HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1897-11-26, Page 6$ent to new Sul scribe nist;skis she Ma4sp. 4040,",1W IN A PIN14 WQQ01 Sue the bostc�,H Said to a RYO cess I At a party I want you to OkItertain Mr. Blank "".TMA4. W�lalw On -me far,ol Strand. I Wtli PSI groahvigd aweeps, twvqsa the land Uttlo. ao looks bored to death. oolodi�,o to this gtjll grove. itroduco him, and you Wust try to 011111010 I$ b4t- K04rrelhun4q4 ON, 0, where t4ae, wild dove Is Only What Ought to Be him, You know hie strong point alp'4 0AQ Solemn Pines, which he baa' written a book 4 4 IXU41 ter, on JR., *1� 4 l4high above the J)rAn(41100 bond And 0"Yay? The lady guest graolquely undartooX the t 1, ling JAZI in 00riled lines Expected From task of entertaining the man, lnwwd* C1 :" n )in$ stand Ingasoyod array, should be so Interested T10 00"Y' StIf show clear wondering that he gho V 4,44 40,t grepn,lroads at biteIM16 ow very little Fi in butter --of which sho Ifn OpIp vivid tints aGainst the so ber bed ated a mind given to 'RBY XU0 I v` Were year by HIS 31ETHODS —when his face Indio "IX scented Plum Points StWo. much profound thinking. )wovor, with butter In view, she begun as it came, high overhead U Vfsowhirlo,the wind- and down the purpling on tho weather, gradually got to the coun- glad," try, then on to a farm, from that to COWS, SO as the daylight fades. Upright in Everything—Alwaye Keeping jRiRhN silcwx settles . The man looked -)live Xoloaworth in Chambers' Journal- Faith with the People, and, Above All. and at last to butter, : ore bored than ever, the magic. word but. Curing Them of Their HIS — why 'a -oduolug not the slightest effect, and THE ENGLISHMAN'S 1-H.)f ter p, abruptly and soon Wouldn't S access Follow? ho left her somowliata withdrew from the house. �Ojqr�q 4Dj Mr A. Atkey, No. 49 Northcote Ave., oat,,, she explained to the Cicarettes c _r tba Reagens why it Is Treated "I 'dAd my boat, Witi, Such Disrespect- Toronto, Canada gay6._­I have been a hostess w ut through agonies to Prove I #j D The question is asked -by "An English constant anflerer Canada, the last 10 or 15 years. that I hostess. Interested in butter, but 1'.5ji it that English people are At times I suffered severe paija in the sto- it was all in vain." Ja S. in Peet to the Improper use Mach and chest. At other times it bag „gutter Butter I " exclaimed the hostess- NVbat a stomach. Ja t The writer goes onto taken the form of Soreness of theassessed you to talk to that man, of all Ja c that e r at the toll, Irish and Americans intense spasms would oocur. I have POE , on butter? I told you he had just DI stay this faultiness Again 'nt men BI 6, 31 t 1 8 in speech. treated witi, a number of medical men who written a, book on Buddha, and I know 6 given philologists attribute the fro- all failed to effect a cure. I began taking how deeply you two were interested in the BI which the letter q4eri I treatment sonic subject •" pect with w Munyon's Dyspepsia Core and I can un 4whisp r in heaven and muttered In hesitatingly Say that the new "Gracloual"_ A is largely due to the influ- fi,a acted wonderfully and I have vastly . they L d In chorus, hell" Is. treated roved. The pains have disappeared Strand MagaMao- PEF. 0 encs of the Fronala language on our own. English e the depression after eating also. I Nav,�,j organizatlou. O. and specially upon those 'of the En 1:9 �on with enlist- Ctse PACKAGE o ,vho live in England Itso must express my entire Batisfacti Naval apprentices, third class, 5" speaking taco 11 n receiving ships at the Asevery one knows, the h" is not aspi- Munyou,s Remedies." ed on board the They mch language, which was Munyon,e Rheumatic Cure Seldom fails rated in the Fru large navy yards on both coasts. until the middle ages largely used In this to relieve in