The Clinton New Era, 1897-11-05, Page 4..r I . T� M t.O New gra will be sent o new su�bsor b( .. is as follows:- the promggt manner in which they in St, Mary's, pat having had a de8n- 1 ji, * aqr 'hat the License Holders' Associa. gravelled the new street. its reply from the Rev, MwLarlcely, of ,,, JI l '. tion undertake to keep Ghe law, and It. was decided to procure a stove for London, to whom an invitation was ff nQcessar , obtain evidence a ainat the use 'of the welghmaster at the `sxtended some two months y g m h ago to be- e 1, is a ti# , those who break it. That the associa- station. . come their pastor at the end of the tli �, opeoplepf Oliilton tion shall inilIct fines as the co' is do On motion of Coun• Todd, seconded present conference year, have with - naw, and that u n three convtione by Reeve Kennedy, the by-laws coin- drawn the invitation. #be gaup;tang patrpnage given her sh mlttee were instructed to consolidate a liquor dealer shallltoee lila cense. The consecration meeting on . 00mmpricing, business here, The association will thus - sissies the town by-laws and see what it g _ Mon- d s call desire to announce in stamping out unlirense i uor sell. would coat tcl rint W6 co fes. day evening, of the Ontario St. League l? y q p was one of great spiritual profit, a ing, iti In espies the tic used dealer 4n motion o Coun, 'Todpd, seconded I I bot ist314k pt by Coun, Walker, the Stavele Cala- good attendance being present. The wltttin the jotter of tits law, y meeting for next Monde will be in ' mlttee were instructed to ascertain y T`�j?��yy This is Intended as supplementary to the, cost of extending the Staveley charge of the literary department. TES I * the work of the inspectors, and if it Memorial Hall tower and the placing Some now speakera will be introduced, of a clock therein. and a good programme is being pre - 001 fall►, baing the very latest wasrreligioualy carried out, would cer- Moved by Deputy -reeve Jones, sec- pared. The devotional topic will be %rz4,,winter styles, which she will tainly be an improvement. There are anded by Conn. Ford, that an electric taken by Mrs John Tiplady. of a -low prices. goad men in the hotel business as well light be placed at the corner of Isaac D�,Y � Co., of Guelph, as bad ones, but the public has formed and Dunlop streets, This motion pro- p , are a well. p yoked some discussion, those opposing known and reliable firm that make a :7 ILLINERY the idea that many engaged in the it admitting the necessity of the light, specialty of advertising farm property, liquor business make no particular ef_ but claiming that the town could not having connections in the old country n 4,6 -date, and cannot be our- afford it, and other places in town that give them opportunities of plac- p fort to observe the law; if the good needed one 'eat as much The oration Ing such before the eyes of old country anywhere, either in style or who do observe it, have enough was carried on the following vote:- buyers, and those who have farms to +' Yea -Jones, W lker, Fold Hoover, sell can have full particulars laced in influence to maks the others rigid ob- ntending a4$Yt Oxdpra will have alone personal Swallow, Gilroy. Nay -Kennedy, the hands of ig buyersy writ - servers also, ft will restore public eon- Todd, Plummer. ins to DALY &Cn., Guelpp b h. 1b#t6tion, fidence in their sincerity. The Medi- Mr Todd called attention to the let- WHAT ONE EDITOR SAYS,—Alludingg cal Council looks after the illegal prac- ter in last week's NEW ERA, and the to the business change in the office of , titioner, and the Barrister's Society answer thereto L questioning his genii- our ostein., the Heneall Observer says: c y fication, at winch he had felt much -"Mr Todd is a Rood newspaper man F , : HILLIEU after those who are not qualified to hurt, and intimated that as he had but just a little too abusive to his edi- practise law, and the License Holders' taken the oath, his qualifications must torial. That kind of writing took s a: '.