HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1897-11-05, Page 5l Tlis,Mutou_ Newr-2, xaAVO�M- b to new subs.orb eik No word in more abused than the word "Bargain.11 It's. a very llaokneged ,�� term in these days of fake Hales nd deceptive advertising. Yon will admit when you visit thin store that we use it correctly and never exaggerate. It t of_$6,000 worth of we advertise an article we havp it exactly as it is advertised. UNDERWEAXt FOR MEN. WATCHES, Men's Union Shirts, ilbbed, flesh color ................ • ...............250 JEWELERY and Men's Union Drawers, ribbed, flesh color...............................25o Men's heavy striped Shirts, a special at ..................... ..860 Men's all wool Scotch knit grey Shirts, as good %a we have sold at 65a, for 50o SILVERWARE Arctic Shirts, a veru warm, heavy line, soft and smooth, for people who can't stand anything rough next to them -price is only ........ .....600 ergihiag in my store, at whole- Fancy striped Shirt, grey and pink, also blue and pink, Scotch knit .... 50o a 'le latices or below, from now until Fancy striped Sbirts, all wool, eplendia goods, special.. • ...............76o hrirtra". woMueb nave the me- Better kinds in fanoy stripe or plain grey .............................. Q1 you wlint ti>la -goods at In all the above lines we have Drawers to match at'same price as Shirts. at gennuine iia, d ev ry UNDERWEAR FOR WOMEN. word chat we say we mean. Every- thing will be sold at toost or below, LA DIES' VESTS. xntii Christmas. Mind; we can give Ribbed Union Vests................................................150 YOU prices that nobody can beat, as Elegant lines in all wool Vests, long sleeve, large size, either open front or we are bound to redtica our stock by closed, extra special at............................................500 $$,000 worth at once. Come and get The beet goods made ................................................ $1 these greateng in, because they are A Heavy ribbed, fashioned Vests, open front, nicely trimmed, our special 25o worth coming miles to get. ; white lamb's wool Vesta, silk trimmed. very pretty and durable...... •,75o I B. Rumball Leader of Jewelery Fashion " i A.. J. GRIGG, l Successor to F. JOSEPH BIDDLECOMBE, 6' f Wat chmaker & ,Jeweler CLINTON Having bought out the above business, we shall devote our best energies to meet the wants of the public. No one will un- ,. `' dersell up, nor will they do bet. 1� `• ter mechanical work than ours u.' REt-AIRING of a very kind guaranteed to give satin - faction. t(TINE US A TRIAL .4 q� Drawers to match most of above at same prices. CURLS' VESTS; Prices vary according to eizos-8o, 10c, 19,jo, 15o, 18o, 900, 260. Ali wool Venbs-20c, 250, 80o, 956 and 400. These are nice, soft, all wool Vests, closed fronts. BOYS SHIRTS AND DRAWERS. Union make -20o, 250, 300. 85o, 40o, according to size. All wool lines, best made -30o, 35o, 400, 450, 60o. Drawers to match above. IS McHinnon & Go., Blyth Cash Tells in Buying. Prices of Groceries Cut to the Bone. READ THE FOLLOWING PRICH3 AND MAKE YOUR PURCHASES EARLY: ;Regular Price. Our price Regular Price. Our Price Japan Tea........................... 25 19 Brooms... .25 to Japan Tea..........................So 23 Washboards. .... ...........25 17 Japan Tea..........................85 28 'Oatmeal (per 11 lbs)................ 25 Black Ceylon Tea......., •.........80 25 ( Flavoring Extracts.. * xtracts... ............10 08 Black Ceylon Tea..................40 83 I Laundry Starch ................. ...10 08 Black Ceylon Tea- ............... 50 40 Baking Powder.... �................ . 10 08 Call and secure a free sample I Baking Soda ... .. 5 04 before purokasing. 4 lbs Raisins....................... 40 8$ Brooms ................. .-........15 12 Sunlight Soapp.1 3 bars..............18 15 nme.............,...... .. ... 