HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1897-11-26, Page 2.. . „ . .- , t, - :. H.; . g� , SJc�N or 1%TRh 3G- t e l"d ,' „ +A. 9 . A. The sign of strongtb,a ru dy coui?tenanoo, I' �: . r. '.. 'THS LAST ANTE4t3R1E. PrOfe�siQn�x slnclO thein. Yaxiul d>atipd Silo a baby as lw ''- depends upon rich,red bloc , To PaIkke trio', # ,dAXJ t5 J300 "a'. •:. . ` .. 's Qd tiw feet aa�di ro d mother(,Auil to him, Luoa Strut- blood rioh and ruddy,tbo egnnteixopee olea> sitoofl m? tkR"... I>oo l t Saves Nine . tr �� � . y , his race, ted about, tossing bis tlocl feathered head, and bright, and the step Artri a10.d glp9tio,. And looked fry off the 9drwery ledge . and tellisig of ail the things he meant to lainE L:: dee Bardoalfi Blood'Bi4ters, �.4.Gkillau, $. � j<r Stem l � `o IC�Itor tt: This is the oQtnp earth's changing cane, do "down tlrore." f ig" ln�n. rues gorgeous 9 Q„Toronto,Ont.,says: "'I I I gond health ': In a poW flowered korabief and a green sat- I thoasands Pt this Season. �� now to the greatest .degree, ever since the AONV»XAN47f1� �o. obese weirs the grovvas of ynoaa ptilm, bre have Aa Q e i rood p triho Rt nooq.�to shloldl4 in�corset• „ They PP t �i day I Started to ase $,li,B, e tie the 1d setas ondigss gharm4 Goodby,rayglxl, s)Ad Luca, talon doesnotxelish,They�eedthetoningnp. +.r" (7o is,lipnertorOntarloaidNo,pn� ,- Wlier w +vi ry g _ inmunedlatelY South of ,ql I:QY Y , 1. ' Turned into grove and $did, her two hands In hie. "I will return with / ' a medal. You wllk be Proud of me." the stomach Qnd digestive orgetnat wh[ch •eery Pretty. � -1 Oddie 14ope was tliv shifnmering, sandy plain which a course OE Hood's SatOapetriliA Wll1 (q PTe v t ' o him rolled. He w4 certainly handsome, far .band- South Amorloan lovers have a ?ill.: ` ante bei re thein. It also pariIIes and enriches iiia N/�. BRYQO:y■ , ' " + lie lookdxl about, but hope wos vain. Hie lit• somdar than little Vanni, who etalnlneied: dyustom. Tt is. well known that whop ilio Ctlgittl May the Holy Virgin blood, curse thfit dietre6s actor eating, and Stals of the great laurel magnolia are I� 13ARR45TER, 8OLICITQR", :00TAA , �/ r tle heart grew' cold. "Adtlfo, tie Mel .;r� % bless you l" internal misery only a dyspeP 'vv ed, however lightly, the result is s 1 ���/l� PL}I3LI(7, RTp. ' l3etorre him, to the right end left, loomdxi Early in March Del Giglio bad to go to know, creates an appetite, overcomes t brown spot which develops in a few hours • � horses, headers men. Ban Giorgio on some farm, business, and I tired feeling acid builds up and aastaim The fact is talen addantagdtof by the lover, t _ O$i( e-FBtLVOr T' 1 k. lie turned and god: �flre one bereft, into the went with kiln. rl'he day sitar our arrlvt4l (vlto nils a magnolia flowdu, and on one II irs, Opposite Foster's ' ., r p - , *Td ehudetat� fropl the fol- hills again• the whole physical System• It so prompt- P / P . ]ow t } pogat ting klaie w8A there was a great oscitement in the of ire pure, white po, sh writes a motto or CLIIGTON ' Steell, timid heard Your day is, done. Yon loge. The two soldiers wale Doming home. ly and elfloiently relieves dyspeptiehymp- message with a hard, sharp pointed pencil t ' . •k, knOwa},.i,i#siltol o�a pf learning:-• leave us but your ramp• I went to the station, you may be euro. torYis and cares nervoas hea gio to, that ii Then he sonde the flower, the young lady "' ]3osnn tilt, I ipoit" ri: wyom- K to roach." i The power that ibis your wild Uas won the Why a tsaln arrived, them was a hush. Scams. to have almost a mag ' + . ing,. $;: otroiisi. 1: Thou out tr i third class carriage aro d - ""- --- fur hours thosmdase a wrr ittenton the ls& (Formby of am;°A�ERONs� pM 1JWitid, whole wide earth can tame ppe o ' li;,"Pt..t 00, .l�ft•:ha, i8: Qcala, VannL I _ ' loeoomes quite visible and romalns ao. ' BARRISTER AND SOLICITOIJ. . SaWC i4r,,,, )Ala., I; 7tds "valley of the gntalope," whore yon and Fit>: 1; On tbs atop he turned and half lifted I)rmSddin. 8:.Ajl:c e„ �ittte'uitx, yours could revs, Burials In Pada, And attention to the Footw•sar o4 the Offioo -Hamilton St-, oggppo O Ootborne Hones rico rills with human toil and hope and hn down in his arms Loots. (30DERICH. ONT" p4Tiytar fpr uq man !oy wud love. Poor, vain Luca 1 His right arm,was gone ®� Practically these 1s or was only one un- g r at axe of year family will save X Ci/ NII O -Jaunts Poet to "Land of Sunshine." and one of his beautiful eyes. Some one derta•ker for the whole of the French caps- great expense. It ie always important t� 17 AtUi screamed. It was rho bosom Gigina. • to have substantial footwear, especially D• L- MACPHERSON • tel and its suburUs. Disgusted with rho darin the wet weather. We carry a i'�"i'�wel y� p The silence was broken, and amid the �arS�par� I I a