` be all right or he would not be there. some twenty years ago, -but the world .MILLINER, Association ho Ids a similar relation to The Mayor justified the letter and its is advancing and the people are becom- i; itspatrons,but with this difference,that answer, under the circumstances, but in more inclined toconciliatorymeth- Iq'gold stand, near Hotel Clarendon society is not particularly affected by stated that the Council had nothing to ode in dealingwithpolitical op onentA. ° do with the matter, and if Mr Todd It pays in the long run to hav1.11 e the the action of either the Medical Coun- was satisfied with his qualification Lhe good will of an opponent•" f.ral;xiielnrRiz#;�. oil or the Barristers' Society, while it Council was. „� Y+ eflR -0. Olson is deeply concerned about the actiPERSONALS. on gv1, &b -A. J. (Trigg Ontario St. Methodist church We shall be glad to have contributions to Mra A't sec a of liquor dealers. But the tendencyof ixgq $osseus Bros. S. S. Anniversary. this column from any of ow readers. If 06 , , -Q, Cosner t� Co society is adverse to the existence You have visitors or purpose going away l Ooa1-P, R. 8raeel Last Sabbath was Sunda School yourself drop in and tell ns, or end us a of even these organizations, and hold y note to that effect. l'alif 'Ma innon Co, g Anniversary day in the Ontario street proal» -W. W. Fisher the view that power should be vested Methodist C Irch, The aervicea, con- Mr VanNorman, of Wingbam, was in 9n'time-JaeTwitohell only in the handgl o$the government. town on Monday. gy.8hadeI Cooper & Co However, any effort made to have ducted by Rev. Charles Smith, of Eae- Mrs Alexander Ailsa Craig, is the nest bxaksii-Harland Bros ter, assisted by the pastor, were of an g' g 8kltb: Alien et -Wilson thelicenselaws more efficiently ad- unusually interesting and profitable pf Homer Andrews. „g tPrsale t n P B Crews ministered, should be encouraged. character. The morning sermon by Mrs Tafftfr Belgrave, was ,calling od her _ They ar•e the most difcult laws to old Clinton lrianda this week. �oqd titin Beesley & Co carr out, and if the association named Mr Smith was directed epe�ially to the ters-V�r. L. Ouimette y children. The subject was the super Mise li. M. Hill, Toronto, will be a guest a' Sareturn-T. Cl Jackson, an will honestly and faithfully do what it for virtue of God's word as presented at The Wigwam, from Wednesday till proposes, without lesseningtbe respou- Saturday. borb,Butter Co-yw. L. ouimette in the 72nd verse of the 119th Psalm. , to; Dur chest -W. P. Fair Co sibillty of the proper law officers for In the afternoon the children were Mr Stewart, Provincial License Inspector !h ? this purpose, we should be disposed to addressed by Mr Smith, Mr Jae. Scott, was in town yesterday, on his annual tsar , T �. let them do it. We would not by any barrister, of Clinton, and the astor, through the wast. i means give them the sole power for Mr David Ti lad superintendent of Chief Justice Proadfoot, Toronto, father t�'I£ f fl�i►� the enforcement of the law. p p of H. B Proudtoot, formerly of Olinton,ia the ecliool, occupied the chair. The lying serioaely ill. Mill part of these services was led 1;IDAY, NOV. 6, 1897 W. Robb spent part of last week with his NEWS NOTE& by the Sunday School orchestra assist- son at Clifford, where the latter has recent- ecl by the church choir,and was worthy Rev F. A. Gunner died at Listowel. of the occasion. Ralph Ti lad Sec- ly gone into the drug business. Gatnada to England. p Tiplady, Alf. Batts, who went to Manitoba with i ____� Another outbreak of hog cholera in Eesea rotary of the Sabbal h School, read the the Harvester's excursion, returned this he Thirteenth of October is reported. following report:—At the return, of v7i11 oi�g remembered be, another Anniversary of our school we week; be say d many others are returning Van W ck, the Tammany Demo- W. Taylor, the popular representative of on houwast near to zero, crat.ic candidate, was elected Mayor of have much to encourage us in our the Confederation Life Assurance Co„ at bndl.t;eigbty-three. New York by a large majority, on work, having added as new scholars to Walkerton, was in town visiting his friends ihink';thse. Mother England,' Tuesda the roll 45, removals 26, leaving a total Tuesday. this week. .Wlipt apostitwastome on roll of 329; average attendance, L. Hearn brother of Jas. Hearn, is here ; ¢thea coldWand frost -bound, The private Bank of Giles & Co., at Tees- 244; average attendance of teachers + e I ecorod eighty-three. water, was robbed of $2,000• The cracks- and officers, 28; the boys recited 1842 on a. visit: he is an in cattle ranching a tough thy precious Kipling men blew the safe door off and forced it verses during thel-year, andithe;girls in New Mexico. He is accompanied by his ! Row tittle sense he shows, through the vault door. 4731, a