HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1907-11-28, Page 7LESSON IX. -DEC. r, 1907. The Death of Samson,-Judg. 16: 21.30. l'onnue.nta'y; -I,, The downfall of N,una,nh (00. 21=25.) 21. Took line --At once, while he was with 1)e1i1nh. Put out his ryes --'1',1 lle(rety word menus "to bore;' amt indicates that they thrust his oy es out by very violent moans, 11his they did ns soon as they had seemed �yLim, and thus rendered his case appnr- enLl' less and hopeless. -Terry, '10 helpless 1 dl.nlh!;' it rival, tut tu mention at en- emy, by boring out his eyes, has ager Heat a conuaem expedient ill the Avnet. Plein to -day it' is not unknown, -hull. To Gaza -The principal city of the Phil- istines. 'flow changed from tlutt Sam- son who so recently departed in scoffing 1001(0ph from that city with its gates ulama his shoulder," Fetters of ln'ass- lostead of uaiag relies they used "brans;' or :t, we w',ulict say, ' iron." The "dna. number is used, indionting that there were two fetters, "probably one for the hands and the other fon' the feet" LLios,) Compare II. Kings 25; 7. Did grind -"Ile was reduced to the basely low condition of a public slave, the mast miserable of all the grades of slavery, To low/ him alive in such a slavery, and with his eyes out, was worse to him 00 deati, and a magnifying 'of their triumph," 'Samson, the fool of women all his life. set, in,his blindness, to do a woman stare's work in turning the Fancl- 01111 as he sat on the floor, was the very ( soon -Wive of hmailiatlon."--tieikfe. 22. Bair .... began to grow -As his hair grew his strength returned, "Wo must not suppose that Samson's great 00 myth buy in his hair, and yet beneath tint Lair (0111; the secret of his power, Not the Hair, but the Nazarito consecra- tion which it represented, was his glory before Gad." --Telly. "From the return of his strength with the growth of his Lair, we can only understand that he repented, and renewed v0hwtaily the vows o.f devoteuncnt which had been im- posed upon hint before his birth, and which he had so miserably hrokem"- Kitto, 23. Dagen-A fish -god, Dag sig- nifies a fish. "The figures representing Inion vary, some having the ]unman form down to the waist, with that of a fish below the waist, others having a human head, arms and legs, growing, as it were, out of a fish's body, and so arranged„ that the fish's head forms a kind of cloak, hanging down behind," -Cook, To a rase like the Philistines, living on the sea -const, the. fish was a nutul'a emblem of fruitfulness, Watson, Our god hath delivered -, They considered Dagen su- perior to Jehovah, Masuucl1 as they had gained a victory over Samson, 24. Saw Hilo -Saw Samson in his hm- ntil(atiou and shame, Praised their god -Samson could now see how Ise had dishonored Clod. It was no longer a test of strength between Samsun and the Philistines, but between Dagon and Je- howah, 25. Call for Samson -Ile is brought in like a clu0ned bear to be made the ob- ject e.1 ridicule, to be reviled, buffeted amt jeered at, as well no t0 dance to the sound of mush: (i. Sat, 18; 7; I Chron. 13; b'; 13; 23.)-11301. Coin, Between the pillars --lit full view of the people. Ile 0115 placed there to receive their jeers. 11, 501110011 slays ninny Philistines nod dies, with them Os, 26431), 26, '1hc had -flow (humiliating fur Sanson now to 1'11,0 it necessary to be led by the 110101 br ,a nal: Huila kidded' -Thi tWO 101101 count 1111011 been the principal 01106 upon whfelt the Rause rested. "Gaza is largely built on hills, which, though coun- paa.tively law', have declivities exceed- ingly steep, The temple Way erected over 0110 of these, beyond a doubt, for such 0'00 end is the custom of the East; and in such a position, if the central C010111118weretaken out, 111e whole ion - lice would be precipitated don't the hill in ruinous eingu0io11. Thine is suc(t hl steep declivity 00 the northeast ('0)110) of the present 11(0, near the old (Wool - dated (1,101 10011p0011, 10/1(1 1111011 _ them -:1s though ie desired to rest, 01. _ The 110000 act; full--lt appears that many distinguished persons were in the Maiming, while the contemn people were on the roof, widen, wa0 flat, 20, Called unto the Lord -The prayer would ex.eud over more than a single sentence as spoken by hint, but in Ube Scripture record everything is extremely 01111n,1iiatcd, 80 that ail we have here is the 01thstanets of what he prayed put is a sitiele se:tcnec; mud it contains mach. 1t ioipl'tes; 1, Ile 111)5 hullo in the God of Ist'am (.