One to three hours, and oures must be between the ages of 14 and 17, Country in a low days. Price 250, positively have the consent of their parents and Then, for almost centuries at a time, in Munyou,s Dyspepsia Cure guardians and agree to servo until they***WWWWW61W the days of the Plantagenotst our English oures all fortaB of indigestion and stomach "a 21 yeare of age, To enter they must soldiers, who were wandering about troubles. Price 260. be of robust frame, imtelligont, and, as the France, became, naturally enough, affect- Munyou's Cold Cure prevents pneumonia regulation Sees, ,be of porfeotly Sound Ed by its People's manner of speech and and breaks up a cold in a few hours. Price and healthy 0011stitrutiOn, f�rOO from any or malformation and not returned to their own country to infect 25o. physical defects coughs, subject to it%.,, They must be able to ITE %GIRPOCExt, a 'their families ,Mind acquaintances with Munyou's Cough Cure Stops H__ and apeaciily some hifluenc_ds which go to dote"1111 night Sweats, allaya Soreness read and wi-Ato, though in special cases, method Of pionunciatiOn. And at that heale the lungs. Price 25p. where the boy shows a general Intelligence, NEW FRUITS NOW IN STOCK A really an English—not British Aily cares ItInn'tt 7, Mnnyon's Kidney Cure ape, he may be enlisted uOtwithstaDdlng that -ariny�Iatoh did the bulk of tho fighting. pSinn in the back, loins or groins, and all his reading and writing are imperfect. 19f 06t Filla- from time to time various quar- No boy -who baa been. convicted of crime tmo, Patras ams Agal of kidney disease. Price 26c� ARGUINDAU S01 N8 tc, I n Pine 01 ters, of England have boon used as Settle- Munyon's Nerve Cure stops nervousness or is of known bad character can be on- off Stalk I JA401enned. monis for French refugees --the Hague- . Price 260. - Upon enlistment he receives his =d builds up the system listed box" hots, for example—and French DFisonors. Munyou's Headache Cure stops headache outfit and to entered on tho ship's books ocilifurnla Panes, beet Bkone, Figs in mats and laryor In isen pound -a the beginning of the prey- in three minutes. Price 25. Lemon,Citron and 0raingapeels. Evso late a as entitled to a monthly payment of $9 and -y when we were in a chronic Munyon,s pile ointment positively cures 'ar Round Table. eon we will give you close Prices• Sea - est century, a ration.—R Per's state of warfare with Napoleon Bonaparte, all forms of piles. Price 26c 401in t'.0 n great numbers of Frenchmen settled, as eradicates all im- 4" sw-AX-All-j"W1 Munyon's Blocd Cure eredim His Objec� Attained prisoners on parole, in England — the purities of the blood. Price 250. "Brooks, Brooks, can I borrow a little money Of southern land widlend counties especially, MUnyon'S Female Remedies are a boon the districts in you? which, as we know, are to all women. ,why--or—yee, I suppose so. HOW observed. Catarrh Remedies neverfail. Moor 'List C much, Itivers?" which the aspirate is It were not —price 250—eradicates M=r F11 Scotland, Ireland and Wales The h �urq )y. I only wanted im JL under the r the disease from the system, and the Cay "None at all, dear bl Be same influences, their greater satisfy inyoolf that my credit is good.— distance from the continent being —0 Of barrb Tablets—price 25c.—cleanse and heal to the parts. Chicago Tribune. 