abuse and unseemly wwues of his times g - A HEIRO. ensuing clamor I stole away. Napoleon conferred the monopoly of bury- fall line of (.oxvEYAxOXxa, The next day at aUout 5 I strolled into 1 FIRE, LIFE AND ACCIDENT INSURANOH ;crisp: County Clippings• the old d athcdral. It was usually empty Is the best-1n feet the Ono Truo Blood PtulIIac ink the Parieiana ex ono contractor, and RuUbers, Overshoes, It was the 10th of last November that I d{he arrangements exist to the present da49 OVerstoeking at that hour, and I liked roaming about° are the best aftkr-dinner' E%011es' Rugs, MONEY TO LOAN. Mr F. woes has purchased the Ex- first made his acquaintance. in the dusk. Suddenly I heard a sob• Hood's Pills pills, aid digestion. sac• -' - -' ,t Blankets, &e etot Packing House from Mr Charles Perhaps I had bettor say "their no- There in front of a little side altar knelt _ -� WATER FOR ONE. - ., Srjell. quaintance." I was staying with Del a man. It was Vanni. IN PENETRATING POWER. for Gold and wet days. es well ae an OfElae;atticgayBloak,Clinton. Iia copse uence of the severe illness Giglio at his place near Florence, and that "Poor boy W I thought. "IIS is praying ea AaWortty Tells How ]Snob Is Dleeaed assortment of "1� q afternoon I went on an exploratory walk. for his 14ieud." No remedy in the world equals Nerviline by Persons In various Occupation. TrilnYi s, Valises, Bags, Single JOHN R IDOUT• +Of Miss Clara Vosper there has been no One of the ftret things I saw was the And I' was moving quietly away when -nerve pain care. Neuralgia and rbeum- According to Professor Allen, we should and Doulble Harness and all - . ,sohoal in room No. 2 of the Exeter pub• h• oP them arm in arm. he looked up find saw me. atism are relieved almost inetantl and the y 1.G'scliofil since last week. She was Y+ drink from ono third to two-fifths ae man kfnds 9f geed Shingles. CONVI>YANOER, C70MMISBIONER, ETO They worn swaggering up and down the "Ah, signore i" he cried. "It IB you?" minor aches and pains are oared by a Sin- ounces as oro weigh pountla.� Theielore c "' ,,� +idkdan sick on Friday, and has been dirty little Via Vittorio Emanuelo, their "Yes " I answered. "What is wrong?" gle application. Ncrviline-nerve pain cure for a man weighing 168 pounds there Call and inspect them. Fire Insurance. Money to lend. Real estate 1 confined, to her bed ever since. rod caps nicety adjusted over their oars and He crossed himself, rose hastily and led -is sure to cure, would be required tib to 64,ounces(10119, Or matters carefully attended to. " ,ward was received at Seafotth on their canvas trousers gracefully tuaktsd in- me to a bench near by. , �_ _ from 134 to 4 pinta. This l,, s volt' indefl �ridti� Iasi of the death of Dr. $. S. to their yellow gaiters. "Thoeignore ie kind,"bo said, atillwith Tho Private Pig. ntte answer, Tho amount of avatar re- JAS. TWITCIIELL, Office-HIIRON STREET, ULINTON ' ' , Murrtsy; a former practitioner in the "Is there a regiment hero?" I asked of that pathetic catch in his voice, "and he gnired depend,, on the Season of the year, Victoria Block, Clinton. , F 'tpI , For some time est the doctor the blind be ar. The number of pigs kept by the oolliere p gg know about-it-boPoro: IIS will help the turrount of work tlono end the kind of liacl been practising at Wtshnapitae, "Nossignom These two aro home on m©?„ and artisans of the north of England floc- food eatou In hot Weather• rye rdq,uike R. A©NEW. :Nipiasing District. leave. They aro off to Africa next week. "He will try," I returned. "Tell me." t� with the price oP dsoal,an yarn. In more than in cold, because of the greatIn Holy Virgin bless you, signore I" "You have seen Luca, signore P" good times eve y copier keeps a live ant- loss through the skin, though tfils !e in IT PAYS TO DENTIST_, CLINTON � Phe statements of those who have been I had nothing to do that afternoon, so I r, Yes , r mal of sumo ser t, and, though dogs, guinea inside up by the lessrr amount passed r cured by Hood's Sarsaparilla, prove tie made.frlends wish°th® trwo eoldiere. "And-hia gold watch?" Pigs, ctigo birds anti hr,auiiib �tigoons are away through the kidneys. If a man la- AT ZURIOH THE 2ND THURSDAY OF o ;great merit of this medicine. Got only It ores Sas An admirin lance, a ., attractive, hie , fanny animal is usually a .� y. g g Yes," Had not all the wdrrld-the bars very hurl, t. ragtime mora tliait if 1 ACH MONTH , ;+Hood's: � question or two, and it was done, and wo World, that is, of San Giorgio-seen the Pig• He admires 1dils on Sttmday altar- ibis laUgr is light. A poen working in a -- were sooiv .sdsatsd in front oP the cafe drink- neons, and rou s of friends o round to iH Office Hours-9 to 5. 