The Clinton New Era, 1897-12-10, Page 9e -Veo*'.asberlQ TN'N.. CLINTON NRI' =A Mrs 04 Male beln ' i�busE or' REEUeE.— . re Ru... Alttttit BRoxsN, d- y eb, of nett,of ralth, her sisters Mr6 ( Bur. Ashfield was admitted to the House Lives there a ma'n with soul so dead, t , Goderich township, came . in last week; she was suffering severely who ,never to himself has said, ry ' hold .dot to relieve her of iter hoose- from pneumonia at l he time, and is To t4..J Qp windows we will go,' 1tlpa, 1�3iQ1,C1BLh itis 18 last .du ies, but Mrs Burnett was nu- not better yet. J. Qviflitb, of Wawa- To ase the wondrous Qhristmaa show. T�/OTICFti., fortilnate, for goltig'to vielb a relative nosh, who left .Soule time ago, has re. y PQpLTJtY he„t on,Sunday evening, 'he Blipped down turned. A male inmate named Eagle. Hp is there who can turn a deaf ear to Christmas sentiment, our windows t •syq.(7ANTktQ2lp6price Pnttl fpr Ponitr y and broke her wrier,. son, admitted some time ago from and store are fall of seasonable gifts—all qualities but poor qualities,- '1 Stephen, died on klonda - he was ar- TAliili✓3–]1at•paaere, are. hereby uotiaed that PIANoRNQITAL.—A piano recital will yy P all prices but high prises. we claim to have slits to touch the boort of P a!yzed at the time of bis entry, ,and taxa noG patd by Deo. 14tb -*IU he subiect to 4 be given in the F'orester's Hatll(entrance y . any one, and while they do so they touch the pocket but lightly; qualities -per nen! o;tax JOS, WH1�4TXJW. Cailoctor hoe practically been helpless ever since; between 13iddlec•ombe s and Allan & considered we are as cheap as any. O1Eten the G°heapest• Our Wilson's he was about 70 years of age, and was i 1`urie ilta +il6avier.--Walraveotill;on ba -d ) °n Friday evening, Dec.I7th, buried on the premises ].rev B. Clement varieties aro as large as any, perhaps larger than you will find elsewhere. 'a tow c thilsoexcellva' pertxaltaofair witrrlu by M6$ Nello Mcllar'dy'4 senior pupils, officiating; this makes' 21 deathR, 'Poe Our qualities are sound. Always. the Best. Y.kpI r^thus. �e,gat- ae a premium to qubscrlb• lsses Adams, Fitzsimons, Houston, I last year. .Any sgbaerivar wlehina ono-. number of inmates is now 78. IG is an ,even xb gh they Rot our botore-can bawl t McKenzie, Stewart, Mdme. Wall, Mr open secret tnat before long the excel- • !area to u asking as long as they hold out, bat Hovey, and Alt of her junior class, in- lout assistant, Miss Hod ens, will leave Our China Department. }fink t dual tir 5c towho,pay p to send thein t,y watt of tiding Plisses McPherson, Miller, to start housekeeping g Is more attractive than over, now shapes, new colors, ehoded decorations xr�nst o ilio . 6c to pay Hostage. Naw ERA Of- ping in per own behalf �r�q,ghnr�,n,» Twitchell, Armstrong and Master E. -1 1 ihc. Archibald. A, feature of the evening NOTES.—Conductor Morden,London, in delicate, sot, harmonious tints. will be the solos ofllliss Nora Little, of dropped dead oil F'riday,while walking HOUSE BOUGHT.—Robt. Mason has Teeswater, who has passed the 1st and about the house; he had been an em- ', •b9tighl from T, 0, Pickwrd, of Holmes- 2nd year Toronto Conservatory exam- Pl°yes of the G. T. R. for 32 years, and All the Latest Novelties + `ville, the house on the east side of Al- inations under- Miss McHardy's tuition, was the father of Mrs Clay Manville, berCSt,, next to Dr. Blackall's, for the and who is now studying in her third formerly of Clinton. The wind storm on In Jewel Casee, Shaving Sets, Collar and Cuff Boxes, work Boxes, Etc. 4 stem of $ ,,0. He intends to occupy it(graduating) year. The program will Sunday injured the windmill at the in Plush, Celluloid, Leather and Oak. r lilit7uael. be interspersed with vocal music. Every . House of Refuge and broke four tele - one is cordially invited. Admission , graph poles oil the railway betweeen free. Clinton and Seaforth. councillor Books and Bibles Jis,hisptprett�y busy degorning cattle Walker has cpntracted to build a stone '' jllet now. He hag already dehorned I. O, G. T. BRInos.