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The Clinton New Era, 1897-12-10, Page 6
71 "'� ' 1 k GREAT LAUGHTER AL" %p10, R Ch ady for mes WATCHES, CLOCKS, Great preparations have been made for Christmas at this store. If you JEWFiLEY, want a sensible gift for old or young, let's show you what we have.-- LYERHrARE nothing of a trashy nature is found here, but good sensible giveables for f sensible people. Many times bays we tolyl ton tl•at we buy cheap and ISQUE & CHINAWARE we sell cheap. It's Gasri that does it. We -know what vire are doing and it's one Sof our ways of keeping this store up-to-date, and also el)), 6 iu,, of estidled ouetomers. Still oontinues, and will do 0o until Jan 1, A largge number of shrewd buyers have Small Bilk Handkerchiefs, with Pink, Blue, Garnet and Heliotrope edges, 5o alroady seized the golden opportnnity Bilk Handkerchiefs in Cream Brocade,CreamHemstitoh, or fancy colors,25o of selecting goods from our stock, at Bilk Handkerchiefs for Qentlgmen, all Black, a splendid article, pprices which they know are ridiculous- at .... ..................25 and 50e ly low. If there is anything in this Hemstitphed •Bilk •Handkerchiefs, a special line, large size, fancy shot stock thsi you want, you will never effects, worth $1, for ...................................... . .. . . .60C have a better chance to got it than now Cotton. and Linen in endless variety, -- As warm as toast is one of our Ulsters .ior Men or Boys go need to bundle, up with them, for they are lined with tweed, and have a big collar, and are as warm a , g °toast and they don't , 00 J.B. Rum,ball y d much. Mens $5, $6 and $7: The $7 dues are urn-terproof and made by Shorey, of Montreal. The prices of the BO):;k ULST.ER8 vary. according to age, The. Leading Jeweler, but tee`s are all good value. CLINTON. Ladies Capes, & Mantles -••you will' find it jo your ad- vantage- io see our Mantles. Special lines this creek at $3.50, $ti, and $6. ............ . Girl's Black Mittens .16o FOOTWEAR. Ladies' Blank Mittens..............250 Special assortment of Ties for Gentle- men in Knots, Bows, Four-in-hand 25o LADIES SHOES, Holiday Men's 2 clasp, lined, kid gloves.....500 Table Napkins, per dozen........ :.goo CHILDREN'S SHOES $1, $1.25, $1,50, $1.75, $2 i Hoods for Girls in pink, blue, red .... 50o MEN'S SHOES, ft �wool shawls, ........ream,..... pink and blue ............................40o at prices that please, and make a sensible present easy to get, MILLINERY SPECIAL REDUCTION Are what you are now buying. Our stock at present is very large, bot 1-2&_10 ..25n.. $2,50 for $2.00 we are still increasing it in the Ladies' Sailors .worth $1.00 for 65o jig=ett ta worth $2.00 for $1,45 several departments. Having Ladies' Sailors worth 75o for 60e And others at proportionate prices. Os - bought for cash the Biddlecombe ( CHILDREN'S UNTRIMMED HATS at prices to clear. Ribbons, Os- stook'at a low rate on the $, it l' preys, &o., at interesting 'prices. places us in a position to quote l you prices lower than any other FUR CAPS, special, at $1.5C, $2, $2.75 and $2.95 store in town; not merely the FUR CAPES $9 X10 ' ehadoa on paper of low prices. , , $14 and X20. The reputation whioh this store FUR JACKETS, $26.50 and $32,50. has always held for th3 high qual- . its of goods will still be main - Some people are set in their ideas, and think that tained, because their grandfathers bought at a certain place they ought to do the same, and for a time will not be convinced that at McKinnon �• J. GRtIGG & Co'e is n good place for them to trade, but we will get the false t ideas and false prices out of their minds by education—b • such examples as we are giving every day, Y ]not Successor to JOSEPH BIDDLEQOMBE, C ILnnon Co., �� �, 4 Watchmaker & Jeweler CLINTON t�{ CLINTON MARKETS What Is Corrected every Thursday afternoon. Xmas Buying- Dicer than PERFUMES Thursday, December 9, 1897. wheat, .............. 