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The Blyth Standard, 1907-11-28, Page 5
Nov13slnrn 28r1I, 19o7—THE BLYTH STANDARD -..Paan Myr. pimm► r► P► oz am o► t► ,i ► r.i WORD has been received by Frani; CouNezr. meeting on Wednesday ei` � � � �y Nieman. front the Secretary of the' of next week. Ontario Horticultural Society to pay A NuMnait from here 110 ended the prize winners in Huron County, shooting match at Walton oil Fritday'' Mr. Metcalf is now ready to hand last. over the cash to the lucky people. THE RIGHT HOUSE A RELIABLE STORE WITH WORTHY (MODS ON SALE AT MODERATE PEWEE FOR CASA AND FARM PRODUCE, 11 Ar SPECIAL OFFERINGS ►•1 For this week in Boots, tri Shoes, Rubbers, Cloth i'A Slippers and Cardigans. Y SPECIAL OFFERINGS m In Ladies' Coats and Furs. V SPECIAL OFFERINGS In broken lines of Priest- ley's Dress Goods, yFor a good dress buy Priestley''s Dress Goods. A Highest prises paid for Farm Produce. E. BENDER, BLYTH rht See our prices on Dressed Poultry fieCry+,r.��►ppp, ���,,7�e,r��./��'pp �Q �'q ,.I'y ©�%l4sY► E.•:Ay�► Ss!►��P►. td:/►De—%m!►.�i�@d • r ry r r ,.a � , v r r a va iv i rear r,. •�:3��,y?�3����>�'�,�,�<�f�:t��:a:fi�s��asE��;:�s:�.�1�?��� �?:t.�.�:E: �E��4'�'ls�u��s.� NEWS AROUND TOWN =" DuN''r forget the horse fair next Friday, Dec. 610, Two umbrella repairers struck the town Monday, No electric lights last Thursday evening from Metcalf's store to the power house owing to the wires go- ing wrong. True Auburn Rifle Club hold their annual shoot for 200 fowl on Friday of this week. For further particu- lars see posters that are out, WREN travelling by the C, P. R, A PETITION is being circulated' Londoehoro. around town and largely signed by l SUDDEN DnA'rtt.—Word wan 1.0• the people asking the Postmaster ceived here on Tuesday evening of 0 • 1 `I • caeca for Ma service on thio C, ,tie death nt George Roberton, w Ito P. R and also that a mall box be placed at the station for the cotvon• leave of the people near there, We hope it may bear fruit. "Ilis heroic journeys through the snow, drnwti by dogs, are described In a way which will secure the at teution of all, Robinson Crusoe' him- self can scarcely bent Egerton Young, and then, the story is true," (Rev, C. 11, Spurgeon.)—]Methodist march, Dec. 12th, Tate A. Y. P. A, of Trinity church at their meeting no Tuesday night held a debate on the .eubjeet, "]Re- solved that life in the country 0 pre. ferable to life in the city, Owing to the unfit vorable weather the at- tendance was not In go, but the de - hate proved interesting The two. tive side wort by one point,'De- baters : Affirmative—Clifford Tier. say, James Barr, Stanley Buchanan ; Negative --Leon Scott, Mrs. Wm. H. Hartley a nil Miss E. M. Alden If. judges—Miss W, Thompson, Mrs. Nyle and Percy Steadsmaa. ON Monday evening of this week the 1V, Francis h'irth Concert Cu. appeared in Industry Ifuif under the auspices ol'Ute 1. 0, 0, F. The hall was well tilled and the Odd Fellows will have a balance to their credit. The operetta, "Dolya, the Ten Girl," does not compare with "The Beggar Student," while the solo by Mr. La - tondo, was the limit, Ttte rest of the company did their parts all right, We are sorry to hear that A 11, Francis, the advance agent and A NUMBER of the members of the: former member of the company, is Blyth Court C. 0. F. attended the, laid up with an attack of typhoid funeral of Bro. Geo. Roberton of • fever. The company went from Londesboro, today. here to Parkhill, "REv. EGERTON R. YouNu is the QUIET WEDDING,—'Phe Gerrie Vi - most fascinating missionary lectiu'erdette of last week reports a wedding to whom we have ever listened, 0, near that village which is of inter- tho unanimous testimony of the est to some in town owing to the Presbyterian pastors of