—Remember, this foundation for the barns of Jno. Rath- 1n rich padde3 bindings, all Standard Authors and Poste, dainty Booklets a oYei�one hundred head for Messrs Ran- is the night of that debate we spoke of of Fiction wit Religion and National Statement. ford, and 'averages between fiftyand last week; come and encourage the poor well,. township, and Rogger siattydtt9ly for, other stock -raiser. Tories to be "Gritty." Say, wheare Pepper, Tuckeremith. Mrs McVittie ou cin to cin curled e? We expect- moved to town last week, and d lout- Newest Toys and Cremes oRE Clears — Mr Jas. Fair, with y going l P ed on Albert street; Moggridga also t that well-known determination of his ed you up last Friday night, don't dis- moved into her new house. u point. us a ain to -night, we'll be on Overbuy, t Chat lto sore to delight the children and amuse the old, Crand ranging Fort, Flip, to have the very latest improvements, the look -out for you at 8 o'clock. Our y+ town, iQ one of those entit' Parlor Croquet, Parohesi, and many more, all styles and ranging prices. M . hila Iled;.0 his grist mill and office y led to a medal for services rendered ac P K rneeting last- Friday night was comic, the time of the Fenian raid, in 1866; he '. with ele4trie ligbtsthroughoat, run by Mr Smith read a love letler which he his Own, plant and power. About 5q had that day received from Biddy in was then residing at St. Thornes, and The D. FAIR 'r D CO, 3pt•andesceut lamps, 16 c, p, aro used, n went pl Ridgeway with the battalion; Al1Zr Clinton, Ireland, Mr Stevenson and Mr Tunden his application 8nc1 it makes a marked improvement in also gave comic readings, Miss Good - department. cation has gone forward to the tke appearance of the mill at night. win and Mr Foster gave solos, and Mr department. Thos. Noble, who recent - 6 r NOTNt�.—Forrester& Small- Cook gave a mouth-Urgan selection, ql °loved a town, is indelicate health. Relllen111er we're •rotten the Cheapest—Always the Best" aGombe'ara sbipping considerable ex- Weare thinking seriously of having an The lots belonging to R. McLennan, port grain. Doherty & Co. made a entertainment of some kind before Victoria St., will be offered for sale on !shipment of fifty organs to Liverpool long, of course the Saturday; also the property belonging p g public know that to James Beattie. It is said that S. >istgy.week. Sid Smith bhipped a couple wben.theGood Tern plars take anything .pike will resum control of the Waver - Of" :ear@.of` cattle on *Wednesday.A. in hand it is always a decided success, gg I , ly Hotel, after Jlut. 1 next; Mr Spoon- . Atudeison shippped a car oflatnbs,to and w,• utend making our next enter- er has not decided what he will do.— BU d`a10 .on ,T4larsday; and J, Bunter tai^ment the best we ,have ever had, W. Weir has gone into the milk htpped'a car ;to tiie,ameplace P'rtday. , watch for further particulars next business, making six who are now fol. f • I'AXM$NT or'A7,�t -Box rVps, pe song week. We might say that the attend- lowing this occupation. D. A. Forres- n apparently s K2rte tbat n tpwn can,, be once at lodge is increasing every night ter expects to be down town this week, � °cuu �arF�t,Totye but there is still room for you.—Com. and will be cordiall reefed b his y That streef light- y g y y I dewalks, rondo, ofiiialsr, &c, can DEATH of MRs WALKER. --The an- many friends, Mrs Davis, sr„ who e -kept up w,i hotlt money. We .nouncement of the deathof Mrs H. R. was so seriously ill recently, has takena` Calf " Ach''this conclusion because so few Walker, on Tuesday morning, was not ( a new lease of life, and is now able to `° persons a surprise to our townspeople, but it be up again; this is wonderful for a have yet paid their taxes. Out / r •of'about $12000 due, and which must was nevertheless the cause of sincere lady over 90. E. G. Courtice, of town, paid %afore the 14th, only about $5!X10 and deep regret. She had been in a the well-known and popular traveller bas' been received by the collector. critical state of health from cancer, for the Goderich Organ Co., is now re- r Somebodywillhavetodo somehustling, so long that her death was known to Presenting the Goderich Bicycle Fac- HXGH CLAss ENTERTAINMENT.