HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1897-11-26, Page 7I. ..,.,.... , e., I -f,J .S.9. ,6 �., , ". ,.:_I � Tim.1 .0TVA ir. vzr� lowN "" - -x :1" � W i.e Story of a Man who suiiered the AgoniE of a Living Death. 7IC$L ESPERTS PROIVOIINCED HIN INCIIRABLE 8N WAS PAID A LARGE DISABILITY CLAIM. D $ :The Case probably the Most Wonderful in the History of Medical Science from Hopeless, Helpless Inactivity, to Health and Strength__ __ - Brous] of the Check by which the Disability Claim waa Reproduction paid �\, Li �FE: (9m. 91 Xff 0 X ,-. - '100 MM A A �a 0,� r / 0 THE DOMINION BANK o•llarseA President; 1 Q "�— eosarec ..... ` From the Meaford, Out. Monitor • nese began. For three years more he lin- have observed that I have now even ceased ve noted, About two years ego the Monitor proour- helpless, and 9i burden togored in the condition o himself and a nessy to ae a cans, perfectly wel oaYoget Maayabout s t bus! - No other ed an interview with Mr Reaben Patch, of friends. He was then advised to t � y say there is Qrier„villa; in order to ascertain from his Williams' Pink Pills, He did notyhope permanent.Indeednn, ed I am into yeven° better . medicine idoubt as n e own lips if the reports wore well founded that they would help him, but in his sad health that be attributed his moat astonishing re- condition be was prepared to grasp at any. Cervi Wthan when I gave you the first in - world a tarn to health to the use of Dr Williams' �� 4 / � thing that afforded the proepeot of even a „ ' Pink Pills for Pale People. The result of slight relief. The first change noted in the interview was published in the 1ldoni- Do You still attribute your cure to the ever off red I big condition after he began the use of the use of Dr Williams' Pink Pills 2 asked the I for under the date of Jen. 17th, 1896. Mr Monitor. ��� Patch's case was certainly one of the most Pills was a disposition to sweat freely, SL1Ch An lli[1.,ed Then life began to return to his hitherto "Unquestionably I do,” was the reply, IVB extraordinary in the annals of medicine in dead body, and from that time on his pro- Canada—if not in the world. He had been `Doctors had failed, as had also the num. gress towards recovery -and activity was eroas remedies recommended by my proof of art. R ill for five years and in that time be had coneulted no less than six of the beat h s_ steady and certain. friends. Nothing I took had the slightest P Y The publication of the lntenlew contain- effect upon me until I began the use of Dr fafana be ootid find, but none nand give ong the facts above noted, created unusual Williams' Pink Pills, To this wonderful him the least relief. His tombs and body interest, not only in this section, but `r were puffed and bloated to each an extent throughout Canada, That a man whose W IRA that he could not get his clothes on, and. medicine I owe my release from a living "` for two years be had not dressed. He had limbs and body were all blit dead, who had death, I have since recommended Dr lost the use of hie limbs entire! ben examined by medical experts, and. Williams' Pink Pills to man T y His pronounced inohcablo, and on the strength friends and the virdictis in their yfavor. of i .I DIS. �ILLIA S' flesh seemed to be dead, and pine aonld be stack into various parts of his body with- shall always bless the day when I was in- of their report was paid a large disability Out being felt or creating the slightest sen- claim, Should afterwards be Y ducod to take thhm.". PINK PILLS sation. He could not move about and if Oared by Dr The above are tbechief statements mads Williams' Pink Pills was looked upon as a by Mr patch fn this latest interview, and f he ahem ted to marvel. Many were skeptical; not as to �ti , P get up would fall and the care— the Monitor may remark, from a long ac - F r would have to be lifted up. He was