HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1907-11-28, Page 8Big
For quality and quantity ask your
dealer for the new big plugs of "Bobs"
"Stag" and "Currency" ohewing
When the
Hair Falls
To all new subscribers from
, now o11 ,
will be sent till
Jane est, I908
for the small suns of
Then it's time to act! No time
to study, to read, to experi-
ment 1 You want to save your
hair, and save it quickly, tool
So make up your mind this
very minute that it your hair
ever comes out you will use
Ayer's Hair Vigor. It makes
the scalp healthy. The hair
stays in. It cannot do any-
thing else. h's nature's way.
The but Mad of a testlmonle1 -•
"Sold lox otex sixty years."
Ihe/ (1,�.r{r I, (4.4x17 Oe„ M 4*U, Mus,
♦tau 1YN14QAWC/lI Or
P 9A115,/Y.1aILLA.
'lei. %J4141a.
`� 41YY e4JY l ttFklY t1dC1OWL
Subscribe Now
Bodertob I v. 7.00 eon. 4,50 p. nl
Auburn " 7.22 ' 7.12 '
Blyth " 7,33 " 5,22 "
Walton " 7,40 " 1,133 `
Milverton 8,21 " 6,00) 2
Elmira ..... , i 8,50 " 0:43
Guelph " 0413 " 7,12 "
Toronto Ar. 11.10 " 9.15 "
Toronto .1 Ly. 8.00 nut. 110 p. m
Guelph Ar, 10.00 " 7.50 "
Elmira ' 10.23 ' " 8.14 "
dlllverton ,," 11.441 ' 8,511 "
Walton ' 11.39 " 9.25 "
Blyth ' 11.52 " 9,111 "
Auburn ' 12.02 " 0.40 '
Goderieh" 1231 p.m. 10.10 "
8014 )41. 4(04441,
Ion pm nm pm
040 :3 30 Wingham 11 50 7 s5
0 43 3 33 Winghatn Jot, 11 48 7 25
6 52 3 44 Delg1trreve 11 411 7 1:1
7 00 4 56 Blyth 11 28 7 DO
7 14 4 04 Londesboro 11 20 0 02
7 47 4 23' Clinton 10 15 11 05 0 85
8 (13 4 39 Brucofleld 0 58 0 30
14 15 4 47 Klppon 0 5)1 0 11
8 '22 4 52 Harwell 0 44 0 05
8 115 5 05 , Exeter 0 :)0 5 54
840 515 Centralia 0 18 5 43
8 50' 5 2(1 Olaudcboye 0 09 5 :34
8 03 5 50 l+ucan Crosahlg 0 05 5 30
0 12 5 87 1Onneld 8 55 5 25
9 21 540 Ilderton 8 45 5 17
020 5 54 Ettrlok 8 03 5 07
0 35 5 58 115418P/44k Crossing 8 20. 5 02
0 37 0 00 17de Park Jet. 8 21 5 (0)
9 45 0 10 14014(1044 H 15 4 50
COhneotlons are made 111 Wioglldttn for
s1I stations on the Palmerston and IlIn-
e st'dlae branch.
Connect ons are made at Clinton for 611
station% on the Buirala and 001101ieh
hranub, and all stations hum Stratford to
Couheet(oua are made at Taman Crossing
for all stations west to Saclike.
t Dotteeetione are made at 4olndou for all
'!indene east and Weston the tonin line,
Few Hare Know This.
Whom an eminent authority en-
uoul:ed in the Scranton (Ps) 'Tiuu+s
that he llad found a new way to tient
that dread American disease, Weenie.
time, with jest common, every -nay
drugs (amid iu Rey, drug (4104(1, the
phy1ici1ue trete Wow indeed to attach
much inlporrnpce to his claims, This
44'as only it few months ago. 't'o'day
pearly every newspaper ill the couu-
tly, evert the metropolitan dailies, is
antlouneing it and the splendid earths
achieved, it is so simply that anyone
Pan n1'eps re it at. 110me 11t 8111111 e0*t.