—The be only matter of time tory as well; Ed is a good, reliable re � AINMENT.—The y She was the � g P II I I I - ` finest concert Go be given this season daughter of life late John Wise, of the r•esentative. Someone was joking our Shoes is now being arranged for the first Huron Road, Tuckersmitb, and was respected townsman, E. Glenn, sr., • week:in January. Among those who born in Vaughan Township, York Co., about having nothing to do, when he A shoe for wear, a Shoe of been! a shoe you'll be rood of. Service 'wilf take part are Chas. Kelly, Bass coming to Huron 41 eat s ago. She stated that he believed he could find y, y P d was married to the late Johnathan work to do, if he liked, but he made up which means pleasure; satisfaction, which means a constant friend. If ' "Sploist an Guitarist• Mrs Kelly, Man- , Bolin and Pianist; Thos. Baker, Comic Carter in 1872, who died in 1883. She his mind "not to litre;" his is one of the yon wear them once you'll always want them. If you buy them once _V,octi'list and Impersonator, beside, married Mr H. R. Walker in 1891, and. cases where, as the boys say, "be don't von ll see where the saving is. They are good for comfort and wear. the best local talent. It will be first- was truly a model wife and mother. have to." It is said that JaQ. Beattie, Your feet will appreciate being covered with our Lis- , ­Plass in all respects. gee For neat. man late of town, may start a liver P p your list K y years she was a mem- towel]. There is talk of a curling 'engagements open till the date is berof Ontario St. Methodist church, g ink Felt Lined .Waterproof Boots finally settled. and before her illness impaired her ph y- being erected on a vacant lot on Mary steal powers, she was one of its most street. It is said that there are some t.ACCIDENT,—About four o'clock,rall active and useful members, joyously surppsea in store for the municipal Satiirday morning, when Adam Fit's. lending her assistance to any and I Uorr.tnatione, Mr T. J. Powell enter- Special Line Women's Waterproof Overshoes for $1 tpr wau running a wagon load Prom"worf tained a number of youngpeople at the the block to the store house at Stap- of striking personality, was dism sil P Y Y the residence of Mrs Geo. Hanle one da leton, in passing throngh a door, the p last week. Stewart Plummer, r., has Misses Waterproof OQershoes for ........... . . of, the wagon struck the est tiofr;`ai>d enjoyed a very large circle of JJ 9�C P , wartnAriends, whose sympathy is ex- accepted a position with T. McKenzie. knockit! g the shafts violently to one tended to her late husband. She Little Pearl Shannon is now better. So]a 'e*b throwing him oft the latform The excellent slei bin has hel ed bus - P leasee two sone and a daughter R her g P �� O� attr ,falling a distance of 11 or 12 feet, first husband. The Canadian Home iness materially; may it continue. The atrf in on is left aide and shoulder. WM. Tile result was two tibs broken slight Circle, of which order deceased was a 25 club held an assembly on Friday ev- g memt.er, sent a very handsome floral ening in their rooms,which was largely is dai;location of the collar bone, and an wreath; the ladies of Ontario St. church attended. The lady who left her purse >mpacted fracture of the shoulder joint. did likewise, and several other friends, at Miss Tebbutt's can get it by calling Clinton and Walkerton. MORE . IMPROVEMENTS:• — Jackson �ros;,who already have"'tire best Gents DOMINION DRAUGHT HORSE Ag6o- I Furnishing Establishment in Western CIATION.