HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1897-11-05, Page 8' 04 1 JN" * .�/l�Ai Ax,1'1QV1a1AIDFaI b, ISSjT TRIFLES. What about that stray animal onour place? The fall wheat ir, looking sceedinkly fine and is mak- ing strong and healthy growth. TnE CURFEw.—The ladies of the W. C. 2' II„ At their meeting on Wednes- day, discussed the curfew bell law, and �w� Hoods we are showing the fin - decided to .ask the council to take some i xric tTxrl9rl�z.,,-11�re Vilartae>7 R rte a sprig of a blackberry bush, llc(1o13 ttWPrgv Its adoption, They have not yet aeclded whether they is #Itil of -well develoAed berries, will aak its enactment by the present -is sotnetl4ing'unusual for the end' council, or wait till the next council Baby's Silk and Wool ' takes office.. ;Lxo:gD SLANDR%-- Tyndall Bros, KNEE HURT.—The friends of Robert iosuedla grit for damages against olclough, for alleged s ander, Atl Gat dner, the popular clerk of the Te- cumseh House, London, and son of D. rites, 4q'is known, are in the milk Gardner, town, will `regrot to learn s at $1.45, $2,85 and $3.25 with that he is in London Hospital, the re- or Hoods to match. sult of falling off a bicycle and hurting 13kcx.--.Thos. Tremeer, who his knee. It was at first thought that en, in'nhargo of the McTaggart he would have to lose his leg, but we �, Loindon 'road, for some time,ate C has. pleased to learn that this will not be the he have made a capital, farm superin- case, although may a ent, will return to his own farm stiff leg. titllett., which has been under rent b6n Brothers. CHORAL SOCIETY.—The first rebear- be held in WTR''UBTEN,—The NEw ERA. re- sal will St.Paul's schoolhouse on Tuesday evening, Nov.9, at8o'clock. is ita Garrespondants to send in , This is a central and commodious place is { s*ften aspossible, once .aweek and will be well heated and comfort- gable ry',;cazl' nnaaage it. This aper in every way, A full attendance lrA.pherreceive half a dozen items is requested from those who have al- week froth a correspondent, than ready signified their intention of becom- 11i1`ritn Ohce a month, ing members, and others who intend iNit p, --Jacob Kling, of Winham, to do so should notify riir Phillipe at jle.$t."a'oek summoned before ears once. �tiln,andNeilands, at the `iii I;anee .. ,WINDOW BROKEN.—On Wednesday ip 05 Ptgr Paisley, on a charge qf' irigJjp,�prohi-bite hours. He plead afternoon a dog made a pplunge at a youth,and to defend himself be hurled !ty 4ii a:fine of $20 and costs was igsed, lunounting to $27.60 in all. a stone at the dog: The stone did not hit him, and bouncing from the side- ps Tgna,SjGHT.—B. Tomlinson, V. walk, it passed through a plate glass in the window of Witt's resteurant,mak- eturned.from London last week, re 11e had 'gone to consult an a It was found that the sight ing a very small hole; but practically spoilt the pane. I. Read happened to 1 T­alisf, • e rig , Bye wag entirelydestroyed, i therefore nothing could be done fall through one ,of the windows of Combe's drug store, yesterday. it, a -fact that his many friends will LEFT,' HQmE,—One day last week a toriy_to; learn.young man, who is employed here, .X ELfiOTiox.—The by-election for left his employment and started for Muskoka. A message was despatched 'vacant ;n St. George's ward, on to the Stratford police to detain him, ay, d'tr"not arouse much interest, and they promised to do so. His moth - long ln►lfAir lyRood vote was polled. 69:Robb 41. Con- er went down by a later train, and e votefood—Todd ting tat Mr Robb made no canvas found that while he had been detained be been his liberty, had also given and ateverti while,,Mr Todd -did, his vote was nowhere to be found. She return - a or'etlitabla one, ed to town, therefore, without him. E4611MA ENGAGED.—At a meeting e school board, on ]Friday evening A GIFT.—The late Mr Biddlecombe lreArFgation of Mise Combe was ac- ted, Miss Stout always took a kindly interested in the Public Library. In his later hours he and engaged for �lial'anee of the, year .and also for did not forget it, for hip will directed that a designated clock •should be band - ear; at a,salary 4f,$21;0 a year. isbtbut, who was engaged at Au- ed over to it after his death. ';Chis has been done by the executors. It is a r11, as able to secure a release, and bandsome braes -cased clock and is to • commenced her duties on .day-` quite an ornament on the wall above the books. Gratitude is due to the memory of the donor, and to the exec- $E VPAi3 pTRON(1—It became IIBCeB- l+, one:day this. week, to place one of utors for the the' valuable gift. female inmates at the House of ;'ilia lock-up provided for re- ARRIVIDD.