•u the lust, Theug11 Dagen seems to triumph, and Hough Jehovah 800103 to have left taint unserved for, the sport of cruel enemies, still his faith is, un- shaken in the God of Israel, '2. He lays - clubm to (nod as his awn God. 3, lie still _ has hope in !bat's mercy. Ile does not give way' to demur. 'Though he has griev- - eusiy sinned he yet hopes to 11e remain - bided by his God, for His mercies are great. 4, No prays for the accomplish - went of Anis life's oiled -the destruction of tool's eucitli.5. , hey bast depriyeu him of sight, and so rendered hint 11)1111 to accomplish that object, -J. P. Villa'. Samson's words are out a mere vindic- tive imprecation on those who had pe' • - 0aunlly injured him. 11 he had had no higher or worthier motive than this, the Lord would not have accepted his prny- er, and answered it as Ile did. With all his weakness and sins, Stimson, was, nevertheless, God's appointed champion of Lis chosen people against their per- secutors and oppressors. And he makes anis upped to Gott is his representative character, that Ile would vindicate ,1 -lis ow'n honor against the worshippers of Dagen, Ills clown -trodden Israel against the triumphant Philistines, Itis own ap- pointed instrument against those who had done Idle a mast cruel wrong," - Green. My two eyes -"For one of my tivo ryes," -11. Y., 100(310. "Samson may have felt that the utmost. ren0e- ante1 (multi not requite him for the lass of bo111 his (,vas," --'ferry. 30, let me die -"f am witting to die, if only I can accomplish this victory. It is not a wish for death in itself con- sidered, though he had little to live for, but the blinded nom perceives that the present 10001eul holds out an (erasion for victory, and argils himself mf ft., natwithstautding that it must cont hint his own life. de knot's that if his deal he sltecessful, he caning escape." Uraul ,wore more -In lois life, so far 0s we know, he slew thirty men of Ashkelon (chap, 14. 19), one thousand at 1,0111 (15.16), and a Ia'ge number mentioned in chapter 16.8. There Indy have Leen noire than this, but the tidal number did not reach the number he slew of. Gaza, which was probably file m' si0 thousand. 31, 11is brethren, rte: -The Uanitre 110,1 his near relatives Loots his body, evidently without opposition, Judg- ed Israel -Alis office of ,judge was pro- bably confined to tlnc southweeten part of Canaan, to Pan nod 1110 neighboring t fill's,-duhnsuu. PRACTICAL APPLICA'CIONS. Sampson grind ng, Poor Samson, Porn, u 0cc'ardaoce with God's promise. for It purpose; reared in the fear of God and kept pure as m Nazarite; for nineteen yes a successful judge tit f Israel; a champion of God's cause; filled with the consciousness of God's pres- ence; trusted and honored by his people: yet now we acre hint blind, his hands in fetters, yoked like o, beast of burden_ to time sweep of a corn mill, liut his ,treat loss was not his ere not' yet that mighty strength byi which he had defended 11is people and despoiled the Philistines. Itis great loss was a spiritual one. IIe had lost the C01100i011511080 of being hod's man. No had broken 111a sacred vow,and God's Spirit had departed from him. With this loss usefulness; happiness and Hope had departed, Disappointment, re- morse of conseie0100, wretched lindim'»s i`emained. Pity not the sufferings of the martyrdom of Stephen for through them the could see Jesus and the throne of God .where lie soon should w'or'ship. Pity not Paul persecuted with stripes and imprisonment and final execution. Icor hire was laid up henceforth O crown of rejoicing, Pity Sanson from whom the Lord has departed, Pity the noun above all others from whose heart has de- parted the glow and fire of God's love, Pity the ehuro11, it matters not how per- fect in organization or how prosperous in numbers, if from its shrine the glory. the :holy joy, has departed 0)1d its work has become "tread mill" labor. 