HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1897-11-26, Page 5R, .fir.. M, .} rt.R$.,,y ,. .t� - y , ,,'.� ., * � ,. , .. �•'- •.. '.. ,} .. `�. ,,,
.toy. New. W4 Will besent now subscrib
a to81st . -n CL.G 1Oa I,
-`° CRU+ A``
0.- n, & Co
TCHE$, CL Its.
This establishment is a "Store of Confidence" in
the broadest meaning of the words.
Our PricesareEWELEItY, g Le'adin
all Others,
S�r i� In The entire community has long since learned to trust absolutely in this store, „t ARR
ITiYEIR�ii f and to believe its statements, to depend upon its goods, to endorse its me-
thods, and we strive to continually merit the feeling of extreme tract, no F�
matter at what cost.
UE CHINAWAUE Fine Nigaerhead curl Mantling, all wool,
" MANTLE CLOTH for girls, 64 inches wide, 600, all wool re Man.
�' Lovely Chenille Portiers and Curtains in
grey 56 in. wide, cardinal, myrtle, black,
� tie Cloth, doable Told, regular price $1, for 8l5c. Cardinal, Fawn, Nile Green, regular
g.nu, and will re so until Jan i, regular price $1 90 sale $1 6U
$ largo"namber of shrewd buyers have BEAVER CLOTH in blas, brown or black, doable fold, special at $)L ' • • ' � • ' ' ' ' � • ' ' ' $3.50 per pail'' for .......
already seize$•the• golden• -opportunity .....:......-$2.,�
of seleotin goodq'trom oar stook at NIGGERREA.D CLOTH at $1, 01.25, 01.60, 01.75, $2, $2.90 a yard
prioea•whial.they. knew are ridiculous MANTLES -Newest effects in lain beaver and rough goods, three ape- Beautiful fancy mix Niggerheltd, all wool
low. st you is anything in this P g g ' and latest mixtures 56 in wide, regu- fable Covers in fancy colored Chenille 4-4
atoo>r thst you want, Dial garments, sizes $2, 34, 36. , ,
,you will Haver lar price $I.50, for ..... 1 24 and 6-4, 8.4 and 6-4, reg $1,40, sale $1.10
have a bettor chane to'get it than now No I --Black Rough Cloth, standing Dollar, well made, perfect flttin • •
g••$3 50
No 2—Plain Beaver in black or brown,4 large buttons, velvet trimming• • • • 8-4 $2.75, Sale . """ ' ' ' • • • • • • • • • • • • • . 2.25
... 450 "
Very fancy and pretty all wool Niggerhead
No 3 -Rough Cloth, 6 large buttons, slash collar ................ 7 00 _
J.B. Rumball Mantling, in seal black ground with Ladies' Colored Kid Gloves both dem
The Men's Overcoats we show at $5, 6.50 and $7 cardinal wool niggerhead curl, $2 for 1 49 fastening and Buttoned, extra good qua -
The Leading Jeweler, will give, you satisfaction.
Now comes 3 colors in real Irish Frieze, lily, regular $1.25, sale price...............98c
CLINTON. "Oar prices are absolutely the lowest," not for one day in the week double fold, Ill black, fawn and grey, '
only, but every day in the year. they are very fine and stylish for La- Beautiful Wrapperettes, stylish in 'pattern
dies' Jackets warm r and color, as handsome
A&CHi�l�,on & Co., Blyth � ,regular $1.25.... Og � price
'dsolnP as rile all wool,
f regular rice 15c sale rice .............. '><,2�ic
;1�• J. GRRIGG ®� Carpets are going out at this sale ata Best wide and fast prints, reg ®�®®�(8��®S� rapid rate, Brussels, Tapestry, Wool, , price 12c for 11
- Anion and Hemp. Only two heavy Velvet, Shawls left in our
Successor to stock, which will be run out at sale prices.
JOSEPH BIDDLECOMBE, We have the leading OLINTON MARKETS pillow Cotton
place for Correotedevery Thursday afternoon. Sand Sheeting, all widths heavy Irish Frieze Overcoats from $2.50 up.