—The latest addition to the Public Library is the Encyclopedia rtory inmates. The place is secured trt,Ird o door, held in placdby a half Brittannica. It is a reprint of 'the 25 volume English (9th) edition, with an 11 Iro.,li ,bar, She kept shaking the it untii she had broken the bar, and American supplement of five similar volumes handy book iWout, only to be locked up again 1 and a guide to the whole. We need say riothing of �n adjoining cell. this grand work beyond that it is an EI) IID. --Concerning them rria . e evbaustless store of information on al - every subject.. The of h Viiil�ney, late of town, .the t privilege using such a work is alone worth the mem- :.orld sag;—' 0", Wpdnes- �h imae' u�ch, Miss Anna bei a fee of $1 per annum, to say noth- nej, daughter of A William ing of the rest of the library and a Whiney; of this city, and Rev. D. more than ordinarily good supply of Fohnston, rector of the Anglican magazines. ur6li • at Maganettawan, assumed usual marital vows and will reside FOOT BALL MATCH.— A ' foot ball praabort honeymoon at Maganet- ,,' ran None but the immediate -tela- match was played in Recreation Park on Wednesday afternoon, between Goderich OlinCollegiate �s were, invited, who, with come A)nto friends, witnessed the oere- and ton teams, which resulted in a victory for the ay visitors by a score of one goal to nil. The game was very evenly contested Vlij iT,PROSPSCT8 IMPROVED.= Up throughout, and was a good exhibition ate middle of October the prospects of fast and, at times, even briIIiant I,i, "t'umn wheat did not appear play. Mr Jeckell acted as referee and 11lisfit, and farmers of a pessi- gave general satisfaction. The visit - turn of mind were inclined to ing team bore tkeir success very mod- tYflrice � .this season's , sowing of estly, and another game between the The d a'failure, The recent rains same teams would create the greatest gtked 'a improve- interest. jt; and'the reports now are that *heat: fields everywhere look re- NOTES.—The policy holders of the p Y Ontal1o•Mutual rkabxy,?Cvell.. The acreage, howev- Life Insurance Com- �6 tlot up to )the average of recent pany are electing Mr James Fair, by rs,/owing to the difficulty of work- prosy, as successor to the late Isaac Bowman, President the ltr,iad during the very d g ry ry weath- of this company. p y ff the �eeding season. George Johnston, who has been ailing I OT.b TRanrP.—Wednesda ven- Iuoise was heard in the cell Of for some time, died on Saturday at the age of 46 years; be was unmarried. W. Robinson, of the Huron dis- Ftsher's residence, Rattenbury St., n bell daughter down to road, posed of a horse last week to J. Archi- going e cause of it, much to 'her aur- -encountered bald, Seaforth, for a fair price. John Howson, son of James Howson, of she a tramp, who the front part and was trying town, who recently started a hotel at Heti a door leading to the rear. He Grenfell, Man., has dieposed of the same and gone into the grain business. C4`_i'` that be was looking for aJohn sId she ordered him off Fisher has taken the contract of r _ x„ did not seem dis- parotingg-and decorating the interior of R C1.Ohurch, re at first:, but on being at heuld be ejected if be did the Blyth; the wood work is to be grained also; he will do a good he "got." Entrance had been t d tihrougfi the cellar window. lob. Thos. Monaghan accidentally cut a couple of his fingers in a straw cut- HALL, MONDAY ter this week. The boys celebrated wzt Nov. 8.— See hallowe'en somewhat mildly this year. it the ,Belleville Intetelligencer of Mrs Thos. Cooper, • Princess St., cele- ft),er lith, says:—•`The Guy Bros." brated her 83rd birthday on Wednesday strels `appeared at the�OperaHouse ±5venirg and is as lively as a four-year old; she Before a, large audience, enjoys the best of health, and we hope efove:,the performance was half she may reach the century mark. The verybli0 present became highly late Thomas Neilans was in town Mou- Phted With the company, rhe hate=always given clean day night, and while at supper it was noticed that be did not appear gget'for- ge Ini Belleville, and last evdning's well,but he Intimated that it wag a momentary -, 6'k'tion. There was nothing sito weakness; some of the town Forresters likely ve tom start finish, and Inumber are to attend his funeral today. 