total of 6573. The collectioub wife and daughter. dI o thy dearest daughter, Me Geo, Parker, of Parkersviile, went in- for the year were $9.1.08; of this we Mrs Jas. Graham of Butte, Montana, 1'TheLady of the Snows." to the Muskoka River after a deer he had contributed $20.30 to missions; $8.61 to and Mrs H. Graham, of Melvin, Mich, who i ;CLARA H. MOUNTCASTLE, shot, His brother Edward went to his as- connexional 'collections, and $6'.40 to have been visiting Mrs Wm. Alexander for Clinton sistanoe, and both ware dro vned. the Ind,a Famine Fund, the balance the past week, have returned totheir homes. It is reported that Archbishop Bruchesi, being expended for S. S. papers and P p. Frank Clatworthy, who Nae b -en visiting 'B iis9els Post wants the council who is at present at Rome, declares %bat the runntng expenses of the schooh friends in this vicinity left for his home at the Pope will shortly give a decision in fa- In the evening Mr Smith again Oc- Ilderton on Saturday. He ,,, ; �iy-law prohibiting cows Tion- vorofCatholic se separate Manitoba. cupied the pulpit and reached a most Y• proceeds to P P Philadelphia, whore he goes into business. at lcirge. Whatl interfere with excellent and inspiring sermon, setting Hon. Alphonse Desjardins, who aceom- forth in a ver clear and forcible man- This week Miss Twigs, of town, left for or ,man's cow. do away with panied Sir Donald Smith and Hon. Mr y Mcosemin Man.,and Mrs Mitohell daa hter Dicke t ner the excellency of the gospel of ( g oc`.ogative of breaking into your y o Winnipeg when they conferred' Christ in its saving power. The con- of d. McCartney, Goderich township,) for with Premier Greenway about the Mani- re Souris, both being ticketed throe d stamping over the lawn? g gatione filled the church at all the K through by A. �+ .trrigitt of over the down toba school trouble, has been summoned by services. The collections amounted to O. Pattison. smashing cable to Rome. and the utmost importance between fifty n4i?"` N-e•v-e-r. Not even if Clin- ie attached to his departure. y an i sixty dollars, Mies Topping left for her home in Wood - ," a by-law in successful stook, on Saturday, a number of her late tion "for several years. Brussels A cablegram from Glasgow announ- Church 0-himes scholars being ' st the station to bid her a cow, pasture anyhow. ces the arrival of the latest stat inept adieu. She expects to spend the winter at p y Huron Presbytery will meet in Wil - of Canadian fruit in good condition. lie Church, Clinton, on Nov. 9. San Antonio, Texas. �,�T�'rpnto Gases of pears containing about one Rev. W, Rigsby is holding services Mr E. Rutledge, lormerly of Bayfield, World contends -and bushel each sold• as high as 15s; half- at Jackson's appointment, on Blyth was in town on Saturday; for some time he l so -that the sale of revolvers cases as high as 9s 7d. Apples and to- y cases a also arrived d. good condition circuit, has held the responsible position of manager Mr Israel Taylor has been re-elected of the St. Thomas Journal, and he reports be prohibited'. Its' argument is and sold at good prices. The report, a member of the Provincial S. S. Asso- a flonrishin business. hey lune been the cause of mis- however, again advises against any ciation executive. g shipment of grapes, * Messrs John and Stephen Taylor,of Min - en ,thousand times to the one On Sunday evening next Rev. Mr nodosa, Man, sons of W. Taylor) visited ' -have been of service. All of A Winnipeg despatch says that win- Clement will reach a sermon on ( Y ) ter apples from Eastern Canada are "Our Young Women." here this week; they book bank with them a rue,: butlthe World apparently pp g oar of apples purchased from Cantelon k1l, neia`that such a law would be preferred by Manitobans. Dealers pre- A number of children are in training Bros., and a fine ootered,bnggy from the titerfe`rence with the libertyof ler to pay a higher price for Ontario for the Local Union concert on the ib act" -and the world a apples than for apples from Missouri evening of Thanksgiving Da and it shop of Fred Rnmball, lr or, personal liberty. great and Kansas, The preference proves promises to be an interesting event. Mr and Mrs Jae. Dougherty, of Mitohell, their good - sense; No apples possess Rev. W. G. Hanna hae'been induct- drove up to Clinton on a recent 'Sunday to the keeping qualities of our northern ed into the pastorate of Mount Forest see the letter's brother, Mr