Tharsday,November 25th, 1897, are being sold at this Sale at almost
r. �. Watchmaker & Jeweler Oranges, Lemons Wheat . ............. 0 82 a 0 82 the,
g I Cats 1 wholesale to clear the line out. Best all -wool Grey Flannel regular 250 to-.. 21c
0 23 s 0 `l3
Bananas Figs Field Barley........., 0 23 a 0 23
CLINTON , Peas ................ 0 41 a 0 41 heavy Flannelettes, wide width, fine
r Buckwheat....., .. 0 28 a 0 28
A Fresh AL111ERIA GRAPES Rye • • • • • , • • • • • • . . • • 0 s8 a 0 4o range of pattern �, on
Selection of 1Y • • •••... 6 c We show the largest stock of Gents Kid Mitts
Flour per cwt ....... 2 20 a 2 65
Having bought out the above HIGH CLASS .CONFECTIONERY, Butter ................ 0 14 a 0 13 Od wearing Tweeds Y . and Gloves in the town. We give them to
Eggs per dos,....... ,. 13 a 0 13 r� , assorted colors only 25C
business, we shall devote our Hay new 04; old, • , . -, 6 00 a 700 you at sale prices, 60c for 49c, 75c for 60c,
OYSTEPM sheepskins .......... 0 26 a 0 26 Mufi's are wanted this cold weather especially$1 for 85c, $1.25 for $1.05, $1.50 for $1.24
r best energies to meet the wants No, 1 Trimmed Hides. 4 00 a 4 26 ,
We handle BOOTH'S Oysters, the beat Potatoes . . .......... . . 0 40 a 0 50 as they are Coining in style - Main• We have
of the public. No one will un- on the market. Choice brands of Ci- Turkeys, per lb ....... 0 07 a 0 07 tr Y
gars and TobBroad,
w h Along y with our Geese per lb........... 0 05 a 0 06 then, bi,,, variety of styles of fur, and large
dersell up, nor will they do bet- Bakers Bread, we have a fanny line of Desks, per Ib.:., .... 0 06 a 0 06 °range of prices at sale pri�'�.'S. During this dissolutlOn sale, men's Food all
Real nomedmade Bread which is Dried Apples, per lb.. 0 90 a 0 04 wool Tweed Suits will be sold at following
ter mechanical work than ours giving ' Apples, per, bag...... 0 90 a 0 90 Storm Collars are 0111fortat�'e list n®4®, 'I`l1�' prices; p nQ
g g good eatiafaotion. Sales are y , l x10, $7 Suit, Scale
increasing daily; be sore and try it. MONTREAL LIVE STOCK MARKETS are here at Sale rices. � price 5. 0•o$8•Sal�eu tiff a 3. +
Other lines of goods up-to-date. p 1 • , 50 , sale price .. , ....... 6.98
IPAiRIPJG of every kind —
JasMcClacherty, Montreal, Nov. 22.—There were about
guaranteed to give cutis- 850 head of butchers' cattle, 12 calves and • .w ,<x .•�'-' °"'
2,600 sheep and lambs offered for sale at
faction. Novelty Bakery and Restaurant the east end abattoir today. The' butchers
Telephone No. I. I were present in considerable nnmbere,
fF but & W , ED 19 A Jim'
' I trade was very dull, as the butchers had
QITE IIS A TRIAL BOARDINbought largely last week and did not re- tip,
t quire eo many as venal to -day. Prices had
Good, comfortable accommolation for a few a!downward tendency and it is probable a d
large number of both cattle and sheep will _,*
boarders at No. FiB, Huro❑ St , two doors wet g 4�
of Baptist Church, at moderato rates. not be sold today. A few prime beeves
were bought by butchers at from 4}c to 4ao
per lb, but they were better than usual. MARRTFn
�7 Mr. Ironside bought a few shrppars at 4c McDONALD MCGUIRE-At the residence Are �o�ll
STEARN'S WINE INE OF COD LIVER OIL per lb. Pretty good stock at from 3o to 3.1e. of Jolm Murray, Goderich, on Nov. Il, by Rev,
Common dry cows and rough young cattle Jas. Anderson, John McDonald and Alioe AleB1dm16k3Ln,,
brought from 2c to 3c, while Buffalo bulla Guire, both ci fit. Helena Eyes
1 The nauseous, repugnant, fleshy leets of Cod Liver Oil is entirely absent. It is there- and old lean cows Bold at from Ile to lac. the bride's m-GOUL Nov 1the rho residence
fore easily retained by the most delicate stomach, is of great benefit to those who The best calves were bought up before Willoughby, Arthur Andrews of Pontiac, Powder
active e cannot take the ordinary•preparatCOMBE9S
ione. Stearns' wine ie a combination of the reaching the market today and rices of Mich., to Miss Kate J. Gould, daughter of the Alike ?