0 Lord, "Take not thy Holy Spirit from 110." Tile sneidfiee to Dagen. The Philistine nobles made a sad mistake when they unci to praise Dagen fog their seeming prosperity, it cont thrum their lives. Prospet'it,y tut 100101 out 117 Coags lnnml or attended by his blessing is a snore IL offers 110 security aid brings no lasting good. Volving sport, It is unsafe to make sport of God's people or show dfarespeat for divine 'things, A wicked man of Seattle, \1%nsh,, 010Ited 1t revival, service end for sport mocked at the testimonies to snlvntien, thus greatly disturbing the meeting. A worker Who vainly tried to quiet the roan, \vas led to say: "God oughtto smile you dumb." Instnntly the man lost his power of speech, and he left the service a. note, 111 the sane city, at a street meeting held is front of a large saloon, n mon mocked nt the speaker's words. 111 n fete moments he was stabbed by nor of 1110 own rnnn'nll"e in vice. Swift -winged vengeance may not nlwnys overtake such insolenceg, but retribution will surely. follow. S81115011'5 prayer, Co'(, a man iron,, whose hen rt the Mace nod presence of (0.) lave been b1oo6o-1 Le restored"' (\'bile So0(80kwus grinding he was pre- paring ids 110 0; for the return of God's Spirit. Affliction brought to hien, as to others, ropentnnce,la,nd a hunting desire to vindicate God's` cause pos805scd his soul aneWa Meanwhile his hair began to grow tad to marl: ihim ns one upon whom tested theafterc2 votes of God. Al the nuclei hour the old -tine divine hi' spirntimn seized upon his humbled but renewed heart, and lie uttered the prayer of faith whose answer dethroned Dagen and exulted the name of God and his people and proved Samson now God's true servant. Samson's death, May one who has backslidden be restored to his old -tine nsefnlncse? When Samson's locks were shorn the privilege of his judgeship pass- el from 1)1m forever. )"et God gave hint the opportunity to do more to strength- en Israel by his death than he bad Ile - 0 ,1l9i0hed in all ids formai' life, It is to God's glory that he often restores one wino has hbckeliddonn from him to useful- ness, though often the usefulness lies 111 n new field. Samson's strength. As Samson pray - NI, that divine strength with which Lo had been familiar, thrilled hint anew. Without it he was a poor, blind slave. Willi it he was O nighty giant who could pull out the main posts from the foun- dation of the temple on the roof of which sat tlu'ee thousand people, With- out that inward strength which_ God be- stowaaDloody Was a clerk in a Chicago store like other clerks. With it he Was n mighty morn) pourer in all the Chris- tian world. \Tithmut f1 you and I are weak like outer sten, ready to yield and fall muter temptation. With it we may meet the grand divine purpose in our lives, glorify God in death and secure a victor's crown for eternity. Sanson 0 type of Christ. "The whole history is fall of the shadow of Christ. The. very name ',judge' is in the original '00300ul.' Samson is supposed to have been a type of Christ in such respects Os the 1011001ng1 The birth of both was mimieu o ns; both noted the part of savlc-urs; both were consecrated to their work by the divine Spirit; their work was done through the influence of that Spirit; both did their work alone, with- out an 0001y or tains; each in depth slew more than in life; each was received with indifference by his own people; each was betrayed by his own