D. Forrester, Edson Labor . fruit, or are more delicious in taste, Presbyterian Church. Mr Hanna is who lately received severe injuries from a e even after storage of months, an old Huronian and graduate of the fall. Mr W.Forrester,Mit,obell,has beenhere. t \ rl old Clinton High School. several days; b p eptipr4g eholil-- tesoh people that g y ; e reports that his brother D. labor` cannot be restricted without At a meeting of the quarterly board A,, is improving nicely, though not yet able rg Other classes, directly or indirect- Varna of the Aylmer Methodist Church, it to leave his bed;, he has tried to sit np once Ahat as a matter of fact it makes DEATH OF A PIONEER. -Mr Wm. was decided to allow the pastor, Rev. or twice, but it Causes him so much pain 41a:aifierenee to the ordinary mesh- Graham, of the Babylon line, Stanley, James Livingstone, to �ggo, and to ex- that the effort had to be abandoned. het)ie those in prison are employed one of the early settlers, died at his res- tend a call to Rev. Mr Scott, of St. We were pleased brie week to havo a visit (arm of labor or.another, so long as idence on Tuesday last, of cancer. He Thomas. from Hugh Gilmour, Moosejew, N. W.T., t 'e kept, Qtnployed and thus become, was a native of Fermanagh, Ireland, Mr Findley, who baa charge of Tuck- formerly of Stanloy, who has come down to eAeurejal any rate, self-supporting, but has lived here for over fifty years. eremith Circuit, is laid up nick at the stay, possibly for the winter. Mrs Gil- toprospeotof being sett -reliant when . He leaves a widow and three sons and, home of his parents, Kincardine town- moor a health has not bijen the'beet, and t Ihia',' out of prison. -Clinton New three daughters, all married. He had ship; the doctor has ordered him to she was advised to try the ohmate of Onts- c reached the mature age of 84 years. take at least a monht's rest. Mr Thos.- ria fora Chane. ll[r Gilmour looks well, r q is padt'proposition, the view'Of MARRIAGE.— Mr Henry Hefter, son Murch takes his work on Sunda says the crops to his soot ion were good this 11+ I rs rilay be correct. Lifel is too of Joseph Heiter, of the Goshen, was y' year, and he is delighted with hie western a:aigao such a matter at length. married to Miss Kate, daughter of S. Will Ross, town, who epentiSunday home. Their many old Huron friends will t ee}traotical point is of interest to all McBride, of the Babylon line, Stanley, at Exeter, can excellently a solo, "I be glad if the ulimate of this magnificent ° br foxra,living. To bring it to the on Nov. 3rd, by Rev. J A. McDonald. ehallbeeatisfledduriug evening service county shoals restore Mrs Gilmour to good P is ill"a, practical way, would that in Main St. UIIIIIIIIrch. They say ,,it is health. n be willing that the convicts in Can- some other home" than his own which Rev. Fenton Hartley, of Manitoba, form- a !noir should do all the type -setting Towyn P-ounell has special attractions down there for YP g Will. erly of Clinton Collegiate, and a graduate t 6aiwork o! a paper giving all the Of this office, occupied the pulpit of Willis f Harori-Qonnty; to be sold to the The regular meeting of the council In the 52 Methodist Sabbath Schools Church on Sunday evening, and preached s Of Enron at half the price of the was held on Monday evening. The in Wingham District there ate 560 of . a good sermon. He is located at Roland, ir#Iq I ondon News. clerk reported that both Messrs. Jones cars and teachers and 3,806 pupils. Man. On his return be will require two O aiply We'Would. Personally, we and Todd, elected as Deputy -reeve and 1,211 of the latter are members of the tickets, the lady who goes book with him e Councillor, had taken the necessary church and 902 are ledged teetotalers. being Miss Lou Worthington, a daughter t be the'oufferers, but the people oaths of qualification, and took their $I,493 was raised f or school purposes of the late Dr Worthington, and for years p bode would get the benefit. We sesta. Mr Plummer, chairman of the but only $DS for Missions. a popular resident of this place. Latterly a street committee, reported that all the Sacramental services will be held in she has resided in Chicago, where the mar - 7d 1'oa principle, not for an ex- work ordered had been performed, the t expenditure to date being both Methodist churches on Sunda riage will take place in the coarse o! a few th be Tht� implied self-interest in appropriation pg $1436.72 -the next. In Rattenbury St. Church the weeks. On behalf of her many friends we go being $1400. Councillor extend congratulations, and hope they may a ALowa� `paragraph is just what Swallow, chairman of the Fire Com- lovefeast will commence at 10 a.m., enjoy that mead of prosperity and measure Iso„mtuoh trouble the world over. mittee, reported that the Brussels En- followed by the usual services; in On- of usefulneas which the personal merits of p in 'Works had experienced some dif- toric en Church, the lovefeast will P g aril psoitis act and think only fl!