HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1907-11-28, Page 6The Jamestown Exposition is in sore
8ta'aits and is said to owe a million dol-
lars more than all its assets will bring.
e •
\lurconiis ewherhuenting with a view
to transmitting power without wires.
That would get at the Copper Ring with
a vengeance.
'Elie pay rolls of the Panama Canal
call for $3,000,000 a month. Does that
tend to increase the financial stringency
among our neighbors?.
The actual damage done by the British
Columbia rioters to the Property of
Asiatics has been appraised at $10,775,
and it will be paid at once,
The Kaiser visits London without ilia
usual secret service guard. Ilo has full
Confidence that he is safe among King
Rd?y'nd's people.
ltr. Curry, K. C., Toronto, who is ad-
vocating law reform, is reported to have
Enid that, the winding up of the York
Loan Company may cost $250,000. Law
is a luxury.
S lie October fire losses of the Domin-
ion and the United States for the first
ten;inonths of the yearhavc been $180,-
705,300, as .against $424,400,200 in the
came ten menthe of 1000, and $143,741.-
000 in 1005.
The Santa, Fe Railroad has been fined
$.330,800 for rebating. It aright have
.been fined four times no much. we are
fold. Perhaps the difflcitlty of selling
he road under. execution -during the
iringency accounts for the niorcy
t the dedication of a Polish church
Coatesville, Po., on Snnday,alast 40
gs of beer, 38 quarts of whiskey and
000 sandwiches were prepared for the
o.. The police came down and locked
up the liquor, but after the service the
ro`w, got at it,'nnd had a real moist
nd happy tittle -
It is said that butte' from Denmark
and other European countries can be
laced on, the Canadian market at 30
genies pound, and may tend to keep
prices within limits. Butter` is selling
at 24 cents in. London, England, and the
twopoun(1'10drof bread is sold' there 'at
lie price of -the a> loaf !fere.
There is an outcry for a substitute
forpulpwood for paper, Will invention
meet the requirement 1 Experiments are
being made with rice straw, flax, corn
stalks, etc., but its yet none of them is
a commercial success. Time may bring
success, however. And there's a. fortune
in it for the man who discovers a process
to furnish packing -cases made out of
• straw or ohne' pull(, which may be used
again and again, and which will not be
a drain on our forest suPp les,
The Pennsylvania Sovietfor the Pre-
vention of Tuberculosis Is to hold n tu-
berculosis exhibit in Philadelphia, this
month, commencing on the 20th. Stu•-
tistics recently compiled by this so-
ciety and which will form a part of the
exhibit show that while the total loss
in Philadelphia from fires amounts an -
smelly to an average of $2,008,000, the
average yearly loss to the city from
tuberculosis is $7,043,000. The total
deaths from this disease in Philadel-
phia during 1000 were 3,027, the next
two most fatal diseases being pneumonia
2,000, and typhoid fever, 1,063. If these
figures are correct, and we have no rea-
rs to doubt them, this enormous money
loss Caused by the white plague is of
iteelf sufficient to cause effort to be
Made to have the disease exterminated
front our midst.
statement has
Ocean that tilt
'played on;
s of the
less than
'al looks small
are'`"'iib t''g00 of this side
ter. But it is not so much
)fall 0111'110 00 what he Call Sale
lints. It should he understood
dozens`of articles of everyday use,
felt costa five and ten cents here, cost
only one and two cents there; that
wearing apparel is much cheaper, and
rents are almost cut in two. Labor men
and other experts who have copse across
specially* to investigate the relative con-
dition of the workingmen have reported
on their return home that the British
workingman, aid things considered, is
about as well off its is the Canadian or
American workingman,
• •
Tinggins-You aeon to believe in
spending money as you (hake it. , Bog -
gins -Sure thing; a bird in the hand is
worth a whole aviary in the (lands of
your executors, my boy.
Ellen Beach Yaw, the young primp
donna, who is to visit Canada shortly,
while crossing the Atlantic a few mouths
ago, went forward ono day to the ship's
bow, that she might better observe the
effect of the sun's ray's upon the water.