unable for the fact that he was active! I done f o to open his month sufficiently to take solid going about proved tbie—but they did not quni atom with him, that we consider food, and had to be fed with a spoon like a believe it would prove permanent. In bis atatementg absolutely true and reliable. child. The doctors Said his trouble was view of the doubts then expressed, the H0 hue no interest to serve other than a j ^ - Monitor, determined to watch the case desire recommend the medicine that has of 2zs they spinal sclerosis, and that he oould not pos- closely, and now, °earl eiblyget better. Re tae, in foot, nothing done so much for him, and we feel Sure g the cure was first publi li two againfinr that of any sufferer will write to Mr Petoh, more or legs than an animated corpse, So terviewed Mr Patch, with the result that °n°losing a stamp for reply, he will ender.. do for you if, helpless was Mutual He was a member of the we aro ,i❑ a position to say most emphatic- Canadian Mntaal %ifs Association, and all the statements made above. We may r was under their rules entitled to disabilityP further say that Mr Patch's remarkable re- t ally that this remarkable cure has proved eoveryleavesnodoubtofthewonderfulaure- i�81? a fair tri re- insurance and made a claim for ifi. TwPermanent. r 9, doctors, on behalf of the association, were On being again questioned, Mr Petah it ,,etive arns roc o ab Williams' pink pills, and c lf�lsaid :—"you see those hands— console to infer that they will I " sant to exapliu9 112m1 and they grpppapgQ� AOW 114tcral and algetic, the Skin is do for others what they have done for him him incurable and permanently disabled, Once the ° and in accordance with their repo he was Y were —restore health and vitality, v and and without Sensation. You =onld P f erot them with a pin and I would not fac simile of the one by which Mr Petoh'a n paid a disability ineuranoe of $1,650. feel it, and what is true of m The check at the head of this article is a This was about two years after hie sick y hands ie disabilit claim was paid and is given in true of the rest of my body, Perha a �y+� to ' p you further dbrroboratio of hIs Statements, fc 8 The•Insuritnee Fear. b. A Dying G`'ity � of beans at 50c: tallow candies at 2 bite 1e &1,VAI�l;QGS PROM THE REPORT OF TI ONCII LIVELY TOMBSTONE IS LOSING ITS BmOk(25 'ed hamms at $overalls 2 a allls at and $o each, eRIVRDIAN PROSPERITY. DOMINION SUPERINTENDENT. __ dl POPIILATION. cowhide' RE,70ICED OVER IN GREAT $RITAiN, fof o y1. __ __ boots were disposed of as fast as they __ The report of the Superintendent o There never was another camp in the art from Lus An tb could be hauled to camp across the des The London Times has an article -Insurance, just issued, shows that tb 'E':" h -west like that at Tombstone in g'eJOs and Yuma for er a column in le a O9- nc ,the y amounts r bythe of risks, taken dnrin 87fi and I880, Indeed there have been m3lr�u et hat In,, 1881 all the Tombstone facts of Can;idian ngth �r Some Ef- Iu the year by the 33 fire companies wa cry few similar communities in the of slew persona, and the o tb6 it „ in the T� .$6(19,288,650, an increase o $1,649,60' orld. For over seven months the the lace had one do wereinthe hands course of which ft says; pTheyDiamond "Over the amount taken in 1895. Dur ily out ut Of p g down from 10,000 to in Canadian annaleoae be one of a remembered ingg the year there was aid in ]oases ed about $50 Precious metal aver- 5,000, In 1883 the mines with two ox- r 14,193,501, and received for premiums lit there 000 Over a dozen !nen captions, began to peter out, and the �heaFrac'evival. From the Atlantic to $7,075,850, a decrease of $820,249 in loss- rrth pennilees, and cams away population dro fic seaboard of the Dominion, slc $500,00(1 in less than a year, and then it has Peed to 3,000, Since roB crit a