� p commence at 10.30 and take the place both deserve. IeIflAk1 motives. Is it not agar- cu ty in getting material for the heat- of the sermon, to be followed by the From our exchanges:- Inspector Paisley e er, but it had been secured, and they was in Wingbam last week. Mrs Blackall sacrament. to V1e to regard prison labor as expected , have it ready eeryg Hoon. The London Free Press stated re- and daughter Kathleen, Clinton, are nests e MrGilroy, chairman of the Finance g ittaig With "free labor"? Suppos• y' centl that Rev. Rural Dean Hodgens, of Mrs Jos.Golley, Minnie ebreet,winghom, a Committee, recommededpayment, y, v Mrs Hunter, who bag been visiting her so sicca, what of it? Someone gets the Following accounts: -J. Wheatley, of Seaforth, was a candidate for the daughter, Mrs Lowe, at the Rectory, Ing- of xae$tAnd what is, apparently, a o pay men on streets, $257.72; Jog, pastorate of St. Matthews Church, in heatley, 3 months' 6alar � $108,76; that city. Mr Hodgens denies that ham, went to Clinton last -,Friday to visit ao 'ae to ane, ie a compensation R Welsh, salary, yy such is the case, whereon the Free Miss Coles. Miss Sarah onteibb,of Clin- t', $68.75; W. Costa, prose Bays: -"Mr Hod ton is visiting amen friends at •Ki en. le H, Neta. There are plenty of salary, $87.50; A. McRae, salary, $50;gine has many g g PP Mayor Holmes and H. Stevens, select- friends in the congregation, who knave Mr and Mrs C. Barboliff, Seaforth, eppant i3o "tri tits cbtnpetitiotl, of life that him to be a strop Sunday in Clinton with Mrs R. J. Cinff, w in furore, each $2; R. Reynolds, salary g, active pariah work- npt like, but we have to put up 30: J. Dunford, teantin er, and who feel he is just the sort of Messrs Bert Fitzilmmonq and Robt, War- $ g, $1; S. Pratt, em Itud make,the beat of the 3 months salary, $18.75; J. Rider, $11.- man St, Matthew's now needs, He, ner, of Clinton, were in Seaforth on Sun- hA i�..-, es, and so, we think, moi; A. Seeley, $5;W.Coate,dark lantern however, is hector of a good parish in d°y. Mise May Biggart, of Clinton, wag for watchman, $1.50; rent for Mrs De- Seaforth and has no desire to make a the guest of Mrs Hinohloy, Seaforth, for a ewer individual who takes the vine, $2;W.Ooate, for Muni ipal World, change at present." few days thin weak. Mr Alex. Dewar, Sea e{v Of_ life, forth a ant Sunday with his sister, Mrs J- $8.05; election expenses, $ .10; W, W. There are many persons in this vicin- Fair, �of�Clinton. Miss Clara Steep, of Clin. pe ` ti.�..._ Farran, insurance. $46. Receipts,from t�ty who will regret to ►snow that Rev. ton, spent Sunday with her gr mother- ar i lJlitife Ot th0 Li uor J' Wheatley, scales, $19.90; R. Welsh, W, Stout, for some time in charge of Mrs ammill,BOaforth. Mr Harry Israel, 4 scales, $28,75; rent of hall, $22; R. Rey- the Church of England at Summerhill of Clinton, spent a few days this week an-, in r C�tlestlen. lotl $1 work in cemetery, $D.95; sale of Holmeaville and Middleton, has been der the parental roof at Seaforth. Mr Robb da transferred to Kirkton, and enters up. of Clinton, I.P,B., was in Seafdrth on Wed. B 't1U& ,dealers of the Province On motion of Reeve Kennedy, see. on big duties connected therewith on nesday, i>ttiyxealize.that it is in their by Councillor Ford, it was decided to Sunday next. Mr Stout is undoubtedly _ have the watercourse on North street, a man of superior abilities, and the To itibeeit that, the license laws Mr Goo.Anderson Dominion Trade Com. between Mary and Huron, deepened people of Kirkton will find him to be rip eh ori ” missioner to Japan, has arrived back from P, $W -6p y administered, and so as to carry off the water.$ able and scholarly preacher. He will Nig trip to that country. He raportsfavor• the ft"6' laying before the Gov. On motion of Reeve Kennedy, secon- still make this place hishome,however, ably on prospect of trade with thatrooantry. th l�bti iaeMv ro Titian for the eft• ded by C7onn. 