0— & Goy the reasons. UJA; ADFOOT� ]BOX But the constant "h" dropping among emediee relieve in Munyon's Asthma R A msoWna has been invented for the the working classes in England today IS, I - three minutes, and cure permanently- production of daplion,to statuary, the,he steady increase in our trade is good proof of the fact that Ow Wo am sum, largely due to the fact that the Price $I. mechanism consisting of a EvYsteln Of ve- our prices lower than those of other dealers In the tndo- restores loot vigor. D aflord to s6iA che". If you buy workingman who persists in speaking Of Munyon's�'Vitalizer volving eutte,,S'Attachad, tc frames operated We manialactuire furniture on a large govole and co 0. Instead Price 01. by a tracer running over the pattern. Owes, has to he added in for his horse, his house and his he from us, we asyS for you bhe profit, which, In other of his orse, 'ouso and lome, is regarded by A separate cure for each disease. At all the retail d6a)or. bis companions as a pedant and one who druggists. Mostly 25e a vial, Rose leaf jam is a favorites Rou- This week we have P6080a Into Stock some of'our now dodgris. Bracs, will not Pewmit. "puts side on," Ihave often noticed that Personal letters to Prof. MuuYOn, 11 and v the mill". we have to Offer, answered with free trade. domestic servants are quite accurate or 13 Albert Bt., Toronto, mania. where roses grow b. u% to quoto prices, but 00me and see for yourself what amps Remenit",; vre age deftwinined that Our prime shall be itz lo -wast in the do - nearly so in the use of the aspirate when nedical advice for any disease. speaking to their mistresses, etc., while, UNDERTAKING, once back again in the kitchen among ve usadorbte&y the best funeza their fellows, there ceases to be an "h" in ThCANADIAN POTATOES VOR Cum.—The. first In this department Our stock is OOMPIOW, and w0 be their composition.—London Tit -Bits. instalment of 500 carloads of potatoes in outfA in 6beTootm*y.a0Dnv prices are as low The the lomat. Canada to Cuba passed through Chidley bond from Ca OOTIBOX&CO. J- Wm-am&gor '-ratogs On M-nd"Y' BROATEW MAIDEN BLUSHES. ON THE SUN. in VA firnrw M %_T4. —JASPER P 9—Night sea Sunday calls attended to by calling at J. W. ChIdley'a, (Funeral Direabor) residence, Is When the Hand of Dis- How They Fac nu remons, sermon Shows That the Ox% ease and Disorder Lays Hands on Them Really Moves. FILLS What %,God -Send is a Reliable and Among the show plAow of the city Of • How we Hail the Richmond the Sixth.Moulat Zion Baptist o- Be Givwva Away Well Tried Remedy— HO T Under its church, with its pastor, the Rev. John Return of the Pink of Health rank Jasper, IS, not regarded in the same 1 or the Elbe of Ll AftPM A 113 = Chin3rd, 1898to China Dinner Set, an Jan. , , Influence — If iu,s Good for the Maiden Es the capito bby prison. the person guessing the nearest it's Good for the Mother. But he ought to be, for he is the author of to umbeir in the sealed envelope. The number is not known even to ourselves, ithat famous Sermon on the sun called MW J. Ajisu having put it in the envelope and sealed the same. Kja1w Kim [WHE lft ..My daughter has been ailing for nearly "The Sun Do Move." with nervous prostration, indi- Dr, Jasper is proud of his sermon and positively mrod by these Your guess to put on a duplicate ticket, the part with your name and guess is put in a two years times and of January, 1898, the tickets in the and other complaints which girls loves to dilate on the various Ie3t%1® Pills* 86" box, you keep the other, and on the 3rd gestion in their teens are subject to. For days at places in which he has delivered his unique over by Mr Allen and Mr A. Porter, and the one bearing the num- So bar bed, and argument. It was first haard in b" own They also relieve Distress f!rom T)YSPcPshi box will be goof a time she was confined Ilearty Eating. A per- ber nesreet the one in the envelope, will win the set. es in the MackOt indigestion Too, could retain nothing on her stomach, Our oliurch, sav& thou by request Uidiges o and onse'will be for - family finally declared she was house before a vast gathering. After tbat, Aet remedy for Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsi.- The -China Dinner Set IS on exhibition in our north window, and some lw I goes with every 50c cash purchase in a decline. We despaired of her recovery. under the direction of a Lyceum bm*nul nets, Bad Tasto in the Mouth, Coated Tongue tanate enough to win it, Why not you? One guess mg. Advertising costs money, but I had found which paid him $100 a month and a& his from now to Jan. 1st. To guess costs you nothing. She gradually grow (worse. &penvies, he deliver®d it In 1002- Fein in the Side, TORPID LIVEIL TheY we believe this in & cheap way to advertise. Some will wonder, and we have !bean traveling 0: We will just Bay— So little benefit from remedies I was skep- Washington, Philadelphia. C6113- Regulate the Bowe6 Purely Vegetable. asked ba" we will make up the price of the set. -we expect to do tical about trying South American Nervine. timore, Washl Prices and qualitry guaxanteed. Come in and mamine the 1, however, procured a bottle and relief den, Zttsbulrg and many other v3sviooff, tau PHI. sma" Doses that much extra trade. left with tie gives you a chance to win the 0 many deep thluk,648 Of the ia- dishes, and remember that every 500 came like magic; the pain left her in one convincing mom day, and after taking five bottles she Was laclos of the now generally 5604t0d tb"7 S $ Pdoe. completely cared, and as well and hearty of the solar system. ubstitution The doctor lives In 8, little VOOM,140ar & CO-, Phone, 23 as ever she had beon..." Tars Goo. Booth, his church In which he welcomes vlOkbo" the f rmd of the &Y- 0Cx" COORE Orangeville, Out with much oordia.11ty. Hie mastarVa is an attack on the dootrineB of Llsp_ Civah Paid for good BuUer 9,ud F9919 • Small Courtesies. Dicus, who, he 6ay%,,qj4kus that the north S4C�e YOUget Carter We are all born but, once, Most Of revolves on "les." Mr. Isaac ltlswton and Mr. Hemhul and other scdMV9" Of marry but once. We certainly die that caliber. He is not at am Esum of Ask for C-articr's, us mai but once. And if we look at life as a where thaw � eminent plillosopharB SeAlle Clinton Saah;Door 0 BlindFactory %ings,' we shall at Insist and de=nd small bundle of great I qreseat, but be Ism a vague ides Mmt it certainly not think it worth while to Is up north Somewhere." on Dr. JaEom finds Cart&s Little Liver Mt practice small courtesies. But if we The text for the saysermon- S . S. COOPER PROPRIETOR, regard it, far more truly, as a big bun - f small things.'we shall as certain- In Exodus. it is "onto Who Lord is a man Of General Builder and Contracor. dle o war, the -Lord is his name." It IS& !Qig ly feel that few things in life are better way from this to a 0AL-r-pial-A pwiiinx y never be in our of his ar�guniians. This be ostablULMUY This factory is the largest in thocoanty, and has the very latest improved ma - worth doing. It may make t wry an extensive power to to save anybody's life, m quoting from Roveliitt= the Verse *1'b4ah obinery, capajAe, of doing work on the shortest notice. We i for anybody a fortune, shed lustre UP- relates; to the Spectacle Of WW ns*06 and reliable stock and prepared plans, and give estimates forjand build all class - Short notice and on the closest prices All worg is Empervis- on the family In, e die for our coup -standing on the four cocricro (A the earth as of buildings on We sell all kinds of in. or set t; me try, smallest river on fire in holding the four winds. Tlivoush t1ft be ed Ln a meobauio4 way and eatidaction guaranteed ve, any way wha. ver. But if we conscien terior and exterior material. 