I t' 'es and an increase in premiums of $132 or seven men struck ft rich and sold than it has soulse down York s prosperity appears to have declared it- cot gone down slowly to less self, and the promise for the future is -468. The gross amount of fire risks for over $1,000,000 each. Fully Express. aketi in the year by the Ove Canadian f of the'population walked hundreds Mail and in the highest degree encouraging, ac[ th companies was $114,37fl,430; received ilea to get there. No railroad ran David Logan hast obtained at fol some years sibs an at har- fox' pr'einfu[ns • $1,0(31,855; and paid in =ugh Southern Arizona in those g Passed has Windsor a �. dosses $7I3,565, a percents a of 67.20 as a, and the awful Colorado and Mo- on last Thursda vest has been remarkably ' Thursday night in a "prnirIe y good. Earl schooner"on his way from Alberta,N. W,T, r 1. , a ainst 70.10 per cent in 194, deserts bad to be crossed in wag- frosts have not touched wheat a Fortyy a - Tlfe ,insurance business shote the or on foot b the multitudes of for- where he hue been farming, to his old home lions of bushels of wheat from Manl- y 2, Comber. He had travelled the whole robs alone are reported 10 be is excel - large increase of $8,iness 8 over that -seekers from California. Desert rof the previous year, the total amount storms were encountered, and for a�day ab600 lSome r'ades in biwagon, farmer one meal lent condition, and notwithstanding p�eau•' in force in the "line" companies being travellers to "Tombstone endured inn ors house the construction of new storage cape- nes X327,800,499, which, in addition to and putting up with crackers and cheese for city entered upon in anticipation o! peraturo of over 130 degrees in the balance. He said the o e in Alberta $132,885,399 held on the assessment bade. Many a man died on the p the yield, the Canadian Pacific Hail-� Ian, gives the total life insurance in 1 sand did not ripen, owrng to the a ly frust. He way is said tO have almost more than y plaips, MinerB on their had loft his wife and family o there and it can do in handling the export crop. C" orce in Canada of $460,685,89$, Of the to the new camp from the east p had returned alone to make a now home in From the dairying industry the ac- polif;ies taken by the '•line" companies. oath toiled across the Arizona, al- Essex count I $4�,6 0 during the year; that plains throegb immense cactus Y' He' in 62 years Of age, counts of the year, eo far as they go, itkon by d n companies exceeds t and risked their lives in the GONE TO d SHADOVP, are equally satisfactory. The export tfe'8rifisli erican together by osttle lands of the Apache In- of cheese shows an increase of 25 er early ten Ilion dollars, The amount d When Tombstone was reached cent upon any previous year, and in I wn &Id Jn death claims was $3,817,898, ma- t ere new privations and more Racked by Pain, Bed Despair- the bettor trade there has been an in- ttsm ur'ed endowments, dividends, etc., ( b al distress, for the greater num- We f-90uth American Rheumatic Care crease alue oof be export of cheese Increased ringing up the total payment to six peciallq those who had hastened Good Angel Which Stilled the Mlle d,a half � ns, Hence for ever f e e atone rep 'Less y !Rees, stores, shops, clerkships Tompest and piloted Safely into the gar, resents a cum of tywoa million trades in that lie hundre liars received in Pre at a pastor's study, Over one-third Canadian industry, Lahr iUkI the a been paid to policy- O en In cam had ver little aro- her of Health. fruit and �ioultry have this year been Oldo'I's dilrri " ,bh ear 6 n p 3' y g q $G .73, leaving none at all, and knew no wa I was so troubled with Sc`ratioa that at appears with GJreat Britain. Motley lam r27 to be carried to reserve, expense Of ing any except by the hardest times the pain and Suffering I experienced and