active principles and alkaloids derived from Cod Liver Oil, with a delicious P late John Gould,
wine and peptonate of iron, The latter is an or aino preparation of iron and good veils continue very high. Shippers ev. SJ. A BRYDGES-On the loth Inst. by
g P P are paying from 3o to 3 o per lb for cod Rev, S J. Allin, at the Methodist Parsons e, Few people have eyes alike. Pally nine -
is readily assimilated. The wine im roves thea appetite and di digestion, while the P y g es Better and Lighter
" p PP g targe sheep, and the others bring from 62.50 Brussels; Mr Rof t. R. Axtell, to Mies Morris
D4. tenths of those who wear glasses have �Iah
alkaloids Stimulate the nervone system, accelerate the organic .oxidation, and Brydges, both of the township of Morris, difforent vision in each eye. Careless
increase the secretions. The peptonate of iron increases and enriches the blood. to $3, Lambe are lower than they have STOKED -SCOTT -At the residence of the
been for several weeks past owing to the bride's father, on Nov 10, by Rev John Ross examinations fail to bring out this de- Biscuits than any other.
The combination therefore sots as a powerful tonin and reconstructive, and is of I absence of American buyers, while the sup- consequently, yon suffer with
r ' y IVir Bnrwoll Copland Stokes, of Grey,- to Mies foot, souse oculi
r f great value in all debilitated states o4 the system, oocnring in phthisis, chlorosis P- Isabella Scott, eldest daughter of Mr Donald headache from eye strain.
a, anaemia, nervous diseases, and all akin diseases, eczema, &o. ply ie ac to fly large. Sales were made at PRI of Morrie. J.
()Mhe .Manufacturing Chemist,.
$1 per Bottle 6 for $5 from 3}C to 4o per lb. Fat hogs Boll at PRICE-HAYDEN-At the Methodist Parson- Test each eye separately, select proper
l' ' from 4,}o to Qc per lb. age Wroxoter, on Nov. 17 by Rev J B Kenn -
; .
d , Mr B. Price, to Miss Ida May Hayden both
of Wroxeter.
J., E. HOVEY. Dispensing Chemist, Clinton.4 Commercial Notes. ROSS -LITTLE -At the manse. McKillop,
on Nov. 10, by Rev P. Musgrove, William Alex-
ander Ross to Miss Grace Elizabeth Little,
both of McKillop.
on Nov 10, at the residence of the bride's par-
onta, by Rev C. C. Conzens, Mr Peter Robin-
son. to Miss Lizzle, oldest 'daughter of Mr Jas.
McGill, all of East WawanoeIf
pew lciuer#i:emeut�.
Hoge wanteI, dead or alive. Highest price
always paid. C. J. WALLIS, Huron St, Clinton
Hiina, Gravel rcch
Road find Ontario Sr
a black ett
fur muff. The finder will be thankfully
rewarded on returning the same to the NEw
ERA OffiC0.
Subscriber has just bought a thoro-bred
Duroc-Jersey boar, of first class pedigree, w hich
he will kens for cervico. Terms, 81 at time of
service, with privelego of returning if necos-
sary, JOHN EID'r, Auburn Mills,
McKillop Insurance Company,
The undersigned has been appoi2ted to rop-
reeent the McKillop Insurance Co., ifor the
townships of Hullett, Morris and East Wawa -
nosh. Parties bavin business with the com-
attendeddofiring to insure,ilHbarlockmptly
The subscriber, who Is an export at making
per says:—There was nothing at the Satur-
cheese that called
mention. As hastb been the ruleofor some
weeks past the market sales were few in
number, only some five being recorded.
The sellers seemed satisfied to let it go at
1" 'n
that, too, and asked for no third call.
81-16c was the highest price; most of the
bay at 80.
w,,r/>`^t-e,. •�"°" -
I Hamilton, Montreal, bas received this ca-
i y� lit',. �}� '� r/
e t;
blegram from Hamilton & Pritchard, on
the Liverpool apple market: Spys, average,
17a 6d; Greenings, 158 9d; Cranberry Pip-
w o
pins, 21s 6d; Baldwins and Canada' Reds,
6d; Russets, 189; sundries, 1113 to 19s.
Thomas Mussel segue from Glasgow: i ar-
kat lower,`�n consequence of heavy arrivals
of fair to middlingfruit.
" f y
LATEST ox BuTTEn.—The sale have been
made of two well-known creameries at 180,
which were held at 19c a week or two ago.,
We are still selling out, no matter what others say to
and another creamery was placed at 1810.