20 17 3100. plug McDonalds Tobacco ...30 25 Other goods at like prices. Much Sugar for Tittle money. Choice family Flour, $20.35 per owt. Dats wanted in exchango for Oatmeal. Choice Butter on hand. Bran, Shorts, Chop and all kinds of Grain bought and sold. 0. OLSON, Victoria St., near Queen's Hotel, Clinton COMB'S Bing Makes Better and Lighter ! Biscuits than any other. 1 t,T* Combe, Manufacturing Chemist, • Physicians' Supplies ,,s to ,clay 44ddress in DISSOLVING: "Partnersh Dissolution Sale Priestley's fine Black Figured, double width, IwDress Goods, regular 60c, sale price ......49c Heavy 44 inch Black Wool Serge, regular price 70c, sale price .......... .........53c Priestley's heavy black Satin Cloth, regular $2.25, sale ................96C Priestley's heavy all wool brocade Dress Goods, regular $1.15, sale......... 90C Beautiful, all wool double fold Black Solile Dress Goods, regular 60c for................49c Fine all wool hard finish in Navy, and Seal Serges, regular 75c, sale . ..................53c Lovely all wool double width Solile in brown and navy, regular 60c. sale......................49c Brown and navy Satin Cloth, all wool, regular • 60c, sale price. ...................49c Large Aloquette Rugs, regular price $4.50 for 3.50 10 pieces fast colored Ginghams at ..............5c A number of ends Brussels, Tapestry, Union and Wool Carpets that some person will get very cheap during this sale. Window Blinds, Lace Curtains, Chenille Cur- tains, Table Covers, all cut down to dissolution sale prices. Now Going on. Our Ladies Fur Boas and Muffs are laid out, and, ; the prices are catching those who want stylish things in Fur ruffs for' fall. Our Ladies' Coats and Capes are all marked down at the same reduction as other goods in any part of the house. The great sale leader in Clothing is our big, heavy Ulster, dirt cheap at $7.50, sale -85.25, and ' our Boys' Overcoat at $2.50 Boys' long, heavy Ulsters, big collar, tweed lined, regular $4, sale .....,.......... , ........... 3 Men's wool Shirts and pants, reg. 60, sale ........ 49c Another heavy ribbed line worth 40c, sale ......33c. Extra large Shirts and Pants, pure Scotch im- ported goods, regular 90c, sale...............1T6 :b Big lot of working men's Shirts, strong, heavy and good, from 25c upwards. Splendid quality Ladies' Vests, soft and warm, regular 30c, for...................................i7c Tickings, Cottonades, Sheetings, all at same re- duction as ' other goods GILR,OY & WISEMAN. lA/hy►' /inure ,you �ieo/f/i IA. Record Breaker. 2C By using the low priced alum Balling Powder. OUR BASING I POWDER is the highest grade that can be made. We use only I Our very large sales thin fall in I chemically pure Cream of Tartar and bi-oarbonate of Soda in its f mannfacture. Same price as lower grades, 25c per pound. l Stoves Ranges & Furnace Tripple XXX Vanilla and other concentrated Essences at 10o per ounce. ` J E HONEY -In explained in the fell ng: we keep the largest assortment in the county, and buy only from the le ' ing manufacturers of the Dominion, and sell such world feaned stoves as the Dispensing Chemist, - Clinton. Happy .Thought, Radiant Home, Honor Bright, a uT ELLIN r ir M We are still selling out, no matter what others say to ;+`... the contrary. Our stock will be sold out as quickly as possible; owhig .to farming operations we are obliged m to go out of the Dry Goods business, and the stock will have to be sold for what it will bring. Come and share in the bargains; we will give you prices and values that no other house can give. We are well assorted in many lines; our stock was large when we commenced to re- duce it, still we are very well assorted in Press Goods, Staples, ade Clothing, Ready M Tweeds, . Snitings, ' Ws and - Caps We have still a lot of Boots and Shoes, mostly