1 4 The man friends of Mr Herman Bu rod sire out of ei ht sided lasses. watch and heard of the story of how poor R P g foundry, wham the temperature high w� pp smoke their pipes and compare pigs and glialz,. of Tuckersmith, near E mond- P f3 g young Lieutenant Allegri had given it, ( and the pergpiratton pretusdi, not lnfio- The taller of the two was the talker. j bot cis their u]timato weight. They have tiara drinks tea, oi. four gallons daily. 9" a ;• tville, who was so Seriously injured just boPore hie death, to the brave San f "Yoe," he taxplainod. ' "Wo go to serve Giorgiano? Was it not !n Tho Giornale? Private Pig shows, with subscrlptlon prizes. t}i Peo od is stimulating said Dalt ,more ,"'' a shotC time ago by falling from a Lraah animal is judged in its own sty, and y 'I`11eCanariaBusipessCollege IiR• T• C• Biar,IICE, i� i a,•',, Wagon, will be pleased to learn that he Is Pa r Did not the village throb with proud es- water is requird d than iP It is Wand• SUIIGEON DENTIST, I?•d t , y `Has the signore been to Africa? No? I eitement over the tale?" it is interesting to know that tae ovalu- Vegetarians end those who use much CHAT8AN, ONT. it recovering, and is able to get around tion of an almost perfect pi was due to Graduate R 0 D S of Ontario, and Trinity >� One of our lioutenante orae onto there, and y " I answered again What Ertiit require less water theirs those who eat t although not able to do any work yet. !t is said t,htpt hs shot alien-or was it an the innate Sagacity of the oultsUire Pit vereity Toronto. then?" Snit flsli °aid pork, and °Sten get Siong on is double diecountlnir all previous records in n ''t,:y Harry Beattie, son of Mr Jas. Bf a1- elQphant Vanni?" "Ebbene, it is mine, signore---mines It hand• none except what fa in their food. In moat etting pupils placed in choice positiene. This Special attention given to the Preservation $ _ rte, of y Beatth, who has been confit ed ` ri er " anewerod the little brown one The sties in which theca animals llvo gg the painter teeth. g , was I who carried 11 povero signore tonente cases our iustinote tali tis haw much water ie the reeord-115 pupils placed in the eleven i" k;b .;' •to the Winnipeg hospital with an al- briefly I back from the front under•the terrible rain axe very rough uifeire' °fto>x mads oY a tow to drink far better than any hard or fixed moothe ondiog Aug. ly al4pupil� placed g the ' tv hk a, t hold fever it reth an n "V intereetin I Bald, lighting my hoards naildefl over railway doepers, but !t past taw weeks-nearly all oL them during Oo- N. B. Coate clock, over Taylor's shoo afore yp , g t3 of fire. It orae to me ho gave the watch." talo• Fat' aBEs they ]neve bean acgtiit'l�g tuber, N. B.-W!U visit Blyth every Monday spa 1 + Rieely. pipe. WaitoQ some cigars And when "But then," I said, utterly at sea is inteiosting to Scarp that "whoit the au- Our last week's notice contained the names of Ba eld ,,vary Thareda afternoon darin th do , thio was eating as a perlpatotic judge at a lsnowl a of boa mtlah to drink and Ytl Y g . r I + " Many of our readers Will re ret to you g-0P "then, how hie Luna got the watch?' trrsx,amitting that knowledge to dcieoqud- raven avho were placed, sad where pissed. summer gg Wo o book 1A Florence Monday and the colliers' Show he found young pigs os The demand Lor our pupil$ is now so strong r ; r "."',.learn of the death of Mr John McMil- g Bocauso I gave it to him. Dio mioi trait,,, aid H we follow them oro ahold not A;d, fan Second son of the late Slit Hu 'h we embark from Na lee on Thursday." blooming and hexilthy as poseiblo, and that some who have been graduated from other }; gg P Oh, Gigina!' that small thatigh rile eolliere' back yard go fan.' out of the way. Schools, dtnd have found no call for their and M Millan, of Tuckeramith. The de- It was akways Luca who dlid the talk- "Don't be a fool," I said Impatiently, It is of mare use to tae to know that pure vices, take a posUgraduate course with ue, and D ub gh. O L. R. 0. ar and c , C in s , ceased bad •been residin in British ingr �'�� sitting Silently stirring his { "but toll me." ie ho always eentrives that his pigsty shall, water is ¢tsesitial said that lmptue water is get the advantages of our facilities for placing 1J Edinburgh. Office-Ontario Steer, Clinton � r g 1 be thoroughly vontiiatod acid look toward u ils. All Such must remain with us until Night calls at front door of residence on Ratten -ii Cdlumbia for several years, and diedp 1 "IP it })uonis3ia ignm0 will but kelp the south. Jl rohitecta of costly home �O mO �g�a h' pheY getthoxoughly qualified before we rocom bury Bt ,opposite Presbyterian church. out mbia I See you are great friends I remarked me not to be a sneak, " I PPy P lmow how much of It W regi I-a daily mend them. illi "You aro luck til Ue cin to- , r farmc often house