--The eleventh annual meet - 'o are never satisfied unless they Ing of this society was held in Clinton l r are making improvements of 8OWQ sort on Wednesday last, with a good at- ltna'oonternplate a vast change in the tendance and a lively interest in the i t g^ i ernal'&rrangements of their store, continuance of the organization. The present counters will be replaced annual reports show no particular re- a N modern glass ones, while the office vival in the work of regtration but fie tateriailp altered and improved the excellent financial condition of the ,Other changes calculated to facilit- society, which has marked it from the ,Other changes Theycer= commencement, continues, the balance My believe in being up-to-date. in bank, with no liabilities, being near- I $1100. The election of officers re- •� " NbIPERANQR,— A public meeting will salted in the re-election of the old be held in Willie Presbyterian church staff, with D. M. Cole, of Lakeside, ad-''". ,under the auspices of the W. C. T. U, ded to the council to refill a vacancy: on Thursday evening, Dec. 16tb, at 8 The secreta o clock. Mrs Elford, of Holmesville ry was instructed to for- ward a report of the society for print- will;talk on "Some of the ggood things ins in the annual report of the Live o heard at the real^World'e0onven- Our great \`/t Stock Breeders Association, and Alex. iron in Toronto. The resident minis- Innis and Jas. Henderson were fers - will also address the meetingand eluted delegate, to the meeting of Overcoats $roti music will form apart of. the pro• the Canadian f3orse Breeder's Associ- Leader,(,-, gram Everybody welcome and every- ation, while -Messra Blackall and Hen- Chai to be invited. No collection. derson are delegates to the Western ','Chair to be taken by Mr Houston of Fair Board. $25 were appropriated the t)ollegiate Institute. for two special prizes of $15 and $10 still stand as the greatest goods in the market for the money. FI t UP. - Last week the G. T. R. ed the Western Fair for udBoo , register- There is a cut make and style about them that cannot be ' br¢ttgiit a quantity of gravel here to fix ed in the Society's Stud Book, A con- That wonderful line of MENS >aip the approach'to the railroad at the mittee wits appointed to have the re- equalled by ordinary ready-mades. They have been going Bayfield road. Complaint was made to cords of the society, which are now of HOSIERY, 2 air for 25e. has the -Mayor that the earth was put on large. proportions, insured against loss out by the dozens lately, and this must be good evidence that 1? �tvhere it Should not have been,and the. by Hie. The society is probably one the value is unsurpassed. Never befo>•e have we sold so many caused a sensation, and the sale �ortfpn oY rhe road needing it worst, of the most careful and economically is in full swing. They are all did not get any, On Friday Street In- omanaged of its class in the count Overcoats and there must be a reason for it. e 6tor Wheatley and Mr Plummer, and the directors point out that ere '' ' wool, 1 -lobed top, and are good alrtiian of the9treetCommitpee,met under present dull, conditions its ex- value at 25e. a pair. NOthin Mr -Bruce, the G.T.R. roadma,ter, and istence can be prolonged indefinitely objected to t on,an ihwhich the gravel y►ith its present revenue. The Bonanza tat $7.0 are the two has ever been offered to equal shad been put on,and he promised to see iatha TIwork was done satisfactorily THE JUNIOR GARD>s ic The enter - SATISFACTORILY The Jackson at $10 great sellers. them. ATISFAi7TORILYTE9TED.—The heat- tainment, under the auspices of the C. ` .er; by which the orator in the Bre en- E. Local Union, on Monday evening in ine-is always kept hot, and supplied the Town Hall was from every stand ,gg PP point d success. Mr A.T. Cooper, Pres- ' b the Ronald Engine Co., ora, attach. ident of Clinton Local Union, occupied Our Great Glove Sale ed last Saturday hy,Mr Seager, a re• the choir,the presidents of the different • • to bentate Satisfactebfthe ory. Thea tensiod societies also appearingonthe platform. Christmas Clothing for the YOnngsters to begone satisfactory, Tbeextension ,Solos wet given with pleasing effects still goes on and it has been ladder, was also put to a practical test, by Mesdames Murch and Chown, fol - and ,hawed that a could be qquickly lowed by an address from Rev,J.S.Hen- successful beyond all expecta- traised or lowered without difficulty. In derson of Hansell , A s ecial snap at the resent time is 25 BOY'S OVERCOATS tions. For 50c. we are giving Addition, to these appliances is the Bab- ,President of the C. p cock Chemical Fire Extingguisher, so E. County Union. . His forcible and sol usually for $6, but as long as they last the price is $4.50. ou goods worth 75c and $f that the town f, better a ut powerful appeal to the Endeavorers for q pped than the cone4ntration,couragge and enthue- Size 28, 29 and 30. Ou will say so when you see ever before to battle with the devour. iasm, in what they sbr,uld consider the +ltug @lament. " aim of their efforts, vis., Learning of them. 009TMUATIONCLAseES.