HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1897-12-10, Page 111 •c.�.. r I gib„ fir' 1' , . - ,.. - .. Y . - _ , . ,+N�. tis, t v� r. _ ,, F d i ll •s . K ,y, ..._.. _ . 1-1. iwAl _ .. _. . . - .. __.. ...... .... .. .. -,. .. . , . .._. _ ,. _ . �. .. , _ ., - .1 I 7 _. , 1 . .. 14.. , , .; "­1 V , .-. .., ,.. F _ .. .. i. +dl aaI. . � .. � :: i � , r , T I , i6c N�' , , - , " �! I , , IN A I :, « , . .. I I . � .. , , , ! I Io `11 I 0 , , �}p 111111U a.: , . . I I I . i , I I I I . . , I * - «. . . I r . I . . . . Q 'goad, XI . .. .. I . . . I I . I I - %t r lir'; li a r'. Intl;' b n # I , � . 1�. -- . . J tett+i<++m► de y l i. 4. of an . oil gra doe, y n O%u de., ' pond It n i4a btiing the, truth, . pqq _end b41n, ai if we say eci 3ltlr, ; .. � p >: rc�resentation of sur goads is - er reaorta9 to, �Phiiu'wo a@Tl _ article and gaarentee it, we, gOgEgT HOLldBl3, j tx,r and P CLINTON, , ONT., DECEMBER 10, 1897 • *i a year lin advance 01'.bo when not so paid k that dl�iw at till times" and Proprietor. at we S*lr*q loran Rnd what • we promise we dc. Qtlrlity ccn• -,T I.,�rYl sldered, oar prloes are always the m7�T -rT , ,lovrgat.. Note our rloea_ot►the -� ] 1. .� �■ �i �J 1Kiinlghagr, Senmliile>R• 9lillyth: pp A—R,0 „! L. O. L.-Last Friday evening was NOTES,-Rev Mr 03iv: nt ie holding TnacPx.ARe.-The executive of disrrr - .1 Ifollowing'srtic*6. . what *ai a and reltable eoaYospondoata find worthy of recording for pubuosbion the regular annual meeting forelection revival meetings at Bethel Church trict.No, 24,1.O,Gk,T., met in Blyth ptiN w g Codnril�h x`oprinehl Seatorth of'officers of No, 794, and the following this week. Herman Maedel, of DA* h'riday, the 3rd rn8t., and decided inion ,' WATCHES r P - ` Lacrosse Club will hold office for the next year:-W tpoit, is home on a month's visit at bis an active campaign. A strong effort '' SALE,- Mr Obbaldestoq, who has CONCERT the Beaver M H. G. Lee; D. M., Thos. Parker; mother's. Me Geo. Stewart is :form- will be made to revive any dormant Gents' 'old•$ll9d case, 16. ear ,had the Weir farm on the 15th con. intend holding their annual concert on Chap., Rev W. Lowe; lt. S„ >tt. J. Mc- Ing an orchestral with the Benmiller lodges, and organize new ones where CUPID KN .1 I I. rented, ie giving rt up and as he Is theCevenin of° Jan. let, (New Years.) talent; we can expect lots of music racticable. In the evening Maple gaew;r►nt -a, with Erin move- h Math; F. S., A. `H, Musgrove; trees., p pienp,,,,,,;,,,,,,;,,,$9 QO • o erstocked. he will have r4n auction Mr'Chas. 1e11y and sister, the famous G. B. (,been; D. of C„ Uhas, Barber; now. On Thursday the Sona of Tem- Leaf lodge, olBlyth, that has not met that women love ^perinme, ;en ' ^' `Cant's ai er ci►ee with El 'n ale on the 22nd. It is said that Mr singers, Mr• Thos. Baker, of Toronto, through it not anirbgaent,l4r ,jav ,. l9 . ' a the star comedian, MrF. Allan, cornet lect., A. McManus; Qom,-Wm. Clegg, perance had an open lodge, there be- forsome t line, had a very good meat- his arrows. Thexo is no. mAli* 1. .sh • anov�a ' tit ............ $5 76 Chas.. ,Holland, of Spring y it the ns of is Thos. Moore, Jos. Gulley, Jesse Button inq a number froru Goderich present ; Ing; 20 of the old members turned out ful gift than cod' ortg;�� ,Li%diee' ,gold flllad, ,pass with owner of the farm will occu it him- soloist, who gave exhibitions h and J. S. Jerome. all had tin enjoyable time. Mr Wm. and there is a good prospect of f.everal g p Aft : Py ; skill at Toronto Fair, are to be among more aoosptablet T# ygaii+r�aorxrsr , maoeinent`":.........•• $8 50 self, Straughan had the misfortune to lose propositions for the next meeting. A Gents, n1 1se1 case with Ameri- the many artists who will take hart. L.T.B.A. ELECT OFOICERS,-•Rego- one of his cows by its getting a piece of large number from Manchester lodge thing really ohoiol exain}ti�9Qur line-' 06 Q II ... ... 6 OQ ENTERTAINMENT,—The young neo• The Beavers are always greeted with a lar meetin oP Fern Lodge No. 19, L.T, marigold stuck in its throat. The were present and a pleasant time was of French, goods.' Thb.�ibrtatloa•Itg n inoyemQ t . $ p y g Methodist Sunday School intend hav-sent. The following officers were, the bent, dna ;is varyptkastOtull plain the vicinity of Taylor's corner, bum er house, and we believe that B,A, was eld on Monde evening, p g „' { ata meeting fn the schoolhouse re- this will be no exception. when the following officers were elect- Ing a Christmhs Tree on the Thursday elected and installed:-O. T., W. Pol- pat up, at 760, $i, 31.26, 37,.60, $ 11T 1YELTIES Gently, decided to arrange for giving ed for the eusuin year: W. M., Mra and 33. In Ca"dian and d,pnerioa, one of the grandest entertainments NOTES.