'Todd, a hearty vote of for some time, as several of his children fie says be Nae eathorItyy for stating thatan ij pb thanks was tendered the I atepayers of are attending the Collegiate, the Canadian Paoiflo ritl ahortl lgt Of $head, Which, in brief, � Stanley and Goderich Township for gran steam. m The trustees of the Methodist Church . ors weekly to Japan. y . ` tSorresponoonce •- not responsible noon. $eoretar� J. A. Nelles tried his bee# to do some business, but it wag of no avail; _. r O ui�dar y ever that nderthis headlua pg what not a single gala was effected, The bidding11 hovered around #h9 8j;o mark. Among Mr. Searle's Reply. the factories represented, were Holmeav lle, 506 boxes•, Summerhill, 185; Braoefield, 275.Window To the &Editor of the New Era. Hooa AT TORONTO. ---In spite of the fact 019 --In your last issue atter a i appeared that there is a decided downward e t eyards in the prices of hogs at Tproato asitia garde over an anonymous signatare, in which MY name is mentioned in a disrespectful they continue to Come forward in enormous droves. From noon on Thursday until the*41 I 'way, I presume because the .writer is sell- arced to sign his name. 'He has not eyon close of the market Fridayy there were bongbt by Mr. William Har�ria Shades 'w the manliness to state the alleged charges, I think I have a right to believe (and my close upon 620 bogs. With the raising of the quar- . belief is well founded) that the great ma. antine the demand for store hogs has re - vived. . . jority of the electors of Clinton are opposed to the library building being placed on the CANAnrex ♦rFLlss IN GaRateirr.--Advices The cloth used in our Special Standards market ground, among them being some of from Hamburg, dated Oct. 14ib, report an Shade is guaranteed to neither fade the largest ratepayers, Masora Fair, Batten., bury, and many others I could exceedingly strong market for Canadian and American apples, there being a limited crack, nor curl. The Cotton us is the very finest that can be mention. Now, Mr Editor, you cannot deny that I supply of good fruit, and as there is an ex- pr _ cured, each side Nae three coats o asked you to consent to allow the people a have a say on this matter, to decide the Dasa of orders for Hama, higher Orissa are expected. Owing to the German crop be. Paint, and the work all done b specially trained painters, location by their votes. This was refused, and in every case the one man influence ins decidedly short, it is thought that ler - g g er quantities will have to be imported from 'Ben These -SHADES can be had PLAIN or with LACE or FRINGE. was brought to the surface in the casting t ! th England, Davis sold in Hamburg on Oct 14 at $2 78 to $4 65• R R Price from J9 pm 66c to $2.b0 each. vo e o e chair, thne robbing the people , use an ed, of their rights. The spleen of your Correa- $3 10 to $3 15; Baldwin°, $8 85; Golden pondeot can easily be seen. I have the Pippin, $3 75. These are f. o. b. prices, privilege and the right to differ in opinion (freight 750., The Star Shade, with other people, either in or out of the Cumon.—The fall in the price of cheese oonnoil. I was and am still opposed to the is thus explained : There are large surplus Another line of Oil Shade made Erpresent site. I was years ago opposed to stooks on both sides of the Atlantic, and as in the leading colors. Plain le, present town hall being placed where it far as Canada is concerned shahs° already Frin a of Lace is. I wanted to have the building placed in exported 1,783,787 boxes, or 807,356 boxes to 75c. , prices from 45c the centre of the lot. People believed the more than for the corresponding period last fraudulent statements that the two stores year, and it is estimated that she will have would rent for $600 a year. They did not fully 700,000 to 750,000 boxes more to ship Alberta lbey�•a Shade, believe that the foundation would be poor; between now, and the commencement of � ,L V that the building would be botched, having next season's make, which will b ing our poor drainage, and the cellar a stinking hole total output for the season of 1897 nd 1898 the foe and snow sliding off the root onto up to about 2,500,000 boxes. Extra heavy, but Water Colors the sidewalks. The famous closet I voted OIIR POIILTRY FOR BR7[TAiN,—Thi London .are used instead of Olt. Plain, against; my contentions have since been correspondent of the Bulletin gives these �+ Patterned, 40c. verified, it became a nuisance, it is nailed pointed hints to Canadian poultry raisers: up now and used as a coal bin, cost $28.