0 80 a 0 80 Never such a magnificent aasortment We make a specialty of Perfumes, Oats 0 22 a 0 22 and our selection is such, both in Bulk and Fancy Bottles, that we can snit Field Barley .......... 0 25 a 0 25 everybody. We also show an excellent selection of Peas , , ....... •..... 0 42 a 0 42 Buckwheat....... . 0 28 a 0 28 Ebony and Solid Back Hair Brushes, Cloth Brushes, Rye, >� cwt 0 20 a 2 25 Batter ................ C 14 a 0 16 Manicure Sets, Collar and °Cull BOXes, Etc. Eggs per doe.......... 14 a 0 15 Kindlycall and inspect our stock before buying elsewhere. Hay new $4; old....., 6 00 a 7 00 p y g Sheepskins .......... 0 25 a 0 2,5 j'�1 No. 1 Trimmed Hides. 4 00 a 4 25 JJ E HO �/ iJ' Y Potatoes.perl ... ,.. 0 7h a U 46 . E. • Dispensing Chemist, Clinton. Turkeys, per lb ....... 0 7 e 0 7J Geese per lb........... 0 05 a 0 05 Ducks, per pair...... 0 50 a 0 60 Dried Apples, per lb.. 0 04 a 0 05 Apples, , p• r bag...... 0 90 a 0 90 We are selling out, and as the stock gets smaller the prices get lower. If you want to save money come and get the bargains while they are going. Below are a few lines { 8 Ladies' Jackets at $1.00 9 Ladies, Jackets at $2.00 10 Ladies' Jackets at $3.00 I The former prices Fere from $5 to $17.50 A lot of Old Men's Fur Caps, were $6.50 for 62. A big stock of Clothing, Suits, Overcoats, Odd Pants, Vests and Coats, Overalls, Hats, Caps, &c. See our Cottons, Prints, Flannelettes and Shirtings for 5 cents. .lot -of Children's and Youth's Boots, Shoes, Rubbers and Overshoes at much below cost. See them. Tlteeds, Dress Goods. Shirts and Drawers, Ties. Cuirs, C Mars, Gloves, handkerchiefs, &c., away down in price. We are clearing out, no lnatier what others may say to the contrary, and you can get bargains here. ,UMT: & GTHINGS, CLINTON i MONTREAL LIVE STOCK MARKETS There were about 500 head of butchers' cattle, I0 calves and 400 sheep and lambs offered for sale at lithe east end abattoir. The butchers were out in large numbers, and trade was fair, with prices of common and pretty good stock decidedly higher, but prime beeves were more plentiful than usual, and only a few of them were sold during the early part of the day. The beat cattle sold at from 4c to 4Jc per lb. Pretty good stook sold at from 3j•o to 4o per lb. Common dry cows and rough young stock sold at from 2c to 3Jc per lb. SEE HERE. 75 lbs. good feeding wheat for 68 lbs Oats 100 lbs Wheat for 100 lbs. of Barley, any kind. 45c per bush for Peas, in exchange for buebel good feeding wheat at 40c; also plenty of good Yellow Corn for sale. W. G. PERRIN, Clinton. We want logs of all kinds this winter. We are prepared to pay the highest cash prices. It will pay you to bring your logs to, us. ; R: & J. RansfoYd0 Stapletou Salt Works t V1. NG SALEd Creat Holiday Attractions' Beautiful Heavy FLANNELETTES only ... 5c HANDSOME WRAPPERETTES, that make up Extra heavy and wide FLANNELET'J ES, best ...61c with pretty effects, all shades, at ............ ....12�c All the fancy stripes and coloring in FLANNEL- Don't fort that the PRIESTLY FINE DRESS ETTES ........ . ..... . . . . •Glc • • • • • ' All our best and widest PRINTS, regular 124c, GOOD , in both black and colored, are includ- ed in our Dissolution Sale. I i only ....... . ............... . . . .. . . • , , „• • , 7c Fine Black and Navy ALL -WOOL SERGES 45 in. Our GINGHAMS, which are 25 inches wide, are wide, are going out at this sale at 40c, lregu- lar 60c. goods. said by our customers to be fast colors, and are 'feature. only, per yard .....................- .. ..4c • ' OVERCOATS are our great leadin leadingRe- member you a X7.50 for.............55.25 1 LOVELY MANTLING, fancy patterns, 54 in -wide, good patterns, regular $1.25, only1 • • • • • • .... 98c get one Good HEAVY VLSTERS, for Boys, as low as X3.75, and Men's of same for $4.54 Fine black NIGGERHEAD MANTLING, very sty- lish and new, regular $1.50 quality only Come in and see the latest creation in YOUNG t 1 ............... $1.15 MEN'S CAPS; the natty newness of them sells We are selling a lot of LADIES MANTLES just them at sight. Regular price was $1.25 the now; they are handsome goods, proper in style, and all at sale prices. sale price only ............................. ..98c l The GLOVES, MITTS, SOCKS, BRACES, TIES �" Some of the loveliest DRESS FABRICS weever COLLARS, SHIRTS, CUFFS, UNDERWEAR are all going at sale 1 t h d e now so reduced in price for the sale are eagerly picked up. prices. Good strong WOOL TWEED SUITS, well made, FLANNELETTES, all patterns, a handful thick, are for men of all sizes, are $9.50 for $7.50 $8 for ' �n�; $7.5U for $5.75; $6.50 for $4.75; $5.75 r here at only ......................... ....5c for' J,4.50, all at sale prices. "', A. You must know that there are always hundreds, of articles that cannot be •1 i mentiolied in an ordinary ad. in a store of this silo, Jbut suffice it to say that every article inside our doors will go at sage prices. GILROY& Wlff"EMAN, Clinton, etulIuettl�ellteuta. The publieaccouuta brought down in the Ontario Legislature Tuesday night SERVANT WANTED. show ftsurplus of $590,000 on the ten _ months of 1897 to Oct.31. This is a most Good general servant, at the Hons© of Ref- creditable record. Gold Watch uge. Apply to Airs French, Matron. Hon. Thos -Ballantyne has been com- pelled by ill -health to retire from the ?y _ contest for the Legislature in North Lost, in Clinton, on Friday, n small gee and Perth. He has not been well for some Tea black conic, white breast and four o New grey time• alllls�� atoes- Any one returning same a New Ern 0 )`Xofflcoor to Goo. Dale, a,nron Road, Tnckor• �D' p;;smith, will be suitably rewarded. SALE REGISTER t... , Sale of Cattle at Commercial Hotel, Clinton, The winning Ticket, number 378, was held by Mrs. Natbaniel 'Sundercock, l3th� `V COTTAGE AND LOT FOR Deo. 11, J. Steep, Prop. D. Dickinson, Auct. con. Hullett, We congratulate Mrs. Sunderoock, and hope the same good fortune' r SALE. House and lot on Victoria St., Clinton, own- may attend her all through the way of life. SrErxAL PEizEe were won by tbei' ed by J.Beattie,onDee .11th;D.Diekinson,Auct• following persons: The undersigned offers for sale a frame cot- Two building Tote on Victoria St. Clinton, tag. of four rooms, with kitchen and woodshed owned by R. McLennan, on Dec. lith, D. Dick- f George Lyon W. Collison MiaeT, Hazlewood J. uarrett g Dick - attached. Centrally situa' ed. Good