe. t 4 DEPARTMENTS AND SPECIAL ARTICLES 1' � caspu whimey THIS BUSY WORLD FOREIGN NOTES - Ir .g; saxkton By E. B: dMBNAr By PoVzryffY LtIOELOii LETTERS FROM LONDON AMATEUR SPORT' By ARNOLD TVSIT&' ByCASPAR JMFrW4Y A SPORTING PILGHWAGE AROUND THE WORLD In the interest of the WEutcav,Caspar Whitney is on his vrayaromid. the world. He will visit Siam in search of big game, making h'is' principal hunt fromBan�kolc. He will visit Inc in and then proceed to Europe to prepare articles on the sports of Germany and Traocea loc. a copy (sendfor free Qrospeceuj). Subscription $4.00 a y0ar. . Postage free in elu United States, Cts -coda, and Mexico.. W D. Howell. Address !HARPER & BROTIiM, Publisifora, lion Tgrk City Henry �panes U NEW FRUITS NOW IN ST(WK AliL(iBrY 1E S�.`.TJ' IIle at11'ayer lo,ae cAreigCtalC1III1:iiE"r�T { iia $p E?[rtt3 argt[X O �batLk (( ]Et+AetfrirOtl CaNfovnla Proko*% bewi Bleeae Figs to grew nsid keym j In tail Pound bo.ccea' Leman, Ginn mrwi OruiAge POOK B017 sig Lmogbl tit f hnres9 fjv'loos ►iiia ti a i son wro will give yon close phoibes, SWAI-.L."W. Clintuonga&11,11 oor'S.BhudFa General Builder anad ContracWr. This factory is the largcat in the county, and nae Oho very JMeet improved ma _pinery, capable of doing work on Ube short+ee4 notice. We Carry an estensice".' and reliable stook and prepared plane, and give ee9imatee ibriand build all olass-' es of buildings on shore notice and oa bho oloseeh prices AN wort; is uupervis ed in a mevbanical way and guaranteed. We aeR all kende of in terior acid sateviot' material. Lumber,Lath, Shingles, Ume, Sash, o>i°s, Agent for the C•elebratod GltAYBILL SCIE10 L iD�,`SIEC, rimnttfabtpr, at Waterloo. Call an&Aet prices and e0imatee before placing yoo r oadere IVU EMLANDStoves, hardware, tte BROS,f1 Clintou I.8 1 ®� New e t .t U VrP VI) 8= 11AIS1: S -Malaga, Valencia, Sultans. .CURRAN113-FIilalras, Fine • California T'rltueH duel Ir'=lime F19y. H Ell DA 0 Oansa E -BROA J1.~ OVT, $off, (z 00• CROSSE &QLACKWELL PEELS, Lemon, Orange and o;tran, positively cured by these S. Almands and Walnuts. Cc'okin Fi Li 10 PM& She steady :ac,•tecse in our tvacta ie good proof of the ?mot tbat Olin goods erre rtgbt ani NUTS-Eilb�rUs, S. fi � also relieve Distress from Dyspepsia, our prkee lower than those of other dealers in the trt.de. NICE, OLD RAISINS for 5c a pound. Head a for, They W o menTrfacbure turnibure on a large scale and arra Afford to sell obeii-p. If you busy ,(�t Indigestion and Too Hearty Eating. A per- from as, we seve for you the profit, which, in otl� oases has to be added in for r�e�S, ��� erg, V,n.oelit�n'y, Gla hsware , i A Lal feet remedy for Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsi- the retail deeler. ness, Baca Taste in the Mouth, Coated Tongue Tbio week we hs -m Pawed into stock some of our new designa. Space will not permit Paan in the Sidei TORPID TNER. They m to quote prices, but come and see fon yourself what snaps we have to offoir. IlemembM we "e determined that our prices shall be the tawesu In the tarmcie. �e`}g�• � im Tf' B A `j .s ' r Reg[iJ. late the Bowels. Purely Vegetable. WW'�E99 J �rlrtad! Piot. Small Dose,,. IJI�'IDEWAKING, 8!e)&61 ?PIC@. In ,lids deportment oar stocks tn comlolete, and we herve doua btedly the beet fu(ner aubd i to tbenoouaty.ZWkno prices are as low as the lowes0. � igvp Substitution �'ri>, the b=d cd the daF. BRo��oo�r,a�o� co. J. � �➢diet' QV HMNEwal^sr o �^, P' J- Xlght and Sunday calls attended t9 by Catling at ,f, �. Chiclley's, mineral S,ee ym g -et l.cu tel'5, Direoborj reefder ce. The eubiaoriber des W in6kofeie that be is sail in the Sewing Machine basisness, `ami boas made arrea ealeril0 h( Ask for Carter's, _ NEW HOME SEWING 11ACHVIE COMP ' 1111 su 9 dulabl2tty ac VT (I bho qualindle their ty od wozlr-n They will be plaa"d on Wat ties; "I 1 mete meam I ----------- ....