- The more I gather the opinion of the lead- Curtain P®1®SS This year a water tank near the Organ fao- Ing men in the trade, the more I am con- , tory was another.,bone of contention. The vinoed of the fact that there is a profitable A specially choice line from 25e council decided twice to place it on the and a large business ahead for Canada, in to $2.00. Corner of Ontario and Raglan Streets; I the export of poultry. Bat it meet be reg - opposed this, and voted to have it near the ular and in sufficient quantity to make a OUR SELECTION IS UNEQUALLED FOR near the other tank, opposite Councillor market, and packing and preparing must CHOICE OR PRICES. Taylor's. The hole was worked down ten be done to suit the requirements of the feet when it ,had to be filled. Then my trade here. contention was correct, and the tankplaced Tan ]�oaeE McReRT,-A Washington des- alongeide the other, even though my fellow patch says there is an increasing demand members compelled the people to pay the g piper. Seldom have I made mistakes at for a high grade of American horses abroad the council board;. often have I been right. as shown by the consular reports. In Bel - My votes on every question are open to the fast, Ireland, recently, Rentuoky-bred hor- P. sea geldings an COOPETS BOOK MREublic and tell the tale an 1 g d mares, brow ht from $260 i? d the ►ne�nna- g tions of any writer will not alter the faota, to re one per head, at public auction, They W. C. SEARLE, were one of the 8nept lots ever imported, CLINTON. and the attendance the largest and moat [The statement of Me Searle about ,,the representative ever seen in the bazaar. casting vote of the chair" in incorrect, It American horses also sell well in Germany -- was given on two occasions so far as the thick -set animals of the Peroberon breed, Stavely matter was concerned; one referred with short, specially heavy legs, to locating the building on the front or rear L'EA/T of the market Hite, the other to the passage SALT. REGISTER 6!_#4 - of a b law. The implication of Mr Searle _ that it as the Mayor's casting vote which Farm stook and implements on lot 14, '� prevented the aabmisaion of the matter to con. 7, Hallett, 'on Wednesday, Nov. lOtb. STRATFO,RD, ONT Eppeople, has no foundation. -Editor NEw J. Lanham, J. Bell, proprietors. David Dickinson, Auctioneer. 12 of our students have taAo� itua- I tions within the last few weeks, Two McKlllop School Difficulty C� p applications are now in and two sitna- New `edit erns >.t uo. stions tudents being held until two of our graduate. Canada's leading To the Editor of the New Bra.- commercial school. Five malei teach- ers; board low; excols competitors in Brit:—The Winthrop correspondent of BOARDING various ways. Enter now if possible. the Expositor says in the issue of the "— Free circulars. 22nd nib., that the inspector and brdstees Good, comfortable accommodation for a few P boarders at No. 68, Huron St , two doors west W- J. Elliott, Principal ks of S. S. No. 6, McKillop, have learned of Baptist Church, at moderate rates. some school law by Judge Meredith's re- t.�. fusal to grant mandamus to compel the NOTICE municipal council to issue debentures as requested by the trustees of S. S: No. 6, All accounts due to the late J. Biddlecombe McKillop. The facts are as follows:—, not paid b December let will be hut in court Do Yo Need Glasses 2 The principal question in dispute was for collection, M. BIDDL>i COMBIB,Executrix whether the resolution passed by the LONDESBORO BUTT)gR AND special school trustees t b January, au- CHEESE MFG. COMPANY, bhorizing the traetees to borrow money to build anew school house should state the ` definite sum required. The resolution The annualmeetinggof the Londesboro Butter and Cheese Msnufacturing Co. will be held in stated no sum, and the council claimed Hill's Hall, Londesbord, on 'Wednesday, Nov. that it was defective and would not issue 10th, at 2 o'clock p.m. Alf shareholders are the debentures asked for. The trustees earnestly requested toattand. If you have any doubt about it we shall + W. L.OuIMETTE, Secretary, be pleased to treat your eyes, and will tell relying on the opinions of the trust ion Department and of the Inspector, contend- THORO-BRED