It is made up as follows : Get from
any good prescription pllal'nlery 12'hnid
Exuma. Dandelion, one-half' miner ;
Compound Kargon, one MOW ; C01,,"
p014114.) Syrup Sarsaparilla, clue
Ounces, Mix by ahakhlg 111 a bottle
and take in t8a0po0ufUl &ogee after'
each meal and at bedtime, '1'llese 111 e
all simple ingredients, making an ah.
sohltely harmless home remedy 114
little cost.
Rheumatism, as every one knows, is
n symptom of deranged kidney:, It is
it (011(1111(1(1 prodaeed by the 11i1u1e 1,1
the kidneys to properly 111te0 or %tram
from the blood the uric acid end other
platter which, if not eradicated, Dither
in the urine or thron1h the skin puree,
remains in the blood, decomposes and
forms about the joints and muscles,
causing the untold suffering and de-
formity of rheumatism.
prescription is said to be 1
splendid healing, cleansing and 1pvig-
orating tonic to the kidneys, anti Rives
almost (remediate relief in all tonne of
bladder and urinary troubles and back-
ache. He also warns the people in a
leading Now York paper ng)inet the
dis01', uinat.o use 01141811y patent medi-
Friday, December 6th, 1907
Friday, January 3rd, - 1908
Friday, February 7th, 1908
Friday, March 6011, - 1908
Friday, April 3rd, - 1908
All the leading horse and cattle buyers
are epeutallyy levlted to attend. Let
everybody come. Welcome to all.
A. W. SLOAN, Preefdent.
W1f. JACKSON, Viae President.
J. L8SLIE KERR, Secretary.
Huron Old Boys'
Night In Toronto.
Soole ; Treasurer, Dr, Stanhury i Sec-
earetary, E. Moody. Li additiotl an
executive of the following fifteen mem-
bers will aid in Carrying on next
year's husineee:—Mojor Beek, W, 13,
Scott, E, J, B, Duncan, W. 0, Ma'am.
tom, H. Clucae, J. A. McLaren, J S.
McKinnon, K. McLeod, F. W. Mc-
Lean, W. W, Sloan, T, H. Rothwell,
\V, T. Lidham, F. 8. Ricks, J. Davis,
R. A, talker, Ii, L. Anderson and J.
11, Marks,
The 1n11Ua1 at home given by the 01d
Boys will be held on Friday, February
701, In the Temple Bnihl(uq, T e an-
nual supper may Ile held early 10
:March, The members of the meeting
were impressed with "talking up"
theca two anlmal functions,
During the erehin0 a motion wag in-
tru(1uetel en(1 passed unitnimoasly that
out, of the Association feeds a Brent of
850 be made to the hos{1 itel at Wing-
haut and 950 00 the ti0tlerlall hospital,
The large crowd that attended the
eighth menial meeting of the Huron
Old Boys' Association of Toronto in the
King Edward last Friday night w8(4 It
very- enjoyable one. The notic081110
feature of the session was the emthusi•
ram and regard for the memories and
'merles of their boyhood days in Heron
comity, J. R. Lyon, the president,
occupied the chair and the business of
the evening consisted chiefly of elec-
tion of officers and reports of commit-
tees. The officers are ae follows :
Hon, President', ,J S. Willison, B.
Floody and J. It, Lyol; Ple1ident,
W, E. Groves ; Vice President, Thos.
When Children Cough
give thein that old reliable remedy dad never Fels to 04410
Friar's Cough Balsam
It stops coughs" -breaks 11p colds—and healeintlntnnta-
tioa in throat and bronchial lubes. Absolutely pure And
safe for children. 25e a bottle, At dru„gfste or it at
NATIONAL 61490 A CHEMICAI. Cu. 1.4(64184 • LONDON Det at
Almost every family has need
of a reliable remedy for colic or
diarrhea at 301110 time during the
This remedy is recommended
by dealere who have add it for
many years and know its value.
h has received thousands of
testimonials from grateful people.
It has been prescribed by phy-
sicians with the most satisfactory
It has often saved life before
medicine could have been sent for
or a physician summoned.
It only cosh a quarter. Can
you afford to risk so much for so
little? BUY IT NOW.
