HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1897-12-10, Page 5Every body knows that our stock of arches, JeWelery, SilverWare, Far�e (�u� �las8 Good8,e �j'I!-? Ll ' F is the best in the County of Huron, but the stock is larger than we care to have it. The stock em- braces just the kind of goods people want for Christmas and New Year's presents, and this is a rare opportunity to buychoice goods at low prices. People want to save money. When buying presents OEM they want to make their money go as far as possible. This is where it can be done.' A that the only' reason we are cutting off our profits, is because the stock is larger than we want to carry. No matter what you want Bear in min our line, we will sell it to you at lower prices than can be obt�ined elsewhere. we can't enumerate all the articles in our store. Note these price's.` ,IEHIELERY The whole Stock is New we are not offering ,you old, sho W ATeR ES 9 goods; and the price on every at, Solid Sterlintg Silver Case with Elgin Movement •...$6 000 0 A beautiful line of Stick Pins at 5c has been marked so low that if you want anything the price will be no o s ' Come in and see our Ebony Hair Brushes, Tooth Brushes, Clothes Bruste,•„ Ladies' Gold filled Case, Gu irunCeee with movement - A cheaper line at two for ...... 5c Remember, these goods must be 'sold, and those who buy here will save mo Gents' Gold filled Case, army" ►rsoe with movement .... 9 00 Boy's all round good Watch ................ • ... • .... 1 75 A good Brooch for .... :... 15c Ladies' Sterling Silver Watch .... • • • • • • • • • • • 2 75 A very fair one for............ 10c Our stock of Gold and Silver watches is the largest in the Gold plated Rings......... • • • • G "west, and any person desiring a watch, can get one from us Solid Gold Rings . • . • • • • • • .....50C for a good deal less than other stores can sell them at. •• @L OeKS In beautiful fancy China or Bisque J 0 � One day, solid, oak or walnut, American movement 2 00 we cannot be beaten. These ff 2 75 goods are offered at such low • • i Eight day, solid oak or walnut, rices that no lady can resist Leiden" ,feeler, X1111 Our assortment of Clocks is unequalled outside the cities p _ _ and it will pay you to select one now. buying. • Report or line 1 wa sac - - "' , ..w,...g -Tt_ i �X1I p1� tra speCtor. Allison is the first Waterloo Co ever sentenced church, which greatly improves rte to death in Waterloo County. i appearance and comfort, the esteemed e pastor made an appeal to the con re- ' The following is the report of Dr. Mr Thomas Burnett, of Bryanston, P PP $ was killed while felling trees. alio" both at ebb to and avenin Shaw, as submittedto the Town Coun- g g' g �t FRIDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1897 services last Sabbath, for contribu- cil:—�� Perine & Co.'e Wool and Twine Mills tions to defray expenses entailed in }•� yea, The year 1897 has happily been the at Doon were completely destroyed by improving the edifice. Itwas liberallyy moat free from epidemics and contag- fire• responded to, upwards of seventy dol - "a The London Times tells its readers ions diseases within the history of the Hon. W. S. Fielding, Minister of lars being collected, which will leave a that the jubilee year will long be re- town, Tho season uaually.predisposing Finance, has arrived at Halifax from balance after expenses are paid. }" membered in Canadian annals as one to the origin of typhoid and other con- En land via New York. '!s tagious diseases was exceptionally bad England, of extraordinary revival. It ischeer- this year, and in several of the neigh- East Durham Conservatives have c w ,r. ing to find every prominent journal in boring towns epidemics occurred, but nominated the present member, Mr P, w a ;i only one case oftyphoid ori inated in W. A. Fallis, M.P.P. a m a� 7l r1 Great Britain now ready to favorably I town; there were reecasea�imported; B � � 2 advertise the Dominion. Through the no cases of diphtheria or scarlet fever; Ex Ald. Wm. Bell, of Toronto. died e U ear] Tuesdaymornin He was a ., preferential tariff we are getting at very few of mea les, At the beginning prominent Coservative politician and •� a .,• the great heart—and pocket—of John j of the year there was an epidemic of P p s Bull. I, whooping cough, but no serious results an Orangeman. a followed, Our citizens are now reap- In Toronto, Mayor Shaw and Aid. C The Ontario Department of Agricul- ing their reward for their care and Preston will be the candidates for the fig Lure will in a da or two issue a return watchfulness of their wells, cellars and mayor's chair. Both at a experienced w Cl E �� y closets during the past five years. Al in municipal management. w v, � �^� � which will include a report of all the though our sanitation is good, it is far It is stated that the Government o from being being erfect, and if the ci has agreed to call Mr James Innis, of m ma d SC v� b