water and lacca, Auetr drainage. Will beeold cheap. Applyy to E. Mcvittie G. Bedford Mrs Dr. Young John Mannin`'' W. C. nZARLE. Farm Stock of Ar Osbaldeston, lot 35, con 15, J. Stephenson Jae, Cam bell Robt. Cole g as. Clinton, Dec. 10th Qoderich township, (the Weir farm) on Wed p MissTillie HazI nesday, Dec, 22nd. Thos. Brown, Auot. Joe. Taylor Thos. Miller R. flunking H. Govier Y} NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Thos. Shobbrook Thos. Crisp H. Livermore J. Johnston E. McCaughey Thos. Manning Mrs Mogridge J. Md3regor IN THE MATTER OF W. H. BEF°LEY & CO., DORN. )Mss Maggie Brown A. Vodden Mrs Waite H. Radford of THE TowN of CLINTON. ELFORD.—At Holmesville, on Dec 8tb, D. Reynolds J. Caldwell Thos. Fairaervice W. Cunningham-, x~' Notice is hereby given that the said W. H. the wife of Fred C. Elford, of a daughter. Mies Elva Wallace R. Carter Jae. Shobbrook Beesley & Co. have made an assignment to me E. Manning J. R. ~undercook WD. McGill . Radford under the provisions of R.S.O. Chap. 124 and HAUGH—In Wingham, on Deo. 1st, the j a•, ending Acta, in trust for the benefit of their w;fe of Jas. Haugh, of a daughter. Those who wore not so fortunate as their neighbors have the satisfaction of knowing, , cremaid A meey gof the creditors of the that the chance of winning cost them nothing, and that in buying their Teas fro Said W. H. Beesley Bi Co. will be hold at the SOWERS—In Tnrnberry, on Nov. 25, R ington St. Wesoffice of The t tD. Tooronto on Thursday tWell- the wile of Jas. Shower, of n eon. as they got the very best valve in the .cants, day of Dec„ 1897, at three p.m., for the purpose 'MeCREIGHT—In East Wawanosh, on of the appointin of Inspectors and the gi,iug Nov. 24, the wife of John McCrei ht, of a of direcdom with reference to the disposal of eon, g • the state- All claims must ry, be 189 led after or bo- And now for moreflusin fore the 2nd day of January, ibu t after which STARK—In Seafortb, on Nov. 28, the date 1 regal proceed to distribute the et&which I wife of A. Stark, of a son• having regard only to those claims of which I shall have then rD. A., 18 notice. BT1i LVART—In Seaforth on Nov. 28 WE WANT YOUR TRADE. We are here to do business. You have the "a' 18 Weilington St. Went, Toronto. the wife of David Stewart, of a daughter. we have the goods. We know that riabB and values are right. We are so sure g p 91' Dated the tad day of December, A. D. 1897. PIIRCELL—In McKillop, on Nov. 30, bele that we offer to exchange or refund the money on any purchase that i° the wife of James Purcell, of a daughter, quite satisfactory. TAIT—In Blytb, on Deo: 2, the wife of i1 Q of Onto P�.1AIwING I�II�IE Dr Tait, of a son. MARRIED. H. STEVENS, Proprietor What about one of our FRIEZE IJTLSTEsA TAYLOR—LITTLEFAIR—In Trinity beet quality, best workmanship, and up-to-date style. We have bad this season's Worn The. old original Contractor and Builder, Church, E3elgrave, on Deo. 1, by Rev. T. E. ,stere lined with Fibre Chamois. Of coarse we had to pay extra for it, but we depen e$k;. who has made Clinton his borne for forty Higley, Miss Mary Littlefair, eldest daugb- on the increased sales to make up the difference in cost. Fibre Chamois adds ver • liftltY; years; is still in business with a modern, ter of Edward Littlefair, to Neil Albert to the weight of the coat, but very much to the warmth and comfort; being very olo5e' up-to-date Faotcry, and is prepared to fill Taylor, both of Morrie. in texture, it not only is proof against frost and wind, but retains the natulalheat of . so, all orders of whatever description, on short DOCKET—SMITH —At the Rectory, body just where yon want it; that is,inaide the Coat. Prioea'$5, $6, $7,'$8, and notice and the lowestterms; first-class Wingham, on Nov. 24, by Rev W. Lowe, workmanship guaranteed, CONTRACTS Wm, Docket, of Lienfryn, to Mrs Sarah H. for buildings taken, and all kinds of build- Smith, of Wingbam Town Plot. Men M S Sults.