-A considerable amount of g evening before Xmas. Mr F. Stoked lock; V. T., Annie McQuarrie; R. 9„ J. $ wood and rain is being marketed D. Rush; D. M. Mrs J. Davieon; R. S•, and family have moved to Goderich. Barrett; A. S., Elsie Bainton; F. S„ C makes we chow e, large assort t We aTso',ave a fall line of Star- ever rendered to the schoolhouse there. g g Miss Lizzie Fleuty; F. S„ J. W. Dodd; at from loo to $2.50. TLese boo ar ling $ilk elties, Ont Glass, It will be given sometime in January these days, and one day est week 2000 treasurer, Miss Susle Webster; chap., Miss Maggie Heddle is under the par- Stewart; T., Mry McQuarrie; M., U' nicely ata and at..260 ' 4. bushels of wheat were delivered at ental roof at present, Mr M. Pfram- Barrett; D, M., Ida Gibbs; nhap,; R' y p p,04, 7 !r l+ono p'anay Pnrae i and but the date has not yet been deter- Mrs W. 1d. Haines; D. of C., Mise Lou G. A nes Babb S., J.Somers and $1 we orier gp8olat Y Ba° d'ewe rfh we are selling mined. • Watch for it and dont miss i this vc art�tour Mrll Jno. the Forbeem, ers ofwho Fleuty; conductor, Miss Mary Fluker; b er is addinPa verandahfas a woind-brke. P. C.. T, J.'.Glay. vahI .ver c3 rice from now of the season. . y Committee, Mrs A. W. Webster; 3�4iasy -P the event has been engaged at banking at Glen- R. Chapman, Mrs Aikens, Mias Jane 11'ss Flo Gledhill, who has been visit- NorEe.-Mr Jno. B. Telly and family ,''. utlitilSmas. NOTES.-Mr George Cooper, of con, i boro, Man., during the est couple of p to her sister, Mrs Potter, in Manitoba 7,� See our special in Filiigree Stick d 3 P p Netterfield and Miss Amelia: Netter- g removed -o Goderich on Tuesday, OUR 1� , N(ti, . a Fina at 20o each. 9, is gofu on crutches, the result of years, has returned home; the west for several months, returned to her where they will reside for the future, a Bpi knee. It is stated that there field; tyler, R. J. McMath; Auditors, y, he Navin control of the electric li ht We. have no old or shopworn P ' seems to have agreed with him. Robt. Mrs R. O. S arlin and R. McMath. home on Friday. Mr W. Treble, who g g • GOODS C1 OC� F i' goods so yea. inn no chance of are over 60 rode of }travelling that was Dawson, of Mitchell, was in town on p, g has been dangerously ill, is, we are plant there. Mr Geo. Gibson was in l7f iJ let and not done, beside culverts. The Tuesday. Wm. Piper has teiiken a os- THE WEEK S SHIPMENTS.-On Thura- leased to hear somewhat better. The elfin bld code when on bn y P ' town last Friday,attending to the ship- we honestly think Ia the best g 8 g tiers. y y road running west from ,; •Courtice a ition at Hawkshaw's Hotel. Machan's day the Union Furniture Co. chippped orresters of Benmiller, intend havin !o a eclat bar• has been built in such a / ndition that Dramatic Co. coni leted a ver sue- a car of furniture to Yorktown, Man. ; an oyster esu er on Dec. 31, in Mr T. Peng of his household effects to Mont- have ever shown, Wa Lave a ital{i See our window r p P y pp real, where he has secured :i fine noel- full of novelties £rorp whtoh YO gaIL .ins'in Hinds Novelties we fear that sooner or later an acci- cessful week's engagement in our town Win. Clegg a carr of oats to London. Gledhill's hall. tion in the office of the electric railway can have your oho6oi:16k,�5v« No': dent is almost sure to happen. Robt. on Saturday evening; they left for On Friday, Carr & Son a car of Flour department, as assistant manager; his of the articles are vvartt ass th'* d Marshall is building a hog pen and Goderich on Monday. Mies Mollis, of to Chicoutimi. On Saturday, Thos. Tuckersmith experience in this line, out west; a few 250; many of them a;e. worth 35 i �----- otherwise improving bis property. R. gippeu, was a guest at the residence Bell & Son, a car of furniture to Win- Oouxetz.- A meeting of the Council years ago, was the means of hie obtain- and 40o, and some even: (foo, bpi;a t - - Plewes, brother of John Plewea, fes oP W m. Stacey this week. Robt. Win- nipeg, Man.; Button and Fessant a car was held at Brucef3eld on Wednesday, Ing this position. Mr Alex. McKellar ' 25o they all go. To ohaoe0 .gniq- 1.very sick at present. Miss Charlotte ter made a shipment of 1000 dead tur- of furniture to Calgary, N. W. T.. and from this lot will be. a wish it;ob#. ''pp Coo er, eau hter of Geor a Coo er of p December 1st, at 10 o clock. All the has purchased the Rogerson ter race, P. i�• Crews p g g p keys to the Old Country this week.