the anima igs under' If Dae Iivdza in a region where the orator >e 1 Pres tly Y g g He didn t look a sneak, this poor little Write for catalogue 11 intareeted. r,Ja Among the teachers engaged are the gather." " miserablcs Giovanni. north wallc uaid condemn thorn to rhea- bud it should be boiled and put away to D. McLACHLAN & Co Chatham T1R J. L. .TIIRNBULL, M, D.i TORONTO iy� following:-Douglas Fraser has been Luca tdirev+ hia arta aifectionatelyabout �+� sneak?" I repeated "Tell me and matiaui, cold and sunloeanase. Yorkshire bottles weld eorked tv an foe chest, and in _ University, M D. C.M°• Victor a University °'1 engaged to teach S. B. No. 9, Turnbcr- Vanui's shoulder and gave hfm a little i I,ll do my best. Why did you give the produces not only the best pork, but has addition one should oat ell the quit one a M.0• P & S., Ontario. Fellow of tbeObstetrica ,�1� ry; for neat year. ;Miss Jessie Fraser brig. watch to LUCa?" long been famous for the bast oared hams can If fruit agreoS. Fruits dontaln not Booiety �fEtlinpnrgh,late oLLondon,Eng„ and . 1n the world.-London spectator. PROPERITES FOR BALEoRTo LET Edinbur hHos itals. Office.-Dr.Dowsely'sola has been re en agged to teach the junior S1ssignor% we are friends since oro He straightened back his shoulders then - only pure water, but soltswhich are need- office Rattenbury Bt. Clinton. Nidbt l�pl ,fit" department of the Bluevale school, at were babies, Eh, Vanni?" and told me. HOW THIN YOU LOOS. eel to carry on healthfully the functdions of spawerod at,tbe acme plagp, tt ` &n advance in salary. G, E. Wilson Vanni grinned, screwing up hie little "It was because his poor eye was gone lite.-Journal of Hvgiene, FOR SALE. lrlts,bed;n engaged to teach a school in blttck'eyes. "Eh, dsltro," he answered and his poor lag. He said to me: '2v'ow, Do you like to hear it ? f not, take ' �;<, a vfllt3 e�near Bothwell, Sent Co., at a "'Ngiorno, Gigina!" Suddenly exclaim- Vanni, you have no wound, you have the Scott's Emulsion. Twill tae out year g sunken e d , Uollow oheeke an thin hands. l Tho nndersignod will sell ata sacrifice, Lot 401 TIR. J. W. BHAW, PHYSIOSAN, BIIRC{Et)P f stilary of $425, ed my two warriors together, jumping up watch, and ou will also have G ina. No or 12, ppl iwa Terrace, Clinton. Particulars o St oheur, eta, office anti 'resfdenoe On y CATARRH and bowing with much impresaenisnt. girl would every marry a one stented man Why not have a plump figura? Don't let SUBJECTS upon application, JAMES SCOTT, Barrister &u Carlo St„ opposite English church, formerly. oo'" A jury in Judge Fraser's court, De- Gigina, a stoutly built, black eyed girl copied by Dr. Appleton, Olinton Ont " ' with only one eye.' It was in the hospital disease steal a march on you. I trait, awarded Mrs Mary O'Connor a whom I know to be the daughter of the at Massana, the flay I first saw him, the - •.. -- HOUSES FOR SALE OR RENT t� verdict of $5,000 in her $10,000 damage innkeeper, nodded gayly: poor boy. `You have all, and I, your poor Some Queer Texts. .� veral houses either for sale or to rent. Fall suit against the City. In the fall of " 'Ngiorno," aha returned, with skill- „ ar oulars ou app1teatton to JOBN MOC+ARVA 7 �R BTANBURY, GRADUATE OF THH `, 1$9i•-her husband, Jose h O'Connor, lance, avhich intrludod both of them. Elland, have nothing. Goodby, I will kill Wheu ladlies ware their topknots ri- p 1J Medical Department of Victoria als an}. e y p g g myself. He Was alwaya mp mi.glior amico, dlculously high, it occurred to Rowland sity, Toronto, formerly oY the Hoepitale and - t ! ,r was enjoyed as a carpenter on the new Thsn she passed tor. signore and I was in doe air. Yes,' he p P FOIi• $ALE. Dlapensssriee, New York, Coroner. for he t e , small pox hospital. The building was There was an awkward Silence. P Hill to adn onish them Prom rho til it, Countp oiHnrou, Bayfield,OnL. � coati lions tU rthe esthouse, which " said, I will kill myself and thou perhaps and he did it by means aP the wards g p Bellina, " I bogan diplomatically, Luca she will be sorry.' So, if I was to have " To hnot come down, " which he evolved N sotory and oontenta on the pproperty of nd ! "evae full of patients, and he contracted grinned and gave a conquering twist to Gi ins what diid I rare for the watch? I a p t Buchanan for $125; by paying $15 down and the disease and died. The action was his little mustncho. g rend Matthew xxiv, 17, "Let him which is balance at $10' a month. Building to be re- E. BLACHALL VETERINARY BURGEOLI `s, " based on the Iound that a re resents- gave it to him." on the house top not conte down." Of moved. Apply to J. SCOTT. Clinton. J.IlonorarygrafluateoftheOntarioVeterina g P Vann! shuffled. hie feet and ewallowefi a He paused, course nothing buw the exceeding quaint- ,. "$iVe. of the board of health was said to y dread mtilady, lurks behind the most tn- College. Treats at mo a rn of domesticated an d, great draft of situ?