Detroit.' filet tint the groom is a cousin of During the past mow days he has 1 hire' P. Gardiner :—A quiet wed. spoken fifteen times in our churches, .chug was solemnized at the home of and everywhere among us he hes! Mrs, Geo, Miller, 10th con., on Wed - been listened to with great delight,"I nesday afternoon when her dough - purchase your ticket at town ticket (George W. Barlow, Pastor Calvary ter, Nobel 13., was united m the offiee, All information as to rates, Presbyterian church.) — Methodist hely bonds of wedlock to Chas. L, tune•table and connections cheer- church, Dec. 12th. Andrew of town by Rev, A, B. Dob• fulls furnished by J. McMurchie, C.' THE following letter has been sent, son fn the presence of the Immediate P. R. Rail and steamship agent. to Court Morning Star, C, 0,' F. friends of the contracting parties, QUITE a number will ge to Gode- i Detti• Friends,—I wish to express to I Che happy couple Left 00 the 350 rich next 'I'htu'sday to attend the . y u my appreciation of eau; train for a wedding trip to Toronto Liberal nemiliati,D ler the Local � kind symptitbv and help at the: and other pieces amid showers of Donee Hari to hear lien, A. 0 1Isc.'time of my bereavement. I tan, confetti and the good wishes of their knv, leader of the Opposition, speak, deeply grateful for your kind atten• I litany friends who were et the sta- W{Tile ntbees will attend the meet- tin, the beautiful wreath and ,til ;ton to see them otT, Ing In Brussels on icridri,y and hear, the tokens of respect which you A SPLENDID LECTURE,—Lust Fri. showed toward my late hushttnd.: day evening in St, Andrew's church the Hon, gentleman speak. I acknowledge, with thankfulness,: the Blyth Brunch of the Upper Can - "Have yell everheard Dr, Eger - I the receipt of the ,mortuary cheque,' acla Bible Society held their annual tun R. Young speak on • missions and was surprised at how promptly' ineeting and a huge audience gath- anxmg the [udi,ure ? If, not, n ered to hear Rev, W. E. Bossard, greater treat than von can well you have acted in this matter.;, B. A., B. D,, of Toronto, the District Imagine awitits you. He is the John Again thanking you all rid wishing 13 Una h amongrnissiniiui v s eak• you and your society much blessing. 1 Secretary, deliver an illustrated g p 1 remain very respectfully yours, lecture. Rev, J. L. Small took ere, He holds the fixed attention of Elizabeth Walker Bell, charge of the meeting, and after the largest audiences to tate close ofsinging a hylar Rev. W. H. Hartley every address." (I3ishop McCabe,)— _ __ led in prayer, A. Elder, Secretary Methodist church, Dec. 12th. DIED,—Robert C. Rogerson died at his home, 17 Cowden Place, Jamestown, N. Y., on Thursday, November 14th, at 1 at, in. at the advanced age of 90 years, Ile was born in York, England ; came to America about the year 1854 and lived in the vicinity of Blyth until the year 1890, when he followed Ids sons to Jamestown, N. Y IIe was married twice, his first wife being Elizabeth Simpson, who was the mother of his ten children, The second wife, Mary Fear, and five of his children survive him They are Robert, of Wheeling, W. Va. ; Jo - beg, of Bradford, Pa. ; David, of Jamestown, N. Y. ; Mrs, E. Sher. ritt, 01 Victoria, B C„ and Mrs, T. A. Hawkins, of Jamestown, N. Y. Twenty-six gfandt:hildren, 14 great gt'nndcltlldren and one brother, Solomon Rogerson, of Hullett, are living'. The funeral service was held at the home of his son, David, on Saturday, Nov, 16th, Evangelist D. Peliatt, of Brooklyn, N, Y., ofti• dating and the remains were laid to rest in Lakeview cemetery, Jatitcs- town, The singers were Miss Mug. gin Vauham and Miss Florence Sweet and the pall bearers were his three sons, Robert, Jabez and David and his son-in-law, `Phos. A. Hawk.'ins, Those present from a distance wore Robert Rogerson, of Wheeling; Jabez and Mrs, Rogerson, of Brad ford ; Victor, and Mrs, Rogerson, Grace and Eldridge Rogerson, of Sharon, Pa,, and Mrs. Holmes, of London, Ont, FOWL of the Local Branch, read the inin- rates of the last ineeting. The elec. WANTED ; tion of officers followed :—President, John Wilford ; Secretary, A. Elder ; I Treasure•, '1'. 