There is a lot of curly mane batter, how -
the contrary. Our stook will be sold out as quickly a8
ever, offered by both shippers and factory.
men that is not wanted at all, and cannot
possible; Owing to farming operations we are obliged
find a market, although offered at 17}o.
One buyer, however, offered [8o for fine
to go out of the Dry Goods business, and the stock will
lot of October creamery without getting it,
have to be sold for what it will bring. Come and share
There appears to be a little better market
in the bargains; We will give you prices and values that
for oboicest creamery at tbereeent decline. --
Montreal Trade Bulletin.
no other house can give'. W e are well assorted in many
lines; our stock was large when we commenced to re-
very sadden death occurred on the
farm of Mr. Robert Neilly, west Gwillim-
.ctuce it still we are ver well assorted in
, y
bury, about two miles north of Bradford, C
Monday afternoon, between 4 and 5 o'clock.
Mr, Alex. Sutherland, thresher, was no_
tined to fall to the ground, but when assist-
anco reached him life was extinct,
furs, is prepared to make ladies' and gents'
Gauntlets, Collarettes, oto., out of old furs, and
re -lino muffs. Prices low and satiseactton gnar-
anteed. MItS. ABEL, Cor. Mary & Orange sts, d
lanae, and adjust Glasses to suit both
! Physicians, Supplies
Spectacles as low as $1.00
Do Y
Grad nate 'Optician S and Booksellers
This Order, has changed its night mesons
to the first Thursday in each month, and will
hereafter met in the Oddfellows' Hail, overrr
Allen & Wilson's, W. R. LOUGH, Secy.
* :\ •
i y� lit',. �}� '� r/
e t;
Good 80 acro farm to rent in Goderich Town-
ship, about six miles from Clinton. All ppArtic-
ularm on application to JOHN RID VC CIin ,10,
w o
All accounts duo a the late J. putBiddiecombe
not paid b December Ist, will be put in court
y p
for collection, M. BIDDLECOMBE, Executrix
Also good cutter for sale.
The Council of the Corporntion of the Con nty
of Huron will moot in the Court Room in the
Town of Goderich on Tuesdayy, November the
fast„ at 3 o'clock pp..m. W. LANE, Clerk.
DaWdat Goderich, Novombor
If you stud the matter closely you will find that
8, 1807.
successful persons are those who are quick to
grasp an opportunity.
Subscriber has opened dress making rooms in
he house formerly occupied by Mrs. Rye, Hur•
Street, where she will he prepared to exe-
For the last four months we have been offering the good people of Huron County the
g g p p
all orders entrusted to her in a thoroughly
and satisfactory manner. She
also go out and do sewing by the day if
opportanity of buying first-class Teas at as low a price as it can be obtained in any
store in Ontario, and to make the sale more interesting, and to secure the Tea
esired. MISS BYE, Huron Street, Clinton.
trade of those who had net hitherto favored us with their custom, we offered
five special prizes with every one hundred pounds, and a valuable Gold Wat&,
to one purchaser when one thousand -on-ads had been Id
gess woocts, St -pa pies, 13e
SALE REGISTER Notice ie hereby given that tuxes may be 1 The frame hoose and half -acre lot on Huron The etch has been on view in our store dnri+ag the poet 4 months
Paid t� the Collector at any of the following Street, Clinton, occupied by subscriber. is offor- and has been much admired. It's a beauty; a Waltham
Ready ],11,[ade Clothing, House and lot on Dec.Ilt is St., Clinton, owned plocos: -Bill's Hotel, L°ndesboro, Tyeaday, °d for for sale. Accommodation for ordinary movement, an accurate time -keeper, and fully guaranteed.
by J. Beattie, on c. Ilth; D. Dickinson, Duct, Nov. 80, and Tuesday. Deo. 14; Commercial family, Hard and soft cantor and collar, also It's ae Rood a watch as can be bought at retail for
Notel, Clinton, Wednesday, Dec. 8; Kinbur„ bearlrl fruit trees, The horse is well loentod, g $`r'6, and should the winner
Two building lots on 'Victoria St. Clinton Friday, Dec. 10• Auburn. Monday, Dec. 13, and will be sold on reasonable terms. Apply prefer $20 in cash, the want the first chance to buy the watch.