To do this it was necessary to pass a
number of steerage passengers, coal
heavers and servants, mostly Italians,
engaged in playing and singing for their
own amusement. Upon the approach of
the fatuous singer, these poor people, re-
cognizing her, immediately ceased their
music, and made room for her to pass,
Intending in respectful silence es she did
so, Obeerving this, she addressed them
in their own langugae, the Italian, re-
questing them not to allow her to dis-
turb their diversions, saying she was very
-fond of their music. On returning, she
found them again engaged in playing
and singing, in the original, a selection
front an Italian Opera. Without a mo-
ment's hesitation she joined in the sing-
ing, and immediately she was engaged In
a heart to heart and hand to hand touch
with these swarthy sons and daughters
of Italy.
Nothing can describe their apparent
joy at this sudden good fortune and as
the world-renowned artist finally with-
drew, bowing her thanks and acknowl-
edging her gratitude, these joyous crea-
tures filled the air with heart repetitions
of their favorite "bravos,"
This is what Tommy Brown's German
toaoher said to hire one day when he
came to school:
"Well, Tommy, you are early of late.
'You used to be behind before, but now
you're first at last"
/"r OOD beer, used as a bever-
�] age with meals, makes
steadier, stronger nerves be-
cause it helps the stomach do
its work better.
Your own doctor will tell you
that the right use of beer is
good for almost every adult, -
women especially.
The little alcohol in beer (less
than there is in cider) helps
digest food. Get the right idea
about beer, and be healthier for
using it.
ausr»d,ric11t u a km width covenrio lager. giirots,n. pnttar,aad rout;
a,d.lnodee elm practise
Isomrroi,a robtation., from Onrarrto Parley
tme e..1 w the *with awn Toro inn purr water n ml
Countess of Warwick's Aged Albino
is Most Exclusive.
excepting Ler various causes, Lady War-
wick, who 1s now 10 this country, finds
chief recreation in nor garden and in the
}octets, of her carious vete. Among the lat-
ter must be aumbetea some 60 peacocks,
which are to be seen about the grounds at
Warwick Castle.
Lady Warwick takes immense pride In these
birds, and tend(' them with great care. Tbero
le one pure white bird which never mixes]
with the others, but stands moot In "splen-
did Isolation."
The oldest man employed on the eetate
frays his father could not remember the time
when It wail not at the castle, which would
Make it nearly a century: old at lesat. Al-
though els wonderful white lace tall 1s get.
tins very thin, he exhibits no other sign of
aaggo, bit be never associates or feeds with
ttid otter veauock➢.
Whodoes May i 2
Egovededlidren to for It!.
The entbuslestic bairns are chips oft to
old block.
One woman has learned that her wee eon
always carries a pack.
She heard him bent for an Invitation to
Play e in
anurrlittleyboy he'of a d playtaln with them
as moon ae he could earn or save up :6,
We may yet come to have bridge afternoons
In the nursery last a �f doll parties.
Mange, Prairie Scratches and every form of
110r4001000 Itch on human or animals oared
In 30 minute. by Wolford'. Sanitary Lotion.
It never tails. Sold by druggtsta.
Perfect Legal Proof.
"John, I've loot our marriage certificate,"
"Oh, never mind; any of those recelpted
millinery bills will prove the ceremony.'
ffiinard'a Liniment Cures Diphtheria
Florida Pensioners.
The State of Florida paid out in, m-
elons to Confederate veterans and the
widows of veterans $08,004.08 during the
month of October. This exceeded any
previous month by about $22,000. Sev-
eral thousands of dollnms remain yet to
be paid before the end of the quarter. -
Jacksonville Times -Union.
ROor for tfol)
Years to Come -4
just one roof le ouA6(Anraan in writing
to be good for 25 years and is really good for
a hundred. That's a roof of
Put them on yourself --common rennet and a
hammer and snips don,. it. The building
they cover is proof against lightning, fire,.
wind, rain and snow. They cost less becauee
the%re made tetter, and of better material'
Wnte us and learn about ROOFING
It 1011 T. Address
The PEDLAR People
Maws Montreal Oita. Toronto Landon Winnipeg
ENCLOSED in a hand-
some velvet lined case this
brooch sells for $6.50.
THE pearls are all selected
and of the best quality.