as Canadabe pouring into the country have d profits. The total amount of pol- ki manual labor,, to which the WEta excruciating. I failed in flesh to almost of unsettled (virgin soil Dill vast tracts twhhro los taken in 1896 on the assessment W used. It cost $I a night to a Shadow, I was aImoat ocntinuonsly in best wheat ;%° the world c n be is t e anus $18,471,800; received in fees, a dirty, rough pane bank. bed for over a year, and I had Spent bun- the prospects of an extention of her civil es6 elms, etc., $1,M5,581; and paid old at 20c a gallon, a small dish dreas of dollars in doctoring. I had almost agricultural area are next goad, Beath Claims, $I,15i,635, given lip hope of a onre. A relative of mons ile tofttttl accident premiums recoived 6 who had been cared of the Same disease by PEOPLE PRAISE IT. Clanada were $424,010 insuring an .dL*36WMC)0 South American Rlicumatio Cure, induced 'flit of $81,024,188, and the sum o , Th �I a�i.n me to try it. The first dose gave mo instant Dnnn Sma,—I have often haft ooughe and' Was paid for cl4iins, with $69, s ' !a an relief, After using throe bottles I was co__and colds no well as bronohitie. Norway elaiMe not settled. � ovary lately eared." Wm-Marsball, Varna P. K Pine Syrup euros me e{+ery time. I r=oom- alapyeq O„ Out. Sold by Watts & Co, y' mend it as a perfect a ire for. all throat and �I, Lang troubes, C1les r7: V Mayl3eld, Ont. i f.. .. Y , + 7j", , � A, ' , L . , . 4. . I , , I I ,L- .��, . 'J Z L J p � "Iffifatfolsa.Pzf'm,►. f.�.. •, ,�'- - - - UAL - _., I 1� .." - I to- I A -.k& . , 'f: .._ Z+ NSUG T a ol�>Ixnrc of ; HE FEE'S. . R. R., ID ICK Y, , ` . VIEWS OF A DOCTOR AND A, QHIROPP- • ODIST ON THE SU9JECT. Clerk 5th Divisioll Court, �'—' Agt, for best �naurance The True Ideal of Scanty In, the Haman Foot -..Health and Comlort Sacrificed to Companies. FOREST I THE 8LOAN MCDICINE 'Opt 4 oat, l2, 1 , Is False Ideals—Tho Shape sand Flt o; rile Correct Shoo. CO., . DEAR SIRS: "It is a lamentable fact that the groat About two years ago I suffered from an attack of bilious diarrhoea bulk of the foot covering lades became chronic and threatened my existenoa. I used several kinds of pateub medJcinaer halide of persons uttni i try is 1n the and was treated by my family'which y Ignorant not only Indian Tonic. It helped me %lice and Ibconti nq d cured im r o etiagd pow neo Sloapltr ' of the anatomy Of the foot but absolutely health. I can heartily recommend it to sll troabled as Y was, or in used of a general Indifferent w it," said a learned doctor to invigorating medicine. P "joy p:3r#eotr a patient the other day. "The leaders of R. R. DIC73>;Y, J, n L1fashi-honoveron change the Style and shape of the For sale at all dealers or addreas thuste Company at Hamilton. Be ft the human foot could be made tleas- their o � con- .. Price $1 per bottle; 6 bottles for $5, form to the changing shapos instead of the sbapee conforming to the foot, I --- "Th 000t, befog ono of oho moat flexible He Reclaimed His Jewels, 1?OrtioP of the human body and reach One d' At Tiverton, on Thursday mornln ir shape, andracilytortured to take almost any from horn teaching at college his wo hiwas l greater parre t the business w shape temporarily at least, whatever may dren wore suddenly taken ill and died. ,ke Out, and swept the rl It be the subsaquent anguish, it follows that I When on returning be inquired about town out of existence, part o€ the you obey the behests of fashion unthink- thorn, his wife, Baruria first gave him an DepucY Returning ingly, taking it for granted Rhin a loot 1s evasive answer, card then, leading the con- has been fined 200 Officer Saunders properly and rightly squooaed and crowded vorsation to another topic, related to hirer jail fo ballo -bo three months in so long as the pain and suffering are not i how a man who had left some jewels in t box