-.... Ins-isrt and demand To Our Patrons chines on the market. I also have other grades lee» money, and w* proonre--any- r manuiiacturod, if doeired Needles and par a supplied of �� t ane, Fraends 5. A`M�C ACAs IDshe am afXeal for Uio oolebratod AnttSoay TVaylle �a2 tf�l�S Little L1Ve1` I�.Z�l�o- largest nxanufacture<s o1NBt'ashere in tho worhi. The maahfne ct�canMbe beet Jn any still haDd:o the Impt'oved Ideal and Baataitoba Waehew. Aieo Ok hoe Wv*poom, ba' Paper Carretioy or xorway.We desire to thank you for past favors and wish to remind you that we pur- WX • ®®Xb 9 old stwid, Huron S., Vhinf, f d . •. Norwegian paper currency is pr n on cinnamon brown paper, and the bills are pose, at the end of this year, to discontinue the giving of prizes. All who have cards or tickets will confer a favor by purchasing enough to secure the ,prize about the size of the "shinplasters" used before the new year. However, if you cannot do go, we will redeem any cards In the United States in the time of the civil or tickets presented, at a fair proportion of the full amount. We have had war. These bills are rarely soon in this several oustomd'rs who have secured one, two "and three prizes. There is country, for they circulate little among plenty of time for you to get yours filled, and we have abundance of goods to the common people from whom emigrants supply your needs. Our stook is very complete, and we are always getting in to America are drawn. fresh supplies. Business has improved quite a lot, as we have the right kind of goods, and at the right paces. Our terms are cash or produce. We are Dipsomaniacs in Sweden, when put un- agents for Our Native Herbs and Safada Tea der restraint, are fed almost entirely on bread stooped in wine. I less than a for'_( loathe look an. ,DAMS' gMPORITIM, R. A �� S night the rho ver and * nTy�heiJy Ito of liquor, and when liberated goner si / .li j3�, become total abstainers In Bussin a silt' - ilnr treatment is followed with good re- sults. At Bombay all the Hindoo sentries sa- lute any passing black cat, thinking it may possibly be the soul of an English uili- eer. , The Shoe It lies in our own power to attune the . . . mind to cheerfulness. -Auerbach. I CEa."l+i Catarrh, like scrofula, is it disoase of the JWI# ,�• onBlood and may be' cured by purifying the ltu� ► llrtgpt% blood with Hood's Sarsaparilla. ... That Slips is the sole excuse for rubbers or over- shoes, which rot your boots, draw your feet and weaken your eyes. hive up to your opportuni- ties I Wear the new rubber -soled, water -proofed, leather footwear. Black or tan. Sweatless, stylish and warm. World's Fair prize winners. An • • cuRE • - Ask for the Goodyear Welted, •Va. TORPID LIVER, Slater Slipless Shoe. CATFRKK Ui CONSTIPATION; SICK HEADACHE, AND DYSPEPSIA. , S a laxative, one pill acts perfectly, W. TAYLOR & SONS, SOLE IGENTS FOR,CLINTON and if a stronger action is desireO a cathartic effect is produced by two CAMUGEOUS AND WAGGONS pills. In ohstinlrte cases, where a pur- gative is necessafy, three pills will be found sufficient These pills 1"ae'n6 We $hep in Stock 'and make- to order unpleasant after of bi% Carriages and Waggons of all kinds. One pill tAm each night wring AmiT I tiiifty days ww mm o 8g POHio1.00.FL RUMBR-ALL, ujuINT V' r� pm VI� O,{ A - THE BEST PHOTOGRAPHS ARE TAKEN BY H O RACJE FOSTE 'WF 9, HARPER'S ]a/iiAGAZINE. will enter the coming year prepared to give to the reading public that which has matte it><dTiiou9 the est quarter t,f a century -contributions from the pens of the great literary men and women of ihet world, illustrated by leading artists. -A brief glance over its prospectus announces such reading as r. OUR PACIFIC PROSPECT PROJECTS FOR A NiCARAOT'A1 CANAL TTIR COMMERCIAL IMPORTANCE OF AN ISTft*AN 0" .•, Dy If-, DAVID TCRPIE By W01271I7INOTON C. FORD EASTERN 91DERIA AND TIIE PACIFIC THE DEVRLOPMENT OF OUR PACIFIC'1)0AAJ4, By STEPIfEN BONSAL By 017ARLES.P.;Lummis , JW ' . RODEN'5 CORNER -THE NOVEL OF THE Y4AIt • by HRNRV SrtTON NJPRRTMAN,author of "The Sowers." Striking novelfies in a1)ortAetiod tvRT` be contributed by such authors as W. D, Howells, Richard Harding Davis, BruntTot Matthev+>i Frederic Remington, Ruth McEnery Stuart, anti others. Thore will be a sends of hrttel'et THE PROGRESS OF SCIENCE EUROPE, POLITICAL AND SOCIAL ART 001lit-DRA ' ARMIES AND NAVIES STUDIES IN AMERICAN SOCIETY AMERICAN CHARACTER gl( TC Postage free td all subscribers in the Unfted Slates, CaOadlj and Atex4ii* Sub, $4 a year. Address HARPER & BROTHERS. Pub'e, N. Y, City, Send folardii proep+i Gen. Lew Wallace It. 9. walla Ais V. D. Howes. o`. I w 1. ;; 1.° nJ w 1.