--Tilotiee hila Christ and Teaching of Christ, or Look A great line Of BOY'S SUITS at $3, '$A and $5. 130 been received from the Education up, Lift iip.,ehould arouse in every one eparttnent of the amounts appportion- a fresh determination to make their `ed td,the VariousPubliclsa Schoch inEast tion likeness, telt, er count for Christ OurWonderful BOY'S KNEE PANTS Children's Kid Mitts, nron fchr fifth rias, and continuation likeness, far temperance, social puri pias wat•,k, Wingham receives $100 and better Sabbath observance. Pe� lrom the'province and $100 from the II—The exercise b the Juniors follow- at 50, 60, 75c, still go out by the dozens ever week p Y 50 airs, worth 50c. each, for o6iltYty,'BrUesels $50,znd $50 -Blyth $50 ed, seventyflye children taking parr. p and $50; Blnevale $50 and $50. Town. Their rigotions and songs displayed car*. and we are being told continually that the are. the ht ' Of the 520; Howfc>t 80 Hallett tui trainin and patient- Y 25c. The cheapest line ever Grey $ " , a ens drilligqqq by cheapest eat cods offered. p McKi110 $l0; Morris $35; Tucker- their teacher,. Misr! Taylor, in q' e p g Offered. minith '4 40; urnberry 845; village of of classes from Presbyterian church, rottetee $00 Amount received from Mies AkaW the Baptists, Miss element We have also a great line of BOY'S REEFERS, at very low r l(3ila4t 7 $fitly; amount receivedtrom "the Ontario a yeet a from and Ming rices and a good man refer them to long Overcoats. For oUnty 4F�'75; total<$840. Daley Doherty those from Rattenbur prices, g y p • street while Miss Maggie Japkson se The `R �l�s.iAll lterw ether this week. gg 3 you can et a ver decent garment. latest �n Neckwear i,��;�hlnly• wiri . ht, pianist, and Mr Phillipe as leadei,enar- Y g Y g ttm welcomed;, Two s. No nicer Christ, iade to your- abodnt than 'a copy of the The dressed hog ,.if the cold waath. )linton w111 do as it People 3 Who, - read lub3ni,,are alwitys st .plata to buy the I 1ea6t lrloney, and 464 at the last session of the Legie int Ito, all Iiotniriationb attttttnicip>tlel ing;cl oi} Ilpttbt lbs In 4Vrifritlg, i me nor ins regarding the Junior it grew and how, and in for the rain and sun. violets, poppies, and for the'sowers and those eing,made it plain to all ed for the same busy, timid the enthusiastie lniora they were receiv. 'Yned'elrele, The meet. 'r'God Save 1%0 Queen,ff Our great display of Christmas Novelties will surpass anything we have ever shown, and that' is saying a good deal. is the "'Rob Roy." Price 25c. A great line for the money, and besides it is the correct thing. Look out for our CHRISTMAS DISPLAY TREBIG 81`01WO CLI IN'�(I y '.i More and more every season arepeople selecting; useful for Xmas Never gifts. before have we had a good a stock of things thorougly useful that make ac- ceptable and appropriate holiday gifts as we show to -day. �,. It's a stock we are proud of, and one that it will profit holiday shoppers to see before selecting their Xmas gifts. It's wisdom to do Christmas buying early, you avoid the crowd and the rush of last few days before the holiday,' and have a good deal better chance of getting exactly y' what you want. :1 ICOR GENNZ'LEMEN. It's Often hard to know just what to give a gentleman. If. yyou take a look through oqr stock of Gentlemen's Fine Furnishings, you are sure to see something suitable. 'PIES—There's no man ever hits too many Ties. We show ali GLOVES—All sizes, lined or un - lined, at.*. 50c, 75c, $1 and $1 25, the newest shapes and colorings at • . • • • • • , , , , ... • , ....25c and 50c COLLARS—Our two special lines 75c at and $1 the half dozen are, SUSPENDERS—Some new ones, very acceptable gifts, specially selected for t be heli- day trade. are •,ire 1VIUFFLERS — in Cashmere and very for Christmas gifts ........ 