THE mounting is of heavy
19k. gold and very sub-
stantially made.
THIS artistic design is en•
tirely exclusive, being one
of the newest and prettiest
brooches that our factory has
yet produced,
Our Catalogue Ie yours for
the asking.
134-138 Yong0 St.
"Thing" an Insult In Australia.
(From the New York Gioba,l
We snatch the following from an Austral.
Ian exchange to the hope that 1t may reach
Washington more Congress meets:
Bono time ago ribeyname of Sir John For-
rest -'utas being discussed In connection with
the proposed apnemtment of an official High
Commissioner for me Australian Common-
wealth In London: The Commlastonerehlp la
still uncroated, and 0(0 Joan -le still' In Aus-
Bir John Forrest -You are a scoundrel,
Mr. Maloney. -You aro a liar.
Sir John Forrret-You hese fawned on me
since that.
Mr. Maloney -You are a contemptible cur,
She Jobo Forrest -You are s thtg.v
Mr. Maloney - I will not be called a
"ting." I must ask the chairman to
compel you to withdraw.
Sir John Forrest -I will make you with-
draw from the HOure.
Mr. Maloney -You are a dirty cur,
Sir John Forrest -Yon are a .whelp.
At tole point to chairman spoiled the tun
by lntertertng.
The honors remained with Sir John, who
got In (It will be observed) four Insult' to
Mr. Maloney's three.
For Strains
-of Back -of Shoulder
--of Stifle -of Rough
-of Whirlebone -of Knee
--of Fetlock -of Coffin Joint
--of Pastern
and ail
ness in
Two or three teaspoon-
fuls in a little Rum or Brandy,
cures Sprains, Bruises and
Lameness in 24boars-takes
out all the soreness -and puts
horses "on their feet again."
Son. a bottle. If your drug-
gist does not have it, send to
Wong Drug 8 Dundee! 1cel Co.
Llnitel.IIaitrtaL 77
When a passenger on. an airship de-,
sires to commit suicide by jumping over.
hoard, he will please notify the captain,
n'i10 will pick out a soft spot in the
ocean on which to alight, 'Many e1000'
less suieidists have smeared themselves
011 The Eiffel Tower and other high
points of interest, coming the Ioerd au-
thorities 1011011 needless expense and wor-
ry in bringing the bodies down to the
Passengers will find clothes -pins at
accessible places on all decks, to be used
when the ship passes ovor the Chicago
stock yards,
Any passenger who makes the inane
reniai9t that 'airships come high, but
we have to have them, will be arrested
at the first stop,
When a passenger thinks that ho sees
a mirage of an iceberg, he will know
that he is nearing the clouds over Boa
In case of air -sickness passengers are
cautioned against leaning over the rail.
The Board of Health in Kokomo In
diana, or some other seaport, might ob-
Airships do not descend at Pittsburgh.
Spiral stairways leading down to the
city have been cut out of the smoke.
Passengers should not be alarmed at
the sudden rise of the ship when pass-
ing over Lincoln, Nebraska. The great
elevation attained is due to a celebrated,
local, hot-air producer.
Tile airship will be a great boon to
magazine poetry. About two thousand
years after airships have begun their
fkiit the four -dollar magazines will
'contain sonnets to the airship that cum
ploy such limpid and novel phrases as:
Aa swift as swallows on the wing." -
From the November Bohemian,
Dining With a Vegetarian Duchess.
The Duchess of Portland and her
daughter are strict vegetarians. "I al-
ways feel so greedy when I dine with her
Grace," confessed u friend of the Duch-
ess to me once, "she drinks no wino and
Data only vegetables. It makes one ap-
pear a perfect cannibal,"
Skim milk, biscuits, butter and cheese
aro the only items of her Grace's menu
a: lunch, while invariably for breakfast,
more skim milk, lettuce and a boiled
ogj form her daily repast year in year
out, -,Bystander,
Minard's Liniment Cures Garget in Cows.
Was a Wise Guy.
In a New York street a wagon loaded with
lamp globes collided with a truck and many
sympathy were globes
was felt for the driver, Considerable
asho mood
ruefully at the shattered fragments. A be-
nevolent -looking old gentleman eyed him
"My poor man," he mild, "I suppose you
will have to make good his loss out of your
own pocket 2"
"Yep." was the melancholy reply'.