• "E poi? I suggestocl, nese of the prem her could hats excused male on the most modern and soiontirio prino t� have assured the carpenters that they "Gigina le vary beantiEirl," observed "Sias noro and then-Gi nn. sa s to U lentheadoolds and when the seeds of dtseaso TO RENT plea Office-immediatolyeouth obtheNewErs orate in no can er whatever of conte- .. Y such a Sibert with t.ho sonso and sound of P UfIice. lteaidenoe -Albert Bt., Olinton. Oil g Luca We Banco together." me: ' Shame on you, Vanni ! To conte Y are sown steal$ away the beauq bloom and makes ,! ;kion. Mrs O'Connor is now a resident •'You must make a very fine couple," I ]some unhurt with no honorsI I will thi [stood fives, About 13 sores of ]and, Situate o e, l a ge night orday attendodto promptly „� It ryiis almost dig bad as Swift's uniquely life Pleasures ° drudgery. barn and li able with good frame house, large bf Ashfield, and her many friends will answered• marry Lucap And naw I am home, nand Alt• AONa"VP's clATARIiiHAL PO�� barn and aGsble, with about 2 scree of good - ' ar be plenaed to'know filet she has obtain- �' Mmm I ATan a'o male-not so bad. brief discourse on the test, ' `He that both bearing fruit trees. Plenty of water. Posses- bd tit verdict. they all despise me,"went on the poor lad, pity upon the poor lendeth to the Lord." will ours the indptent cold and aha aces stub- l to JOHN F. MILNE, VETERINARY BURGEON 0 k .= Van•pni is too short for hes." "bpd Qigina lati.� s at Inc. She seems to My friends," said the dean, as "lie closed born and chronic Catarrh oases It pate back Sion immediate. For partieulara appy has returned to.Olinton and opened an office "Bolt Vanni has fano shoulders, I ven- think it Ie m fault rhe s that Luca has ink end sheds sunshine In Ita.tr�il. JOHN RII)OUT, Clinton. "EATS WITROUT DISTRESS ttuod milds Y For P the book, "if you approve of the security, the beauty P' at the Queeo's' Hotel, whore ho may be consult r� Y• loft tin gran and an eye. Oh, Dio !" he down with the dust. " Ac a matter of fact, M wife and I were both troubled with dtstros- r � ed for the treatment of all diseases of horses, tarrh, but oro have enjoqed freedom from PSOPERrY 1h OR SALE cattle, &c. All calls, night or day, promptly at f =�I 'eaffered with inflammation of the Vanni rubbed his nose with the bac& oaf orted auddlanly, rising, ' I am so ai'said I it is usually only the quaint preachers who sing Ca tended to. //Stomach and indigestion. Everything I ate hi8 hand „ will tell. I nearly told th pi +,1 u II* „q� Its distldsses since the firer nppllcadon of llr. Ag- For sale, that roporty on the south side of ur1 $he we! he more than Luca be said. 1 do venture on SRglb ill?ertieg,-Chambers pew's Catarrhal Powder-h acts instantaneously- Huron Street, Clinton, directly opposite the diatreseed pie. I h4ee taken a few bottles g in the piazza. I ran art 9y and cams in journal, gives ggrateful relief in ro minutes, aid we bIt a residence of Airs Walsh. There is a two-story 1,"'> 'dit$essed ine. I have and n brie oared me. Luca sniffed "She Savo me the Ted bore. " ' _. "' there ks no case too deeply seated to 1) a u In a frame house on the lot, which is nearly half an TOMLINBON, VETERINAIsY SURGEON roes she wore d. her hair at rho fair.' " An Insinuation. Cure.^-Rev. D. Boahnor, buffalo, N.Y,-gx acre, The property is most eliggibly situated, . Honorary Graduate of the Ontario VeterX a I ar t now able to eat almost anything with- „And ou loot it " Luca !s a eanaglta, " I said. , and will be sold for $400 cash. For particulars nary College, Toronto. Trearoe all diseases aqui:drstress. �rI heartily rdoomn,end hood's Y ' Oh, no, but hie ]tifs is ruined, povo- Mrs. GingEr-How darn you talk to me $old by Witte & (off-_-�� apply to JOSN RIDOUT, Clinton. Domestic normals on. the moat modern and Vanni leaned hie elbows squarely on the in that way? I never saw such lm udence. ly ansiIlo YrinResid, co--Ra tenburallsprompt f t ,,, ,sarsaparilla. C: A. Arxswonrir, I020 retia, and he was molto hallo. Unly, " he p I ly answered. Residence-Rattenbury Bt.,. west little table and grinned at his dearest hdssitated in his to alt "I think-non fau- 3y 7 North Edwards Street,Kslamazoo, Mieu. friend. Y y+ And you call yourself a lady's maid, do BUSINESS PROPEJiTY FOIA I 0 intoe. __.. -_- . ,:� c „ , porta. Bat, per 1'amor di Dio, signore, you? HobD'S PILLS ours ell liver file. Mail- Stihl rotoitodLuoaangrily. ` 6hewlu me, what must I dol" Tha Maid-I was n lntiy's maid boforo I SALE ed for 2bo. _by C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, give mo another. You never hada There was something of the fatalist in Worked for you, ma'am.