1c,ge of ladies present en- One aged inmate of the House of Ref- 'tlle;show as much as those of uge has certainly improved under the orrier sex. The singingg, in the t 'was care and treatment received there, she li excellent and the jokes having gained 23 lbs. in one month.— . Q'stTy new. A number of thrill• It was reported around town last week tures were introduced in the that Horace Jackson, who has been 00t; together with musical away for some time, had gone to the eadn'4dancing, which made up Klondike, but we understand he is en- b,tfutdritertainment. The com- joying himself in Muskoka, with other s'tin'elrcellent orchestra of ten Clinton sportsmen. W. Doherty sold Vhich added ouch to the enjoy- one of his valuable drivers to a gentle- thoevening. man from NewBrunswick, on Monday. dF REFrtwu. -- The Exeter e bf last week has the follow- H. B. Chant's new residence, Ratten. bury Street, is rapidly nearing com- and will be as soon ae ate and co#nplimentary W Institnti "Num- pletron, occupied as ready. Oantelon &Fitzsimons shipped this n:— : tsui', citizens , have lately been a load of bogs to Collingwood, Monday, and C. Wallis a load to Ottawa _ fbo ]Rouse of Refuge at Clin- all speak in the highest yester- day; the price has droppped to $4. It is the Canadian Express (7o. that has of- !'oy Home. The neat and rhel of the buildings and opnditi fered to send donations free to the the satisfied and comfortable Windsor fire sufferers; not Russell, as flee o$ the inmates, the entire of`cdiiplalnf, the clever and stated last week. A calf owned by Jake Beker,cttt itself severelyon awire ;management of Mr andMre Are all great- forth the grea fence the other day. Mr Stewart, (I Atwood, and Percy McLean, Kincar- akr an oommendatiaThe 1 ,Butt is to be congratulated dine, are the latest addition to Jackson Bros; staff; this firm are working over- amts able management, time every tune every night, owing to a big rush of business. Mrs Emmerton, step- i alied in that respect by ac-Uo, ne in the province which mother of J. Emmerton, of town, died Aitrt has been a difllcuit and at Glodevicb, yesterday; Miss Felly, of Blyth, has taken,tt position with Jack- ;ideal, and +art trust that the Weals see fat to at the son Bros. as stenograppher, and began rind ;tlitrs French by a sub - ditties Monday, A.J,G}rigg has moo- ed ed his residence to the store where his oreate of salary which they taiten,$O f Salary e- This is pre- busineQs is located. J. B. Rumball's 66 the Iesert�w �xtb lids said 'mastiff has been bought by Dr.Woods. In the window, of Jackson Bros, store 6igi6lts; and we sa+ya hearty pit all; e, an we t to, that part are four pboto-views of tbeJub lee pro. lin June 2nd; k fekerlca is made iii , trlor r t)mpo4iAtiott4 td Mr -sad litr0 cession here they were t b Foster, and lake all taken y F e , 1 the work lee dbes, Aka t3imply excellebt li1Id floe. .y. ONEP I C E We do business on the "One Price" plan, it's the only fair way, to have the same price to every body. It's easy to ,;nark goods up and then come down, but ifyou buy where you get "a cut" or "something off," you never know whether you have got the lowest price or not. We ask our lowest price first. Our goods are marked as close as possible, and if the price is changed for one it is changed for all. Our "One • Price" is generally lower than the "cut price" of most stores. Hosiery., ' �_p} y c�r A Quilt The size of our Hosiery stook is very i� 1 F� large, and comparison is the only way to �1 ' judge the_truth of what we say for it—that 1 T 4*i�a it is tltemost complete, and the values are �la.G mLoTH11VV Baraaaln tb� est in the trade. The hest English law Cashmere yarns are used in the manufac- ture of all our Caebmere Hoae, and we im- port it ourselves direct from the makers. People, as a rule dont Our Woollen Hose for Ladies' and Children buy quilts unless they ac- is made from imported English worsted yarns. We buy them from the best hosiery tually want them. We mill in Canada, a mill whose reputation bought some White Quilts for turning out good goods extends from r one end of the country to the other. �+ 1 last week at a very low price, and are o Ointi t0 sell Children's heavy wool Hose, soft finish, r� t� worsted heel and toe, all sizes, 17 to 25C l b' them at prices that will make Boys' heavy ribbed wool Hose, worsted you want them when you heel and toe, extra Bpecial ........25C i see them. The ualitieix it q Our best line for Boys' is a line of heavy ✓- are better than we usually ribbed worsted that wears like iron, i 28c for size 5}, up to 60o for 9J. - keep. We had t0 tike a Ladies' wool Hose, heavy weight, soft a� big quantity to get them, and finish, worsted heel and toe ........ 