"Well, well," said to pbil..r.lr ,d:; old gen-
tleman, "hold out your bat -hero's a quar-
ter for you, and I dare any some of these
other people will give you a helping hand,
The driver held out his hat and several
persons hastened to drop coins 1n It, At
lea', when the contributors had ceased, he
emptied the contents of his hat Into his poc-
ket. Then, pointing to the retreating fig-
ure of the philanthroptl, who had started
the collection, he observed : "Say, maybe h•
ain't the wise guy! That's me boss!"
Minard's Liniment Cures Colds, etc.
No Bills.
Visitor -Is your father at home?
Little Daughter -What is your name,
please l"
Visitor -Just tell hiai it is his old
friend, Bill.
Little Daughter -Thee he:isn't in. I
heard Min tell II/0111111M if any bills came
he wasn'tat hon;,.---ilooeleaf.
SAY that eight persons out of ten
suffer at some time or other from piles.
Whether the piles are bleeding, and pro.
trading, or itching -or "blind; Zam•Buk
gives immediate ease.
Mr. Neil Devon, W"ehhWPogd, Ont., suf-
'foeol with piles eight years. A few -boxes
of lam-lluk cured hint Ile since says:
"I have had no return of the trouble, so
that I kwon' I ash permanently cared."
7am•Duk cores Cuts, Chapped II1mds,
Ulcers, Burns, Sore Legs, Abscesses, Poi-
soned Wounds, Boils, Eczema, and all
skin troubles Rubbed well in it la a
splendid embrocation for Rheumatism.
Neuralgia and Sciatica, etc, 50 cents a
box of all druggists and stores, or post-
paid 011 receipt of price from the 'LAM
BUK 00., Toronto. Three boxes for $1,25.
The city of New York has three public
library systems, ono for Manhattan,
Bronx and RichmonJboroughs, another
for Brooklyn and another for Queen's
borough. In 1006 there were thirty-six
circulating branch libraries in the Mom
batten, Bronx and Richmond system,
with 665,482 books, having Inst year a
circulation of 4,752,028; in Brooklyn 25
branches with 476,069 books and a circu-
lation of 2,570,068, and in Queen's four.
teen branches with 02,010 books and a
circulation of 344,038.
Br the 45 cities of the State, contain-
ing, by the census of 1005, 6,700,075 in-
habitants, or 70 per cent, of the total
population, there are 2,400,408 books in
the free circulating libraries, or an aver.
ago of 100 books for every 224 inhabi•
tants. In fourteen cities, including New
I'o•o, the supply of books is below this
average. In thirty-one cities it is above
the average. The library circulation in
cities was 11,741,673, a gain of 1,034,027
or 16 per cent. for the year. As con•
pared with population this circulation
was at the rate of two books for each
Inhabitant. As compared with the books
available, every 100 books were used
this respect New York city
461 times, itf is r p
is above the average,
While the city circulation was 11,741;
673 for 5,700,675 inhabitants, the circu-
lation outside of cities for 2,360,633 in.
habitants was 2,068,430. This indicates
that 70 per cent. of the population of
the State living in cities use 85 per cent.
of tete books, and while in the cities
each inhabitant had two books, in the
country each had lees than one,
Removes all hard, soft and calloused
lumps and blemishee from horses, blood
spavin, curbs, splints, ringbone, sweeney,
stifles, sprains, sore and swollen throat,
coughs, ete. Save $50 by use of one
bottle. Warranted to most wonderful
Blemish Cure ever known. Sold by drug.
• -•
OhlId Life In France.