- Thos Hessian a car of scrap iron to mq the 9th, is expected home from Mani- The stonework of the railway bridge Toronto. On Monday, Button & Fes- members were present:' Abp law was which contains four welling apart- we have also manq a@hers at 1 5. Jeweler &Expart tuba. Prayer meeting will be held on which is being built in our town, is taut a car of lumber to Toronto. On Passed authorizing the payment of cal- menta, for $1;000. Mrs Wm. Critter- (,l<iOII AL(?:UM'' at $1 s$ pto Y Watch Repairer JFriday evening instead of Wednesday the iron bridge is not here Tuesday, Wm. Clegg a car of peas to cries for 1897 as follows:-Reeve, $15; den was so unfortunate as to fall, §, S2,52,25,42.50_2,7 0to35'and i oho y g completed; g deputy-reeve and Councillors, each $35; Sunday morning, off the front steps; from-s, I6o to $1.60• jk�°,,'%�M ` evening in Cole's church. Mrs George et. Mr Fred Sleeth has returned In ersoll; A. Burkholder three care of B;1,1urnett, who had the misfortune to y g Treasurer, $100; Clerk, $160; members and sprained her arm very severely,- BRUSH and 0031B oases , l i,,* break her arm last Sunday, ie Settin home, after spending the summer in oats to Montreal. On Wednesday, A, of the Board of Health $5 each. Ac- Mears W. W. Sloan and A. S. Dickson oellnloid ......:.....$2 26 to `$,. g Toronto. Mr Alex. Oglesby, who has Burkholder three cars of peas t.o Port- & ,,."' Mang nicely. Mr T. R. Courtice, the been employed at the Iiawkahaw Ho- land; Wm. Clegg three care of wheat counts were passed amounting to returned home Thursday, from the HANDKERCHIEF and GLO D., g,.', Auburn. popular teacher of S. S. No. 9, hag ac- tel for some time, has resigned his po to Portland. $208.38, which includes an account of Southern States: they report that the oases, per set.. .: $t 7b,,L$ ' , 1' s"r• Cull and see our stook of Fur Conte, Robes, rented the principalship of the Nile sition. There is not much stir in mu $71.40 for ditching on aideroad be- roses and flowers were in full bloom on NECKTIE bozen . tbl and $2 ,, '; ; _Dlan�ete, eta. r tookNICoLSON. public school principalship, a fairly good salary, siti al There s resent. NOTES.-Mrs Dr. Kennedy is visiting tween lots 5 & 6, con. 7 & 8, H. R. S. the Monday previous to leaving, and, SHAVING cases , 161.50 to $4„, �, CHURCH.-Rev. C.O.Uouzene reach- John Thompson has influenza among P P P in London and Strathroy this week. Mr Farncombe, C. E., reported that on arriving in Chicago twenty-Pour COLLAR and CUFF box,1,5tj” V, P At Zetland, on Friday last, Mrs Henry Big Drain Contract was completed in hours later, a terrible snow storm was to $3.50 i �d an excellent sermon Sunday evening bis horses very bad. Mullett Thompson, of a son. The L. T. B. A. accordance with plans and s ecifics- raging. WRITING PORTFOhIOt�, p oil "Remember Lot's Wife.' League — p� itnet Tuesday evening, Mr L.Tabb took SCHOOL REPORT. -The Standing of held a members' social in their lodge tions in a first-Glade manner and to his to $7.69 ;-?' Thames Boad. the pupils of S.S. No. 4 for the month room on Monday evening, and a good entire satisfaction. The Council, act- Aolmesville LADIES' WORK boxes, baskets,'': the chair, the topic for the evening p as "Oonvfction of Sin. NOTES.-The fall of snow on Mon. of November is as follows:-5th class- time was enjoyed: Mise Annie Snell, Ing on the report of the Engineer, paid CHURCH NOTES.-Service will be held &o............ ....5.1 to $g ,- �° day night made the sleighing splendid Bruce Medd, Christens Livermore, Ef- of Clinton, is vteihng leer parents in Mr Oliver the balance due him and in St. Johu's church Sunday afternoon PIIRSES....... ¢5o to.. CHRISTMAS TEA MEETING.-A grand town. John and Joseph Brown, of took the contract off` his hands. The at 3 o'clock. Service was withdrawn HAIR BRUstiE9 2bp to flhriatmas tea meetin ,under the aua- here. Mies Louisa Hachney is visiting fie Hunter. Sr. 4th-Alice McViedd, >t friends here this week. Mesare U.Har- Sarah Reid. Jr. 4tb-Jame Medd, McKillop, visited their uncle, H. Dav- annual report of the Board of Health here on Sunday evening on account of SPE"TACLES.....�,.$1 to ' nice of the Methodist Sabbath School, ries and Earnest Dlnnin have retureed Charlie SCewart; Annie Leitch. Sr.3rd is, on Sunday. Geo. Phippen had O. was received and accepted, and the 'anniversary services at Sh»ion. PIPES. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 250 tor$ will be held on the evebing of Monday, from their tri to Manitoba; the have -Bell Farnham, Wilson. Sundereock, Manger summoned to appear before clerk instructed to forward it to the CIGARS; 26 or b0 in hoz, 31,26 to, Des 27th, A cnmptuoua tea will be pp y y 7 R Secretary of the Provincial Board of TEMPLARS.