250 Mens Underwear , al's going t0 sell them at, a Our special ribbed Castimer Hose, We believe we have the beet Underwear good deal less than the re- winter weight, regular 45o ........39C values in the counaver is. That it is meeting ular wholesale rices. Ver fine ribbed cashmere Hose, 2 and with popular favor is shown by the gaan- g' p y tities we are selling every day. 1 rib, made from very fine yarns, There is no longer any need of buying the10-4 size reg. spliced heel and toe, extra value.... 500 harsh, hard finish, uncomfortable under- , e�,. 2.50 for $1.50 genu ribbed Cashmere Hose, soft fin - giveof a few years ago. To -day we can I iahy ribbed heel and toe, seamless, give you tine finished, soft, comfortable 11-4 size, reg. 2.75 for $1.75 worth iced h ...... toe, ...... ess, yMoods for less money than ever before. Men's Union shirts and Drawers ...;25C 12-4 size, reg 3.25 for $1.95 Menne Attic ....and Drawers, .... Or the Boys lined, each ......................50C American fleece lined shirts and Draw- — Wei- lave only a limited ere, we......e, good weight, all sizes, quantity, and when they are In ba ing our Underwear we did not for- get ""'""" """�...,..75C gone there'll be no ore at get the b ys, and have the most complete Pure wool shirts and Drawera,shetland aesortme of Boye Underwear we've ever finish, extra special values, each ..FjOc these prices. Th y are 'had. We ave it at almost any price to fit Menne fine ehetland shirts and Drawers any sized boy, f worth seem and b to r doable back & front, soft finish, each 75e g �' b Boys' put col, shetland Underwear, Men's pure wool, fancy stripe shirts Sof smooth finish shirts doable andDrawers, soft finish, good weight, ( crust in this week ain I ted..................40 to 60c as good as we sold last year at $1, lot of diose pure IiAn n a A specially fine make, not am heavy as special, each......................75C P- above but finer ............ 50 to 75e Wright's !'Health Brand", American kips reg. X1.2 do- ,, We Boys' Union Underwear, strong and fleece lined Underwear,beavy weight 1.25 are selling at 98C. s is servicable............ 381jC, 40C, 45C Fine scotch lambs wool shirts andfiall we will be able to set. Bove' natural woo4finish Union Under - Drawers, extra fine quality, import- b wear, soft and comfortable 30e to 45c ed by ourselves :................,. 2,25 Boys' fleece IinedUnderwear, American Men's extra fixe quality all. wool 8birte make, warm and eervicable 50e to 60e and drawers, plain or fancy ........$1 Extra heavy Flannelette shirts, dark colors, warranted fast .. ...50C Knitted Top shirts, all wool,dark core 75C Three estra..good, lines in Cardigan. Jackets, Strong and heavy, $1, 1.20, f$2 Heavy Wool Box, two pair ..........25C "Jumbo" our extra heavy all wool, � gens Bro ribbed Book......................25C Black wool sox, Seamless worsteeel Direct Importers of Dry Goods, Clinton andtoe ..........................25C 511" tit "I tit tit tit tit tit tit tit tit tit M tit tit tit tit I" tit tit tit TIM to Ptt1_ 17R great sale of Shirts advertised last week caus- do ed ^� r ed quite a run, and we still want to say those X— cheap goods will be offered 'until disposed of, Study this last again, SA YI -� FA F1 �%hatline of Under- clong which we have X-- been advertising so a~ free- ly lately, has been go- t ing out by the dozens X- every dayy, and intend- am­ ppurchasers of Un - 901— derclothing should see ANN.- these lines. . MP-- MO.— '� The a -- LEADER 25c. ..— r '0- The r JUBILEE 54e. Our great line inMen's Hosiery at 25c are the greatest goods in the County for the money. They sell fast. Men's Overcoats. The "LEADER'•' .... $5 The "FAMOUS" .. $8 The 11BONANZ1" $7 The "JICKSON" $10 The above lines are the best value in Canada. Nothing can beat them. Come and test this statement. The Klondyke,, Money 76ox The money bog on exhibition in. our window is attracting the greatest possible attention, and with every cash purchase of $1, or over, you get a key which will perhaps open the box, and give you the contents free. One key out of the lot made for us, will unlock the box, and somebody will get enough to buy many a handsome Christmas offering. WAY vilVVY VVVVVUY VVyVvVUNyYV -.40 Jackson.ros The Famous (1110thier Clinton. 