1V, Scott ; Depositor, We are paying the highest prices for F. Metcalf' ; Directors, John Brig- 'utted rs, ye, Geeses., Ducks, Chicks, Butter' lista, A. W. Sloan, R. Shame Rich. Grain cheeks paid after bank hours. Somers, R. 0, McGowan, C. John- son, James Smith, Jeines Somers, McMILL,AN & CO. DInsley Street Blyth Suggestions It can't be out of the way for us to suggest that when you are thinking of a holiday purchase you should not overlook Met - calf's Jewelry De- partment. We have thelargest assortment of Gold Watches, Rings, Bracelets, Lockets, Fobs and Chains ever shown in Blyth, and we are prepared to meet any catalogue prices. henry Young, James Tierney, Win, Sims, lir, Charlesworth and Wm, Jackson. Owing to advancing years H. McQuarrie resigned the Treasurership baying passed his 250h aoniversitry, and F. Metcalf enters Ids 2211d year as Depositor, After the election the meeting ty05 taken charge of by Mr. Hassurd who showed a number of different Bibles he had and spoke of how the good work is spreading. In 1804 the British and Foreign Bible Society was founded and the Bible was pub- lished in some 35 living languages, while to -day the Scriptures, com- plete or fa part, are printed in 401' distinct torms of speech, lie Hien stinted his illustrated lecture, show- ing how the Bible Society was instt-' tuted and up to modern times in printing 0 for the world. Other ptotlli•es shown were the ,foreign land in which the Bible houses stood, the Colporteurs at, wori:, of New Ontario, the churches and schools, The lecture was very in- teresting and instructive and will no doubt help the cause itt Blyth to FRANK4ETAIF gigrowving snoretothe andhunaiddreds in of thepeoworkpleand of n� C tribes, Gospel printed in their own Jewelry and Stationery. tongue. , passed away at 8 o'clock that even- ing in the London Hospital, Mr. Roberton only lett the village on Monday to go under an operation in the hospital for appendtettes and was operated on in the afternoon but did not survive passing away the next evening. I -Ie had only been complaining about a week. IIe was !Marded to his now bereft wife some 9 years ago, and besides her four children, (Dennis, Bella, Gertie and James) are left to mourn the loss of as kind husband and hither, hir. Roberton was born in Ilcliett being son of 'Phos, and Mrs. Roberton, 10 has been for many years agent for J. Brunsdon & Son, of this village and was therefore wellknown to the people throughout the country. The funeral took place today front the residence of his brother-in-law, George Rttddeli, Lot 21, Con. 10. Hallett, to the Union cemetery, the funeral being under the direction of the C. 0. F. 'Po the family and relatives the sympathy of the com- munity is extended, Three New Senators Named At a meeting of the cabinet Fri- day afternoon a final decision was reached as to the filling of three senatorial vacancies teem Ontario. The names forwarded for the ap- proval aids excellency ;tie those of Archibald Campbell, 51 It, nt Ce 1)101' York ; llnn, N. A. Bolcourt, M. P., for Ottawa ; and 1), Derbyshire, president of the Eastern Ontario Dairymen's Association aid ex -111. P., for Brockville, The appoint- ment of Messrs, Campbell and Bel - court will necessitate bye -elections in Center York and Ottawa. The mew senators are younger than the generality of appointments to the upper chamber. Hbn, N. A. Belcourt