25c to 75c pare Silk, light or dark colors, 25, 50,75c and $1. LINENS. No housekeeper ever has too many Linens. Ever sea- son sees more of them sold for Xmas Gifts. We have Just opened up a fine new stock, bought specially for the holiday trade, if and your thoughts run towards Linens for gifts, you should see it. Toilet Sets ................ 25c to 75c Sideboard Scarfs ........ 50c to $1 50 Bath Mats ............... $1 25 Fancy Laundry Bags...... 35c to $1 Bath Towels. 15c to $1 Fine Damask Towels.... 20c to 75c Pillow Shams... .1 to 1 25' Mne Damask Table Cloths $ Firie Doylies and Centre Pieces ................ 10c to 75c with 0 or J Napkins to match, Cloths ........ $2 to $5 Tray Cloths, Plain Linen or Damask............ 25c to $1 Napkins, per doz.......... $1 to $5 JAPANESE SILK GOODS. a' Silk Drapes and Table Covers make beautiful and inex- pensive gifts, and this year ;are prettier than ever. We show them in all the popular art shades of Japan Silk, with heavy knotted Silk Fringe, and Tinsel or Silk Embroidery, Mantle and Piano Drapes. I Table Covers ............ 75c to $2.50 ......... ....111, $1.75 to $3.00 RID GLOVES. Always useful, always acceptable, there are few arti cles more suitable for a Christmas gift to a lady than a pair of nice Kid Gloves. We carry correct shades and correct styles in good qualities. The•'Mala," a winter Glove, fasteners or four buttons, tan Pique sewn,o heavy embroid- i andblack....................$1 00 lar ered, two dome fasten- ers, tans and oxbloods...... $1 00 Perrin's "Butang," 5 or 7 hook • lacing Glove, greens, browns, I Perrin's'Bourbon," four dome blacks .................:....$1 25 HANDKERCHIEFS. Every season seems to see them grow daintier and prettier in design than before. This season's stock is no excep- tion. Never have we shown its equal, either for down- right good values, in the plain goods, or for neatness and beauty of pattern in the fancy lines. Easily sent by mail, Handkerchiefs make a most suitable gift for absent'friends Just a few of our many lines. J , Fancy Handkerchiefs for Child- Pure Linen Hemstitched, 1}, 1, 1J ren. "Mother Goose," "Little inch hems .......... 20c 25c and 30c Red Riding Hood," "Circus,"and other designs, 5c or 6 for ......25c Pure Silk Hemstitched,' with int-' tial Plain Lawn or Colored border, hemstitched, 5c or 0 for.. , , -...25c Special line of Fancy Lawn, Em- .. •25c Better qualities .......... 50C and 75c Fancy silk .......... 5oc, 75c and $1 Gentlemen's Pure Linen, ; broidered ......................10c Fine Lawn, Hemstitched, and plain or hemstitched ...... 20c, 25c and 30c We are showing a very fine line drawn work, 2 for..............25c Dozens of new anddainty patterns of ladies' and gentltmen's lawn Handkerchiefs, hemstitched, with in Fancy, Embroidered and lace edge initial, sold singly or put up in fancy .......................... 25c boxes, ,} dozen to a box. FOR THE HOME. Curtains, Table Covers, Rugs, are often given, and are very suitable for Christmas gifts. Our stock of these goods is one of the most complete in the west, and is well worth seeing. Lace Curtains .......... 50c to $5 00 Door Mats..............age to $1 50 Chenille Curtains....$2 50 to $6 50ILarge Rugs .......$1 00 to$ 3 50 Tapestry Curtains .... $2 75 to $7 50I Bissell's Cyco bearing, broom t- action "Superior Carpet Chenille Covers, n colors I Sweeper made,highly flnish- and to patterns .., ...60c $5 00 ed natural woods ..........$3 50 FURS. Furs are often selected for gifts, and in our Canadian y climate, what is more thoroughlyy� useful to lady or g64t.le_ man than something in furs. �Pe are showing a magnir. ficent range of fvrs, and are paying particular attt3�tton' to special holiday orders. a our valu a guarantee i�1 q ualities equal to an you can q Y Y get anywhere. If yb11 want furs, consult us. MANTLE SALE Our Great Special Sale of Mantles and Overcoats S ,attracting buyers every day.. No lacy wanting a mangle) or man or boy wanting• an overcoat, should fail to tri Advantago of this special sale. HODGENS 8 S, Ro r Direct, i1VOWS Impolrters � Clinton