owned by R. Mr.Lonnan, on Dec. 11th;' D. Dick. Taxes not aid b' Dec. 14aresubjeet to` ftve er
C'v�'eeds,'�L1�181�; y inmos, Auctioneer. p to GPO. SWALLOW, or on the ,promises to
oat extra.P RUST. eMITA, Collector. Mita, AGNEClinton. Forty customers have already won special prizes. There remains to be sold only 150
Farm stook &on Dec.Thos, Cole, lot 28, 13th "— pounds and as the people are now fully alive to the opportunity offered the probabil-
and Caps
eon. 04 Hnllott, on D 8, C. Hamilton, Auot T11110 -BRED $TOCK FOR ity is that before the next issue of the NEw ERA the whole will be sold. Some one
w7 BORN. HOUSE F_OR SA LE• SALE will b�,@ winner -it's just as likely to be you as any 006 else. Buy 0 five pound
MEDD-In West Wawanosh, on Nov. 12, the $2,200 buys the two Semi-dotached brick For sale, 2 two your old Tamworth Bonra,one caddid�nd get five tickets.
wife of Mr R.Medd, lr.,of a daughter. houses on Rattenbury St., known as the Fox- being winnor of rho 3rd prize at London also
We have still a lot of Boots and Shoes, mostl youths ton Property. let at Exeter, Goderich, Clinton Seafort� and Choice Japan, In 1 3 and 5 Ib. caddie at + .25C �' 35C
y ,1he0jf -1n East cGowa ,o on Nov. Other houses and also vacant lots for sale. Dungannon. leo an aged Poland China Bomr,
and children's lines, way below Cost price. Tapestry 16, the wife of Mr Alex. McC4owan,o>' a eon. Mone g g p , , ,
Money. -Private funds in largo and small winnor of 1st las whoroshown. 2 Dure Jnr•
,,c RICHMOND -In ffiorri., on Nov, 4, the wife Bums to loan on mortgage. Rates low. Be, Boars, 0 onths old, one wimlor of 2nd (Y o
. s anrssels Carpets. A lot of Ladies Jackets, fill- of Mr Rnssoll Riohanond, of a eon, W. BRYDONE, Barrister, pr�ze at Lond oleo ono agod Joreoy sow, Ceylon and Con„oU .................... . . .. . ....25e and 35c
f� ekes and styles that we are almost 'vin awn DWD• winnor of 22 rizoe. An or all of those will be
4., g away; CHOICE FARM FOR sALE. Sold cheap. WESLEY w FISHER, Benmuler. Young' Hyson................................ 25c and 45c
i JONES -In Exeter, on Nov. 7, Edward JOn08.
CtLI#]1e and see thein. Blankets, Yarns, &C. aged 134 years. C1€IdItJE C+ ARM FOR MALE. ` O'ROURRY-In MoKillo on Nov. B Cathar For sale, a splendid farm of Macros, belong- Imperial, a choice blend of Ceylon and India ..... , . .
p+ Ing to the late C. Spooner, adioining the cor.
Ino Shea. wife of John O'Rourke, aged' 28 years poration of Clinton, All clearedd and uhdor good For ante, lots 45 and 74, on the Maitland con.,
LAROUT>-In Seaforth, on Nov 18,Jano Cultivation, small frame house, frame barn Township of Goderich, 87 acres, nearly all
Alin Boy , reoiot of rho late Oharlos Laroque good b°arca orchard and welt. Will to sole{ °1Cs and fairly h se an . t+titI is Stet aeod 6i years, on.redeonablo terms to Close up rho estate. Al• °lags• Cf cod lramo lsoueo end Cntbnildir.��qy.IV
y•�try��•�,�•�• DEPRW-Ab Wardsville, on Nov. 22, Potpr w from° cottaggb ou Alb>3rt Stroot, Clinton, I �e'ingorchard well Vvatbrdd, about 8 m1Tes ti
G•t.h I O Depew, a ed 7.0 years, father -of Mrs W. Do- with half•aore otcfround sptoudidiy lobatod; from the town oP Clinton, and close to school �y y y t�
Vlr herty, Clinton', MRS. 0. McG'RPuGOR C7onstasee. and churohos. Will he sold on reasonable The Cash Ilei�i(Ij� 11 1.
MRS. W. ROBERTi36N, Clinton. terms, Apply be RUN RIDOUT, Clinton, f ohdesboro,
}��,,��• �� �s��.�w11�.t.+ll�1�" `aa�l�t .� s� �:i;s(11px , ;, /! ,1
I _ — wYai�iMAL:,.'S.Y�i1Wi"Y��1� (A,� k .. . Jdi......J•.%i .�:4F.1C hiw :.1