A convenience much
appreciated by every owner
of a Pandora ir4 the towel''
rod attached to the range,
As, .,r.e.third of the rod
is made of emery, it makes '
a splendid knife sharpener,
Ti's always there handy
for von. You need waste
no time hunting around for
the easily misplaced;"steOL"
13right idea, eh?
1.04A59t kAGht
An accurate thermom-
eter is a reliable guide to
successful baking, while an
inaccurate one, is a "cheat"
Of the worst
',Every Pandora then-
tlgnhet4r•is' carefully ad-
. pi'steit anft.. undergoes a
ira}ctief01 Te".'by heat—is
,1'Rroyert eorr',ect bgfclre being
seutt+t ut,
``t+' 4tli1 figures, which show
the 1 Ggitircld.de11ree,of °heat
neees(sry fur the Seeeecssful
Laking of bread, calces,pies,
etc., aro plainly inscribed
in Llack on ;l white enamel
surface, co that they are
easily readable, even when
the day is dull,
If your local dealer
does not sell the Pandora,
write direct for free
More than one best?
When you ask your grocer to send
you the best our, he sends you—
his best. When you know the best
flout and order by the name, the
choice is not left to the grocer.
Many grocers handle
Anl;ns Campbell, who hes run fill out
door skettn1rink for several years will
endertake to supply lee again this
\Verluesduy night's wind storm blew
down thesmokestack at the knitting
factory but did not (1pmng0 it very
Mrs. (Rev.) W.'1', Cleft, of Stratford,
e former liresselite, is visiting her
sister, Airs. 1V. 1t: Sinclair, and other
old 11)140118.
We are kple)0e11 to notion thntGeo'ge,
0014 of D, 1.. Ross, Brussels, hes su0011 0-
(14113' passed the Illltrlcnlati0n exam.
He is 84teading the Ontario Dental
College, Toronto,
"St. John's Church Anglican Assooin•
don will give a :left anr(um Ten and
Muatotl0 in the town hall, Bruosele on
Tuesday 6verllllg Dec, loth, conlmenc-
lug at 8 o'clock, A good time is
Mr, Lye hag not orcepted the Bees -
eels ammo' of the 0. T. R. end 'mimed,
Air, O'Neil, who is now relieving no
Dur hem, will ho the agent. He is ex-
pected this week,
Last week the Silver Cupp, represent-
ing the Ontario Foot Bail chnmpiouship
for 1507 arrived in Brnseels a1 d is on
exhibition. along with the \V, 1P. eltver
tankard in the window at Fox's Drug
store, Brusselitee required no intro-
duction to the latter as this is the third
time it was here but the Ontario silver
wale w'H8 110w tO 11S although WO nearly
had our hands on It in a Fortner season.
The cup in a large one with three
handles nod staudsona wooden pedistal
and has attracted considerable at-
'f111te41eti 1
McPherson Bros. Loo,.`1 Agents,.
as their leader. They have found it
the safest flour to recommend because
its results are sure and its purity is
unquestioned. ll your grocer's best
is not Royal Household, insist on his
getting it for you. The benefit will
be mutual.
Ogilvie Flour Mills Co., Ltd.
MARKET Ri0YotOT.—.Wheat 90-90 ; Own TRIPLETS "Currency," "Boi+s'
Barley 60-60 ; Oats 95-95 ; Peas
80-80 ; Butter 23-24 ; Eggs 23-24 ;
Flour $3,00-$3.25,
and "Stag" chewing tobaccoes, in Mg
plugs. Quality always tholsame,
'Subscribe for THE STANDARD.
Next Council Meeting will be held on
Dec. 16011 to close up the bu5.111)0ae of
the year,
Aiios Mand 13ryans, 9011 0011., return-
ed last week after spending a moot en-
joyable visit with friends in the Q4Oett
A few more new steel bridges will re-
quire to be britt in Morris township in
1908 Mt some of the old o11esare decided-
ly eilalty now.
'1'nx Collector Proctor turned in
42,4300 to Treasurer Brandon es the re-
sult of hie first round of notification of
tills year's taxes. There is 0001' 810,-
000 to collect.