stuffing in the MaG+' 1. Instantly made Inaupportablo, and from her care had comp to reclaim them. '+Am Mt' Chas•No[ thwooti,one of the, this practice a false baste is developed and I I to give them back?" r she asked. "sok, Prominent and most a faloo and absurd }deal of beauty estab- 1 can you put such a ?" shnP" said he. "Op hrgbI respected cili- lished; the natural shape and symmetry course you are to return thorn to the own- tens of Chatham, °ie ear �rueaday of and the due proportion of the foot to the I Or•" BGrurla tiieri took her husband into diabetes, Cobourhis 57th y body aro forgotten; a taste for a certain the chamber where the two children were g, Friday afternoon p deformity, an utterly unnatural ibob both I 'lying, and Volutin train from Toronto w + as the- � In shape and site, Is aoquired, and soon tears were ovOintisin to their), where was from the depot, Wm,belar pulling up ' we have become the possessors of mlSshap- I nearly breaking, she courageously said, man from Glen Miller, ran tg°Q''a young on, hideously deformed feet,owner ween he sl[ jump on, y "Ono of the moat surprising things that theso jowels in our a'iv From and claimed the Tal - p PPecl and fell under the last sill Du Maurier told about Trilby's foot was mud in ]Yiinorao Monthly, Tied p�tenger coach, the wheels of which awed over and badly crushed his J,1 t,. tba I the great toe wag well away from the second toe, and that the latter was the Ili longer of the two. How many of the eO- Refleotiona of a Bostonian. Mr Stewart Paisley, of North York, gle who wear p=laced hood shoos can show At the menagerie there is a universal drew his money from the clank 'at "111�1'� 'such a conformation of oho foot as thatP laugh on the faces of the people about the St°uffville, and at 1p o clock 11/ed I But people of the present day have lost a I monkeys cage, while there is a leek of �Y night was shot and stabbed by a, I Sadness upon each simian visage. Can it °OuPle of hi hwaymen near king for the natural shape of the Perfect g Molrut A] foot. Th bo that while the monk herr, and robbed of between $•4pp and too ' They may Profess admiration for funny to mankind the cont mplat on of $500' Trilby foot, but is their hearts they mankind fills the monk really think the shape, at }east in a shoo 4 soul with sor- The wheat king of the world resides in is ugly and secretlytOwp—Boston Transcript. Argentine. He Js an Italian emigrant nam. Brofer their own de- formed, Pointed foot, with the great too ed Guazone,and his broad acres are sitaat- lapped over the small toes and all the lat- An Export Accountant. ed in the eouth-of the province of Buenos ter tratnOd into a pointed bunoh." "DO you not think, Miss Smiles," he Ayres. His crop occupies i area of Buenos "Bub, then, the agony of such f! Pleaded, "that in time you might }earn to sorsa. He numbers his workmen b =said a chlroPodist whoa Oonsnited +jam love me?" thousand, and each one receives a share of n% to a foot's no unusual number for ..possiblY," the girl rei3hod. "If yon the profits. When his season's crop is bar- ; be oe1}ed upon to front, The could rrondor me a ata vested he 011e over 2,000 railway truokawothtl ere and adnrir tamrart of what you vvoarers of raaor food shoes ought aro worth, Mr. Giles, I rrAght Ieasrr m rove J the grain. 11 I to take a alaace at the illustrations of the you. I'm very quick at figures. "—Lonflon , } 11-�L` "11 reenittng defoevrltior as described bty a 1Fnn. Aumsus aergeon ohlroliodigt. He shows PEOPLE TALK BACK, twhich ie fajveles, diseases and ailrnontts to SNAP AND VIGOR WANTED. Many People talk back. Here is one, • Mise the 1!=eb is ]fab!