was born in Toronto, in 1860, and 0, therefore, 47 years old. Arch. Campbell is a native of Rent County, was born in 1845, and is therefore, G2 years old. D. Derbyshire 0 61 yea's of age. Ile is a native of Leeds County, and and was born in 1846, Notice to Creditors, IN' THE MATTER Or THE EOTATE OP JOON WARREN BELL, LATE of THE VILLAGE ON BLYTR 1N THE COUNTY of HURON, IIAIINI':ss MAKER, DecEAshn. Notice is hereby given pursuant to the revised Statutes of Ontario 1897, that all creditors and others having elalms against the estate of the said John Wer - ren Bell, who died on or about the first day of November, A. D. 1007, are required on or before the first day of January, A. D. 1008, to send by poet prepaid or deliver to Alexander Elder and Francis Metcalf of the said Village of Blyth, the Adminle• trators of the said estate their Christian and surnames, addresses and descriptions, the full partloniars of their chain, a statement of their account and the nature of the securities, If any held by them. And further take notice that after such last mentioned date the said executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the deoer.sed among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which they shad then have notice, and that the said administrators will not be liable for the said assets, or any part thereof, to any person or persons of whose claims notice shall not have been received by them at the time of such distribution. All persons indebted to the above estate will be required to pay the carne to the said administrator on or before th$ first of January, 1005. hated at 0x.od,erleb, the 21st ,day of No- vember,1007. . - Dlokinson Garrow, Solicitors for the said Administrators. � yFOR_]_�.[�" DIAMONDS Call I /;/ a]L3c1. tYs We carry it Complete lice of Fille Cold Jewelerg and the Watches best in Our prices are lower than other STILL CONTINUES Satisfied Customers with Satisfactory Goods TELL ON A CLOTHING SALE. WP have yet a Big Stock Plums in Clothing. $7.00 Fine Cloth Overcoat, Chesterfield stile, for $1.95. 7 50 " " 0.38. 8.50 " o 7.23, 0.00 I. " 41 7.85, 10.00 II" 8.50. New Suits for Men Best values you have seen and the very latest in cloths and styles, goods well tailored, cloth shrunken and material sewn with linen thread. A big lot of Men'e Suits for each $3.40• Another lot of Men's Sults for each $3,00. $s 00 Men's Nobby Suite for $1.95. 7,30 it 0,38. 8.00 " " 0.811. 0.00 " 7 00. 10.00 " 11•••••••IMIINIIIMINI I•11.11011101. aC�.. None of our Clothing sales punched on tick- r- ets. Sale ends Dec. 14th, 1907. CASH FOR BUTTER AND EGOS. POPIESTONE & CARDINER Successors to McKINNON & CO. OW*** *********• ******* Beautify Your Home With a Few Pictures bring In your pictures and get them neatly framed. Wo have 147 different styles of Frames at prices from 25e upwards. We hove a nice lot'of Framed Pictures, In. eluding Paintings and Etchings by famous artiets, Pastellee, Steel Engravings, Photo Gravures, Etc. Prices are very low considering the quality of goods. J. H. CHELLEW, BLYTH Wanted—Dry Picked Duck and Goose Feathers. CASH FOR BUTTER AND EGGS A FULL LINE OF --- Fresh C-rooeries —ALWAYS ON HAND. Salt in barrels and bags. Five Star Manitoba Flour and Choice Family. Meats of different kinds. A: TAYLOR People Read First Then Then Think And Afterwards Buy BLYTH Give thein something to read. Give t1 something think about. Give them something to buy. a Bp advertising in `Tile Standard' Con cover 11ot4 •_Merchants Should Remember This When Making Their Contracts and assortment equal to city stares Special Inducement is given out skiers, Wo want your trade ant can assure you best of satisfaction, Towel and Countru I3:. L. JACKSON JEWELER . . CRIME. . y Get Our Rates — — -- Telephone No. 4