-The election of officers both gained $esh and report having Sarah Fairservice. Jr.3rd-G. McVittie the Ma or on Frida last, on a char a took place on Tuesday night and those Jardinieres, flower tabes, ruftro` served by the ladies, in the I. O. G. T. spent a cod time and liked the coup- George Leiteb, Pearl Pipe. Second- of assault. but Manger did not put in Health at Toronto. The next meeting yy hall,:from 5,30 to 7.30, After au per an P well. A sleigh load of oung peo- Rosy Livermore, May Stewart, Esther aua appearance, and the case was ad- , elected are: S.O,,G,I'hfpps; .D.Bu ns; and dozens of other good, i "gi , p ne of Council will be held , !Kyles hetet, Yoe; Cha , O.Jervis; R. S., J.D.Burna; tioles suitable for Hinds if excellent entertainment will. be held in try wet 8 y corned. A box social was held in the p B os Ede will ive pie intend taking a drive to Hensall Scales. Part II-Douglas Rogerson, j on Wednesday, Dec. 15, at r o'clock, F S., E. Proctor; J. Jervis, H. R. rioos that have ahead aar k3 the church, Rev. J g g, this week. The Methodists at Beth- Bella Fairservice, pVesley Farqubar. new brick school at Wingham Juncti:m as directed by Statute. Partied hav• Forster, G. W. Cantelon; Sen., L. Teb p ' A popular address, which we, with any have started a series of revival Tablet.-May Adams, Willie Young, on Friday evening last; a. large crowd ins accounts against the township butt. many ns their, lowness,' Wow Measure: invite all to hear. There will meetings. The return shooting match Bettie Bembridge.-H. J. TURNBULL, went from town, and a very enjoyable should present them before the above early inspection, and if.yoq also be a number o! select. recitations between the Biddalph and Uaborne Teacher. time was spent. date so that the financial statement ENTERTAINb1ENT. -The entertain- thing you want, early Sal hy, popular reciters. Good vocal and sorts was held at Mr Samuel Pass- CHURCH NOTES.-Anniversary ser- will be complete as possible.-A. G. ment at Sharon Monday was a big sac i t�skumentaI music will be furnished by mote's on Friday, and resulted in fav- Porters Hill. vices will be held in the Cons�regatign gMILLIE, Clerk. cess, excellent addreases,excellent sup ALLEN c� `W'f omeand foreign talent. $ppecial'ser- per, ancj excellent results -over $30. ond will be preached on 8abbath;Dec, or of Biddulph by one bird; the form- NOTES.--Theentertainment, given by church next Sunday evening; on Mon- The sermons on Sunday„by Rev. Mi Graduate Drug' & Optrcf". ` 6th, by Rev. W.Gadwin, of Goderich. er match was won by Biddulph by one the Good Templars last Friday evening da evening Rev J. W. Pedley, M. A., Goderich. Clement were thoughtful expositions Clint,`' t 10.30 a.m. and 7 p.m. Collection in bird. was a decided success, the Ball being, of London, will lecture on "Man -mak- LITERARY SOCIETY.-The last, Liter- of divine truths. id of Sunda School funds. well filled, and everybody went home Ing." The second social of the Young ary Society meeting for this term was Sunday in good humour, feeling that they spent People's Guild, of St. Pauls church, held in the Collegiate on Friday even- POSTPONED CONCERT.-The poet on- Summerhill p NOTES.--1f4r JJ Kuntz has rented his a very pleasant evening. Mr Alfred was held in the school room on Mon- in of last week, a lar a number,bein ed ecnrert to he given next Tuesday,_ , tel to Mr Robinson, of Goderich; Mr SCHOOL. -The standing of the u its g g BIGLOADS.-The Goderrch S g P p Hearn, con. 1, has sold his farm to Mr day evening, when refrehrrients were resent. A debate on "Resolved, that Dec. 15th, by the Choral Society pro• Jioibinson moved in on Wednesday. Mr of the public school is as follows:-6th Jae. Harrison. Mr A. Paicatt moved "served and a good program rendered. P raises to be even better than the last. been boasting of some big toads ha, tz disposed property class-M. Murphy;sr4th-W. Jordan, his family from the cut line to con. 1, The auniversa services of the Metho- newspapers do more good a the pest- ThA programs are out and have several by teams going to that town,} y ant day than hooka,” Nes well contest- nice features andshould the nightprove thinks that Jaspar Brindley,, of, dun p p last week. Mr R. Cos and wife are diet church wit tti Mr Thos. Lawlor. The mill is repair- O. Hill, B. Me Iveen• jr 4th-E. Ball, be held next Sunda*; ed, the nes alive winning on a vote of rich Townshi robabl hol'&' ed and is working again, also the elec- G. Uolclou b, N. Ball; sr 3td-L. Butt, viaitin friends In Galt this week.-'A.-Mr Rev Dr. Williams, of Listowel, will favorable there will doubtless be a A; P y trio light. Last Monday Mr A. Ask- A, Lovett,g .Johnston; r 3rd-O. Col- g two out o three judges. All the de coed with 89 bushels or g L j W m. Pickard, of Columbus, Ohio, is preach the sermons. Last Sunday Rev baters were girls, the boys evidentl Packed house. Mr Oakes,as conductor 5tha , tivfth was coming home from Blyth bourn, R. Colbourn, G. Hill; 2nd-R. ' reached ahie y y of a program, is too well known to re- of peas. If the Star thinks that�ai y visiting at the home of hiefat•her, Jno. C. Miles, of Kinaul's ch, p P• K +Cvith some corm {machines in a sleigh Kilts, C. Butt, M. Hill; part II-R, Pickard, cut line. sermons in fit, Paul's church. Rev W, being too bashful to take part. quire introduction,and those in attend- load, we would like to "hoover w , -with s pair, of spirited horses, when Neal,-I. Colbourn. E, Hardy; sr pt I- CONCERT.