®' During the 80 civ Modern Life demands snap and vigor from had aKathmino Weese, Belleville, says: "I Save ' morn 7oacs that he Practiced his Profession, all. The race for existence is hotter than Pain in rayand back accompanied b ti� �``' in this city he had among his patrons and ever. Eee erol debilitq and tried variolic remedies for �t � pableaCs come of the aroeb distinguished P Your blood pure by using Bar- the same bat without derivi mw9n and women fa rive noun fished dock Blood Bitters,and lou will be healthy, fit, until I tried Dean's Kidnneg mach liens- r,;. try, and dor- vigorous and strong, Miss Jennie A.Glea- Y pills, whic.r y1. tog s time he treated some=[ the worst son, Centreton, Ont., says; "For two years I amc glad to °ay entirely +`- ansae of detormiby that buss oam0 lute ilio I sufferer from poor, thin blood. I grew as in lir Y °orad me. 7 hev ,,f laude of w snrg�• This dootor'B labors weaker every day until I tried B. B, B. It y a Grand"medicine olid I cats�t;; warn not confined bo the euro of sirecared Y y case was a thorough specific. "� '' Sarna and bunions. He nnderixrok sem completely strong meby ��ainblood The Ontario Department of Agricul- , - Of the tarso +, u lil Possible oases o[ distortions and painful Mlmoute of the fleet. One of Lure is daily in receipt of letters from 1. his gesso and suomellfw operations vacrs 1J..,•-, Mein. fruit -growers in various parts ofOntar- ?' 00 the rostorabion of the foot, dstmmadb8ttui "Wcra early man a Savage?, a io testifying to the beneficial results of dloplaoemeab oP'the great too age sks o sat- i thetifYinexperiments , was long considered joint 1t on friend. We were not on mach fa- b spraying p riments undertake incredible that the : miller borms with the early man t,bat woe y the depal•twent during the past sea - natural shapo of the foot thus deformed as would enable us tog-Ivedetailsof his son, Many of the letters contain facts eculd be restored, but by the mo at band- j vote life, but if our Blend will alit � and figures that are "quite surprising, agar the b ullon was reduced, the joint re- verb and ask about �B and itis understood that all the infer - placed, and the natural movement of the we think the full man that e' oration thus gathered is to be issued tone tea restored." i him: Owing reply wf•11 -ttefy shortly in bulletin form. Ib is surprising that the majority of It depends upon circumstances. Two son, John Dryden's farm is directly people aro pilling to saerirloo dx4r health , winters R90 WO bad an .4),crrlonoo of Phe in front Of the acres tilled h and comfort to a false Ideal of bs"t11h1 eeat.y mriar that will ]list lie Cor y the Con- fect, said ono shoo morrrhanb. `°Tb is eaQri was carry borayse he had to years. $e servative yoeman who has been nom- eatch strain. lusted to run a ainst the stranger that these who value thernselvm I 130 ted a Oaardlo—tho gas was tur�� Agticultare ingSouth OntArio.ter Of m what tber regard as their bwubifal p�the metxip—¢cud. pied to dam, honest hope of Mr Dryden is that the do sot reflect Qhs# this beauty In attminod I3e got on Fairly swell , only by the loss of real beauty of pace and little shin hero and there, t�ls2ng off a relative positions of the two farms is grace of movement, A tout erowdod into Mrin °rO �rOOth'g °B the representative of the relative positions a narrow toed mho© Luo gs out 6"Aa; pOcftvts In his endeavors which their owners will Occupy 411 anal, for the foot to got his clothes right side nP and gash- the polls close.—Toronto Telegram when , means ]loos between lire oyes, crow's fee%, Ing himself with t& raoor through ns a worried ogprosalon of 00mm,tenanoe and' cold water] until he tried to bu'tttou his i ths gait of an Invalid or eripplo. OOM,r, ',ben the trouble began. HAMILTON Ouch People go about torsneatdng other 11 had air0 ills People with their plaints °d `Oh, �a o' -Ight, He It IN lar nW feet t' " trirned cad pr!