people into the SELF AND WIFE AND (HECK BOOK. welt 1 nr j F. LAW ARRESTED. TORONTO BROILER CHARGED WITH CONSPIRACY TO DEFRAUD, A Warrant for Partner-lathe:itias Also Want Mr. Lockhart Russell - Prisoner Released on Ten Thousand Dollars Cash Bail. The Question of Finances Over. shadowed by Another of Greater THE DAIRY. Importance -- Eigures From Government Repor "Yourself and your wife and your check -book should be a committee on (inane° that meets monthly with closed doors," is good 'dyke in the interests of domestic harmony and success. But if any one member of this committee be pormanetnly absent, what then 7 It would be bad if the third member were absent, but much worse if either of the former.! Rend the following little story of Lou' one member almost lost his place on that committee and how, after a great struggle, he finally maintained it: ' 1s twelve years since Psychlne cured me of galloping consumption, I caught cold working as fireman on the 0. P. 1f. The doctors said there was no hope for me. I had night sweats, chills and fever, and frequently coui$ed up pieces of my lungs, I was fast sinking away, Wes advised by Mrs, Stewart, a neighbor, to try Psychlne, and Iwo months' treatment put me right on my feet again, Have load no return of lung trouble since. Paychino saved me. To- day I work on my farm near hire. I am six feet tall and weigh over 176 lbs, Use my testimonial and photo if you desire. "A. E. MGMFORD," "Magnottawon, May 21st." Psychine, pronounced Si -keen, does more than has over been claimed for 1t. Coughs, colds, bronchitis, catarrh, pneu- monb, and all throat, lung and stomach troubles yield quickly to Its curative power. At all druggists, 50c and $1, or Dr. T. A. Slocum, Limited, 179 King street west, Toronto. - hands of enemies: each was faithful to the interests of his 0wu people; both w; r,• meant,. :'I ;'n r0e1''y c•ou1(1,10 1/10y h;ul with their enaufeu; 1011, en110002 mumu mockery' front the world, while ful- filling their commission received. Gem haven; eneh preyed binlself able to de- stroy the gates of the enemy; each 'was Iai1bfnl to his Clod amid surrounding trea,uu." Clerk 1\'. Shay. • QUEBEC BRIDG h INQUIRY. Canadian Government Commissioners Taking Evidence in New York. New York, Nov. 25.-1, CI, G, Kerry and Prof. G 11)10)tln, two of the con- miissinneos appointed by the Canadian Gcvernnett to inquire into the collapse of the Quebec bridge last September, Are in town taking evidence. -They have already panned their investigation in Philadelphia, and will report in a. few weeks to the authorities in Ottanra. Until the result of the investigation is known no definite decision can be a•- rired nt as to the reconstruction of the bridge. The pledge of the C'aauli'au l;m'ernment to the Grand Trail: lhlcifia Railroad insures the coldinuanr of the project, but a delay of several years seems inc%itlhh', Marvelous case of leo Corrigan which ahowa that skin diseases here- tofore considered hopeless an be cured. 6inco childhood, Leo Corrigan had - been tortured with the burning agony and itching of Eczema. His parents hod spent a great deal of money in con - suiting physicians and buying medicines -but all to no purpose As he grew older he sought other doctor( -sone of them apet3alists. He wen eleven weeks in a Toronto hospital - eight weeks in bed, At times the irri. tation and pain caused by the Eczema were so severe life was a burden. Ho would get so bad he could riot walk. Several winters he could do no work, He wrote, on February 20, 8906: "In November, 1905, I had anothrrrtlac, and was adoLsed to tee a the Ointment. (I though this would be tike the other remedies I had tried, and of no use to ore), But, to my great delight, a taw hangs after the first app ilcatMA, I felt great relief. I here used it, now, two and a -half months, nod unhesitatingly stale that it Is the bast remedy 1 ever used, 11 has worked wooden for foe. Since using Mira Ointment t have been