-On the evening of Dec. Lowe reached in the Church of the HARBOR.-The sten m barge Maggie ance may expect an A 1 entertainment thinks of a load ,of over 200 bus, the started to run away and one of M. McLaugKlan, L. Johnston, L. Jor= 20th, F. W. Moore will give a variety D[essia�, Kincardine, and on the fol Duncan is in with 000 tong of coal for Doors open at 7.30, commences at 8; wheat-0 tone-or over 12;00d, •she those ted to run drew _them into the den; jr pt I-IC3. Johnston, B. Allen, .P. concert in Potter's Hall. The program lowing days he collected for the mis- the North American Chemical CO- Mayor Flolmes, chairman. This is the record that also a fence• there was no serious damage Allen. The ppublic examination will be consists of choice readings, recitations, Sion fund c-f the diocese; he has the Schr. Koifage arrived from Chatham SCHOOL E%AMINATIONs.-Our teach- credit of Fairs Mill. team+ lie done' 14Ir Aakwith is doing a rushing held on Wednesday, the 22nd, cum- instrumental and vocal music. The whole county of Bruce o look after in last week, and has gone into winter er, Mr Fisher, and the pupilsare making was hauled in one load .from the businee. Mr Sarris,of 11[itchell,insur- mencing at 10 a.m., with lunch at vocal department will consist of pat rio- this matter, and does the work well. quarters. The ache. Craftsman is ex- ion to the Mill. , q arrangements for a first class public ex- •.�, a+nce agent, aid Aubuirn a ♦,iait last noon and a program at the close. A tic, pathetic, sentimental, descriptive, pec in from Detroit. Slush and ice amination on Friday, Dec, 17th, com- 1. eek. 11[iss lla Twitchell is vfsitin 'cordial invitation to be present' is ex character and comic music, in the form Lendesboro were plentiful in the river and harbor y BUY Now.-It would be a wrpa w P mencing at one o'clock. Masers E. W. thought on the part of those who's friends in Br ,'Gaels at present. Mrs J. tended to all.-G. M. KILTY, Teacher. of qts, D'ts, and solos, English. Irish, BUTTER BUsiNEss,-The fail make of the past week. •`Richie" Baxter is Andrews, T. R. Courtice, P. Cam bell, 1 11, Carter visite friRnds at Nile last week. Scotch and American. Do not miss home from Detroit, where he was on p template it purchases n rist:r Bu, butter at the creamery has been con one of the Belle Isle ferry boats. A J H. L �wery. G. M. Kitty, W. Elliott, make their purchases now, ra tKigr s;' .Mrs Ross, and daughter were visiting L. O. L. SvPPER•-The annual meet- this treat; everybody welcome. Pro- signed to Liverpool. A liberal advance N.Trewartba,Ubas.Tebbutt and others put off the inevitable till the l,I " friends in Clinton loot Monday. Mr Ing of L. O. L. No. 928 took place on grams will be out very soon. has been received which will be paid to tug may be built here this winter. aria expected to be present. A hearty or last day before Christmasc 's i•tosa, Brucefleld, was the asst of Dr. Mond�7 evening. After business was the atrtins at once and the balance on BRIEFS.—County Court will be held invitation is extended to all to some avoiding the fnconveniettegqsandbY r, Ross last week. MrR•.Stalae's children concluded all adjourned to the home Kest Wavranosh receipt of full returns. next Tuesday, before Judge Masson. and bring their baskets with them. Af- fug through the, evor' s`wlriclt 4, "I, art sick with s'carletina at present. The of Bro. Henry Watkins and partook _ y g ter the usual examination exercise, throng the stores the lash day nuc h lodge last of an oyster supper in honor of Bro. G. ANNIVERSARY AND TEA.-On . es- fined t beer with a eoreoknee, which ch own n large q antitt sCe Sleeiii h.ng is lunch will be served between 4 and 5, those who do their -1 u i nope X. O. Gt. T. visited the Blyt g pp g y Ag • . . ' nigh there was a good turn M. Kilty, D.C.M., who is leavin here day, 12th pn at 11 am anniversary3 ad 7 p.m., has Given him much trouble, and will O• K. Special aeryfcea are still carried followed by an hours entertainment, have a better choice of<goddeV` ...