-Boston Tran- `��• t That desirable Brick Business Stand on Al- Ifs C. E. CI1;111ENT (}riiftaate of Alm lYlase. flat nose!" 1X1 Collogu teacher oft Piano. "She walked from church with me on the way he looked at me I know that script, bort Bt., Clinton, occupied by Mr N, Robson, iS whatever I might advise he would do. `� p w cI offered for Sale, includin rear lot and stable. ^�-.... Fred. D. Teff, of Berlin, who was re Sunday, bandy loge," screamed Vanni. The fault would be mine, the responsi- An attempt to acclimatize oatrichea in Tenders for Supples, 1800• The location ie'one of the best in Clinton. The , � leased from Kingston penitentiary a "Cho I Because I was with Assunta bility no longer his. south Russia has proved Successful. Tho _ - groporty ie trop from incumbrance and title in ilj AItRLiGE LICENSE, dAMEB SCOTT, SR,1 "few,da s ago because he had ti cancer- DWI. It is well to make them jealous "Come to the station tomorrow at 4 " I ostriches born in Russia aro much less The undersig ,ed w.11 receive tendata for sup• disputable. Price re GBO. S and terms to suit 1n tasuror of Marriage et, Clint, Library Room ons growth in his throat, fell dead in sometimes. But you, eon of a pauper!" Said at length, "I will take you to MOT- sensitive to cold than the imported ones, plied, up to noon on IIONDAT .,Nov. z9, 1697, purchaser. Apply to GEO. BTANBURY, Lon- and Roeidence, Mnry arrest, Olinton. for 1 bo supply of Butchers' mea ,butter, dairy don Road, or address Clinton P. O PliIt on Tuesda They had risen and were facing each r and their umes are equally good, y, givin price of each, flour, oat-' y anise With me. ' and crenmsr g �Veli,done, New Zealandl The enter- other noro,,s rho table-Vanni white with On m way to the station I called on meal, potatoes, cordwood, etc., for the follow- AMES CAMPBELL, lANDEBBORO, prising colony ilei decided to follow rage, Luisa sneering nastily. Luca. ye was vitt y 1 P]EIiIi IN BLOCK H ink outeido in the inn There ono onl nine different tones In ink i. etitutionS during the year 1698, vir..- ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES, I was about to iutorforo when Vanni 1J9 the human voatow, but tlrero are 14.bB9.- At the Asylum for the Insane in Toronto i� No witneeao6 r aired the lead of Canada, andestablish recip- In a big pillow filled chair, surrounded London, Kinggston, Hamilton, Mfmico, Brock 2+ _ A' O� SALE suddenly sat down. a crowd of admirers. Beside him sat Gl- 186,044,415 differbnt sounds. ville and Orillla; the Central Prison and Mer• atrial trade relations with Great Brib- "We ares forgetting our compact, Lu- Der Reformator Toronto; too Reformatory for y p y gips, beaming with pride. y, (1900 cash sad 120 month] s moats oil c13 oaoh a,� W. b ARNOOMB, ,MEMBER OL' ASSN OF -- chinomio, he said,dirawingalong breath. "Buongiorno, signore," she said. "Isn't COME ALL WHO SUFFER Boys, fa,,d nguishene• rho Institutions for D J CAMPBELL, Hamilton Ci • P. L, ee Provincial Land Surveyor dna . Luca noddetL this Deaf ai.d Dumb, Be1levUle, and the Blind Stewart a GGrrocer Store, Clinton�ffice at qeo, ' 1 A COOL HEAD. "Thou art ri ht dear little one " And it a pity that he has lost an arm and an Mrs E. Brown, Hamilton, Ont., says: I at Brantford. y t3 • eye? But I don't care, and we are to bs have used Laxa•Liver Pills and find them Two sufficient sureties will be required for Farm for Sale or to Rent. . A blear, bright brain, a cool head free tlhey Shook hands. married on Saturday." erfeet as a pure for biliousness and sick the due fulfllmebt of each contract. - -from sin and strop vi Oroua nerves axe "Il a noro will think us mad," saifl P $peeiacations and forms of tender can only be The south half of lot 5, concession 9, Town- P g, g She Plaiyed ostentatiously with the headache. I strop 1 recommend them to had b makin a plication to the Burears of .•.. requisite of success in modern life. 1l1f1- Luoa politely to mit watch Which eho wore can a cord around g Y Y �' ship of Morrie, containing 100 acres, i acres all who suffer from such troubles as nn an- therespectivo nst tutions. cleared and in good state of cultivatiyation, CLINTON # ': burn's Heart and Iierve Pills invigorate and I raised my hands in doprocation. r her brdywn neck. N. B.