HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1907-11-28, Page 4PAGE Povn.--TILE PLYTII STA NDA RD— NovEMner. ,ISm, tgtt;, JAS.McMURCHlE vie l#tt #tttidttrb BANKER. A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. ULirl il, ONT. ROTES DISCOUNTED, sew Notes a speutalty. Ad venom, made to farmers on their own now. No additional security required, INTEREST ON DEPOSITS at Current Rates We offer every auoomntodatlon eon. militant with safe and uonservabtve baaklag prmctplee. UNLIMITED PRIVATE FUNDS To loan on Real Rotate at lowest rates of interest. REAL ESTATE AGENTS, Persona wishing to sell will do well to place their property on our list for sale. Rents eoneoted, CONVEYANCING Of all kinds promptly attended to. INSURANCE, We represent the leading Fire and Lite Assurance companies, and respect. fully solicit your aeoount. OFFICE HOURS: 10 am. to 9 P.m. 13usiness (saris. A. B. MACDONAL D, Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc, Suo• mime to G. F. Blair, Office over Stan. dard Bank, Brussels. Solicitor for Metro. politan Bank. 't FItOUDFOOP, HAYS & BLAIIt, ]larrietera, Solicitors, Notaries Public, oto. Offices—Those formerly occupied by °tMesers. Cameron and Bolt, Godoi'iuh, W. I}roudtoot, K.O. ; R. C. Kaye, G, F. Blair, 0, E. LONG, L.D,S., RDA, Dental Surgeon, Graduate of the Royal College ot Dental Surgeons. An honor graduate of T•nonto University, Office ver James Cult's store, Pretoria block, to tvih. At Almon every Monday D a.m. 5p,m. W. ,1. MILNE, BLD.C,M, Physician and Surgeon. M.D.C,M., Unt. natty of TrinityCollege;M.D., queen's nivorsity • Felow of Trinity Medical liege, and member of the College of hystelans and Surgeons of Ontario. Cor. 'our for the County of Huron. Office, one door north of Commercial hotel, Queen fillet, Blyth. 'W''. S.SCOTT' BRUSSELS, ONT. Auctioneer for Huron County Terms reasonable. Sales arranged for at the office of THE SeANnenn, Blyth. Blyth Livery AND Sale ntables Dr. J. N. Perdue, V.S. PROPRIETOR. tD 00 00 00 0 First-class Horses and Rigs for hire at -reasonable rates. Best of accommodation to Commercial Travellers and othere requiring riga. Veterinary office at livery stable, KING AND QUEEN STREETS, BLYTE. THE LEADING SCHOOL al, Milford, By giving a better course of training than that given by any other :elmllarIn. natation in Ontario, we have become one of the leading businese ttalutny; schools In Canada. Our graduates are;In demand as office assistants and business college teeohers, . Our enema . br1r g the best, our graduates succeed. If Interested In ggjtr gwn,tsetfare write now for our cate- bgue ; it fs free. We have three depart • Flitf ;,Gdm tendo), Shortbaud and Telt• Winter term owe Jan, lith, lt7TT & McLACHLAN, Principals. 1 upwards J. L. KERR, PUBLISHER. • IMPLEMENTS 'THURSDAY, NOV, 28. 1907 y People We Know N tying opened up the --- IR DEERING AGENCY Master lied Massa spent Sunday n the trance butid[ng, north of H. IV. ill GodCfieh• Bradford's blacksmith shop, I will ha Mr's. Bean, of Ctlntnn, is visiting able to supply any farmer with the neees- with old friends in town. wary Implements. Miss Neseie Kay. of Winnipeg, is Plow Points will be kept visiting at the home of the Editor, on hand. Miss G. McLeod, of Lucknow, Is the guest of her friend Miss Stalker Cail and Inspect our new line ot— in town. Mr, John Kelly, of Goderieh, was renewing old friendships in town hist week. Mrs, (Dr) Ferguson, of Iiensall, and Mrs, Wes, Walker, of Clinton, were here attending the tea given by Mrs, J. E. Coombs. Mr. Alex. :McKellar arrived home brat week front his trip