- Friday g f ' + . , out. The Baptist people intend holding at the end. of the year to attele 'ust ce wilml be reached in Ebenezer Church. very likal ,give hfm much .more. Mrs on in North St. Methodist church. so that the whole family may come, not be liable o apend.their'rr►oi7: i'< a Xmas tYee ori the 15th in the base line College, London. After amp j p have tea out, a end a ver en o able n is going to had been done to the good things pro- On the Monday evening• following tea Luxton ill has been under the doc- Rev Fr, West was .in Clinton oa Sun- p y enjoyable the hurry and scurry n, a Clio, church. Mr A. Nicholso g , g vi for the occasion Bro. John 'Scar- will be served in the hall, after which tot's care for a few days, but will soon day, officiatittg at the 40 hours devo- time and get home in time to milk the store, only to fled, .when they ` learn the harness making with his tions held in the Roman Catholic cows. their homes, that they' bought d {,_, _ brother, John. Mr E. Collins is visit- lett, P.O.M., was called to the chair a program consisting of addresses and be round. e school en-c g y THE NEw ERA G}IVEB THE HOME NEWS thing which they did net want" Ing friends at resent. The Free Ma- and the rest of the evening and until viceaented instrumentalcal and As evvebodyuiscworking tebe rtainment(o n ght) Friday evening sb'pp nirlar a numbers oforgana r Mr UNDECIDED.-Severalperaorrs ;' sons had a -bio time at the hall last nearly two in the morning was spent p p y g qb engaged Bayfield ly intimated to the Mayor that xt ?r, dossed nI ht. in.�peeches, stories, in mus- to make this a grand success we have is expected to be aomethinghere will manager at the Oran Factory. a The I We y g is and songs. Bro. Bullard, D.M.,and no doubt of the result i! the clerk of good; do not fail to attend. T g cOIINCIL.-The council met Monday be possible to secure an ,amalg. o, ' other visitors were also present and the weather will only smile on their probably be Xmas socials of some kind Model School examivationa are being evening. Members present: - Reeve of the Macpherson Ooi, t FinI Egmondville. ' in both churches in the village this held this week. Burns in the chair, councillors Bailey, Gently burned out) with , lie' rn t r DEATH.-Still the depart. We are added much to the pleasure of the oc- efforts year for Sunday School encourage- OUR ELEVATOR.-A special meetinv Elliott and Thomson. Minutes of last in town, but on inquiM, ,w y p rasion. God.Save the Queen, in true FARMS LEASED,- John Nixon has y Alain:called on to chronicle the death Orange style, closed the roceeditt s. meat. meeting read and signed. The follow- that such could not~be'done.. ,'Tl' gg settler in the arson of P g leased for a term of five years, 60 acres AUCTION SALE.-The sale of Mr T. of the town Council was held on Wed of another old se ! P It was a night that will not be forgot- on 3rd eon., at $50 per year. Joseph Cole's stock brought out an immense nesday evening, when Mayor Shannon Ing accounts were paid:-Jas. Donald- ppony has not yet declded wlatf ,, Mrs McE wan. She had been a suffer- ten for many years-by-those ythose who had M. Smith and his estimable family will crowd. The day was fine, the sleigh- told of big trip to Montreal, with Mr son, boundary line account, $11.65; do, but the following item fro t MCD. Allan, tomterview General Man- village, $11.88; A.M. Todd, $1; A. Cam- shows that it has no intenW)' A f11 er for the past two years from a can the pleasure of being present, and the leave shortly for Whitechurch, where Ing excellent. Prices for most of the ager flays, of the Grand Trunk, re ++ Neer In the eye. She had attained the onlq regret of evergone in this vicinity he Nae rented for a term of pears a stock° were high; one cow and calf g din another elevator. Both these Bron, $3; J. Donaldson, Electric lights, inti they again . - A ;depots ' ood old age of 85 years. The remains is that a farewell supper was necessary. farm of 150 acres. James Gibson, I r•+ bringing $76, one bull, 2 years old, $85, bmf g $46. The clerk was instructed le gat pointed by a mass ir0 ties, ,,, , ' + good interred in the E mondville Mr Kilty is so universally admired has rented from Mr Curry,of Marnoch, g g gentlemen are very sanguine that the account from the Reeve of Stanley for gal town hall on, Wed't es asy _ g and Cheap at that. Every one; t e iii g d especially the use of road scraper. The council waited upon Messrs ad ter ct � cemetery on Monday, and the large that his removal will leave a distinct a 1W acre farm for one year at &200_ they are glad be had a good sale; the ter, will be erects ea eciall if ccetueterse of people showed the esteem blank here. It expresses more than Joseph Mallough has rented for past amount glad about d 9, the town is willing to do its share of accepted the sum of � $10 rent from the and offered them, a6 ati Ind t o ; n which she was held. words can convey, when the contem- Ing purpose, from the Duron and the work. The capacity of the build Templars for the use of hall. S. Moore continue business In t}i6 way tJ'V . a plated departure of a most promising Bruce Loan Co., of Godericb, 100 acres NOTES. The gentleman, who was in ins figured on is 1.000,000 bushels, and was refunded'$1 dog tax. The follow- dry again,io build a 2iew sh : p't' i young man causes so much genuine re- on the 2nd con. at $50 per year. the village in the gold mine interest, will be fitted u with all modern int fns dog taxes were refuuded to the their machinery in blit Meese ' ret as does the intended removal of Mr left for London on Monday last. Mr rovements.r Allan and Mayor collector: T. Ward $2, U. Tippett $2. person & Co. coup not accept NOTES.