%Oed as he uaed'one fdrnmb , possible to restore a pettenb's and then the other, he cast hos eyes up at Re5tOY atiOn z foot to their normal om(lition so long as I tkro oe n� h Obs wears boots and shoos Oonstr•rrabod about and m out B fix'+ i�Put A Hamilton ladv undergoes an experi- svith no regard whatever to made gaO88 and remarks but slice and relates rho history of a severe and pbyslolO any that h=is would not go round the stud. trial. °P9 °f ti1e human 10011. ---Chat iK g° had a rest' wiped away the perspiration Mrs James Graham, 230 James St.nortb, Ivitlrout regard b= bio natural shape of the and started again very delSberabeIy, but Hamilton, wife of the well-known grocer loot and the noeesrrity ot lmvtngg cerWn without result. 'Then he tried the button rsus=les of rise loot free to da Itseia aatueal hook, but he only succeeded in lowing at that address, relates the followi❑ •oris in the business of l000motloa. out a pie=s of liueh and losing the stud on onmstances. Mr and Mrs g oir- Aocord3ng to one doctor ,a Graham have v%ws, the Our- the floor under tfie bed. resided in Hamilton for the past 14 years 'r 'got shoo is the one that 068 closely over Then he made more remarks. Ibis and are well and favorably known. he instep and hoot, supper%lag rho arch aroused his w1 Mrs Graham says. "During the 6 months �; '') t the foot and dim lei lura the su ori fb, who proceeded to show prior to taking g ntlfne. It should be broad mor Qhs toes, entorprigoe op this lifrity of e. °mathe Pills I had serious troubleaarioin Nerve roviding the n wrong action of the heart. One of the Sym. e=ossary room for rho mus. minutm she had found that stud, buttoned lea of the foot to frGOly perform their his collar, arranged his necktie, told him Ptoms was that I could not lie on my left ork In tiro act of locomot(on. The heel make Baste and called blur an idiot, side, for if I did so my heart throbbed so lust be low and the shoe of good Iongth After that our early man was too savage violently x rt give me great pain. The • -'i he result fs a shoe that is beauitlul In for anvthln P slighter exertion would start m � re 0908 Of those who understand what the g'— careen s Wooiily palpitating terribly. It was impossible �for rot shoald be or what it Is by nature, Orli for me to go up a short flight of stairs with ach a shoo, according to this doctor, In, �n of BmOB' out stopping to of breath, I deoug early to those who Bob up a false Where a communi g was exceea- tY Persisted In calling ivcly nervone, and my limbs would tremble Gal of beauty. a roan Black, it was useless for him to try as if with ague, My hands and feet were Many deformities of the foot disappear to can himself Whito—he had to acquiesce unnaturally cold, and I suffered from sharp tirely without other treatment thanthSb in the choice of the majority, says a writer Paine in the back of my bead. The slam- ° the proper shoo. The shoo that fits the in Good Words. This close Is the most ming of a door would nearly set me wild. a,` )t is oho cheapest shoe to buy, It wears dlfiSonit of all to do justice to In rho short Frequently I would wake up frightened, e longest, beeanso, fitting rho too it space of a paper. Indeed the bases of nick- and then I wag unable to go to aleep again. names are so numerous that it is almost I felt miserable in mind and body. ver undergoes that transformation impossible to Classify them—physloal pa_ "For six months I have been constantly ,own Ile "losing ahape. "—Now York 1,, 3bnno. cnlfarftloe, oompllmontary, as Staongito- taking medicine, trusting that it would arm, and derogatory, as Spindleshanka, help me, and for a time was under the care 9hoopshanke, (7rookahaaks, ReBT aides, of a physician, but all the efforts I made trebbiShop Langeviu a be"Ilth is °t°'' mental attrIbnte® as Grave, 13tenr, towards a cure were of noavail, My Phys_ wly improving, Wis°, gage, Moody, Proud, Oonr'toous ician flnally told my husband, ,You know 3eneon Moor, an Ottawa drug clerk, (Lurteis), on one