1 6 to points out that the GoAh Is Square and WAA t* �ly and sweetly g)ve ourse ve j the genexal begaf 10111 roujid, woordl:ug 0 Lumber LaW Shingles, Lime, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Et courtesies,,only 'wUh h. eld- for some yen". the practising of small SCHOOL DE,19,11L, manufaOtull the recording, an el can ever set down Of the f"t thM the awl, reaUy does move Celebrated GRAYBILLL the good we shall do in our way and he brings the eariptum agatri to boar CU RE Agent for the C Call an&,get prices and estimates before placing year orders generation to hundreds and thousands at Waterloo. of witness, notably in the 'psalm 'bogWaAng of our fellow -creatures in the course„Froin From the rising of V sun. , ­Bwt in TORPID LIVER, a lifetime. worth joshualfj command to the am to ubmd 8011 CONSTIPATION, Most people despise them as not W finds Dr. Jasper hie greatest argument mud doing. Few people perform them them his peroration. The eighth verse of the with any degree ofconsistencyor lov- thitty-eighth chapter of Isaiah and the SICK HEADACHE, ing kindness. Fewer still are content twelfth mid thirteenth verges and the to do them in the best way, Unnoticed, tooth chapter of josbus end the fleRmOD AND DYSPEPSIA. really feeling it to be ShoeS for Show.� Unremembered, re thus: erripbatically a virtue that is its own "Behold, I will bring again the shadow (ectly, onder that preach- one pill acts P` -r —made reward. Yet itis a W of the degroog, which to gone down In the & S�a laxative, —made to took well in a window ers do not urge upon their congregation sundial of Aboa 10 degrees backward- SO -1 JL and if a stronger action is desired for anything but comfort. Such are the from it thousand pulpits — 011 Off Sun- rned 10 degrees, by which de- a cathartic effect is prOduced by two kind that please your eyes at the expense days, Say, when they are hot pitching =.Ulnt ZWU gone down. the Loral in the where a pur- of your feet. The shoe which does not into the Pope, if they be Protestants, pills. In obstinate cases, fit your foot the first t it have "Thus spako Joshua to time you wear i if the be Roman Catholics, and ha clay when the Lord delivered up the Amo comfort for die time they the marrow of all creeds, and Israeli and he �ry, three OMS will be promises little CO footfitting Lasts Of time. It costs more money to secure the be to let the bones take rites beforothe children dative is rxx, shoe stocks. can b said In the sight of 11917004 Sun, stand tbou W s -ti which the -ch Such 7 d — expense eL t it .twentieth time you ' t_enti. for � secure the f money t ti' found sufficient. These ON* leave DO of the Slater Shoe than for some entire sh care of themselves.—Frances CoUrten 01boon, and thou, moon, in the c t wear, and I still up= ore foot comfort, 0 yc w ay Taylor, in November 'Lippincott'a, valley of'Ajalon. unpleasant after efFOCt. That's why they possess more car Welt. Stamped appearance, than other shoes. y hoe oe- I "Axid the mm stood atill, and the moon ()Oe pill taken each night during , $ How many young men and women are stayed until the people bad avenged them- oil the Sole $3.00, $4-00, $5-00 Per Pair' , I w � out off just as the future seems brightest selves upon their Onernies.11—NewYokk thirty days WW CUM constipation- CATALOQUIC 0 r and fullest of PrOmiscl They are taken px*m, The Slater Shoes pRIcE 28 CIENTS 00 6 FOR $4.00. at away by the disease which causes over one- -the disease I sixth of the deaths in the world doctors call consumption. There is which 00 the world wlij eon- absolAely no r00,901a In ruit aniopticin should be fatal—why it should be New Dried IF S even Serious. It is a disease of the blood, and can be oared absolutely and always byW. TAYLOR 4t SONS, SOLE AGENTS FOB CLINTO purifying and enriching the blood, The RAISINS—M0106901, Valencia, sultans. CURRANTS—Filtatras, Fine Vostirzas only exception of this is the case where the 2 � disease has been neglected and improperly California Prunes anal rNIM0 Pigs- treated until it is stronger than the body— & BLACKWELL PRELS, Lemon, Orange %nd Citron. T A until the