a ble to work every day -without Irritation or pnln-no stiffness of the limbo or soreness, feel n new perry..;, '[rum a 501.1 of great irritation and some- times enceucin Ong panus lu Ireedont from all such, being enpable of doing hard work every day, is no marvelous change. Mora Ointment baa effected it. I strongly recommend any person °filleted with this terrible complaint -Enema -lo ume Mies Ointment." What this wonderfully effective Oint- ment has done in this extreme chronic case, it can do in other seemingly incur- able conditions. If you suffer from any form of skin -disease, don't delay. Cettnbn relief and care in waiting you in Mira Ointment. Get n box to -day. Sac. -6 for $a.so. At drug -stores -or from The Chemists' Co. of Canada, Ltd., Hamilton. -Toronto. tg Show its Importance. ;According to a table of statistics, the export of dairy product., from 13110 to the present time are given, 'Prealiug of butter production; it is -pointed out liar ill 1909 thu total amount produced was 10,049,733 panda, while in 1900 it reached 34,031,513. 1'he value of 1011)511 production in 1900 it hal advanced to (7,075,539, The returns ill 1809 for butter sent to the united States were 31,015,702, and hi 1000 333,065. The butter 00pired 10 Great Brit- ain in 1898 unwonted to 3534,707, while w 1(633 it readied ..0,002,003. The 111101ner of pounds of cheese made in 1)108 ill Canada Were 6,141,- 170 ,141;170 pounds, while in 1000 the largo rohnne of 211,334,543 was the total. The retains from the erpo•t of (bees in 1808 were 7620,543, white in 1000 it had udvnnced to the almost picli'00' all sum of 324,433,169. The amount of cheese sent to Great Britain in 1803 returned in enol, 3148,574, While iu 1101)1 it brought into the poth- ole of Canadians 324,300,003, GROWING DWARF TREES Requires Much Time and • Patience, Says a Japanese Horticulturalist. i:xactly how these tiny trees are pro - ducal is known only to u scot'( or so of individuals. But S. Eidn, a Japnneae fellow of the Royal horticultural So- ciety, was gond enough to supply the writer with some interesting fleets rtd5t- in:g to slut methods employed. It would seem that the quality essen- tial to the successful dwarf tree grower is patience, infinite patience, hocked by n fund of 0011a resignation unknown to the western mind. kitty' years is named as the shortest period in which a really nod utnil saleable dwarf tree may be grown, while a lifeline is not long enough to produce the highest 0xa 0)0100 01' the art. The tree artist merely makes the beginning; his son, or even his sou'( son, renes the reward of his labors, Dwarf trees are lorctlnced from seeds, or in 1'))500 where this 10 1)01' 1)111.1)110! from carefully selected endings, When the, young plant begins to grow it is tended with ceaseless care, and from the rommen0ouont of its carer its natural tendencies mrd suiljuented to the will of its mister. Each twig, moth loaf, as it makes its appearance, becomes the ob- jrrt of thecloset scrutiny, Shall it be permitted- to grow, and if so, in what direction. May it not be 116is11ble to cut it nn'ay olt', ether and encourage growth elsiw'hcrct. These and a dozen similes' questions uceupv the mind of the Japanese 'artist, 11 1111 upon their correct solution depends 111e ultimate value of the tree, for to be putrid the dwarf must possess a shape and balance equal to the best life-sized models. -Windsor 111(:trine. THE SHEEP INDUSTRY. Important Bulletin Issued by the De- partment of Agriculture. The Ontario Department of Agricul- ture has just issuer 0 bulletin 011 the sheep industry of the Province, the first pubbeati011 of its kind by the depart- ment, 11 contains the result of an ex- ha1atiye inquiry into the industry and the, reasons for its decrease in Ontario. These are given as lack of profit owing to low prices for 0)01(10)) 0101 Wool, 1o0 - res from disease and at lambing time. 1t is pointed out in respect to the first that prices are now such as to make the sheep industry 0 profitable one, pro- vided the other drawbacks can be off- set, Suggestions with this i0 vies are given, including proposed, alnemdl05'00s the sheep protection act Arlon;; the tattles i11 the 6111etfm is ono showing that in the last year for which figures are obtainable, 1905, the aggregate of sheep in the Province was 1,62.1163, and that ,ince 1001 there had been a yearly aver- age decrease of 109,411, The Winter Garden, .