-Tenders rue not required for the supply There are on the promises a frame house, frame �lt7nnyy�� `� n I hedir Vanni Bernell! is going with rivalled remedy. of meat to the As lum in Toronto, London, 9n. OOlI and COdL Yt>11aD• brighten the brain, strengthen the nerves, "Dio miol I, tAo, was once young, my , y barn, tram. drive house; good orchard, novor- an remove all nerve,beart and brain troub• childiren, " I anowerA "and when one is ou. Then he won't be hero for the wed- Mr Oliver A. Rowland, member of KinQeton, Hssmilton and Mfmico nor to t•hyd failing supply of Spring water. Situated $ tulle les. in love." Y Central Prison, and Morcery 1'teformator from the village of Blyth. Will bo sad on roa Bnhsoriber is ro arod to���prom din ? the Legislature for South Toronto has • Toronto, sonable td,rms. App 1y to C. HAMILTON, Blyth p hlch ptly fill all;or g dere for Wood or Coal, w will be sold' ab Luca jerked rho tassel of h!s cap Over consented to be the candidate for the Tho lowest or any tender pat neccaearily ac- or THOS. R. WRIt3IiT, Ezeoutor, 948 1'rinoesa She smiled consciously. I began tq pith coast rates. Ofllco on Ieaatb ettroot, at LAMS IHOme lnsntanee. his ear and threw out hie ohesf r onaervatiye party at the approaching oepted. Ava, Landon, Unt. MPLEMI NT �tOOMf3, W, Wgl� TLY Luca. C (sf ped) R, CanrsTrz , T. F• • CxAMIIrGrtLrv, 1 "E aero," bo said, with a self eatiaIIed " " v-election for entre Torontoo In g Poor boy, perhaps It a just as well. JeA[res NOxox Insppoctoxs of Prisons and rub "Generous to a fault, but careless of air, "and we are amoroso tutt' a dual Somo-of the bystanders laughod, and i Ontario generalelection of 18414 Mr lie Charities,'Parliament Buildings, To,onto, tGOOD FARM FOR SALE. and cruel to his family, is the man who aren't we, Vanni?" , Luc tw:lpted hia peer thin fingers nerv- ]'3owland dej'eated Mr Chas. Mose, who Nov. 15, 1897. - T� CL1NT'ON.; fritters away hia earnings for,their present Vanni, *ho wail of a much lose expan-t eusly about the buttons on his coat. was Subsequently appointed to a judge- (l� j� uu ��n�jp �j A^ Subscriber offors for sale the farm of 149 acres, 'sa ms's'" Aelight, but deposits no save for the in- Siva nature, only grunted and nodded his "Oh yea,"continuedtshe village beauty ship, by several hundred majority. DRESS C U TTIRG dLAL� UiIS� situated p n the Maitland own. ob G acres f " surancei of its oontiunanoe, hereafter•" head. --- go d bar All sleeted but about to sores et L a u n . d r y "he ie a good lad, Vanni, but--a girl . gcod hardwood busU; good clay Soil, four acres "Lookinthoglassandlearnifyoucan'"Yousoe,"continuedLucaasthegreasy doesn'thavethechanceeverydayofmarry- -By -- bcaringorehard,good2-story brick house with ,look "ourself s uarel in the a e. IE ou waiter rovided us with more stru on „ YOU may get over that , slate roof, bank horn and good outbuildings; . Y q y Y Y P P- y ink a hero, t3LIC}H S T Ar (.+ ►R METHOD Within G miles of Clinton and 4 from Holmca r _ � =;Slave a family bnt no insurance we think see, we axe both in love-oh, very much I looked signifleanWq at Lusa, who was slight cold: all right, blit lt-ATtRESIDENCE OP-`� `� vine. n very choice and desirable farm. For The undersigned has taAan full control of the ;yon will not like the reflection." In love with Giginal Sometimes we have watching me from udder his bandago. rir ut�dson �%ed,d! pparrioulars apply on the premises to MRS. W. Clinton Laundry, and having had considerable '+The anirisared are in no more peril than •almost hated etch other on her recount. ".And it isn't every day that she knows has left its mark on the mem- Isaac $t., Clinton TEBBUTT, or at Holmewille P. O. exper once, him iu a led to xeeaut°O too any City •the ineured,'bnt their families are." ]ant we aro migliori amici, and that would enough to adxsept him when she has the Latwdr �tixhdireie no law to punish the man who be a pity.", chance " I said.- hangs• branes lining your throat. MORTGIAGkE SALE FARM FOR SALE y° v .riaakds Arst ills wife, seoond' his children, I assented, and he resumed: -- klTe ate to atedto do L,etdles or You are liable toiakeanother aF p dthird hia Oroditore, .carry all the risk of hie Giglna, sho !s'very teasing, very gay. Lot 25, Con b, Township of Hullott, 100 soros ,, tnntimelkileath, Therefore, though your tithe alwaya says, 'Ono or the other.' That -y -- cold and the recon d one will BS sores oloared and in a good ata r of on arc- Celli s Rine 6c.0011YlX. ,x �` .tno'ial dui i' On o9ii do as oti like about is very' well, but after all even best tion, oxcollsnt clay loam soil• 12 acme of hard- y y Y GREAT MUBIC OFFER. Valuable Real �s�ate wood bush. There is a good{ boating orchard RamI1y >larag 1ltlourinl+orii life." friendls oan't ahem a wife (?tin they. Van• hang on longer than the first. and a good �up`{>ly o(water. Tho farm hie novor - and guarantee eamo tb" and alfa; i'+lie is it b'got who will not insure' be is twit So now oro o to tho 'sv and when In the Town of Clinton, been rented • The buildings coinpprtae a good lowest prices. Gtootle,csll� fonds vbred > ' g ' Send un. the peace and addresses o£ three frame house, barn and Stables. Tlrfa property an art of the town. Wo rca oetfull solioi ,(" `' ' 1�b 110 ppstied wlib cannot inatfre; he is' a cow Vro Dorno back eho will trrkfPtano or rho oth- or acro er£ormers on the ppiano or or an Scott S Emulsion 1S not ori Under rho authority of an Act entitled 'An is situate on an exeellbnt gravel road, 2 miles Y t y itrd who, httVinl given hostages to fortune, •or of un.. In rho meantime we are always to Sibs"r with ten cents in eilvbr and we will Aat respecting Mortgages of Real ICelato," R. i atrial, cis there is no ndseeaeity to esnd.yc „ „ 6' ordinar coU h 5 ecific, but S, 0• Chapter 102 and amendin Acts, and under Lrom the Town of Clinton. TerrnS easy. For Laundry out of town. ' dobd clot rnSure. .