youths ! and children's lines, way below cast price. Tapestry ! and $russets Carpets. A lot of Ladies' Jackets, dif- ferent makes and styles that we are almost giving away; come and see them. Blankets, ,Yarns, &c. & GIBBING PLUMMTEDELS, )LINTOX Famous Model, Welcome Pearl, &c. Over 80,000 families now in the Dominion enjoy the comforts of the Nappy Thought lunge. The Radiant Home, 1697 pattern is not only beautiful in .design .but is a powerful heater and a fuel saver. The Honor Bright is exclu- sively a fariner's stove and sells at eight. Every stove warranted. Our stock of Hardware,, Tinware, House Furnishings, Small Wares, &c. is complete, and prices right. We have a quantity of second-hand Stoves cheap. AMERICAN and CANADIAN COAL OIL HARL AND BROS, Stoves,H � Quare, &c CLINTON MARKETS tvORN. Correotod every Thnrcday afternoon. STEEP -In Clinton, Oct. 28, the wife of Dav- Thursda , November 4th 18 WIMP, of a son. y 97. Wheat . .............. 0 82 a 0 82 j KENNEDY. -In Clinton, Oct. 28, the wife of Oats ............ 0 21 a 0 21 [ u Lack Kennedy, of a daghter. Field Barley.......... 0 25 a 0 30 j THROWER. -In Clinton, on Oct. 12, the wife Peas ........... 0 40 a 0 41 of Louis Thrower, of a daughter. Buckwheat,........... 0 28 a 0 30 MARRIED. Rye .................. 0 88 a 0 40 SHARPE-RARTLEY. - At Port Findlay, Flour per owt ....... 2 20 a 2 65 Algoma, on Oct. 13, by Rev. A. Y. Hartley, Butter in rolls ....... 0 16 a 0 16 fn,ther of the bride, assisted ,by Rev. F. Hart- ley, brother} of Roland, Man., John Sharpe, Butter tub............ 0 14 a 0 15 to MISS Maggie�IfArNey. Eggs per doz.......... 18 a 0 13 WILLIAMS- HOOARTH-At the residence Hay new 04; old...... 6 00 a 7 00 of E. J. Blake, 477 York St., London, by Rov.R. Sheepskins .......... 0 25 a, 0 26 Johnston, on Oat. 30, William Morias Will - 1 lams, of G}oderioh, to .Tessio Hogarth, lof Kin - woo .. 0 18 a 0 18 sardine. No. I Trimmed Hides. 4 00 a 4. 25 MaNE7L - NIOHOL. - In Morris, at the Potatoes.......... 0 40 a 0 50 residence of the bride's father on Oct. 20, by Glover seed retail.... 5 50 a b 50 Rev. John Roes Mr Alex. H, Moil, of Brus- Timothy Seed......... 2 60 a 2 GO sole to Miss Anet, airughter of Mr Alex. MONTREAL LIVE STOCK MARKETS Nichol. ALLIN-DUNCAN,-In Lynchburg, on Oct. 2A, T. Allin, to Lulu, yonngest daughter of Montreal,'Nov. L -'There were 'about 400 of Mr J. Duncan, formerly of this town. hoadlof butchers' cattle 15 calvesl and 1,000 CADE-POLLARD,-At the residence of the sheep and limbo offered >4or sale at the id at bride's father, McKillop, of Oct, 27 b Rev. A. End Abattoir to -day. Today being a holiday 1 y there was very little business done during C. Tiffin, Mr Samuel Cade of HuRett, to Miss the forenoon except in buying lambs for the Dolly, only daughter of Kir William Pollard, American markets; so'veral large gooks were of . MOD. bon lit horq to -day at 4c per lb. Cattle were DIED. hold at slightly higher Drioea, but there were JOHNSTON."-In Clinton, on Oat, So Georgo very few primo beowes on the market to -day, Johnston, late of C}odoricli Townahlp, aged Bales of prettyy stood cattle were ma4e at from 40 years. 81c to Sid per lb, &nd of common stock at from IIUGFILL.-At Stockton, California, on Oct. 20 to Be per lb. The calves were an ordinary 18, Jonathan HuggIII, second eon lof the late lot and sold at from $2,50 to ¢8 each. SAipppert; John Hugill, of 13oatorth, aged 5 years and 7 are paying 8o Der lb for good large aheop' months. $cod Tambo cell in Tote at about 4e per lb ens{ DICKSON.-In Seaforth, on C t 5, elon R. the inferior anus o from Elio to Sao per lb, Dickson, agg�ed 84 yearn. Fat hogs continue to decline in Drlco and sell gEAT1Nt�>- In Tuokoramith on Doti 45� at from 4310 to 41c per lb. . f F,atriok Keatin� g, a ed 75 years. G1lassford, a prisoner who escaped froth DEVUREAUX.