It is said Mise Milligan will amine
a poeiti011 at Dashwood ((4111110 school
after New Year's, She is at present
the timelier in the Anderson School,
3rd line, where she imp many friends,
Tli • Cole Drain which starts 011 lot 7,
North half cot. 7 and empties into the
river Maitland on the Armstrong farm,
Nth line, and w110814 let tit is 0,070
yards, has been let et 22 mune a yard,
to Messrs, AlcQuide & Matthews,
Total expellee of drain will run about
81400. The work will not be completed
until next year,
Friday, Nov. 15111, Mary Yonill, be.
loved wife of Robt. Mcllurray,9th line,
hpain Nature's debt, aged 00 yearn. She
aul nor enjoyed robust health for 80408
time, The funeral took place Sunday
afternoon to the Brandon 11en10ter3', fol.
Intviulr 1 suitable service in Trinity
ehurah, 6elmrav0, by the rector, Roy,
Mr. Ilnrtley, of Blyth. There was It
large attendance, In addition to Air,
A1r.iiurrnv n won and a daughter, Mrs,
Richard Procter, survive to remember
most tenderly the life of H true wife and
a kind another. Mrs, MoAlurra;y en-
joyed the esleom of It (vide circleaf
friends who will share their sympathy
with the bereaved.
Scott Grieve, son of Hugh 3. Grieve,
intends embarking in the 411)1k business
shortly. This will make the fourth
dairy 11110lneea in Seatot ,
141445 Olive Laidlaw, who has been
resting at he}' home here for the past
two months returned to Boston where
she resumes her duties as nurse in one
of the leading hospitals in that city.
Ahrabaul Crich been valuable horse,
oho of his team, which has been 4ro-
nduuee4 by the veterh,m'ies as incur•
ably ill. ' It is quite lr heavy loss to Mr.
Crich as he 1111(1 Icon offered and re•
fused $200 for the animal several times
Miring the past suuuuee,
A. W. Stehle luta donated a, hand.
sante 8)10er 41(1(4to bo competed for by
the carpet 6(111 teams of the Sons of
Remitted 'cited the "Ancient Order 01
Forest ere. five (rimes are to be played
each year and the; Society winnieg the
Most manus hi Gve years becomes the
owner of the' _cup,.while the Society
winuing'the most 4amee in each y'ear's
series has 6010110r' of Lolditlg the cup
for the year,
The Tomb.
1t01)l RroN,—Tn Landon;'n}'..Nov, 2G,
George Roberton, of T4ndeoboru,
aged 90 years.
ws1R,--In 1Tullett, on Nov; ;21,
Adam Weir, aged G2,3'etra,',-
From VV. J. Gage, Esq., Toronto
A Problem of National Importance
Dear Friend :—
A bright young lawyer at the Muskoka Sanatorium for Cousump.
tives some weeks ago, speaking of the burden placed upon him by having
consumption, said:
"One has to load a life of concealment, If I go away from this place
people are afraid of me."
This is the sad lot of those who suffer from this dread disease,
On behalf of the thousands who are sick and will not be received by
other hospitals, I make this appeal for the Muskoka Free Hospital for
Nearly 10,000 people from every part of Canada aided in this good
work last year, sending us $28,000.
The Trustees have faith that a stili larger number will help.
The Physician's offices, throat rooms, etc., up to the present have
occupied rooms in the hospital that rightly belong to patients.
To make better provision for the work, and furnish more aeeommo.
dation, a new administration building is now under way. A cottage for
the Physician and his young wife had also to be built.
To provide for this outlay, and to care for patients for the coming
year, wo must secure at least $50,000.
The Muskoka Free Hospital for Consumptives never refused a
patient because of Itis or her inability to pay. 1t Dares for those whom
other hospitals refuse. It cares for those whom other people are
afraid of.
"I was sick and ye visited me," was Christ's commendation.
Should not a richer benediction be yours if front a loving heart your
dollar makes a golden visit to this hospital, bringing health and joy to
those whom other people fear, and whom, in many cases, nobody wants.
Will you have the luxury of giving?
Faithfully yours,
Toronto, 1(x07.