-Mrs Jas. Gibson has been R. Smith spent a few days at Niagara Shannon are two of the beat men to p Silty, whose influence for good has having a pleasant sojourn amongst p y g � The clerk is to draft a by-law appoint- far, and there fa,little' probab.. yl I I . .L , , U been almost immeasuresble. Win ham relatives recently. Mr and Falls visiting Friends. Mr Denholm, town who could have been sent on such Inez H. Erwin, Clerk, returning officer them ever doing npueh b, sL6 i �y _ g of Blyth, is loading a few cars of hay an errand, and the way they conduct for the municipal elections for 1898. again." . , . n dI � I , 4 L I._ ., I Mra Beadle, of Fordyce were guests at here. There will be a Xmas tree in ed the business to the beat interests of By-law appointing returning officers. I , I : , , cod ,dr to rusks yoar ap ear- Harloek Stephen Medd'e one day Inst week. the Methodist church on Xmas eve; the town, deserves special mention. for municipal elections read and pass- ,,..1. Mr and Mrs Wm Scrimgeour were g 0 ed. Council adjourned till Dec. 15th * �aVC yoll� h'ad a' ra a g . y the program promises to be cod and We wonder if the News-Record's God- dries. in a Vow Fall suit or Over- NOTES.-Mr Adam Elliott entertain- visiting Friends in Dunggannon recent- a and time expected. The election erieh correspondent still thinks there JJ __ c ; "coat;; �onr` frietrdr elwegs notice ed a few of his friends to a bountiful 1 Master John i3mith, of Dun an• g at IO a.m. H. W. ERwIN, Clerk. ori±: aralenls more onBanday,and supper on Friday evening� last. Some y of officers for the next year on Mon- is no need o! a citizens committee or OD tl18 I11Clir 111.`:' t r K.. non, was a' guest of his cousin last 1 town council in the Count town ? p` ydn wt Ac appear well before your of the members of our Guta Club had day night in the Epworth League; et y Addltlonal LOOAI NQwi• r It you'll take the trouble the good fortune to capture a brush on week. Flora Nixon has returned t . all be present. AeHItSON-C osE'OR•D.-Tbe followin 11 tfa sealed onvelo$e`tbat:: irlead . 'll tit you out in Saturday. The Misses Jenkins were •Auburn after a month's stay on eon. 3. g 113 deco ClrirtA DiNxzi"ri stir 'r ine:to'tlxfli allure, we y y Mise Church, of Goderich, visited on Fonuj;STRY.-Mr Strong, the or an- from the London Advertiser of wed- HOxE CIRCLE OIrFIonRs. - At the are irivtntt nwuy on. tho8r�1 of JQ o0 ish :your friends and visiting at Mount Pleasant act week. Yours may bo the.tvinnin ,tha* *in jAbu .con. 3 last weep. Mr and Mrs John iter referred to Isat week, arrive on neadaq will be of iYterest to our read- annual meeting last of Thursday Home ~°y re. We have just Sunday appeared to be christening guess obsti yon iibthingg.' ` se On enatwit pleasure. Plunkett have returned home after a Wednesday and goon got to work. His ere very quiet wedding took place Circle, held last Thurvday evening, the vvlth ov©cy bpd. .bash >Nuxoh, ' 0°q 1' took home of the handsomest day at our church. Owingq to the stare Ynto,a e f R, Spiels delightful visit to East Wawanosh and coming seems to have weakened all the yesterday afternoott at the residence of fallowing officers were elected for the quality gnarantoed, n Clinton., Single end greatly increased businea o , + e relatives: James Arm- members up, for thea-are talking For Mrs Coaford, 28 Cathcart street, the ensuing.term:-Loader, R. Irwin; Vice I i t_ olts Ova ,rliown ' e choice patterns, or- our energetic blacksmith, Mr 8, Reid AP& Asbfli .ld ' -double bras style , Pa n pp s to dee about re airin the strongg and Frtmil7 spent a day recent- reatry day and night. There was a contracting parties being Miss Ella S. Leader, Mrs D. Fell; Sec., W.R. Lough, now ab.ont.Tour i11%�;.• w!Che ricse rankle from $G to $i , has callers repairing 1 with 0th con. friends. Jos. Wash- meeting of the court on Monday night Cosford and Mr George Acheson, a re- Fin. Sec., H. Wiltse; Tress.. H. E.' t,u* Peoisptd illy velne we want you to shop. fn ton has urchased eight good steers and six joined the order; then on Tues- tired gentleman of Goderich. The Hodgens; Chap., Mrs R. Irwin; Mare. xinas Oake, liko Alco; mtsrovoo" to app the Saito. gg 3 IIMd tofeed for springg shipment;he hadthem day night another -mgting and three ceremony waa performed by Rev W. D. Fell Warden, W.T. iJill; Sent., J. Now t saanthileibbe � N��v �A�scake ,' 11; I- eoustenne dehorued immediately on takin thein more united., There will be a meeting YV, Sperling, brother-in-law of the E. Lindsay; Guard W. Everett; Trus- g bride, , assisted b Rev R. Hobbs, of y' ' Prsrs, Fraa, Nt7aa, dca. tui: the Riad. '' ; - t1' ap NOTEn.