spraying of apple trees in the province. d assist the Council and Guel h ex-M.P. to the Senate, to fill ar B m� o o ozena woul p B� A sample retut n was one just received- Board of Health, in following out some Q' g the seat vacated by Bir Oliver Mowat. � w m`�w°m° ;� A comparative statement is given as suggestions, we would soon rank W B. Palmer, Hamilton, sentenced °s art 2 m'�'"ma, -05 � among the best in Ontario. On Nov. a follows:— 30 I procured samples of milk from the `to three years at Kingston Penitenti- m a � • 8 9b; m percentage Good I ary for embezzlement from the Bank '1~ m �� sDrayod Unsprayed• several dairies for analysis; I found all of Commerce two years ago, has been 6owawwv�m b Snows ........... . . • • . • • 90 IO above the standard, 3.50 of bailor fat, pardoned. •$ 888 8 o w +� Mann .. 80 40 but every sample exhibited signs of ., N .� a oho 03 W .. Maiden's Blush .. ...100 50 carelessness in milking, the surround- The annual report of the London $ a ... 'Calvert ...... . .........100 50 luxe, and transportation. If a little Board of Health arnica that the death p, : +.�� 03 ,S • • • • • , , , , , , • , • • - , , • • 8o 10 care were exercised, much of this could rate is only 12.03 per thousand. Lon- ;� ; m o •0 Toy . • • • , .. • , • • • • • 95 25 be avoided. The following is the re- don claims to be the healthiest city in •Isa - �� lman salt of the analysis— From nalyse :— the Province. i : ' r • ow From these reports there is reason to Butter fat There is something of an epidemic of 4D w : _ �S p• believe that the apple harvest in Onta Percentage sv gravity diphtheria in the village of Stony •� ; ' ; ; " c $ rio would have been at least three or Tyndall..............4.20 32.1 I Creek, two or three deaths having oc- : • F2 r forty times larger if all the trees had Ireland..............4.10 32.1 curred there within a few days. The -i•D g m : m t Z been sprayed. The benefits from intel- , , , . , •4,05 32.3 school has been closed. . E -1 a a Towers........ � pp ligent aagement of this and kindred Edmund 33.75 Herbert Magwood, the 15• ear old aFti ..9 r O departments of work undertaken for Colclough ..........420 son of Thos. Magwood, M.P.P., of " ce a a „ ~ the benefit of the people cannot be ov �, ao a • m9 1 analysed one sample of ice, and Poole, is seriously ill, and Mr Ma wood f ti Baa a er-estimated. y P b Pound it first class. The town should hoe not yet felt able to leave or his ,� B p 05 s 9 O le illative duties at Toronto. m ° ib insist on an inspection of the pond g zthat a The Rev. Dr. Potts is ver well and when the ice is harvested, and see that I Premier Hardy is nobody's fool, He o � M E • y the supplies are taken from localities may look green, but he isn't. Premier !S 9 °� 9 i N i i� favorably known in this part of Ontario tree from deposits of sewage. Hardy knows how many two and two aww �� ° O —more especially amore the Metho- I recommend that steps be taken as make; he knows on which aide his P y g provided by statute, to have the citi- bread Is buttered; he has a fair idea HRISTh'I1�S diets. This year, he occupies the die zens protected from tuberculosis and how many make a dozen, and the tinguisbed position of•chairman of the cancerous meat. There is no denying length of a yard, and he furthermore International Sunda School Lesson the fact that many cases of..Iump jaw knows how many seats he must carryeAKES0 Y and tuberculosis ezret•--inthe vicinity, at the election to hold hie job. And Committee, which prepares lessons to and that they are on the increase. I that is what he is out to do.—London be studied 'weekly by twenty millions would advise all animals for slaughter News. of Sunda School teachers, pupils and to be inspected by i n eetert; also, all The village of Brush Fork, Ill., hail Already this season we have receives Sunday P P the dairies to be in.pected, 1st, as to g y a spinster Mise Murnane, who, for 48 almost double the orders we did incl Bible readers in all parts of the world. the health of the cows; 2nd, the con- ears has led a hermit's life. and has year for Christmas Oakes. You ehouls This committee has recently had a see dition of the byres and surrounding $eon an irreconcilable man-hater. In leave your orders early, as it is better .cion at .Washington, in the United premises, and see that all the cows re- all that time she has not spoken to a to have them made a fere weeks beforE States; and on Rev.Mr Pott's return to ceive wholesome food and water, as man, all because she was disappointed using them, as we all know Fruii Toronto he was interviewed by a Mail man T eases of consumption in the aged in love. Recently she made her will, Cake is better with a little age. WE . reporter alto his impression of the Am- and infante can be traced to the milk in which she specified' that no man are selling these cakes at 15, 20 and edcoj dh� gi,tol generally: He replied:"I and meat eupply. I was sorry tbat my should attend her funeral. Shein. 