body has become do weak As to 0ROSSP' Cooking Figs for 5o a ponied ���i..L1 AND. WAGGON bave lost the ability to recuperate. Dr. almonds and Walnuts. Cc pierdo,a Golden Medical Discovery Will cure qg%� of 161106808 61 Heaaqaartera for conuumptica it aged 84- NICE, OLD RATSINB for 5a a pound. We Keep in Stock and make to order cording to directions. It also cares all linR- Ces and Waggons of all kinds. evirigboughs,brorichiial and thrpat affections TeasSugars, Crockery, Glassware and Lamps. orriag Send Si conks In one-001at stamps to , 'World's D:.isj�6nsavy Medical Ad000latioll, Buff -d-, IF, RRUMBALL CLINT01 aoirijh6n' Bongo lAsod(04 &dVisgr, il. 9 inton J. W. IRWIN Isi 01 or the balance of this mon- WE WILTO OFFER TO unt1ful Decorated Dinner Sei% + Cost tudsome Toilet Sets dua Tea Sets, 0 0 81 .1 and Under, mey hand painted umnaware Ra• ving Call and Satisfy youroeli'that this is A b0na#0410 'offer- boughtSugara Since th6 decline in price vie ll give our cookers the nedt, WmButter and Eggs taken Web- N.ROBSON'S, Clinton. tsh Tells in Buying. P_ Of Groceries Cut tothei4w, MA.” rOM rVOMAMM RAXILY*. BoAD iris proLwwmo JIUXCM .Taagular Price. Our price Regular Price, Our Priea pein Too, 19 Broome.. -.25 20 Waahboardo .. .......... .......... 15 17 pan Tea. 23 p:Xn Toa...........28 Oatmeal (per 11 A'* - - ....... 95 06 Ooylon Tea— plavoiring Rxtraou .... ,w . ........ W ­.. 40 as Laundry !Raroh . ...... —wt --10 08 ick 0eylon Tas% .......... lit Powder........ �,ok Ceylon Tea ...... -...........5t1 40 Baking owder ... .... 10 08 Ijakin Sod" 04 ;all. find secure a free OftluPlc 26 baforopuroh"ing. 4 lba WOW ... ..... IL 00MAS ...... ..........15 12 "t = -90 17 8100. Tau, moDonalde Tobmoeo ...50 E6 ,her goods at like pricea. Muoh i)uqar for little money. C�60ioofe-mil lour, &.35 per cwt, its wanted In exchange fox Oatmeal. Choice Butter on hand. Bran, Orts, op and all kinds of Grain bought and Sold. O. OLSON, Victoria St., near Queen's Hotel, Clinton Looking Froutwarrd When a man gives us an order for a Suit of Clothes we begin right then and there to look far his next order. How? By making him the very best garment he ever had, and charging him as little as we can afford. This will bring him bwk nine times out of ten. Making good elothes is not only commendable, but ougobt to be profitable in the long run. That's the end we're looking frontward to. q R OBT. COATS & SON h� 0091 Yea �S�A FUNAIN PEN THE SAVE TIME AND TEXPEU We Handle the Celebrated Lapham's Rival. It has the Slotted Capillary Feed Piece, therefore will not flood, or drop ink. DO not allow Dealers to pte6s upon you lines "just as,goQ but get the best. LIPPIAN'S RIVAL If your Stationer does not handle it write us and will Bond you our reduced Prim List. The Copp, Clark CO., Limited, Toronto BE TS A11JL What ? 'Why the fine stock of Fall Goods that has arrived at the Emporium. DRIRSS GOODS that will please any one for both quality and prim Handsome Linen Towels, Brand Mantle Cloib-I Ladios' MISS" and Children's Vesta and Mon's and Boys, Underclothing of extra good value. Men's Cardigan Jackets, the beat value ever shown in the village, one piece of English Cotton Tweed, double fold, regular price D1, ours 76c; who will get the snap ? Is it Boole or Shoes you want, if so this is the plaoe,'we are In good Shape to supply YOU. Best quality and lowest price is our motto. Boys, Long Boats for $1. ]Perhaps you want some good Timothy Seed --we can supply You. We also have the one '--Y,- thousand and one artiolice that YOU wunt.gbiaighest pri& for Du%er and Eggs. Terms Cash. ADAMS' RMPORIUM2 R. ADA LOIN11"MIMBOR0 MRS. JOHN CA31-1. 'IV vil My husband ha41vAW*I troubled with dyspLTMd, and finds Ripans Tabules the only relieLas been troubled witNfili�i- gestion for, the past fif7­ teen years.