--The well -made, serviceable sort, at $4.50 to 1110 a suit lfaliy ing material furnished as desired.BCOTCHMER—GAE TE alteration required to make a perfect fit, it can be done whilil S R — At the you wait. Men S Suits made to measure at $9 to $20. Fit guar steed ., manse, Varna, on Nov. 23, b Rev J. A. HENRY STEVENS, McDonald, John Henry Scotohmer, to Miss William Street, Clinton, immediately Alma Gaester, all of Stanley, behind the Park. Tweeds -Special spial lines at 25, 85 10 and bOn. a yard. Tweeds at'60o. a yar$ arid, McSEWAN—McDONALD—At the reai- upward, will be out free e of charge. Me - NOTICE Bence of the bride',s grandfather, John Me- ' Ash, Varna, on Nov. 25, by Rev d. McDon- ald, 300 eras SHAKER FLANNEL, the 7 and 86 s,. All accounts duo to the late J. Biddlecombe I Farquhar Mot3ewan, M, D., c f Kintail, Special this week-: y not paid by December 19t, will be put in court ! to Miss Christina Jean McDonald, of Do- in ends of 5 and 10 yards, at 50 a yard, d for collection• Al. BIDDLECOb1BE, Executrix i troit. Also good cutter for sale. RATH—JACKSON—At Rattenbury St. i case Child's Rubbers and Stockings, regular $1 for'�5pi Methodist Parsuna a Clinton, on Dec, lot Another special case Boy's Felt Overshoes, regular $1 for 750, STRAY STE�EIiv g y' by Rev R Millyard, Fred Rath, to Mies ' • Came Into subscriber's promises, lot 19, Mait, Eva Jackson, both of East Wawanosb. MEN'S HEAVY LUMBERMAN'S RUBBERS, $I. SOCKS 500: and con., Colborne, sone time in Alasy, a yearl- DEED. ng Steer. Owner is hereby notified to prove )roperty, pay charges and take -it awnHOOD—In Goderieb, on Nov. 30, Maria In Fancy Glass and China we show an immense astibrim6bt W B M'&TER Francis Eland, wife of J. J. Hood, aged 36 g of 'beautiful articles, aspful ata well CINL F*ROPERT foY• 'SALE. I °ora' as ornamental, costing from 6o to $4, every piece a work of art. For wedding and $tnale. LEONARD—In Howick, on Nov. 18, presents these gifts are very appropriate. The undersigned offers for sate his property Isabella wife of Wm. Leonard, aged 62 �6ioiuli,g the town of Clinton, consisting of 14 years. icres, 6 acres of which is bearing orchard of Select Your Holiday Gifts here. We have something to suit old allay :hdeest �'rnit,s. The buildinge consist otframe ALLAN—In Egmnndville on Nov. 25 acnes, bank bar-, otiltry house, oto., a'1 in ' i -sat -closes phir. Teta is a ,aro person fora William Allan, agar 76 years, Fresh Groceries, Fruits and Spices for Christmas Tr ,,mer wishing to retire or Porn portion want MOWBRAY=In Walton on Nov 28 uK a [Coit h.rm, For pnrtienlars app lyy poreon- > r �d�M,. Iry or by letter to H. JOYNER, Jr, 011ntAn, Maggie S., youngest daugbt0r of John Mowbray, aged 17 years. Major 'Walsh, admldietrator of the WALKL+aR--In Clinton, on Dec. 7th W., L. �11°�I"ll"�Tw,� :, i*ukon, has imposed it special tax of $2 Catharine, wife of H. R. Walker, aged 40 ro The Cash Dealer, �i011( Csb . all whiskey into Klondike, years. • � 4 r •