\ new' 1i010(00n fad has introduced (ha winter garden, in which tea is served, .amt in some of the larger cities int (itis reentry, wimp One meets 01110y foreign - ter.. the idea has already been adopted and seems to have inlet with great sac: sass. '1'151 001011'r garden is not unlike a s0I00(0 garden. Instead of being an outdoor enclosure it is 000(111 in with glass, and there are shrubs, potted plants and flowers to ornament it without giv- ing it too lunch the air of a e0111.11111011- 1 my. The furniture suggests cosiness and warmth ratiher than coolness, and, if one i:.'(, a (ire/1100e may :110.0 one of the side,. In fact, the winter garden is n den Woll supplied 111/(11 d171131ht and nr- ritne el With as strict garden effect when the slimiest lights ore turned on. These are cleverly coneenle'.,1 beneath flmve's ori vines, the telt table is an essential feature of the winter garden if it be- longs to the mistress of the house. Her friends delight in running in for a cup of fragrant -tea, and if the garden 1s large enough site gives semi -informal al - fairs within its charming walls, -New York 1Ieruld. 'l'he gentleman froni the north fell fele(ine to the floor. "Whislcey'1" ex- claimed the doctor. "I'll bring hint to." tier make it three,' feebly remarked the gentleman from the north, -Landon 'Caller, Toronto Despatch: llnmcdiutely follow. 1113 the Olnlatillel'lnellt of dating (row a Allormew 1V. 1I, Price in the Police lours ycstefduy afternoon that the ('use fur (be uve;u :150111+t :dr. Pt,t,,. I,a .., 01 LOW & Co., mining brokers, 01''unbolt, was completed, Detective 60000)4 placed Freak Lau' mai' al rag +11 a clhargc of conspiracy laid by the acting Crown .1L- turncy, 111101 latfn', aetirg ul ou : magneto warrant, from officers of the local deti'c- tit'e tfepartmenL proceeded to the oftpte, of LAW k. Cu, amt took 010)030 ut the Gooks and documents of L,00' a Co., 111311land Huey, 13lubell, Lucky Boys and Silver Bird Alining (0)0 ame•s, Later in the afternoon 1Jr, Law 0'110 1,ien.,ett t:irl1n i,i, own cash Lail of 310,- 000, • 'fine charge on the w',llrint roads that "thrum: hung and LucklOrt 1111(01111 did conspire with each other and with other pe1'50113 all present uektow'n, by deceit a::d Ldse.sood and other fraud -ohm melena, to defraud the public Steps fire being taken to lay an in- formation under the fugitive (!fenders' act in order that a warrant may be served upon Mr. Mussell, who is et pre- sent in ILwclund. The Polio Court trial for conspiracy will open this morning, and evidence will bo taken in the an - tat of Mussell. '.Phis startling denouement of the Law case, which has attracted eonsiderublc latent/tot during the past two weeks, followed n lengtiy eoeference at Quern's Park yesterday morning between Magis- trate jiingsford, Crown Attorney Price, Assistant Provincial Secretary Thoma, Mulvey and Deputy 2ttomner-(lettere( John Cartwright, and was sanctioned 11y the offfh'ial chiefs of tl:e two last uauell gtotilemen, ' ONTARIO WITHDRAWS, ' The Placing of Immigrants Left to Dominion Government, Ottawa, -,0v,'23, -Formal notification of the intention of the Outn'iu Govern- ment: to retire from the work of placing immigrn1110 in situations through the :Tetley of the prnvineial 001100als has Lien received front Ilon, Nelsml Mon- teith, Minister of Agriculture, by the Doniinioo Government. In a letter to Ron. Frank Oliver, lln'. Monteith repeats the ('(01115 expressed during Ow recent conference at Ottawa, and expresses