to the West, Ile states that it was getting pretty cold when he was leaving. On Wednesday of this week Mrs, J, E. Coombs, of Mosley street, gave an afternoon tea to her lady friends in town and it was a decided sue - ems. Aliases Jessie Thompson, of Tor- onto, and Minnie Thompson, ot' Cil». ton, are visiting with their sister, in town, and other friends. Their tunny friends are plensed to see them in town again. From Tuesday's Globe in the social events we clip the follow item which refers to a former Blyth young lady : — The engagement., ;is, an- nounced of Mists M:trgtierite 'Mabel Jameson, daughter of Mr. 11, E. Jameson, of Oakville, to Mr. J, E. Davis, of Boston, Masa,, formerly of Wingham, Ont. The marriage to take place in December. Norrie Oounoll. The Council met pursuant to Ad- journment in the Connell room on Nov, l8tb, members 1111 present the Reeve in the chair. 'Minutes of last meeting read and passed, On motion of Councillors Camp- bell and Taylor the tender of Agnes Scott for the Cole drain debentures at par was accepted. A requisition from some of the ratepayers of Htlllett'was received Milting' fur assistance toward the int provetnent of the South boundary. Moved by Mr. Taylor seconded by 31r. BlcCute peon that this Council in ' conjunction:witlt the Council of Hui. lett would pay for gravel and shovel- ling providing the farmers haul and place the same on the road. Carried. Accounts were ordered to be paid as follows : A. Cantelon, undorbrushing...,.1$ 1 00 Smith & Kernaghan, culvert and digging award drain .. 43 00 It, B. Alcock, content culvert,... 0 00 Jno, Evans, repairing culvert on sidorond • 2 00 A. Knight, putting in culverts4 lit Ono, Readman, repairing culvert 00 Wm, Craig, furnishing lights and drawing plank 9 19 Jno, Craig, inspecting arch (1 00 .Ins, Thyme, gravel 2 60 Jno. Scott, meat 3 50 Jno. Harris, insurance on Hall and shed 2 10 Win, Stubbs, cement culvert..., 1 50 Enoch Morris, gravelling on side- line 2 23 Wm, Maxwell, work and mater- ial 1 drain n 139 A. Cloakey, gravel..., 90 John ken, gravel 7 75 P. Fowler, gravel 4 90 M, Kelly, gravel and culvert..., 8 20 J. H. Sellars, gravel.,,........, 4 02 \V, 11, Kerr, printing amount, , , 20 00 N. Kelly, form bridge ors Kelly drain .............. 15 (0 Jf, Kelly, (arm bridge on Ellison ' drain .,,. 15,00 Jno. Phelan, two farm bridges on Ellison drain,......,, 110 00 Phillip Ellison, farm bridge on Ellison drain 15 GO .Ioaeph Sellars, f1)ing approaohea to Ferrands hridGe.... ,.... „ 11 21 Arch. Campbell, digging outlet drain 3 5' Thos. Mille., making cement ill", 45 00 Gerry & Walker, cement 31 00 11. You111, grnvulling and grad- ing on 7t11 ].bite 50 32 Wm,Thuell, work on grader..,, 4 00 (loo. Johnston, repairing bridge50 Edward Irvine, deviation rued and inspecting, bridge 17 75 On motion of Slut tu,d Campbell :he Council then adjourned to meet again on the 16th day of 0,cetnber next, W. Ci.,Utg, Clerk, East Wawanosh. Roy Sims, of Blyth, was the guest 1 of J. H. McClinton on Sunday. Harvey Watson and Mies Sarah McCa1littn, of llnlgrnve, p,hir3 e dy- ing visit to Westfield on Sunday, Miss Susie Dunbar si;elft Sunday' at her home in Westfield. Quite n number of Belgrave boys spent Sunday at Westfield. 4._CUTTEKS_,,. JOHN SMITH AGENT LOST. --Lest Friday In Hullett, a blank collie with n white ring around Ile urea. Finder will return to John Car- tel, Blyth. FOR SALE.—A large breed Berkshire Hog, two years old, guaranteed perfret- ly sure or perches price refunded, pedigree furnished. Apply to B. Rag. mitt, Blyth. LOST.