--2i�re P. Papineau, o! Thorn- home, thus believing, nt •doubt, to on > rlday jto-night) at which a,fea y tees, A. O. Pattison, Robt. Holmes, T. lk ale returned to her htllme on Friday, facilitate the feedin qualities. Quite more are expected, Mr Stron wee tihfs city. ,There lyse no bridesmaid Jackson, jr.; Auditors, W. P. Brock, If yon fear �CCiiptatill I llri '_ $ , dale, after spending two weeks with her pa> a-few had thou clover threshed last called away on Wednesday to �ara o or groomsman, and only the immediate H„ Holmes. !: ' p- r J showed a our meet Mr Gartung, the superintendent relatives and friends of the contracting rents and other friends here,'. 11t J. week and the result h p THE asAlxi E66`BIdYGLE.-An agent Don't look' i1t out Naw tibods in Di r r ar a et rned from Man- S rim eour took advan- of ,or anization, slid he could not sa parties rovers preseent. Mr and Mrs f the pope Mf .Co,.of Hartford,Conn.. room au'a Fancy Ware, We havo ++ {� �,ts7 McGregor, jr,, has r u tl aver&ge. A. c g g y :: ,. l C eek b whether he can get.back again. We Acheson loft by the afternoon train o P g this w els some volt' nit a d. Xnran �'*' itoba after a ending three ,months in to a of the good slipping last w y fl � p !� .cod ' dad tri east in the United was to town on Saturday, 'having with ebtq, ibr. hb h'hlsda ; trade, kIn .0 If half Belt, slash, P001 te, climate a ar- r the erection of a hoe he may, as he is a golly g fdr an atter! P Storm 4oilar. the rairie country, the pp atherin atone for „ S . Pg, g. pp � � f er which the will return , to him the latest in bicycles. It is built oar stioak s obinplet , Ch na ala e,- d , ot11c stitohoo,; at as tth him as he looks well. u der his barn next aunimer. fellow. Stated, a t theywill Broad and tit f. Plato�,Wntor So Groot tide , entlya re w , wall n on the deme social principle as the or. urnod to . hired. J. Mille ` --" their home in Goderich. The bride T. is � it. you thinly is tba ear to bit.�'OL Miss Mary 8choales has ret , for next Jones bash of the lute Rev's'. Binary wheel, except that there is no havo'nii at yoUC oni A,liioBbit xt end $10 v tilt to her R v $. L. Halon, 'itei'ne the third dap titer 6. ffi her home; after, a lengthy i for next summer. e g a rominent ohaiin tittached o it; the power is ap= W. will 's,ptQarfEdI I s�ibw yaii one ' ?'+ •. • es. a i•o riate Notns.-••-A. cb rt will be held In .Cosford, and has been p t. our tater at Pine River, and otherplac o4 bun annon,, reached P P . - lied by wheels attached to the way. l one i'siloy, ii . y 1s l P . 1 lasAe y ._ ,p_ o at;. 10th under the worker ill the W, C.'T.'CF. for a num. connected by 4 �>1►d+ r1►iirr%`5►is1��, . xhat wit ?✓ • , . fon,as l;,e P. Mus rade delfvered a vary able missionary sermons on Nile Circuit the town hall n , . . our l:e stat 1" g.. , _ y sastrin y . p _ in th8 osiEion of tont and rear snorkel, . mend on n Su"`da even- Thomas Wallace and Auspices Mt J; her ofyeara,occup ' g P. ,._ - rm. Messrs A. T. Cooper and - ahroi-a4od"B t;al,a .l form, , temperance ,seem o -.. n y.. _ last Sunday., p Ear And, secretary an Arm. r 'oil But errinJ obd dreoser. gin has eaover'A hist Monday for Wellington Ward,- who has been Ill for : the past provincial seers y olmee tested the wheel,and both were Claslito o , f r . lug, Mr W ... _ g r force left is M y �y - racoveriti The: 'dF the local,t;nion. She was. highlytl is recent illness and Cutl e uent , t tb manufacture rollers, .)\iessrs: six weeks, is slowly g conn P from h welt lewaed with iii. 7truns easier•than -� � � , ,,• m 0:9l�Rr . s closed a vas sold some embers aF St, Johzy. church,, Varna, teemed by her associates, and re �iE I j, :i ["1 s 1 the ublto school, wlyieli +a+el "ashngtoir itnd N a F a arse of with a chain, ynalres no noise Audi the I1� eJ�✓ �' f . 1? ^ i ecefving' r seated Mrs D. Beatty, who. .has was made the recipient o p �" for a fest► days, has re-opened, horses reediAlq the former e y a rOf apt e' Of wheel that will be built by most fac> xfl4 0AStf tlftod I. ir)11111swr i4 .., . tier of At beets or aniat for the past two ear✓4, gold. She was also p , . , t year. ii�bi�1�1C �111(X 111 370 for one;.whie the 1a $ l# ;7 toles nex y pl�nae �s. tt team. p ethodtst Chuff ,;, q ciorlat 8loisk,'tlliatdn; "pen Ntw,H9A.61VUS TUA -XiOU0 0W., El 'f0 �. with a' ttrae on Wednesday last. er In this' Askin fit. T1s I , �.Y..-. ..:.-�'L[: ,.L . .1iu�. -+ _ .. 'L-+._,,.�-1r.a1�4YYlai, �.rYY,111�' ,�s.. .,Y" r.. :,.i1