the belief that the Dominion Immigration authorities should now 1''h,It'in full ehnrgo of the work of distributing the immigrants at Toronto, - . lira Oliver would- have preferred hav- ing the Ontario (lovertmhnt'eaoperite, as nt present, with his department; be, tiering that any serious friction between Federai and p'r'ovincial -agents might rosily be avoided, and tint both were doing good work. lint since 1110 On: talio Government tastes the opposite view, the Dominion Go1erinlent will now step in and take full charge of the work of distribution in Ontario. The department already Imo settle two hundred agents ninoli3 the formers of Ontitrfo, who ore placing fuunigrnnts on the forums in their localities ne 041(1)00' Gems'are made to them, and the only' change neecssa'y in the present arrange- ments in order to ndegne.tcly eontin11e the work hitherto don,:,, by both Govern- 1 merits will probably be a reorganization of the Dominion Ninth ration Offiee in Toronto, which will be established on a uermnnent basis undo' an official of the TWO ROADS. l'ila'c me two plain thoroughfares of prly'00--0110 i0 tin' trey of man to God, the outer is the way e1 tion to 11111n. rho fust is tow wu+t frequented road, laud, barren, lutbeontiful; full of d;urk- (nss, tabor. and tutecrlainly, When in distreess they call: the cry is hollow and loud, for it is out of the empty heart, They are always beginning, al- ways 00 the tllreahuid. Tin joy of progress is not theirs, nor the fulness (f a well rounded life, 'i he certainty of arrival is not found in their heart, They labor and acres come to n full knowledge of the troth. Their cry is a ely of want, their trope is a hope of gain; it is a self-inflicted cruelty, a. burden to the wean')' heart. The travellers in the other thorough- fare are 1011 of 0 dignified oontposnre; there is a quietness in their strength; they have a weft trained eye, And listen through 0 long-distance telephone; a vitality of spiritual intensity which reaches far and always travels down- wards. Lille a ship at a wh0rf out- ward bound, it is a loading up and start- ing on n voyage, it is over full; its joy fs 10 give; it blesses with both hands ear unruly. The first draught at the foun- tain of life fills it, and it is empty never more. Being justified fteeiy by His grace, the soul is free and e,ne111 not any " more under the Clark (lotus of condemna- tion. There is weakness but 110 (0ant, innnnturily hot no 1ucertainty, dimness hot no darkness. There fo a hoeing of immortal youth and the equipment for • the strife in the defence of the heavenly places where they dwell, NUGGETS 1 t'0 with the light of Clod's lore shin - bog into yet( mammon day. Toho old. gifts and continued joys as thonglt they were fresh gifts, as indeed they err. Eno e con sing a new soul onto the lord , every day. ,1'.d 1 living near my Saviour, then am I as happy 00 the day is light,_antl as light-hearted 00 n. child,' it limy be that I have plenty of annoyances, but they don't trouble me when Alis presence is with mc. Ant 1 downcast and worried, then i ani away from God. The leader who is faithful to his Man I ter will not have to worry about. his class being faithful to him, Thee is no power of evil that can harm ane alto haps gro'a'n lois lift' into the keep. Mg of the Lord Jesus Christ. ll possible, 1/0115 lin down at night without being able to say, 1 have made' at least nue being a (1.tle wiser, a little happier, or n. little better this day, (lope and faith and love are anchors of the soul, tied and true, Have you got +,`1 totem aboard, They will grip the hock and will hold the life safe amid the dig- est storm that ever threatened to en- gulf the human heart. A large draught of 11110(0 taken every morning, 11 throwing open of the heart's 101101n'.ts to the 700:11 .s of the Master,- few. diaster,fee wends of ]Honest prayer, a deed or, two of kindness to the next person you I meat, will do more to brighten your 