Modern France is the stronghold of
the family system. See a French family
at dinner in a restaurant, or for that mat-
ter at home. You will never see a gayer,
livelier function. There is such a frank
and unassumed sense of community
about the, whole thing. The boys adore
0113.10 mother, the girls their father, the
Parents take such a whole hearted de•
light in their chilldren and the children
era so happy and respectful. It is a
sight of which every Frenchman may be
ployThenthe again French parents love to
part of a lesser Providence to
their children. Nowhere in the world
aro so many or so varied toys for chil-
dren made and sols: as in Paris. The
stranger is often astonished at the fact
that no child ever crosses his path who
does not bear something novel, BOMB.
thing ingenious in the shape of a play.
thing. -London Daily Mall.
iI '2:W . , .Y
We Guarantee
to cure your cough or cold
No "ifs" or "buts" —just a
straight statement-Shiloh's
Cure will cure your cough
or cold and do it quicker
than anything you
ever tried, or your druggist
will return the purchase
price. Get a bottle to -day,
and cure that cough or cold.
Shiloh's cures colds
and coughs
Shiloh's Cure is a safe and sure
cough and cold medicine for
children. It has been effecting
cures for 34 years. All drug-
gists -25c., $oc., and $1.00,
Rode a Hippopotamus.
The meeting here of Lord Solborne, High
Commlesroner fw South Africa, and Luso-
Ike, Paramdunt Chief of .Daretoeland, was
full of quaint Incident.
Nothing coals oe more ploturesque then
Lupanika'e arrival. A fleet of some 230 na-
tive dugout canoes came up the broad Zam-
besi. led by the cblel'e own enormous boat,
with its crew of thirty paddlers.
There broke from to hundreds of women
(sosombled on the shorn the royal sod of
welcome as Luanika'a craft drew nigh.
Dressed in every Imaginable brilliant coler,
black faces (Wining and black eyes sparkling
with excitement, the women marched slowly
forward to he rhythmical clapping of hands,
chanting as they went, to the river bank,
and then, with wild shrieks and peals of
laughter, broke their ranks and raced to
bathe their hands and faces In the water
In which the kleg's-boat swum.
In the evening rho Paramount Met pre-
sented Lbrd Selborne with' a young hippopot-
amua«' This beast, which la perfectly tame
and about half grown, had followed the
chines canoe 300 miles down the river from
Little'. taking no more than a passing In-
terest In the herds o1 wild "hippos" on the
way. It slept neacefutly through the great-
er part of the presentation ceremony, and
eta finally gallantly mounted and ridden out
of the court yard by a member of the Paris
Missionary Society.-Seshoke correspondence
'London Dally Mall
The "Wale" should be rubber -tired.
A jeweler has fitted one pair of sticks with
silver bandies.
The dlnbel° dress le quaintly plain, with
sleeves to the elbow.
Thr, play In quite as good as dumb -bolls
in the way of exercise.
Atter toeetg the spool from the twine It
takes someskill to catch 1t again.
Humorists aro railing thisgame everything
from "le stable" and "flying cone" to 'the
41v11 at a game."
ryailit'djlllllllll „
"No sale now for any but
St. George's
Baking Powder
Glad of it, tem!: I don't get
any more complaints -but lots of
So out with these old lines,"
Write The National Drug & Chemical
Co. of Canada, Limited, fpr +tbeir new
tree Cook•nook, ➢4
A Personal Pante.
Now, what Cera I for all this din.
In Wall Street, tar away,
When troubles of my own begin
To 1111 me with dlemayt
Those millions who have sped from view.
My feelings do not thrill
As much ae what has happened to
11.7 Own ten dollar bins
The shrinkage shown by values great
Awakens little tear
Compared to this reverse of tete
Which Vida me financier.
Some lunch; some bonbons superfine;
Some flowers with compliments,
And that ten dollar hill of mine
le only thirty cents.
Washington Star,
Mnlerd's Liniment Cures Distemper.
Irate Paesenger (who finde himself ma.
rooned at lonely Irish station for the
rest of the day -Haw, portal:, is there
nothing doing in this rotten place all
Portah-Oil'll he shuntin' the engine
about eight to -night, sort. -The Tatler.
ISSUE NO. 48, 1907
Phillips Brooks once preached a ser.
mon from the text, "Who passing
through the valley of 'aneeping snake it
a well." He said that there were two
ways of treating sorrow. One may say,
"This that I have to bear is ]card, but
the clouds will break and there will
come better days. Compensation is in
store for me. It may not lie in this
world, but some time it will all be mode
up to me." Or ho may say, "I will do
just what Scripture tells me to do. I
will make ofd my valleys of weeping,
well -springs of joy. I will turn sadness
into occaolone for rejoicing," The apos-
tle says, "In everything give thanks."