—Oa Ootober Il.b, an Imitation bnn'elo robe, between Auburn post office and Robert McGee'i, on the boon- dary. The tinder will be suitably re- warded by leaving the same et Standard Oleo or Auburn post office.—Robert Mutiee, Auburn, Ont. MEETING OF THE HURON COUNTY COUNCIL,—Tho Council of the Oor- poration of the County of Huron will meet in the Council Chamber in the ')'own of Gaderioh on Tuesday, the ltd day of December next, at 3 o'clock p. m. All acoouuts against the County, requiring settlement, must be planml with the Clerk by December Dud. —W. LANE, Clerk. AUCTION SALE Pure Bred Stock --AT--- LOTS 41.42, CON. 1, NINLORS Thursday, Dec. 5th cQ•%o�r' < aCio OcooQa �:UIUHCIt NOTES. Clergymen are requested to fur- nish us with items ot Church news. It is impossible for us to get all the Church news without the oo•operation ot the ministers, i 5t. Andrew's church S. S. enter. tainntent in ludastry hull, en Friday evening Dec, 13111, * The Sunday School of the Metho- dist clutch will hold thelr annual Xmas tea and entertainment in the church on Wednesday Dec, 18th. * * * On Friday evening Dec, 20th, the Sunday School of Trinity church will hold their Xmas tree and enter- tainment in industry Ball, a * k Liocrunu,—On Thursday evening Dec. 12th, Rev. Egerton Myerson Young, the noted missionary, author, canoeist and dog traveler, will give his lecture "Life in the land of the Auroras, ,journey by canoe and dog - train in blizzard storms' in the :Methodist church, Blyth, under the ,auspices of' the Ladies' Aid. Ad- mission 10e and 20c, Read press notices itt locus. 50 ' Next Saturday, the lost day in • November in St. Andrew's clay, in I the church year, It is now about 20 yea's sleets the Archbishop of Cantebury first appointed St. An- drew's day or any day of the. week in which St, Andrew's day fulls, as a day of speebll intercession for missions throughout the Anglicen communion. The Bishop of Huron 'therefore has asked the clergy of i this cliocese'to observe next Sunday as a d.ty of intercession for missions, The services therefore in Trinity church next Sandfly, both morning and evening will be of a missionary spirit. at one o'clock p. nl., sharp. 10 head Pedigreed Barham Bulls, 21 bead Pedigreed Durham Cows and Wt. ere ; cows ell wl.h calves at foot or sup. embed to his ht unit. 32 head of 11 agt•teted telceater Ewes and Eve Lamb.. 10 head Wed -bred Leicester Grades. a need Ox. turd Ewes, D Malehed Teams. 3 good young Mares ruing ;l year. old, 1. no—AII a erne of 810 and nada, sash ; over that amount it mouthe credit un luu.lebing approved joint mite., or n discount of ave per cant per nurture oil' for coati, PUR\'1:S BROS., Prop., JUIN PURVIS, Auot. Take Rival Herb Tablets for Stomach Liver, Kidneys and for cleanteg the Blood, 200 days treatment 81, 30 daye' treatment 25e. For bale at Dr, Milne's Drug Store Wholesale from the RIVAL HERS AGENCY Kincardine, Ont. ROBERT H. OARNISS BLUE -VALE — — ONTARIO Auctioneer for Huron Co. Terms reasonable. Sales arranged for at TYRE STANDARD office, Blyth. Business Knowledge and Everlasting Push are tbetwo essentials to success, Attend elliott Business college Toronto, ,Ont. and prepare for flrst.•olasa buslness post• tiol%% such as are open to our students. Hundrede of our studvery yente are going into you for 000d ne. Wu will dont righLet tly train Win. ter term °pone Jan. eth, Write for estn- logue and see'whereln we moil ordinary business colleges, Location of College— Corner Tong° and Alexander Streets. 1i,.7, Elliott, Prinripal. Sale Register. Monday, Dec, 2nd,—Lot 06, Con ! 