1 countenance and gladden your life than all the +looter's drugs. When (ho troubled soul tails cop Ilon: vee it is never told "Line's busy." ISPARKS FROM A PHILOSOPHER'S FORGE. depnrtntettt. ♦-0 BIG BALL AT WELBECK ABBEY, Underground Room to be Used in Hanoi of Spanish Royalty, London, Nov. 25. -Tie grand under- ground hail -room of the c:1elant:^d Wclhcek Abbey. which was ,'acat:Med by the fifth Duke of Portland ,114111 which lots not been used for 111011y year's, will be the venue of a la'il,iart hall tomorrow night, in honor of KingAlfonso 001 hiswife, Queen 1'ict.:ria. Their Majesties ore 1100' guests of the Duke, whose daughter will mace her social debut at the hall. -1 large 1111 1111 01' of titled and noble person, will att0ad, The whole suite of subterranean cham- bers and tile 1000(030:1 c',nnu11uni000ilt;, with tlu'o, will bo dazzlingly illuminated with electric lights, MONEY MUST BE VOTED. Legislature May Deal With Request of Essex People, Toronto Nov. 25. -It is not probable that a decision will he given icon 'd'uttley in reference to the reccot.moms) of the people of the town of Essex, 'Gluey ask- ed 0d t ,€t the 1roeeeds of the fine i'nfliet- cd on the (ileiaieaa Central itaitw;r0' hit: e.a•eh`s: m ss i'1 Mottling 111, dw- mannite which caused the explosion at that place, be paid to the municipality, to aid in repairing the d:tnoege clone ivy the tweak:0 . it is said that the Provincial cartern- ., could not itself undo such a pay - tient of public .11)0000', for (('11icl1 there :0 no appropriations, at once by rrder- in-1'0nncil, The grant would 'nave to be toted by the Legislature. -. A warrior hold wino knows no fear, T 0103 the moving morin; \\-hem lure is young the world is fair, Anel lore has roses in her hair, But. Inter, when (hen' old and fat. You yonder where your e11'enlny Ore at. -.Milwaukee Sentinel. if worry and wickedness were exclud- ed from the sphere of human activity, /11011 could capitalize energy and invest its in longevity. Straitened eimctunstanecs are deter- mining factors in Cementing the bonds of • friendship. (live of your substance if 0011 oeould have people appreciate your 8711170 thy and emulate your spirit, People who carry their heart on their slee'o usually leave their alabaster box on the dressing table on visiting days. Many resolutions of tlne•nio'ning give birth to the regrets of the evening. Jack of self-confidence may take the sweetness out of your apple; but over- much confidence in others often takes the apple itself, A true )heart, n balanced mind, and a God -adjusted conscience will convert the obstaeles encomte'ed in the path of duty into medians of inspiration, Ile lido) clings to others for support to -day' may have to cringe before them 111 0111 Ole ,o•mor'ow. It is hard or sordid ;minds to' believe in purity, or,‘ruel naturee'to believe in love, 1'110 si113)10e" of the (0111,19 Foes •muni cal than, t8r.''" t''': •,l(1 'r It seem%"fir's 's5zi'oro'inf,t'ural to for get a kindne:, 1a )n;to forgive nn injury. All'�e£1'toen sone neo and fortune fs principle; and all that 8101(20 between others' and perciiton is grace. The beat tray to help out neighbor bear his burden is to nmtnfully and un -.- complainingly bear our own, --,J. DI. 11. A.; A WOMAN'S LOGIC. If Jesus Clu•ist is everything to me. I know lie eau be everything to any. man, and because I know it then woe is one if I do not do all that is in my power to let every non who does not know Jesus Christ share flim with me. There is no escape frim this logic. If I love Jesus Christ, which means if I inn loyal to Him, which means if f keep Alis commandments, 1 an in t0ueh w'1111 eve(y'lnuly to tone ends of the earth who needs Iliim, and I cannot wash my hand's and say that you must. rouse me from this matter. -- nobble 17, Bab- cock, Nell-Unnr round oio err. fall hi love with tint red-headed 1011010'? Dello -Dot, my dont, he is devotion itself, Ile has even said he would dye for her.