*. loving friend': mail ou Y0 "feces full sheet music consist- y g p further particulars apply to the undersigned If ` ou' dbsire yofir faintly t0 be ocell•lrro• iiannl hold o,at his Hero brows paw, Y P r r a certain mortgage which will be producedl at ou the promises, ARTIIIIYf T WITti)l i'i i 1. - ing of popular songs, waltzes, marches,&o,f it 1S the ounce of preven- the sale, there wail lsb offored for sale at Publlo MRS TgpB, -elm,- Clinton P, O. vido l fbr ;in thi event: o£ your ,death, it is and tlul two nie-i shook hands peacefully. Auction, by David Dickinson, Auctioneer, at arranged 4or the piano and organ. t�ddreee:' „ W "absolutbly essohttQ> ori you,, part that you '•Tho signore will understand that Gik- iaopm&n Muetc Pun. Co., tlori. t tluildS up the tlrtl nATTtur a y ocher, Chilton, of o - ' attond tU this Yntlet import&>it matter now, glna will marry the one who brings bac in., on Saturday thee. 1Xth, 1997, the follow- House and Lot for Sale Zndianapolis,Ind. ing prtlporty,viz; Subdivision Lotter lj, boing Mon'and Women who cafe'Work fieri taut ° 'While you sire in good health, ag no ono the moat glory." system, checks inflammation composed o l pats ef, town lots numbers 292 i -- fug and writing six home diiily for _gle d a a . ' kdot7d what td-morrow fray bring forth. It was the taeltv'rn Vanni who volun• -- , • and 293 In the Town et Clinton, in the County The framlo house on Rattenbur street, t ain Mato a lanatolr of the Con- toorod this nformation. and heals Inflamed mem- of Huron, and containing by ddtneaguromont Y , week and will bo content with :ten iia ra r 1dr p p g , , 5' 1. There is a certain leisure fn learn- immediately eaot of Dr. To rilinaon s, is wobkly, Aadroesr NE9V 71A$. C�., $;, tion Life Association's attractive in- I rose "Ebbette cod luck to Ott both p « ,. 13+5 a rare porches, more , or lege. more bully offered for s0o on very reasonable terms.' Carder Slay and Richmond Stet Tofor do"Ont, i i�edera Thompson, son of branes. 8l1 ht coldsnevi deac1=dinthemortgage,onwbicharoeriiotba , g „ y int; that Mi John g •veetment.plane find !nr copies tlf its last aid may thit beet Ulan Wln. h . late r mi r has made his a e r- , ,a frame dwelling and portion of a brick liver9 .Tho 1louoe ia°,centrally sitaated, boirg only # i • ianhud report,0 owing its uiiexcollbd finan• I shook bands with thorn and turned to t o I' e e , iii a pmeet- brin Serious results when It btable. a minute' walk from the business centre`, 1 ho rubred Jersioys ,, for �l le+ Bial oliditfon address ieraela lokr Cjtin• &nee as a speaker at a pol c 1 g o i y t�k ing, It is robabl to earl et to TERMS-»TouPercentattiro purohtise,frienaq has ti Dollar, tarn dining room\ parlor, .�N o $rtl'o " b Vann " ob xtred p y y 9 IS i=Orn tl taken. down, and the lance in thirty days thotoatter, hod Poo and kitohon dewtt staira,.�;ith one dor sale, dn, a ca"nnblti torf�t, t�. nudibei bf,, #411, gon6rsl agent f r n. x aw blggor t an h so aid a whether Ifo inherits the tafenta p � y d i� l gi without intert�t;. !The grbporti+ til b0 p+xt, up thorob;od JoreoV,,, r ietbre ,ski •t e, Amoriiun �- Uob vainglbrloasly as l; dopaitod a ll ave the best t ob Furttior torrns cud, Sergi .md two smaller bbdrotlms u}intalrs, Joraa>r Cattle Club. l) caws and, lb. Fletfbrs,. ,, ► .. of his father, b h he ori h Book on the Silk eCt free. subjeotttiarewved.11rl ,... comer l,,tohen and d,rden. '�►`''''+ 't'llo IibattrXaybat0ato thoywont. ASI the wiehe8of ver m&11 Of hie feIIOWCan- particulatsYiilSdbkhbSVnlittho.PtLlsdrtipbnblp'• (Ioott•i7d E1it g nosily ttlltn Cdlf. t3.13u11 .. 9tbpkie tillAree': ski x4A`" Till was ilii t he station to Soo t]ie Stier o! y plicbttOnto.tho.uttdorbl ped; y 1 situated for boQrdln class.. J. CARPIDN ICIL t 11!11:. jM nri aBo Adians for a useful career in politics 1 T b usb., c Ave] l Qt Nov! 'l ne ofl3ee, g lvlrt . , T' a tiA + +MttDFIri and in kits profession, GllObe. n_W BCOiT & LiOWNII, n.tielaluo, oat. yID pIaltlg�Tc7NoAraotBiq lector. pp Y Iudlodtlletoclrbrtn; �Giild . , 1 Ad , �l �) :• s , r: r e,f ��.•��!���r �� ser,. Si:.rtii� - - i. w . 1. fit: P w r: 1. , .• ., �,