Assuredly we cannot be thankful for
everything, but in every experience that
manes to us we may find some reason
for giving thanks. When Jeremy Tay.
ton's house had been plundered, all his
worldly possessions squandered, his
family turned out of doors, he eongrat•
Mated himself that his enemies had
left him "the min and moon, a loving
wife, many friends to pity and relieve,
to Providence of God, all the promisee
of the Gospel, my religion, my hope of
heaven, and my charity toward my ene-
mies." Can you see the glory of the
Lod in the cloud?
in your spare time at home, or
Take a Personal Course at School.
To enable all to learn we teach on
*(gash or instalment plan. We also teach e
personal class at school once a month.
Class commencing last Tuesday of each
month. These lessons teaches how to cut,
fit and put together any garment from the
plainest shirt waist suit, to the most elabor-
ate dress. The whole family can learn from
one course. We have taught over seven
thousand dress -making, and guarantee to
give five hundred dollars to any one that
cannot learn between the age of 14 and
4o. You cannot learn dress -making as
thorotfgh as thls course teaches if you
tvorie in slops for years, Beware of imita-
tions as we employ no one outside, the
school. This is the only experienced Dress
Cutting School in Canada and excelled by
none in any other country. Write at once
for particulars, as we have cut our rate one-
third for a short time. Address: -
81 Erlo St„ Stratford, Ont., Canada.
"There is a little town out in Iowa
where our train stopped at the dinner
hour for a few minutes the other day
that is noted for the thieves about the
station," said n drummer at the Hellen-
den yesterday. "They know that moat
of the passengers leave the train to get
a bite to oat and they go through the
train and pick up suit eases, overcoats
or anything they can lay hands on,
"Of course the conductors or the few
passengers In the coaches can't always
tell but that the stuff belongs, to the
man taking it and they don't like to say
anything. One man on our train knew
the reputation of the place, and when
he laid hie cravonette coat over the back
of hie scat he ran a little chain around
the arm of the seat and through one
sleeve of the coat and fastened it with a
padlock. Then he moved book to an.
oche; seat to await results. In a little
while a well dressed young man passed
down the aisle rapidly and grabbed up
the coat asfie went by. He turned three
or four different Dolor when he saw that
the coat was nailed down. 'I thought
that was my coat,' he said, ae ho looked
around at the few of us who had noticed
"'Yes; spoke up the owner of the
coat, 'and if I hadn't had it chained x
guess it would have been yours.' "-
Cleveland Plain Dealer,
I wag cured of painful Goitre by MIN -
Chatham, Ont, BAYARD McMULLIN,
I was cured of Inflammation by MIN.
Walsh, Ont. MRS. W. H. JOHNSON
I was cured of Facial Neuralgia, b1
Parkdale, Ont. J. H. BAILEY.
Mistress (to servant who comes down
very late in the morning) -Doesn't thal
alarm clock I gave you wake you up in
the mornings, Jane? Jane -Oh, no,
mum, not now, thank you; it worried
meat first, mum, but I've got need to
Oklahoma is larger in area than In-
ndiana and Ohio combined,
Where all else fails
Kendall's Spavin Cure
Bone Spavin, Ringbone, Splint, Blood and Bog Spavin, Thoronghpin,
Curb, Capped Hook, especially if of long standing and obstinate -will
not yield to ordinary liniments or blisters.
KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE; is an exlraordinary remedy that gives
extraordinary results, It cures old, stubborn cases that maty times
veterinaries have given up -takes away every sign of lameness -does not
scar or kill the hair -and leaves the horse sound and smooth.
Bam10110, Mae, Sept. 'e6
"I have used Kendall's Spavin Cure for ao years -
and it never failed ate goof," 3011N MCKZNNA.
write for noted book "treatise On The Hover" -something worth knowing on
every page. Sent free. Kendall., Spiels Curs le sold by dealers everywhere at
Ill. • bottle --6 for O. 33
Du, B. J. KENDALL Co., - • LNCaeuga FALLS, VERMONT. U.S A.