0 Just now, until the weather is settled, you should care well for your ' . In Baby's Silk and Wool physical obest, the particular season of the year suggests and forces it, but at all times it is reasdnable to regard your ,Mol Mr. Hoods we are showing the fin - Ge1hest. You can 0ways do it by buying necessary goods from These comments introduce as to the idea of addressing you on the est goods for quality, style and subject of our stook of Parses and wallets, we have them in La- price that have ever been dies' or Gents styles, from five cents to four dollars. They are trJumphs of compact and dainty leather, manufactured in handy propor- shown here. tions, and pretty trimmings, making a combination of beauty and strength, as practical as are essential to the use of all. Baby's Silk and Wool ' our special value is one at thirty cents, for ladies' nee; it is a combination Hoods, 65c, 75c, 85c, 95c,1, Wallet and Card Case, mounted with silver, (white metal) trimmings. We up to X1,95. Baby's Eiderdown Wool have it in three designs and two colors, black and 'maroon. There is no. Hoods and toques,40C and 50c Children Eiderd Coats thing so dear as a cheap purse. These are not cheap goods, yet like all our s at $1.45, $2,85 and $3.25 with good they are the cheapest you can profitably afford to `buy. while the or Hoods to match. thirty cent purse is in view, let us also connect with it our great valued Baby s Wool Booties, 15c, Bible, in three styles of binding. It is a great Boller, and from your stand 20c and 25c. Baby's White Fur Trimm a point a good thing to bay. ing, 3 qualities, 150, 22c and Often the cheapest, Always the Best. 35c a yard. The W. D. FAIR CO kl Clinton. `f n Cream, Cardinal, Navy, Underwear Department at the 3rown and Black at 25 cents. proper time. It has two Girls' Wool Tams, 35, 45, Serviceable' 5 are prime virtues, Quality and t Special Navy and Black Shots for )ress Serge, 48c. t DeUvIte Feet - \ *c, 35c, 45o and 50c. l It isn't difficult to find easy shoes in summer styles. Most any soft leather made up in light shoes will give comfort. It's the win- in that the trou- ter weights shoes cause all ble. Substantial shoes don't usually give �.' delicate teet much comfort. Our N, all -made, pe,fect-fitting and substantial winter wear, j " will tit the tender points on your feet and ' give you pleasure, while the quality and + u' *. price will be equally satisfactory. This is the season when RUBBER GOODS are worn. We have a full stock of both the Granby and the Canadian Rubber Co., in all the different styles. WM. Taylor& Sons. Clinton and Walkerton. K's a Good,,,, . Thing To remember that when you buy off us you get the quality and save money at the shall price you pay for the article you buy. Millinery ; Baby lWear This has always been a . In Baby's Silk and Wool >pecialty with us. We have Hoods we are showing the fin - made it such. We attribute est goods for quality, style and cur success to this and to the price that have ever been East that we have given it our shown here. special attention. Onr fined Trimmed Hats Baby's Silk and Wool ' showing of and Bonnets, Ladies W a lk i n g Hoods, 65c, 75c, 85c, 95c,1, Fiats and Sailor Hats, and the up to X1,95. Baby's Eiderdown Wool Eaot that the immense business we do and which is still grow - Hoods and toques,40C and 50c Children Eiderd Coats ng is evidence that it is the popular place to do shopping, s at $1.45, $2,85 and $3.25 with ,n Millinery with public. WeToques or Hoods to match. tie showing all" the latest Baby s Wool Booties, 15c, ;tyles. See our special line of 20c and 25c. Baby's White Fur Trimm a trimmed Hats at ing, 3 qualities, 150, 22c and X1.75 to $3. I 35c a yard. Girls' trimmed Tams It Saves Doctor's Bills ' cloth To visit Out Hosiery and. n Cream, Cardinal, Navy, Underwear Department at the 3rown and Black at 25 cents. proper time. It has two Girls' Wool Tams, 35, 45, things to reecmmend in which ,nd 50c, are prime virtues, Quality and t Special Navy and Black Price. We show the best )ress Serge, 48c. value in the trade. Children's Wool Toques, I Boy's Undershirts, 19c. *c, 35c, 45o and 50c. l Men's all wool Shirts, 50c. m The Great Milliner F inn , , , 1 � ���u������'oteth1+ht� Cint0n j i,