25c. per lb., according to quality rd #" ihington as the -Paris of Am- recommendation to ,the Council to ; 086 gro,E Ing more beautiful every take full control o! the disposal of sista upon Having a woman preacher, a women for all -bearers, a woman to ytldtr� drafted the splendid new Cion- night soil and garbage was not accept- P Our Beef Aome•mede BRBAf! i eilelo1W11ibrary. p g P drive the hearse and woman to 'close 1T The building coat ed. i am assured that the expense to still in great demand. and is perhaka the mostmag- the ratepayers would be lessened. her Grave. Wfi'cent{library building in the world. while the good results would far ex- The Liberals of South Brant re -nom - x vieiteil also the Smitlreonian Institute Geed the present system. I would ark inated Hon. A. S. Hardy As their can Our Christmas Stock of theTrei — atidotherpublicbuildings, you to reconsider the proposal, and a1- didate for theLegielatureon Saturday, Confectionery will be andwits tasked if 'I would like to lire in so suggest that this report be read passing resolutions of confidence n here in a few days. 'Wrisbington, but I said"None of these again o the new Council. the Ontario and Dominion Giovern- thiugtl mole me. The. Dominion of menta. The Premier made a speech in CJanllda is good enough for me,"and it which he touched upon the principal You will hear from us again, can seemed to no so grand. as it does The Toronto Preabytery nominated topics of difference between the Oppo• at; r:presoht, with our marvellous re- Rev, Dr. Carmichael for the, Modern- nilly" and the Government, and don- edea of allkinds coming to the front. torship of the General Assembly. eluded by saying that he looked for - We need in Canada ill a greater pint- Mr Seth Everett, of Howard town. ward with the most perfect confidence Jas. MCClach6rty, 'p irlo£iam, and a more unwavering belief ship, received injuries while chopping. to a victory in South Brant, and to n 'in the glorious future that lies before iti the woods that killed him almost equally pronounced victory for the 0 Novelty Bakery and Ytestauran xis ail a country." instantly. turf. overnment all over theProvindlq�. Telephone No. 1. r' w [ , • 13roadfoot, _ T � Xmas ov��Tl�s inFurni* Our stock of Fancy Chairs, Tables, Desks, &c., for the holiday trade; is the largest a best assorted stock that has ever been exhibited in the County of Huron, ' and what is still better, the prices are lower than ever. .l Roman and Duke of York Chairs. These are the two styles of Chairs that are creating such a sensation alA0 lovers of Fancy Furniture. Don't fail to see them. f Reception Chairs. We have them in Rattan, Curly Birch and Quarter Cut Oak, Up b.440,," in the very latest Coverings, 'Fancy Rockers in Plain and Curly Birch, Plain and Quartered Oak and Bird Eye Map1• holstered in Silk, Tapestry, Silk Brocatelle, Silk Velvet, Corduroy and Pl COBBLER LEATHER ROCKERS in Birch and Oak, at prices that will astonish yo�l,'.. RATTAN ROCKERS in all the latest designs and finish, viz: 16th Century, Empire, We have Chairs to suit every body, both as to price and quality. � FANCY TABLES, SCREENS, MUSIC RACKS, EASELS and all the latest novelties Furniture line, can be had by calling on us. Come and see what we have to offex. Remember that we do not expect that every one who calls at our store will pliir something. Selecting Xmas presents is a difficult matter, but if y ou examine our, we may be able to help you out of the difficulty. we are manufacturers of so if you deal with us you save money. BROADFOOT� BOX & Co., Furniture WCHIDLEY,i Night and Sunday Calls for Undertaking, answered at the residence of our Funeral Director, J. W. CHIDLEY, Sing Street, Opposite Foundry, Clinton The municipal debt of Mitchell at the end of thisyoar will be $35,300, bearing interest at 4 per cent. It is stated by Dr: Bryce that many clergymen appear to be unaware of that provision of the law respecting the solemnization of marriages which requires them to leave the register . book in the church to which it belongs. Many clergymen seem to regard the regaster as their private property, whereas by law it belongs to the church. By carrying it away with them upon leaving the pastorate of a church they Increase the difficulty of �. keeping the record of marriages. Total exports of cattle from Manito- ba and the territories for the season r foot up about 45,000 head in roundCOMBE' _e e numbers. This is smaller than was expected. The result is due to the fact that grass cattle did not do well this Makes Better and LI Meir . ' year. There was too much rain, mak- ing the grass aoft and less suitable for Biscuits than any other. fattening cattle, It is estimated that approximately 20,000 head of stocker Battle were shipped from Manitoba to the, United States. This is the first ear in which this trade has assumed �auufacturingany importance. �• HM ����� c'hy.lneia>rrr ;. y