1, East \1'awanosh, sale of six acres 1 of thither, soft maple, ash and elm. Sale unreserved at 1 o'clock, Geo. B, Mains, Prop, ,las, Smith, Auc, Wednesday, Dec. 9511.—Lot 10, Con. 14, Hullett, farm Stock, Sale unreserved at 1 o'clock. C. Bern• bridge, Prop, Thos, Brown, Auc. Thursday, Deo. 5t5.—Lots 41.42, Con, 1, Kinloss, pure bred stock. Sale unreserved at 1 o'clock. Par - vis Bros,,' Props, John Purvis, Auc, VALUABLE 11EDICAL PRESCRIPTION Recommended by a Well-known Toronto Doctor, Whose Love for Humanity is Greater than His Prejudice Against Pro. prletary Medicines. The following very valuable pre- scription, by an eminent and success. ful physician, will he appreciated by many who aro suffering from la grippe, cold, cough, pneumonia, or any throat, lung or atonlsoh trouble, or run-down system, as it is a certain ottre, and will save many a doutor'e 501. It is almost a certain preventive as well t "When you feel that you are taking cold or have chilly feeling or aching in any part of the body or head, or feel weak tired, dizzy, unfit for work, - pain in the head or bock of the nock, do not neglect these clangorous symp- toms, but send immediately to your druggist and got a bottle of Psychine (pronounced 8i -kern), and prepare as follows : "Psychine, 2 teaspoonfuls. "Sherry, whisky or water, 2 tea- spoonfuls. "Choice of the latter can be made according to the judgment and pre. fermate of the patient, "Eliz thoroughly and take regularly before !:soli meal and at bedtime" This presoriptioq !pia hean used in thousands of oases and hos hoer fp universally successful that a number of leading physicians regularly pre. scribe Paychtno in their practice for any of the above troubles, or any run, down, wading er ronedtutional difR- ettlty, it is 255 10014 rellablth and valuable home remedy. It tones up the entire sy0teyn, giving a feeling of • 'AM Ulnuss and vigor, adding many ysors to the life of those who use it. Vests ago I none etmast a physical wreak and ,rag sneering with lung troubles, !Mende and nelghbx,ra thought 1 wand never get better. t began to dopete myself. Laing faith fa my phyeleian 1 procured asa,thet one who recent• wended the n+e ot ps0CDINi.*•. It remsurpdaing he vud dc& nlptlan the anent 15 had. 1 seem,.d to caln with ,serf dose. Imide of two weeks 1 was able O. still to my huuaowork npaln., Thane re ano rywpwtns of eon°nnption about ma nut`." Mlle. tiN;1UERD0N Et, John, N.D. "1 tad }Amu au6crlig from La Orippo sty lump were weal/ and 1 had a Gough, bet t.''t)tchine cured is .' Mats. II, DEAN, Chealeisle, Ont, Psychine can be procured from any druggist at libo. and $1.00. It 5 a very Colored 'Worit. a Speoialt3r 0 Full stock of Winter G-oods. J. A. ANDERSON oA•`, /!es1 r,:d„'`.Ialit', ,es'o ct},'?. 'rlet>• 'Si!' til;`✓`'e: SSE Men's Overcoatf, $4 to $ 10. Boys' Suits, $ 1.50 to $4. Penman's Underwear ----the best. THE BLYTH STANDARD O 0, 01 0, �O) 0 O 0 0 0 (off (0) JOB E?ATM!T Our facilities are complete for the prompt production of' general Print- ing and Binding. We do all grades of work and solicit the business of firms or individuals desiring ``something better than the ordinary" at simply a consistent price for the character of work we turn out. The following is a list of some of the lines we print : Letter Heads Statement Note Heads Bill Heads Envelopes --all sizes Wedding Invitations At Home Cards Calling Cards Business Cards Shipping Tags Programs Posters Pamphlets Tickets Memorial Cards Sale Bills Circular's Catalogues, Etc. We carry a full line of papers, enve- lopes, cards and all the necessary maw terial to turn out the above list.