-- n McKlnop, on Oct. 23, London jail, has been recaptured. William John Devereaux, aged 87 years, Alfred Levity, Lobo, hang himself in hie MOTAOGART.-in Seaforth, on Oct. 20, Rid - barn. 1by KeTaggart, agod d0 yearn. AttAG}$AN,--In London, on Oct. 26, John A tailor named union, of Toronto, fatm, 411aghdti, ngod 52 years. ly stabbed his son, agod 89 yours, with a ItASg- In 110iett, on NOV. 2nd, Thosnet Plitt of Soisdora on skoutday. � , ant, aged sa years STRAY CATTLE. Strayed from lot 23 con. 3, Ooderich Town- ship, about five weeks ago six calves, three be- ing light greyish color, an `d the otbers red -the grey ones loving the largest; 4 of them Stearn and 2 heifere. Anyone giving information that will lead to their recovery will be suitably rewarded. Of the above tbree red ones have been located the light grey ones are still away and supposes{ to be together. ROBT. ELLIOTT, Porter's Hill. Farm for sale or to 'Rent. The South half of lot 5, concession 9. Town- ship of Morris, containing 100 acres, 80 acres Cleared and in good state of cultivativatfon. There are onithe premises a frame house, frame barn. frame drive house: good orchard never failing suppI&of.spring water. Situated. I mile from the village of Blyth. Will be sold on rea- sonable terms. Appty tp C. HAMILTON,BIyth or TEL R. WRI(3HT, Executor, 048 Princess Ave., London, Ont. Prue .S►ODPAW Only one month more to guess on the mammoth bar of soap. COME AND GUESS J.A.S. STEEP, Clinton A Stitch in Time Saves Nine . And attention to the Footwear of the members of your family will save great expense. It is always important to have substantial footwear, especially during the wet weather. we carry a fnll line of Rubbers, Overshoes,'I Overstockings, Robes, Rugs, . Blankets, &o.f for cold and wet days. As well as an assortment of Trunks, Valises, Bags, Single and. Double farness and all kinds of good Shingles. Cell and inspect them; JAS, TWITCHELL, Victoria Block, Clinton. 1 To Be Garen .sway f A 113 piece China Dinner Set, on Jan. 3rd, 1898, to the person guessing the near4i to the number in the sealed envelope. The number is not known even to ourselve6. Mr J. Allen having put it in the envelope and sealed the same. Your guess is put on a duplicate ticket, the part with your name and guess is put in 1 pk`� sealed box, you keep the other; and on the 3rd of January, 1898, the 'tickets in;th ' bog will be gone over by Mr Allen and Mr A. Porter, and the one bearing the nutii ber nearest the one in the envelope, will win the set. The China Dinner Set is on exhibition in our north window, and some one will ba.f °.!s tunate enough to min it. why not you 7 One guess goes with every 500 one h puts from now to Jan. 1st. To guess costs you nothing. Advertising Costs money,'•b' we believe this is a cheap way to advertise. Some will wonder, and we have asked how we will make up the price of the set, We will just say -we expect t'Q: ' ' that much extra trade. Prices and quality guaranteed. Come in and exanitrn�yi , dishes, and remember that every 50o left with no gives you a chance to win the q0`;. OGLE COOPER & CO., .phone: 23:rnrf Cash Paid fgr,good Butter and E `i gge. li"rriieze v . p 4 St'er.s Where others catch trout is a good lace to ds . "A d Scores of pleased customers have bought heavy Frieze Ulsters from us --every one of them',"' well, satisfied with his purchase. The quality , the Cloth is A 1 --the linings are the best ill workmanship is the best -and prices are $5, $7, $8, $10. There's no better Coat value in the County. l Should you want an Overcoat made to order, W6 car. show you sixty samples of desirable doth ' from which to make a selection., .. We have special values in Tweeds and anythillig', costing you 50c or more per yard, will be +cut *600 of charge. We LV 01ETIM38".'rM Ul The Cash Dealer, Londosbo�ro, a u >