STOCK :FOR you exactly whether you do or not. ed that the resolution was sufficient. A SALE Now is the time that yon will want com- largely signed petition of the ratepayers fort in reading, and a dollar or two spent in of the section against the loan was also correcting your eye -sight with a proper pair For sale, 2 two year old Tamworth Bos one I before the council. I quote from a re- being winner of the 3rd prise at London also of Glasses, will be of great value to you. port of the judgment- 1st at Exeter, Goderich, Clinton Seafortt and Call and see us. "Unfortunately, Judge Meredith, upon Dangannon. Also an bged Poland China Boer, �T CO.,the principal question avoided expres- ey Boars winner ofI6t prizes ronths olds o❑oW winner ref 2nd 1' 1' . COOPER & C sing any definite opinion. He thought, prize at London, Also one aged Jersey Sow, however, it would, 'at all events, be winner of 22 prizea. AnY or al l of theso will be CLINTON. wiser', even if It were not essential, that sold cheap, WESLPtX w. FISHER, Benmiller. such details, or the principal of them, hould appear in the resolution to which /� T he sanction of the ratepayers was given. - rZ-& T O .A- V ��' �'— He seemed principally influenced by the _--, Circumstance of the petition to the council against the new school hones. Special prices in FALL AND He admitted that the petition could not have any binding validity, and that the Gents Fine WINTER only formal notion of the ratepayers was het taken at Ehe special meeting in Jana Furnishings CLOTHING. A last. He said further that be was largely In - canoed in declining to make any order by Men's all wool Underwear, per snit ....11 If you have not ordered he consideration that in doing so he de- Men's fleece lined Underwear, special .. 62 ided nothing, but left the matter to Aho Men's heavy Top 9hxrts ..............450 your Fall or winter Suit atepayers themselves. Men's Sbaker Flannel Nightshirts ....520 n, remarked that, judging by the pati- Men's Leather Braces................360 Or Overcoat, it will more ion, there seemed to have been one change Men's Wool Box, 2 pairs for ........... 260 f mind already by the majority, and very Men's Fast Black Umbrellas ........ $1.25 than pay you to look over ossibly there would be another change by Men's 4 ply Linen Collars, 2'for ......250 ow, or within the next few months. Men's Lined Kid Gloves ............ 600 our stock and see what wo He thought that the affidavits all showed Men's Waterproof Coats from ...... $2 up hat the Township Council, and especially Men'° Black and Brown Felt Hate .... 660 are offering. Perfect fit he Clerk, had gone far beyond their duly in Men's Fedora Hats, special at........81.2b 11 taking sides in the matter and sugrgesting ob- or your money back, facies to the, requirements of the Trustees. He spoke of the Trustees as in big view r my desiring apparentlqq to carry out bon. A, J. NORRISH, Clinton.! A. J. HOLLOWAY, Clinton. stlyy the wishes of the Lirool Section. H6 thought they were literally in the coition of Trustees in the matter, and as pppeared to have been only doing their duty hroughout, there would be no costs against em, but he would leave the Township enerally to pay its own costs of resisting be application, while the Trusteas would ay the costs of their attorney ant of the eneral funds of the school section." From the fact that while the Judge has ntirelq approved the course of the Trus. as in bringing the question before the cart, he has also Censured 'the Council, an especially its Clerk, chows that the lee - n is, not for the Trustees, but for the bars. It is to be hoped that the Winthrop rrespendent will store up in his mind the Hoon contained for him in dart of the fore- ing extract, and practise it in his daily, alk and conversation. Thanking you in advance for your val. ble space, I ami &C., q„ Z. commercial Notes. Eleven thousand horses have been ship. d from Canada to England since Janu. Y 1• Fred Colvin, of Sratford, bas been buy, g lambs around Clinton and on Wednee- y shipped a car load from that point to affalo. TNOREA6EO ExFORTS.--The exports from ronto for the month of October as com- red with the same month of last year Ow the satisfactory increase of $78,075, o figures being $558,808 for last month, d $486,283 for October of 1896. L0401r CuR toll! MAhlrzi - --+aThe Cheese ar was well ftifeadod smutasy aft6t! ----�. . * , � I W-Wwi�waljfiii 6,