hand, and on the other there is no care for heart disease," which nmitted suicide by taking prussic Blythe, Guy, Foolhardy, Jolly, Meek, oto,; mademe` more despondent than over. d, g P nicknames from cornplOmon and color of "Six weeks ago I wall induced to try tho hair, as 'luck, VPlrito, Rrasa and Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills,and from 1 Browning, Ruddy, Readrnan, Hoare, Grey, that time my rostoration to health datos, `� NE U oto.; nicknames from Peculiarities of dveav, I have taken four boxes, which I bought at ��� Cnrbmantal, 9hosthose, oto,; Prom Socia! John A. Barr's drug store, corner James .,,` position, as Bastard, Laoklend and so and Merricon; from tho animalk ok etTh tel Thee pilin are the 'aused by Uric Acid and ember gm- dome, frorn hirda d fishes.and vegetable king- or given en men elief.t hI samn lime any good, 'sties lingra ' �• in the 'blood, VVIlJch Than compounda wore made g PPY to say re not been filtered out by by applying that they proved that the doctor was oris• 4fae Jfd- a sobriquet to n t?irr}at]nri name, as Miaklo- tnkon in saying that heart disuse could 's throngh the urine. "le ,scat of john, Littlejohn, Browlrjohn; if be was a not be narod. Since I commenced taking troVS is not in a elfifn or mus_ comely, well uredo follow he was Proper- Milburn's Heart and here P' r It's sick $iQaeyys. EAectliciiy, John. These na4noo a. Pear v IIIc I have menta or labbem wQ1 not pk again In loos- been daily getting better. I can now go lip a. But the dtseaise Can of r��i the man guise, as Grosjoan, petijean, Bonjean, stairs without trouble, and attend tb in11 horn which comes Bunyan—co that when daily duties without distress. I have gain - CURE tvo speak of good John Bunyan we are ed in flesh, in health and in strength Mysci (perhaps unconously) only transposing blood circulates more freely. Lying on my AR the name of "tho Inspired tdnker." left aide cause me no inconvenience or s taken with a severe attack of rheum°,- pain, and I enjoy health and restful, sleep. and could not turn myself in bed. i was st`fred of tare Chc4r. My nerves are strong and vigorous, and laded to try lir. Hobbs' Sparagns Kidney rf we ara to sit back in our pews and tbero has been Such a radical Shan o for They soon put re of my foot again, goer ap at a lot of singers and not be able the bettor in my condition that I can say than one box cured me so completely y I have returned again to my work in the for the lip that is in as Lo distinguish five these wonderfnl pills have practically mado Shorn Repair Shope as wall lie ever. words of their hymns, anthems, cto., then a OOMPIOtO ours. Wu, A S°noFMLn, Adrian, Mich, lot choirs Como down. I# our prevailing " 1 recommend them without the slight - 07 Pilld to say that Dr. Hobbs' Spnrague thought lie listonors is, who Is the hoard- est hesitation to all sufferers from simile` oyer us aro r r most t°lm 71 remedy I s°most f°malo singer or rho ugif¢st mels comptainte. (Signed) Mrs Jas, Graham ever used for rheumatism You may use e11 is a testimonial for the beneSt of others one—If she wont up to C and he down to Hamilton, Ont. rre afflicted. QHARLES Hkss 'Veteran of Z, if the heart baa not boon impressed by ! War, 284 Adelaide St„ Detroit, hffoh. the Bentiinenb of the Bon lir. P_Ol)br' g, which they I I.have kept all to bhomseivell, thou let thom � , Atop off awhile and take lemons in eunoia- O R I RAM I tion from an elocutionist.--Altanta Con- 1 i etitntion. Wdnby Pi11e corroltrsive I'root. For Wanto and Ohii(�llg2l; 'K ' it sAit by Peroyy---I wonder why we say that love '1'Le fan '. . Is bllrrdf timilo .$1�C & �ari%soirl, fyri>9ggiuts4 gorald—B,emnso we ao offign gee a ret- at j k A t CLIN'1'01� 101;1+I+ tygirl fftll tri love VvtHisonio othbe ...of + ' ",/o � 4 Bwoklyn Xllfo'a ;w.. ,--- .. �,, 1,� 11 1. ti 11 y _? v, s 4i its :: f f .A. -'A'",